HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 2/22/2011 " " . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, February 22,2011 3:11 PM DONOVAN James RE: Proposed Planting Plan Sounds good. Actually, I did find various types of Red Maple and 'Summit' Ash listed in our EDSPM specs for 4-6 ft. and 6-8 ft. planter strips without power lines, so I guess they probably won't fit into this scenario. But if they propose something that we don't already have listed I'm fine with making a substitution based on anticipated growth form. The site is constrained by powerlines on all sides, and I imagine the owner wouldn't be thrilled about planting the trees and then having them severely pruned back in a few years when SUB does periodic maintenance on the lines. We'll work with them to find something appropriate for the site. ~ From: DONOVAN James Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:S4 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Proposed Planting Plan Nice! One comment, if he can demonstrate that the proposed species are similar to the ones on the list approved for under power lines (ie same height at maturity) we should accept them. Many of those new hybrid maples are very similar so if he can find a credible source of information and provide it I don't want to fight over it! Well done, JD From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:46 PM To: 'kdresser@mdpartech.com'; 'yard4uguy@hotmail.com'; 'stanandpauline@msn.com' Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: Proposed Planting Plan Bruce: Staff has reviewed the draft landscaping plan for the residential site at 744-756 28'h Street. The planting diagram is acceptable for the purpose of submitting a Type I Minor Site Plan Modification subject to the following suggestions: . In the application narrative, please describe the proposed method and responsible party for watering the plants until they become established (eg. property owner/manager, landscaping contractor, tenants, etc.). The two street trees (Summit Ash) and seven of the site landscaping trees (Armstrong Red Maple and Summit Ash) are proposed to be planted along the perimeter of the site. Because these nine trees are to be planted below existing powerlines that run along the edges of the property, alternative species will be required. A list of trees appropriate for planting beneath powerlines can be found in Chapter 6 of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (weblink here: htto:/ /www.cLsoringfield.or.us/oubworks/design/06.00 Street Trees.odfl. Any of the listed tree species suitable for planting below powerlines can be substituted for the Summit Ash and Red Maple proposed on the landscaping diagram. Vine Maple can be planted in the locations shown on the diagram, and the proposed Summit Ash near the southwest corner of Unit 746 should have enough separation from the overhead powerlines. Please specify min. 2" caliper for the two street trees. Show the location of the existing site address sign on the planting diagram to ensure there are no conflicts with proposed tree and shrub plantings. . . . 1 Date Receivad:4iJol, Planner: AL \\ . . . Provide a sample tree planting detail and written description for the shrub and tree plantings. The planting detail and description should indicate the approximate siz.e of the planting hole, depth of planting medium, and any other special instructions such as tree staking, mulching, etc. An example of the type of information to be included in the tree planting detail is provided below. If the existing landscape fabric is to be retained, please describe the method to be used for inserting plantings into this surface. As we discussed earlier, the site has been compacted and the existing soil conditions are not particularly conducive to growth and establishment of the plantings. Therefore, additional soil and planting medium likely will be required to ensure long-term survivability of the site landscaping. . SAMPLE TREE PLANTING DETAIL fllldiat...a 0'.7.74' 'l(4 ...... flII&1 flU '-............,...., UClI.i1v.fD - (-'l"~~, .-.oIl"""'1: ...",.-.....- -'15- :r: ,.--..--.......... -- '"I~''' "'-'~ ----". L.__, I __ $tt: CIlOol'r1IlXru""(M1rt;M~ If you have any questions please contact me by emall or call 541-726-3784. Thanks Best Regards, Andy Limbird City of Springfield 2 Date Received: 1.-1 "'Jr/ J..i>1I Planner: AL