HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2011-4-27 08/19/10 THU 16:15 FAX 5417263689 Electrical Permit Ap lication 225 Fiflb Str<<'.Sprie~n..d, OR 974'77. PH(S41)716.J75H FAX(S41)7:l6,l689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1i!I00l BPRlfftiA61.D ezo:..-:...~ fj ~ J:' f. 9 ,;f/. ~.....",;,.~"...<: ~!.~-U~~'fi: .,~.."""" ..,..., '~':",,,,."~"" :t:i.k~~ -~!i . DEPARTMENrUSEONlY Date: 16 .tl.\\ This permit Is issucd under OAR 918-309-0000. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire If work Is n~t started within 180 d.y. of Issu.nce or if work Is suspended for 180 d.y.. taeAl. GOVERNMEIHAPPROVAI.;;";7" . ,. Zoning approval verified? 0 Yes 0 No - .. .',c:Al'EGORlt:tIF:CQNS1'RUCtfON';.... o Residential 1 0 Oovcrnment I 0 CODlmercial 1f,..,!;:,'..i;'JO$1.$ITEi'INFORM4"IQIj\:'At'40!"{tiOt){TIONt:,~::;.;......., ;ob~jte.d~.:..v \.:'.'1; D.ll.' \'U\~ Cl,.., City: .,.., 'Y P--r\-~ I Slllte: N _ ZIP: Reference: \ '-hb~"jo \ \ Taxlol.f ro '. 'OE$CRfPTION. OF WQRK;' ..... .,,:,:.:. y' ",CG\ <.!..P\I\ '"'l\(~ ~ ~ Jo Name: Y\~lP~R~~ER~~~\';,.'\II.~\~ Address:A-"'\ ....,,") 1f( ~lr\ \ \.10 ~ City: t( 1. 'y 11' 1 V" StateO lL mQ I~{ 1'" Phone: . " I Fax: . . E-m.il: Thi. installation is being made on residenti.l or fmm property oWlled by me or a member of my immediate family. Thi, property Is not intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 479.S40(1) and 479.560(1). . Signature: .CONTRACTQR . INS! ALLATlON: Business name: Address: City: Phone: Slllte: I Fax: I ZIP: E-mail: CCB license no,: I BCD license DO.: Signing supervisor'S license no.: Print name of sillnulg supervisor: Signature of signing supervisory;:::::) ~I--" ".:.' .7,.::;.:.,....>;'~\',;\:/;.'f'EI:.:"CH~QUI;:E::: .~;;. i'i',:;> :1.r:~t{...:;. .io!u~be(Df!D.j,e~~spet~(). QiIy, .. ~" .... ". .~rs:~':. Rt.!identlat, per unit; servi~t included: l,ooOsq.lI.orles.(4) $13'.00 $. Each additionBl $00 "l. ft. or pertion S 25.00 $ thereof Limited eoergy (2) $ 32.00 S Each manufactured home Of modular $ 63.00 S dwelling ,ervlce or fe<:der OJ Strv.cC$ or feeders: instaJlaUOI1, "Iteration. re/ocarion 200 amps or Ie,s (2) \ $ 81.00 so,U L/ 20 I to 400 amps (2) S 95.00 $..... 40110 600 &lips (2) $168.00 S 60 I to 1.000 amp. (2) S205.oo S Over 1,000 amps or volts (2). $469.00 $ Reconeeol only (2) $ 63.00 S TempDrary services or k<<Iettl.1 ifl3lallatiOi'- alU!I'Dtion, relocation. 200 amps or less (2) S a3.00 $ 201 to 400 IlllIpS (2) $ 67.00 $ 40110 600 amps (2) $126.00 $ Ovcr600 amps or 1,000 volts. see service. r fUllers scotion above Branch clrculul new, tJlt,rQrion, exlansion ~C!r pa~f!t .. Foe for branch clrcults with purchase or. mvlce or iCed.r fcc: Each branoh circuit $ 6.00 I $ b. Fee for branch circuit> without purchase f a service or fceder ree: First branch circuli (2) S 55.00 S . Each additional bnlncl1 circuit $ 6.00 $ Miscellaneous fees: $O/"VI.. or f..der nol iI cl.a.d Each pump or lnigarion circle (2) $ 63.00' S llaeh sign or outline lighting (2) $ 63.00 S Signal eircuit or .limiled-cnergy panel, all"",tion, or extension (2) Eacb additieeanespectlee: (I) $68.00 S . ;,;.::'.::.:i;!Wi"ii',',- .X;i';C';"A..".i\:I"C' ''''''.;,.:.1:l~ E: :;;.::" ..... .'....:;...:.;, ". ;r....,:,' :)':";:'. "","_"~"".".-""'''__'..'~'''-;',,", f;\1i':I:..,."'i=l .,:............. (A) Snter subtotal ofabovefee, ,r,: tJl (Minimum PcrmitF.eS58.00) $nl. (B)En~ 12% surcbarge (.Ilx [A]) $ O.l'J.. (e) Technology Fee (5% of! AD S '\-'. ct. ) TOTAL fees and .urcbarges (A throD . C): $ OtAc..1 1 $ 83.00 $ ~~ ~,O ~~I\'\\ l.\l4\J.u>t~ ~@ ~i\DIdS '"'" TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 8t Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 WNW.ci.springfield.or.us 811-SPR2011-00693 4750 FRANKLIN BLVD. SPACE F6 permitcenter@cLspringfield.or.us RECEIPT NO: 2011000808 RECORD NO: 811-SPR2011-00693 DATE: 04/27/2011 '1r1":[1~~':~i"IWA~c~0_ID~t;lJlc~ijeEI~n!!;:lij;1!mWUl!1mlmIli1;jmjlWiji~Me~uNjfilltil1it;.1i~li~i:;:" . '; 0 224-00000-426102 81.00 821-00000-215004 9.72 100-00000-425605 4.05 TOTAL DUE: 94.77 ",,- """"""",''''H-t,,'IIn:jjij>i'''''",''''~''i''''jHi'T1i''YHbfiWj1iq\p!f0*,-1lliMiNNII!!!IIIIII!ii"II',m"""II"""",'0",,,,,J,,,...,,, '" ',,,. ~; ".:: ,1-' ". :," '1',"";" "-, "-'" ", -, :., .. " -:.. .:"'A'M.O..... 'U"~N1i...,cri;A"" :ID-;:'IiIlm!_llit~'11 ,,'" I: "j', I PAYME~J'E, ,": ,:-;':' PAYOR -"'CASHIER:.LHOPP.ER.. .. '.c'.:....' J.l~!COMMENTS!~j;lUhtlEiWnilll)1jmU\i1mm!mil111tlIi111'111i1mmL__ .,n :',- ~lfr;:\" .. '~iEmnfil;1hUH;:h;. Credit Card NEW REYNOLDS ELECTRIC INC 94.77 tD~S:CRIP~TJON i. ,;!!;,ii*,WJKlilllllllllilllllliifillifi,!lli.lli,lli ." Services 200 amps or less State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) Technology fee (5% of permit total) 017830 TOTAL PAID: 94.77