HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 12/13/2010 (2) . . '. J, Date Recelved:~ Planner: OK Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application fora policy oftitta Insurance referenced herein Fidelity NationalTitJe of Oregon hereby reports thaUUs:prepared to issue, or calise to be issued, as of the-specified date, a policy or,policies of title insurance describing the land and theestate,or interest hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien orencurrt>rance not shown oneferred to-a5,an exception herein or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printedSched.ules, Conditions and Stipulations or Conditions of said policy forms. The printed'Exc~ptionsand Exclusions from the coverage of said policy or pOlicies are set forth in Exhibit A. The policy to be issued may contain'an arbitration'clause. When the:Amount of Insurance is less thanthatset forth in the arbitration clause, all arbitrablemalters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the COfT'4lany or the Insured as the,exclusive remedy of the parties. Copies of the policy forms should be read. They are available from the office \^Jhich Issued this report. This report,(andanysupplementsor amendmentshereto}.isissued solely for the purpose, of facilitating thelssuanc60f a policy.of.title ins~rance:and no:liability is' assumed here~y. The-policy(s) of title Insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(s) of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, alan Californla"corporation, Please read the exceptions shown or referred to herein and the Exceptions and:Exclusions sat forth in Exhibit A of this report carefully. The Exceptions and Exclusions are meant to provide you \Nith notic$ of matters which are not covered .under.ihe terms of the title.insurance.policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note, that thiS preliminary:reportis not a written representation as to the conditionoftitleand may notlistall lians,defects and'oncumbrancas affecting title to the land. This preliminary report is for the,exclusive use of the parties to the contemplated transaction, and the CofT'4lanydoes not have any lIabillty,toany third parties nor any liability until the full premium is paid and a policy is issued. Until all necessary documents are placed of record. the Company reserves the right. to amend or supp!emenl this,prefi"';inary report. Countersigned ~~ /~/ FOOR0211.rdw . . Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Willamette Street, Suite'500, Eugene, OR 97401 (541)683-5422 FAX (541)344-4534 PRELIMINARY REPORT ESCROW OFFICER: TITLE OFFICER: Robbie Shyrer Patty Smith ORDER NO,: 4610018168-FTEUG03 TO: FidelilyNaUonallille of Oregon Attn: 3007.Norlh Delta Highway #206 Eugene, OR 97468 BUYER/BORROWER: Michael J, Deller and Ailsa k. Deller PROPERTY ADDRESS: 276321s1 Street Splingjeid, Oregon 97477 EFFECTIVE DATE: Oclober 21,2010,08:00 AM 1. THE POLICY AND ENDORSEMENTS TO BE ISSUED AND THE RELATED CHARGES ARE: AMOUNT PREMIUM $ 676.00 Lerder's Extended 128,000.00 Environmental Protection Uen 208, 1 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 L:oc~tlonoflmprovements 59 Restrictions-Encoachments-Minerals 209 $ 100.00 $ 15.00 Governmental Sen.;ce Fee 2, THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTERDESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THiS REPORT IS: A Fee 3, TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Michael James Deller and A1isa Kristine DeUer, as tenants by the entirety 4. THE'lANDREFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED INTHE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FDOR0212.rdw . . PRELIMINARY REPORT (Continued) OrderNe.: 4610018168-FTEUG03 EXHIBIT "ONE" lot 15, Block 1, SECOND ADDITION TOEl BONITA GARDENS, as platted and recorded in Volume 46, Page g, lane COunty Oregoh Plat R~cords, in Lane County, Oregon l=DOR0212.rdw . . Order No.: 4610018168-FTEUG03 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE INADDmON TO THE:PRINTEDEXCEPTlONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or asses?ments ~hichare not shown as-existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property, or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or-assessments, or notices of such;proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Pubic .Records. 2, Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not'shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of,the Land or by making inqUiry of persons in'possession thereof. 3. Eal:)ernents, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservations or exceptions in patents or In Ads authoriZing. the issuance thereof;.water rights, claims. or title to water. 4. MY eneroachme-nt, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disClosed by an accurate and complete :land survey of the Land. The term "encroachment" includes encroachments .of-existing impr?vements'locatedon;the Land onto adjoining land; and encroachments onto the land of existing improvel'!1ents.located. on.adjolning.lafld~ 5. MY lieofor services, labor or materiai heretofore or hereafter furnished, or for contributions due to the State,of Oregon for unemployment compensation or worker's corrpensalibn, inl>osed by law and. not shown by the Public Records. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. Property Taxes are as follows: Fiscal Year: 2010-2011 Armun!: $1452.11, plus interest.if eny Levy Code: 01904 Account No.: 0200889 Map No.: '17-03-24-42-02728 7. A deed of:trustto secure an Indebtedness in the amount -shown below, Amount: $88,300.00 Dated: July 22, 2002 Trustor/Grantor: Michael James ,Deller and Alisa Kristine Deller, husband and wife Trustee: Western Pioneer Title Company ,Beneficiary; Alliance Capital Mortgage Company RepordihgDate: July 30. 2002 Recording No: 2002'057338 8. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $26, 000.00 Dated: April 23, 2004 Trustor/Grantor: Michael James,Oellerand A1isaKristine Deller. husband and wife Trustee: Western PioneerTitleCol'flJany Benefici_ary: Oregon Community Credit Union RecordlngDate: April 27, 2004 Recording No: 2004-030813 FOOR0390Jdw . . Order No.: 4610018168-FTEUG03 g. Covenants, conditions and, restrictions, but omitUng any covenants or restrictions, if any I based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, farrilial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source oflncol'11e:. as seUorth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law. Homeowner's assessments, if any, appearing in the covenants, conditions and'restrictions. 10. EG!se:rl~nts,or servitudes appearinginthe public records, 11. Covenants, conditions,andrestrictions,and:other instruments recorded in the Public Records purporting to irrpose a transferfee.or a conveyanc6"feepayable upon the transfer of an Interest in real property or payable for ,the right to make or accept. such atran~fer,and any and all fees, liens, or charges, whether recorded or unrecorded, itanYi currently due and payable or that will become due and payable, and any other rights deriving therefrom, that are assessed,pur~uant thereto. 12. MY rightsof-the'parties in possession ota portion,of, or all of, said Land, which rights are not disclosed by the public records. The ,-Company ,will require, for review, a full'and,completecopy of any unrecorded agreement,contract, license andlor !ease,_tog,~th~er wjth aJJsupplements, assignments and amendments thereto, before issuing any policy of title insurance'without-excepting-thisitem from coverage. The Company,reserves the right to except additionai Items and/or make additional requirements after reviewing said documentS. 13. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or vvorkers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, illlJosed by law and not shown by'the public records. To remove, this item, -the Company will require an affidavit and indemnity on a form supplied by the Company. END OF EXCEPTIONS NOJES: A. Note: There are no matters:against theparty(i_es) shown below which would appear as exceptions 'to coyerage in a titl~ insurance product Parties: Michael James Deller- and Alisa Kristine Deller B. Note: According to the public records, there'have been no' deeds conveying the land described herein within a period of 36 months prior to the date of this report, except as follows: None. Thelasl deed was. recorded July 28. 1994, 9455410 Grantor: Kathryn Aloha Williams Grantee: Michael James Deller and AIlsa Kristine Deller C. NOTE: In addition to the standard policy exceptions, the exceptions enumerated above shall appear on the fina.l 2006 AL T A policy unless rennved prior to issuance. FOOR0390.rdw . . Order No.: 4610018168-FTEUG03 D. For many real estate transactions, Federal law requires that a settlement statement show the allocation of title insurance charges bet~entitJe insurer and title insurance agent. For the transaction that is the subject of tliis report, the allocation is as follows: Fidelity NationalTitle Company of Oregon (agent): 88% Fid~ljty National Title Insurance Company (jnsu~er): 12% E. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING. LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENci"S AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. YOU MAY CONSliL T AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOr YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT. Note: Any documents being executed in conjunction with this transaction must be signed In the presence of an authorized slTlJloyse of an agent, an authorized employee of the insured lender, or by"uslngBancserv or other approved third"party service. If the above requirerrents cannot be met,.please call the company at the number provided in this report FDOR0390.rW . . EXHIBIT.A 2006 AMERICAN LAND TITLE MSOClA1ION LOAN POUCY. {06-11..o6j EXCWSIONS FROM COVERAGE The follcwmgmi'ltterif!lie expressly eJeluded from the w,ierageof this polleY'. end the Company wm not pay Joss or damsg&, costs, attorneys' feasjor expenses th~t arise byreRsonot, . . . . _ - 1. (el. Any law. ordil'\ance.- permil cr govemmentBl regulatii:tn.(includingthose relati~g to building ond zoning) re~cling, regulating, prohibiting, or rel31ing 10 mJ lheoccupal\Cy;use,orello~enloflheLaml; - -- ill lha character, dimensions,_cr location of anyimprovement'eraCIGd on eland: liii) 'Ihasuhdivision Oflimd; or IV) envlronf!lEllilaJplOleCllon; or-the effect of tmy violation Of these laws,. ordinances, or Qovemmenlal ~~~~~~::~r~i~~c~~f~ 1(9) does not modifY orlimi! the coverage provided (b) ,-AnygovarnmentlJ pOlIce [!Ower. TtlIs ExcIuskm 1(b)does Mtmodl1Yor/!mlt the cove~e pro-.ided under Covered Rl.5k 6. 2. Rights of emlt\ent domaln.-ThlsExcluslon does not mocfllyorllmif (he cOWf'6ge; provided under Covered Risk 7 or B. 3. DeFects, "ens. erlClimbrances. ad\€rseClalms, orOthermatters ~l created, suffered, aS$um~d. or agre~d to by the InsJred Clamant; b noll<nown 10 lha Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of oUcy, but Known 10 the Insured Claimant and no! dlsclosfJd in writing to the Company by lIle Insured Claimant prior 10 lhedate the InsuredClalmantbeCClme an InsurOdunder this policy. (cJ resull1ngln no rossOf,damagetGlhe Insun:d CIalriliinl; (d) attaching or created ~ub:lequent to Dille of Polley (however; thb doe5 not tnbdifyorlmill1'lO lXIvarageprovideo undlirCo\iIHEd_RISk 11, 13, or 1~); or Ie) ,resullinlJ'in 10:;;5 or darna!;lo that would not have been sustained if Ihe nsured Clalmllnl had paid value for \he Insured Mortgage. 4. Unenforcaablllty of th6Jlen of the Insured J>..torlgage,Di3eause of the fnabilitv or fallura of an Insu/sd to complywl!h oppllrobla dolng -business' laws oftl'lG stale where the Land Is situated. 6. Invalidity,or;uncnforceabllitv In whole or in part of,the lien oftllG;ITlSUteO MoI1Qage thaI artsEl~ out ott'he transaction evidencad by \he Insured Mort9:1:ge ;;Ind fs- based UfXl" usury or any !;Oosumer credit prolecllon or,lru\h.1rHariding law, 6. Any claim. byroosol1 oflhe operation offederal bankruptC'/, state Insolvency, or simIlar credllorn' rights laws, that Ule ltansactlon cr~Ung the lien of the 1,nsurect W.orlgage, is {a} B fraudulenl r:.anveyan~ or frlJudlJJent frlln5fer, Dr jb) apreferantialtr.l.nsferforanyreason notsta.ted tl'ICov;radRisk 13{b)oflhis policy. 7. Any UiHl ori the TlUe for real estate taxas or 3!1Sessments imposod by governmental authorltyand crealed oratlachlng berNeen Date of Policy and the date of recording cfthe Insured Mortgage in lhe Put~ic RecordS..This Exclusion does not modify Of limit the covera;le plovided under Covered Risk 11(b,. The above policy form lTIiIyba i$5Uoo' to afford either Stiltloord Covcrege or EXtended Ccverage. In addition to \he above 8<C!uslons from Cove,~ l!1e El<cep~ns from Coverngs In a Standard Coverage policy will also inclwjelhe fl'llinwing Exceptions from Coverage: SCHEDULE B. GENeRAL EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This poJicydoes not Immm-agalnst iossor damage (~~d, j./u;! Company,vill not pay CI06ts,-a!tomeys' (tlCS or expensesi which arise by reBson ~f; 1. .TaxBlior(!SSBssments, which a~ /'101 shclwn as mcisti'nglierlS ~y the records of imy)axing Bll1l10nty lhat, levies taXes or' asseSsments on real prcperty o~ b~the PUbliC., RecOf(ls;-'p~edlngsby a pu~icaQGncywhlch me'lY result in taxes Q" /I:lsc:;~men~, or nulices or SulJl plol.:t:t:UillY:l. whether 01 not :>hoWll by the ICcgrtl:l' of :l'uCh ~gcncY(;lr by the Publ!c Rc!;Otds; Facts, lights, Interesls 01 clallrul which are not shown by tMePubf;cReO'Jrdsbut which could be B$certalned byan Inspection of I1'lEJ Land 01 byi"naldng inqLirycf personsinpossessionthemof. ~asa.fl'I_onts,_ o_r cJ>lims ,of ClJ~_omenl, ntJt. _shown' by tho PubYc Records; fGsarvalions or elo:CElpHons in patents orin Acb authorizing the Issuance !hereDf, wale;- rights, claims Dr lille 10 water, 2. 3: 4.' Anyenc:roachment, encumbrance, violation, vanetbr\'ocadversedrcUffiSfanoo affedlng !I1e-l1Uethatwould be clsclosedbyan accurate and complete land SUNSY of'!he Land. The,term ~encroachmeflr IDcludes,encroachmenls.or eod..,Ung lillproyement:; bcaled 011 Ult: lllntJ oruo lIdjol~ land, and encroactments onto lhe land of existing Improvements focated on adjoinIng land. S; Any lien for seNlcQs.laboror material herelofore or hefeafterfumished, orfer contributions due to the Slaleof Oregon for unempJoymentcompel'l5allon or worker's compensaUon. imposed bylaw llrid flolsnownbylhe Public Record3. 2006 AMERICAN L.AN&~t1J~~~~~~~Jlg~~~a~'S POLICY (C6.17;o6) The fnllowlngmatlersare elCp~esSly8XC!udedfTom the CDverage of this policy, and (b) not Knov-m to the Company, not recorded In the Public Reoords stoate of th!,! CompanywD! ~olpay.loss or cfamage, cos.ts, altorneys' fe6s, or expenses t.'lat PO~CYI but Known 10 the fnsuradClaiman! and'nol disclosed III wrttlng to the anse bra lelison of: COfll)any by the lnsured Clalmanl prior to tile dale the InsuredClamantbecame 1; (e ,Any taw,ordfnance"perinit, or govemmel'ltaf'regulatioo (includin~,those an Insured under,this policy; re atlng 10 bulld1ne and 2O'llng) restrictif'llJ,regulaUng, prohlblllng, or relating 10 (c) resulllng in no loss 01 damage to the Insured Claimant ,(l) the occupancy, use, or enjo)'TTlootoflhe Land; (d) atlaclllfll:} or created subsequent to Oale of PaNcy (howe'ler,lhls coes not (II) the Character, dlmen$!ons,or focaUon Of any rrnprovement ereclec:l on iOOdify or limlllhe c(werage provicled under Covered ~sk 9 and lOl; or ,ltnt l.cind; Ie) . fe$vltlng In 10S6 or damags thaI W()\l]O not have been sluitalned II the ;.(m~ !he subrJMslon d !anrl;.of nsured Claimant had paid value for l1'le Tille. ' (IV), envfronmental protection: 4. Any clalm, by reason of the opernflon offederal bankn,rptcv.s/ate hsOlvency, Or or Uie effecl,of-eny vlol6tionof Ihe:se :16v~ofdinan~~"or govemmcllll'll simiJar,ercdilors' r!ghlslalV:i, lhallho transacthm vesUnQlhe'Ti~e tiS showllln regul:;jlion,. Thl$; E:<clu,ioo1 (a) doo_ not modi/yor flfT1it lh' eove~gll provided ScheduleA. I, . under Covered RIsk 5. lal a lTaudulent conve~nce or fraudufenl transfer; or (b) 'Any governmental po~ce power. This Exduslon 1 (b) doE:S notmodifyorlimil b a prcfarenUallransfer lor any reason nol sll:llod In Co'/ared Risk 901 lhb ihe coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. policy. 2. Righ!sofeminentdomaln..ThisExcluslondoesnotmodifyorlimltthecoverage 5. Any ~en 01'1 the, Tille for real estate taxes or as~es5mcnls imposed by grovlded under Covered Risk Tor 8. governmental aulnoritvarxl creat9d oraltachlng between Date 01 Policy and the 3. efec:;ls, lit;lns, ellCUlllbrdllt:e::;, Cldversedafms, orothermatters date or recomln[J orlhe deed.or otherlrlstrument of transter'ln !he PUblic (a) ?tea\ed:euffered; ellGUmed, or agreed to by the Insured Clahran~ Record;:; that vests, TiUe as .shOWll in Sc/1ejule "'- The ebove poney form may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage 01 Extended Coverage. In addition 10 the above Exdusioflsfrom Coverage, the Exceplions from Covemge Ins Standard Co\'erage~oliey will afso Includ9 the (01100.19 ExcepUons from Coverage: SCJ.lE:OULEB-GENERAL EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Thi.s policy does not ilsure against/olls or damage (and !he Company will net pay !:osta, attorneys' rees 0: expenses) thai ar1se by reason at 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing Hens by the records of anytaxJng authority,iJ1atlevles (axes Of" assessments Ofl real property or by the Public Rf!cordS: .procee,dlnos bY a pullUcagency WhIch may result fntaxes or assessments, or notlces of sld1'llror:eedlnQs. vJ1ather or ool.shown by lhe records of suCh agency orby the Public Records. 2. Faclsirights, inlerests or claims whlc;h are nol shown by' the Pubic .~acor~ but which could be ascertained by an inspection 01 L'le Land or by maki:lg inquiry of pefloos,in possession thereof. 3. EasemenL5,' or claims of casement. not llhov1n by tho Public Records; re$eNal!ooscre"-cepliom;/1j!pa1en.ls or inActs eulhorizlnglhe i:!:luence thereof, weter.rtghls, claims ortltlc Iowaler. 4. Any en,croachment, €!m:umbram:e. violation. ~anaUOn. Ofadverse c~cum!Otancs aflecllng'l1e T1Ue"tMI wou!o.be disClosed by M;sccurateancl Cllmj>Iel9 13nd slllVey of the Land. The term oencroachmenr InCludes: encroachments of existing i"nproveml3nts l:lcated on the La"nd onto ad/olnlng land, and encroachmenUi onto.lha land of eXisting improvements located on adjoinIng land. 5. Any ~en fo. services. Jabor Q{ m!llerlal heretofore or hereafter furnished, or for contribution:) due to the 31i!11e of Oregon for, unemploym~ml compensaUon 01 workor's OJI11poflSalion, lmpo:l'ed by low lInd no! 3hovvn by Ihe Public Rocord3. ExhibitA [11/07 ) . . Effective Date: 5/i/200B Fideiity National Financiai, Inc. Privacy Statement Fideiity National Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries (''FNF'') respect the privacy and security of your non-pubiic personal information ("Personal Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of ourtop priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNF's privacy practices, including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources, and to whom if maybe disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and, depending on the business performed, FNF companies may share iitfonnation as described,herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect l'ersonallnformation about you.from the following sources: . Information we receive:from you on applications 'or other fonns,such,as youi' name, address, socit~lsecurity_number,tax identification number, asset information, and income information; . InfOImation,we receive'from you through our ~ternet websites, such as your name, address, email address, illtemet Protocol address, the website iinks you used to gello our websites, ahd your activity while using or reviewing our\vebsites; . Infonnation about your transactions with or services perfonned by us, our affiliates; or,otbers, such as information concerning your policy, premiums, payment history, information about your home or other real property, information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transaction, account balances, and credit card information; and . Information we receive from consumer Dr other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information (excluding information we receive from consumer or other ciedit reporting agencies) to various 'individuals 'and companies, as permitted:,by law, without obtaining,youf'prior authorization. Suc111aws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include, without limitation, the following: . To insurance agents, brokers, representatives, support organizations, or others to provide you with, services you have requested, and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity, fraud, materialrnisrepresentation, or nondisclosurein.conncction with an'insurance transaction; . To third-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or providing you with services you have requested; . To an insurance regulatory authority, or alaw.enforcement or other govenunerital authority, in acivil.action, in connection;with a subpoena or agovemmental investigation; . To companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other fmancial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements and/or . To lenders, lien holders, judgment creditors, or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an intere."it in title whose claim or interest must be determined, settled, paid Or released prior to a title or escrow dosing. We may also disclose your Personal lnfonnarion to others when .we beHeve. in good faith, tbatsuch discJosureis reasonably necessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers, employees"or property and/or tocoropJ)' with a judiciaJproceeding, court order .or legal process. Page I of2 . . Effective Date: 5/112008 Disclosure to Affiliated Companies - We are permitted by law to share your name, address and facts,aboutyour,fumsaction with otherFNF companies, such,as insurance compat1ies, age~ts, and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, for marketing or:productdevelopment researchJ or to market products or services to you. We do not, however, disclose.}~forrnatioI1 we "collect from consumer or-creditJ,?porting agencies WithiOur affiliates or others without your consent, in conformity with applicable1aw, unless Sllch disciosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to NonaffiJiated Third Parties - We do not disclose Personal Information about our customerS or fonner customers to nonaffiliated third parties, except as outlined herein or as otherwiseperinittedby law. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information We restrict access to Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that infoanation t6provide products or services to you; We inaintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information" Access to Personal Informationl Requests for Correction, Amendment, or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law, we will afford you the right 10 access your Personal Infonnation, under certain circumstances to find out to whomyour'Personal Information has been disclosed, and request' correction or c:Ieletion cfyaur Personal Information. However, FNF's Current DoHcy is to maintain"cllStomers' Persomll Infol1nation for no less than vour state's required record retention reciuirernehtsfor the Duroose of hanalimz future COVCral!e claims. For YOUr',protection,- aIlreauests,made under this section must be.in vnitina and must include vour notarized signature to establish your identity. "Where permitted by Jaw, we may charge a reasonable fee to coverth"e costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to; Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity Nationai Financial, Inc. 601 Rlverslde Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32204 Changes to this Privacy Statement This privacy Statement may be amended from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement, we will post a notice of such changes on oUr website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement, as stated above, indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revised or materially changed. Page 20f2 , ';\ -JJR~ . 8 ~ 2.4" .. 7 .... ~ ~ C) ~ . () t-.: f '<1 5 , .... . ~ 4 , ..... ... \) ~ to. . . 2(4 \ -r . EL ~ " ~.~' 18 70.00' .:#. I/O ~ .2704 ~ ~ o ltl A. 1:1 IO'V:'i7 C. /0",- "1 ~, ~/~.. ''':LoSi> ~~ " . ~.$"s' " ..... ~ 2705 ~ r.. G \... ~!:,...a Ifi 19 ... MAP # 17 03 24 42 02728 000 . 17 THIS MAP'IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE BY MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY TITLE GROUP IS This sketch is made solely for the pll"pose of assisting in locating said premises and ----'--$- the Company aSSlITl8S no liability for variations, if any, in dimensions and location ascertained by actual survey. 2749 2748 1'1 , ~ (h /0 7, r;({; . 2729 , o ~~) /<:17.~' 2728 ) . ~ ~ , " 15 ~ ~-r- .<J C) 2727 <~ t ..I..... .... .... <)., "f: .~ <.. ~ "t. ~\ \, , Ii: ;( ~:s,,1I1f ,,1.4, 1'/ )~S.~"~ 98.48 2713 ui. . i-fI) 'it l) N '( g ~\r\S-r ~~ . . NWV4 SEV4Sec.24117S RoW-Wid. 17 002442 LANE COUNTY 1".rOO' -fl"" ;- I'''''' ,I'!143 S. I' 2 ' ( . ;\; V$4 __.,.;l;7~1 '/. j ,. 9)>.- Sooolllo,ll'C)24 d II: ,j, lOGE ROAD "t~ ., "'. " :t:t ~- '1' F.LS.:'I ITA .." .ij ~ e '1 019-011 3fIOOy.~4 . . . " I =j::~ ! '" j : g , ST. j : 019-00 '00 ~ I.oa s1 II "'" " ~ ... .. ~ 1703.H "3 W i\i j: ST.', l I