HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1-12-14 v RESIDENT, COMBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 ,':O!?TH 5TH ST.'?EET SPRI:1GFIELD, OREC.lJN 97477 EuiZdi~~ Divisio~ 726-5753 Job Location: :59/f(o \C, / Subdivision: .4ssessors nap # 17 -{J2- -.-34 - UJ O/,mer hLt --1 U ' r.--.. Add.reas FJct/{ {} ~S 0-./ /",1 1 City I - SPRINGFIELD- tIiL~ 5iree"f- T= Lot /I o 360 h ,,\ v. Phone /I ?()(/)- 8-157 Zip q '/ </ '1-1 ~ l"l J? ()r 1(1 F___ O~ I ~.ve-" I Addition I Remodel. DesrnCG Work (J.Joods io (/ G , '-R-e-~ 5-1 ~ ncUn q - U SG ..t)( I S, -h n c~ (.JU.I~/'L(Z.-trl Address ~ ~scil Contractors Name Ceneral. Pl.umbing ~l.ectri oo.!. f.fechar.icc:.z. G/j)fL~ ,r Constru~tion Lander __ RECEIPT II 5' 7 7~f7 . twoclSiz) ~ <Iii) /5: CfJ /'0 () CuI (/-11 ~ Authorized Ci~J'Agcnt E:r:pires Phone II i' REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all i~spections are made at the proper time, that each address is readable frcm the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. * All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City LJ SITE INSPECTICN: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forr:o.s . UNDERSLAB PLUMBIN~. ELECT~ICAL & HECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated a~d forms are erected, but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, WATER, DRAI1IAGE: To be made prior'to fil- ling trencheS. UNDERFLOOR PLill1BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST & BEAM: To be ~4de prior to ins~allation of flco~ insula~ion or decking. I ' ROUGH PLUMB!NG, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANCI.\L: No '.Iork is to be covered until these inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plac ing facing ~ j/ materials and before framing inspe~- don. FR....HING: Must be requested after I approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing, bracing & chimneys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- cealed until this inspection has been made and approved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before, any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVES: After installation is completed. CURB & APPROACH AP~ON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- 9f-way, to be ~4de after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base materisl in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicated in ?lans or by no- tice from Building Inspector. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrlcal, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a~d approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, and a CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Call 726-3769 (recorder)state your City designated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUM'3ER IS: 2f J ()2(/J J( FINAL MECHANICAL Page 1 of 2 '. > , ..:.~.;. . .: ", ~ i . -- '. .-.,- " I JOB NUHEER g'J 08-(0 g' I ZONE OCCUPANCY GROUP I P3ge 2 I REFERENCE Nt'MBERS TYPE!C01'JSTRUCTION L-COr, :: BEDROO~!S Lot Square g'tg. ~.,: ~f Lot Covel'ed #- ;of Stories 7'Stal Height ':o-pogl'apl..y [,ot Ty-;e Setbacks Intel'iol' [,0-1; Faces: I COl'1'ler P.~. Hoase, Garare Acc'?S$ I, Panhandle NOl'<l:h Other East South West , Ene!'~y SO:c.::'I~es I :'e'1t , I I '....atel' Heater I i'!ange I Pool I ~:--:Y'~:: rc.::e I I I I ,io::.: St:;ve. - f .;,0.';;:' I \ I I I: I LI FEES BUILDING VALUE/PERMIT 811. _"'tl1. _.f:'ai~ Sq. Ftg. C-araq e Sq. FtJ. Carport Sa.- Ftq. Aaee~so:ry Sa. Ftq. Value :c ?am-i t Cltaroes i ;C) f'Y'li"'t1 ~ n I This'permit is granted on the ezpreas co~.di~~on that the said cons~7'Ucti-On shatz, in al Z l'es-;ectif!, confom: to the O!'dinar.~es adapted by the City 0.-' Spl..:.ngfieUl, including the Zoning Ordinance, re~Alating t~~ con- stl"..tction and use of lr..J.Udings, :71lIi ,-ray be $:lspf!r'.ded or revoked at any time upon vioZati~n of any previ- sions of said Ordinances, ;:: :r: ::: :: .': t.?t: P. '<;'JP(!;'f1T'I1P. Plan Check Pee Date Pdd Receipt If. I _ , I TOTAL CH.4P.GES Is~stem Develorment Charoe 11. 5 :r: Value - I PLUl.fBING PERMIT INO. I I g'i::tul'es r,rate!' Sel'Vice Sanita1"J S(!!,)er , ,"'EE I I I I No person shaZZ construct, instaZZ, aZter or change any new or existi7VJ pZumbing or dzoa-:.nage sys-;em in ~hoZe or in part, unZess such perso~ is ~he :egaZ possessor of a vaZid pZumber's Zi~er~e, ezce?t that a person may do pZumbing ~ork to pro?er~ ~r.~ch is ownad, Zeased or operated by the ap;Zicc:nt. , CllA.'IGE SUBTOT.4L State Suzochazoge TOTAL CHARGES ELECTRICAL PERf-1IT \NIJ. FEE CHARGE Sa. Footaae I New or E.":tensiol't/r;il'~it, Te"~Dora1";f Ctr.:s~c=ion , I I Where State Laz..' requires that; the e:ect;ricaZ ~ork be done by an EZect;r-.;caZ C?ntractor, thz ez.ect;r-:caz, for- tion of this permit shaZZ not be vaz.id tmt-:.Z the Za- beZ has been signed by the EZectric.:.Z. Contrc:tor. TOTA[' CHARr.ES The EZectricaZ Safety LazJ does not requ-:.re = ?erson to obtain a Zicense as an '3le~trician ar.d/o!' eZec- trica! cO"ltnctor to make an eZectr-:.caZ ins-::::ZZa:tion on property ~hich is owned by himseZj or a ~zmber of his immediate famiZy ~hich is not ir:ten::.ed ;';1' saZe, Zease or rent. SU!!TOTAc' Str,ztz Suzocharae .1 MECHANIC.4L P'5:EIMIT "t). PEE I CHARGE F'urna~e - 3TU'S Ezhaust Hood Vent Fan I Wood Stove/Heater I SUBTOTAC, I /'5 . ()(,; \ I I I $~ O() , I (;)() I /): Ir, ('J. State Suzocharqa TOTAL CHA.1fGES ENCROACHgENT I Se~.lr-!. ty Deposi t I Storage I Maincnance I Permit ! TOTA[, AMOUNT DUE I C'Al'b~t ISidmJalk 1.:;Oqnca ~Zeatril1aZ LabeZ TOTAL AI.fOUrlT DUE I I I I ,I I I I l $/5 00 Plan Ezaminer /~-/</,FI Date ' I HAVE C.4IlEFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aZZ information hereon is true and correct, and I fuzother certify that any and aZZ uJOrk performed shaZZ be done in accor- dmu:e ~tih the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieZd, and the LazJs 'of the State of O~gon pertaining to the uJOrk described herein, and that NO OC- CUPANCY win be made. of any str>.lcttu>e without permission of the BuiUling Division. I fUZ'ther certify that onZy "ontractol'S and empZoyees ~ho are in compZiance with ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this project. 1YJ I~ !( dJ. kdd-LJ ~"gnea Uate BuiZding Division appr~Jed pZan shaZZ remain on the BuiZding Site at aZZ times. , '1- .-, .," ......:.--:-.,....-.~:,.._.::'"7"~.:,.~. :...-,;~-:......7'~~:..--;;, '.~.;.";:-..--- .'.~l~"".'''.