HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Department Referral 1986-12-1 ~ . ~ 1 iJ .. RESID~..~TIAL'. APPLICATION /PERl1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 e ~~ 7fCI'~//f r/~ ~~~~ ~ lic~/Z;E,y'2~ Job Location: /3 b 4 l' :3 ~eg-I I AssesGor:: Nap # J~r,~-'"36.<.2 Subdivision: :):.mer: C;'1];=LL # Y tJ 0 N S- f "2 -7 ;> m..o.b /t)(? - " - ; Add:ress: Ci ty : "PR.Jl..IR.-r=leu/) ()/L I I Xl I NP."~' Addi tien Remo.3.eI jl,fob:. Ie Roma Date of Applicatien /2.-/;"~ ~or:t:rc::=o:'s ~,; t' /-=- / P;!JN(/ Jeneral :>lwnbir.q ::lectrical ',fechar.ic.:l Constl"Uction Lender 7..p. If p.., )/19/Yl G',t. t!?['TI.! /1< T~ Lot #0 "3~c> Phone: ,/17-31~? c: 7 -1. ~'/" 1?cce:-;t ~!5 b 7'1"/0 Zip: Describe I;'ork: :::> c::s 0 Value / /./~. Aci!i~ess '7LIT> c.-It( /'fc>rt peL- en . DatG,- /' / I~/" &6 r I IJ;::X::, L:..SC.H E=:;;:.rcs rr.o~c: . 1, '7&1 b ~'1. / 7- /9'-'<.7 4 J<4.,Qvl''l'" l " -t i8 the l'esponsibiZity of the permit hoZ-der to see that all inspections a:re made '~"'Om the 8treet, and that the permit ca:rd is Z=ated at the front of the property. '3ui?-di",.g fI-';vi::io'!': approved FLan shaH l'emain on thE Building Sit;; at aH times. '_"OC::DUPE FO!? INSPECTION REDUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.:lted job number, 'eauesr;ea a,.d !.),':en you :Jil l be ready for inspection, Contracr;ers 01" Oume':'s ncme .::nd Fiume nUl,wer. -~ZZ be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am ur~U D2 made the n=t :xJrking ciay. - - - I rea="c i I I Joe aCiress, type of ir.3vec~icr. ! Requests received befcre' ?:OD ~ .2aui"f'lt::!r! Tn,~!:)p.~ticn8 ] SITE Il.'SPECTIO:.': To be made after excav,:;r;i;;m, but prier tc set up of forms. UflDERSLAB PLU/BING. ELECTRICAL & l€CHA:}ICAL: To De made before any work is covered. ] ] FOOTING e FOUND,1TION: To be made afr;er r;rencnes are excavated and forms a:re erected, but prior to pourir~ cencret~. Ul.'D'ERG_":OU!.'D P['U!-f2ING. SErlER. W.~TER) DRAINAGE: To be made prior r;o fil- lir.g r;rencnes. ] ] UlJDERFLOOR !'LU!:5ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior 00 insr;allation of j100r insuiation 01' decking. POST AriD BEAN: To be made prior to insr;alZcoien of floor ins~lation 01' deckin..g . ROUGH pL[~,3n.'c~'hECT!?Icm& tliECH- AHICAL: ~o :JOrK ~s "u vC-covered ur.r;il these insvectior.s have beer. made c:r0 CTJ'::rrov'e:l.. ] ~ at the proper tims, tr.ct ecch -=dd:re8s is Y~ City Desigr.ated,Job Numba IG:~8-:::c. f/ ~ INSULATION/VJl.POR BAP.RI2R I.~TS?ECTION: To be made after all insulation ~A re~uired vapor barriers are in pLace J::u~ before any Lath, gypsum beard or wall coverina is applied, and before 'any insuiati;n is ~~ncealed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: Te be made after aU 6>ywaLZ is in pLace, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bona beams, aroutina 01' verticals in accor~ce ur~th V.B.C. Section 24n. WOODSTOVE: After instaliation is completed. o D D CURB & APPROACH AP.":ON: After forms are crecr;ed but prior to pouring co=rete. D SIDEWALK ,Ii DPIVEIl4Y: For an con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after all eXCQ- 1Jnt,:nr. ,~nmn7.p-tf" ;: ~n'Y'"77 1.'V1"Y'k ,.e _~uh_ DE.'IOLITIOH O.=: :~IOVE:; EUILDI;.'GS =:J Sani tary Se'.Jer capped ct p~op;;rt:J' line ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled with gra~eZ I Pinal - II'tzen abc-ve ite:7ls a:re ce,"7:':)leted ~ a~d when d~cZition is ca~Zete or s=~~~- ture move:!. and premises cieanei up. Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbir.g connections s~er ar.i wcter ~ Electric~l Ccnr.ection - Blockir~, set-u; ~ and plumbing connections m-~st ~e C??':'c~~~ before requesr;:ng eZectrical ins?ectio~ ~ Accesso1";:i Building