HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1991-3-22 .-.. "~ . .._ '. 4 __.-...- .. - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department DATE OF LETTER March 22, 1991 JOURNAL NUKBER 91-03-33 APPLICANT Rollie Korinek 2114 L Street Springfield, OR 97477 PROCAI\J.l v.u61\. Rollie Korinek 2114 L Street Springfield, OR 97477 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The original application, (Jo. No. 90-05-87), was a Type II Site Plan Review to consider a proposed professional office use: The applicant's intention was to live in the existing hou~e located at \~525 Game Farm-Roa<l,,(Tax Lo~ ?900, Assessor's Map 17-03-22-44) and bUlld an approxlmately 1;000 'square foot addltlon to be used as a real estate office. Required off street parking was also proposed. In addition, the vacant lot to the so~th, Tax Lot 7000, was to be included. This request is for a modification of the original Site Plan to exclude Tax Lot 6900 and have the proposed home/real estate office built on Tax Lot 7000 only. DECISION Preliminary Site Plan Modification approval with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Vhen the conditions Modification aeproval DATE OF THIS LETTER. attached to this request have been met, Final Site Plan will be granted. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL EXPIRES 90 DAYS FROM THE OTHER USES THAT KAY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION None. SITE INFORMATION Tax Lot 7000 is currently vacant and is 'zoned Low Density Residential/Urban Fringe 10; the Metro Plan Designation is Low Density Residential. - -- /=0, Page 2 Korinek Modification of a Site Plan CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref. Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code) There is no specific criteria of approval for a modification of a Site Plan. Section 31.100 requires the applicant to explain the modification. The applicant's written explanation states that this request is for a modification of the original Site Plan by excluding Tax Lot 6900, Assessor's Map 17-03-22-44 (2525 Game Farm Road) - the new plan proposes to have the proposed home/real estate office built on Tax Lot 7000. Since the request is to delete one tax lot (6900) from the original application and Tax Lot 7000 is large enough to support the proposed use, staff is granting Preliminary Approval of the request. YHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1. Three copies of a Final Site Plan drawn to scale are required within 90 days of the date of this letter. The following information needs to be shown: a. Mark the following statement on the plan: "Approval is for a residence and a real estate office, any other use will require another Site Plan Review." b. A 4 foot high (minimum) sight obscuring fence located behind the 10 foot front yard, setback will be required in the front of the parking area along Hayden Bridge Yay; a 6 foot high sight obscuring fence will be required along the east property line of Tax Lot 7000. , c. A' 5 foot-wide landscape strip will be required along the east property line of Tax Lot 7000 and a 10 foot-wide landscape strip will be required along the frontage of Hayden Bridge Vay,and Game Farm Road. A landscape plan will be required; Additional' trees (2" caliper located 30 feet on center) need to be shown in the 5 foot-wide,setback along the east property line and the 10 foot-wide setback along Game Farm Road. Ten shrubs 5 gallons or larger need to be planted for each 1,000 square feet of landscape area (setbacks mentioned above only) are required. The names of the trees and shrubs and the method of irrigation is required (unless a nursery person submits a written statement showing the method of irrigation or that drought resistant plants can survive). d. On-site drainage is required; approach with a 3" pipe out of Roof drainage will require weep slope paving each end and holes also. to a trench near the driveway through weep holes at the curb. e. The back-up area standard for parking lots is 24 feet, not the 20 feet scaled on the plan submitted, either the concrete walk will have to be reduced in size or the the house moved or a combination of the two. ....~ . .. II Page 3 Korinek Modification of a Site Plan 2. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement will be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan. 3. A copy of a deed showing ownership. 4. Signing and recording the dedication of right-of-way for Game Farm Road (35 feet from centerline). 5. Signing of an annexation agreement. 6. The signing and recording of an Improvement Agreement for Game Farm Road. 7. A Facilities Permit from Lane County for the new driveway on Hayden Bridge Yay. FOR YOUR INFORMATION 1. Annexation of the property is required prior to the structure being used as an office. The annexation request must extend to the centerline of Hayden Bridge Yay in order to be contiguous with Springfield's City Limits. 2. The structure must comply with solar access standards in effect at the time of application for a building permit. These standards are in the process of being revised. APPEALS This Modification ofa Site Plan is being processed under Type I procedure (Ref. SDC 3.070). Type I applications cannot be appealed. In the event that the applicant disagrees with the application of the standards, the applicant may request a Type II Interpretation. An appeal of a Type II decision may be filed by an affected party with the Development Services Department within 10 calendar days of the date of that decision. ' QUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at (503) 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY Gary M. Karp, Associate Planner