HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/2004 Team Springfield . . . Minutes of the Joint Elected Officials Meeting January 24, 2004 Springfield Utility Board Boardroom The TEAM Springfield group met on Saturday, January 24,2004, at 8:14 a.m., in the Springfield Utility Board boardroom at 223 A Street, Suite F, Springfield, Oregon. ATTENDANCE City of Springfield: Councilors: John Woodrow, David Ralston, Tim Malloy, Tammy Fitch, and Christine Lundberg; Mayor Sid Leiken; City Manager Mike Kelly and various members of the staff. Springfield School District: Board: Laurie Adams, Al King, Garry Weber, and Jonathan Light; Superintendent Nancy Golden and various members of the staff. Springfield Utility Board: Board: Bobbie Adams, Ted Johnson, and George Litzenberger; Director of Resource Management Bob Schmitt and various members of the staff. Willamalane Park and Recreation District: Board: Jim Mayo and Helen Wagner; Superintendent Bob Keefer and various members of the staff. Facilitator: Mayor Sid Leiken, City of Springfield. INTRODUCTIONS AND WELCOME City Council President Tammy Fitch called the meeting to order. Mayor Sid Leiken welcomed all present to the seventh TEAM Springfield goal-setting session and facilitated self-introductions. All attendees introduced themselves. The Agency chairs made brief statements expressing their appreciation and pride in the TEAM Springfield concept. Mayor Leiken read from the plaque presented to TEAM Springfield by the Thurston Memorial group, expressing their appreciation for the donation toward the memorial recently completed at Thurston High School. FY'04 GOALS PROGRESS REPORT Willamalane Superintendent Bob Keefer presented a general overview of progress to date on the five- year goals and one-year targets (see Agenda Attachment A). Captain Rich Harrison of the Springfield Police Department reported on the Bicycle Patrol (see Agenda Attachment A). Ed Bergeron updated the TEAM members on the 2003 legislative session (see Agenda Attachment B). A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and the Springfield Utility Board ()h . . . TEAM Springfield Minutes Joint Elected Officials' Meeting January 24, 2004 Page 2 COMMUNITY INTEREST PROJECTS UPDATE Downtown Improvements Don Lutes updated the TEAM members on the work of the Downtown Springfield Association. He said the small group of downtown property owners is interested in improving Springfield's downtown and has based its goals on the Downtown Commission Report which was adopted by the City Council in 1984. He noted that over the years since that time, 8 ofthe 78 suggestions for improvements have been accomplished and another 13 have been initiated; however, there are now so many things going on in the downtown area that his group thought this might be an opportune time to see what else might be accomplished. He noted that the Gateways Learning Center is going well, the arts center is almost completed, Wildish Theater is making progress, the transit station will be completed this fall, and St. Vincent de Paul's housing plans are becoming a reality. Mr. Lutes said the group looked at improvements that might help kick off a renewed interest in downtown and settled on downtown lighting and landscaping, and then made plans to contact other downtown property owners to enlist their aid in improving the area. He noted that lighting plans call for replacing the yellow lamps with white light and the Community Development Block Grant Committee approved the group's application for $10,000 for a feasibility study and engineering. The group will be talking to the City Council and the Springfield Utility Board soon about the idea of changing to white lighting. Mr. Lutes said the group will be seeking another $45,000 to $50,000 to have the lighting installed and, in 2005, will look into downtown landscaping ideas such as concrete bowls. He added that plans call for negotiating with Willamalane for maintenance of the landscaping. In 2006, once the people see what has been accomplished, the group will be looking at property upgrade. In answer to Willamalane Director Jim Mayo's question, Mr. Lutes said the possibility oflocating the bicycle patrol in the downtown area is very important, as is the white lighting, because once people feel safer they will frequent the downtown area more. In answer to City Councilor Tammy Fitch's question, Mr. Lutes said the Downtown Springfield Association has not talked about requesting funds from TEAM Springfield at this point. In answer to SUB Director Bobbie Adams' question, Mr. Lutes said the white lights won't be quite as energy efficient as the current yellow lamps, but the quality of the lighting is better, as things look brighter, making people feel better and safer. He added that the lamps are the same as the ones being installed at the new transit station. Steve Barrett noted that the downtown property at 611 and 614 Main Street has been upgraded and McKenzie Photo Works will be opening there soon also. The members of TEAM Springfield requested copies of the 1984 Downtown Commission Report that Mr. Lutes mentioned earlier. Dare Program Captain Rich Harrison of the Springfield Police Department reported on the DARE Program, explaining the recent changes (see Agenda Attachment C). REMARKS FROM LEGISLATORS State Representative Terry Beyer addressed the group regarding Measure 30. She said she thought the chances of the Legislature returning for a special session if the measure fails were slim to none, stating that if there was some other solution to the State's budget problems it would have been found. She said numerous measures have been taken to cut the budget, but they may not be all that visible because of local efforts to cover those cuts. Ms. Beyer said the Governor is extremely interested in economic . . . TEAM Springfield Minutes Joint Elected Officials' Meeting January 24, 2004 Page 3 development, believing that is the only way for the State to recover, and every discussion he has with public agencies is punctuated with questions about what those agencies can do to encourage economic development. His interest is reflected in his appointments to the various State boards and upcoming proposals to streamline land-use and transportation issues. Ms. Beyer said there are three main responsibilities of the State. She termed those responsibilities as: to educate, medicate, and incarcerate-which is nearly 94% of the budget, leaving not much room to play with the numbers. She added that there's a group looking at tax reform, but she does not expect any real earth-shaking proposals. They may be looking at the "kicker," a rainy-day fund, or a cap on spending. She explained how the cuts to mental health services result in a $29M savings, but a $17M increase in costs to other programs such as foster care. She added that $150M in Federal funds will also be lost if Measure 30 fails, and police departments, hospitals, insurance, and the court systems will be feeling the effect. Ms. Beyer fielded questions from the TEAM Springfield members. City Councilperson Tammy Fitch noted that the City will be taking a look at off-ramps connected to the new freeway bridge and asked what information could be provided to Ms. Beyer, with her connection to the Transportation Committee, to help in this area. Ms. Beyer said she would like to sit down with the councilors and talk about what has been done and what could be done in the future. Ms. Beyer also relayed her thoughts on the PERS problem. . In answer to School Board Member Adams' question regarding Measure 30 and looming cuts to the School District budget if the measure fails, Ms. Beyer said that although there's a bigger deficit than the Legislature allotted for in the budget cuts, she doesn't think it's unmanageable. She explained that there is some time between now and the end of the fiscal year which gives a little room to try to maneuver, e.g., hopefully the economy will continue to pick up, the Governor will spend the ending balance, there are possibilities of some shifting around in the cuts, etc., but there will be cuts. She added that even if the Legislature goes back in, there isn't anything that can be done to come up with large sums of money. She also said that ifthe Legislature doesn't reconvene, it would be the Governor or the Emergency Board who would look at any reallocation of the cuts. Mayor Leiken commended Ms. Beyer for her work on behalf of the community. He noted that the City will be meeting with ODOT on January 20 at 1 p.m. regarding the Glenwood off-ramps and would like Ms. Beyer to be involved. He also expressed concern regarding the recent ruling from LUBA on the Goal 12 issue and said he would like to discuss the issue further with Ms. Beyer. In answer to School Board Member Adams' question, Ms. Beyer said the best thing local elected officials can do to help with the State's budget problems is to keep in constant contact with the Governor, especially in regards to the need for education dollars. BREAK The TEAM Springfield group took a short break at this point in the meeting. OPPORTUNITY FUND DIRECTION Willamalane Superintendent Bob Keefer presented a draft of the criteria and the grant process for distribution of funds from the Opportunity Fund. He explained that in July 2003, TEAM Springfield created the fund and set aside $10,000 to fund special projects and activities in the community, adding that the Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) were asked to develop criteria and a process for expending the funds. He distributed a handout detailing the CAOs' recommendations. He also noted that the $1,400 in support of Fiesta Latina came from the Opportunity Fund. Those present reviewed the TEAM Springfield Minutes Joint Elected Officials' Meeting January 24, 2004 Page 4 . draft criteria and suggested process. City Councilperson Tammy Fitch suggested that the CAOs and the Chief Elected Officials should be given the authority to award the funds, noting that going back to all four agencies is very time consuming. The group agreed, and Ms. Fitch put her suggestion in the form of a motion. City Councilperson Tammy Fitch moved, Springfield Utility Board Member George Litzenberger seconded, that the criteria and process be adopted, with the change that the Chief Administrative Officers and the Chief Elected Officials be given the authority to determine distribution of funds from the Opportunity Fund. The motion passed unanimously. In answer to Willamalane Board Member Helen Wagner's question, Mr. Keefer said the CAOs, at their February meeting, will discuss how to get the word out to the public about the Opportunity Fund. (The adopted criteria and process is attached to these minutes.) . PROPOSED FY'05 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Chris Pryor posted the TEAM Springfield Mission (attached) and General Goal (attached). He said this is an opportunity for the TEAM Springfield members to reaffirm and prioritize the Five-Year Goals and set One-Year Targets within those goals so the CAOs and elected officials know clearly what the direction is for the next year. The group participated in an exercise to prioritize the seven Five-Year Goals (prioritization attached). The current Targets were also prioritized (attached). Chris asked those present to add any new Targets they would like to see TEAM Springfield work towards. The group was then asked to prioritize the new Targets as well (attached). Chris said the CAOs will now process the information and handle it in an effective way, checking in with the full TEAM Springfield group as work progresses. He also noted that some of the things currently being funded by TEAM Springfield have been reprioritized, such as the Bike Patrol and the Newsletter, and the priorities set by the group will drive how items get funded in next fiscal year's work plan, which will be brought back for confirmation. Mayor Leiken noted that an economic development plan is already in place at the City, and that plan can be looked at and used by the members of TEAM Springfield as a starting place. ADJOURNMENT Willamalane Superintendent Keefer asked for input on the process of the meeting. It was suggested that the meetings could be a mix of staff reports and relaxed interaction, which fosters trust and encourages efforts to accomplish the goals. Mayor Leiken stated that he appreciates the work staff does. The group agreed. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:50 a.m. Minutes Recorder: Executive Secretary Pat Lewis Willamalane Park and Recreation District . Attem~ Amy Sowa . City Recorder . Opportunity Grant Fund Adopted January 24, 2004 BACKGROUND In July 2003, Team Springfield created an Opportunity Fund and set aside $10,000 to fund special projects and activities in the community. In December 2003, Team Springfield agreed to support the Fiesta Latina with a $1,400 donation to replace funds the group would not receive by moving the event to Springfield. TEAM Springfield Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) were asked to develop criteria for expending these funds. Below are draft criteria and a general grant process for the elected officials to consider at our January 24, 2004 work session. . CRITERIA 1. Any project or activity supported by the Opportunity Fund must address at least one of the 5- year goals and one of the 1-year targets approved by the joint elected officials. 2. All funds must be matched with a like amount of cash or in-kind services from the receiving parties. 3. No grant will exceed $2,500 within any calendar year. 4. Projects that will positively impact the Springfield community will be considered over projects that are directed to individuals or special interest groups. 5. All project proposals must include a funding plan that will identify how the project or activity will be maintained or funded in the future. 6. Non-profit, community, and special interest groups will be eligible for the grants. Individuals will not eligible. A TEAM Springfield agency may also request use of the opportunity funds for projects directly associated with their respective agency that they could not fund on their own. . GRANT PROCESS 1. Groups requesting funds will be required to submit a letter of application that describes the project or activity and how it meets the criteria of the grant listed above. No application shall exceed two pages. 2. Letters will be submitted to the CAO for each agency simultaneously by the 10th of any month. Any proposal received after that date will be considered during the next month. 3. Any proposal must have the support and approval of all four public agencies. The CEO and CAO of each agency have been delegated authority by their respective agencies to approve or deny grant requests. 4. If TEAM Springfield approves the proposal! the grantee will be officially informed via a letter from the Mayor. 5. Groups receiving funds must submit a one page final report to TEAM Springfield that outlines how the funds were spent and how the projected benefited the community. Failure to submit a report will disqualify the group from further TEAM Springfield funding consideration. . ~TEAM <!) Mission The mISSIon of TEAM Springfield will be to facilitate intergovernmental communication within Springfield's public agencies and to attain the . benefits and synergy of coordinated and cooperative efforts on issues or projects of mutual interest and concern. TEAM Springfield members believe that greater efficiencies can be attained and delivery of public services can be enhanced through collaboration and the sharing of common resources where possible and appropriate. Adopted July 16, 2003 . . ~TEAM <!) General Goal TEAM Springfield agencies will strive to provide cost-efficient and effective services to our citizens through coordinating services, avoiding duplication, . and developing projects jointly. TEAM Springfield agencies will work together to provide a safe, clean, viable place for our residents to live, work, and play. Citizens of Springfield will receive an outstanding value for the taxes and fees they provide to our agencies. Adopted July 16, 2003 . . ~TEAM ~ 5-Year Goals Prioritized January 2004 1. EDUCATION: Strive to educate each child to their fullest potential so that they are prepared to attend college and/or enter the workforce. . 2. ECONOMY: Continue to assist local businesses with expansion plans and attract new employers that provide family-wage jobs to diversify the Springfield economy. 3. Support projects that will enhance the attractiveness of our community; expand and celebrate cultural diversity and heritage; and create opportunities for local citizens to define and be involved in neighborhood and community projects. 4. PUBLIC SAFETY: Improve citizens' perception of personal safety by responding to emergency and other law enforcement l)eeds of the community in accordance with established priorities, visible patrols, enforcement of traffic laws, and timely investigation of cnmes. 5. Coordinate and support lobbying efforts to reduce unfunded mandates, create new economic development opportunities, and support funding for services and projects in the Springfield area. 6. Keep the public informed of the services each agency provides individually and jointly as TEAM Springfield. 7. Support the creation of cooperative agreements between the agencies on specific projects that benefit at least two of the agenCIes. . . ~TEAM @ Joint Elected Officials Meeting January 24, 2004 Current Targets Prioritization Economic development plan................. ........... ...................... .............. .............. .13 Bike patrols................................................................................. .......................... 6 Stabilize public school funding............................................................................. 6 Increase opportunities for student achievement........................... .......... ............ ...6 Assist with the Millrace project ....... ........... .................... ........................... ...........2 Support for cultural events........................... ............. ............................................2 . Increase participation in school activities.. ...... .................... ................ .................2 Newsletter. ........................ ..... ........................ ............... .......... ..............................1 New Targets Prioritization Downtown rehab projects using Youth Day of Caring and Springfield Cleanup mode!...... .......... ............... .....;... ....... ........... .....13 Civic space for community (possible school-civic combination?) .................. .............................................. .................................... .12 Review and analysis ofthe north Springfield and Glenwood boundaries to facilitate discussion with Eugene about realignment..................................... ..... ........................................ .12 Study and plan for destination activities - include an arts component...............1 0 New school buildings - organized approach to bonds, coordinate building needs with other partners............................. .,.................................................................................... 8 . . . . , . . . . TEAM Springfield Targets Prioritization January 24, 2004 Page 2 Pressure from local governments on the legislature to stabilize funding, piggyback on funding initiatives, prevent local dog fights over resources, and maintain a unity of approach..... .................. ..................... .......... ........... ......... 7 An arts program that includes an economic development component - Needs money .............................................................5 Maximize nature opportunities (visibility, creation, use) .. .. .. " .. ., .. .. .. .. . . . ... .. . .. ... . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .... .. . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. . .... ... .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... .. . .. .. .. 3 Explore opportunities for state/federal buildings........ ............... ............... ..... .......2 Bike paths/transportation corridors east-west connections................................................... ........... .............................................1 Be proactive in offering service proj ects ........................................................ ......1 Community Outreach - community meeting/input initiative................................................................................................................ 0 Explore a one-stop government services center....................................................O Eliminate the "bar blocks" in downtown.. ...... ................. .................. ......... ..........0 Tracking system for business openings................................................................ 0