HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/11/2011 ", . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review Address: A licant's Re . Phone: Fax: Com an : Address: Owner: Com an : Phone: Fax: Address: TAX LOT NO S : bOD ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Pro e Address: . -. Associated A lications: Case No.: Date: It Reviewed b : J)t' A lication Fee: Technical Fee: Posta o TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: Date Received: APR 1 1 2011 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1014 Final Submittal . . Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the Information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement selVes as written notk:e pursuant to the requirements ot ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: if ~.s ~ t.D/ r Print Date Received: APR t t 2011 Final Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Moliy MarkaMan 20f4 -. . . . (-\ SPll~l.~ \,\]/ I ( t' (; r f::\-' ~ D' ,C'\ ( J '_ __ L. ) c... _, I J . *," cAlve -FoRe.S) eDt. DC' L"S . ,":"'::'~"~ .~~,~,-,. <2~~#,k;",::.;. Site: TYPll-00002 Lane Forest Products/Hammer Date Received: APR 1 1 2011 Final Submittal Project Name: Lan_est Products expansion ' ., . ,. . Project Proposal: Ex~ion of a recycling facilitY' to in9ude sWkpiling and crushing of concrete and bricks, Case Number: TYPlI-00002 Project address: 4151 Industrial Avenue Map and Tax LoIs: ", Lot Acres Owner Tax..vaicel 2 4.2 ACR PROPERTIFS LLC 1707311100100 7 1.3 OAKW A Y GOLF lNC lZ023044dOilQO 8 1.3 OAKWAYGOLFlNC~, ',1702304400400;. 10 11.4 OAKW A Y GOLF lNG.;- 1702304400600 14 3.6 PAISLEY LLC .~', 1702322201600 "";' Base Zone: HI (Heavy Industrial)., Refinement Plan/Designation: Mid-Spr~~field/Indusiri14J\ Date Received: Application Submitted Dale: January ~t}ilip~~< APR t t 20tt Decision Issued Date: March 1, 2011 ~4c(~" ''''''b:"",. '0i-"~- .':'~i:'~-.., '. - .. Appeal Date: March 16, 2011 '1~il' /' '::.j;:i\,:' Final Submittal "*l~~E . , ri~;~~'~~'gn~~:~~{;~;,.?i~~:~:::~r~~~;~' Public Works Civil~Engineer De u ,Fire Marshall i,h:, - '"." EngineeriJ:!g Technician N;::;g;, Owners/Applicants: ',"-, . Paisley LLCt::-~h ACR Properties;ULC; Oakway Golf LLC;:\;.}, Kyle Green Gilbert Gordon Todd Singleton Representative: John Hammer PO Box 2266 Eugene OR 97401 PHONE 726-3649 736-1034 726-5750 726-2293 726-5931 Summary of proposal: This application will modify the site plan for Lane Forest Products (DRC2004-00008) to include stockpiling and crushing of concrete and bricks on Lots 2 and 10, This is an expansion of a recycling facility, which is an allowed use in the HI (Heavy Industrial) zone. Material will be received at Lane Forest Products and sorted. The cement and brick will be transferred by front loader to Lot 2, not via the street It will be stockpiled on Lot 2 until it is crushed, There is no specific schedule for the crushing. It will occur as needed, perhaps twice a year. It is the applicant's intent to develop Lot 2 with a permanent use that includes a building, parking lot, landscaping, etc., in the future, A specific use has not been identified, Until then, Lot 2 will be used for stockpiling and crushing. Lot 10 will be used for stockpiling and crushing after Lot 2 is no longer available. The crushed material will be placed as structural fill on Lots 7 and 8 prior to development of those lots, once a specific use or development plan has been identified. No stockpiling or crushing will occur on Lots 7 or 8. A Land Drainage and __._-...blteration Permit (LDAP) will be required ~:ior to placement of any structural fill. . I ~ III ... I':::' I I . I I i "i .1' . ". ..~ ~ . i - ... ~ l -.0" t ; ~.. 0 '" +s:s: . , . '. . 6 Ii:!:: . . i EI . . 6 ~i!i: it, 'Bl l I ":i" 6 ta-=... ~~ 8 ... r.: 1-;;", .~ '"~ "'~ . . <; ~~Z ~h ~" -;;1 .~~ .." 0-0 O. z ". ;. !!;i!j~~~'i!ii:;~ .. ~~.IUlgl.; !i a~;;Vmi~iili;! l!ggei~~!1 :u!~ ih!HUh j!i~ I~ i~ ~~!I!~i Ii;' J~ r ..~ !h5 11 II 1 [;j.! al!~1 ~.~! , o. >! i, ~. ! 8il . " ~ Q'" R ::l'" I I I I I I! .. I l~ i I .o~" ,,,. B <:> 0 0 "I I jC . B I I I ~e ~~ ~ I I" i ;1 s~ I .~ I; ,II 1111 II II I II 11111 il h &~ :~. ~ ! i i ; i i Ii H 'I j III' I ," I ! , ! I I ~ ~ i ! I t I I I I I ~ . q I' I l . ;,- 11 1f- t: ~, ! f .~ ,,- f ::- .- . -.:.... i ~ "'-Z y i i GJ[ii _n .n_' r.n RrVl'l1()NS .........,.- .slol- - '"-.U-.....~ _9.,np, -_ -r:; "YC'OnI.'_ --l '.~o:wtD.'_ .............,.. '00 Site Plan Modification for Lots 2, 7, 8. to ct '4 oj J. P. Hammer Industriat Park SpringfUld Lo.M Countv Oregon - I 01 :~7:: ~ lIlI'.__. Crmtuhi~. -...... t1'<n ~!lio'I._ Ellgin..... f_~._ 'allol'I__m3 .lSu~