HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/10/2011 MaY. 6. 2011 8:15AM No 3153 p. I IIIDII UPPLEMENTAL 1____ DEALER I REBUILDER VEHICLE ~~~ DEALER CERTIFICATE APPLICATION . All supplementallQC8tions mllSl operale under the same ownelShlp and business name as shown on the cummt certificate. (ORS 822.(40) . Subm~ application with all required signatures and fees 10: BUSINESS LICENSE UNIT, 1905 Lana Menue NE, Salem OR 97314-2360 . No proof 01 Insurance required . Any _milan 01 Une 2 yoida location oppnIYlIl. . Check it 0 New VeI1Ictee 0 U88Cl Ve/l1cte9 DEALER NUMBER EXPlRATION DATE EFFECTIVE DATE FEE: 0 $230 OOTY EI1.l,(.,ytR... COONTY t),s-s- COOE 97'1tJ3 1 CITY COUNTY &TAn: ZIP CODE 3 4 ....._N3%S~ /~. /" fftiLm /,u:S d'6)-,d C77' I DEALER CERnFICAnON - Must be III neel b the dealer- Fales certification is a Class B miSdemeanor under ORS 162.085 and is punishable by SiX months In jail, a flne 01 up to $1,000 or both. In addition, a civil penalty of up 10 $1,000 and DMV sancliOns against you or your deal... oertifK:al9 may be imposed. With the above penalties in mind, I CERTIFY: I am the owner, a partner, an LLC member or a corporate ofIIcer of this business and Ihat all information on this appIicalion is accurate and true. This busin.... deals in "'_, or rebuilds ve~icI9S al the location given. This supplementallocalion will ope(B!e under the same ownefSh' and business name as shOwn on the current cer!illcale. PRlNTEC N . ) 5 eUIA... QCNATURI! 6 X BOND ENDORSEMENT Place surety Mal here [> I certify lhat surety bond number. 1UR! OF SUR,ETY/REPRE.9ENT"rwe will cover the business openrtion as supplemented above. TI'Il..E DATE 7 X 8 9 PAr<\' 10 SIGNA UA 11 X LOCAn N APP OVAL -" l8fl8Wul In Cer1ilicabon of Local Zoning and Busin<l6S flegulBlDry Compliance. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer license, unless exempt under ORS 822.Q15, lor any pelSOfl who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges ...hides either outright or by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, security inlerest, consignment or oIherwiee; OR (b) Displays a new Dr used _iete, trailer or semitrailer for sale; OR (c) Acts as any type of agent lor the owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type 01 agent lor a pernon interested in buying a vehicle 10 buy a vehicle. THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPlETED BY Tl1E LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. Your lIIlProvaJ below should be base~ upon.whelher the applicant can do ANY of !he activities liSted in (a) through (0) above under your or<linances, at the location of the bUSiness given on Line 2. Pursuant 10 ORS 822.025(8)(b)(A)(tl), applicant meets requirements below. Iv; If1e zoning official fer If1e locality in lIf1id1 this businllSSis located, I vetily by my si!Jlalule billow lf1al the _ of this lAlslne9s as _ 0Il1his appf1Calion. complies wilh any land .... anlinances and busine59 regulalory onIi,,"",,", allI1e . or ""'" ,as 8llPlOllria1e ptlrsuant 10 ORSIl22.025.6(a l"ELEPHQNENUM EJ\ o COUNlYOF: if 1 d-- -23.0 1'11t ne/" 10 J I Place li'lalmlPl or sea! I'lsrG \J . APPROVED ! ':.lTY OF SPRINGFIELD L. Date Received: PRf(i.TIl-Oooo'1 (/0::,-)'-\--32- \L 300 Original Submittal