HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 11/9/2009
Destin Ferdun [dferdun@lunabridge.com]
Monday, November 09, 200912:48 PM
'Anne Delaney'
Afiya: ODOT - Certified Mail
ODOT - Application # 10396.pdf; ODOT - Application # 10395.pdf
Here are the approach acceptances from ODOT.
More soon.
How is the final site plan approval review coming?
Destin Ferdun
3575 NE Shaver
Portland, Oregon 97212
Tel 971-998-7156
Fax 503-284-3422
email dferdun@llunabridge.com
web http://www.lunabridge.com
From: Carl Kern [mailto:ckern@sheltercare.org]
Sent: Monday, November 09,200911:32 AM
To: 'Destin Ferdun'
Subject: RE: ODOT - Certified Mail
Here ya go.
From: Destin Ferdun [mailto:dferdun@lunabridge.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09,200910:15 AM
To: 'Carl Kern'
Subject: RE: ODOT - Certified Mail
Open and scan. Thanks
Destin Ferdun
3575 NE Shaver
Portland, Oregon 97212
Tel 971-998-7156
Fax 503-284-3422
email dferdun@llunabridl!e.com
web http://www.lunabridge.com
From: Carl Kern [mailto:ckern@sheltercare.org]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:43 AM
Date Received:=m/JlJ=
Planner: MEM
To: 'Destin Ferdun'
Subject: ODOT - Certified Mail
Good Morning Destin,
I've received a certified mail envelope from ODOT addressed to you. Do you simply want me to forward onto you or open
and scan? You may have obtained another copy at your office. It's still unopened.
Let me know.
Carl Kern, Operations Manager
ShelterCare, PO Box 23338, Eugene, OR 97402
1-541-686-1262 ph; 1-541-686-0359 fx
"Hope is here!"
~ Please consid~r the environment before printing this e-mail
l:ji~i\l',:"'" r:"" .-t,.::
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Department of Transportation
ODOT District 5
644 'A' Street
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 744-8080
Fax: (541) 726-2509
John. DOWNING@odot.state.or.us
November 05, 2009
File Code: PMT 4-16
PO BOX 23338
EUGENE, OR 97402
Mitigation and Construction Drawings and Plans Required for
Issuance of Permit to Construct a State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie),
at Mile Point 2.19
Application Number 10396
I am pleased to inform you that the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has
approved the location and a development concept for your requested State Highway
Approach. However, the Department's approval requires mitigation measures that are
described below. Several administrative steps remain before ODOT can issue the
Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach, which is the final step
in the permitting process.
Before you begin any work in the highway right of way, the Department must approve
your construction drawings and plans and issue a construction permit This letter
provides instructions for submittal of your construction drawings and plans and your
appeal rights regarding the mitigation measures.
The following mitigation measures will become terms and conditions of your
construction permit
1. Reconstruct dustpan driveway to current ODOT standards with the appropriate
signing and striping..
2. Remove and replace the driveway abutting tax lot 4600 and any damaged asphalt
within public right of way with matching curb, gutter, sidewalk and asphalt.
3. Remove all signs and vegetation within the vicinity of the driveway and public right of
way to improve driver sight distance at the driveway and along the highway (Main
Street) .
Date RacaiVed:~
Planner: MEM .
Approval of Application with Mitigation for State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 2.19
Application Number 10396.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Page 2
4. Close and replace (with matching curb, gutter and sidewalk) the driveway on tax lot
4900, at the 1062 Main Street address, when real estate development occurs on that
property. Upon closure of that driveway, this joint use driveway, abutting tax lot 4800,
will be the only direct highway access for the entire development as agreed upon by the
Applicant, City and ODOT at the September 10, 2009 approach application meeting.
5. Submit to ODOT a copy of the Final Site Plan approved by the City of Springfield that
shows the recorded and documented irrevocable joint use, access and maintenance
easement and agreement associated with the joint use driveway located on tax lot 4800
to benefit the proposed development. (See City of Springfield, Site Plan Review, Staff
Report & Tentative Decision, Case Number: DRC2009-00029, Summary of Conditions
of Approval,. #16.).
If you accept these mitigation measures, please submit your construction drawings and
plans by 5:00 p.m. on January 04,2010 to the address below. Our approval of your
application will become void, if your construction drawings and plans are not returned
within 60 days from the date of this letter. I have attached a detailed explanation of
what the construction drawings must include.
John Downing, Permit Specialist
ODOT District 5
644 'A' Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Under Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 734-051-0070, you are required to submit
your construction drawings and plans by the date specified above or the approval of
your application is void. If necessary, the Department may extend the time for your
submittal of drawings and plans if both you and the Department agree in writing before
the deadline listed above. Please contact me at (541) 744-8080 if you would like to
request an extension of time.
After you submit construction drawings and plans, the Department will contact you if any
additional information is needed for approval. We will notify you when your drawings
and plans are approved and provide instructions for you to obtain a Permit to Construct.
You may not beoin any work in the hiohway riaht of way until YOU receive a Permit to
Construct sianed bv the Department.
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Approval of Application with Mitigation for State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 2.19
Application Number 10396.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Page 3
Options to Appeal Mitigation Measures
If the mitigation measures are not acceptable to you, then yo~ may appeal them by
submitting a request in writina for either a Region Review or a Contested Case Hearing.
A Region Review is conducted under OAR 734-051-0345. It is an informal process that
allows you to explain your objections and to present additional information in writing or
in person to a panel of ODOT staff who were not involved in approving your Application
far State Highway Approach. The provisions of 'OAR 734-051-0345 require that you
include in yaur request for a Region Review the documentation that you will rely upon
during the Region Review. The Region Review panel will consider all of the information
presented and may recommend either upholding the original decision or considering
alternative decisions to resolve the disagreement. The Region Manager reviews the
panel's recommendations and makes the final decision to approve, modify, or reverse
the original decision.
A Contested Case Hearing is a formal hearing conducted by a Hearing Officer of the
Office of Administrative Hearings under OAR 137-003-0501 through 137-003-0700.
The Office of Administrative Hearings is not a part of the Department of Transportation.
Thfil Hearing Officer wi.1I consider all information presented and decide whether the
Department's original decisions are consistent with the requirements of OAR 734-051.
The Hearing Officer usually decides in favor of, or against, the Department's original
decision .and does not offer alternative solutions to resolve any disagreements.
If you request a Region Review and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may request
a Contested Case Hearing at that time. You may also choose to skip the Region
Review altogether and proceed directly to a Contested Case Hearing.
The Department must receive your request for either a Region Review or a Contested
Case Hearing within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this letter. If your
request is not received within this time period, your right to a Region Review or a
Contested Case Hearing is considered waived. If you withdraw a request for a hearing,
if you notify the Hearing Officer that you will not appear, or if you fail to appear at a
scheduled hearing, then ODOT's Executive Deputy Director may issue a final order by
default. In that case, ODOT designates its files on this matter as the record.
If you wish to request either a Contested Case Hearing or a Region Review, please
send your request to:
Jane S. LEE
ODOT Region 2 Manager
455 Airport Rd Bldg #B
Salem, OR 97301
, .
Approval of Application with Mitigation for State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 2.19
Application Number 10396.
Thursday, November OS, 2009
Page 4
ODOT's Appeals Coordinator will contact you after the request is received.
If you would like to discuss the required mitigation measures further without requesting
a Contested Case Hearing or a Region Review, or even after making a request, please
feel free to contact John Downing, Permit Specialist at (541) 744-8080.
c: David Knitowski, Regional Access Management Engineer
John Downing, Permit Specialist
Ann Zeltmann; Access Management Appeals Coordinator
MOLLY MARKARIAN, Local Government Official
. ,
Department of Transportation
ODOT Di.triet 5
644 'A' Street
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 744-8080
Fax: (541) 726-2509
File Code: PMT 4-18
Theodore R Kulongoski, Governor
November 5, 2009
Construction Drawings and Plans Requirements
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie),
at Mile Point 2.19
Application Number 10396
Construction drawings and plans shall include, but are not limited to the following:
(a) Grade profile;
(b) Base and surface design;
(c) Design for type of approach;
(d) Erosion control plan for construction;
(e) Pollution control plan for construction;
(f) ODOT traffic control devices and/or signs; and
(g) ODOT traffic control lines and/or striping.
Additionally, for the specific approach(es) served by these construction drawings and
plans, the following must be included: .
The maximum size, gross weight of vehicles and loads, gross axle weights and types of
vehicles using the approach(es) shall be shown on exhibits attached to the construction
drawings and plans. The exhibit(s) shall include diagrams showing type of truck and
trailer combinations, maximum width and overall length, distance between axles,
maximum axle weights and size and number of tires per axle.
{As required: Structural details of grade-separated structures shall be included in the
construction drawings and plans.}
{As required: ODOT requires that an operated test vehicle of the type and dimension to
be used at the proposed approach be supplied. The applicant, at the sole expense of
the applicant, shall supply this vehicle.}
. .;
Department of Transportation
ODOT District 5
644 'A' Street
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 744-8080
Fax: (541) 726-2509
November 05, 2009
File Code: PMT 4-16
PO BOX 23338
EUGENE, OR 97402
Mitigation and Construction Drawings and Plans Required for
Issuance of Permit to Construct a State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie),
at Mile Point 2.18
Application Number 10395
I am pleased to inform you that the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has
approved the location and a development concept for your requested State Highway
Approach. However, the Department's approval requires mitigation measures that are
described below. Several administrative steps remain before ODOT can issue the
Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach, which is the final step
in the permitting process.
Before you begin any work in the highway right of way, the Department must approve
your construction drawings and plans and issue a construction permit This letter
provides instructions for submittal of your construction drawings and plans and your
appeal rights regarding the mitigation measures.
The following mitigation measures will become terms and conditions of your
construction permit:
1. Reconstruct dustpan driveway to current ODOT standards with the appropriate
signing and striping for entrance only.
2. Remove and replace the driveway abutting tax lot 4600 and any damaged asphalt
within public right of way with matching curb, gutter, sidewalk and asphalt
3. Remove all signs and vegetation within the vicinity of the driveway and public right of
way to improve driver sight distance at the driveway and along the highway (Main
Date Recelved:JJJ 110 '1
Planner: MEM
Approval of Application with Mitigation for State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 2.18
ApplicatIon Number 10395.
Thursday, November OS, 2009
Page 2
4. Close and replace (with matching curb, gutter and sidewalk) this driveway on tax lot
4900, at the 1062 Main Street address, when real estate development occurs on this
property. Upon closure of this driveway, the joint use driveway, abutting tax lot 4800,
will be the only direct highway access for the entire development as agreed upon by the
Applicant, City and ODOT at the September 10, 2009 approach application meeting.
5. Submit to ODOT a copy of the Final Site Plan approved by the City of Springfield that
shows the recorded and documented irrevocable joint use, access and maintenance
easement and agreement associated with the joint use driveway located on tax lot 4800
to benefit the proposed development. (See City of Springfield, Site Plan Review, Staff
Report & Tentative Decision, Case Number: DRC2009-0oo29, Summary of Conditions
of Approval, #16.).
If you accept these mitigation measures, please submit your construction drawings and
plans by 5:00 p.m. on January 04,2010 to the address below. Our approval of your
application will become void, if your construction drawings and plans are not returned
within 60 days from the date of this letter. I have attached a detailed explanation of
what the construction drawings must include.
John Downing, Permit Specialist
ODOT District 5
644 'A' Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Under Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 734-051-0070, you are required to submit
your construction drawings and plans by the date specified above or the approval of
your application is void. If necessary, the Department may extend the time for your
submittal of drawings and plans if both you and the Department agree in writing before
the deadline listed above. Please contact me at (541) 744-8080 if you would like to
request an extension of time.
After you submit construction drawings and plans, the Department will contact you if any
additional information is needed for approval. We will notify you when your drawings
and plans are approved and provide instructions for you to obtain a Permit to Construct.
You may not beain any work in the hiahway riaht of way until 'IOU receive a Permit to
Construct sianed by the Department.
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Approval of Application with Mitigation for State Highway Approach
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 2.18
Application Number 10395.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Page 3
Options to Appeal Mitigation Measures
If the mitigation measures are not acceptable to you, then you may appeal them by
. submitting a request in writina for either a Region Review or a Contested Case Hearing.
A Region Review is conducted under OAR 734-051-0345. It is an informal process that
allows you to explain your objections and to present additional information in writing or
in person to a panel of ODOT staff who were not involved in approving your Application
for State Highway Approach. The provisions of OAR 734-051-0345 require that you
include in your request for a Region Review th,e documentation that you will rely upon
during the Region Review. The Region Review panel will consider all of the information
presented and may recommend either upholding the original decision or considering
alternative decisions to resolve the disagreement. The Region Manager reviews the
panel's recommendations and makes the final decision to approve, modify, or reverse
the original decision.
A Contested Case Hearing is a formal hearing conducted by a Hearing Officer of the
Office of Administrative Hearings under OAR 137-003-0501 through 137-003-0700.
The Office of Administrative Hearings is not a part of the Department of Transportation.
The Hearing Officer will consider all information presented and decide whether the
Department's original decisions are consistent with the requirements of OAR 734-051.
The Hearing Officer usually decides in favor of, or against, the Department's original
decision and does not offer alternative solutions to resolve any disagreements.
If you request a Region Review and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may request
a Contested Case Hearing at that time. You may also choose to skip the Region
Review altogether and proceed directly to a Contested Case Hearing.
The Department must receive your request for either a Region Review or a Contested
Case Hearing within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date. of this letter. If your
request is not received within this time period, your right to a Region Review or a
Contested Case Hearing is considered waived. If. you withdraw a request for a hearing,
if you notify the Hearing Officer that you will not appear, or if you fail to appear at a
scheduled hearing, then ODOT's Executive Deputy Director may issue a final order by
default. In that case, ODOT designates its files on this matter as the record.
If you wish to request either a Contested Case Hearing or a Region Review, please
send your request to:
Jane S. LEE
ODOT Region 2 Manager
455 Airport Rd 81dg #8
Salem, OR 97301
Approval of Application with M~igatlon for State Highway Approach
Highway Number 01 5, (McKenzie), at Mile Point 2.18
Application Number 10395.
Thursday. November 05, 2009
Page 4
ODOT's Appeals Coordinator will contact you after the request is received.
If you would like to discuss the required mitigation measures further without requesting
a Contested Case Hearing or a Region Review, or even after making a request, please
feel free to contaet John Downing, Permit Specialist at (541) 744-8080.
Mike IstriCt Manager
ODOT Dis let 5, Maintenance Office
c: David Knitowski, Regional Access Management Engineer
John Downing, Permit Specialist
Ann Zeltmann, Access Management Appeals Coordinator
MOLLY MARKARIAN, Local Government Official
" .
. ,.
Department of Transportation
ODOT District 5
644 'A' Street
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 744-8080
Fax: (541)726-2509
File Code: PMT 4-18
November 5, 2009
Construction Drawings and Plans Requirements
Highway Number 015, (McKenzie),
at Mile Point 2.18
Application Number 10395
Construction drawings and plans shall include, but are not limited to the following:
(a) Grade profile;
(b) Base and surface design;
(c) Design for type of approach;
(d) Erosion control plan for construction;
(e) Pollution control plan for construction;
(f) ODOT traffic control devices and/or signs; and
(g) ODOT traffic control lines and/or striping.
Additionally, for the specific approach(es) served by these construction drawings and
plans, the following must be included:
The maximum size, gross weight of vehicles and loads, gross axle weights and types of
vehicles using the approach(es) shall be shown on exhibits attached to the construction
drawings and plans. The exhibit(s) shall include diagrams showing type of truck and
trailer combinations, maximum width and overall length, distance between axles,
maximum axle weights and size and number of tires per axle.
{As required: Structural details of grade-separated structures shall be included in the
construction drawings and plans.}
{As required: ODOT requires that an operated test vehicle of the type and dimension to
be used at the proposed approach be supplied. The applicant; at the sole expense of
the applicant, shall supply this vehicle.}