HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-1-14 (2) 'II ll, "I LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: it; PERMIT NO. 36-76 '# CONSTRUCTION [X] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ JI'" ;;J.." DOwner' . BrandelJfeld. Fred . NAME ltJ Contractor A..n~ WhIt.. NAME LeaburQ, Or. ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE' PHONE 343-4247 PHONE . q81 Filmore, Euaene. Or. ADDRESS 97402 CITY ZIP CODE O,S. Reg. # 11aw. Twn I:' Range..1l~ Sect ion...2.' . 4.4 Tax Lot 6200 Code 19-03 Census Tract 21-300 Subdivision N6 Lot Block Acreage Width Access to Property (Road Name): r..Amp, F:fIrm Rd_ Depth Existing Structures on Property' nw,,11tnn Directions to Property. Address: lC~ r.~A ~~rm Rd_ STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) SQ. FT. VALUATION Re-roo~lng & Change eaves Est. Cost I 1,100.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [J SEPTIC TANK Ix] OTHER [ 1 PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER I 1 OTHER i 1 NAME BUILDING PLUMBING 3% SURCHARG" MOBILE HOM" WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW Pena 1 ty Fee TOTAL 11.00 .33 WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [J [ ] PUBLIC I ~] COMMUNITY. NA,ME: [ ) PRIVATE WELL I [ ] OTHER. SPECIFY: Ralnb01lJ 11.00 22.33 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: I GALS MIN. DRAINFIELD L1N. FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZON" STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE C LASSI F. SETBACKS. FT. FROM CTR. OF rlW: FRONT SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. REAR ZON" t" AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ J. E. BOSS. BY W, MORELOCK ISSUANCE DATE: 1-14-76 jh BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 10 schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the Slate Buidling Code, D.E.a. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details, on Reverse Side) C!iS.13 LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 i I ~ (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) I.' : "I: 1 . .. --..- :' ....~.. . . -- - - -- ~ . ~. , J I .. ". I .. '4.BUI~DING SITE EVALUATION . ( ) . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. () SITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION Not AplJl icabl~ 1. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone J () 2. Subdivision Ordinance comPlianCfJ/ () 3. Required Access ( 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Fron g ( ) 5. Other (s~e comments) T <~.R o.3s-,.;>,'{'tTAX LOT b..2r>1l SUBDIVI N: LOT: BLOCK: APPLICANT4..... ~~/~ DATE //'<;?/ '/?7 ./ , ".. CK'D BY: Setbacks from cll of road: Front Side Exterior Setbacks from interior lines: Side Rear COMMENTS: \ ./ / / PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YES( ) NOl ) APPLICATION# Not Applicable No Yes Environmental () r) TI () (~ .// ~ vt'''/ /1 :,x:: /ti~ '/ 1/ BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Applicable ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL 11. Meets Department of Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: r) myes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) CK'D BY:W'P14 - I.. /4-'7k DATE CK'D BY: DATE TO APPLI CANT: Your Building I Site Inspection: ~tan be approved. '\)- Cannot be' approved at this time as indicated on Item NO. above. Questions and further information on items I through 6 contact the LANE- COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building I?ermit aEplication fee is bein,q.x~tu~n.!l.d under seoarate cover. .EPARTMENT OF tNVIRONMENTAL MANl\liEMEt-t1 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 . ~~~() Y \ 'tJ\ C55-28 . 'l,B~ It;l~lS SITE EVALUAT ION :I\~: ( ). ~UILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 30-?C, ( ) T /';'.--R o.3S.,.?".;>.'(.(tTAX LOTb...2", SUBDIVI N: '-.' - LOT: BLOCK: SITE INSPECTION APPLlCANTg..",.. .J.:,_/~./&/f:M!.:'-<::~ , DATE //~/ '74' ...- PLANN I NG D I V I S ION Not Il. ' -" , Appl i cabrtle. No _Yes" /CK'D BY: I. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone I () v' ~) ~/6. Setbacks from ell of road: 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance !1 / () () (....) Front . 3. Required Access II (/) t....)/() Side Exterior 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Front'age) ( ),...,Y( ) ( ) Setbacks from interior lines: 5. Otryer (see comments) / . (/) () ( ) Side':' /, ./ I) , / Rear COMMENTS: ......... ./ -' ; ;' PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YESl i BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION } NOl } APPLICATlONl/ 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) Not Appl icable ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) No Yes \) r:r ( ) (:) ( ) (1) ( ) (() CK I D BY :lL~ P11 I~ I q.. 7.!:-~ DATE COMMENTS: COMMENTS: Not Applicable No Yes Envl ronmen.tal () \) ~ () () H- /l/ ~ .fU/ /I.rv/(. /!(-,A' I ''/ f/ CK'D BY: WATER POLUTION CONTROL II. Meets Department of Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) DATE TO APPLI CANT: Your Building I Site Inspection: I '(,<) Can be approved. ( ) Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item NO. above. Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions ,and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit application fee is ,beinq ~~tur:.(litd undJU:.....S"oarate cover. DEPARTMENT OF tNVIRONMEN1AL HANAlil::MI:.NI 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 I, '1\' r. , \ \ (1'/ \'. r,\ C55-28 ~ " . LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: . / ',' . PERMIT NO. ,.", ..,... ~,>-,,,,) CONSTRUCTION [:] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner ., . ::_~_...~jc'2(;o C::.:-j NAME , ;8 Contractor I~~.~::~-;t?: .::0 l:0 l, :~ ,,~;~::) ~ j:J 1">> \.,. 0 ADDRESS CITY ; )i)t~28 CITY ZIP CODE: PHDNE ""\1.' "0('- ~o'J :,- ,)'"G .'~-~'i .;'~D :~~ U:---:;7':':~ l~C; ;:;;~. C?.. NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE PHONE O.S. Reg. # : ~:: '::; Tw:, r;--" "-' Range ,.: Sectior' r;,;:.!).J\ Tax Lot ()~:~:~~ Code "(\ ",.... ,,-',...2) ('''' n",,--.. Census Tract (;"o~__,,, Subd ivision '\ Lot B loc~ , ..-~-:- ~.- - --' -"- :.---:~,,:,-.:~~,,"-->..\,! - Access to.!?roperty'(R6ad'Name): ' l..." '. \, .... - ,. -.--\ Existing Structures on Property: ,::-::'JDu':', Acreagp Width --~~....." '-"':>~~DePth .;t...} Directions to Property. Address: D~-~~) ~.--::,; [.',"':D [~(!D STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) SO. FT. VALUATION "........../~ ,oJ u ,;.:.:.:~~,) C':":'0:""',) '-.l (:::;. l,: ~': :: c ;,; \j~/,)O\'''; SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [I SEPTIC TANK PI OTHER [ 1 .;"";'; PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER I I OTHER I I W\MF WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ I EXISTING [.I BUILDING PLUMBINr. 3% SURCHARGF MOBILE HOME' WASTE DISPOSAl PLAN REVIEW ~. :::;~-:-'7 V:~~ U DoC: '. '~,' II I PUB L1C [ J COMMUNITY. NAME: [ I PRIVATE WELL [ I OTHER. SPECIFY: f:c' :~:;:-::) .: .. ,,-' D U o(~J TOTAL ,'" ..., (;,.::.;.)(} CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPAc'lTY: . GALS. MIN. bRAINFIELD --:~-.., ,'I' . "" UN. Fif. "'-I \ \."" - \ , MAX. TRENCH DEPTH' INCH ES ",\ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZON~ STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF. SETBACKS, FT. FROM CTR. OF rlW: FRONT SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. REAR ZONF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ (~o. 0 ....~;:)o JV Do C~'~:' ..~,.~ ISSUANCE DATE:eo~i;--.i7:) < :, BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN \ . SANITATION - GOLDENROD " IMPORTANT: , Call 687-'4065 to schedule all r~quired construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the Stale Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the Slale Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of. occupancy before being occupied. , \ '.' ) ~ '" -(See ~.ela~~s on ~~verse Side) , (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BL.:DG, AT SITE) CSS.13 LANE COUNTY. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th. EUGENE. OREGON 97401 . . ~.J .- .' . SITE I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED Cl OISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION ~ ..c:::t;~ ~~~ . DATE "L~~-::. oJ 2P}\O~"t~ '.~p' ApPROVED REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl Ot SAPPROVEO 17 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS 1 , LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED L----I DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS " FINAL I NSP;;~' ApPROVED DISAPPROVED ~ 1~ .,.Jjd'~ &( DAT~ WIlt- I NSPECTOl.. ':1:... REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS JiiJ //1" /) 11/. , .J.! 1/'/ rif d~' V '/ :f(r-7IP 13 .' /6rj ff~ #~