HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 1/12/2009 . ~ . . Memorandum City of Springfield Subject: January 12,2009 Steve Hopkins, Urban Planner Richard Perry, Engineer in Training DRC2008-00076, Bring Recycling Date: To: From: 1 have reviewed the materials provided with the subject application. The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing the land-use decision. SANITARY SEWER Finding: Section 4.3-105.E of the SDC requires that proposed developments in unincorporated urbanizable land shall have the approval of the Lane County Sanitarian for all septic system designs. Finding: The applicant has proposed a new septic drain field, including a new sanitary pressure line with pump and included a faxed copy of the Lane County Septic permit. Finding: Pursuant to Chapter 3.03.4.A of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and Section 4.4 of Portland's Stormwater Management Manual, solid waste storage areas shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. Condition: The applicant shall hydraulically isolate the solid waste storage area from the proposed floor drain and have a spill control and maintenance plan in place for any liquids that may leach out of the containers to prevent them from entering the storm drain system. The plan should also address regular sweeping of solids to prevent them from entering the storm drain system. STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT Finding: Section 4.3-IIO.B of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Finding: Section 4.3-11 O.C of the SDC states that a stormwater management system shall accommodate potential run-off from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside ofthe development. Finding: Section 4.3-11 O.D of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to . Date Received: Planner: SH I-/Z--U(L . . accept the discharge. Finding: Section 4.3-IIO.E of the SDC requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality. Finding: To comply with Sections 4.3-110.0 & E, stormwater runoff from the site will be directed into a series of both physical and vegetative filtration via double filtered catch basins, a vegetated swale and an infiltration pond prior to discharge into the public system. The public system is a drainage ditch located at the southern edge of the property near the railroad line. Finding: The existing public stormwater system, to which the applicant proposes connection, has limited capacity. The applicant has turned in hydrologic stormwater calculations, consistent with the City's EDSPM, showing that the proposed detention pond will limit the peak stormwater discharge rates to the pre-developed 2-year storm event for both the 2 and 25-year post-developed storm event, thereby limiting the flow into the existing system. WATER QUALITY Finding: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield has obtained a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban st6rmwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Finding: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4 plan address six "Minimum Control Measures." Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment," applies to the proposed development. Finding: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MEP. The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriated for the community. Finding: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff from new and re- development projects to the extent allowable under State law. Regulatory mechanisms used by the City include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future Stormwater Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). Finding: As required in Section 4.3-11 O.E of the SDC, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and Date Received: Planner: SH J- /2...09 . . consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual." Finding: Section 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states the Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either the City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water Services (CWS). Finding: Section 3.03.3.B of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development. Section 3.03.4.E ofthe manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods. Finding: The applicant's proposal will require the Oregon DEQ to issue a 1700B permit allowing for drainage and treatment of water from a vehicle wash down station. The permit restricts the applicant to bio-degradable, phosphate free cleaners and cold water in addition to other restrictions. Finding: The applicant proposes to install a double filter catch basin in building four as well as within the paved areas of the development. . Finding: The applicant proposes to install an Oil/Water separator at the downstream drainage pipe from building four. Finding: To meet the requirements of the City's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed one private vegetative water quality swale and one infiltration pond. Proper seed mixes have been proposed for both systems, but the actual application rates have not been specified. Finding: The vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater runoff, and will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. Condition: Prior to approval of the final site plan the applicant shall submit a copy of an approved 1700B permit from the Oregon DEQ and comply with the requirements of that permit at all times. Condition: Prior to approval of the final site plan the applicant shall install a cut -off valve at the out let of the Oil/Water separator to act as containment in the event of a spill, or contamination of the system, to prevent such contaminants from entering the water quality treatment area. The use of this valve should be incorporated into the spill prevention plan. Date Received: Planner: SH )~IL . . Condition: Prior to approval of the fmal site plan, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed Double Filter Catch Basin, as well as the Oil Water Separator. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall submit proposed seed application rates for the vegetative water quality swale, the infiltration pond and the septic drain field. The seed mix application rates shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The application rates must meet the minimum rates as required by manufacturer of the seed mix. Condition: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swale shall be shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Site Plan. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. OTHER NOTE: The intent of this list is to give a developer insight about requirements related to public improvements before they develop their property. FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when building permits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rates, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11 ] Systems Development Charges (SDC's) will apply to the construction of buildings and site improvements within the subject site. The Charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the development. SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF -ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or portions ofthe property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to determine ifIn-Lieu-of-Assessment charge is applicable. [Ord . r::"lcei\led: . 'ianner: SH /-(Z . . 5584] PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: It is the responsibility of the private developer to fund the public infrastructure. OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Permit (working within right-of-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole. [The current rate is $135 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits] Land & Drainage Alteration Permits (LDAP). [Contact the Springfield Public Works Department@ 726-5849 for appropriate applications/requirements] ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROVALS MAYBE NECESSARY: . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (Pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) . Lane County Facilities Permit (Ifthe project is within Lane County jurisdiction) . Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) . Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction) . Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) . Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Erosion control (5 acres or greater), pump station, storm water discharge; wetlands) . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) "..;~,-,.,;....o~ ;, 'lar\ller: SH )~/Z- . . . . . SUMMARY CONDITIONS Condition: The applicant shall hydraulically isolate the solid waste storage area from the proposed floor drain and have a spill control and maintenance plan in place for any liquids that may leach out ofthe containers to prevent them from entering the storm drain system. The plan should also address regular sweeping of solids to prevent them from entering the storm drain system. Condition: Prior to approval of the final site plan the applicant shall submit a copy of an approved 1700B permit from the Oregon DEQ and comply with the requirements of that permit at all times. Condition: Prior to approval of the final site plan the applicant shall install a cut-off valve at the out let of the Oil/Water separator to act as containment in the event of a spill, or contamination of the system, to prevent such contaminants from entering the water quality treatment area. The use of this valve should be incorporated into the spill prevention plan. Condition: Prior to approval of the final site plan, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed Double Filter Catch Basin, as well as the Oil Water Separator. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall submit proposed seed application rates for the vegetative water quality swale, the infiltration pond and the septic drain field. The seed mix application rates shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The application rates must meet the minimum rates as required by manufacturer of the seed mix. Condition: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swale shall be shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Site Plan. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. Date Received: )- 11 Planner: SH