HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-8-19 , ~ -';'-,- ~./~- ....:;~. ~,Ti~ F7 ..(1?,- n Lcno , JOB LOCATION IJ<? "r1SD.'~~.1=81&o/t 0,i-tJ 2 , LANE COUNTY PERMIT ~ IAdi" ;/( -:F-';".: " ,. ..:.~t'. i :t~:.~~~{~~ -',I> '-~'"~ ':~:~4~= ,j I . ~- __v-.. , . ;'1c;,'b x. 1994" Acreage or Lot Slze._J:h__ -.-- Contractor's O.S. # , Partitioning #_/IJA. ) Completed SubdiVi~i~I' :""_:"".1M._ LOL__ '..:..-W'~ . Block APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS l~~_~t~{I~.L1.(h.YSl2.~~ 0J.."it.tij.~",g,/_~CJ!]t.tOL Phone 72U '2'?{~ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS__ '~1;,1,(-r'7;o'r~[1)C , _u -~~'Z. --~_._~- P"cne~,_____~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS I filil1...Ii1.s. ,(,1, _111.1/\ ~ 01._,__ __,~._____~_"'_'__ Pho"e_~,_.___ Mail permit to ( ) Applic<:nt ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor. ( , ) Prefer to pick up. Call.. __. ..~_ (owner, etc.) when ,eady. . STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PHOPERTY _n_CVWfl(.h. -- - -- ..~,---_._~._.._- THiS PERMIT IS FOR----1.tr./o{ --fu (YwJlC,l\ ,ltoflafr :;:J).<; __~__._ n'___~' # REDROOMS_~~APLUMBIf\;GCONNECTIONS.__- c.o\\T'P1l.0T?d-)OCO ' ViAnR SUPPL Y _._.__~_______.... _~ ...__~ SEVI,,\GE [)'SPOSAL._3~___.._____. -- '5.1. # ...1L.f\___. THi3 PROPERTY IS,VITHIN ONE: :VlILE OF THE CITY OF m ~_n"__~ ~~..~~_.~,-. PLUMBING BY "-'-'-~"- I h'~"r-;by certify that the above statements are true and accurCTC, ann ~.hi.~t I have the fo11o'.....ing h..-'SF'! interest in the proper~y: ___owner :)f record; __~___cantract purchaser; ~ potential buyer; _..._,_ n~alto~ or agent, I further cer:_i1y that (if not the, o,'vvner) : arn~juthorized to Jet for the owner of record. ,.'d that said owner is aware and apprc\'6s of this action. I hereby agr6e to comply with all'appjieaple CCide$ relating to this permit:'''" ,,c' '~" Fee Paid S~___.~__ Signature _'__'__" ./f;; ~/'"..',::"'---_.._. Date.,...__..._.::."...' ~:" ( : i,!EW ADDRESS ------. SM!IT~TION Oltid1fl~1i!.L.~1.@..- Minimum <:cntic T"nk Capacity JGallollsi ._~_.~ .4.Z;r;.:j;... Drainfi"ld Required L;~eal Feet _,__________~~_ M2x1rnum C:::ptll Gommcnts:LnS17L(J aliI, ac/d1I1.#laJ '-I c,r::/ _1{1/u ;1-1 ~ tlLr ?(JRf>~v rv 'fk f?Wf:;:!J ~_~~:E.:~__~~~c', oc=c ~E!~t\C~~ FRO~T ~EJ.0C!~'.G srn~f~~:_=~_~RL)~1~~'L) 'l\~l~~I.D~ '::~I\:~~!..'~..c~~~~f':=~..(F~i'1.!.:!~! ) FACiliTY PERMIT TO TRMJSPORTATION DEPT. .--~ ) SPECIAL PMT'. AREA. r'.1!~~, ELEVATION: ~,...., = -.-------------.----- ----'. BUIL.DIr,G _.~. ,..._ Type 01 Cons1ruction ..:.'.-,.:....Group _____ ____._ Use CI(l~;.;i ficatinr: "Fire Zone Comrnents: - . '. : " .---...--. ----~- LA~:E COUNTY lJEf .RTMi:jlJT OF ENVIROill;ViEilITAL MAi\lAGE~.IH~T. 1?5 E/\ST 8TH iWE. EUGH'E, Oil:':CU'~ <:7';')1 Pt:'jNE: G87 tl394 POST THIS PERfViI-' (Po! MAlj\-' i=JUILLlll'JG A'I SIT ~ .. Ci5 '3 BL ,_,r,o p~: Rf,lI-'-. 'v':HIT F: BUILDII'\'C- - C Rf :-N: ~J-Ul: ._~ ING rANJ\ ~v. tc-~'-.jl') hTl(1~-! . Ul ,_)I-!'>, h:.)[ '. q' : .LI; ...:u:'" . ", ~ ~ - CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # '-..' .~,{/~-# I'I" l; JOB . ~ , :ii ;\ I . ' AD' REI S:{,:;,} POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUJLDlr~G AT SITE '0"-" .u'" ""~,? ,+~-~::'/~;::~:1 ,,,."'.;,,,,.c;,""'. Violation can ;"~;" j ,e...._", Subdivision: This permit cor the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicantl Address: Owncrl ^ddrc~s: Contractor I Address: Contractor's OS # Total Construction Value: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: .truction approved by this permit: Water Supply: __ # Bedrooms: '" Plumbing Fixture~_____ ~..,:Employees:,_ PLANNiNG DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning" Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerl;ne of road, front: side exterior: '. '. ; interior property lines: ;rear propzrty line: Special Instructions: '^" Parcel Size: ; centerline cf lOad. For information call 687-4394, r-. 1 WATER POLLUTION CCNfROL DiVISION Site Inspection # Installation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. aepth of trenches: Spcciallnstructio'1s: gal. min. s<:ptie lank capacity; SI" ae,,"s Septic Tank r or 'Jr:>perty lines 10' '-- Ec" ~ of road right-of-way' 10' Suilding .tour1dBt;on 5' \Veiis, other vvater sources 50' ._-----.~- ._-~--~ ..~-------_.__._-- Drainfield --fey......... 10' 10' 100' Fer informat;i;;1 c-dl betv,een 8:00. B:OD am., SOf'!STRUCTIGN PEPM1TS/ii;JSPECTION CIVISlCN TYPf:. of Construction: !nslructlons: GI'"OU~. :=ire ?otis: U:8 C!as~ificat;{Jri: For pians j"forrnat;on cz;ll bnt':,cGn 8:JO ~.m. an... 9:00 a.m., _!(j,rinspecti,!"s .~':'.e.t>ac~ elf thisrGr:""lr)~<:af! 687.~q~5b(')t\!'!een 8:00 a.m. and 5:o.Qp:0,. fro.' ... DEP~RTM[NT OF ENVrF:O~~\~ENTl\,L MANAGPilENT COL' THOUSE' PUBLlr. SER'f1CE SUILCING BV: I :aIle cour!0t a;';"..."" ~';":~:~~. i. "'~".'~~"~':i ~.~~ I ~:[:J:~.~ y _.. - Dii';::cticn: to S:~c: Dace !!:SU~ll ~.,,, ~.......,.. ~~, ~\'~~", I""........-..~ -----.. -- -- ~i' ~ 4 ~II}~ ' <- ~- r ;-,/1/ o. &/ V !l;>, ' " ~~ /" I ----- )/'1 Cft~- P an , /division. i Block Lot.-2.. -500 ..~ ,,,,"::> -";v' JOO J..o,,":~on lAddrcss) Permi~ (J.1$/7'- 78 For Permi'" (J " For Permi:~ (J : For P,f.f'Sblf/,-IG-0 1- SEe .. P7'fFl"".v~ / ~~' 1 Ii - L>..v 3-~ pa-,/;.(.u JPj1V IV v . .-..' "- llJ . -.l ~ ... "- . I:l " Vicinity Map "7L._1 <;0 N .... \Ij i 1'\ < 'J! -\ >:. ~ I i ~ I Q. j I V) . . , - ,- ~(I'.]6: ,., '" \ ,.1'-- .. , ,.r 1" ~w ...'. ~ Q~':::' ,~ - ...., ...J,..:. ..' ~ ~ " '~I L! '< -~ ~ l~ Iv ~ ~ I ;.., , , - -" . 1_.., ya3--_) I -I "I " r. /S \\ l "\ I ~;I ~\~ Ol:: ~" " .. ~l 11 ppope~ep CJFFiCr~\. :\ I':r..... ,.', \ 1..'T~,z ~ ';-r')J ~'-- ~ Permit (J :. Permit (J ..' Permit (J pl.oT p"" '" w/ap ,$'"1".-78 ":~: , ,,:..' '~ ,..' .. - , .' "'... " ~ " " ,,: ',f- ,_.~.. ~-' v p {>orc,;E l> SrlN<:.-rv"'fO.Y .. - A~C> CL"iSS.RCO'+<S ^ . ~.<; '0:-': "'1 ',.- . ~ '.~:-- '" '..J _:"'" :"'~' . ."; ~t> ;. .'.... ,J f'Q..-{ .. ~ \ L J .""" ~'e7 Jf' c.;: ..,.' 1"-1 €f r to' , 0,/' \ ,. J;' ,. , ,. I j S I ./::::'.1 ,4,'$1 ! ,// ~' ,'- ...-~1 " ~ r ]0 ~L ". ---:7 '. ~ ..' For For For " ','. I ~ +' ;. .- r" ~f'" ..(' t" ,. r ..g' 1 CI . ! .~; ~ .., . J--2;~ \.,-. .- f \ , "5- ...... ..... - - - - - - . I of', '0 ' .' tE' ~I ! ~ l 6 ~ {I , , h c' /j t'" : \(! ," . \ "~ 't ,