HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-10-8 (2) -"" " Rl:::>IUtN IIAL-" APPLICAT1JiitiJ(PERMIT 225 No~th 5th St~eet ..., Springfie~d, O~egon 97477 B~~ding Division 726-3753 ~'7~ C-,c,,~, tni\TL ~ N 17 -03 -1,<; Tcz La t # .:J'ICX) .' :Jb Loc.:ztiarl: IHJCDDOl'Z M..1p :.thdi-vision: SPRINGFIELD ~ ,"mal': SV(' tl~) K (' C),~r~r:+,h\"7 'ddrm: ~4(")~ R--.r\7." \J;t"l .,lrod {f>_ ity: ~"'iC)Q~,....Jd OK' r \j ;; Describe (lark: ~Td;-hOil J' CA"Lo.ih..i \d i\~ 911Cl<\\1-d.e17 1CcD5t~~ ill S,~e..j If 0 sc.,-z;-61"''yJ4ft''CeJ-c... I I I '1 Nm' Additicn Ramode 1. .'fobi 1.0 lIom{! DaCe of Applicaticn \nr.r~ctors f:neral !.umb ing ~chanical lr.:l.:cri.!.:o l .1Petl"J~t't;?rJg_ Elec t r~c inn PI"me: '74b-~"1 q74177 Zir': Value Arlrl.rp~~ LiRe_ II Bldrs Hoard Reg. Phnnp 1 \ , /1 -# 1~4~f Siqr:ed: Date: 4'~~AAl - jllh-?~1 , , Exoi-ces : io :ho responaibility of the p.rmit hoLder to see that all inDpections are made at the Froper tim~# that each ~es8 is readabZe ; ''GV!7 tns ot1'oot, a11d that the permit card is tocatBd at the fl"ont of the property. 'fui!di."l!J o-:vidor: approt:Bd plan t1hc.lZ remain on tha Building Sit::: at all times. .'OC~DURE FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated joc nwr.ber, job address, type of i113pec:icll !q-.Ic!Jted a...:d tJ.l:en you will be ready [or inspection, Contractors or CUnero name and phone number. Requests receir:ed be[cre 7: 00 c::':l ;ll be fTtJde the Bame dcy, requests made afta 7:00 am LJill b3 fTtJde the next :.JOrki7l.{1 day. 71?l2-""2- 7 '~Ii~pn r~nn~~tiC"R J SIn: INSPEC." ION: To be nr:lde a[ter CIcav~tion, but prior to set up of forms. J U.'1DERS[,,18 PLV,.,BING. ELECTRICAL & NECH,!.'JICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. ] FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TICN: To be rn::zee after trenchcs ar-e excavated and formD are ~rectad, but prior to pouring ccncret~. ] U.'.'DSRC_'?OU.'!D PJ..(JM!JTNC, DRAInAGE:: To be l1J2:J.e lir..g trenches. S.f:f.fE:R, J./:1TF:R. prior to fi l- ] UUDg.~fLOOR PLUl.$ING I: MeC!lANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of [ZOOl' inDulation or decking. ] POST 1.110 BEAM: To be rr.ade prior to instaLL~tion of floor insklation or deckil'Uj. ] ROUGn pr,U.'!RJ!!C. Er.eCTR!CAL .e UECFI- ANICAL: No :JOl'k is to bc cOL'ored ur.tiL these inspectior.s have beer- mado and approve":. ] FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. ] PRA.'~!f/(:: Must be l'equeDted aft.el' approv.JL of raugh plwrbing, al.ectri- eal & mechani.::aL. A'Ll roOfing bracing & chimneys, et.::. ~~8t be completed. No work is to be con- cealed ~ntil thia inspection has 'been made and appl'oued. Your City Dcaigr~ted Job Numbel' ID: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I,'1SP,r;;CTION: To bs mads after- all. insulation a.....ct . roquired tlapor barriers ars in plaoe ,. ". but 1::sfo1'tI any lath, gypsum boaN or wz.z covering is applied, and befol'B any inDulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPEC'l'!ON: Tc be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, grouti11g 01' vCl.ticalo in accoI'dance loJith U.B.C. Section 2415. 1I00DSTO'lE: AfteI' installation is ccmpleted. / I DE/-fOLITIO!l OR ;'.:OVE~ BUILDI;IG$ :J S,:",i:ary l]tl1.1er ~appBd ::z~ ~ropCl'~Ei lir.s . '. '.' 1~1o.1.,.~I..1I \t";""'.1\"".11 ) ,Ii j~.l. ,\ :J Septi::: tank p:l.ycd and fiHad lJith grant ::::J Final - ({hen aheve ite:~s are ccmpZatcd and when d~litior. is complete or st~~~ ture moved and premises :::leaned up. Mobi le Hcmes :J Blocking and Szt~~p ~ Plwnbing connections sewer and wc:er ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u~ ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ce approt:zd before requesting electrical ins?ec:ion =:=J Ao.:'sSC'Ol".,' Sui ldi.ng ] F'iml - Aft:Jl' p:Jl'cr.es, etc. are c~plet~d. skiI'ting, decks, o D D CURB & APPRCACIf APRON: Arte..... forms are cl'e~ted but prior to pouring ~on<:l'ete. SID.':WALK ~ DRIl'EWt. Y: For all con- crets paving within BtrBet right- of-r..x;y, to be madtl after all tI%ca- vating complete & form work & cub. base material in ?la~e. o All. project conditions, aucJ: aD the :',nstaLlation of stl'eet trees, 'co.':!pletion of tile required landscapir.a, etc., must be satiSfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be r~queotJd. ] FIliAL PLUNBIllG J FIIlAL J./E'::/IA.'lICIlL ] FINAL F:LECTRICI.L ] ~ FINAL BUILDINC: Tho Final Building Inspection muot ba I'equested alteI' the Final Plwnbina Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approu2d. D o !"ENCE: Wher. complete n Provide gates or movable sectionD througr, P.U.E. .Ar.L I.MNIICLES AND CLF.ANOUTS UlJST Dr. ACCESSIBLF., ADJUsrn,t:N'!' TO BE I.JADE J'1.T 1:0 C'JST TO CI"!"Y I Pa.!~c of:1 ~}; .... :'~' o ..;,;.;. ;:;:. :1 l o;.~: . ~i:.r, I -........ I '-.p ., .... ..or.",. Lo. Sq. F". % ~f Lot Cav6rag~ ,f of StOriS8 TotaL Height Topogra;>hy I lITEM II-lain I Ccrl1.Cl1 I Caroort I Acce8sorll SQ. FTC TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. IVCUICJ 1.5 :& Buitding Permit Sta ts Sw'aharge Total Cha.:-gSB lITEM I FixturtJs Reeid",,';,,! (1 ba'h! Sani tary Sewer Water Plumbing Psrrr.i t Statll Surar.a.rg" Total Cha:rao8 lITEM I ROB. Scr. 'tcr. I Nsw/EXtsnd Circuits I Temporary S"MJica I Ela:trical Permit Stat" Suraharqs Total CharC;S6 liTEM I1'urPUC6 !!1'U' 5 I E=haus t Hood I Vent Fan I JJ:>ods tot's I Permit 130uartCa H,,::hanic.::zl Psrmit State Surcharac T{jtn1. r.ha7'{j118 -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SOC".lritll D8P03it I Storago 1 Maintena1U:8 I Parmi t Total C1u:zNWS [ Cur!u.."U: i SidBlJa!k 1.l;'cn::a I Electrical I /tIobi l" Homs Label I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: 4 '(,:~, .,,0;', I~' Occupancll G:rotJ.P: WT Tl. ~rior NO. 1110. I I I I NO. Corner Panhandle CUI-de-sac x Value I /9J~ I 5'0 I / 9J ro I. FE!: OHARC!: FE!: I I ' CHARC!: I I I I I I I I. Cl/ARCE FEE 'I I I I /fJ~, TY~S/COr.8t:,""'1 Setbacks ~ Houss CaraQe Acce8s. 8edroomo: I Lot Faces - I I P. L. !North IEnet South IWee' I EnBrnu Sources I. iiea. I I I II II Tl/C'B Water' .lIf'ntf'r Raugo Fireplace Wood~to{;e Foes Building Value & Permit This permit i3 granted on the erprUDS condition that the said construction shall, in all l"BSpccto, conform to tho Ordinance adopted b'y the City of Springfisld, incLudi.ng ths Zonina C'rdinance, regutatiltg the ccnstrudicn and 1.100 of buildings, and ~y bc suopended or revokec at cr.y t~e upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinancos. IPlan Chock Fee: ,I Ca'c Paid: IReceip. H: ISig,ed: Plumbing Permit No pllrson ahall construct, instal!, alter or chango eny now cr e--isting plumbing or drainag" 8YSt~ in whels or in part, unlBss such person is the l.sga7. poB8I1I1BOZ- of a va1.i.d plumbor', HOBnB', e:z:c"pt that a porson may do pl.untbing WOJ"k to property which is OCJPUI.d, lfUUled or op"Ntlld bV th, appli- oant. Electrical Perm it Whel'a State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor', the electrical portion of" this permit shall r~t be valid until tho Lab.l has be"n oignBd by the Electrical ~ontraotor. Mechanical Permit I. I ~~/)?J~ PLan Ezam1..ner lXl~f/t2I"/') I I. I I I I I i I I I HAVE CAREFULLY eXAMINED the completed application for pBrrrl'it, and,do hereby certify that all ir.fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I fUrther certify that any ar~ aLl work p6rfo~6d shall b" .do~e in accor- dancs ~th ths Ordinanceo of the City of Springfield, and th~ ~~8 of tho State of OregJn p$r~ining to the work described here~n. end :hat NO OCCU- PANCY uill be made of any structurz without p3rmioJion of the Suilding Di- lJision. I furthor certify th.::zt o:1.ly contra::tors ar.d enpbyecs who are in ~pl~ance with CRS 701.05~ ~iZZ be used on this project - ~A, Do,&' ./ -~n,1d ;...0; ~~ ~ff~I7~: i." ,,~. :;.t;: . :.:.~