HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Easement 2007-7-26 , \ .' '. SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RIGHT-OF-WA Y UNDERGROUND EASEMENT . Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records " .. 111,11 009297202~07005232w0J30038 RPR-ESMT Cnl~1 Sln:6 cAgJ{~~/~OJ701 :22:34 PM . $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 . . . II . 2001.002J2~ $36,00 3.AcO sAt~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, DAVID E. DUKES AND LAURIE S. DUKES, herein after called the first party, for a good and valuable consideration, of the payment of the sum of $0.00, the receipt whereof is' hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, herein after called the second party, and unto its successors and assigns, the right to enter upon the lands of the undersigned situated in the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: WHEREAS, the first party is the record owner of the following described real property: Land Partition Plat No. 2007- P2/~9 2007, Reception No. 2007- 5232. 6 Records, Lane County, Oregon . recorded 26" c:;[; ~ , as filed in Lane County Deeds And has the unrestricted right to grant this easement hereinafter described relative to the real estate; and the second party is the record owner of the: Electric service facilities located on Parcel 1 of said Land Partition Plat. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: The first party hereby grants, assigns and sets over to the second party a perpetual 5' underground electric easement being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Parcel 1, Lane Partition . Plat No. 2007- /02/5/ ? ,Recorded 26 (7(;1:, 2007, Reception No. 2007- 5.2.326 as filed in Lane County Deed Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence running East 68.15 feet; thence North 5 feet; thence West 67.25 feet thence South 100 17' 20" West 5.08 feet to the point of beginning. Said property is shown on attached "Exhibit A". And to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace therein an underground electric distribution line, including vaults, transformers and other necessary facilities, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, maintain, and protect said lines. No part of any building or permanent structure will be placed upon this easement, other than asphalt pavements, curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons. This easement does not restrict the installation of Qwest Communications and Com cast facilities provided installations meet Springfield Wtility Board's approval. DUKES & DUKES Easement Page I oJ2 06/04/07 After recording return to . Lmm County SUfVeyoro . ' The undersigned covenants that they are the owners of the above-described property and that such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatsoever character except: d~~ 6~h--;; I'KME- --.. DATE I '70- i::Jj/U~ -2 f)~ tp/7/0r OO~- I ~. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this S..j.tc day ofdLLtl.L/ .2007, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named DAVID E. DUKES AND LAURIE S. DUKES known to me to be the identical individuals described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. , ._ .... ,........,.,-......',..... ,Iloo.'" ." l.' ..~ ._.1.... ;' ~,.IIt...~L-..&..J.I.....'lII. "'F ,. . . "--OFF1cW.sEA(--- ;- SANDRA LEE WESTON 1 , NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON I \. l COMMISSION NO. 413595 : j\ .... .-" MYCOMMISSlOt!. ~s Jf~IiUARY 25.2011 : ~____~......_.__ ~... r, l).. ~~~: ~"'-"-...... Notary Public for orego[iLrdl.ll/ OL~J7!jV My commission expires: ;;z ~ ;;;2 ~---- d-o I ( Springfield Utility ~,-d ~~~_eplsti'1i>'conveya~~~ ()f,rea~,ll'operty or easement. Approved by: \ "?::1::!41 /"~'1/'L-/'(.,--.;;.-;:r~&~",~ " "i!'?; r-..... {" .' . T alllcira Johnson, ~/ Engineering Manager /- Springfield Utility Board DUKES & DUKES Easement Page 2 of2 06/04/07 '---~--_._----~~----_I........____~~ f< Exhiblt-. All I _.__._____._____.._____........__.._.____ . rNOTES ~ .kEsTRlCT/ONS (I. .; ~ IlITA m..u MtllIID lIIWS 0lNC1I8JSt 1I01C1J. 2. 110 ~ ~ IlIRJ. ~ OR 01IG ~.5lIIU lIE IDQ/lll OM 011 III lUte I/IV7I'IIII() IICaSr lASIJOIS .1 ~"JUi'IliIQ' aa:7I/Ollt' ......... ~". SIS1D(, ac:. ~ ,olIlIl1,~~ ; .. 1.,-,."...s.5l&(l.1' ID A II.M<<CT tASllWlWr. _ A IAIlIillI. ,..g DIItII AQiQ5S ~ EASll1() '" ~ ~ POl D<<u/tDI1l1RlJil1l) IM/iQI A 1M(. KllJl(' J/J. 1W;c IlIIt U/IIC ClJuIiIr QllrtlJr ".',,, ',.. .1 = .--,1I1I/1QI A IN. ICIllJl(' J1J, 1W;c IlIIt 1.MiC_ IS. 01S1IIII; 1DIal6C' ~ IClImIf ooa G. ",.,...,,1 H llU'". AC'1IMl /fU'fR1T UII: . ,0' '----..." 1\ .(- o \ "" -:.- lIOImIo.a' W') lIJlSI'Il.U' ... ~ ~~. PARCEL J 1fIJ Sf . BllISTIIIO .. C1WNI.llIX raa (1fIlIl' 0.01'-0.41') L I B LEGEND o S{1~.J(J".'1 ~ MIoIlllD )U "'. 1IlJ 1)1"" 1IlJArJll( CIIIa.Wrl1I'Ot111 ~,. ~ tlJr L6C' QlI7llIr.IIf.' ~ UstJiDtr I.IIlC IUt l#IC ./tRi: EASPIlJI' ,. IMt 1101 ID Sl:All tI1$1lIC mq lat; ~ 1I01llI. . ... o -t- ------- ----- /' ", ~'::""-""" FINAL PARTITION FOR DAVID E & LAURIE S DUKES S." 1/4 SEC. 33, T.J7S~l.l!~2lf.!..._.".M. SPRlRGFJEW, LANE COUIYl'T, OJU:GON SURVEYED: MAY 21. 200., 't\o 1.00 . IIOIml ~ j J. .... '4t.._"""~ "'.)1' " ~ Cl.Q' l \.. ::"ma I-- ~ a .__..l.~1 ua'-o.~, .1 Q ti~. ' (.4r <au' 1 I 1 PARCEL 3 ~ I - Sf 1 . ~ ~!l1 I I ~ Oi~ 1-J.(JfJ'~ I --.JllDII"-. llllUTr WDE1t1 I I a I 1 ~'I(m I 1 ! I/ISr ".#11' 1 ,.. j 1JI~. "'"t: !;I:::: ~ . 11! 1JUf1' UI.2J' _, II h !I ~~ .... . 6U/~ ,g. J111ml:;>JI~ G1 ~ "00;,. I(m IJASIS OF IJEARlNCS _1.lQI1 ~ JlI./JlI--- IIr3l' /lU/' . S' ,,' ....,...!) . (ftl.I1"}(1/J) . '. v'" ~2! ..~ . 1IlJFltMII.IIlWl"'.\Ir . !!6EERENCES _M.I""""'" III.R (1t1) IlITA Ff1I U1Br AlIIt /JD(It 'I. '*<< 1. lQR (1U1 llUI POl &Sf ,." (RJ) IlITA FD/1I1fQ(I) JlIII: III 1.1 $t<< II. IQR {R(} IlITA POl - ~ IiRZPIlIlIt ~ MlHIl7.- ua ~ ilte! !~ ~: ~I ,; PARCEL' #UlliT' 8 y p ft K I 11 PIX ~ n(J I/1S ~ R .. .5l8 It:Qllr IMwr IUU' IIlUTr USD/DIt /IIfiIIT-",_-.y m. . II(J'I 111 SDIl.t IIlIW ~ aP I/t)IIIIrJ() I/t)II FI1't ~', ~. '" l ...0 UIIJ1r BO/IRD IAIIf' CQ.wJl' QllrtlJr <<IllS .. B(QlIIllS (--.) ~ IlITA .IIST 0,311' /DICE (JI1X1/MTA NARRAT/'1~. _ . _ /MS.5lAIICI' IllS I'DR\IIIO II H lIlQOI' .... 1M' PIIIIlIS II) IM/l1lQr H ~',l~ ',;jIJ, sr..-1IO!tW II1DJ IIMQlSMIIJ ro nuu w ..,. II~J,,j .,,,. ~ OF.~ Q'Ir (I.oII',I...I"'iol.D.lUdiIlIt.Allll2lDt A,l'Jj ,I' j "II, ~ H B/lSIS '" ...... IllS ~ " IQlIIol; II'OI#ID ~ AlaIG 1Ht IIfJIl1H 8fN1OIRr UIC '" ,." _ ." " '." 0 AS IUmlINf) IlRUftD II IODIt 'I. IWit I, lAIII' ctURr IIiGQr 1W IiIalIIllS. 5lD IGfH lilt .tI.StJ liPll: H SDIJJII UNt '" /MS III9I1Za H tIlllIlIUlI' '" ~ S11IfCT IllS ~ " I/'DIM} ~ .-s "1lQIIIII; I/RQill __ All) IIISTAIQ' Ff1I tx1/MTr ~ III '.1. .. 1m lQMlIo1/l' /.lilt IllS ~"., '...." . ~ Q;IiIElIUlC' '" ~1II S1IIfr'I ~ 1rt:I POl H ST1I((r <<rP ."''''.... ~ n. II,. .. ",",., , C lI-IlHlD, loW tx1/MTr /JiROrllr7Dl JmIII/lt IlC' IIDl' _ _ GlIlII.GIC " IWW RrmID IJtMIW(; -1OlSfMa POl ItWi1IT"S _ Sl8lIMSUIIll 1.l Sl<< '''' IAIIf' IDMTr /JiROr /IU1 ClMlIt 1Ht IIfJIl1H __ IllS ..~.I., .'I.o,f:DIIllIlC" .'.1. " ~ 1~..,..ljIIMIfiIJSI.2Ql\,-I,~....,,_ IIQ. allIS-W,- loW ct>>r1r lmlr l1li() RmlIIllS. - . . RECORDED , DAlE: l.o/JUftlll.L1:M. LNIC COUN1r ~ omccj ::r _ I I BY' ( ~ i OWNER DaIO t .. UtA/IC S lUItS as! IQMIOI ..., .,.Jl IlIIl;Qr 11411 f'A1) 1I1..J/JO S!IE. ADDRESS ~ - .oIl...."....,~.A QIII/!RQI' "'111 CUENT/DEVELOPBR CI DIaD..lUItS ~ ,. F081_ D.CDr. r;m;ar IHIIl-Ill81 SUR~YOR'S CE..RTl~CATE (S41) 141..JlJO , lo1IliIlIIa a ~ . IIIL61ll4ll ~ lNiG $IlIl(llJt IIJJI( _.......... SlAIW'Jl:l) NIl ~ IIl1I -' " '" I.. Il'.IIUOlS It AfXQIllII(t IIlIIllI$ ~ H nu,.. ........... lNiG IWUIIrJIt IU1: . /lEQIMCu HoIIIlllI ~ INQIISAWIJD"1/t)II1IrJ() _. 'l!tlllll~l>>~ )U -~ SIlO PfMr ... tI(Sll~. '" H . ,,,,, "" ctIIIlC>> '" lOll, U1Br Ala: AS 1tA11l1J_ "... "'" III taIIr 'l AIlir 1. loW IDMTr tRl;QJ 1W ~ III loW a:um: QQllIIt AIAiIIIIC noa - ''''no' CAS1 IDI.6) ICCI: lIOa CAS1 18l.J1lttr; lIOa $WI1f D'OIr.Jl' -- IllI.Dlllttr; HJa CS1 ,.." far ID H POItT "',... . AU. lD(; " ~'J. .:I~A~~~ ~LARAT/ON . 0 1f1IQII All lItlI " mar IIIlR10S IIMI' IIlMO t . /IIlJI/It $ ~ ,. ~ o.os If T't( aott 111 m 1Ht lIIIt) .".... ,. ,,,, IOItlIC NIl NIl( QlllSR/ IllS twm1/(It II) lit IlIrlMro III ..." iCt IIIlI l'- ====-,,"=::1:ilU~~~~.u:l/IlQl' cp WDE1t1 A1C1lC 1Ht lAS1D1/I ~ or AlIialS 1-.1. tIIIOS 1Gl1Ir ~ IlC' C\I :ur~~='~'_'iW~:::::;~~1 0 IIND 1. trJI11Ht I1/)IfTIT or SIlO IlIllCIU , MID I. /)fl/I ~ _ Il1/O ASSlCIllS MIO IlC' Cf) j,fJQ 10tR 5U8 ~ UStWM1 Ai._ . "'~ ..j. ;'1. I I/IfXIIDIIIlr OF IWt:n I. Il. '..j ~L I ~ L~ -. DIrClI$ 1Ofl/r. CIIrAIl' ~ DmAIr _ .100 IDDT AIIIIUZ' utv1r lADiOn AlaIG III.ltU .1 ::;: I'IJlt /I(' iDtDIT or ACn t IJ(ft _ /ClIS .. ASllQIlS. " ~ l'- l'- '"' l'- m n SfJIU: ,.. 10. f) 10 *'.. -.:0 _ li. l.UIIli ,4CKNO"LEDGMENT S1A1C '" lliIlt:PI} }SS CQ.wJl' or IofI1t } M'PfA'Il'P l'ElISllIMI.:r lI7t\Iir .... lIIIllI t ~ /IIlJI/It S ~ _ II) ... ID lit ~ aMIl:At Il'2StWS' "'.,l';'.~l~.I; bit IIDIIt ,~",'''I J;'~ ~ M6J Of) HCRCBr~ ~ swr 10 lit 1IOIl1ICt IIQ - lml III I/IIlGS -clInIr. 11IAIt 1ClIIRW/l) su IIr _ oWl MTlzCD IIr S'AL ~ ....,,'." ID II1tlIt lit /lIS flAT '" , iICI01. -lUte '" (llit"GpI lit .; I I ...~,. l1/SWIfI"l'o cr:: o ci .....l ~ ~ (j I~ 0... C/J APPROVALS ~.ACC8P1'ANCES "_0 PROfESSIONAl. ~o SUIM:'rCR cor su..c: /lfEIllII IJIUE cor JIIIlI(lllt ~EOON oAA.'T '0, .... r.: . IJIUE . IAIIIroa 8. Q.SOH &~~ _ IJJ /lEIltlIaI. llAIt: 12-.JI.2OOlI a IJIUE (() '0 . OLSON & MORRIS 3 Q:IlMI' ASlDSllt