HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1998-7-14 Dec-Ol-99 01:07P REALTY WORLD Harlow 541-746-1225 P.01 ~I:' U'H ~IIJ\ tl"17 ~'.._'~ H~,""~13 .~-~~ I\(LU')L..L\:-'E\D\f"~CIR 4:,1.:: ~ . "\, -... J)~. -'/;;"6-- ~67~ r~.\ ~,.. WiUamalane 'tlr Pa'" & A"C'eat;O:f6;i~~ t'vtON /~, fAe~ [.'/v 10.\' h.~ ~,J ~~. Yho 14J1~ f( rl July 14, 1918 ./) I <. d"J ().. ~ +6 'J-1.'}.L. ~ ~tt-tl," 4"^J~1r),,,. " J ~~~rj II ~s Harlow 1510 Mohawk alvd. Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Mr. Harlow: . Friday you cilJc:d WiUamalane and asked whether or not you wouJd be assessed a parle $Y$t= D;vclopment Cbarge (SDC) for moving a existing house fO a new location within the Park Oi.sai~ After resean:.bml the resolution authorizing SOC collections (WiIlamaJiI1e Resolutioa No. 92-93-20), I conclude that you ate not required to pay an SDC fee. Section I (D) of the tcsolution states dw "the SOC imposed by this resolution is imposed on the activny of development, not on the land. owner, or property." Section 2 (G) defwes "development" as ".8 building or other land Ci}ZLStI'Uction, or m.aking a p~l.:hadge in the use of. structure or laud, in I mlmler which mereu.s the' usage of an)' capital improvcmco.ts or whicl\ will contrib\lte to me .need fondditional or enlarged capital. improvemeQts. .. Gj~ft !:bat mil house yO\1 will pJace OD yoW'lot is no\ of ~ew construction. but is an elCbdD& resicfenriallU:lR which will be moved to the sfte. then there is no net iacrease in QSlgc of pllk facUllle.s. Tho resolutlOD aho allows for exemptions to SDC pa)1D.ents (Section 4 (t)){2)) lor developmontwhen "no ad<iltJonal ciwelJilla UDits are crelUed." If you should ba"c any further quutiou about this maner, plcllSe cion' r hesltare to c:onta.:t JnC at your convenience, Sincerely, ~ A--- Hal Gausman PlannerlLandscape Architect ~dr) n;S:I:l~:Q"\ 9'JiIC,r; .200 SOl.:t/'1 1"lill Str~e.:;_. 5~~~Sf~~:= S::~ 9~:~7-7303 ':.~ :="":". ~~~_..!.":'':.:-::'. T~,"", .=',d'" ?~;':'....I' ....~ . -.-." '-._ _...,::-?,.;. , .... \