HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1978-7-14 " ':".... ~ ". . . Idne cou~ty 'R!=IS~E JULY 14, \978 DATE: ~€.-~g7l-9=[6- TO: JMMAl.JtJEL~ , #- ADDRESS: 4J")() ~A.M~ 'eo Z. 6~, OPF..,CJJJ RE: NOTICE OF PLANS REVI~ PROJECT: U+tJO/'J.! /"::>/'T7oA.J The drawings for the aboye project haye the structural, mechanical and plumbing Oregon. Before a plans reyiew of the project can be completed, and before a buildino permit can be issued, the items noted on the enclosed list and any sp~cially 'noted proYisions shall be incorporated into the project documepts and/or additional information submitted to show compliance with the ap'p'licable'cod~s. Additional data required shall be submitted in duplicate forin,. '. ' been reyiewed for conformity with specialty codes of the;State of . .. Please submit for approyal reyised plans or addenda to indicate that the items noted in the plans reyiew haye been incorporated into tne' project. It is important that a response be made to each of the items'6n the attached plan reyiew letter, Unless you proyide a response to all of t~e items. an additional plan-check fee will be assessed, Your earr:y-submittal, of the noted items will facilitate the issuance of a- build1ng':permit,': " '\ ;'.' . Our reyiew of the submitted plans shall not be construed ~s '~pproYal of omissions or oyersights by this office or of noncomplianc~ wit~ ~ny applicable regulation of any goyernmental agency, This reYi~w does not coyer O,S.E,A. (O,S,H,A,) regulations. ," If you haye any questions regarding this plans reyiew notic~~ ,Il,.]ease feel free to contact this office, [687-4391] ....., JOHN S, SMEED, Superyisor Plans Reyiew Section .()~d.%L& BY: DAVID WHITE, Plan Examiner Plans Reyiew Section 1>-< ,..=t;;~.. ;..; l' ,'':{''; :.'/.r'"" . i~ ~ ':-' '.. :_- .-..~ cc: tUNS I Rue liON 1'! 111\11 J S 11 INSPECIIUI-'; DIVI$IOi-J I [NVII{ONM[i"J IIIL r',r1ANf~GU,.1(Nl DEPAR T MEN r (.UUH I HlJUS[ PUbliC SUWICE BUilDING I 12:::' [AS 1 B I H AVU':Ur I IUGr:NE. OREGON 97401 I PHONE (!)')31 687.4065 .-:.- -: ~1. 01<.2, OF:--?3. ~~ 4. <9~, ()~ 6. oK 7. ~~K..8 , 1:>"-. 9. (!)K..1 0 , tJOll. ~12. $A DI(,14, a-.15. ""-16, t-JO 1 7, PLANS REVIE' Fm11T IIPPLIrATHX'l I'{) , /51 ~P1 W\P: t7-0~ - 2.2.[,3 TAX lDT # z500 :~\~ 7. Ii>J....tj -ST ~ DATE ~CE!YfJJ:iaf.Z-It6 ElwIINED BY: 'CAvtn wik--n:s.: PlUJECf NJlt1:: PI..Jll'lS By:6El'ALO A-~ BUILDING CLASSIFICATION BuiLDING USE: C/.-IUen+ NEw &.00, 0 CoNSTRLcrHX-i TYPE:~ (~) GRouND FLOOR AREA: 8GG:.5 I Sroms/Fm 2.. / 2f) + ADDITION ~ (X;cupANCY ~: A. 2 . I ALTERATION 0 FIRE ZoNE:. 3 SIDE YARDS:_,,\l2- SPECIAL INSPECTION:MlC. BllsEMENT MEA: SPR (NKLERS: 1J f<.., PLANS REVIEW CORRECTION LIST THE FOl..LO'IING ITEMS SHALl BE INCrnPORAlEl INTO TIE PROJECT IXlCI..I'CNTS: 1'he-6x'1-2-beams-at-the-three-tri'angu'1'ar-relOes.ses-at_the-san~tua'r-y-appear-to..,fa-i-l-i'n- oor.i.Z{)nta.l-shea-r, The 6x12 beam supporting the roof at the main entry (door A) appears to fail in bending, def1ectiop and shear, Proyide reyiseg bea~s.for, th~se ~ locations, [Sec, 2504(a)] ~- 7 ~t.fiIu:.ve;e.M.A:tIMIUM (~b.I..$C>.:II:.!"&'1"")J Specify the header sizes in all bearing walls. [Sec, 301 (d)] Proyide a framing plan for the raised platform, Specify sizes so the mechanical system will fit under the p1atfonn, [Sec. 301 (d)]5e"MAlt.~RRPUlJP-~ ~E:L. ~ollT The cross is to be bolted to the roof. Specify what the bolts are to pass 'through to proyide anchorage, Bolts through trusses will require a special truss design for decreased chord area and to resist upl ift due to wind on the cross'stri:ictllr~, [Sec. 301 (d)] ." Proyide a detail of the kitchen roof-.and entry roof connection to the existing wall, [Sec, 301 (d)] 45LJll'e3~\th.q-;:!J!t~I-U>T bo.t"P~e:9 '" ~. "'> , ' , Proyide a detail of the portico to wall connection, Detail the f1ashing'at,th~ ~~]1~' [Sec, 301 (d)] "." ." ,,' . Eaye yents shall not be located in the one-hour soffit nor shall they be located,: within 3' of an opening in the story below. Locate attic yents on .the roof framing plan and reyise details 1/6 and 2/6, [Sec, 3205(c)2 and 2201]' '~ Proyide cross yenti1ation for the kitchen roof. [Sec, 3205(c)l] MAi<'I4"&UT(RE\Jl~) Specify the built-up roofing manufacturer and assembly or proYide the,field constructed assembly, [Sec, 301 (d)&1704] . ,. " Locate and detail the attic access openings, [Sec, 3105 a)]I~e..pf;:.t.,IllR.Fl#'tFU.QIJIlC.E)~~c:l ProYid~ t,he manufacturer's truss de1.!gn for the@52',~' cantileYeo~~,irdef'l"'~ and <5Cl "Q~trusses)~LSec, 301 (d)] Mr lo.PPa.I/P!I:el't-"" ~'\'.P "I<- ' N/lT API>RlID D >I<>rptUJu,~ The proposed ceiling at the trusses does not prOYlde a one-hour fire-resistiye membrane, Proyide a reyised 1 hour ceiling system. [Research Report Nos. 1352 and:1632] , Proyide a cross section of the north and south 2 hour area separation wa11s,to show the construction from the foundation to the wall tennination, [Sec; 301 (d)] ..,. Proyide a 3/4 hour labeled "E" door out of the fellowship hall, a 20,minute labeled door to the janitor room off the lobby and speci fy the 20 mi nute door manMactul"er~' for the "F" doors with fire dampered grilles in the door, [Sec, 3jQ4{~)&Table'.r'H:i'i'5~A] Proyide a detail of the corridor window in the nursery, [Sec, ~~.04~ti~),~;;>;\,~ i.:< 'r"'"" .' Proyide a detail of the recessed light protection when penetrating the one-hour cei 1 i ng, [S!!C, 4303( b )6] f:>.u... e.eIU~9 UEtI+'t~ M.lJ~r E>E. $lJ/ZFAC.e MOU"'TE;l> Proyide fire damper installation details for the~unta;lEa'm:l- yertical penetrations of the one-hour protection. [Sec, 301 (d)] ~C>>I<- C74.lJ3 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION OIVISION . PLANS REVIEW SECTION I 135 E. 6TH AVE. / EUGENE. OR, 97401 I (5011 oR7.41Ql ~':._U~T ~JaU ~ Proyide a door hardware schedule specifying locks, latches and closers by manufacturer and series or function number and specify which hardware goes in which door, [Sec, 301 (d), 3304(h) and 4306] The side aisles shall be at least 39" wide at the east end. [Sec. 3313(b)] The cross aisle at the front of the sanctuary shall maintain a clear S'-9 3/4" width to the side exits. [Sec, 3313(e)] The center aisles shall be at least 46 1/2" at each end. [Sec. 3313(b)] The main exit(s), doors "CD and exterior exit doors from the lobby, shall haye a minimum total width of 14'-3", [Sec. 331S(a)]t"~~(L4'-a") 01(23, Door "K", used as a side exit, shall exit directly outdoors or into an exit passageway. All doors on the exit passageway shall be 3/4 hour labeled assemblies, [Sec, 331S(b) and 3311 (a)] , , u Proyide two exits from the nursery, [Table No. 33-A]-~S1'\5-1I <l.TD<E.... Proyide access for the physically handicapped to the second story, [Sec, 3106(a) and Table No, 33-A] . Proyide stair nosing details to comply with Section 3108(h), Proyide a minimum stair width of 30" to the baptistry and proyide handrails for the steps to the baptistry, [Sec, 330S(b) and 330S(j)] 0\1-.28, It does not appear sufficient width is proyided in the mens and womens restrooms to comply with Section 1711(b)3, Proyide reyised restroom plans. , . ~29, Proyide sufficient notes, details and e1eyations to show compliance with S~ctions 3106(c), 3108(b) and (d), ' ~30, Proyide sutljsje,nt e1eYAtions and details to show compliance with Sections' 17i1(c)~~ t><-> 1712~3107W,(!J> and (qbl!...~""u~~~~ 1WIl./.. ~ '. '. ,:' ~~31. Specify which ducts are-tO-DE! installed under the slab and detail their installation. [Sec, 301 (d) and U,M.C. 1004(a)] . , ~32, The east classroom on the first floor does not appear to haye a sufficient air change. Proyide additional air, [Sec, 70S] ~~3, The 7 1/2 ton heating units on the first floor do not appear to haye a sufficient fresh air supply. Proyide additional fresh air, [Sec, 70S] .. .-' .,. l . 01(.19. ~O, <<21. ~~22, ~4, y62S, <<'26, ~7. . . Plans Reyiew Page 2 Other o~34, The Plumbing Code, Appendix C, requires that 3 drinking fountains be proYided;' Provide 1 additional drinking fountain on the first floor, This is a plumbing requirement, so contact Gi1 Shipp at 687-406S for any clarification, ' ;, 18. Builders Hwd is not a manufacturer, Specify the manufacturer (we will assume Sargent for the purposes of this letter). a. Specify the door closer sizes, b, Sch1age D-70 PD is not approyed for double doors (won't latch without dead bolt on one leaf -not approyed), Proyide reyised hardware, c. Doors Band C require nondogging panic hardware, Specify the proposed unit. d, Door F requires latching hardware, Specify hardware, e, 9966 is not approyed on doors E (when requi red to be fire rated) and K, Proyide reyised hardware, , ,'. ~