HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-1-30 ~o, r;, . ,JOB ADDRESS: 383 Game POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE Farm Road, Eugene, Oregon TRS, TL: 1i-03-22.4.1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-94-8o-TMH Jl I......... tt ,+OU,L Subdivision: na This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/AddressPonald Hartwick, same as above*** Owner/Address: / Contractor/ Addresi: Contractor's OS # / Total Construction Value: / Telephone: / Telephone: / Telephone: / Construction approved by this permit: . Water Supply: na PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Renewal of TMH-39-79"" and SDS renewal Structures now on property: SFD and MH # Bedrooms: na # Plumbing Fixtures: na # Employees: na Zoning: RA Partitioning # na Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na nainterior property lines: na ;rear proplUty line: Special Instructions: PERMIT EXPIRES 12/31/81....... na Parcel Size: .39 acre na ; centerli ne of road, na For information call 687-4394, Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special Instructions: The hardship remains unchanged from the original application. The existing septic system appears to be functioning properly with no malfunction and no problems reported by the owners of the house. Renew for two years or until hardship ceases, whichever occurs first. Renewable if hardship still exists. Repair r~om is 687 avaiAbie... -3966etween 8:00 - 9:00 a,m" Kathi M. Wiederhold Setbacks Septic Tank .erior property lines 1~ ge of road right-of-way 10' o uilding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: na Date Issued: 01-30-80 C55-13 Roger Hollis gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call Type of Construction: Instructions: na MH Group: SFD/MH R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: For plans information call 687-3760 between 8:00 a,m, and 9:00 a.m., Ralph Hough For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8y: JSS/1ky / bne county . 1 2. . . 2 . . '. , . 6 I. i. 10 -. . " 2!.. . 16 -. . 11 .!!. . " -. . " ~. . " -. . .!! I E.. . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 9480 ~ APPLICANT HARTWICK. DONALD ADDR 383 GAME FARM ROAD. "'TL~ 1703224104801 SUBDIV ~ NEW BLDG TYPE . CODE APPL NO E. BP BP ~ BP .BP ~ BP .BP .. PL ~ MECH .SUR .. PCK MH -'!. SDS USE X NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT DATE 011480 EUGENE, OIi:EGON . LOT BLK NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 COST VALUATION FEE: DAY.. . . NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE 5.00 4X 0X .~ o o .. o : o ~ -~ o ~ '12 k a 40,,00 CK ::. i .~ ~--= NO. FIXTURES: EACH = LC 9480 TMHR SDSX 15.00 25.00 " -. ~ , SIFO CPI 1!.. TAKEN BY RLH WPC PLAN ELEV ADDR FP COMPLETED BY ENVH TOTAL FEE** " -. .. . 6 ~ ,.~ . . ~ 2 ~ . .!!. .. -. <?;fj \ / '~~ 'OEPARTliENT OF ENVIRONllENTAL t1ANAGEM~ \\ ,,"'1 PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE .. '\~"\ ~ \ . EUGENE. OREGON 97401 Job Address ~ J?~ A4Ff'/ &J#/ ~ !li}:tI'!'~~"-: (f6orniillli\I(R;iUi;iS\!(:tc'Ml:L'iakjEotl / 7_/?:? ---:<..2 ~ / "'#P.4/~ ~>b~WP'ldl:i.n-~-"''lr'9''Y.A'~ """," '^-, , - ,"".' 6/ 'l'~W'" .11 ""y,,~.g!!;""'v/A'.-?'" " ....".. 8 Ot.; Application Dr /0,__',,,,,--/_~ ~ ,74'/# Structures now on-th~ property -7-li?"?" ~ ;'lriiM$ellHi$";;Ofii\ftl!P~ n~~ii;t'''''"ttll]j n '&If&1fitJ ?:~~~:::;~;"'I."':;r~~~'w. ...'.'.'w............. -'''"$' ~l '1lJ(@$!liPrlnt If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code- and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other plJr~ose. I have the fgJlowing legal interest in the property: owner of record; ~ ~ontract rchaser; ~1 ; /holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authoriz~~t f (er;~~~e ~,ot~ application. Signature/Address ,tZ.."'") /.4 'A?~ ./ /r::;~.J/r' ~(ZiD) '-'--~e~one/ /" _ /.I6r _ ~ate /~/'r ~~~'7 When permit is ready not,fy: CI {PPl icant CI o"k{ CI Contractor !!.t: CI mail CI phone o"ner (ziD) Phone Contractor (zip) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbin9 by 7/P/7f- 'ikz:5jh~:a%T~":1V:i {.C;V!'c.... ,..w ." wow n ~. '. _. ~....m.m ~.y .,. ,,:.::, .".,...'~...n :'Il~!i.iline.id'jijI!lPllnh = o 1l!\1l~*!r;m!n o -l1['il1 , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. = = ~:s~::::~:~:l)l~I~I~ SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees i~lttlq~;i~xisting, CI Proposed. 1111 BP # SI # ~Fie~ ~ >>"*, y , , '" ~ I~;f::,~~!:::\f~~i ~~;.:.;:. /##~ 3:;;'/' ~- " ~ _ t!'?.. J)':-. -,1_ ~~..:~~ ~C',!fL "..u~~ .;,~- ~-~-~ Valuation Fee .c- $ .B":- $ $ $ $ each $ each $ O!g~OOJij:;?4~/ KjC~K' /' ~ ~ Received ~I"~~ Water Supply ~ Proposed Existing _ Year Installed Total Valuation: $ iP;llliitiilfTfJitiififSl at $ t.Fzil~~~!~~111 at $ Subtotal $ 4% State surcharge $ Plans check fee / /// ~ #$ .LB."":" ^~ t'l"""p"n,.y~~//M'UtJIV~r $1Ii!~' -=--~ TOTAL $ ~ = = PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks: G... front conments,&~r ~~dA:;V To be typed on permit ~ Pa rL # Parcel # Parcel Size 1.. side ; int. rear CP&I To be Type~ typed on perm; t Group K.'~ ,- /.,2 - a/- 6'/..-----, / -~~)./~ , - By /,/fA.~'/~ /'i7" Date /~'=?r-~~ Use Cl ification ~ ~ / ~ - , ~ Fire Zone .., By 9~- ~~) . Date lr !J..Ff-Yl) Phone ~ 7 - 316d.. For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site CI SIFO XL CP& I '.0 WPC CI Planning CI Pub 1 i c Works CI Elevation CI n/a e} Address /~/ Facility Permit /~/ Environmental Health Plans to: CP&I WPC set{s) set(s) Date Required Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed (Ja te to PCC FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) l ~<6 \ PUBtlC N011C E ~~~ TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT APPLICATION # 91- J' 0 POSTING DATE j- / &, - g-" -/pi f)A5V\~ ~JL 303''~ ~ ,; (Address of Property where Mobil e Home will be Located) .'. l ~ ~s qttt (APPLICANT) ff-JJ ' HAS REQUESTED A TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AS )q A personal, but not necessarily financial, hardship exists 'whereby it is necessary to have someone living on the same . P'::"::,::,::':h::':,::0::':::I::P1,O"," d,,"i'9 0' mobil, horn,; o o The mobile home will be used for the applicant's personal use during the time a conventional dwelling is being constructed on the premises, after whi ch it wi 11 be removed; / The mobile home will be used by an employee of this applicant for bona fide agricultural, forestry management, or mineral extraction purposes; o The mobile home will be used for residential purposes for a watchman or caretaker, in co~~ctio~ with a commercial or industrial use. ~;1Af~ a(l~ ---- ~p~ oPP4 ANY NEIGHBORING RESIDENT OBJECTING TO THIS PROPOSED USE MAY CALL THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. IF NO WRITTEN OBJECTIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED WITHIN TEN DAYS FROM POSTING DATE AND THE PROPOSED USE MEETS OTHER CRITERIA THIS TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT WILL~Br-TSSUEO FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, RENEWABLE ANNUALLY. 'DEPAP.TM~NT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT/LANE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG/687-4065 , " " ie lane coonty .,' December 31, 1979 . ., Donald Hartwick 383 Game Farm Road Eugene, Oregon RE: Renewal Of Temporary Mobile Home Use Permit No. MH 39-79 A Temporary Mobile Home Permit is valid for one year only, and must be renewed annually. The above listed Temporary Mobile Home Use Permit was issued on 1-10-79 and wi 11 expi re on 1-10-80 If you wish to renew this permit, please sign this form and return to Lane County Department of Environmental Management with the renewal fee of $40.00. An additional letter of explanation of the need for a Temporary Permit must accompany this renewal if any circumstances regarding the Temporary Permit have changed during the past year. The Renewal Fees are as follows: Building Permit Renewal Fee is Septic Evaluation Fee is Tota 1 Renewa 1 Fee is $15.00 $25. 00 '$40.00 Please renew Temporary Mobile Home Use Permit No. MH 39-79 v No change in circumstances during the past year. The changes indicated in the attached letter regarding Permit have taken place during the pa~ year. " Signed: ' Please make check payable to: Lane County Environmental Management Division Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th/P.S.B. Eugene, Oregon 97401 687-4394 Or 687-4395 ADtv.lNISTRATIVE DIVISION I EtNIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE I EUGENE, OREGON 97401 15031887-4071 OR 1,ID452,6379 ',' , " ~\", .EPARTnENT OF EIIVIRONI1EiHAL I\ANAGEI'lENT 'e PSB, l2S EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGEnE, OREGON 97401 Job Address ::3'R54~/ ,&;~/~--/ City g/..-/ Township, Range, Sectifn, Tax Lot /7' /l;(' _ 2-7 4/'/ dpa,)/ ,/ Subdivision ;7.(/# _ "_....; E I' ...... ~ . .. _'" ,L,P't . ~ i/ Block Application fo{ ~__h~X,::P ~ //0" ft Structures now on the Ip~~p~;ty y:~J?t?-Y' ~/ Proposed use of prope~ty.. I-I ReSident~'al 1/ Commercial /. - -f7 Affidavi t: I, /1'~.;pL/, _ _ i? g",,,y/ :~ q ..., --..... ~ -(p"leas-e priiit)---.... - f6J.... If this application ;s for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State BUilding Code end Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other pur?ose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; ~ contract purchaser; les~; .A'Older of an exclusive option to purcha~,e~ duly author;ze~to-a~t~for~t~own~, .~t~ ~ledgeabl~?f ~~~~application. Signature/Address /L~ ~A ff 4-~ 'lr;:j;;:j .J./JT. (zio\ ~feJ";ptrone/- --/ ';-'9f Date /~/o/-4~' is ready not,tf c/ A~pl icant" c/ O,m&/ C/ Contractor !?Y: C/ mail () phone (zio) Phon~ (zio) Phone ~~ Appl icatio,.l~ u:' - 9l~--c1V ASsig~e~NUmbers I i , I () Industrial () Public . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. When permit Owner Contractor Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by = If COlM1ercial: Residential: # of stories # 0 f bed rooms DO NOT WRITE BELOW # of employees THIS LINE # of SDS: units C/ Existing, C/ Proposed, BP # SI # SI test holes ready Fee Sq, Ft. or Code ~ Description # of Sites ~/./" /7 / " -...--> ,/~~~~M7~ 7t ,~~~ __ . ~t:~_n ~( ~: _~/ .-,..------i.. ~__~ _~~ ~ /~'- -- . ,. . ,-~ 1... - Unit Cost Valuation Fee .... $ Z-?:- $ $ $ $ $ $ each $ $ each $ :- --/ -..,.. ~...-~- '. / / Cash ;I.//02-!--;/ ~Check # /".-/ 4 Received bV~"~/IZ! Water Supply 0- Proposed Existing Year Installed Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at Subtotal $ 4% State surcharge $ Plans check fee / /// d ;:.V Chana. nf...D=J.=-~~~";-1 $ _.?.-f;..!:lf- TOTAL $ ~ P = PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Part, # Parcel # Parcel Si ze Minimum setbacks: G.., front 1, side ; int. /", -:7 /J, / ./ ---"- /?./ _ Comments /~-(,c./,",'/,L-,,_(' /-#~//"'..A'/~'.7r) _~/// To be typed on permit ,/ / ~. ~/' ~ By '~7~P/~ Date WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation specifications: -- gal. tank; ft. of drainfield; max. Tq be typed on permit a; rear /_2).-zfV C/ SIFO r:::)'(cP&! /!9~PC C} Plannin9 C/ Publ ic Works C/ Elevation C/ nla Plans to: CP&I WPC set(s) set(s) Date Requ ired Hold SI ip to PCC Date Completed Date to PCC C/ Address /:/ Facility Permit /~/ Environmental Health FOR INFORi.tATION about progress of your appl ication call: Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) ~\ - ..' ..... )/1 s-- \vS (\l1-4 --..-.. . '-'j". PUBLIC NOTICE ~~JJ TEMPORARY HOBlLE II()H~: PERMIT APPLlCATION 0 3- '/ - 7 J . ~L1- fJ1 POSTING DATE/-/~---7" If,.......- JLh~ J~/V+Gf/('C/C. /' 3 (; .s kL~.Av'-"-- ;:;;u.<-,. ; . (Address of Pro!'erty wh~t'P ;""h ile Home will he Located) ..... ,1'- .... ,..... ~... ''I. _ _I (,.'..,~_""L - .-~ -.~. '-'" - ~-, re . '. ~l , ,(APPLICANT), ~. HAS REQUESTED A TEMPORARY HOBILE \lOME PERMIT FOR A PERIOD OF ,ONE YEAR AS PROVIDED BY LANE CODE 11.100-10(4): ~ o o D A personal, but not necessarily financial, hardship exists whereby It Is necess~ry to hsve someone 1ivin~ on 'the same premises that support the applicant's dwelling or mobile home; The mobile home will be used for the applicant's personal use dut'in~ the time n conventional dwe11in~ is being con- structed on the premises, after which it will be removed; The mobile home will be used by an employee of this applicant for bona fide aRricultural, forestry ManaRement, or mineral extraction purpose8; The mobile home will be used for residential purposes for a watchman or caretsker, in conjunction with a conunercia1 or industrial use. ANY NEIGHBORING RESIIlENT OBJECTING TO THIS PROPOSED USE MAY CALL THE DErARTMF.NT OF ENV I RONl'IENTAL I1ANAGENENT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, IF NO WRITTEN OBJECTIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVj::D WITHIN TEN DAYS AND THE PROPOSED USE MEETS OTHER CRITERIA THIS TEMP! AARY 10BILE HOME PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, RINEWAB E ANNUALLY. QJ; luil ? ~ ~b- yv~ _~ ) ~ 6 {J/ ,,~ - I . #,://11U 'd:-~ 12.1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LANE COUNTY PUBI.lC SERVICE BUILDING 687-4065 TRS, Tl: , '17_-<13-22.4.1 fJ toMl ThIs permit for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, r~s"Jh in revocation of this permit, citation under provisioriSr6f€r!ane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law, ,. , ,/ Applicant/Address: I Owner/Address: Dcnald Hartwick. Gmie as ocwec;:,a l Contractor/Address:, Contractor's OS # / Construction approvtd by this permit:, '" )OB ADDRESS: ~r SUPp,ly: , PLANNING DIVISleN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION' Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way .ng foundation . ,other w?ter sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 383 Ga::le ram ''O'l<1. Ihgene. OreROn CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # ~o-94-3(;-7.:.1ti Subdivision: tm Violation can Total Construction Value: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: / / , / ( l1eaeol or Ti::I-39-79~ BI1d SDS ren~ Stroef:uE'eS ncv on prop:JZ'ty: S1'D ll!ld 1m # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: ~a ws III Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum requireRtrtructural setbacks, from: cemerline of road, front: side exterior: ' ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Speciallnstructio~: na ua na l'1mMI'1' ...........".. 12/31/31......., For information call 687-4394, . - L'.occr Hallu Site Inspection # , Installation specitications: lineal feet of draimeld required; ma~, depth of trenches: n:a , Special Instructions:, no _ chsn(;:1<1 fro:m 1:ha ori!;1tU1 applicaU.o:l. .... Ybe hardship __WOl UIl' 1:6 to bo fUI1!:ttou1nn Droperl)' Septic Tank Drainfield 'i'he extst1ng septic !!lr:~ a=ens ll'c'1Ortcd by ~lls o;.-r.;",rs 02 the 10' 10' tilth ED l!'a1ft:nctioa a!l no p or un~tl ~rdll!l:!p _. Whiehavez 10'1 100; l1ousc. "P.=1. awl: f~~~!^r:a~ hudOOip sUll mdBW. Reva1[Jo1(};a 10 5' occurs" n. ~...~,"" ~,Il"""" ."". 50' 100' For information call /;n7 between 8:00 - 9:00 a,m" :,-=~_" oz4".,f_lmld :SYtw Fire Zone: Parcel Size: m; centerline of road, [;12 Wl .39 acre gal. min, septic tanR capacity; Type of Construction: Instructions: Group: Use Classification: :I OT.>/:m R-3 :-ID = Directions to Site: For ~Ians information cal" . between 8:00 a,m_ and 9:00 a,m" Ralph EmIgh For inspectIOns (see back of thl~p""'1'ilt>1!'Ca" 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m, and 5:00 p,m, Date Issued: C55,13 ",'l bne county . l'1-30-80 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: J~/lr:, . e. SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMB I NG I INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE~'-fo INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED / / DATE REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REAOY TO ISSUE ~ NOT REAOY TO ISSUE / / DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR /PI/- INSPECTOR ~.:::.~" . .. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUilDING AT SITE 'JOB ADDRESS: 383 G&uc Fm:o t'.ccd. llu.'3cne. Ol:egon L<P!;4-3o-TI,m CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, Tl: 17-03-22.4.1 0 4801 en Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby Ql"'~"v.:::d. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and!or other remedies allowed by law, Applicant!AddressDo=1d l'!!lZtoielt. 0= 00 olw<1o':'.,-m Owner! Address: 1 Contractor! Address': Contractor's OS # i Total Construction Value: / Telephone: / Telephone: 1 Telephone: / .=C_onstruction approved by this permit: i.) ~-::/ Water Supply: ..." PLANNING DIVISION WATER POllUTION CONTROL DIVISION llcn=1 of 'n::;}=o:3!>>79~ cud S!)S ~=1 Stli:Ucl:u~co t'Arv on p~Ol'CZ'ty: BPi) and M3 # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: TP'\ # Employees: "'l nn Zoning: M Partitioning # ~!l Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: t1!l rminterior property lines: DB ;rear propl!Hy line: Special Instructions: PmtllIT EXPl!lI1S 12/31/81.....u no Parcel Size: .3!) llcrre I!a ; centerline of road, Ill! For information call 687-4394, RI"lI7""'P R...114n .> Site Inspection # t!(I , I nstallation specifications: lID -aD lineal feet of dralnfield required; max, depth of trenches: Ill) Special Instructions: Tho ~dDMp ~=in:J lSilclu:m(lOd fr= the oriflin~l application. 'iha cm10Unn o.."Pl:ic oyOI:= O!?POOi'S to be f=ctionmn p:ropczly IJitlt I!l) C3lfuncticn and no pN'h1= zepl>~tcd by tho GVilOlt"O of tho buoo.. Rc::ilm1 fOIr tt;l) ycoro or until h~dohip 0000=. t1l11chevar oecuro fjL~ot. R=c-Jablo il! bOll"doMll ol:ill =weo. fu:~l1: ~:l 10 681 ~\ml11:\lle... ' For information call -3c:lI,@etween 8:00 - 9:00 a,m" l[nlth1. 11_ Hicd<>rMl" gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks Septic Tank _~-~ terior property lines 10' \ ge of road right-of-way 10' ~Building foundation 5' ~. Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS!INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: IlL! Date Issued: 01-3o.-nO C55-13 Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' Type of Construction: Instructions: na Group: Fire Zone: :3 Use Classification: SP'D/t,m R-3 MIl For plans information call 687-3760 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m" Ral[lb Kough For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m, and 5:00 p,m, / bne county ,. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: JSs/1cr.y I! e " SITE I NSPECT I ON ApPROVED Cl REMARKS DISAPPROVED Cl DATE FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVEO L-I DISAPPROVED L-I DATE REMARKS FRAMiNG INSPECTION ApPROVED I / D,SAPPROVEO Cl DATE REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED L-/ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS I INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR F II<AL I NSPECT I ON ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED L::-~ DATE ~ INSPECTOR Rr.MARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE REMARKS ,. IWf INSPECTOR