HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/7/2011 'r.: . . . t04llk., p- -'~"MnOUOI_"""""_~ <.>"f' "-:l"'" r..:._t''''..JJU ..h...4_....~....... .........." _...........44._ \~';. \ ftrth'i1l4lt." l'alle-d the Arnn/or, IUl 1M corWd~fation ~...;tuat'.r sllal,.d. to ~tlUltDt p.tt;d by Ya8er S. Asaycd . . Mn;na/f'" C'nJJ~ fhe gr':I1II~. do~~ Mnby Jlrnnt. bI1rtnin. sell _nd C'Cluny unto fJut ~id Arant" ftnd QTllnf"'S MiN, !IUCt:tw'ON n"d a..~JlIrnr, IMI ~,.r.'I;n r~41 prupotty. wUh the tOrM'rtlOnb. hennlit:Jmenl3 and IIlpput'teMnccos tho,,,unto belanAfnA or ap-. IX',tainin4. sitl"UIIC'd in fh" CounfY Df Lane and Stll~ft 01 ORton. d~l>>d.,,, follow", lo-....il: w....UNcn IMto ,', .~, KNOW ALL. ,""EtY BY THESE PRESENTS. Thai Alp~nro~~ n~lrY Inc. Lots 1 ilnd 2, Block 5. RAILROAD Anon ro~ 1'0 SPrUNGFIEtD. as platted and racorded in Book 7, Pa~e 17,. Lane Count)' Ort"l~on Plat Records ,In Ulne County. 01"c~on that portion lying wi chin the bounds of the ~lcK(!.nz1e F.xC'~pt the~efro~. Hi ~hway. in Lane County. Ore~on. o :; _ ,b' 11 ! \ j Q o oOot(,;, II' S'....CE INSUFfICIENf. CONTINUE on'.,PTlON ON Jf~!.U SIO!1 To Hnvt.' lJnd to Hnld the same unto the said granteo and ,.rtmtee's ht/irlS, succt'ssors Bnd as:!i"n, lon:ver. And ",id /Jrttntor Ilf!'r~by covenant:; to and with said Arantt't.' lInd ~rlJntee's heirlS, Iluccessors and lI.s3igns. that ArlUttor i, IlJwlul/y st.'iiZed in lee simpll: of the lJbove "ranlt/d premises. fret' ffl.. .f all encumbrancelS as of date of said contract of sale. September I, 1974. and that gUJntur will wortont nnd lorever defend tht' said premises nnd f."very part Bnd parcel thereolnAainst the law/uJ claims Dnd demands 01 all persons whom50evf'r. exct'pt those cJaimitl~ undN th" above described'encumbrances. The tru~ lJlII; nctun! consideration paid lor this tram/er. stated in term, 01 dollars, is $3A1000.OO (l>Howltver, till." llctulll con:siderllt;on consi"t" 01 or inc;lude:sothrr property or value ~iven or prollliJed which i~ :::'~t~~O:;fI cOn$idt'rnti~n (indicDt#! wh;ch).l"(Tht' Sf'ntflfK41 br,,,.et'n lhe symboJsU\U no' ~pplicllble.Jhould be dll/eted. S..,ORS 93.030.) In construing this deed nnd wht>.re the context so requires. the singular include:s the plurnJ and n11 ~rammaticlJI changl'!:S 5hn1l be implied to make' the prov;$;ons hereol apply equally to corporations and to individuals. In W;tneos:s Wl1e;eo/. Iho ~rantor has t.'l(er.:uted thi$: in!itrumet1t th;!1 25th day 01 Januarv . t9~2 ila corporate ~r'lntor..:.it'-h;rs''t::U''l~\"f! it.'! name to be :Ji~ned and se4111Uixed by its officen. duly authori~t:d th"re/o by ord~r 01 it, board qraiO'or~J.) A '1/1111 . ...:: ....\... ........... ;. I, ALP N . . . . o. ~ " .; .',... 0 ~ '.~, " III ......I.~ lof. .......11...... l'\" 1 i\ A 't' ~ ~ .11... .....r.R ...11 .' -: t" .. ~, , : '<: -.. : > ~ , ~ : ; .. ("'''II 'i.'r: : STATE (II-" 'JREG9,4f, "..' ) .'.;.& -'. . :." ~ / I, 0., 0" )..... Co",",)' 01 "1, O.~.::.;l'\ ...:>. .'1\\ >'.'-\.1,' 9,..... . 1\",............. C H Cadonnu. Sccretnrv STATE OF OREGON, Count)' ot January 25. . 19 R2C P.noMl1y ilpp.aud Mul t.noln<lh In. n C.adonau .od "rUIJIlO)/l}. DJopf>""ed ,/10 above nanlt'lI who, beln, rhlly 5,,'o.-n. M!:~)(orxbi~~.:ox<<lQc:-#l<<)I~1Cl'Xkmrxh~tt~{'{~ he J~~~,~.i"u... JeCtfltary ".':'A~~~t~~. - ":-...... Oairv 1ne. . /. .... .. cO:~,,aIi.m. and Owl Ih~ JrOlI ,,1Ii.rel to tn,. 10'.~lJjnl. jnltl:i"'~ i.n"""p(PO'"Ar.".H. V; <>/ J.:Jill rCllfXJ'M.on and ~t ...id ;nst'llm.n' "'U h,,,.;rlnJ'U~ iir'b.o: t..,U;:;: ~id ~,;::p;>;'''j;>n~v ..,,'I..,/Iy..l ;e" bv;A.rJ.,o; &"C/04fI:"~ 01:' ,h.m p~. u,. ,~, ._n' ,. .. '" ;<~~~'''''''t .... .!If.d; i . /",. ,. "V,,,,., ." . ,~ ;;" tZ .. o' ..... .. ~UtbAL: ?~ rl'__ ' \ .....,'.,. ...~AL),/ Nut..ry P"blj~' fa' O,f>I!Ol'l . ".". . ~'I 'ii~,~r, \ ...... M)' COOJinu.$Sjo.n ""~I.I; ..S' 7-~.J ""'~'."""""""" STATE o9~lrc;~~ce,ve~: f!wnt ",lu .lm/IlCktlu"r..d,:,.,J the futfl'to'''rl ,..Situ- '.o/u",'u)' ar;t IInd df>ed. Brt..,.. Jll": , (OFFICIAl.. SeAL) Nata,)' Public 10.- Ot..tlUl My .;:omtni"",ion .spi,.s: Alpenrose b~lrYI Inc. 6149 ~ W Shattuck Rd Poccland, Ore~on 97221 ..........0.. _ ......... ....0 ..00-."'. ~ AiR i 2011 r.%inal ~bnal E ! i ,ij' ~t ,.... g c ., "'" ' I o ~ "-I j d '~ l.\~~~ ;;~ Yaser s. ^sayed POBox 1311 SprinKfleld. Oregon 97477 ........,.u............O"'lU>..(... .,....-~_.., M '" (I) g '"' W '" ::'. ....:... ...-",,, I'. . , ~ ~ "- 0'0 "! ; P ~O '" ~ ..... . .-. .. ----.. ~ - -- .-.. .................. ,.. ~ .. ....- ---,... jJ