HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-1 1 -- RESIDl .TIAL-- APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . ..~~ ; ,cce.,.-_ ~~. , ..;."..... rvlY, . ':-0 Job Location: 13 b 4- ;t ;;$ '11..e-G'T . Asaesaorz Nap /I J7"'~-"3~=;. <.2 l1EP#//f r/~ ~~~~ ;>b. 11 C ~/ PE'A/C:G Subdivision: Wner: c;rt=L~~ 'l/) O'Y ,<:;. Addre s s : I "2. 0:7':> ' m....ab ((')(? _ -' ....., . Ci ty : " PIl. 110.1 ~Fle t.f) I I .xl I Np.!J Additicn Remodel !.1ob~ Ie Home Date of Applicaticn _'onr;racr;ors /:2'-/~~ ~ to,c::- / PtPM ,</ General ?lumiJing ::lectrica l '1..R It [1.,)./ J9/Vl Nechar:ic::.l. Const-ruction Lender T~ Lo t /I ~ "3 &>t!f=sC> Phone: ,"/17-~i 9'7 -1.7,7" ,iI /f B."7 0?C> (oal') ~n,~ \ : ~: ~ '{r:>rt peC- ''-, ~~;. " CATr ,~ .... Date: /' / /k/" &6 , (')IL Zip: Lisc.if f:.=uircs Fhor:;: Describe rl'ork: .:::;> <:so VaZue //~~. Adi:i..~ess yL.m <:;;:-11 .'\ 74h..."'\ I 7- /9- ~7 .4 J?4_t:7t?ff i: - t ~ I J);,."....., E? eC'T Ii! /tI: :t is the responsibiLity of the permit holder to see that aU incpections a:t'e made at the propel' timc. that ec.ch ;;;dd:reBs is re~:c -"rom the street, and that the permit cCU'd iB located at the front of the property. 'Eui~i~~ Divizion approved p~n shall remain on thG Building Site at all times. I o.'?OCEDUPE FOl? INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig=ted job number, job aac.:ress, type of ir::;-pecticn I 'equesr;ed ar.a !J,:;en you will be ready for inspection. Contractcrs 01' Owners none end piwne mower. Requests recei;;ed befere 7: 00 =: .'ill be made the same day. requests mGde afta' 7:00 am LJill be made the n::;:::t =rking day. Your CUy Decigr.ated Job Number Is: ~<)/ 'eaui'Y'ed TnsDp.cticns ] ] SITE: IlISPSCTIO.\': To be made after excavation. but prior to set up of forms. U!1DERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L & : 11ECHANIC/;[,: To be made before any work is .::overed. J FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ cencret~. U!.'DSRG!'?OUHD PLUMBING, SEr{ER. W,1TER, DRAItlAGE: To be made prior to fil- ,lir~ trenches. ] ] UNDERFLOO,,? PLUl-:BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inar;attation of floor insulation or decking. ] POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to instalLaticn of floor ins~lation or deckinq. I-t )... ROUCH PLU!:BWel"'ELEcTRICAn& MECH- ANICAL: No worK 1-S w tJCcovered ur.til these insDections have been made ar.a approv~~. PI.'?EPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing mar;eriaLs and before framing 1-nspec- tion. \t ><l FRA.'~IlIC: l-tuzt be requeated after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechani~al. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, et.::. nr~st be ,completed. No work is to be con- " cealed until thic insDection has 'been made and approved. ~ ] ~ INSULATION/VA PO,"? BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul~tion ~~ required vapor barriers are in p~ce but Fefore any ~th, gypsum bcCU'd or wall covering is applied, and before 'any insu~tion is concealed. DEI,IOLITIOH OR :~:OVE;; EUILDI:;CS ~ Sanita:t'y se'.Jer ::apped ~t p~operty lir:e :==J Septi:: tank p~~ed and filled uith qra~eZ ~ Final - r.'hen abcve ite:ns are ccm-pleted .:J ~+.. ... .. and !Jhen ~emcl1-_1-or: 1-S comp~ete or s_~.::- ture moved and pr~ses ::leaned up. Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-up :=J Plumbing connections s~er ar~ water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u? ~ and plumbing ccnr:ecticns'nr~st be approvec before requesting eZectrical inspectio~ =:=J Ac::esso~d Building I Pinal - After porches. skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. o / ~ /;.~' ( ~ DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: To be made after all ciroywall is in p~ce, but prior to any taping. AWSONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415, WOODSTOVE: After instal~tion is ccmpLeted. All project conditions, suc~ as the installation of street trees, cc~letion of the required ~ndscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. ] FINAL PLU!,!BmG J ~ ] \(/\ (!) FINAL BUILDING: The Final. Buil.ding Inspection must be requeated aFter the Final PLumbing Electrical, and Mechar:icaZ Inspection::; have been made and approved. FIliAL f1E~HA:IICAL v...~ " FINAL, EL~':~ --ICtaL o D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are ereated but prior to pouring C!oru!rete. "ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HU~T BE ACCESSIBiE, ADJUST!!2;'/'!' TO BE 1,~1DE I'.T 110 C';}ST TO CITY P::.,;e 1 of 2 D SIDEr';ALK & DRIVEr';AY: For an con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca-. ,vating complete & fOI':71.work & sub- oasi:? material in p7:aae: D PENCE: ~'hen complc:te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D , " JOB N O.f:il6t:;:::8 ~ Y. SOLAR AC' 'SS REQ.- ZO'I'Ze: L -CO G~ I ~. j I I ,I I Be-irool7:s: ~~' '...... '\~ OCCUDancu Gr~~J: T~pe/Cor$t: LOT TYPE Lot Faces - Ti.J':::2 Lot Sq. Ft{;. : .::Jf lat C=eraq.: ;; of Stories Total Height Topography Interio1' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac I SQ. FTC I I ,.I I I f/ffe ~~t:~~c, I ITE.'.! Main I I I I ,. I 1/=?~-eI. I -/ I 99. S () ""5r?Y /0"2 ." </ x Va lue Gerace I I Car::ccrt .4ocessoru TOTAL. VALUE' S.D.C. I vc/.uc) 1.5 ;:: Building Pe1'mi t State SurchCll'ge Totd Charges r"-'-II ..:...i.:"';": .;; j NO. I I.' '~ ChAReE ?i=-c:~es~~ - - ~ ~_.'- J -. , . i I 'I I I I I I I "', .iesidential (] beth}l. ' -- 3ar.it=ry Se"-'er :iater Plu..."bing Perr.:i t State Surcr.a.rge T~+~1 Cheroes ".':-.'J I ._~ I 2~~ , I . I ~y/d I '. I'~~-~'I I .:r ./-~I V /-D~I ~.~I* 7es. So. ftc. I I -"<~ I i...-::r.:",l..-!:.. /~/E=ter~ Cir~~its C~01'ary Se~Jice Electrical Permit State SurchaJ'oe Total Ch.a.rces -I~.1.1 ~~iC. I FEE I CH;J..RS:..~ "urr..:zce ETU' S =naust Hood "en t Fan 'oodsto;Je Permit Issuance Me:::hanical Perrrrl. t State Surchc:rae Tote. l Cr.arae:; Ei/CROACHJ.!E!.'T cC"~ritu Deposit ~oraae !intenar.~e ~rmi t TeteZ C'nc!vJcs U'b&~t ~dew:::. l k ~n:::e 'ectrical Labd :bi Ze Home '7~L AMOU.','r d!'f~ '1~ P.L. INorth lEast IsO!< th Ir,'est SethacKs I House I earaoe I I I I [nero" So:,r(1"s .'iear; I I I I I I I I Il:ccess. I I I I Water .'Ieater Haru;:e Fir-enlace Wcoa;;r;oz:e Fees " \ Bu'ilding Value &,. Permit This pernr~t is granted on the express condition that the said. construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstY"..;cticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic- lation of any prDvisions of said Ordir~nces. . IV '. 11 , \ j'* I I l~ , , .' '" r; Plan Check Date Paid: !Recc:ipt,#: I Signed: Fee: * Plumbing Permit No per.eon shall construct, install, aZr;er or change any ne~ CI' e=ietiro? plumbing or drainage', syste,71 in :,;hole or in: part ;\u'r: less\sl.<ch persor. is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, excc::!: tr~t a pe:'son r.:a;; cio plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the e~pZi- cant. .I * Eiectrical Permit Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical worK be done by an Electri:::a: Contractor, the elect~~cal portion of this permit shalZ not be valid until the ~eZ has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. /V\echanical Permit I I I I * I I I I I I ~~~~ Ma" Exam1.ner '" /:?-/~€€ l-a1;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed applicatioll for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir.fo~ation hereon is true and ccrrect, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall be done in acco1'- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lcr.;s of the State of OregDn pcrt:::.ining to the work described herein, end tr~t NO OCC~- PI:NCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building D-:.- vision. ", I further certif,; that only contra:::tors a;;d e.71pbyees /,,;):0 are in co"::pliance w-:.th ORS 701. ('55 1J1~l7. [0(' ",,,,03 em this projcc,t ~ 11--7/-rt Signed D:::.te , .