HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/25/2008 . . Date Received: OJ;() # /0, AJ<rU1.A'YllA'tL #->2'7 .3'0' J JAN 2 5 2008 Ortginal Submittal 12 ~ Boml 341 fn236 '-:""'~~'~, ~l~ ~,r~~.~~~ ~~'r/'~'\"l\'S,1 M t{\. ;:~.,j.)~ ./~{l :'~I f'\ "!:"'''t~, f~'~~iJ;~~~) 17iiii.IJ;I,s'r.\T':s I 11~'TI:ll\Il<U'~'ln: 11!l!l,"""o,'Iilll, . . -"-.' ...........,...--~ [~.~I]:'!!~!l:~] ;r~;r'~1~'~' '. ~; :;1\~~. :~'\I~'~ -;,1 ,;1" .\,~ "1.',1, t' -.....: ";,!;ii' i(~\~~411~,f~ : <~Tl:IISU1J:S ~~I . ~ '~ WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL MEIlBY '!HESE PRESENTS , That J. LEROY CHASE and MARGARET CHASE, husband and wife" of Springfield, Oregon, Grantors, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to them paid by WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COllPANY, a Washington oorporation, Grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to said Grantee, its suooessors and as- signs, .forever, the following desoribed real property situated in the O'QUilty of Lane, State of Oregon, particularly bounded and de- .~,,,-,, : scribed as follows, to-wit: West Half (Wi) of the Daniel Harkins Donation Land Claim No. 61 in Sections Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty- two (32), Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Two ,,(2) West of W. M., containing 160.07 acres, more or less, 86.70 acres of which are in Section Twenty-nine (29) and 73.37 acres of which are in Section Thirty- two (32); Lots Nine (9), Ten (10) and Twelve (12) of Sec- tion Twenty-nine (29), Township Seventeen (17) South,. Range Two (2) Weet of W. M., containing 78.42 acres, more or less; That part of Lot One (I) Of Section Thirty-two , (32), Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Two (2) West of W. M., lying East of the East line of Donation Land Claim No. 57 extended North to the North line of said Lot One (I), and containing 6.39 aores, more or less; , Lot Two (2) of Seotion Thirty-two (32), Township Seventeen' (17) South, Range Two (2) West of W. M., con-' tainlng 4.62 acres, more or less. Th~ total area here conveyed is 249.50 acres. . Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurten- thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Subject to reservations in United States Patents, and SUbject ~o any easement or right of way in the public any publiC roads heretofore established or existing on said :...- or. any part thereof, and Subject, as to the South forty (40) feet of the said Half (W~) of the Daniel Harkins Donation Land Claim No. 61 in Seotions Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty~two (32) and the South 1. .. . . forty (40) feet of the said above desoribed portion of Lot One (1) of Seotion Thirty-two ()2), a11in Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Two (2) West of. W. M.. to an easement for a ditoh granted by M. W. Starbuok, Administrator of the Estate of W. O. Starbuok, to Eugene-Springfield Land & Water Company by an agree- ment dated June 26, 1937. and reoorded in Book 188, at Page 532. need Reoords of Lane County. Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the Grantee. .i ts suo- oassars and assigns, forever. And the said Grantors, for themselves and their heirs and assigns. do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Grantee that the said Grantors are lawfully seized in fee simple of the above described and granted premises and have good and lawful right to convey the same; that the said real property is free from all encumbrances, and that, said Grantors will, and their heirs and assigns shall, warrant and defend the same to the said Grantee, its suocessors and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands Of all persons whomsoever. unto set IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The above named Grantore have here- . '" their hands and seals this 1- day of . Januarv. 1947. State or Oregon, County of L.S. L.S. ~ , o --- J, ~ A.D. 1947 Personally appeared the above-named J. Leroy. Chase and Niargaret Chase, husband and wife, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: ~~44- No ary ubllC in and for the State of Oregon, residing at ~ ",,,,"'q~l'h, ,..,,::\~ \~t i.',\~~:...>;., ".1~~.~.~".. " . ~"'.'it~,;,-,!' '~,_;.,_~t "', "'...~"_.,,.,~,,;tl,-~~O '.. . :1(~1~?i~Jr ."."II'~ll!i.>::;.<"..., '",.,;'Q!,;'i!_);;~&~_.",:,~ .: '. ,.', '......:i\~, .., ".'~":}.".\!i;:".;'" MY ,COR~Jll:is~.r(('i i;Xf'~;;L3 ;-.;;~;;c~n8, lS4S t\\'. 2, Date Received: JAN 2 5 2008 Original Submittal ;J,/ :-=:.:-:i-".7,,-' 'X:-;;?~'T.~,;7i7::;;>':"~:~\7:,~:-:'~ "-.':'~'\~:.i\.~"~' '.:,-. ".'_P.' .. ~- "-'-~'------"-" . . '':'''.~~----:-.''"".'':~-:.~--::.~.._~:<~-:'.)-~"~---.._--~~~ 4!2892 . .. . /;J '. ". ...... . .:'/A., . ,.-;.. I." .! ..' 7t/Ji .. .. . /....,. . . '. . ~ . " .".,~ (!if A" . .~;y "1 " .,..r ,At ;t- . .' " (j)" If ..~.. '.""."" "" , .. ~ ' . ,'. ,.,....~ ' . .". J.' r .t ' . . . . . . Date Re.ceiv.ed: . ' . . JAN 2 5 2008 ,~ 'j .'. ~ .,..: . . . . '. . .. . . .' . . . "' . . .' ". Original SubmIttal .'~. .. Stote of Oregon. County of Lane-51. I, W. 6, Dillard, County CI~rk cmd ex-officio Recorder of Conveyance, in and for said County, do hereby .certify that the within instrument wa~ re(eived for record at "" '!. :i ".. /~;.;fo;~:"~~'["{fS: . .' 9., t:&';) .. "I .~ .'~~~. o~. .' ~:~tl ,l~: . . '...~:~ ,0 *'Ir1'lr:"':;;A(~'" \ ,.'.".~:) ..,,_.~~J.\~?> -'<, ..._,.~?_.,_. . .... '.i ::;,;. FEi3:t:l\9!f1: PIl .(. and Recorded '1 I~ Book ___.._____3..43- ______m_ on Page .__23_6_':. 7 IDE E D Lane County______u...____"_~_'...___...____.__.. Records_ I . W. B. D_llLARO, County Clerk. ~! I~ ~y_~~~=:""~~~.~~~.~~:IY~_ .~, :cJ1J!!,i:"",V\ ' "'i .' . W~..;.,~i'J}, R..AJ · .', -J. , .," '.' -' ". !.'J'.' ....,.'.'".... :.,..tj;J-. ...c..,..I-'.-lJ. \' '~"l:7~;':' .... ..... .... ,. ...,',.->'.. 41~~~;;0'~~W I ._,\,u..__ c. ...."..c._ .....On).... , C'.' , . """,' 'l':' . , ., :.... j L" {. "\\ . . W .. "'.(-'1. .J... .~.;-,..:.'".._~---- ..~......,..,_..J,.... ~t,..._.<_,