HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1976-8-3 'c ,3174 ,', .QUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY. ,S.,I'#'~b-S7S- , IFor Office /"": . ' ./ , Use Oniy ~ y-c?{t ~f?../ Yes V No Received bv Code C.T. Number Soe~~ Permit Area Urbanizina Area THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE TH~ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. -l P lEA S E P R I N T 35'~~ ~ Fro-rl--) If Subdivision - Name: Lot # Block # 1'/ ...3 /s .J7dO (~~nship, Range Section Tax Lot No. 7/!'tUlt2-u . /. g pac;./A-J Name /J --L-'_ /7,5;..'" f/j/JLt.d ~I ing Address ~ -/ ue.../hr.,- d!-t r;:.:. J Tota I '1g-;--O!J G- Y X ~.../ ~/~o~ ~7h~~~k Telephone # Signature of Appl icant Date. Proposed Water Supply Publ'ic V District: Spri.~g Well 'I ..9. f: ~ 0-/ &nxl~,kvt"~ot r. A 'I C/ /, :1 il When Will Test Holes Be Ready? '9- 3-71p MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS \ (Datej \ ,'I, J U Location of Test Holes on Property:, '-" VL/ ~........ ,.... \.:. 'C'.' .~'';;. ,.- Draw diagram of p'roperty showing lo~ation Jf any landmarks and rel'ltionship of test holes to., these landmarks: I .&g'-'J ~~ I ; ! \ f 1 '-t ~ ... l. , ! Proposed Use of Property: L )}o--P\-/ 0/VJ>v (]I J. Legal Access - Road ;1,3 J J/ Property Size .'s Property Within On~iLe of P~yy Yes ~ What City? ~~h.-ttl" ~ ' 4 Property Location (Directions): );~~Y7~r!rd. \ \ ~ ~ ~ \ L:1/:{ . '~.~-~j~,. .::<, ,. "'. ~ '\ O'l. . ,< \". . . ill.. . '7A~ ,j:' Yes No Owne,t7 of Proper,ty Owner's Consent No. of Sites I ~ $ -?<:;;tJO '" en No. of Acres , $ $ ?C;; t70 -l .- "" Owner ~ Seller Applicant's Interest Buyer Realtor in Property: Other (Specify) :.(i'lll'r'-'-'- > Name ./""V1_~ E"xist:ing Structures on Property Other (Specify): (j . H f/~l~~ ?~.( , ,i " ,. \ ",' '\' '., , . .1",. " , ' '''''":\ .\ ..... . ", , MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL C55-55 Phcn e: 687-4065 MANAGEMENT, 135 E. 6th Ave.. Eugene. Ore, APPROVED AI NOT APPROVED Atpruve) .Fo.;'- :>c-Jsu,fa.~'E 5eW~t)e ~Q.$aJ V fir O};e dfA-CI/; "'$ .przVj~J the drCt /n--hcl/ 13 J )ocd!ic/ G;jt of -d;e .sta..kJ mc;bJe home SJf12, .:.? .V<<~~ I ~~~~zed Signature -! / . Date .' , . - - , , , . " ' . . ' . y- BUILDING SITE EVALUATION ~ PERMIT APPLICATION NO.J7~-~~ ( } <)4 BUILDING SITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION Not Ap~licable I. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone~-I l) 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance ( ) 3. Requ i red Access ( ) 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Frontage) () 5. Other (see comments) ( ) COMMENTS: T taR 05 S~N: LOT: S I~ TAX LOT 3100 BLOCK: APPLICANT DATE No Yes T) z::f ( ) "'" ( ) ,(.,r ( ) H- ( ) ( ) ~- CK'D BY 7--z:-r"7fo 6. Setbacks from c 1 of roa~:h Front AJ/A Side Exterior . Setbacks from interior ~'nes: Side , Rear PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENOING: YESl } NOl } APPLICATION# BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Applicable l ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Appl icable ( ) ( ) 11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: No Yes T) TI ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) CK'D BY: OATE No ~ T)vxt. ( ) ( ) TO APPLICANT: Your Building I Site Inspection: \)/ / (t..}-Can be approved. Ii~l-/ ( ) Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. ,,'1 ~ Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- 0',..1 ~ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 b. through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING ANO SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit aEPl ication fee is bein!l..~'lturn~d under seoarate cover DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HArlAliEMENI 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28 ," . . . . , SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET 7/?-S7S /7 A-erT SIZE OF PROPERTY: .2.3> TWP. RANGE 03 SECTION J S TAX LOT # 3~ LOCATION: ZONING: PROPOSED USE: V'$:S) ~p USABLE AREA; ."h; U/,i.. J:- . tiL--J-es AMOUNT WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY ~ PUBLIC 0 INDIVIDUAL I I IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Single Family Multi-family gpd Industrial Commercial gpd Institutional -s/5O gpd gpd gpd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Curtain drain required: Other: required . Equal S Yes 0 l/7n .1/1 - Serial D No 0 /150 gal. Length of disposal trench Distribution Method: SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: Dm" "AC,",n"'#~ C74-l26 # 1 T,E S T PERCHED WATER Predic ted Observed Date SATURATED ZONE Predicted Observed Date Restrictive Layer Impervious Layrr Mottling t;(,., nxt5' ff b ~ + .1 SITE DOES ~ DOES NOT ADMlN~IVE RULES .E #2 T.T PROFILE PREDICTED WATER inl Inch Predicted iUl rh Observed )1, 'dJ.' Date 12 - rt SATURATED ZONE in. 24 - 5~ Predicted in. Obse rved fY-., Date 36 _ in. in, in, Restrictive Layer Impervious Layer Mottling 48. ~ OJ .?tL~ 60 o MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS. REOUlRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: H 0 L. E , ' PROFILE in. Inch in. 12 - in 24 - in .5t1.",e 36 - in in 48 - in 60 - Q!! ~ PROPERTY THE DEPTH WAS: 0 36 inches to an impermeable layer 0 30 inches to a restrictive layer 0 60 inches to a permanent water table 0 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL PLOT ~: Stream - Drainage or pond ..,........"..'.. Road --..-- Test Hole QD ---.::,. % Slope Cut Bank ;;# i" Fence "K~1C-)t a.i5fav!e/ inches inches inches inches '!loo"~~~Q ~:. g; 'l: l . < . ...., ;:s tB ~ ~ ~ ~\;;; ~ r , . ~ . < . . . . ] SPECIt'. - ~~1t>.:AR . ~ ~ ,.~ - :;<b,... ": .. '... I. - :+.. _ __ -::L4.-;.....::J:'~.. '-.-.- --. . ..,",,0 ~ ~~: -,;' u~.......:... """'="~'-~- - ,~ ::. ~>..+ ' . . -- ~ ) ~ ':.'" - :,',: - ~... ~.- :~.""- . ,;-;-..; ~ ,..' . "".~. , . ~"~ji::;;.~,,'.~";'!~ '-0. ~...,.:q;;: x'\~,. or - . . .--~~:%f~yx.,_.;t..~1 ..$~..e..t .~2.A; :~;;~~ -~: ~'~':.': j'~'~~;~f~:~':'~ '.~: - , j \ . ", '" o~/ ./ l:'S. 33"'3.fE.:' '. '78.~' .... _...~ __ ~_. ~I_. ;:1_.\, _ .."\ .A'%(te.~e:rilo{ //5 .~."'24'5~::.-. ,SQ": ~ .......,. :2-- - 0 _ . ~ T.L. Z70~ .- _ ., ;. -'"_ ..". ..............: .... .. a'.......w. . .,... '.'.' 1102.54" . .II'" .'.! .,:_5. ".~e.s4:E,~' . ............ .:'l t' ~. '. , ~. ...a'.....w. . .u,..... ., ~ . ~ .,. "I. Uet4'5Cf'E." 81.54" ~ (100 rO~t; I ~ " II ~ ~: l~:~~::'f-. 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