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Permit Correction Notice 2011-4-4
"";'--'-. .~'."I_ ~,.. .-.....f;..... ,'i.~..'.:...J...-..),. ~.~H"'~':.:;....~...-..J. .__..:,...,~",'~:-.t>.." J . L':-,.':'c" ;,' ;.~:;-..-'>..-:.;.,rf .:'" .', .,.... ..,":."".T"~"'..'t ..,u..'----...'l'J'....-...-.. .....;J-:>:'JJ _ -",..., \ -I' City of Springfield/Development Services ~ lot-Ii Building Safety I 1I b 225 Fifth Street Date:--.::t..--/...':!-/ II Job# (II - 117 Address: ~(,tJ fe-/;, w~ Inspection Type: F,~ -ed",.", M /1( 7. ; ttm t1H H.o... ~ 6"... avt9<A"/ 1 0)<:0( 1llliLf{~. s: WCt5~~v lI''CU.17Ir.e/c JI/~~ .5 ,i".uY!.Jcs. _ //lEe-I/O,; 8; Ifll /J,~...~,s 1"1 FI'~~;1~ /laMe! 11 ~c/ m 6~ ~k"",t'.. 5 ~/c. /ilEi::JJr,15; 11~t,j h J?et,/c4 Sl,e!- ~ /I1-.,.o....,} ;JUIf.({ '" 1/ft-'11tJ. /~): I, 41, "VI dp e I nu/ fr, 6e ~.../I ~"'c/o !VU210 /J.' I1It;r/1it t!), ,., 1 U) 10 6c I 't/d~eft'. IW?~I/: ~UI{rfC hbr;ly '/11 ~y;~ ~e<, f 11~.J rdf'/hf. NlLZS(} In: WI! wtll ('~~/'w... "'cds 10 be,.. ~AI r.o;fA.t €61wIU.,l.-I-(ovol.u/'1A tfL...lflb. (1):5tJ ctJvr/ d ;f.,.",,;;'I-,.1 vON! lum -10 V'~ e.l 5~'''' /I(z,'f)().)~:70 (J.J( ..-well ().pf1 .H 'i3t9"'j2>'Z,5"O%=-Mt?-~) Corrections and reinspection request sha~1 b~ m,a~e within ZO salen!lar"days. u ;1 Call for reinspection l8fyes DNo Inspector f;2r7u n 11../"'U(/Q?//1 Date: -'-7-1/ NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspectioo 726-3769NN~'Y~NN~NN~Questions 726-3759~~NNNNNN~ 4;GOJIa '2."1 t:>: oVevc"v"~~ ~v'a.!:>in~-h<II~J ,'" clDr4ts close+,