HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-10-31 ..." j...." U, "". I,ll .1 ~ IIII ~~u 111111, I I .'ILI",_.l.."i.. ..."lol.i,j,; ~.'~ i""~o;;;o:.,"",,.;'_I',I~'" .ol.ol....~...........'.."- _-:.-."-,.:..:.,~",,,,;""~'.~~l.'-. ~. RES I D'E' .. T I A l . . APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street springfield"Ol>egon 97477 I Building Division 726~3753 7'= Lot II () / t)t) / ~r cl'><-evy) SYurde Va fL I <-CPT Job Looation: q }2.........::_~j 5 T 11tJ 8~t,~ 3 ('M jAil d Asaessors Map # Subdivision: Wner: "E,Cj#2<<, Address: q!) ,5 Spf-d- Ci ty : j \ I,' I..,,"t ,.: I /VI..a(A ) Phon e : Zip: q {4--17 Descy.ibe f.'ork: , , , I .( I , .' ,I \ i I I I !-l \ New Addition Remodel I !10bi le Flome Date of Applioation Contractors General i Plumbing \ Hechanical I Ii: 1, ec t de a 1 {fl e-ILe"vtllf'./ 'SllPe_rv~"Sing IHec l riciLln q ./J{/Y ffBldrs I Board I 1 I Value Lise. lAddress I ;,'.[ , I' ;, ,j - ,. kj.\[ef ,I ~tecfn// ,- bLO:}, C)CJ ~ j " i 'I i ' .., .1.' . ~":'Pt , 1\ j' 15~S-1 ,I. " F ;, / I ,l/:t~ j~ I ~ jl I :' ! \1 , 1 " , ,I . t i , I I I ,. i , 1 '~ " :' . [ , ' : H I , , I; 1" '. I " I' n I, I :Jig~e~J ' _ '_ I I Datt; v }eY ~ (1/ (('L; / ( I , I ,I '" .,J R~g: I I I I , lJ...hQr e I. . , " Exp;res Ii il /i , ", . I r," 7t!&-t.ftI-!-X ~ , ..I' f.. : ~ ' ~ ! . /0/( liJo ' ir I tt \ .; It is the responoibility of the permit hoLdey' to see that all inopections are mqde at th; proper time, that eaoh address is rJadabZ~r from the street, and that the perrrrit oard is located at the fy'ont of the property..1 ., I I I I 'Bui!ding Diviaior: ap;;l'oved plan shell remain on the; Bu-:.ld'in(l SU::: at all times} , ' I - . . . I 'I . ' PFlOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rocol"der) state yOUI' City designathd job nw'r:bel", l'equestod a~d when you will be ready fOI" fnsP9ction, Contra~tors 01' OuJners ncmeland ,phonenumbcr. 1..'i II be made the same dGY, requests mGde aft:::l" ?: 00 am lJil l be; made the n:::xt :-Jorkin{j' day.' I .' . . ,I 'f}:. I' ,,,...-,, You l' City Designated.Job'NumbGr'~s: "\,",if,',' '1.; I~/ft( Q'i<: Hequired Tns!J{wt1:cns O SITE INS'PEC'J'ION: To be made aftel' excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING~ ELECTRICAL & . NECFlANICAL: To be made befOI.e any lJol'k is .:Jovered. D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches m'e excavated and fOl"ms are el"ected, but pl"ior to pouring concret6. UNDSRGROUi'lD PLUM3TNC. SEffER, fl1TER~ DRAINAGE: To be made pl'iol' to fil- lingtrenc he s . D o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made priol" to instaZlat'ion' of f100r insulation .01" decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priol" to installation of floor insulation or decking. ROUGI! PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL ,<; MECH- ANICAL: No work is.to be covel"ed ,until these inspections have been made and approve;::. FIREPLACE: Pl"ior to placing facing materials and befoy'e fmming inspec- tion. FRAl'ING: . Must be ,requested after. appl"oval of l"ough plumbing, :::lectri- cal & mechanical. All roofing . bracing & chimneys, et.:J. rrro./st be . completed. No work is to be con- I cealed unti l this inspection has . been made and approbed. . o $ D o ~ INS[J[,A'I'ION!VAl'OH HARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after' .all insulation ar.d' required vapor' bCl:niers are ~'i~Zace\ but before any lath, gypsum board 01" uJQll covering is applied, and before any insulat'ion iu concealed. job address, type lof i/!3pedtic/l' Requests l"eoeived' bef;n'e ?: 00 a-:; I I. I I ' \) ~' . LI/;.'I'/' ':,'1 /!!I,\/,,~~' " DEI.I0LI'I'ION OR :~,'OVED BUILDUCS =:JJ SQ/:ti tar'y S(J'..Jel" :Japped at p;~~~rl'tii line ~ Septic tank pumped and filled with gl"a~el I Final - ({him above items are cempleted ~ and when demolition' is complete 01' stru.:J- ture moved and premises dleaned up. Mobile Hcmes ~ :=J Blocking and Set-up D DRYffALL INSPEC'l'ION: To be made aftel" all dy'ywallis in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, gl"O!cting o}' verticG ts in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. Plumbing connections SCuJel" and water D D After installation is ~ Electl"ical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plUmbing connections rrro./st be approved before requesting electrical inspectio~ ~. Accessol"Y Building I Final - After porohes, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. D AU proJect; condit'!:ons, uuch as the 'instaUat-ion of stl'eet trees, co......rpletion of t'iw re'qwired landseC:[J'i':(I, ete., rmls t be satisfied bcfo't'e the BUILDING FINA'L can be requested. , D FIliAL PLUMBING o FINAL ME(;flANICA[, ffi FINAL ELECTRIC!;L o WOODSTOVE: completed. D CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After forms are erected but p1"ior to pouring conCl"ete. SIDEWADK & DRIVEfi/l Y: For a U con- crete paving within street right- of-uJaY, to bo made after all exca- vating oomplete & for':T/ lJOl"k & sub-. base material in place. o PINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requested after the Pinal Plwnbing . Elect1"ie,al, and Meohar.ical Inspections helve been made and approved. o D PENCE: _'he1: compl6te -- Provide gates or movable sections thl"ough P.lJ.E. 'AU, MANUOLES AND CWANOU'I'S MIJ.':''I' BF: I1CCESDIBLF:, AD./lJSTNEN'F TO BE /.1.1DI': AT NO COST TO CITY I P::l~iC of" o I I JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lot Caverag<: ' /1 of Stories Total Height Topography :1 I ITEM I Main I Gc..raae ' I Carport I Accessorl/ I I Is.D.c. I SQ. FTG I, I I TOTAL VALUE (value) 1.5 x Building Permit State SUI'charge Total Charges lITEM I FixtUI'es I Reside~tial (1' bath) I Sani tary Sewer I NO. I I I I I Water Plwnb,ing Permi t I State SUI'cr.arge Total Charaes (ITEM' :.., ' iRes. Ba. fta. I I' I New/Extend Circui ts ~ 11Pmrn"~~;;:"~~ce II · .~le~t"ic"l I I I Permit State Suroharqe Total! Charges ITSM Furnace PTU' S Exhaust Hood , I Vent Fan Woodstove Permit Issuance Mecrzanic.'J.l Permit StateiSUI'charae Total Charaes 'I -- ENCROACHMENT -- : Se~uritu Deposit ! I Storage J Ii Mainte1'lanc~ I Pcrmi t ~I 1-, r ,. , I!: eurbcut ;i: Sidewalk J Fenoe! i i i; Electrical Label 1.1 Mobile Harne "I \1 ~ 1'OTIlr; AMOUNT DUE: * I Total Charqes SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q,- .... Occupancu G. NO. NO. . LOT TYPE Interior Corner Pmihandle Cul-de-sac x Value I I I I I I' FEE I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE FEE CHARGE FEE , I ~;).,50i JS;"DD 0', ..;~ 1, > I, 't>- .' ;_ ' I I ~15'Dllr I l G,~LI , I 3q ~ 10 1'*: CHARCE 'I 'I' I, I '/1 , I J I I I I II I I I I I I :jq I 'I CJ L - COG-It Type/COI:s t: Bec.i'ooms: ' I Lot Faces - I I P.D. ,INOl'I;h 18as t- Isou th livest I I I I Access. I I I I i I I I II SetbackH I [fouHe I Cal'age I I I I I I Enei'171{ Sources fIeat Watei' !lAater' Range Fireplace Woodstove T.i.IDe P;;.es ""~ I I Building Value & Permit This permit iH (franted 011 the eXpress condition that the said constl'Uction shall, in alZ. i,'es['ects, conform tiJ the Ordinance adopted b'y tile City of Spr'in(fFie ld, 1: no Ludin(f the .zoning Ordinance, regu lating, the cons truction and use of bu'ildin(flJ, and m:::.y be suspended or reuokec. at ar:y time upon vio- lation of (Lny pl'av'isions or said Ordinances. I * * Plan Check Fee:' " Date Paid: Receipt, II: jSigned: Plumbing Permit I , I No person alUlll construct, install, alter or change any new or existing plwnbing or' drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessoi' of a valid plwnber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ( I * I ! E I e c t ri c ai I Permit Whei'e State Lau) I'€iquire8 that the electrical work be done by an Eleotrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label IUl8 been signed by the Electrical Contractor, Mechanical PermH / I '* I I ,II I' , ; 'i*. 'Plan EXaJll1:ner Vate I H,q VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp leted app lication j'orpermi t, and do hereby certify that all infol'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar4 all ~ork performed shall be do~e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th<: Lcr,,;s of the State of Oregan pertaining 'to the ,work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'the!' certify that o~~ly contractors and e:npl.:Jyees who, are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project \1 :/ I :1 , ,/i!J~,a /" L {,lro.' >J ~gn3d ' ' -f&~ (/1 r7