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Permit Correction Notice 2011-4-29
f~K.m~?~~~~~~~.f""~~{r.!i4\j.l"f~~";~"/'ff?'f~~~'~'-~';5trj:"":,}:;;;J.1.i:.~~.s.t~~~...~~~4;'~':fl~'W~-4<~,v::-t~':";~":'~~'~"';:d1:"i~i\7h , . SPRINGFIELD ~aJ . I:: '. ! J' I Date:k/ 2 9' / 2. & I ( Job# r: - 'I - ()(J (..1/3 Address: I C-! 3 i, IA)~ Inspection Type: r:'r'/I//I.(, ~AE.r/r-ILr/ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: TF-f7AVf .TOHtJ501{} , AX'-c- 2/&. 9 Tlfl" I- c, fAv.D ("",.uKIW _ t')WLJi-A AIE-r-J) (:.PC-'C PI'1Ar-t::/.'rl::1MJ ~ AlFA"-IJ" ;-0 ,"I- /"i?~,;.{) ,/-IF L-r/(,H-l'" /y,u rffF_ r:c,~ AIF,.E-./){, 'II? PWi. 'J::1J ?/U> IIAMJlfFtUf~/Alb-C; < Pf;f-,S ~fd .; ~au: /.: f4.4...H k... Corrections and reinsp_~on request shall be made within 5 () calendar days. I Q / I Call for reinspection DJ'yes DNo InspeCtor Cl ,/'; ~} r;..'(n/ Date: 1--/ -.2-, - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~/"'~;'~~~~',.,,~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~