HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 8/16/2010 . . 'W-Illjt. To S...6fr\r-rT"AI- L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, August 16, 20108:54 AM 'Carol Schirmer' RE: Cabela's 1 1 /55 Hi Carol, staff will assume that landscaping island areas less than _49ft' will be rounded down, and areas greater than _50ft' ",ill be rounded up for the purpose of determining tree count (ie. <0.49 of a tree isn't a tree, but >0.5 of a tree is a tree, if that makes any sense). Andy From: Carol Schirmer [mailto:carol@schirmerassociates.com] ., Sent: MClnday, August 16, 2010 8:42 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject:1 RE: Cabela's Andy: Thanks. I.,can give you the overall area later. However,i I would challenge you (as I am prone to do) to look at the planting and be able to see that it is actually overplanted with trees, and see that it meets code without the actual area take offs. One tree per 100 sf is way too many trees. It works when the islands are the long regular shaped islands that are 7' wide and 36' long, but when they are irregular, the code requires too many trees for any canopy trees to reach any substantial size when they are being crowded by 4 other trees. And Jeff and I have a questions: If the plant bed is 201 sf does that mean we need 3 trees? And if the' next plant bed is 201 sf do we need 3 more. Or can we add 201 + 201 and get 402 and have 4 trees total instead of 6. Or is it 5 trees. The code is not clear on this. Thanks again, The documents will be delivered today. carol Schirmer + Associates LLC Land UselPlanning, Site Design, Landscape Architecture 375 West4th Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 www.schirmerassociates.com PH: (541 )686-4540 x1 Fax: (541) 686-4577 1 Oate ~eceived: r,/~/~ Planner: AL \ .'" ~"" <.. , ' ",. .... . ; .. . ~ . ... .. +~""'..... ~~""" + III ~--"../ . . 1>(2., 0 j(, 1<0 . s...~'" trTA ~ . From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 8:23 AM To: 'Caro'l Schirmer' Subject:' RE: Cabela's , " Hi Carol, '! wouldn't be too concerned with the change to impervious surface (especially if there is an overall reduction) , or providing the edge dimensions of each irregular landscaping island, However, indicating the overall surface area of each landscaping area will be useful to demonstrate conformity with the Code, I was able to estimate the area of each irregular'island, but CAD calculations would be much more accurate, After the submittal is reviewed, ifthere is dimensional information that is needed to fulfill the Code requirements, it can be added to the final landscaping plan, Andy From: Carol Schirmer [mailto:carol@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 6:34 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject: Cabela's Andy: I keep bumping up against criteria that really doesn't fit a development like this, So, you rriay find some of those pieces un answered or may agree that they don't apply in this case, , One of the items I ran across says" dimensions of landscaping" Every single one of the islands is a weird and different shape, It could take a day to dimension everyone of them. Isn't what',you are looking for is to make sure that they meet the 5' width minimum. It is obvious that they do, Should I just let you get this package and take a look and then let me know? I did do an area take off on existing landscaping vs" proposed and we gained 1 0,000 sf of landscaping, I will include those numbers, But did not do an area take off on impervious surface because we have no idea where the edges are. And it didn't seem relevant. It seemed more relevant to a limited development site where a parking lot is proposed as to a reconfiguration of existing impervious surface, Any guidance you can offer would be helpful. In the meantime we are continuing to wrap up the drawing set. Thanks, carol 2 , Date Heceived: Planner: AL '8/1'/,1010 1 1 \ . . Schirmer, + Associates LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design, Landscape Architecture 375 West 4th Suite 201 Eugene, 'OR 97401 'I www.schirmerassociates.com PH: (541) 686-4540 x1 Fax: (541) 686-4577 .~"...,""",.'.I ~. ., '",'.1 ":,,, lil' ---.; ri~~ --1 f~Ofl- \"0 S..6--\ITT'A'- 3 Date Received: Kj/~/JdID Planner: AL . . :f'1l.J0/<..,s 'S~6A-1 rrT"l L L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Friday, August 13, 2010 4:33 PM 'Carol Schirmer' RE: Cabela's Hi Carol"in accordance with SDC 4.6-120.C wheel stops are required for parking spaces fronting onto landscaping areas or, alternatively, the landscaping area can be widened an additional 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. These design options can be used. interchangeably on the landscaping plan. Andy From: carol Schirmer [mailto:carol@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 4:24 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject; Cabela's Andy: Can you .tell me if Springfield requires Wheel stops on spaces that abut plant beds, in order to protect the plants. I couldn'i.find a place in the code that said they were required. Thanks, carol Schirme(:+ Associates LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design, Landscape Architecture 375 West 4th Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 www.schirmerassociates.com PH: (541) 686-4540 x1 Fax: (541) 686-4577 .., .~. liBJ -__ .1 ,./ "'------ 1 Oat€! Received: Planner: AL fS/;cIi) / . . Pltlo/2. ~ S"'lSM~"" , . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Friday, August 13, 2010 3:07 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' BOWLSBY David RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Early Loading Dock Submittal OK my mistake - it must be fuzzybrain Friday - please submit the building permit plans in accordance with the Building Division'~ requirements. My recommendation is to contact David Bowlsby, Building Permit Review Technician at dbowlsbv@ci.springfield.or.us or call him directly at 541-736-1029. David can describe the plan submittal requirements, and whether a digital and/or hard copy submittal is acceptable. My suspicion is that hard copies of the plans will be required:with the submittal. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] , Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 2:5B PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject~' RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Early Loading Dock Submittal Andy, What weidiscussed in the meeting was that the loading dock design would be for building permit submittal because the permitting and construction of that element of the project is critical to Cabela's opening date so they can start moving things in as soon as possible. I'm hoping this hasn't changed and that the City will still allow this review for permit to being earN. Thank you, Tina , From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 2:54 PM To: 'TinafGuard' , Subject:, RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Early Loading Dock Submittal Hi Tina, if,you want to submit the loading dock design for preliminary review (and not as a building permit submittal) please err\ail the design to my attention so I can pass it along to the relevant staff reviewers. Thanks! Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 2:34 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: Ryan Nossaman Subject: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Early Loading Dock Submittal Andy, In our City/Owner coordination meeting on 7/22/10, it was decided we would submit the loading dock design at the same time as the Site Review plans. To whom do we submit the loading dock design? Can I just email it to salle time? 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 'lh!Jo'1> / / Thank you, . . ~Of/... 10 5...B..-trrTAL- L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, August 10, 20109:43 AM 'Tina Guard' rnossaman@bhengineers.com; carol@schirmerassociates.com; Jeff Sakacsi; SINGLETON Todd RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's From: Sent: To: Cc: Tina: The proposed approach is consistent with the typical sequencing of approvals and permits required for this project, ~hich starts with the land use decision and then building permits for exterior work. Provided the LDAP is obtained prior to any site excavation or grading, it can await site modification approval and building permit review. Hope this helps! Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: M9nday, August 09, 2010 8:42 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: rnos~aman@bhengineers.com; carol@schirmerassociates.com; Jeff Sakacsi Subject: Gateway Mall Cabela's Andy, We are going to propose during Site Review that the LDAP be a condition of Building Permit approval. This is what we " did for LTD Gateway Station. And the Site Review application criteria states, "Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposeq with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development." Our approac~ seems to agree with this criteria. Please confirm that our approach is acceptable to the City. Thank you, Tina 1 Date Received:~~/o Planner: AL / .. , . . ~o" 16 s..t>M IT"l?'\ L , ., .' ~L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject:' , Jeff Sakacsi Oeff@schirmerassociates.com] Tuesday, August 10, 20109:32 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Cabela's Site Review. Andy, That sounds great! We will proceed with your advice on the planting counts. Thanks for your help, Jeff ' Jeff Sakacsi Schirmer + Associates, LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4th Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene,'OR 97401 Office 5.41-686-4540 ex!. 4 Fax 541-686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com i eff@schirmerassociates.com From: ll.MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Friday, August 06, 20108:53 AM To: 'Jeff Sakacsi'; 'Carol Schirmer' Subject: RE: Cabela's Site Review. Carol & J~ff: The Code (ref. Section 4.4-10.E) states that "the planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of required planting area is as follows: 2 - 2 inch caliper trees, 10 shrubs, or lawn and/or groundcover plants" [emphasis added]. However,; Section 4.4-105.F states that "parking lot planting areas shall include 1 canopy tree at least 2 inches in caliper...~nd at least 4 shrubs, 5-gal or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area." Subsection F doesn't make a distinctio'n between "required" and "provided" landscaping. My recommendation is to provide,a hybrid planting plan , that mee~s the parking lot planting requirements for the small, irregular shaped islands at the ends of the aisles; and addresses the standard planting requirements for everywhere else. This approach would require at least 8 trees and 40 shrubs inlthe 4,000 sf planting area (shown with 40 trees on the sketch plan); and 14 trees and 67 shrubs in the 6,700 sf planting ~rea (shown with 67 trees on the sketch plan). To me, the lesser standard doesn't seem too onerous for the applicant' and should address their cO\lcerns about "overplanting". I hope this provides some clarification on the issue, and thanks for sending an illustration of the areas for context. Andy From: Jeff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Thursday, August 05,2010 5:11 PM To: 'Carol Schirmer'; UMBIRD Andrew Subject: :RE: Cabela's Site Review. 1 Data Receivect:J)y!dcII0 Planner: AL "j- Hi Andy, .. " I' Here's al1qUiCk planting plan layout of what would be required if we need to meet the parking lot planting code. The landscade area to the north of Cabela's is approximately 4,000 s.f. and would require 40 trees as shown. The landscape area we~t of Cabela's between the front entry and Interstate 5 is approximately 6700 s.f. and would require 67 trees as shown t~us blocking Cabela's from the Interstate. Cabela's have let us know that visibility from the Interstate is of absolutellimportance to them. The trees shown have 20' canopies and are generally 10-12 feet on center. We've not shown this sketch to anybody else, but wanted to get your feedback on the requirements of the code and how we should proceed.ll We understand the need for the parking lot code for the small islands at the end of rows of parking, but we feel it would make much more sense to use the less restrictive landscape code for these large areas that we are creating. We look forvlard to your response. I, " Thanks again for your help and attention to this matter. II I, " . . P~op.. ~ s..&>>..,..,-;q,L Jeff Jeff Sakacsi II . 1\ . SchIrmer + ASSOCIates, LLC Land U~e Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4th Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene,IIOR 97401 Office 541-686-4540 ext. 4 Fax 54h686-4577 , www.schirmerassociates.com ieff@scllirmerassociates.com III !! , " From: dlrol Schinner [mailto:carol@schirmerassociates.com] " Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:28 PM To: 'UMBIRD Andrew'; 'Jeff Sakacsi' Subject:' RE: Cabela's Site Review. I I Andy: I' Let me jump in here for some clarification. If we voluntarily provide more landscape beds than are currently out there, why do have to meet planting standards. The plant beds aren't required so therefor shouldn't be required to be planted to any standard. On the flil side, the client could say, don't install extra planting then. just put curbs and paint. And that would not serve anyone. " So, we ate really trying to do the right thing and I also know that the 4000 sf plant bed with 40 trees in it is really going to get som~bne's attention. And I don't want them to turn it into a painted island. Because,~lthat planting area is not required to maintain the "no net loss" goal. Ii Can you help? Jeff will send a PDF shortly showing exactly the plant bed and what we mean. On the flip side, could we apply the strict letter of the code to the small planting areas at the ends of the rows and use common sense in the much larger planting areas? I: Thanks for your quick responses and assistance with this, carol ,i 2 Date Received: 00 ~/b Planner: AL fa. . . f~./O.. "lo ~ ~L , Schirmef + Associates LLC Land Us~ Planning, Site Design, Landscape Architecture 375 We~t 4th Suite 20r . Eugene,iOR 97401 www.schirmerassociates.com PH: (5411) 686-4540 x1 Fax: (541) 686-4577 .' '<.f . ~I +~""'''''''''ir'''rn + 11/ .....- ,,;/ ---r ii " From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] II Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:20 PM To: 'Jeff 'Sakacsi' Cc: 'caro'i@schirmerassociates.com' Subject:' RE: Cabela's Site Review. II Hi Jeff, I'll try to answer your questions here, but if you could provide a sketch plan or drawing it would be helpful in I, I dd . . more accurate y a resslng your concerns. II , (1) The O'kvelopment Code planting requirements should be met for all landscaped areas, regardless of whether the amount df landscaping provided meets (or exceeds) the minimum required area. (2) The p~rking lot planting requirements would be applicable to the individual (and generally small) parking lot islands that are Jlcattered throughout the site. Because these planting areas are often irregular in shape, relatively isolated, and have a gr~ater potential for wear and tear from foot and vehicle traffic, the higher density of planting applies. From what I haJ~e seen many parking lot islands are 200-300 ft' or smaller, so this usually only translates into two or three I' trees per, island and 8-12 shrubs, Ifthere is a contiguous 4000 ft' planting area proposed within or adjacent to the parking lcit then I believe the City would be amenable to having the lesser planting standard - or something that is a Ii middle ground - apply. I hope this addresses your inquiry, and please let me know if you need any clarification on this 'I issue. :1 Andy 3 Date ~eceived:J/ID/Jo/D Planner: AL / / :: . . PIQ1)Il...~ ~1-r""AL From: J~ff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] "I Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:47 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: caroi@schirmerassociates.com Subject~ Cabela's Site Review. II Hi Andy, We're wbrking on the landscape plan for the Cabela's project and have some questions on how to best interpret the city code. I know that we've talked about the fact that we're assuming that the code was met with the current landscape plan at Gatev:Jay Mall and that we are required to have no net loss of landscape areas. I also understand that we need to replace a tree for each one removed. My question concerns if we have to meet the Parking lot planting code requirement for landsCape areas we create which are in excess of the amount of landscape areas which currently exist? For example, ifthere is 10,000 s.f of existing landscape space and we create 12,000 s.f of landscape space; do we need to meet the planting 'fequirements for all 12,000 s.f or just the 10,000 s.f that is required? I ask ab~ut this because the landscape requirements of SC 4.4-105(F) do not seem reasonable from a planting perspective. The parking lot code requires that (1) tree and (4) shrubs be planted per 100 square feet which seems to be a bit excessive with what we're trying to create with the landscape plan. An example is that we're creating a new planting area whith will be approximately 4,000 square feet in area. If we were to follow SC 4.4-105(F) then we would be required to plant 40 trees in that space which would essentially create a very expensive thicket. Am I correct in assuming that we need to follow SC 4.4-105(F) for all planting areas in the parking lot, or are we required to follow the less intensive requirem'ents of SC 4.4-105(C) which requires (2) Trees and (10) shrubs per 1,000 s.f? II I will be 6ut of office Friday 8/6 and Monday 8/9. Any information or guidance on how to best meet the city code concernihg the landscape plan would be much appreciated. I will be out of the office tomorrow (8-6) through Monday (8- 8) so please respond to Carol (cc on this email). II " Thanks for your assistance, II Jeff II Jeff Sa~acsi .' Schirr&er + Associates, LLC Land U~e Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4th Avenue. Suite 201 Eugene!10R 9740i , Office 541-686-4540 ext. 4 Fax 541:~686-4577 www.schirrnerassociates.com ieff@schirrnerassociates.com I! 4 Date Received: Planner: AL ~/;o /rlo/O I . . . ~olil- -n> s.o..<6M rrTA L L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers,com] Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:42 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Parking Configuration at North Property Line 'Thanks Andy. I just emailed the owner, so hopefully we'll have more info soon. It would be good to rule this one out! :) -----Original Message----- From: LIM8IRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:18 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Parking Configuration at North Property Line Sorry Tina I have no information on this issue, and I think City staff had very little direct involvement with the pedestrian bridge project. I suggest directing the inquiry to the Gateway Mall Management to verify the ownership status of the walkway. If there is an ODOT ownership interest in part of the planned realignment area, an access easement could be used to accommodate vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic. If ODOT participation is required, I recommend initiating contact with them immediately because their review and approval process could be time consuming. Andy -----Original Message----- From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 8:31 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: Ryan Nossaman Subject: FW: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Parking Configuration at North Property Line Andy, I heard a rumor that the walk along the north property line (see attached) was sold to ODOT when the pedestrian bridge over I-S was done. Is this true, and if so, what impact might this have on any realignment at the mall ring road we are wanting to do in this area? Thanks, Tina 1 Date i',eceived: Planner: AL afoldo/O / 1 J ~ ~ ~ J ~ <l. .. i: ~ :t <:) .... ... . 'a Q) >....J '(j) <( U (Vi...: Q::G> <Ill:: _I:: co.!!1 00. . . , , ! . , ~ ! . i '- ~." , " ;.. ~ ..;: -, .... .-: . ~. " .... . -' ". ',' :.: c; 'V"'\'i"'~ . ^"'^~ ol,t,.9 095> :. ,',~ . " ~ ,',I :'.1 ".f ....i : ';1 . " :. j ".1 .:; "t. ~ " . , "'.~ , ..~, . " . / Q;-------- .' ~ I" ,. . /. " , )( , " , , , . , , CI'-,_____~ o ',,-" ....J., .........r --'---.-_,' "t? -..--- -.~..._~._- -,._- --"--"'-,,~ ---.._,--- ~ ~ . .J ~ \- , ~ ! III \!! I~~ ~l! ~!'i <i ~~ ~ ~ 'I+!~H Q ;;!:r: o. ," ~ ""<<l.fi I fl;'~, )\ I II ~ ~J-11'\\ I I ~ ~~":} ;8 -; ~~' I I / Ii ' A , 1)( ~ \ ':LL.. I ~ 'I' ;.. I.' ;1., I~' I .i' ~, 1/:"1. / ,I_/'~I ~'iI7-, ... ;. i j '~~-I ',/ 1'1 "l :, /. ' , I Ii, . , ''''''I " \ .~. H" ..,,\1. · 1 I " '$ $..- ,. <);,oV #11'.., .. ....- " '''"''I :..;~ ~, "I c'.,;>, .... ~ \ ,,~~ ,:;~~ .~f. .... .... $' ~- , :' -I ...!"...... 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" o u ~ w . ~ ~ w ~ ~ 3 8 ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ;' ;: :; " ~ s: ~ a ~ S ~I"l :I ~ ~ 0::: . : ~ = i i ~ ~ ;' : ; 5 z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ j :I i i ~ i i 2 ~ ~ ! ~ ! i . f ~ ~ ^ .. ~ . ~ . . ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . , , L1MBIRD Andrew fN"{2.. ,., S<A8"'~.... From: Sent: To: Subject:: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:20 AM SINGLETON Todd FW: Gateway Mall Cabela's Todd: Any thoughts on this issue? Please let me know and I'll send the response back to Tina. Thanks Andy , From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 8:42 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: rnossaman@bhengineers.com; carol@schirmerassociates.com; Jeff Sakacsi Subjea~ Gateway Mall Cabela's Andy, We are going to propose during Site Review that the lDAP be a condition of 8uilding Permit approval. This is what we did for lTD Gateway Station. And the Site Review appl,ication criteria states, "Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development." Our approach seems to agree with this criteria. Please confirm that our approach is acceptable to the City. Thank you, Tina 1 Date Received: JII~/JDlo Planner: AL .. ,I ..1 n . L1MBIRD Andrew . . f1(,o 12. Id S..clY\ I'T'"'I;ll L. From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Friday, August 06, 2010 8:53 AM 'Jeff Sakacsi'; 'Carol Schirmer' RE: Cabela's Site Review. Carol &Jeff: The Code (ref. Section 4.4-1O.E) states that "the planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of required planting area is as follows: 2 - 2 inch caliper trees, 10 shrubs, or lawn and/or groundcover plants" [emphasis added]. However, Section 4.4-lOS.F states that "parking lot planting areas shall include 1 canopy tree at least 2 inches in caliper..,and at least 4 shrubs, S-gal or larger, for each,100 square feet of planting area." Subsection F doesn't make a distinctibn between "required" and "provided" landscaping. My recommendation is to provide a hybrid planting plan that me~ts the parking lot planting requirements for the small, irregular shaped islands at the ends of the aisles; and addresses the standard planting requirements for everywhere else. This approach would require at least 8 trees and 40 shrubs in the 4,000 sf planting area (shown with 40 trees on the sketch plan); and 14 trees and 67 shrubs in the 6,700 sf planting area (shown with 67 trees on the sketch plan). To me, the lesser standard doesn't seem too onerous for the applicant and should address their concerns about "overplanting". I hope this provides some clarification on the issue, and thal]ks for sending an illustration of the areas for context. Andy From: Jeff Sakacsi (mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.comj Sent: Thursday, August OS, 2010 5: 11 PM To: 'Carol Schirmer'; UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Cabela's Site Review. Hi Andy, Here's a quick planting plan layout of what would be required if we need to meet the parking lot planting code. The landscape area to the north of Cabela's is approximately 4,000 s.f. and would require 40 trees as shown. The landscape area west of Cabela's between the front entry and Interstate 5 is approximately 6700 s.f. and would require 67 trees as shown thus blocking Cabela's from the Interstate. Cabela's have let us know that visibility from the Interstate is of absolute importance to them. The trees shown have 20' canopies and are generally 10-12 feet on center. We've not shown this sketch to anybody else, but wanted to get your feedback on the requirements of the code and how we should proceed. We understand the need for the parking lot code for the small islands at the end of rows of parking, but we feel it would make much more sense to use the less restrictive landscape code for these large areas that we are creating. We look forward to your response. Thanks again for your help and attention to this matter. Jeff Jeff Sakacsi Schirmer + Associates, LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4th Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Office 541-686-4540 ex!. 4 Fax 541-686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com ieff@schirmerassociates.com 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 8~/;o/d / . . 'J f'/l,JD{l.. -ro S"""""'''''''''''AL From: Carol Schirmer [mailto:carol@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:28 PM To: 'UM'BIRD Andrew'; 'Jeff Sakacsi' Subject: RE: Cabela's Site Review. Andy: Let me jump in here for some clarification. If we voluntarily provide more landscape beds than are currently out there, why do have to meet planting standards. The plant beds aren't required so therefor shouldn't be required to be planted to any standard. . I On the flip side, the client could say, don't install extra planting then. just put curbs and paint. And that'would not serve anyone. II 'I So, we are really trying to do the right thing and I also know that the 4000 sf plant bed with 40 trees in it is really going to get someone's attention. And I don't want them to turn it into a painted island. Because, that planting area is not required to maintain the "no net loss" goal. Can you i help? Jeff will send a PDF shortly showing exactly the plant bed and what we mean. On the flip side, could we apply the strict letter of the code to the small planting areas at the ends of the rows and use common'lsense in the much larger planting areas? Thanks for your quick responses and assistance with this, carol Schirme~l+ Associates LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design, Landscape Architecture 375 West 4th Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 II www.schirmerassociates.com i II PH: (541) 686-4540 x1 Fax: (541) 686-4577 ~. ~. ~. ,. i1', lliJ -----!:'--........ 2 DatEl Received: ~1/)% Planner: AL . . ~ &n,~ '"16 S....81'\'.,.~L From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 4:20 PM To. 'Jeff Sakacsi' . :1 Cc: 'carol@schirmerassociates.com' Subject: RE: (abela's Site Review. Hi Jeff, I'll try to answer your questions here, but if you could provide a sketch plan or drawing it would be helpful in more accurately addressing your concerns. (1) The Development Code planting requirements shou'ld be met for all landscaped areas, regardless of whether the amount of landscaping provided meets (or exceeds) the minimum required area. (2) The parking lot planting requirements would be applicable to the individual (and generally small) parking lot islands that are scattered throughout the site. Because these planting areas are often irregular in shape, relatively isolated, and have a greater potential for wear and tear from foot and vehicle traffic, the higher density of planting applies. From what I h~ve seen many parking lot islands are 200-300 ft2 or smaller, so this usually only translates into two or three trees pel island and 8-12 shrubs. If there is a contiguous 4000 ft2 planting area proposed within or adjacent to the parking lot then I believe the City would be amenable to having the lesser planting standard - or something that is a middle ground - apply. I hope this addresses your inquiry, and please let me know if you need any clarification on this issue. Andy From: Jeff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] ,[ Sent: Thursday, August 05,2010 2:47 PM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: carol@schirmerassociates.com Subject! (abela's Site Review. Hi Andy, . We're working on the landscape plan for the Cabela's project and have some questions on how to best interpret the city code. I know that we've talked about the fact that we're assuming that the code was met with the current landscape plan at Gateway Mall and that we are required to have no net loss of landscape areas. 1 also understand that we need to replace a'tree for each one removed. My question concerns if we have to meet the Parking lot planting code requirement for landscape areas we create which are in excess of the amount of landscape areas which currently exist? For example, if there is,10,000 s.f of existing landscape space and we create 12,000 s.f of landscape space; do we need to meet the planting requirements for all 12,000 s.f or just the 10,000 s.f that is required? I ask about this because the landscape requirements of SC 4.4-105(F) do not seem reasonable from a planting perspective. The parking lot code requires that (1) tree and (4) shrubs be planted per 100 square feet which seems to be a bit excessive with what we're trying to create with the landscape plan. An example is that we're creating a new planting area which will be approximately 4,000 square feet in area. If we were to follow SC 4.4-1 05(F) then we would be required to plant 40 trees in that space which would essentially create a very expensive thicket. Am I correct in assuming that we need to follow SC 4.4-105(F) for all planting areas in the parking lot, or are we required to follow the less intensive requirements of SC 4.4-105(C) which requires (2) Trees and (10) shrubs per 1,000 s.f? 1 will be out of office Friday 8/6 and Monday 8/9. Any information or guidance on how to best meet the city code concerning the landscape plan would be much appreciated. I will be out of the office tomorrow (8-6) through Monday (8- 8) so please respond to Carol (cc on this email). 3 Date Received: Planner: AL ~h /~/O / Thanks for your assistance, i: . Jeff Jeff Sakacsi Schinher + Associates, LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4tl1 Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene~: OR 97401 Office 5'41-686-4540 ext. 4 ; Fax 541-686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com ieff@schirmerassociates.com 4 . Date Received: Planner: AL &Op.. "'to s"'6-'1I'I'"r.'\L- 5h /-HlltJ / J ~ , III ~ ~- ~ ~) . . . . ~ '--'" - . '1, " - I-=- - " . ~ I . - - ,,- . T / \ rr~ l~ ' ~ ~lr / 1 . -f"'~"'lL ,,~ '-' ~,-- ~ -" ,. "p< 'C IC. l>< r IS< ,. "I'><l-'" " <> '" '--"' I Cl . "I ~ ! i - I . ~ 1'1; . r-r, j)):: ~-- ! I , . "I ~ g i I B e i !"-~ I' ~rip. ~~ D ~~ ~ ~ <~ ~ , ,$15< ~15< I(:: ~ l2 S~t' -X~ t:\. @l:i~ . "'-~D1J . .u. . I r'" "', . \ .::: . r,x,x,x,x'X'X'X'X'FH'X'X'X'X'X';[Y-JC I) o · 0 ~ r o ; x- o '" a. a. ~ o "' .0 ~~ 1m 0>'" <(~~ ~w~ 10:>;< (l)ik:~ m m 'm, ~", "'. V"" a. "" ~ll""... ~i[~~J W-. :>;a. a:::~~~LJ tn~~~~ o o .. . . .. L1MBIRD Andrew 1'/2.101<. ~ s.....6MI~L From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: . .L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, August 05, 20104:20 PM 'Jeff Sakacsi' 'carol@schirmerassociates.com' RE: Cabela's Site Review. Hi Jeff, I'fl try to answer your questions here, but if you could provide a sketch plan or drawing it would be helpful in more accurately addressing your concerns. (1) The D,evelopment Code planting requirements should be met for all landscaped areas, regardless of whether the amount of landscaping provided meets (or exceeds) the minimum required area. (2) The p~rking lot planting requirements would be applicable to the individual (and generally small) parking lot islands that are ~cattered throughout the site. Because these planting areas are often irregular in shape, relatively isolated, and have a gfeater potential for wear and tear from foot and vehicle traffic, the higher density of planting applies. From what I h~:ve seen many parking lot islands are 200-300 ft' or smaller, so this usually only translates into two or three trees per: island and 8-12 shrubs. If there is a contiguous 4000 ft' planting area proposed within or adjacent to the parking 16t then I believe the City would be amenable to having the lesser planting standard - or something that is a J middle ground - apply. I hope this addresses your inquiry, and please let me know if you need any clarification on this I issue. ' Andy From: Jeff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:47 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: carol@schirmerassociates.com SUbject:: Cabela's Site Review. Hi Andy" I We're working on the landscape plan for the Cabela's project and have some questions on how to best interpret the city code. I khow that we've talked about the fact that we're assuming that the code was met with the current landscape plan at Gateway Mall and that we are required to have no net loss of landscape areas. I also understand that we need to replace a'tree for each one removed. My question concerns if we have to meet the Parking lot planting code requirement for landstape areas we create which are in excess of the amount of landscape areas which currently exist? For example, if there iS110,000 s.f of existing landscape space and we create 12,000 s.f of landscape space; do we need to meet the planting ~~quirements for all 12,000 s.f or just the 10,000 s.f that is required? , i I ask about this because the landscape requirements of SC 4.4-1 05(F) do not seem reasonable from a planting perspective. The parking lot code requires that (1) tree and (4) shrubs be planted per 100 square feet which seems to be a bit excessive with what we're trying to create with the landscape plan. An example is that we're creating a new planting area whic,h will be approximately 4,000 square feet in area. If we were to follow SC 4.4-105(F) then we would be required to plant 4() trees in that space which would essentially create a very expensive thicket. Am I correct in assuming that we need to follow SC 4.4-105(F) for all planting areas in the parking lot, or are we required to follow the less intensive requirem~nts of SC 4.4-105(C) which requires (2) Trees and (10) shrubs per 1,000 s.t? I will be o,ut of office Friday 8/6 and Monday 8/9. Any information or guidance on how to best meet the city code concerning the landscape plan would be much appreciated. I will be out of the office tomorrow (8-6) through Monday (8- 8) so please respond to Carol (cc on this email). . Thanks for your assistance, Jeff 1 tJatElJ Received: r~/J.o/O f'J1r:!nner: AL 4 . Jeff Sakacsi . . f'~.... -r.; ~""6M/"""'&. Schirmer + Associates, LLC Land Us:e Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4tl1 Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene,pR 97401 Office 5~ 1-686-4 540 ext. 4 Fax 541 +686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com i effiqlscl\irmerassociates. com 2 Data Received: cjr /Jt>'o Planner: AL / Ii II L1MBIRD Andrew II From: I! Sent: To: i! Subject:,: . . ftz.tolLiD S"'&"'"1I'T""T'"AL- L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, August 04,20109:00 AM 'Jeff Sakacsi' RE: Cabela's Site Review Minor Modification. Hi Jeff, sorry to add to your "priority action item" list, but my recommendation is to have the construction document planting ~Ians submitted with the Minor Modification application packet, since thesewill be reviewed by Planning and Engineering staff as part of the land use decision. The construction documents submitted as part of a separate and " discrete Building Permit application would be subject to review by different staff and wouldn't be inserted into the Minor M~dification land use application packet. If there is insufficient detail in the initial Minor Modification submittal, detailed ~Ianting plans would be a condition of the approval and still require re-submittal (and another round of staff review). !~o expedite the review, it would be advisable to have the detailed plans submitted with the Minor Modification application. Hope this helps! :1 Andy From: J~ff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] " Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 8:26 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subjectt Cabela's Site Review Minor Modification. Andy, Our plan iwith Cabela's is to attempt to submit the Site Review Minor Modification on August 16 and then follow that up with submitting the Construction Document set on September 1. As part of the application we see that there is a requirement to have a complete Construction Document Level Planting Plan due at the time of Site Review Minor Modification. Is it allowable for us to show landscape areas with hatch patterns and total trees at the time of submittal for Site Review knowing that we will be sending you Construction Documents two weeks later with the full Planting Plan or do we reallyilneed to have the full construction document level planting plan done for August 16? Any information would be helpful as I am just trying to gauge my work load for the next week. II " Thanks, I'! Jeff I if Jeff Sat&csi iI I Schirmer + Associates, LLC 'I Land Use Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture th . 375 W 4 Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene",OR 97401 Office 5:41-686-4540 ext. 4 Fax 541 "686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com i eff@scIiirmerassociates.com 1 Data ~Elceived: 3/'1/;;C'o Planner: AL / , ;I II L1MBIRD Andrew 11 From: Ii Sent: To: Subject: . . ~~ -r.; S....SMI"T"'T.llI- Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Tuesday, August 03, 2010 11:40 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's \ Andy, " No worries on this one. GGP authorized us to obtain the additional survey field data in these two areas, so we're covered. " Thank you, " Tina !i Ii. . I M -----O~~glna essage----- From: ~~na Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: ~~esday, August 93, 2919 8:49 AM To: 'LIMBIRD Andrew' Subject!: RE: Gateway Mall Cabela' s Andy, So it's. okay to show improvements/modifications in area where we don't have survey? For example~ the RV parking at the southwest, along the west mall boundary, extends beyond the limits 'of our survey. Thanks ,,' Tina II -----Orlginal Message----- " From: ~IMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] 'I Sent: Tuesday, August 93, 2919 8:37 AM To: 't~~ard@bhengineers.com' SUbjecf': RE: Gateway Mall Cabela' s " I' Hi Tina', my recommendation is to depict all areas subject to modifications - including "tie- ins" - with the site plan submittal. If the areas are widely separated, this could be done with a global View of the mall site supplemented with plan details showing the specific location(s) subject to modification. In the example of the loading dock relocation, perhaps a North'l and South split with match line would work in order to capture sufficient area and detail.I.. Hope this helps. Andy - u uOriginal Message-- --- From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 92, 2919 4:52 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: Erika Willor Subject: Gateway Mall Cabela's Hi Andy, Can you: please take a look at the attachment loading: dock? That is the west limit of the in the bottom left corner by the existing survey. We have been directed to demo the 1 Date Received: Planner: AL o/Y)o16 .. . . Rlio~ Ii> So< g"" I~ L- loading' dock, extend the adjacent east-west parking tree eastward, while allowing a 32-foot wide roadway to remain. Is it acceptable to the City that this is the extent of the survey and tha~ we aren't able to show where we are tying into the inner ring road? Similar to the above issue, along the west boundary where parking is being added, we were directe~ to add (8) 50-foot long RV parking spaces but not to encroach on the desired added parking spaces to the north. (The attachment doesn't show any of this.) Trouble is, this surpasses the west limit of the' survey. The Owner/GGP wants us to show the additional RV parking in an area we don't have survey. Will this be acceptable to the City? I'm concerned these items may hold up Site Review. Thanks, Tina L., Guard, PE, LEED'" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401:(541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 n n -O~'iginal Messagen n_ From: Yeager, Bruce [mailto:Bruce.Yeager@ggp.com] , Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 3:05 PM To: tgJ~rd@bhengineers.com Cc: Erika Willor; Aaron Doughan; Spencer Bugbey; Clell Goodwin , ' Subject!: RE: Gateway Mall Cabela' s Tina, See sketch -- no additional survey work should be required. Place the RV stalls as shown. You should be able to do this without additional survey work. The RV stalls cannot go to the north. Trucks do not need to maneuver in that area. road at the back of Target, and then slip to The opposite (South) flow is not a concern. The trucks will need to be kept on the primary the outer ring road as they pass the Cabela's. No. Calling now ... Bruce Yeager Director, Planning and Design General Growth Properties, Inc. 110 North Wacker Drive Chicago, II 60606 312.960.5754 z Date Received: Planner: AL t/JI)DIt> / / . . 1"12.,,> R- 10 S.....l!!.M I-r-rA L ,. . www.gen.eralgrowth.com P Pleas'e consider the environment before printing this e-mail 'i . i -----O~iginal Message----- From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] " Sent: Mpnday, August 02, 2010 3:59 PM To: Yeager, Bruce Cc: Erika Willor; Aaron Doughan; 'Spencer Bugbey'; Clell Goodwin Subject,: 'Gateway Mall Cabela' s Bruce, Please ,see attachment (the crazy numbered one..."KMBT..."). During our conference call last Friday,' 7/30, you indicated you wanted parking stalls added eastward in the place of the existing loading dock. We need to extend parking eastward, but allow space for the internal ring road. We need additional survey to the south to be able to tie the ring road back into the realigned ring road due to the loading dock demo. The su~vey boundary (big red dashed line) did not include this work. This extra survey work will take about (4) hours of field time and (4) hours of office time " to update the survey drawing, which is about $1,000. Can you authorize us to do this extra work? Also du'ring our conference call, you indicated we need to provide (8) 50-foot long RV spaces; howeve~, given the other standard head-in parking we need to provide to the north (per 'I . concept plan) and the limit of the survey, we can only have space for (5). We would need additional survey to the south to be able to add RV spaces in that direction, or we can replac~ some standard head-in spaces to the north with the necessary quantity of RV parking spaces~ Please advise. Please ':see attachment "trucks". to maneuver the outer ring road inner?)! ring road would need to , I 'I Please ',see attachment "legal". descri~tion? With your suggested alignment, semi-trucks will not be (clouded area on the drawing). It seems the outer (and accommodate large trucks, right? Please advise. able Do you want the marked area included in the legal Something to note: We have been working like crazy to get this site plan finished and ready to issJe to our consultants, so we can all' be preparing site plan drawings, which are , supposed to be submitted to the City on August 16th. As directed, we've been loosely followi'ng the concept plan provided by GGP and making adjustments necessary to make the site plan work. However, the direction provided about the site plan during Friday's conference call, a'nd the layout provided today, differ substantially from the concept plan. We had the site plan nearly complete when we had our conference call on Friday, but we've had to make some major adjustments, which is taking a lot of time. I'm telling you all this because every change to the site plan limits our ability to issue it to consultants and meet the deadlin~. We're all going to work hard to make sure we stay on schedule, but please know that we; HAVE to nail down this site plan NOW so we can have something (a non-moving target) on which to base our designs. I'm just telling you this as a heads-up to the impacts of any and all site plan changes, at this point. I Thanks" in advance, for a speedy response, Tina 3 Date Received: Planner: AL 8/3/~' / I . . 'j . L1MBIRD Andrew l'~ofl- 1'0 5.....6", '"1"TA'-- From: Sent: To: I Subject:: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, August 03, 20108:56 AM 'Jeff Sakacsi' RE: Cabela's Site Review Minor Modification. Hi Jeff, at this time the Gateway Refinement Plan is only available as a hard copy from the Development Services office in Springfield City Hall. Upon request, you can obtain an entire copy - or relevant excerpts of it - for a nominal charge. Andy From: Jeff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 03,2010 8:52 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew . Subject:' RE: Cabela's Site Review Minor Modification. Andy, Thanks for your help. That answers the questions I have for right now. Can you direct me to where to obtain information on the Gateway Refinement Plan? Any chance that it's posted somewhere on the city website and maybe I am just not seeing it? Thanks again, Jeff Jeff Sakacsi Schirmer + Associates, LLC Land U~,e Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 'th 375 W 4 Avenue, Suite 201 . Eugene,:OR 9740] Office 5~] -686-4540 ext. 4 i, Fax 541t686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com ieff@schirmerassociates.com From: 1l,MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 3:02 PM To: 'Jeff Sakacsi' Subject: RE: Cabela's Site Review Minor Modification. Jeff: I'll try to answer your questions in the order they are posed below. 1. For the purpose of this review, the City will assume that, overall, the Gateway Mall conforms with the 7.5% parking lot interiorlandscaping provision as stipulated in the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan (which is over and above the minimum 5% standard listed in the Development Code). Further, the City assumes there will be no net loss of parking lot landscaping area with this project. 1 Date Received:_i~/" Planner: AL . '.. '1'fl.Jo~,..", S....6M ~ ~ 2. All new, modified, relocated or reconfigured parking lot islands - essenti~, any parking lot landscaping area i affected by this project- shall conform with the landscaping requirements of the City's Development Code (eg. q'uantities and planting densities of trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants; provision of irrigation, etc.). 3. The Gateway Mall management previously completed an analysis that determined sufficient parking exists on the site to support all existing uses along with occasional outdoor special events that are held in the parking lot a'reas. Another full parking analysis is not necessary for this project, but the "hard counts" of parking spaces , should be available in the previous study if you wish to cite these. At a minimum, the submittal should indicate the location and quantity of new bicycle and vehicle parking spaces. " 4. If the parking lot trees to be removed are replaced with an equivalent (or greater) number of trees, there is no r~quirementfor a Tree Felling Permit. I trust this addresses you inquiry, and please let me know if you have any questions about the site plan modification process.:Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Jeff Sakacsi [mailto:jeff@schirmerassociates.com] Sent: Mdnday, August 02,2010 10:53 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject:' Cabela's Site Review Minor Modification. Hi Andy, We have.lsome questions concerning the Cabela's project and are looking for some guidance from you if possible. The main questions we have deal with the landscape requirement and how to appropriately meet the standards of the code. We want';to do what is correct, but because,this is an existing parking lot that is being modified we're unsure about how to properly meet the code. Are we rJquired to meet the standards of 4.4-105(F) for Parking Lot Planting Areas as if this is a new project? If we are"required to meet this standard then how should we calculate for the standard that requires us to landscape 5% of the interi6r of the parking lot? Would this require us to calculate the parking area just within the Cabela's site tax lot -17- 03-22-00: - 2219, or all other tax lots as well on the west side of Gateway Mall? I ask this because as part of the project, Gateway: Loop is proposed to shift to the east in order to allow head-in parking along the existing western curb of the Gateway!site. This will affect all the tax lots on the west side of Gateway Mall. The parking lot will be restriped as a result and existing planting islands being impacted by the relocation of Gateway Loop will need to be shifted and reconfigured in some cases. Are the existing planting islands that are being revised required to be updated to meet current code requirements for planting/irrigation or are they categorized as existing? In other words, how do we handle new areas vs. existing qr modified areas? , Other items from the Site Plan Review Minor Modification that we're unsure about include: Under 'Site Plan' there is a requirement to list the number of parking spaces on site. It was brought up during the meeting at the city on July 22 that parkin9 standards are already met for both cars and bicycles. We will be adding additional parking for both as part of this project. Do you need data on the amount of parking for the entire site, or can we just list what we're adding? In the 'Additional Materials That May Be Required' section there is a box to check for needing a Tree Felling Permit if five or more trees are proposed to be removed. As parking lot islands are reconfigured there will be some trees removed and replaced':with more healthy specimens. Do we need to have a Tree Felling Permit for the project and at the time of the submittai' of this application? I appreciate your time and help with this as our deadline is getting near. If you feel it's more beneficial for me to come in and speak with you over the counter about these questions then please let me know. Thanks, 2 Date R.eCeiVed;,-,8fV~I/) Planner: AL Jeff . ) Jeff Sakacsi " Schir~er + Associates, LLC Land Use Planning, Site Design and Landscape Architecture 375 W 4tl1 Avenue, Suite 201 Eugene,';OR 97401 Office 541-686-4540 ext. 4 Fax 541~686-4577 www.schirmerassociates.com ieff@schirmerassociates.com ,I 3 . Date Received: Planner: AL f'tl./o/l{ 10 5.....&11 ~L J h/;;% / / r . . L1MBIRD Andrew Rz'DR. -,;; S~l!."""""""A ~ From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, August 03,20108:54 AM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's It should be OK, since it's a matter of restriping and does not involve changes to curblines, paving ~urfaces, grades, etc. However, I assume that the areas subject to physical changes (relocated parking lot islands, loading dock, etc.) are captured by the survey, since these will be subject to more scrutiny by the City's Engineering division. If not, the survey area should be extended or previous survey data :should be incorporated into the submittal, if " possible. Several fairly recent projects on the site (Ashley's, Kohl's, Chuck E. Cheese, GatewaY,IEmx Station) may have contributed ~o the survey fabric for the Gateway Mall. I'm not sure if! any of this information is held by ,General Growth, however. I : Andy -----Original Message----- From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 8:40 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's Andy, So it's, okay to show improvements/modifications in area where we don't have survey? For example, the RV parking at the southwest, along the west mall boundary, extends beyond the limits of our survey. Thanks, Tina -----Original Message----- From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 8:37 AM ' , To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's Hi Tina, my recommendation is to depict all areas subject to modifications - including "tie- ins" - with the site plan submittal. If the areas are widely separated, this could be done with a global view of the mall site supplemented with plan details showing the specific location(s) subject to modification. In the example of the loading dock relocation, perhaps a North and South split with match line would work in order to capture sufficient area and detail... Hope this helps. Andy -----Original Message----- From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 4:52 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: Erika Willor Subject: Gateway Mall Cabela's Hi Andy, 1 Date Received;~/J.o/.<l Planner: AL / . . . 'PI2i,,~ -r5 S... '5}1' -r'T"A L- Can you ;:please take a look at the attachment in the bottom left corner by the existing loading 'dock? That is the west limit of the survey. We have been directed to demo the II loading'idock, extend the adjacent east-wes~ parking tree eastward, while allowing a 32-foot wide ro~dway to remain. Is it acceptable to the City that this is the extent of the survey and that we aren't able to show where we are tying into the inner ring road? , Similar"to the above issue, along the west boundary where parking is being added, we were directeg to add (8) 50-foot long RV parking spaces but not to encroach on the desired added parking; spaces to the north. . (The attachment doesn't show any of this.) Trouble is, this surpasses the west limit of the survey., The OWner/GGP wants us to show the additional RV parking in an area we don't have survey. Will this be acceptable to the City? I'm concerned these items may hold up Site Review. Thanks, Tina L.I Guard, PE, LEED'" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhis~r & Hubbard Engineers Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy - 'Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustain~bility 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 -----Orlginal Message----- 1 From: Yeager, Bruce [mailto:Bruce.Yeager@ggp.com] 'I Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 3:05 PM To: tguard@bhengineers.com Cc: Erika Willor; Aaron Doughan; Spencer Bugbey; 'Clell Goodwin Subject: RE: Gateway Mall Cabela's Tina, See sketch -- no additional survey work should be required. Place the RV stalls as shown. You should be able to do this without additional survey work. The RV stalls cannot go to the north. Trucks do not need to maneuver in that area. road at. the back of Target, and then slip to The opposite (South) flow is not a concern: The trucks will need to be kept on the primary the outer ring road as they pass the Cabela's. No. Calling now ... Bruce Yeager Director, Planning and Design General, Growth Properties, Inc. 110 North Wacker Drive 2 Date Received: r).~/~(D Planner: Al chicago, II 60606 312.960,5754 . . PIl.4r>a.. -r. S"'"'-6""/~L.. www.generalgrowth.com P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail -----Or!ginal Message----- From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: M~nday, August 02, 2010 3:S9 PM To: Yeager, Bruce Cc: Erika Willor; Aaron Doughan; 'Spencer Bugbey'; Clell Goodwin Subject: Gateway Mall (abela's Bruce, Please ~ee attachment (the crazy numbered one..."KMBT..."). During our conference call last Friday,:,7/30, you indicated you wanted parking stalls added eastward in the place of the existing loading dock. We need to extend parking eastward, but allow space for the internal ring road. We need additional survey to the south to be able to tie the ring road back into the realigned ring road due to the loading dock demo. The survey boundary (big red dashed line) did not include this work. This extra survey work will take about (4) hours of field time and (4) hours of office time to update the survey drawing, which is about $1,000. Can you authorize us to do this extra work? Also during our conference call, you indicated we need to provide (8) 50-foot long RV spaces; however, given the other standard head-in parking we need to provide to the north (per concept: plan) and the limit of the survey, we can only have space for (5). We would need additional survey to the south to be able to add RV spaces in that direction, or we can replace: some standard head-in spaces to the north with the necessary quantity of RV parking spaces.: Please advise. , I Please see attachment "trucks". to maneuver the outer ring road inner?) ring road would need to , With your suggested 'alignment, semi-trucks will not be able (clouded area on the drawing). It seems the outer (and accommodate large trucks, right? Please advise. Please 'see attachment "legal". Do you want the marked area included in the legal description? Somethirg to note: 'We have been working like crazy to get this site plan finished and ready to issue to our consultants, so we can all be preparing site plan drawings, which are supposdd to be submitted to the City on August 16th. As directed, we've been loosely followi~g the concept plan provided by GGP and making adjustments necessary to make the site plan work. However, the direction provided about the site plan during Friday's conference call, and the layout provided today, differ substantially from the concept plan. We had the site plan nearly complete when we had our conference call on Friday, but we've had to make some major adjustments, which is taking a lot of time. I'm telling you all this because every change to the site plan limits our ability to issue it to consultants and meet the deadli~e. We're all going to work hard to make sure we stay on schedule, but please know that w~ HAVE to nail down this site plan NOW so we can have something (a non-moving target) on which to base our designs. I'm just telling you this as a heads-up to the impacts of any :and all site plan changes, at this point. Thanks, in advance, for a speedy response, Tina 3 Date Recelved:_~J/J<>/. Planner: AL / J / /~ ~ ......... l"l/ I c:::> . " I I I ~ ~ ,y , ~ :! , VI , 19 I - "> , "</' oJ. / I C\ '4' ,/ ~ ~'" f' <1 f' "I Ie ~- " I I I ~i \' ;;j~ :~ ~' 1 ~ ,....0> I~ I.~ f~ <0> I~- ... I ~ :~' 0:8 ~1ll80 ...00 lJ'" ' ...,. ..., ~o I'i 8 o b ,.; O~ ON :::Iil'i ~~ ~ ~ W :::Ii ii: >:-.""~ o~ - . ~: ~ II ~ . z :2 ~ <.> ~ 1l! ., 1 . ""' ~ ...) > - ~ . i .1 ~ ~ '" c ~ 0- Il. - <( ~ t/' '" '" ~ ... ... ~~ ~ o~~ ~ ~ <( 13 8 I'i :2 8 '" ~ 1!':::Ii<( 0 VI 0: ?: -0 Q) >...J '(jj <{ () CUi...: lXQ) <DC: .....c: CIlCll 00:: ~ . . L1MBIRD Andrew -p~~ 10 S.....8MI-r.t?l1.- I From: I Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Wednesday, July 21,20108:43 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building For the purposes of my proposal, I will assume this is what we need to do. If something changes later, then so be it. Thank you. From: UMBIRD'Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:20 AM To: 'tgu~rd@bhengineers.com' Subject~ FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8: 16 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building FYI From: WALKER George Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 4:28 PM To: STOUDER Matt SUbject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Hi Matt, My first'Fhoice would be to use multiple small rain gardens, flow through planters or an infiltration planter. Here's a link to the n~w Clean Water Services LID manual. It's what we should be doing. http://Www .c1ea nwaterservi ces.org/Co nte nt/Documents/Perm it/L1 DA %20Ha nd book. pdf George From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:39 AM To: WALKER George Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building . George - have any ideas on this one. I assume a swale would suffice, but would mechanical treatment work? From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 9:57 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building I'm tied up in Accela for 2 days - can you respond or forward to George for a response? Thanks From: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 9:32 AM 1 Date Received: 7/,2./ /;HJ IV / / Planner: AL . . To: UMBIRD Andrew \ Subject; RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Pl!.to~ "TO S..c.&>1 ~ L Andy, What type of pre-treatment will be accepted for roof runoff from the canopies for Cabela's? Shall I just refer to the BES for guidance? Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us) Sent: M6nday, July 19, 2010 8:53 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject~ FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building FYI From: WALKER George I Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 8:49 AM To; STOUDER Matt; UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building DEQ hasldetermined that residential rooftop runoff doesn't need pretreatment prior to discharge. All other rooftop drainagel is evaluated. Most is clean enough the it can be discharged, but commercial areas (mechanical equipment) and I roofs adjacent to heavy traffic volumes (1~5) can have a lot of air borne deposition, and should have some sort of pretreatment. George: From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 10:22 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: WALKER George Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's difficult to answer some ofthe questions w/o knowing what the complete scope of work is. For just the loading dock stuff and interior/remodel, a scoping sheet is not needed (#1). A storm study also would not be required (#2) just for the loading dock, but again it depends upon what other work will be done in conjunction with the site plan (any repaving?). Springfield still defers to the use of the BES manual for water quality facility design since we. don't have our own manual. I don't recall any specific requirements on the roof runoff, but George is better versed on that one (# 3), so I'll defer to him on this issue. Thanks; Matt From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:13 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject~ FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building I 2 Date Received: Planner: AL ~;/)':>IO I . . Matt: Please advise so we can provide direction to the Cabela's team. Thanks 1'1ll1>/t 16 S....6MI"""L From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 20109:18 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subje~: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to BUilding Andy, It's bee~ a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for stormwater management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues ., pertaini~g to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address,:this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. 1. ,Does this trigger the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. 'Can you verify that the City (and/or BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? 4. Please advise on anything else you can think of that I may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 3 Date Received: 7/:J.IJ/J/O. Planner: AL . . ~ L1MBIRD Andrew PII{I.,(L -r" S....SNlM"TAL. From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 20, 20104:08 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Hi Tina, I have forwarded your inquiry to our Public Works Engineers for a response. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 9:33 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject; RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Root to Building Andy, What type of pre-treatment will be accepted tor roof runoff from the canopies tor Cabela's? Shall I just reter to the BES tor guidance? . Thank you, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 8:53 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Root to Building FYI , From: WALKER George Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 8:49 AM To: STOUDER Matt; LIMBIRD Andrew SUbject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Root to Building '. ' DEQ has, determined that residential rooftop runoff doesn't need pretreatment prior to discharge. All other rooftop drainage is evaluated. Most is clean enough the it can be discharged, but commercial areas (mechanical equipment) and roots adjacent to heavy traffic volumes (1-5) can have a lot at air borne deposition, and should have some sort at pretreatment. George From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 10:22 AM . To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: WA~KER George Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Root to Building Andy, It's difficult to answer some at the questions w/o knowing what the complete scope otwork is. For just the loading dock stuff and interior/remodel, a scoping sheet is not needed (#1). A storm study also would not be required (#2) justfor 1 Data Received: Planner: AL I /~/;)clb I / , I j . . -1'~"12. 10 Sw8",I7T.ll'- the loading dock, but again it depends upon what other work will be done in conjunction with the site plan (any repaving?). \; Springfield still defers to the use ofthe BES manual for water quality facility design since we don't have our own manual. ,il don't recall any specific requirements on the roof runoff, but George is better versed on that one (# 3), so I'll defer to him on this issue. Thanks, Matt From: LlMBIRD Andrew Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:13 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Matt: Please advise so we can provide direction to the Cabela's team. Thanks From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 9: 18 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's been a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for stormwater management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues pertaining to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. 1. Does this trigger the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. Can you verify that the City (and/or BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? 4. Please advise on anything else you can think of that I may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/dO/doIO I f ~.I . . ,~ , \ tlMBIRD Andrew ?lttolL 10 5.....6"" IT'T'A..... From: Sent: To: Subject: ' Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Tuesday, July 20, 20102:36 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabela's - covered loading dock Thanks Andy. I will forward this information onto the Owner. -----Original Message----- From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2818 2:35 PM To: tguard@bhengineers.com Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - covered loading dock No, we will await the submittal and can provide further comments at that time. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2818 1:39 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - covered loading dock Andy, Was there any further review by the City on this issue? Just curious. Thanks, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2818 2:28 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - covered loading dock Thanks Tina. My understanding is the requirement for hydraulic isolation also necessitates preventing "clean" surface runoff or rainfall from entering the sanitary drain. In the absence of a cover, too much runoff might be captured by the loading dock sanitary drain instead of being routed to the stormwater system. A surcharge of stormwater in the sanitary system is not desirable from the City's perspective, especially if it can be avoided through loading dock design elements. I will defer to the staff engineer assigned to this project for a more satisfactory explanation, but this is my best guess. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2818 1:43 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Andy, In reviewing 4.6 of the BES, I'm not readily seeing the cover requirement for loading docks. Since the area needs to be hydraulically isolated and directed to sanitary sewer, is it then Building Code that triggers the cover requirement? It seems the cover requirement pertains only to "Equipment and/or Vehicle Washing Facilities", but perhaps I'm just missing something. I have attached a copy of the BES for your convenience. 1 Date Heceived:-1.(.i1:P./JQIO Planner: AL I J . . rf1.<op- -r",' s...&>1I...--rAL.- ( Thank you, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 88, 2818 3:37 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Hi Tina, we will examine the proposed Cabela's loading dock as a separate and discreet matter, and I would note the Kohl's was approved prior to a comprehensive Springfield Development Code update (September 2885) and revisions to the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (April 2886). Changes to these documents have incorporated evolving state and federal "clean water" legislation, so that could explain the discrepancy. For clarification, the covering only has to extend across the actual loading dock/truck interface not the entire truck and trailer assembly, if that is an issue. Areas where loaded/unloaded materials could spill are to be covered and hydraulically isolated, and piped to. the sanitary sewer (as we discussed briefly in our meeting last week). The City references the Portland BES Stormwater Management Manual for material transfer areas and loading docks, so this will be the standard used for evaluating the proposed design. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 88, 2818 2:25 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Andy, The Ow~ers have been pushing back on the requirement to cover the loading dock, based on the fact that the Kohl's loading dock was not required to be covered. I wasn't involved in the Kohl's project, so I'm not aware of any nuances that existed on that project; however, I've been told that the Kohl's loading dock is depressed, as the Cabela's loading dock will be. Can you offer some insight on this and let me know if there is any way around the covering requirement? Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEEDR AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers<http://www.bhengineers.com/> Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 188 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97481 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5383 2 Date Received: J /:fo/ doN Planner: AL 7' / J . . PI-J oiL -r.; $.L&'11--r"'1:4 L.. L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: WALKER George Monday, July 19, 2010 8:49 AM STOUDER Matt; L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building DEQ has determined that residential rooftop runoff doesn't need pretreatment prior to discharge. All other rooftop drainage, is evaluated. Most is clean enough the it can be discharged, but commercial areas (mechanical equipment) and roofs adjacent to heavy traffic volumes (I-S) can have a lot of air borne deposition, and should have some sort of pretreatment. George From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 10:22 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: WALKER George Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's difficult to answer some of the questions wlo knowing what the complete scope of work is. For just the loading dock stuff and'interiorlremodel, a scoping sheet is not needed (#1). A storm study also would not be required (#2) just for the loading dock, but again it depends upon what other work will be done in conjunction with the site plan (any repaving?). Springfield still defers to the use of the BES manual for water quality facility design since we don't have our own manual. I don't recall any specific requirements on the roof runoff, but George is better versed on that one (# 3), so I'll defer to him on this issue. Thanks, Matt From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:13 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Matt: Please advise so we can provide direction to the Cabela's team. Thanks From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 9: 18 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's been a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for stormwater management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. 1 Date Received: l.l7/Ad'o Planner: AL f . . 'P'r2.4olZ.. -ro $.A.6M ....-,-..\1_ Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues pertaining to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. 1. Does this trigger the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. Can you verify that the City (and/or BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? 4. Please advise on anything else you can think of that I may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 11/1/~/(J I I . \ . . L1MBIRD Andrew p~op.. .,;; s....6I'11-nillL From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Friday, July 16, 2010 11:18AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Thanks Andy. I'll wait to see what George has to say on the matter before providing feedback to the Owner. From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 10:52 AM To: 'tguaId@bhengineers.com' Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building FYI From: STOUDER Matt Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 10:22 AM To: UMSIRD Andrew Cc: WALKER George Subject~: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's difficult to answer some of the questions w/o knowing what the complete scope of work is. For just the loading dock stuff and 'interior/remodel,'a scoping sheet is not needed (#1). A storm study also would not be required (#2) just for the loading dock, but again it depends upon what other work will be done in conjunction with the site plan (any repaving?). Springfield still defers to the use of the BES manual for water quality facility design since we don't have our own manual. I don't recall any specific requirements on the roof runoff, but George is better versed on that one (# 3), so I'll defer to him on this issue. Thanks, Matt From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8: 13 AM To: STOUDER Matt Subject:' FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building /' Matt: Please advise so we can provide direction to the Cabela's team. Thanks From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 9: 18 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's been a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for stormwater management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 1/1'/d-tJ1" . I , " \ 'ftq",/Z. ""% .5c..<.8J11 fr'D\.L Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues pertaining to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. . . 1. Does this trigger the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. Can you verify that the City (and/or BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? 4. Please advise on anything else you can think of that J may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7//6/Jt;IO . . . 1"/Z-Jt>6Z- ...,;; 5".... 6 f>l r'II7\ 1.- tJ 'LiMBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Friday, July 16, 2010 8:23 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Wow, Andy, this is fantastic. Great work. I know the Owner will be so pleased. I will let them know, and we'll see you on the 22"' at 2 p.m. And happy Friday to you, too! @ Have a great weekend... From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:11 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject:: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina - happy Friday! We are confirmed for 7/22 at 2pm. Thus far, the following staff have confirmed attendance: Jeff Towery, CMO; John Tamulonis, CMO; Bill Grile, DSD; Dave Puent, DSD; Tom 80yatt, PW; Jim Donovan, DSD and Matt Stouder, PW. I am awaiting responses from City Manager Gino Grimaldi and Susie Smith, PW Director. At the very least, all of thelsenior departmental representatives will be in attendance. .".';;:;". Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:37 AM To: llMSIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Andy, Are you able to confirm the meeting date and time of 7/22 at 2 p.m.? If so, can you please let me know the City Staff that will be in attendance? Thank you, Tina From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:35 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:' RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, you are correct: as a courtesy, the City already held an introductory meeting with the Cabela's and General Growth representatives for the project unveiling and to discuss some move-forward steps. That could be considered a DIM meeting for the purposes of this project. Planning subsequently determined that the development proposal triggered a minor site plan modification and provided this direction to the Cabela's project team. However, staff is concerned about the numerous questions and uncertainties that have been expressed about the approval process as evidenced by the stream of emails last week. Staff wishes to be helpful and see the project succeed, but at this point all we have seen is a preliminary sketch plan ofthe Gateway Mall showing some ofthe proposed site and building changes. Planning contends that the most effective way to address the outstanding project-specific issu~s ~ l hold a formal '1 Date Received:.-1?~ Planner: AL II . . ft2.JolZ-;;; ~&<1/.,.-.r,;1lL--- Development Issues Meeting with City staff and the Cabela's team. As you have noted, there is no requirement for this step - it is only a recommendation. If the Owners do not wish to request a formal DIM in accordance with the City's meeting process, then we recommend they submit for the minor site plan modification. I will forward your request to various City departments, but because this is a second introductory meeting I can't guarantee that any or all departments will be in attendance aside from Planning staff. To finaiize a meeting time, I propose 10:00 am on Thursday July 22"'. Please let me know if this time works for your team. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] , Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:33 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, Okay......sounds iike the Owners are going to forego having a formal DIM. Apparently, it's their perception, whether told or perceived, that the meeting they already had with the City (before the one I had with you) was able to act as the DIM. Anywho, since they will all be in town on the 7/22, they would really iike to move forward with scheduiing a meeting on that afternoon, with as many City Staff as can be available. They also requested the City Manager be present, if at all possible. Can you please confirm meeting time on the 22"' and City Staff that will be present? I know this is all very fast-track / last minute. Our team really appreciates the City's willingness to be flexible and help keep the project on schedule. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 20104:41 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: 'RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, I have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed at the meeting. Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday - whichever is more convenient- but the DIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference call could be arranged on 8/5. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and appiicant's mutual benefit, they could iisten to a CD of the meeting afterward. I would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the eariiest convenience to ensure the 8/5 date can be secured. DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 1/lb/~'" I I . . pjC.u,~ -ro Sc&>t I~L ,} To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: iRE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'UMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City' Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5th, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:, RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 22"' will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, 3 Date~eceived: 7/t,/;;oID I I Planner: AL . . 6"rtlDiZ- -ro S....6MIT'.,-AL I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $S21. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? 1 Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's emaillastFriday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner th~t Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8: 13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22,d as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, "' I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $S21. Should they make it payabie to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 4 Date Received: ""7/1' /;).0/0 I I Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew P~"it -rr; S'-'4!:-"1"""""H..- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Friday, July 16, 2010 8:17 AM 'tg uard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Hi Tina, I have forwarded your inquiry to Engineering staff for a response. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: ThiJrsday, July 15, 2010 9: 18 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's been ,a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for storm water management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues pertaining to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. 1. Does this trigger the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. Can you verify that the City (and/or BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? ,4. Please advise on any1hing else you can think of that I may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 1 Date Received:~Jd,i) Planner: AL . . "f"tt-Io/Z- -TO ~1'"T"7i'l '- L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: L1MBIRD Andrew Friday, July 16, 2010 8:13 AM STOUDER Matt FW: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Cabela's OR SPG Site Plan 100701.pdf; Cabela's OR SPG PRESENTATION 100624.pdf Matt: Please advise so we can provide direction to the Cabela's team. Thanks From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 9: 18 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Andy, It's been a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for stormwater management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues pertaining to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. 1. Does this trigger the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. Can you verify that the City (and/or BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? 4. Please advise on anything else you can think of that I may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 1 Date Received:.-:JjJ'l ;)0'" Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew I<'c~v~ 5:JLf P"'"' , From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bh~com] Thursday, July 15, 2010~ L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen RE: Gateway Cabela's ,- Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Pf2.t"1L -ro S.....S.....'""'tYA<- Hi Andy, Are you able to confirm the meeting date and time of 7/22 at 2 p.m.? If so, can you please let me know the City Staff that will be in attendance? Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:35 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, you are correct: as a courtesy, the City already held an introductory meeting with the Cabela's and General Growth representatives for the project unveiling and to discuss some move-forward steps. That could be considered a DIM meeting for the purposes of this project. Planning subsequently determined that the development proposal triggered a minor site plan modification and provided this direction to the Cabela's project team. However, staff is concerned about the numerous questions and uncertainties that have been expressed about the approval process as evidence'd by the stream of emails last week. Staff wishes to be helpful and see the' project succeed, but at this point all we have seen is a preliminary sketch plan of the Gateway Mall showing some of the proposed site and building changes. Planning,contends that the most effective way to address the outstanding project-specific issues is to hold a formal Development Issues Meeting with City staff and the Cabela's team. As you have noted, there is no requirement for this step - it is only a recommendation. If the Owners do not wish to request a formal DIM in accordance with the City's meeting process, then we recommend they submit for the minor site plan modification. I will forward your request to various City departments, but because this is a second introductory meeting I can't guarantee that any or all departments will be in attendance aside from Planning staff. To finalize a meeting time, I propose 10:00 am on Thursday July 22"', Please let me know if this time works for your team. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:33 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, Okay......sounds like the Owners are going to forego having a formal DIM. Apparently, it's their perception, whether told or perceived, that the meeting they already had with the City (before the one I had with you) was able to act as the DIM. 1 Date Received: J./n /dol() Planner: AL - / / '. . . :Ptz.t1/Z.. -ros.....&.....,.,...,;t\~ Anywho, since they will all be in town on the 7/22, they would really like to move forward with scheduling a meeting on that afternoon, with as many City Staff as can be available. They also requested the City Manager be present, if at all possible.' Can you please confirm meeting time on the 220' and City Staff that will be present? I know this is all very fast-track / last minute. Our team really appreciates the City's willingness to be flexible and help keep the project on schedule. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:41 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, I. have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed'at the I meeting.' Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday - whichever is more convenient- but the DIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference call could be,arranged on 8/S. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and applicant's mutual benefit, they could listen to a CD of the meeting afterward. J would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the earliest convenience to ensure the 8/S date can be secured. DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Mbnday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:' RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, c1a~ification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'UMBIRD Andrew' ' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August Sth, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7//6/ Jolt> / I . From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] , Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting . 1'(l.,ojL ~ S.....SMI...-.-AL Tina: It appears that July 22" will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or . 2) proceed with submittal ofthe Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal bUilding design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:, RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $521. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we ne'ed to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwa~er management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's emaillastFriday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site'vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] , Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:'RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting 3 Date Received: Planner: AL' 7/1~ /~/() I I > 'ikrr:>fZ- ~ S-<.BI'"l (-rr,4 <- Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22" as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. . . Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject:1 RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 4 Date Received: ..., II" /"J'ofD Planner: AL I I . . ~D"- -,;; S<.<.61'11-r-r....l- L1MBIRD Andrew KE-Ce:) v'Eb &:,'. 7..-fo f r>-> From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Tina Guard [tgUard@b~COm] Thursday, July 15, 201 :18 A L1MBIRD Andrew Gateway Cabala's - Added Roof to Building Cabela's OR SPG Site Plan 100701.pdf; Cabela's OR SPG PRESENTATION 100624.pdf Andy, It's been'a while since I have addressed stormwater issues in Springfield. Does the City refer completely to the Portland BES Manual for stormwater management, or does the City have their own manual? I think it's the former but want to make sure I'm doing things right and referencing the correct manual. Turns out the Cabela's developer (not the mall owner) wants to hire BHE-Civil to address the stormwater issues pertainirig to the added roof to the building (see attachment). I need to know what the City will require from us to address this added work so I can provide them with an accurate cost proposal. 1. Does this trigger. the need for us to submit the scoping sheet? 2. Will we be required to prepare a Storm Drain Study? 3. Can you verify that the City landfor BES) considers roof drainage "clean"? 4. Please advise on anything else you can think of that I may be overlooking at this time. Thank you for your guidance, Tina 1 Date Received: Planner: . AL 1 jlh /~/' I I ,.l ~ f uo&e.lQ pt$I)6u~s ~ 03.1Vl::10d'i:lOON1'll'9'.13'i:1 S,Y138't1::> ~.~ ~ ~ ':Jd,.....","l"\''''''''''''''.,..'~10 -;::::::.:: 006~1XI1 ,I""j'ud '::;:'~'''=:: -."",-" ldAdm~~;H / Z: lV' :JaUUeld 01 tTt'j '1 :pa^!aoe~ also f . . . ..- ~ A lNO M31^3~ ~Ool ~ 0 ~NIM\fHa SS3~~O~d ~t; . ! 0 . ~~ .l! ~ ..- l ! . Jd <(I A ,~ . o. 1 ! I ie! I B III! z, . 5i , 11.1 i UJ I f- en . ! ~ 0 D 0 0 0 , III il! D 111. D . . i i ! D D . i I I ! L:J I 1:0 I I I III I e" I! ! II I I ! II I . , '-' ~ ~ '-' IU ~ >. ..... +-' C lJ.J '+- o Q) > +-' c..> Q) 0.. en ..... Q) 0.. ~ o N ~ Q) c: " -, "0 OJ >-1 Qi<( o OJ ~ a::<ll n" C ,., C ro~ 00. J ~ , ~ ~ ~ '" Q ~ . Z '" <!l w (ii w 0 ffi W > !;t W zw ~ i~ .... ::>.... UJC)~u -1Z-::l ~Q~~ ::J en ...J UJ ....C)~>- uoo::O::: ~..Jw~ ~a~w (Jo-o;: 0:: 0 = w <~~z . . . 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"'... ~ n: u w Z w r2 n: " w O- r- Z al I- 1Il W C 1Il C > o ~ ~ "C w OW <( Q) Z ~ Z Z >....1 o ::t :e "(i) 4: I- ZI- W"O-=> 0 ..JZ....;:j Q)~ r2Qaili~ tr:Cl> :;ICI.I-a::- ([j I:: I- C) ...J .... ...J ....1:: ~g~z~ 11l ro .... _ - a::: 00. i: 0 0::: ffi W OWl- ~~t<j~ <C wU: '" . . . c o +-' CO > Q) LLJ ~ +-' ~ o (1) l , l , . . F'tZIO~ .,., S....e.M I-rT]l.L ct L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:50 AM 'Paul Koch' RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Friday at!9am is fine. As you may know, representatives from Cabela's also have requested a face to face meeting with City stafd:m Thursday July 220d I don't believe any specific project details will be discussed at this meeting, however. Andy From: Paul Koch (mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:46 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Kristopher Nitz; Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery Subject:' RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Do you h~ve time to do this call this Friday at 9am you time? R. Paul1iKoch Bergmey'er Associates, Inc. ,! 51 Sleep~r Street ' Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmever.com From: UMBIRD Andrew (mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:26 AM To: Paul Koch SUbject:: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review OK that sounds fine. My Friday morning is open, so if the time needs to change to accommodate their scheduling just let me know. Thanks Andy From: Paul Koch (mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:24 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy I'm trying to get Cabela's to agree on the 9am time. I will continue to discuss it with them today and will let you know if the call will occur tomorrow. Thanks for your patience. 1 Date Received: -7I/o/;)<7ID I Planner: AL ~t R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleep~r Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berQmever.com . . ~ofl.. "iO SL.<&'1I."".,-,..L , From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: W~dnesday, July 07, 2010 11:07 AM To: Paul Koch Subject:, RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Hi Paul, Friday at 9am is fine. I'll put it in my schedule and ensure I'm available to receive the call. Thanks Andy From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:49 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy We are looking at Friday 9 am your time to get on the call with a handful of people to talk through the permitting process and the step to getting the land use approval. Are you available? R. Paul;Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berqmever.com From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:20 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Staff has determined that this application can be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification, which will significantly reduce the amount of review time required - and the associated land use application fees. I am available for the remainder of today; tomorrow from about Bam-llam and 3pm-Spm (PST); Thursday J have very limited availability; Friday I am available all day. let me know what date and time works best for you. Thanks Andy limbird City of Springfield 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/"'/;)014 1 I . From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:54 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review . F~,o'<!' -,:;;. .s....6M'~L Andy Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this?, I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? R. Paul, Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleep'er Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 6 i 7 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 , www.berqmever.com From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:11 PM To: Pauli Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan:Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. 'Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected:site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions of the parking lot, driving aisles, landscap"ing and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discusse,d at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: P~ul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:45 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I 3 Date I'\eceived: Planner: AL 7/1'11 df;/z> I . . na.t" 1"- ""TO ~....8"'.-,-.,;o.L- would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I (\ look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 'I www.berqmever.com 4 Date Received: ~1/~/:k711> Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew Pi/./oiL. 10 S.......sMI-rrAL From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 13, 20104:24 PM 'Bellinger, Merlin J' RE: Minor Site Plan Modification Fee Merlin: The check can be made out to City of Springfield Finance Dept., but it would be best to specify the mailing address is Springfield Development Services Department, 22S Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. If the check somehow goes directly to Finance and bypasses Development Services it may complicate the application process. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks Andy Umbird City of Springfield From: Bellinger, Merlin J [mailto:Merlin.Bellinger@ggp.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:19 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Minor Site Plan Modification Fee Andy - I work with Bruce at GGP and have been in contact with Tina from Balzhiser & Hubbard. I'm working on getting the check for the fee cut here at our offices. We have the City of Springfield, OR set up in our system as a vendor but it is for the Finance Dept. Is it OK that the check is payable to the City of Springfield Finance Department? Can you also please verify that the mailing address is 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 974777 Thank you, Merlin J. Bellinger General Growth Properties 312-960-5567 1 Date Received: '1/,~/JBJO Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew PrZ.Iole- 10 5..<~1Yl J 'r"T.>Il.- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 13, 20104:18 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA I LRAPA Hi Tina, LRAPA advises that if the parking lot reconfiguration results in 250 or more new parking spaces, an Indirect Source Permit will be required: A supporting Air Quality Analysis may be required with the permit. If the project results in 249 or fewer parking spaces, no permit is required. LRAPA staff recommends reviewing the Air Quality Rules and Regulations, Title 20 for additional details on indirect sources (Link: http://www.lrapa.orl1./rules and rel1.ulations/title 2a-Indirect Sources.php). If you have additional questions, the contact person is Ralph Johnston, 541-736-1056 ext. 213. or email metman@llrapa.orl1.. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:49 PM To: LJMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Hi Andy, Any feedback on this item yet? Thank you, Tina From: LJMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:43 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Hi Tina, I'don't have a quick answer to this one, so I'll have to get back to you after contacting LRAPA for more details. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:38 PM To: LJMBIRD Andrew Subject:, Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Andy, From our recent meeting, I understand a TIA will not be required; however, I'm wondering if any LRAPA issues will be triggered. It's my understanding that if we add 250 or more parking spaces, we trigger the need for an Air Quality Analysis; however, perhaps since it's a mall and the parking already exceeds 250 spaces, this issue was addressed long ago? Any insight you can offer would be great. Thank you, 7T"A. 1 Date Received' Planner: A.L . 7 In /rlolD I I . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'fIZ.Jo/2... 7D S<...&Mr"T'-r;>,L From: Sent: To: Subject: Bellinger, Merlin J [Merlin.Bellinger@ggp.com] Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:19 PM L1MBIRD Andrew Minor Site Plan Modification Fee Andy - I work with Bruce at GGP and have been in contact with Tina from Balzhiser & Hubbard. I'm working on getting the check for the fee cut here at our offices. We have the City of Springfield, OR set up in our system as a vendor but it is for the Finance Dept. Is it OK that the check is payable to the City of Springfield Finance Department? Can you also please verify that the mailing address is 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477? Thank you, Merlin J. ~ellinger General Growth Properties 312-960-5567 1 Date Heceived: 7 /13/~/o PI A (I . anner: L . . '. L1MBIRD Andrew rtz-/Z... to <!><-<I$tvI 1"Ti7IL- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: GRILE Bill Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1 :58 PM L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James; SMITH Susan RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy: I agree with you completely. Completely. If my message was not clear... it needs to be. The PR "feel good" meetings can be handled well by CMO. 8y co-mingling the "feel good" purpose with exposure to technical folks ... we allowed the Cabela team to deviate from our normal procedure (which was NOT your fault or others on our technical team) and that really didn't do us or Cabela's a favor in terms of great service. One thing Susie and I are in' full agreement about is that these sorts of things need to be funneled into DIMs when technical questions are presented. In this case, Gino disagreed and that is his prerogative. I'm only pointing out for Gino's benefit that this is why Susie and I are united in getting these sorts of things into DIMs when technical folks are to be involved. You're doing a super job with this. Thanks for the feedback. ... 8ill From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:43 AM To: GRILE Bill Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Bill: In defense of Planning, Building, Fire and PW technical staff that attended the "all hands on deck" introductory meeting, any perceived complications with this project is almost certainly due to multiple layers of project responsibilities by disparate members the Cabela's and General Growth group. The Boston architect, Salt Lake City corporate landlord, Nebraska tenant, and local engineer do not seem to be presenting a unified, cohesive approach to this project. Our staff did the initial introductory meeting pro bono as a courtesy, but, as is usually the case, no good deed goes unpunished. They have received clear and consistent direction regarding "next steps" for this project, but apparently this has not created a comfort level for their project team. Planning is certainly prepared to meet with them, but I'm not sure what a second introductory meeting will resolve since they have opted to not have technical staff present to answer project-specific questions. Just my thoughts. Andy From: GRILE Bill Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:26 AM To: GRIMALDI Gino Cc: TOWERY Jeffrey; SMITH Susan; TAMULONIS John; PUENT David; LIMBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Importance: High Gino: Heads up. The City Manager's attendance on 7/22 is being requested. There has been considerable string of emails about the project from its development team after the "get acquainted" meeting held a few weeks ago. think we can take a lesson from the approach we used for that meeting - having technical folks at it - as it 1 Date Received:--1f'~'" Planner: AL - . . 1'J!Jl>1<!.. --ro S<e->1/-rr74 L fueled some assumptions/presumptions on the development team's approach about how the City's review process works that have not helped make this redevelopment work as smoothly as we'd all like or that it should. The get acquainted meeting would have been better with just the City Manager and John Tamulonis at the table... or possibly adding Susie and me but not technical staff - and could have caused the deve!opment team to feel good and understand the best way to get them quickly to "yes." The best thing Cabela's needs to do is schedule a formal DIM and proceed with "one voice" asking questions of us in our structured established process. This need not be a difficult or challenging review, but Cabela's team is '11aking it more complicated than necessary. Depending on whether or not I attend the LCDC meeting in Salem that morning, I may sit in on the 7/22 Cabela's meeting simply to ~how the flag, etc. This is definitely a high profile development. ... Bill From: DONOVAN James Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:51 AM To: TOWERY Jeffrey; TAMULONIS John; GRILE Bill Cc: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: PN: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting FYI Gents, The process discussion continues with multiple people on the Cabela's team. I think we are on the right track here, which is to get our applican't into a formal process for the technical issues asap. Their options are either a formal DIM with some long awaited plans to answer truck dock design issues....or submit the Type I Modification app and we can catch stuff on the review. The Type I mod was the fastest review process but it is a double edged sword for us, because there is no required Pre-Submittal completeness process. We will make a formal DIM happen with customer service and adequate review time in mind! JD From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:35 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, you are c~rrect: as a courtesy, the City already held an introductory meeting with the Cabela's and General Growth representatives for the project unveiling and to discuss some move-forward steps. That could be considered a DIM meeting for the purposes of this project.. Planning subsequently determined that the development proposal triggered a minor site plan modification and provided this direction to the Cabela's project team, However, staff is concerned about the numerous questions and uncertainties that have been expressed about the approval process as evidenced by the stream of emails las(week. Staff wishes to be helpful and see the project succeed, but at this point all we have seen is a preliminary sketch plan of the Gateway Mall showing some of the proposed site and building changes. Planning contends that the most effective way to address the outstanding project-specific issues is to hold a formal Development Issues Meeting with City staff and the Cabela's team. As you have noted, there is no requirement for this step - it is only a recommendation. If the Owners do not wish to request a formal DIM in accordance with the City's meeting process, then we recommend they submit for the minor site plan modification. 2 Date. Received:_Y!--..,o Planner: AL " . . 'FJ4.,,e. tD S\..<.SM tTi;2lL , I will forward your request to various City departments, but because this is a second introductory meeting I can't guarantee that any or all departments will be in attendance aside from Planning staff. To finalize a meeting time, I propose 10:00 am on Thursday July 22"'. Please let me know if this time works for your team. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] . Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:33 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, OkaYnnnsounds like the Owners are going to forego having a formal DIM. Apparently, it's their perception, whether told or perceived, that the meeting they already had with the City (before the one I had with you) was able to act as the DIM. Anywho, since they will all be in town on the 7/22, they would really like to move forward with scheduling a meeting on that afternoon, with as many City Staff as can be available. [r!teyals.6 i'equested,thBITtv,Managerbepresehfljf'iEiu possible.! [emphasis added by Grile] Can you please . ~nfirm meeting time on the 22"d-;;dCity St;-ff that ""iiibe present? I know this is all very fast-track / last minute. Our team really appreciates the City's willingness to be flexible and help keep the project on schedule. Thank you, Tina From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:41 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, I have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed at the meeting. Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday- whichever is more convenient - but the DIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. . Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference call could be arranged on 8/5. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and applicant's mutual benefit, they could listen to a CD of the meeting afterward. I would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the earliest convenience to ensure the 8/5 date can be secured. DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy 3 Date !f{eceived: 7!~~~o Planner: AL . . f'fl-ld-. 10 sul!l'1 I'-'-A L , From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'LlMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5'h, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 220' will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5'"); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew . Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting 4 Date Received:..J/~,6..lo Planner: AL . . PltIolt -co ~""'61'\ 11'"T:4'-- Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $S21. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's emaillast Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the 'earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22" as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $S21. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 5 Date Received:Jf)~/" Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew Pl40iL ~ 5..B.... ,..r~L- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:32 PM. . 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA I LRAPA Hi Tina, for clarification will the project add over 250 new parking spaces, or are 250+ parking spaces affected by relocation/reorientation of the driving aisles and islands? Initially, I thought this question might get addressed through a DIM meeting, but since this isn't happening I'll contact our lRAPA representative and see ifthey have any comments on this issue. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] . Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:49 PM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Hi Andy, Any feedback on this item yet? Thank you, Tina From: l,lMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08,2010 3:43 PM To: 'tgu~rd@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Hi Tina, I don't have a quick answer to this one, so I'll have to get back to you after contacting lRAPA for more details. Thanks' Andy From: TIna Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] " Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:38 PM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Subject; Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Andy, From our recent meeting, I understand a TIA will not be required; however, I'm wondering if any lRAPA issues will be triggered. It's my understanding that if we add 250 or more parking spaces, we trigger the need for an Air Quality Analysis;' however, perhaps since it's a mall and the parking already exceeds 250 spaces, this issue was addressed long ago? Any insight you can offer would be great. Thank y()u, Tina 1 .,. ":~~~e'lved'f/>/~ ~....~,:,-;.I ~ ,.....\.1 . . .... " Planner: AL / . . L1MBIRD Andrew 71Z./olZ. -jQ So.te.+!t"'-,-At..- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1 :09 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabela's - Site Review fee payable to? Hi Tina, the fees are payable to the City of Springfield. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com) Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:52 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew SUbject: Gateway Cabela's - Site Review fee payable to? Andy, Can you please confirm the payee of the Site Review check? City of Springfield? .....Public Works? Thank you, Tina 1 ";":,,,ceived' 7/;3/~/" Planner: AL . I 7 . . '. LIMBIRD Andrew 1'12.1 0 ~ -;e; Su6M I,-r,/\ L From: Sent: To: Subject: GRILE Bill Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:28 AM DONOVAN James; L1MBIRD Andrew FW: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Importance: High Please put this on my calendar once it is confirmed. Thanks. ...8ill From: GRILE Bill Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:26 AM To: GRIMALDI Gino Cc: TOWERY Jeffrey; SMITH Susan; TAMULONIS John; PUENT David; UMBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Importance: High Gino: Heads up. The City Manager's attendance on 7/22 is being requested. There has been considerable string of em ails about the project from its development team after the "get acquainted" meeting held a few weeks ago. I think we can take a lesson from the approach we used for that meeting - having technical folks at it - as it fueled some assumptions/presumptions on the development team's approach about how the City's review process works that have not helped make this redevelopment work as smoothly as we'd all like or that it should. The get acquainted meeting would have been better with just the City Manager and John Tamulonis at the table ... or possibly adding Susie and me but not technical staff - and could have caused the development team to feel good and understand the best way to get them quickly to "yes." The best thing Cabela's needs to do is schedule a formal DIM and proceed with "one voice" asking questions of us in our structured established process. This need not be a difficult or challenging review, but Cabela's team is making it more complicated than necessary. Depending on whether or not I attend the LCDC meeting in Salem that morning, I may sit in on the 7/22 Cabela's meeting simply to show the flag, etc. This is definitely a high profile development. ... Bill From: DONOVAN James Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:51 AM To: TOWERY Jeffrey; TAMULONIS John; GRILE Bill Cc: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting FYI Gents, The process discussion continues with multiple people on the Cabela's team. I think we are on the right track here, which is to get our applicant into a formal process for the technical issues asap. Their options are either a formal DIM with some long awaited plans to answer truck dock design issues....or submit the Type I Modification app and we can catch stuff on the review. The Type I mod was the fastest review process but it is a double edged sword for us, because there is no required Pre-Submittal completeness process. 1 Date Received:-7}1J<>'o Planner: AL . . ?'(l.wl.. -r.; S....(5I\1I"'T"1""A L We will make a formal DIM happen with customer service and adequate review time in mind! JD From: IJMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:35 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, you are correct: as a courtesy, the City already held an introductory meeting with the Cabela's and General Growth representatives for the project unveiling and to discuss some move-forward steps. That could be considered a DIM meeting for the purposes of this project: Planning subsequently determined that the development proposal triggered a minor site plan modification and provided this direction to the Cabela's project team. However, staff is concerned about the numerous questions and uncertainties that have been expressed about the approval process as evidenced by the stream of emails last week. Staff wishes to be helpful and see the project succeed, but at this point all we have seen is a preliminary sketch plan of the Gateway Mall showing some of the proposed site and building changes. Planning contends that the most effective way to address the outstanding project-specific issues is to hold a formal Development Issues Meeting with City staff' and the Cabela's team. As you have noted, there is no requirement for this step - it is only a recommendation. If the Owners do not wish to request a formal DIM in accordance with the City's meeting process, then we recommend they submit for the minor site plan modification. I will forward your request to various City departments, but because this is a second introductory meeting I can't guarantee that any or all departments will be in attendance aside from Planning staff. To finalize a meeting time, I propose 10:00 am on Thursday July 22". Please let me know if this time works for your team. Thanks Andy F;rom: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:33 AM To: IJMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, Okay......sounds like the Owners are going to forego having a formal DIM. Apparently, it's their perception, whether told or perceived, that the meeting they already had with the City (before the one I had with you) was able to act as the DIM. Anywho, since they will all be in town on the 7/22, they would really like to move forward with scheduling a " -"~'''''''"''''"'"''~_r~'~_~ meeting on that afternoon, with as many City Staff as can be available. iThey also requested the City Manag~ ""'~'~~~-=:~~7~JY2~",-W'"'="'1 ~~ ._-~ .-----~-~- oe'preserif,"ifatallp'ossible. [emphasis added by Grilel Can you please confirm meeting time on the 22" and --., ." '~~''-'"~-'--'----'"'"''' City Staff that will be present? I know this is all very fast-track / last minute. Our team really appreciates the City's willingness to be flexible and help keep the project on schedule. Thank you, Tina 2 Date neceived:-"?}~D _ Planner: AL . From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfleJd.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:41 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting . "P/z'/olL ~ S....~M 1.....,-;l\ L Hi Tina, I have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed at the meeting. Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday - whichever is more convenient - but the DIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference c'all could be arranged on 8/5. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and applicant's mutual benefit, they could listen to a CD of the meeting afterward. I would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the earliest convenience to ensure the 8/5 date can be secured. DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'UMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5th, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forwar'd the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfleld.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears thatJuly 220d will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been adVised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the 3 Date r'{eceived: 7/,3jdcIO Planner: AL . Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues th would not be addressed at that meeting. . ~",e. -r;; S.....61'1 ~L t require input from Building and Engineering staff- There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $521. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's emaillast Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8: 13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22" as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any SCheduling complications we'll let you know. 4 Date f~eceived: 1/'J./,;.p,,, Planner: AL f Andy . . , 1'~1Z- to 5.....6i>1I~L From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE:Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they . make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 5 L,;,(;.I r,<eceived:_~~/o Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew 7'fZJolL 70 So.<6I'7/-r"77lL- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: DONOVAN James Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:51 AM TOWERY Jeffrey; TAMULONIS John; GRILE Bill L1MBIRD Andrew FW: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting FYI Gents, The process discussion continues with multiple people on the Cabela's team. I think we are on the right track here, which is to get our applicant into a formal process for the technical issues asap. Their options are either a formal DIM with some long awaited plans to answer truck dock design issues....or submit the Type I Modification app and we can catch stuff on the review. The Type I mod was the fastest review process but it is a double edged sword for us, because there is no required Pre-Submittal completeness process. We will make a formal DIM happen with customer seNice and adequate review time in mind! JD From: UMBIRD Andrew " Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:3S AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, you are correct: as a courtesy, the City already held an introductory meeting with the Cabela's and General Growth representatives for the project unveiling and to discuss some move-forward steps. That could be considered a DIM meeting for the purposes of this project. Planning subsequently determined that the development proposal triggered a minor site plan modification and provided this direction to the Cabela's project team. However, staff is concerned about the numerous questions and uncertainties that have been expressed about the approval process as evidenced by the stream of emails last week. Staff wishes to be helpful and see the project succeed, but at this point all we have seen is a preliminary sketch plan of the Gateway Mall showing some of the proposed site and building changes. Planning contends that the most effective way to address the outstanding project-specific issues is to hold a formal Development Issues Meeting with City staff and the Cabela's team. As you have noted, there is no requirement for this step - itis only a recommendation. Ifthe Owners do not wish to request a formal DIM in accordance with the City's meeting process, then we recommend they submit for the minor site plan modification. I will forward your request to various City departments, but because this is a second introductory meeting I can't guarantee that any or all departments will be in attendance aside from Planning staff. To finalize a meeting time, I propose'10:00 am on Thursday July 22"'. Please let me know if this time works for your team.' Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:33 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DOI'IOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subjed: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, 1 . . 'FP-iofl. 7D SW.6M/"T/AL- Okay......sounds like the Owners are going to forego having a formal DIM. Apparently, it's their perception, whether told or perceived, that the meeting they already had with the City (before the one I had with you) was able to act as the DIM. Anywho, ,since they will all be in town on the 7/22, they would really like to move forward with scheduling a meeting on that afternoon, with as many City Staff as can be available. They also requested the City Manager be present, if at all possible. Can you please confirm meeting time on the 220' and City Staff that will be present? I know this is all very fast-track / last minute. Our team really appreciates the City's willingness to be flexible and help keep the project on schedule. , Thank you, Tina From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] . Sent: Monday, July 12, 20104:41 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, I have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed at the meeting: Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday - whichever is more convenient- but the ElIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference call could be arranged on 8/5. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and applicant's mutual benefit, they could listen to a CD of the meeting afterward. I would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the earliest convenience to ensure the 8/5 date can be secured. DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'llMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5'h, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, 2 . . 'PM /Z- -10 :S'"<-<.aM 1-r"T-'l L- '. Tina From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 22" will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5'h); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets ofthe project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen SUbject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $521. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we n!;ed to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required; so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's email last Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building , modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8: 13 AM }' To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' 3 " . Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting . PI<J,f!. -1D S"le;1'1 /'1"""f;Z\ L Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22" as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. Ifthere are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard (mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 20104:30 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-g'roup is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $S21. Should they make it payable to City of S'pringfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 4 '. . . ., L1MBIRD Andrew f'ft-Io /Z. .,. s.. bit n-r;tI '- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:35 AM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, you are correct: as a courtesy, the City already held an introductory meeting with the Cabela's and General Growth representatives for the project unveiling and to discuss some move-forward steps. That could be considered a DIM meeting for the purposes of this project. Planning subsequently determined that the development proposal . triggered a minor site plan modification and provided this direction to the Cabela's project team. However, staff is concerned about th'e numerous questions and uncertainties that have been expressed about the approval process as evidenced by the stream of emails last week. Staff wishes to be helpful and see the project succeed, but at this point all we havelseen is a preliminary sketch plan ofthe Gateway Mall showing some of the proposed site and building changes. Planning contends that the most effective way to address the outstanding project-specific issues is to hold a formal Development Issues Meeting with City staff and the Cabela's team. As you have noted, there is no requirement for this step - it is only a recommendation. If the Owners do not wish to request a formal DIM in accordance with the City's meeting process, then we recommend they submit for the minor site plan modification. I will forward your request to various City departments, but because this is a second introductory meeting I can't guarantee that any or all departments will be in attendance aside from Planning staff. To finalize a meeting time, I propose 'W:OO am on Thursday July 22"d. Please let me know if this time works for your team. Thanks Andy From: Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:33 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, Okay......'sounds like the Owners are going to forego having a formal DIM. Apparently, it's their perception, whether told or perceived, that the meeting they already had with the City (before the one I had with you) was able to act as the DIM. Anywho;;since they will all be in town on the 7/22, they would really like to move forward with scheduling a meeting on that afternoon, with as many City Staff as can be available. They also requested the City Manager be present, if at all possible. Can you please confirm meeting time on the 22"d and City Staff that will be present? I I know this is all very fast-track / last minute. Our team really appreciates the City's willingness to be flexible and help keep the' project on schedule. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:41 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject.: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 1/tJ/Jt>liJ / I . . P/2..l01/... -ro S.....~/-r'1;ilL- .l Hi Tina, I :have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed at the meeting" Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday - whichever is more convenient- but the DIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference call could be arranged on 8/5. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and applicant's mutual benefit, they could listen to a CD of the meeting afterward. I would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the earliest convenience to ensure the 8/5 date can be secured., DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'UMElIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is-the option of August 5th, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Mdnday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It a~pears that July 22"d will not be a workable d~y for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific f!roject details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7h!Jo/~ / / . . FRioli1 ID S<6"II~L- 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $521. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's email last Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc:DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible!time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22"' as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questio~s, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 20104:30 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting 3 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/5/,).../' / Andy, . . 'P.e.~ .,.. S<6t'l rr-r:z\L.- i I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 4 Dati;\ Received: 7ftJ/Jo/u Planner: AL I / . . \ r~ofl.. -re. :;..... ~ r-T"'P'lL-- 'UMBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, July 12, 20104:41 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, I have been advised that the morning of 7/23 is not feasible for the other departmental staff needed at the meeting: Planning staff can arrange to meet with the Owners on Thursday or Friday - whichever is more convenient- but the DIM will have to be held at a different time to ensure full representation by various City departments. Please be aware that the Owners do not have to be in physical attendance at the DIM meeting, so a conference call could be arranged on 8/5. Alternatively, since the DIM meetings are recorded for the City's and applicant's mutual benefit, they could listen to a CD of the meeting afterward. ' I would still encourage you to submit the DIM application at the earliest convenience to ensure the 8/5 date can be secured., DIM meetings are typically scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and approximately 3 weeks out, so a delay in submitting the questions could mean an 8/12 or later meeting time. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Ml;mday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'UMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject:' RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5th, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tgu~rd@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City .Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 22"' will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore 1 Date Received: 7/;J-!)t?/o . { / Planner: AL \. . . 'PTZio/Z. -w 5..SMlo-r;!lL.- unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be .addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's projeCt team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land. use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject~ RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will getithe questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $S21. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required; so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no storm water management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's email last Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela'sbuilding development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina , From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22"' as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted question~, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7 /, ~/ ?<1" I / . . 11l.lf)~ Ii7 $"><8 r>t ,..,-,;a L From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.comj Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject:. RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 3 Date Received: 7ftJj~lo Planner: AL / . . 1\ 'L1MBiRDAndrew 71z:.(~ ,;' 5w6"'1I-r"7'A L- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: DONOVAN James Monday, July 12, 20104:13 PM L1MBIRD Andrew LAFLEUR Karen RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting I still don't think staff has adequate time to prepare given we don't know when the app arrives this week and staff is in training half of next week. I would suggest they meet with corp, finalize their team structure and then prep the application and get it in on the 23'" . JD From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:09 PM To: LAFLEUR Karen Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: PN: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Any thoughts on this request? We still don't have an application and I don't know the timing for the Accela training for PW and Building... From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'LIMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5th, but since the Owner has asked, I need to forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfjeld.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DOt'!OVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 22" will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore 1 Date Received: 7 j, ~h~/o Planner: AL / . . "'R4o~ -;;; :S'.....8t'1...-n?lL... (\ unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The land, use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $521. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's email last Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner th'at Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. I Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 B:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject:' RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest pOSSible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22"' as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions; but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7fJ.-/~/O / . . 7t:l.D#Z. -% S<--St>? , ~L- ,\ . From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: DON'OVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina I 3 Date Received:-4.tJ."d Planner: AL I \ , . . L1MBIRb Andrew Tl40f2. -,;; ~ 1-r't7ll-- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, July 12, 20104:09 PM LAFLEUR Karen DONOVAN James FW: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Any thoughts on this request? We still don't have an application and I don't know the timing for the Accela training for PW and Building... From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:06 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, clarification: 7/23 at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.......as early as possible. Thank you. _.~---- \ From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: M6nday, July 12, 2010 4:04 PM To: 'UMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James'; 'LAFLEUR Karen' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Ow~er has asked for me to check on the availability of City Staff on 7/23 for the DIM. Would this be an option? (Noted is the option of August 5th, but since the Owner has asked, I need to'forward the request about 7/23 to you.) Thank you, Tina ' From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 22" will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. , There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. 1 Date Received: 7/YJdIO Planner: AL \ . . . "PIZ.k>1L 10 S.....6M/"T"Pl'- The land use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the questions that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard (mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $S21. Who do-they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no storm water management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's email last Friday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew (mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the D'IM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 220' as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard (mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, 2 Date Received: i~~/O Planner: AL , , . . ?fZ.Jo(2.. .,-0 .s<-<ShI'"7"""lJI L I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 3 Date Received: Planner: AL rJ./~'D I . . L1MBIRD Andrew ::ftJr#. -TO ~&1I-rTAL. From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, July 12, 2010 2:28 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabela's - covered loading dock Thanks Tina. My understanding is the requirement for hydraulic isolation also necessitates preventing "clean" surface runoff or rainfall from entering the sanitary drain. In the absence of a cover, too much runoff might be captured by the loading dock sanitary drain instead of being routed to the stormwater system. A surcharge of stormwater in the sanitary system is not desirable from the City's perspective, especially if it can be avoided through loading dock design elements. I will defer to the staff engineer assigned to this project for a more satisfactory explanation, but this is my best guess. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 1:43 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Andy, In reviewing 4.6 of the 8ES, I'm not readily seeing the cover requirement for loading docks. Since the area needs to be hydraulically isolated and directed to sanitary sewer, is it then Building Code that triggers the cover requirement? It seems the cover requirement pertains only to "Equipment and/or Vehicle Washing Facilities", but perhaps I'm just missing something. I have attached a copy of the BES for your convenience. Thank you, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:37 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Hi Tina, we will examine the proposed Cabela's loading dock as a separate and discreet matter, and I would note the Kohl's was approved prior to a comprehensive Springfield Development Code update (September 200S) and revisions to the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (April 2006). Changes to these documents have incorporated evolving state and federal "clean water" legislation, so that could explain the discrepancy. For clarification, the covering only has to extend across the actual loading dock/truck interface not the entire truck and trailer assembly, if that is an issue. Areas where loaded/unloaded materials could spill are to be covered and hydraulically isolated, and piped to the sanitary sewer (as we discussed briefly in our meeting last week). The City references the Portland BES Storm water Management Manual for material transfer areas and loading docks, so this will be the standard used for evaluating the proposed design. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:25 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: . Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock 1 Data Received: Planner: AL 1/;;./ Jp,,, f I ~ " i~ . . Andy, ~fl.. IC> 5"'~MI,-,;;llL- The Owners have been pushing back on the requirement to cover the loading dock, based on the fact that the Kohl's loading .dock was not required to be covered. I wasn't involved in the Kohl's project, so I'm not aware of any nuances that existed on that project; however, I've been told that the Kohl's loading dock is depressed, as the Cabela's loading dock will be. Can you offer some insight on this and let me know if there is any way around the covering requirement? Thank you, Tina L Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical- Electrical- Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/n/J.olu I I I i . . L1MBIRD Andrew r~lolZ- """TO s.A.fY"l,.,-,;:>jL- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Monday, July 12, 2010 11:35 AM L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, Thank you for this quick feedback. J'II coordinate with the Owner and let you know their preference ASAP. Thanks again, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:30 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject; RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: It appears that July 22"' will not be a workable day for an effective DIM meeting. I have been advised that Building and Public Works Engineering staff will be otherwise engaged in departmental training sessions, and therefore unavailable to attend that day. Planning staff would be available for an introductory meeting with the Owners, but specific project details - particularly issues that require input from Building and Engineering staff - would not be addressed at that meeting. There are at least two ways the Cabela's project team could proceed: 1) submit for the Development Issues Meeting anyway and have it scheduled for the next available regular meeting date (probably August 5th); or . 2) proceed with submittal of the Minor Site Plan Modification and address site design issues through the land use decision. The landi,use decision would be focused specifically on the site modification issues and not the internal building design and permitting issues. However, a DIM could address either or both of these facets of the project depending on the question's that are submitted. If you have any questions about the DIM process please let me know. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 10:55 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I will get the questions and fee to you ASAP. I know the Owner is already in-process of getting a check cut for $521. Who do they need to make it payable to......City of Springfield? 1 Daie Received: Planner: AL 7/n/J<J'c / / I . . ~~ 10 S<&>7/-rT.llL Do we need to include questions that were seemingly resolved in our first meeting? Things like no tree felling permit required, so long as we replace any removed trees; no stormwater management scoping sheet required and no stormwater management issues to address unless we need a new inlet. Please advise. Also, from JD's emaillastFriday, it seems like this DIM needs to/should address the Cabela's building development, as well as the site development, even though we have separate design teams. Can you confirm? Our preference is to address the site vs. building issues separately since we have separate.design teams. It's my understanding from the mall owner that Cabela's will be responsible for all elements, including coordination with the City, due to their building modifications. Please advise. Thank you, Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 22"d as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: DO~OVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/1J./~/O I I . . L1MBIRD Andrew 7/ZiolZ.. -r.; S"....sM '"T"'?""AL- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: lIMBIRD Andrew Monday, July 12, 2010 8:13 AM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' DONOVAN James; LAFLEUR Karen RE: Gateway Cabela's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina: I recommend submitting the questions to be discussed at the meeting, application form and fees at the earliest possible time. We will discuss the timing for the DIM internally and endeavor to schedule the meeting on the 220d as requested. The compressed schedule doesn't provide staff much time to prepare necessary responses to the submitted questions, but because we had a previous introductory meeting there is some familiarity with the project already so it should be fairly straightforward. If there are any scheduling complications we'll let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM' To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina 1 Date Received: '1/;;"/~/Q I I Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'Rl.Jof/.. ,;; 5....8 M l-r'T.Ol L- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: DONOVAN James Friday, July 09, 2010 5:0B PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' L1MBIRD Andrew; LAFLEUR Karen; GRILE Bill RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Tina, Thanks for the follow up, I will forward on the request to my admin staff and try to reserVe a time on the nn'! We should know early Monday whether we can confirm the date. The only other thing I would add is that we will need a prioritized list of the questions from your team asap. Based on the number of players on your team I will want to discuss the topic of identifying a primary contact person, or better yet a project manager for the Cabela's team with whom Andy can communicate directly and routinely through conference calls after the DIM. I think you and your firm are the logical choice but I will leave that up to the applicant. With so many players in so many places I think it will serve us all to set up a communication structure and schedule to see this thing thru to the earliest possible success! (Bow season.... and if not, certainly by bird season! Oops, is my camouflage showing?) Have an outdoor weekend and we will talk Monday! Regards, JD James P.. Donovan, Supervisor Springfield Urban Planning Division Phone- 541-726-3660/ Fax-726-3689 jdonova n@ci.springfield.or.us From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:30 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. ' Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:17 PM To: 'llMBIRD Andrew' 1 Date Received: 7/0/#/0 Planner: AL \. Cc: 'DONOVAN James' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting . . ~ojL -r;; s../3.tI,"T"r.\'- Thanks Andy. I'll forward these emails to the Owner and see what they want to do. At this point, I agree with you that a , , DIM is a good idea, and will share this with the Owner. From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July DB, 2010 4: 12 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject:,RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Based on .this information, I would recommend they submit for a Development Issues Meeting to resolve various outstanding issues and concerns. From the series of emails that we have been exchanging, it appears there are lots of questions about the project design and review requirements. The Owners and project team could benefit from submitting the questions through a Development Issues Meeting application and receiving a formal response from staff. Possible questions could include the possible need for Air Quality Analysis and a DWP application/loading dock requirements, etc. This would probably be the most effective way to discuss all the outstanding concerns and questions facing th~ Cabela's project team right now. If necessary, we can try to expedite the meeting to maintain a reasonable timetable for the permitting process. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July DB, 2010 3:34 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has said at least one purpose of the meeting is to resolve the loading dock issue (although, we're hoping to have that answer right away so we can move forward quickly with our design) and the need for Site Plan Review and the associated process. I can get more info from the Owner, if need be, but this is alii know, at this point. Thanks, 'Tina From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July DB, 2010 3: 17 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, if the purpose of the informal meeting on 7/22 is for general introductions ofthe Cabela's project team and their corporate representatives, I would be pleased to make the necessary arrangements on our end. Among others, the City's Economic Development Manager probably would attend this meeting. If the intent is to discuss specific project details (such as the loading dock issue), I am reluctant to set up a meeting between City staff and the corporate representatives of Cabela's, General Growth Properties, and others on their project team because - aside from me - no one has been assigned to this project yet. Staff assignments are typically done by the various divisional supervisors responsible for Planning, Building, Engineering, and Transportation upon receipt of a 2 Date, Neceived: Planner: AL 7 t J.-/ ;}-ol' I I . . f'l1..IoiL "ld S-<ElM rrTlIL- site plan submittal. While some general questions about the site modifications have been answered, at this point no one from Public Works Engineering, Transportation, or Building is actively engaged in this proposed project. , . Please let me know what the expectations are for this meeting and we can respond accordingly. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:23 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owners are coming in from Chicago and San Francisco on Thursday, 7/22. Can you please set up a meeting with pertinent City Staff for the afternoon of 7/227 Hopefully, everyone can be available within this timeframe. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard EnQineers Mechanical:. Electrical. Civil. Energy - Lighting. Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 Wesl13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 r 3 Date. Received: Planner: Al 7tJ.-/J'J/6 I I 't . . f'lZIOiL. 10 5o-f~ rn;lI L- LIMBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Friday, July 09, 20104:30 PM L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, I have received the go-ahead to set-up the DIM. Can we please schedule it for Thursday afternoon on 7/22, while the Owner-group is in town? General Growth is in-process of cutting the check for $521. Should they make it payable to City of Springfield? Please confirm. Anything else I need to do to facilitate setting up this meeting? Thank you, Tina From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4: 17 PM To: 'LlMBIRD Andrew' Cc: 'DONOVAN James' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Thanks Andy. I'll forward these emails to the Owner and see what they want to do. At this point, I agree with you that a DIM is a good idea, and will share this with the Owner.. ' From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4: 12 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's ,- Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Based on this information, I would recommend they submit for a Development Issues Meeting to resolve various' outstanding issues and concerns. From the series of emails that we have been exchanging, it appears there are lots of questions about the project design and review requirements. The Owners and project team could benefit from submitting the questions through a Development Issues Meeting application and receiving a formal response from staff. Possible questions could include the possible need for Air Quality Analysis and a DWP application, loading dock requirements, etc. This would probably be the most effective way to discuss all the outstanding concerns and questions facing the Cabela's project team right now. If necessary, we can try to expedite the meeting to maintain a reasonable timetable for the permitting process. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:34 PM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/"-/~/d , I \ '. 'P1Z-i<11L 10 S<-<.SI'I IT'"17'lL- The Owner has said at least one purpose of the meeting is to resolve the loading dock issue (although, we're hoping to have that answer right away so we can move forward quickly with our design) and the need for Site Plan Review and the associated process. I can get more info from the Owner, if need be, but this is alii know, at this point. . . Thanks, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July DB, 2010 3:17 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, if the purpose of the informal meeting on 7/22 is for general introductions of the Cabela's project team and their corporate representatives, I would be pleased to make the necessary arrangements on our end. Among others, the City's Economic Development Manager probably would attend this meeting. If the intent is to discuss specific project details (such as the loading dock issue), I am reluctant to set up a meeting between City staff and the corporate representatives of Cabela's, General Growth Properties, and others on their project team because - aside from me - no one has been assigned to this project yet. Staff assignments are typically done by the various divisional supervisors responsible for Planning, Building, Engineering, and Transportation upon receipt of a site plan:submittal. While some general questions about the site modifications have been answered, at this point no one from Public Works Engineering, Transportation, or Building is actively engaged in this proposed project. Please let me know what the expectations are for this meeting and we can respond accordingly. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July DB, 2010 2:23 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owners are coming in from Chicago and San Francisco on Thursday, 7/22. Can you please set up a meeting with pertinent City Staff for the afternoon of 7/22? Hopefully, everyone can be available within this timeframe. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanica.l- Electrical- Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date Received: 1/I2J'U>/o Planner: AL / I . . - UMBIRD Andrew "'AIt.,,,,,,- -rO ",...6-Ot l-r"rA<- from: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: GRILE Bill Friday, July 09, 2010 3:13 PM DONOVAN James; L1MBIRD Andrew SMITH Susan; GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; PUENT David RE: DIM Justification Good grief! I concur. I'm sure PW and FLS will as well. Where's Ron Glover when we need him? (That single point of contact. @ Thanks. ... Bill From: DONOVAN James Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 8:50 AM To: GRJLE Bill Cc: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject: FW: DIM Justification BG, I'endorsed Andy's observation that another DIM is warranted based on the feedback below. We are into the technical issues now and it seems a DIM meeting for these technical application questions is warranted for 2 reasons: 1) We have tried to hold the review process to a Type 1, the downside of which is there is no required pre-submittal which is where these issues are normally addressed, 2) One thing that has apparently not sunk in from the initial meet and greet is the necessity for them to have an organized development team and a project manager (ie a single point of contact). We are now getting bombarded with questions from corporate, architect, local engineers, etc. If I have to, I will meet with corporate reps and project management will be the focus ofthe meeting, JD From: 11MBIRD Andrew Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:45 PM To: DONOVAN James Subject: DIM Justification Just in case you face any questions from the corner office about requiring Cabela's to submit for a DIM, here are just a few of the questions that I've fielded just in the last few hours. I think a DIM is justified in this case... Andy, Can you confirm which survey control/datum we'll need to tie the survey to? Section 11.08 revised in 2010 differs from the EDSP 2006 verbiage. We assume the 2010 dictates, but want to make sure we're meeting Springfield's standards. Andy, The Owners are coming in from Chicago and San Francisco on Thursday, 7/22. Can you please set up a meeting with pertinent City Staff for the afternoon of 7/22? Hopefully, everyone can be available within this timeframe. 1 O!ilte ii{eceived; i7/~/O PI{:lnner: AL . . Andy, ~o(L "/0 SA.l!5M ~ The Owners have been pushing back on the requirement to cover the loading dock, based on the fact that the Kohl's loading dock was not required to be covered. I wasn't involved in the Kohl's project, so I'm not aware of any nuances that existed on that project; however, I've been told that the Kohl's loading dock is depressed, as the Cabela's loading dock will be. Can you offer some insight on this and let me know if there is any way around the covering requirement? Andy, Can you please let me know the application fee for the Site Plan Review? Am I bombarding you with enough emails? Thank you for your attention to this project. Our team appreciates the City's efforts. Andy, From our recent meeting, I understand a TIA will not be required; however, I'm wondering if any LRAPA issues will be triggered. It's my understanding that if we add 250 or more parking spaces, we trigger the need for an Air Quality Analysis; however, perhaps since it's a mall and the parking already exceeds 250 spaces, this issue was addressed long ago? Any insight you can offer would be great. Andy, Will this project trigger any Drinking Water Overlay issues? Andy, The Owner has said at least one purpose of the meeting is to resolve the loading dock issue (although, we're hoping to have that answer right away so we can move forward quickly with our design) and the need for Site Plan Review and the associated process. I can get more info from the Owner, if need be, but this is alii know, at this point. Andy, Do you know what the fee will be for the building permit (for site construction not the Cabela's building work)? Andy, Can't remember......is there a fee associated with a DIM? 2 Date Received: 7/~/;)o1d Planner: AL ~ l ," . . 'Pl2./" t2- -n; ~ f "T"'T7\l- L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: DONOVAN James Friday, July 09, 2010 8:50 AM GRILE Bill L1MBIRD Andrew FW: DIM Justification BG, I endorsed Andy's observation that another DIM is warranted based on the feedback below. We are into the technical issues now and it seems a DIM meeting for these technical application questions is warranted for 2 reasons: 1) We have tried to hold the review process to a Type 1, the downside of which is there is no required pre-submittal which is where these issues are normally addressed, 2) One thing that has apparently not sunk in from the initial meet and greet is the necessity for them to have an organized development team and a project manager (ie a single point of contact). We are now getting bombarded with questions from corporate, architect, local engineers, etc. If I have to, I will meet with corporate reps and project management will be the focus of the meeting, JD From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:45 PM To: DONOVAN James Subject: DIM Justification Just in case you face any questions from the corner office about requiring Cabela's to submit for a DIM, here are just a few of the questions that I've fielded just in the last few hours. I think a DIM is justified in this case... Andy, Can you confirm which survey control/datum we'll need to tie the survey to? Section 11.08 revised in 2010 differs from the EDSP 2006 verbiage. We assume the 2010 dictates, but want to make sure we're meeting Springfield's standards. Andy, The Owners are coming in from Chicago and San Francisco on Thursday, 7/22. Can you please set up a meeting with pertine'1t City Staff for the afternoon of 7/22? Hopefully, everyone can be available within this timeframe. Andy, The Owners have been pushing back on the requirement to cover the loading dock, based on the fact that the Kohl's loading dock was not required to be covered. I wasn't involved in the Kohl's project, so I'm not aware of any nuances that existed on that project; however, I've been told that the Kohl's loading dock is depressed, as the Cabela's loading dock will be. Can you offer some insight on this and let me know if there is any way around the covering requirement? Andy, Can you please let me know the application fee for the Site Plan Review? Am I bombarding you with enough emails? Thank you for your attention to this project. Our team appreciates the City's efforts. Andy, From our recent meeting, I understand a TIA will not be required; however, I'm wondering if any LRAPA issues will be triggered. It's my understanding that if we add 2S0 or more parking spaces, we trigger the need for In Air Quality Date Received: -11'1 ao'b 1 Planner: AL I I . ;~ . . r~o02- -ro S-<Sf\'\ /"T"T2U.- ,{ Analysis; however, perhaps since it's a mall and the parking already exceeds 250 spaces, this issue was addressed long ago? Any insight you can offer would be great. Andy, Will this project trigger any Drinking Water Overlay issues? Andy, The Owner has said at least one purpose of the meeting is to resolve the loading dock issue (although, we're hoping to have that answer right away so we can move forward quickly with our design) and the need for Site Plan Review and the associated process. I can get more info from the Owner, if need be, but this is alii know, at this point. Andy, Do you know what the fee will be for the building permit (for site construction not the Cabela's building work)? Andy, Can't remember......is there a fee associated with a DIM? 2 Date Received: Planner: AL ,(9/')0/0 I I r . . 'Pl4oj2. -r.; ~ ,"""'AL- L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, July 08,20104:21 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Yes the fee is $521, and there is an application form available online. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4: 17 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, Can't remember......is there a fee associated with a DIM? Thanks, Tina From: l!MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08,2010 4:12 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Based on this information, I would recommend they submit for a Development Issues Meeting to resolve various outstanding issues and concerns. From the series of emails that we have been exchanging, it appears there are lots of question,s about the project design and review requirements. The Owners and project team could benefit from submitting the questions through a Development Issues Meeting application and receiving a formal response from staff. Possible questions could include the possible need for Air Quality Analysis and a DWP application, loading dock requirements, etc. This would probably be the most effective way to discuss all the outstanding concerns and questions facing the Cabela's project team right now. If necessary, we can try to expedite the meeting to maintain a reasonable timetable for the permitting process. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:34 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has said at least one purpose of the meeting is to resolve the loading dock issue (although, we're hoping to have that answer right away so we can move forward quickly with our design) and the need for Site Plan Review and the associated process. I can get more info from the Owner, if need be, but this is alii know, at this point. 1 Date Received:~fJoID Planner: AL r Thanks, Tina . . "f/Z..io1Z-1P :s....8M 11"O?\L- From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:17 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, if the purpose of the informal meeting on 7/22 is for general introductions of the Cabela's project team and their corporate representatives, I would be pleased to make the necessary arrangements on our end. Among others, the City's Economic Development Manager probably would attend this meeting. If the 'intent is to discuss specific project details (such as the loading dock issue), I am reluctant to set up a meeting , ' between'City staff and the corporate representatives of Cabela's, General Growth Properties, and others on their project team because - aside from me - no one has been assigned to this project yet. Staff assignments are typically done by the various divisional supervisors responsible for Planning, Building, Engineering, and Transportation upon receipt of a site plan, submittal. While some general questions about the site modifications have been answered, at this point no one from Public Works Engineering, Transportation, or Building is actively engaged in this proposed project. Please let me know what the expectations are for this meeting and we can respond accordingly. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:23 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owners are coming in from Chicago and San Francisco on Thursday, 7/22. Can you please set up a meeting with pertinent City Staff for the afternoon of 7/227 Hopefully, everyone can be available within this timeframe. Thank you, Tina L. Guard. PE. LEED<Il> AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical;- Electrical.- Civil- Energy - lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 1,3th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date Recelved:4.l' Jrlclb Planner: AL J . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'PI2-<oR..... ~..uil""/~L- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Thursday, July 08,20104:18 PM L1MBIRD Andrew Bruce.Yeager@ggp.com RE: Gateway Cabala's - Minor Site Plan Review Modification Fee Thanks Andy. I figured as much, but was trying to get as much information for the Owner as possible. From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Th\lrsday, July 08,20104:14 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject:'!RE: Gateway Cabala's - Minor Site Plan Review Modification Fee Hi Tina, I don't know the Building Permit fees, which are calculated separately and based on the valuation of construction. If you know details on the project construction costs, the City's Building Division can estimate the permit fees. Please contact David Bowlsby (541-736-1029 or dbowlsbv@lci.springfield.or.us) for assistance in this matter. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:49 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject:"RE: Gateway Cabala's - Minor Site Plan Review Modification Fee Do you know what the fee will be for the building permit (for site construction not the Cabela's building work)? From: LI.MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: ThIJrsday, July 08, 2010 3:40 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject::RE: Gateway Cabala's - Minor Site Plan Review Modification Fee Hi Tina, the application fee for a Minor Site Plan Modification will be $1,241 (base fee) + 5% Tech Fee = $1,303.05 Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:27 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject:>Gateway Cabala's - Minor Site Plan Review Modification Fee Andy, Can you please let me know the application fee for the Site Plan Review? Am I bombarding you with enough emails? Thank you for your attention to this project. Our team appreciates the City's efforts. Thank you, 1 D~te ReG~,ved:..JNdrl'l> Planner: ,I)'L Tina l. Guard, PE, LEEO" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser& Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical - Electrical- Civil- Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning ~ Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 . . i"RJ..1-.,..., ~6"'7 '"""T'TA ~ 2 Date Received:-1)3 J~/O Planner: AL / I :1. . . \; L1MBIRD Andrew -:p~" P- -n; s-....&-< ,"""-.<11-- , From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Thursday, July 08, 20104: 17 PM L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Thanks A~dy. I'll forward these emails to the Owner and see what they want to do. At this point, I agree with you that a DIM is a good idea, and will share this with the Owner. From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:12 PM To: 'tguafd@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject:: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Based on this information, I would recommend they submit for a Development Issues Meeting to resolve various outstanding issues and concerns. From the series of em ails that we have been exchanging, it appears there are lots of questions about the project design and review requirements. The Owners and project team could benefit from submitting the questions through a Development Issues Meeting application and receiving a formal response from staff. Possible questions could include the possible need for Air Quality Analysis and a DWP application, loading dock requirements, etc. This would probably be the most effective way to discuss all the outstanding concerns and questions facing the Cabela's project team right now. If necessary, we can try to expedite the meeting to maintain a reasonable timetable for the permitting process. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:34 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owner has said at least one purpose of the meeting is to resolve the loading dock issue (although, we're hoping to have that answer right away so we can move forward quickly with our design) and the need for Site Plan Review and the associated process. I can get more info from the Owner, if need be, but this is alii know, at this point. Thanks, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3: 17 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Hi Tina, if the purpose of the informal meeting on 7/22 is for general introductions of the Cabela's project team and their corporate representatives, I would be pleased to make the necessary arrangements on our end. Among others, the City's Economic Development Manager probably would attend this meeting. 1 Date Received:..J.I-~ Planner: AL I :1 . . P~IPp..1P :S......"....,,~t.... , , If the intent is to discuss specific project details (such as the loading dock issue), I am reluctant to set up a meeting between City staff and the corporate representatives of Cabela's, General Growth Properties, and others on their project team because - aside from me - no one has been assigned to this project yet. Staff assignments are typically done by the various divisional supervisors responsible for Planning, Building, Engineering, and Transportation upon receipt of a site plan submittal. While some general questions about the site modifications have been answered, at this point no one from Public Works Engineering, Transportation, or Building is actively engaged in this proposed project. Please let me know what the expectations are for this meeting and we can respond accordingly. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July OB, 2010 2:23 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Owner/City Kick-Off Meeting Andy, The Owners are coming in from Chicago and San Francisco on Thursday, 7/22. Can you please set up a meeting with pertinent City Staff for the afternoon of 7/227 Hopefully, everyone can be available within this timeframe. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical- Electrical- Civil- Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue. Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-ll478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date Received:_2~ Planner: AL . , L1MBIRD Andrew . 'P/2.,,,, It 10 """81'1 n-J;qL- From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Thursday, July 08, 20104:07 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's - Drinking Water Overlay Thanks Andy. From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:52 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - Drinking Water Overlay Hi Tina, the applicant can contact the Springfield Utility Board Water Quality Coordinator, Amy Chinitz {541-744-3745 or amvc(alsubutil.com} to discuss the project, and it may qualify for a DWP exemption. However, I strongly suspect that due to the nature and quantity of materials being stored and displayed in the building, a DWP application will be required. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:54 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Drinking Water Overlay Andy, Will this project trigger any Drinking Water Overlay issues? Thank you, Tina 1 Date Rec~ived:_7I-f Jd2.10 Planner: AL l' . . "FRio IL.. -ro So.<.6M ..,--no, L- L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Thursday, July08, 2010 3:50 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's - TIA I LRAPA Thank you. From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:43 PM To: 'tguard@bhengineers.com' Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's - 11A / LRAPA Hi Tina, I don't have a quick answer to this one, so I'll have to get back to you after contacting LRAPA for more details. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:38 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - TIA / LRAPA Andy, From our recent meeting, I understand a TIA will not be required; however, I'm wondering if any LRAPA issues will be triggered. It's my understanding that if we add 250 or more parking spaces, we trigger the need for an Air Quality Analysis; however, perhaps since it's a mall and the parking already exceeds 250 spaces, this issue was addressed long ago? Any insight you can offer would be great. Thank you, Tina 1 Date Received:-7/c JrJ!>ld Planner: AL 1- / . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'Pa.,,, p-.,-o :50.<6'1 tr"-AL From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:37 PM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Hi Tina, we will examine the proposed Cabela's loading dock as a separate and discreet matter, and I would note the Kohl's was approved prior to a comprehensive Springfield Development Code update (September 2005) and revisions to the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (April 2006). Changes to these documents have incorporated evolving state and federal "clean water" legislation, so that could explain the discrepancy. For clarification, the covering only has to extend across the actual loading dock/truck interface not the entire truck and trailer assembly, ifthat is an issue. Areas where loaded/unloaded materials could spill are to be covered and hydrauliCally isolated, and piped to the sanitary sewer (as we discussed briefly in our meeting last week). The City references the Portland BES Starmwater Management Manual for material transfer areas and loading docks, so this will be the standard used for evaluating the proposed design. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tliursday, July 08, 2010 2:25 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabala's - covered loading dock Andy, The Owners have been pushing back on the requirement to cover the loading dock, based on the fact that the Kohl's loading dock was not required to be covered. I wasn't involved in the Kohl's project, so I'm not aware of any nuances that existed on that project; however, I've been told that the Kohl's loading dock is depressed, as the Cabela's loading dock will' be. Can you offer some insight on this and let me know if there is any way around the covering requirement? Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Proj~ct Manager Balzhiser:& Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical h Electrica!- Civil ~ Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning ~ Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 1 Date Received; 7/1j~)o Planner: ,/,\L . . L1MBIRD Andrew 71<.'01<. .... s.._ .....-:IlL... From: Sent: To: Subject: DRISCOLL Jon Thursday, July 08, 2010 1 :28 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's - Survey Control I Datum Andy, The revised 2010 Section 11.08 is the one they will need to abide by. The correct horizontal datum is NAD 83/91 now, and the correct vertical datum is NAVD 88. Sincerely, f'o~ Jon Driscoll PLS, EfT, WRE Surveyor City of Springfield, Public Works 225 Fifth,Street Springfield, OR 97478 Phone: (541) 726-3679 Fax: (541) 736-1021 idriscolltQlci. sprinQfield. or. u s From: L;lMBIRD Andrew Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:12 PM To: DRISCOLL Jon Subject": FW: Gateway Cabala's - Survey Control/Datum Hi Jon, can you let me know the surveying response to this issue? Thanks! Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: T~ursday, July 08, 2010 10:54 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: Clell,Goodwin Subject: Gateway Cabala's - Survey Control/Datum Andy, Can you confirm which survey control/datum we'll need to tie the survey to? Section 11.08 revised in 2010 differs from the EDSP 2006 verbiage. We assume the 2010 dictates, but want to make sure we're meeting Springfield's standards. Thank you, Tina , 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 7 If / doJ() / I . . 7'~I.1L To SwaM '''''''~L '1 " L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:26 AM 'Paul Koch' RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review OK that sounds fine. My Friday morning is open, so if the time needs to change to accommodate their scheduling just let me know. Thanks Andy From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:24 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy I'm trying to get Cabela's to agree on the 9am time. I will continue to discuss it with them today and will let you know if the call will occur tomorrow. Thanks for your patience. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617542.1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmever.com From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:07 AM To: Paul Koch Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Hi Paul, Friday at 9am is fine. I'll put it in my schedule and ensure I'm available to receive the call. Thanks Andy From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07,20106:49 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz SUbject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy We are looking at Friday 9 am your time to get on the call with a handful of people to talk through the permitting process and the step to getting the land use approval. Are you available? 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 7h/:#J14 / I . . ~IOjt. -,.; SA""" ......,...AL- \ ,I R. Paul Koch BergmeY,er Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 542 1026 www.berqmeyer.com From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:20 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Staff has determined that this application can be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification, which will significa~tly reduce the amount of review time required - and the associated land use application fees. I am available for the remainder of today; tomorrow from about 8am-11am and 3pm-5pm (PST); Thursday I have very limited availability; Friday I am available all day. Let me know what date and time works best for you. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:54 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz . Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this? I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 6,17 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmever.com From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:11 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a 2 Date Received: i~/()l7/o Planner: AL \ ., . . . ~~~--~~ Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to ttie mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions of the parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks , Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:4S PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com SUbject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and rend,erings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting,an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berQmevercom 3 Date. Received: Planner: AL ~/ff /~/17 / ~. . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'flZ.1c>1L "To> s...6il1~L- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Paul Koch [rkoch@bergmeyercom] Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:24 AM L1MBIRD Andrew Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy I'm trying to get Cabela's to agree on the 9am time. I will continue to discuss it with them today and will let you know if the call ~ill occur tomorrow. Thanks for your patience. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berQmevercom From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:07 AM To: Paul Koch Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Hi Paul, Friday at 9am is fine. I'll put it in my schedule and ensure I'm available to receive the call. Thanks , Andy From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07,20106:49 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy We are looking at Friday 9 am your time to get on the call with a handful of people to talk through the permitting process and the step to getting the land use approval. Are you available? R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berqmevercom 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/t/dOh} I I . . PIt.I"p.."""TO ~ I.,...."..~ , , From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:20 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Staff has determined that this application can be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification, which will significantly reduce the amount of review time required - and the associated land use application fees. I am available for the remainder of today; tomorrow from about Bam-Ham and 3pm-5pm (PST); Thursday I have very limited availability; Friday I am available all day. Let me know what date and time works best for you. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:54 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject; RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this? I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 542 1026 www.berqmeyer.com From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01,20107:11 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan' Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions ofthe parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site Date Received: i~/ JOIO Planner: AL 2 . . . 'P~,,/2.. ..,.. .......6M...-nl1-- plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:45 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: Steph,anie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: 'Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. PauliKoch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmeyercom 3 Date Received: Planner: AL ,I i'/ ;}dlfJ I / i . . . L1MBIRD Andrew 1it.t./z. -,:;; $"0..<6/>1 ,.,...,.,. L- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11 :48 AM 'tguard@bhengineers.com' RE: Gateway Cabala's Yes that is my understanding and I will confirm that with Engineering. If I hear otherwise, I will let you know. Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:41 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's Andy, Just to be clear, this means a Scoping Sheet will not be required, correct? Thanks for such speedy responses, Tina From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 10:30 AM To: 'Tina Guard' Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's FYI From: MCEACHERN Clayton Sent: Wednesday, July 07,201010:11 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabala's Since th~re is no increase in impervious areas or change of drainage patterns, there is no drainage study required. The mall as a whole is responsible for stormwater quality and so that is not a concern either, outside of just good housekeeping practices for any motorized vehicles stored in the parking lot for sale (no drips, etc). From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:16 AM To: MCEACHERN Clayton Cc: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's Hi Clayton, do we have any scoping sheet information that we can pass along to Ms. Guard? The proposed development is limited to modifications of the existing mall parking lot and landscaping areas. If necessary, we could always request a scoping sheet and determine that further stormwater analysis is not warranted. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM 1 Date ~eceived: Planner: AL t/7/Jo/IJ ( .~ , To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabela's . . ~9jl. -ro s..<.6M /1"'"i;l\ L Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1. What will be required as far as erosion control / WAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the disturbance area will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the Cabela's building, and the loading dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. 1. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping ""'---;) ... .. .... ............ .. .. .. --, Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since aJot of requirements can come out of those If1. .... .. " .. .. ._~ '~''''''----'''''-~- .... Stoping Sheets) Thank you, Tina L Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical ~ Electrical - Civil - Energy - Ughting - Surveying. Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West l~th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/-l~/O I , . . \. L1MBIRD Andrew -P~ojl.. .,;; s...6M I-r'rA'- From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Wednesday, July 07,201011:41 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's Andy, Just to be clear, this means a Scoping Sheet will not be required, correct? Thanks for such speedy responses, Tina From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 10:30 AM To: 'Tina Guard' Subject: FW: Gateway Cabala's FYI From: ~CEACHERN Clayton Sent: Wednesday, July 07,2010 10:11 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Subjeq: RE: Gateway Cabala's Since there is no increase in impervious areas or change of drainage patterns, there is no drainage study required. The mall as a whole is responsible for stormwater quality and so that is not a concern either, outside of just good houseke.eping practices for any motorized vehicles stored in the parking lot for sale (no drips, etc). From: LlMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9: 16 AM To: MCEACHERN Clayton Cc: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's Hi Clayton, do we have any scoping sheet information that we can pass along to Ms. Guard? The proposed development is limited to modifications of the existing mall parking lot and landscaping areas. If necessary, we could always request a scoping sheet and determine that further stormwater analysis is not warranted. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07,20109:08 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1 Date Received: Planner: AL ~h/:ffJ'o I . . 'Pfl.,lJ)~ ~ s..61'11~~ '. 1. What will be required as far as erosion control / lDAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the disturbance area will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the Cabela's building, and the loading dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. T~lGivenour'discus~fohlhl'ridilY's'~fulg; can YOlJ.let'liie.knoW'ifwe nee'd tosubmita St~rll)\Vatei-Stbprhg CC-1Sheet?dthoughUhe answer. was 'no', but want to c~~fi;m;-sincealot.ofrequir;dnentsan c~me out Of ttiOse I ""'~"""."...:~""...:;:'~ "'--""'~~~="",-'~~."-'- _H__. ..... -.__.... ~~",,^=.- .. .. ""_"~_";_m~ Scqpihg~tieets! Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, lEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical- Electrical- Civil- Energy - Lighting - Surveying - <;:;ommissioning - Sustainabllity 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date Received: Planner: AL --/7 /~/O I . . L1MBIRD Andrew "f'IZ.CD jZ.. -r.; $>MI M 1"T"'lA L-- From: Sent: To: Subject: MCEACHERN Clayton Wednesday, July 07,201010:11 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabala's Since there is no increase in impervious areas or change of drainage patterns, there is no drainage study required. The mall as a whole is responsible for stormwater quality and so that is not a concern either, outside of just good housekeeping practices for any motorized vehicles stored in the parking lot for sale (no drips, etc) From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9: 16 AM To: MCEACHERN Clayton Cc: STOUDER Matt Subject: FW: Gateway (abela's Hi Clayton, do we have any scoping sheet information that we can pass along to Ms. Guard? The proposed development is limited to modifications of the existing mall parking lot and landscaping areas. If necessary, we could always request a scoping sheet and determine that further stormwater analysis is not warranted. Thanks Andy From: l'ina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07,2010 9:08 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway (abela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1. What will be required as far as erosion control / LDAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the disturbance area will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the Cabela's building, and the loading dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. '?:.:..~ Given our discussio[lin Friday's meeting, c.an you let meknoIN ifINE:! need tQsubrT)it aStormwater Scoping ^'j,J, .", '....~.. ',.,' ';e',>. ..<:>,' ...,'''.,.,....._'..._...;..... .-,' ',).. ><',' .....'. .. (.' "",.' ','" ",.. ~l Sheet? I thought the answer was.~no', but want to confirm; since a lot of requirements can come out ofthose I,! "...... .. -- ~ping Sheets! Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical-Electrical- Civil- Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 1 Date ;"(dceived: Planner: AL '7 hi ()OliJ t, ,: , . . L1MBIRD Andrew 7,r..,,,1Z. -r.; 5...8'" 1""""''-- From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:41 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabela's I'm just going to include both the LDAP and 1200-C, just in case. Thanks for the direction. From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:24 AM To: 'Tina Guard' Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's FYI An LDAP can be issued as an over-the-counter permit, subject to the criteria for overall area of disturbance as noted below. Additional information on the City's LDAP process is available here: htto ://www.ci.soringfield.or.us/Pubworks/LDAP/LDAPHome.htm . Andy From: SINGLETON Todd Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:17 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Gateway Cabela's An LDAP will be required for disturbance of 50 cubic yards or greater. Disturbance of 1 acre or morewill require a DEQ 1200-C permit. The 1200-C will need to be assigned before we will issue an LDAP. . Todd From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, July 07,2010 9:14 AM To: SINGLETON Todd Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's Todd: Please let me know if there's any standard LDAP info that I can pass along to Ms. Guard. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: ~lWhat will be reqUlrE-dariar as erosioncontrol / LDAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the di~t'u'rbance area' '--"\.viII be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the Cabela's building, and th~ 'oading;,Cl~<:I<_improvements; however, itcould be close when it's all sai~and do~ ---- 1 Date i~eceived: Planner: AL 'i /.,/)dl{) I I l . . 7IL1pfl-~ So.<6...11""Q,I- 2. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since a lot of requirements can come out of those Scoping Sheets. , . Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED'" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical, ~ Electrical- Civil - Energy - Ughting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 2 Date, Received: -d.2/",Jt;lo Planner: AL j- / . . L1MBIRD Andrew 1"fl-lofl.. -;0 s,...e,... 1--.-rAl- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, July 07,20109:24 AM 'Tina Guard' FW: Gateway Cabela's FYI An LDAP can be issued as an over-the-counter permit, subject to the criteria for overall area of disturbance as noted below. Additional information on the City's LDAP process is available here: htto ://www.ci.soringfield.or.us/Pubworks/LDAP/LDAPHome.htm . Andy From: SINGLETON Todd Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:17 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject:RE: Gateway Cabela's An LDAP will be required for disturbance of 50 cubic yards or greater. Disturbance of 1 acre or more will require a DEQ 1200-C permit. The 1200-C will need to be assigned before we will issue an LDAP. Todd From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9: 14 AM To: SINGLETON Todd Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's Todd: Please let me know if there's any standard LDAP info that I can pass along to Ms. Guard. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject:',Gateway Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1~'What:WiIJDe:rrqJfied~s fa7a~t;ro~ion~a;ntr6P/TDAPfTaTa:;Fr().ugh ar'eacalc. and it:see-n;~tl1e disturbance area -'Willbe .1,!!~sclhari:?ne'~';;re:)~.\tU!li~g the landscape island modifi~a!i()ns andar~lmd the Cabela's building, and th~ !E~dl~g<!2c:kojmp[pvlj,l!!~nt~;l1o;Yev~r, itcou,ld '~E!.' c1osew~eri k~ all said and done. r---~~- - .---. 2. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since a lot of requirements can come out of those Scoping Sheets. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Date Received: Planner: AL 7h/~/() t I 1 . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'f'r2.1"J. ..,., .,....SfY1I""T"'7Al-- From: Sent: To: Subject: SINGLETON Todd Wednesday, July 07,20109:17 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Gateway Cabela's An lDAP will be required for disturbance of 50 cubic yards or greater. Disturbance of 1 acre or more will require a DEQ 1200-( permit. The 1200-( will need to be assigned before we will issue an lDAP. Todd , From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:14 AM To: SINGLETON Todd Subject: FW: Gateway Cabela's Todd: Please let me know if there's any standard lDAP info that I can pass along to Ms. Guard. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: GatewaY,Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: :1. What ~i11 be required as far'as erosion controlj lDAP? I did'a rough area calc and:it seems the disturbance area ------:Will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the (abela's building, and th~ I ._... , _ ~ing dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. i 2. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since a lot of requirements can come out of those Scoping Sheets. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard EnQineers Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 1 Date i'~eceived; Planner: AL 7/.7/ dclo I f . . L1MBIRD Andrew "fP./oP- /0 ","..go, /""T'"17\1- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, July 07,20109:17 AM 'Tina Guard' RE: Gateway Cabela's . Hi Tina, I'm going to forward your inquiry to our Public Works Engineering staff and I'll let you know when I receive the requested information. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1. What will be required as far as erosion control / LDAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the disturbance area will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the Cabela's building, and the loading dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. 2. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since a lot of requirements can come out of those Scoping Sheets. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical. Electrical - Civil. Energy - Ughting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 tax (541) 345-5303 1 Date Received: Planner: AL 1h/'Jo'/1 , , . . L1MBIRD Andrew 1'fq../Z.. 10 ~ ~l- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, July 07,20109:16 AM MCEACHERN Clayton STOUDER Mall FW: Gateway Cabela's Hi Clayton, do we have any scoping sheet information that we can pass along to Ms. Guard? The proposed development is limited to modifications of the existing mall parking lot and landscaping areas. If necessary, we could always request a scoping sheet and determine that further stormwater analysis is not warranted. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1. What will be required as far as erosion control / LDAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the disturbance area will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the Cabela's building, and the loading dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. ~Give.n our discussion in Friday's meeting~ can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping~ Sheet? Ithought the answerwas 'no', but want to confirm; since a lot of requirements can come out of thoSE! scoping Sheets! Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard EnQineers Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 68~78 fax (541) 345-5303 1 Date Received:_7..p.!d-OHJ Planner: AL . . . L1MBIRD Andrew 1'/<rr;>A -w 5<< 84tJ7T1l L- From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRO Andrew Wednesday, July 07,20109:14 AM SINGLETON Todd FW: Gateway Cabela's Todd: Please let me know if there's any standard LDAP info that I can pass along to Ms. Guard. Thanks Andy From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07,2010 9:08 AM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: Gateway Cabela's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1. What wilrberequired~s far,as~rosion cQntroFj LDAP?I dida rough areacalc,and itseems the disturbance area' ~i11 be less than on~aci'e,including the landscape isla'nd modifications and around the (abela's building, and th~ L~ading dock im,j:!rovements; howe~, it could be c1o~e when.it's all said and done:1 2. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Seeping Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since a lot of requirements can come out ofthose Scoping Sheets. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEEO" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard EnQineers Mechanical- Electrical- Civil- Energy - Lighting. Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 1 Date R.eCeived:.~.:1.p/J~/d Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'PIl.IOfl-. ~ s....dt"I....-r.>ll- From: Sent: To: Subject: Tina Guard [tguard@bhengineers.com] Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:08 AM L1MBIRD Andrew Gateway CabeJa's Good Morning Andy, I have a few questions for you, so I can include the appropriate work in my proposal to the Owner: 1. What will be required as far as erosion control / LDAP? I did a rough area calc and it seems the disturbance area will be less than one acre, including the landscape island modifications and around the (abela's building, and the loading dock improvements; however, it could be close when it's all said and done. 2. Given our discussion in Friday's meeting, can you let me know if we need to submit a Stormwater Scoping Sheet? I thought the answer was 'no', but want to confirm, since a lot of requirements can come out of those Scoping Sheets. Thank you, Tina L. Guard, PE, LEED" AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enoineers Mechanical- Electrical ~ Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 Wesl13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 34S-5303 1 Date ~eceived:_7 /7 ~/lJ Planner: AL . . . 1"~1 "j2. "" S..c8J>1 ~ L L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:07 AM 'Paul Koch' RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Hi Paul, Friday at 9am is fine. I'll put it in my schedule and ensure I'm available to receive the call. Thanks Andy From: Paul Koch [mail~o:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:49 AM " To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy We are looking at Friday 9 am your time to get on the call with a handful of people to talk through the permitting process and the step to getting the land use approval. Are you available? R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 6,17 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berqmever.com From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:20 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Staff has determined that this application can be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification, which will significantly reduce the amount of review time required - and the associated land use application fees. I am available for the remainder of today; tomorrow from about 8am-11am and 3pm-Spm (PST); Thursday I have very limited availability; Friday I am available all day. Let me know what date and time works best for you. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:S4 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminaiy Land Use review 1 UeM!! i'~eceived: Planner: AL 1-1;}tl10 I . . Andy rj%,j,,~ -r.. S...a,6lI~'- Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this? I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? R. Paul.Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berqmeyer.com From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7: 11 PM To: Paul, Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected'site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions of the parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:45 PM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 2 Date Received: ...,/7/ l-o/tJ Planner: AL -'f- / , e. e L1MBIRD Andrew "j7P-ro12- ~ .S.....I!YlI1""TA\.. Subject: Paul Koch [rkoch@bergmeyeLcom] Wednesday, July 07, 20106:49 AM L1MBIRD Andrew KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review From: Sent: To: 'Cc: Andy We are looking at Friday 9 am your time to get on the call with a handful of people to talk through the permitting process and the step to getting the land use approval. Are you available? ' R Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmeveLcom From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1 :20 PM . To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Staff has determined that this application can be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification, which will significantly reduce the amount of review time required - and the associated land use application fees. I am available for the remainder of today; tomorrow from about 8am-llam and 3pm-Spm (PST); Thursday I have very limited availability; Friday I am available all day. Let me know what date and time works best for you. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:S4 AM . To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this? I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? 1 Date Received: 3~/,M/(7. Planner: AL . R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 542 1026 www.berqmever.com . . "fl-/o/l!. -r;; s.<.6M I TlAl... , From: LlMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7: 11 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E.Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected. site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions of the parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:4S PM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmevercom 2 DatE'! Received: Planner: AL 7/-/~/a / r . . r",,, 12- ~ ~V\e,""'~1- i( L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, July 06,201010:20 AM 'Paul Koch' KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review ' Subject: Paul: Staff has determined that this application can be processed as a Minor Site Plan Modification, which will significantly reduce the amount of review time required - and the associated land use application fees. I am available for the remainder oftoday; tomorrow from about 8am-11am and 3pm-Spm (PST); Thursday I have very limited availability; Friday I am available all day. Let me know what date and time works best for you. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:S4 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Tenry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this? I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleep,er Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617'5421026 www.berqmeyer.com From: l1MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7: 11 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions ofthe parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building 1 Date l~eceived:~L~/~/iJ Planner: AL c( . . 1"lZ-lo~ 1(; 5K&1I'T'r.l\L. perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:45 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forWard to working with you. . R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 542 1026 www.berqmever.com 2 Date Received: Planner: AL 7/J/:WN) f , V l L1MBIRD Andrew . . -PP-JojlZ. 10 S-....6M rr"f"Al.- From: Sent: To: Cc: Paul Koch [rkoch@bergmeyer.com) Tuesday, July 06,20109:54 AM L1MBIRD Andrew KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; Rachel Zsembery; Stephanie Jones; Troy Kurz; Steven Krajewski; Michael Allard; Michael Poole; Kristopher Nitz RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Subject: Andy Thank you for your quick response. I forwarded this email to Cabela's and they are interested in having a call to discuss the review and overall permitting process including review duration. Would you be available to participate in something like this? I would like this call to happen sometime this week. When are you available? R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berqmever.com From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7: 11 PM To: Paul Koch Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions ofthe parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't' clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:45 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review 1 Date Received: 1/ t.! ~/O Planner: AL Andy , I , 1'P.I ofl- -ro 5<-11;$ /VI I"7T.2lL Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. . . R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 6175421026 www.berqmever.com 2 Date Received:4~/;:;O/l> Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew i'f-J'D1l 'TO S.....e,M 1-r-r;IIi- From: Sent: To: Subject: DONOVAN James Thursday, July 01, 20104:13 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review AL, . Please forward me the drawings for reference, JD From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 4:11 PM To: 'Paul Koch' Cc: KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mal.' recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mal.'; outdoor special events in the parking lot) aU have faUen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected. site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions of the parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. AdditionaUy, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces, driving ~isles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01,2010 1:4S PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subjeq: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mal.'. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would reaUy appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 1 DatE> I~eceived: 1/1 !;}.(Jlb Planner: AL I I . . L1MBIRD Andrew 1'/2.,.,,t. --ro s-.... ~ n-rA l-- From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, July 01, 20104: 11 PM 'Paul Koch' KELLY Deyette; JONES Terry (Tara); MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James RE: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Paul: Based on the information that you sent and the existing site conditions, this project would be classified as a Major Site Plan Modification. Similar projects that have been completed at the mall recently (tenant improvements for a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant; bus rapid transit platform and covered walkway to the mall; outdoor special events in the parking lot) all have fallen within this category of land use approval. The plan you sent does not depict the existing or affected site improvements, but it appears the Cabela's project would affect portions of the parking lot, driving aisles, landscaping and pedestrian walkways on the north and south sides of the building. Additionally, my understanding is that new changes to the Springfield Fire Code may require a 26-foot wide unobstructed area around the building perimeter to accommodate ladder truck access. It isn't clear how this might affect existing or proposed parking spaces,. driving aisles and landscaping, etc. Because there is a pre-submittal process (completeness check) for the major site plan modification, this and other issues that staff have identified can be brought to the applicant's attention and discussed at the pre-submittal meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: Paul Koch [mailto:rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:45 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher.nitz@cabelas.com Subject: Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 542 1026 www.berqmevercom 1 Date Received: 7/d:ffJlo Planner: AL I I . . L1MBIRD Andrew "PP-IOIl.--r.; s....6MI~L- From: Sent: To: Cc: Paul Koch [rkoch@bergmeyer.com] Thursday, July 01,20101:45 PM L1MBIRD Andrew Stephanie Jones; Rachel Zsembery; michael.poole@cabelas.com; kristopher. n itz@cabelas.com Cabela's Springfield I preliminary Land Use review OR.SPG.PRESENTATION.100624.pdf; OR.SPG.Site Plan.100701.pdf Subject: Attachments: Andy Nice to talk with you yesterday. Attached is a preliminary site plan and renderings of what we are proposing at the Gateway Mall. If you could please review and determine whether the work would be considered "major" or "minor" I would really appreciate it. Once you have made your determination, we can discuss next steps to getting an approval. I look forward to working with you. R. Paul Koch Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210 Phone 617 542 1025 Fax 617 5421026 www.berqmever.com 1 Data Received: r :::-- -.. AL 7N:HJ/D I I '!,'.' 5l.<8/V1I-rr"'l!.- ~ ! ~ j ~ <:> - t- "0 OJ >....J ij)<{ o (I)... D::CI me: _e: ttlttl all. , , >. ~ .... c: UJ - 0 OJ > :;:; u OJ ,. 0. VJ ~ , OJ l:L \ I . : ~t ~l --, () .... . I II .... . I ~ ~ ~ I' I- ~! "'0 ! ~~! Q) il ~L ~ >_1 . .:1 J Ow <r' lUlU u (l) i...' a:: (:) Q)C _Co m.!!! 00.. . 1'140/2. --r.; 5:"-5I'1(i,11l_ i:l ~ G' ~ p ~ ~ ~ >- ~ +J C W r c o +J III > Ql UJ +J Ul Ql ~ l } { I ~j ~I 5 ~ If U ... 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I ! !IO iI' Ii "' I I i ! ! i ," ,! Ii I! i . \ . . L1MBIRD Andrew 'P~o(L 105K6MI~ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: JONES Terry (Tara) Friday, June 11, 2010 11 :03 AM L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James; MILLER Liz; KELLY Deyette Latest on Cabela's " Andy, I just spoke with the architect working on the Cabela's tenant improvements. His name is Paul Koch (pronounced coke) and he works for a Boston firm named Bergmeyer Associates. His contact info is: 617695-7753, okoch@Jbergmever.com. He is working on the interior tenant improvements and he said the landlord was going to take care of site improvements. I shared with him what you told me: if his work is limited to interior building remodel and/or fa~ade improvements, we could issue the BP, but they couldn't get occupancy until whatever site improvements they are proposing went through 5ite Plan Review Modification (Minor or Major depending on the extent). He said that the fa~ade improvements might involve bumping it out 5 - 10 feet. I said in that case it would probably have to be part of the 5ite Plan Review Modification. He will send me a copy of what is proposed next week so we can determine what needs to be done. When'we get to that stage, I might pass him off to you. TM4- X1003 Date R.eceived: ~/Jo/D I Planner: AL 1