HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 7/28/2009 .~ --,- \ .. .. MARKARIAN Molly From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: DRISCOLL Jon Tuesday, July 28, 20095:05 PM MARKARIAN Molly DRC2009-00029 Trans DRC_Afiya Apts- Sprfid Church of the Brethren.doc DRC2009-00029 Trans DRC_Afiya Apts- Sprfid Church of the Brethren.doc Molly, Here's my comments for the Afiya Apartments. Please don't hesitate to ask if you've got any questions. Stay cool out there! Jon D . .- 11210' Date Recelved.~. . Planner: MEM ....-.....~.;;~ ...~...~... _~_...j:~;jl.. ._,t.- ~Vi~l\1r :',r';! ,rl:'~I':. 1 - .. Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: From: Subject: July 28, 2009 Molly Markarian, Planner II Jon Driscoll, Transportation Engineer in Training DRC2009-00014 Afiya Apartments-Springfield Church of the Brethren The Transportation Division has reviewed the materials provided with the subject application. The findings and required conditions outlined below are provided for your implementation in preparing the land-use decision. General Finding: The entire site consists offour parcels (Tax Lot 4600,4700,4800, & 4900 of Map 17- 03-35-41) on the north side of Main Street. Tax Lot 4900 will not developed in this phase, and therefore will not be addressed in these comments. Simultaneous to this application the two most W-i~ parcels (TL 4600 &4700) will be going through a property line adjustment that will divide them into a northerly (TL 4700) and southerly parcel (TL 4600). The applicant plans to defer the development of the adjusted Tax Lot 4600 to a future phase. A building with 16 one-bedroom units and management offices will be constructed on the adjusted Tax Lot 4700 along with nine parking spaces to the north of the building. Tax lot 4800 will be improved with parking spaces and a paved access lane to be utilized by all each of the four parcels. TransDortation Svstem ImDacts Finding: Abutting this site on the south, Main Street is a 48-foot wide, two-lane arterial within a right of way that ranges from 70 feet to 105 feet in width. The street is improved with asphalt / paving, curb/~utter, one on-street bicycle lane, sidewalks and metal halide street lighting. The ; traffic volume "Main Street is approximately 13000 vehicles per day. Finding: Abutting the site on the north is a 14 wide alley which is improved with asphalt paving. / Finding: Based on ITE Land Use Code 220 (Apartments) the total trip generation from this development upon completion of the proposed development would be as follows: . . Average Weekday = 6.65 trips/dwelling unit x 16 dwelling units = 107 trips . PM Peak Hour = 0.51 trips/dwelling units x 16 dwelling units = 9 trips ./ - -.... .: J...J~.', . C:\Documents and Settings\mark74b~'Oc'al'Setti~gs\Tempo;afy Int;met Files\ContcnI.Outlook\NN716JH4\DRC2009-00029 Trans ORe Afiya Apts- Sprfld Church oflhe Brethren_doc -.,.. o h.'.l,i:,""1, - .. .. DRC2009-00014 Afiya Apartments-Springfield Church of the Brethren July 28, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Site Access and Circulation Finding: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. SDC 4.2-120 stipulates that each parcel is entitled to "an approved access to a public street." Finding: Tax Lots 4600, 4700, & 4800 currently gain access to Springfield's street network via two driveway approaches connecting to Main Street to the south, and one access to the alley on the site's northern border. The most easterly driveway along Main Street is to be removed. Finding: SDC 4.6-120(D) states that backing into the public right-of-way, other than alleys is prohibited. Finding: The parcels represented by Tax Lot 4600, 4700 & 4900 will be dependent upon the access through Tax Lot 4800 for access and circulation. Finding: SDC 4.2-120 (A) gives allowance for access to be gained from a public street by an irrevocable joint use/access easement. . . . '.' . Reauired Condition: The applicant shall execute and record an access easement over the parcel represented by Tax Lot 4800 for the benefit of the parcels Tax Lot 4600, 4700 & 4900 for access and circulation. c/' Finding: SDC 4.6-120 (A) states, "All parking areas shall have a durable, dust free surfacing of Asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete or other materials as specified in the Building Safety Codes and approved by the Building Official." Finding: SDC 4.6-120 (C) states "All parking stalls fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, landscaped area or structure shall be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb not less than 6 ~ inches in height to be set back from the front of the stall a minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. Wheel bumpers shall be a minimum of 6 feet in length. Curbs shall be ljonstructed in conformance with the Standard Construction Specifications." Finding: SDC 4.6-120 (E) states, "All spaces shall be permanently and clearly marked unless the Director determines that the spaces should not be marked for safety considerations. Old striping shal! not be visible after being replaced by new striping." Finding: The property line adjustment has not yet been performed on Tax Lots 4600 & 4700. A gravel parking area lies on these parcels. Reauired Condition: Prior to final occupancy the applicant shall either, 1) complete a property line adjustment between the parcels shown' as Tax Lot 4600 & Tax Lot 4700 as shown on the site plan, or 2) improve the existing gravel parking lot in accordance with all the stipulations of sec 4.6-120 and in conformance to sec Table 4.6-1. ? ' . '. t.. c:illoc~e~,;~a~~' Settin~\rriai'k74'i 3\Local S'ettings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\NN716JH4\DRC2009-Q0029 Trans DRC_Afiya Apts- Sprfld Church oftbe Brethre~.doc !~ji~!'i,' '~;'-l' P 'I' \.;ti....~ l.: . j",~ I. .:'.. . ~ Page 2 oD Date Received:- Planner: MEN! .~- - ... " . DRC2009-000l4 Afiya Apartments-Springfield Church ofthe Brethren July 28, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Finding: SDC 5.17-l20(C) requires the applicant to provide a copy of a Right-of-way Approach Permit application, where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Reauired Condition: The applicant shall provide a copy of an approved ODOT Right of way Approach Permit with the final site plan. /' Please provide a copy of the draft Decision for my review prior to issuing the final decision. C:\Docwnents and Settings\mark7413\Local Settings\l'emporary lnlemet Files\content.outlOOk\NN716J"'4\DRC2009-000~T.'~,~c-~y~1 ~ It)f)_ Cburc~ofth~Brethren.doc., .' Date Keet=Iv'='U..----- . . . --. -"- '-",":,:..<,.. '" Page 3 of3 Planner: MEM :>.ll:..:lv: :~~ l':.i;.~l"