HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-4-16 (2) . ,. {~:2.;';l::- ~. ~;);l(J.ll~;i~i~"WJ"~_ ---.--:---...., ". ~- .. :. LO~~~~~ not reqUIre spa r~ -l1'~~.. .~. . approval. (' . ~ ~ . Zoning Jtl / . [Jate ~'-I(o-~ 225 FIFTE STREET "uUlonzed Signature - SPKTIiGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION P.EQUEST: 726-3769 Ci ty Job NU!:lber or - 00.337 - 0 I OFPIC~: c.' 726-3759-..' .. "", . '. 1;;';i,~':-"Wl.'\\,;;.:...~~.",RiGC,. ,"~i';',:'1;,;,,,,,;' .""'; ",;~:jil,\\;;OX.!'i:ETE '::~F;, 'S,CIIEDrftiE. BE~O'~. ': 'jq i', "r; 1. LOCATION.OF-.INSTALLATIO:Y.-:, '. ~I.~ \ -, .\~ " ". .... -.';.' :r\. ~ \, ,i ~CtQ.'xt-~ ;8l~_*(&~ " b. . Ilev'Residential-Single o~ .. .. .~. Hulti~Family-per d~elling'unit: Service Included: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17D 3, 34112. OZ-I{OC> .wE .;DESCRIPTION . a ~~ 0. '.~ .' 'cW ,,--~\:;l. Per~it$ ~re n~~-trap.sie~ahle and expire if ~ork is not startec vithin 180 days of issuance 01" i f.....o::k is scspe.nded for- lBO days. 2. C01<<TI_~CTOF. INSTALL~ nON ONL,. E. Elec:::ac CO~t:2ctO:tf.> Fl'!.4lJ':,n ~ilc.L. ;..dd:2SS PO'~o)(. _'\-",31 .Cit::.~~ ;qi4[)~?ho,,~ ~I...I,~ - \ l,,<;(\ . l'~e-'-~-~ :::..,"'.~ .:_:r-=....~e 7>1"r:.o&:l.- I~/""J 1"\ < .!.Ii"'." '--... '~. .--_~__..- - ~:~""'~I '-- _/...1l!!1..-.1w1),...J --} S;.:p::2.,: :,C :::"c:ti:.lO;' 0 I -0 ~ CO~St: (0C::'. kl:::::e:~~.J r,,?. E:.:pi:,c:: :", :'::' t~ Q-\'-\:-o4 Signa~'',;:e of Supe!"visi:;E; El~ctricia::~ "1~00eo/l/ (:'.'CEC:: ~';;:::E~~\1.J...6 h--A-l/,~ ?/J-tl;6, ,no"" ,'h.l~~ ,~ddress 5 <>t 'j ('f ~r ;- ..:. ~; ~ O'..'1lE..i:I, I~~STl~i...:'''TIO!\' ~he ~nSP~'l-pi^n '~r.he~nr M~~e c~ "'. ...... ...c;:..... ':'" ....... ~~. "". .....0 ...--:- ".. property ! c~n ~~lCh 15 no~ lntenCec fo~_ .s~~.e_!.. :le2.5€.: ~o_rZ. r:~~~t:._:. . - -- O.J1e::s Sigr.a 'Cure: --- Ol(/6 ()/ DATE: RECEIPT ;: RECEIVED BY: . L/9.rf ..f::Y< ::'~Eii~-~~~_~;.~l;~~.j~ .~~-~=:_~~~~~. '. __ __/;~~.~'':.::. -~ --t-.~~_ eLECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATIOt; Items iOOO sq.f:. 0: less Each additional 500 ~ sq. it ~or portio:: the:recr Eacn Hanufrc Eome. O~ Modular 'D~ellin~, . Service O~ Feed;~ Se~vices or :eeciers Installatio~, Alte~ations -' . ']:- KelOc.2t:O:;.: .' . 200 ~iiE1~ 0:: l-::.S"~' ~ -. . -- ".;)J;.., .3.::;:;.::'. ~ 0, .........i~;~ ,z,;:-,r.,s jl6"i: ,~;,.:o::.- 'to.'~6.bG'~;;7.'~s-' .fkAI. ,::;;p,5~ ..t9~Lo;f.60Q~~a~ps' -. ',J..:."...'\j O'Oh~ l4~.... l ~/" "'rhJ,-<:..~ ,L,w,e. C .... ,au.os .,vl---- IRec"on'I:e.::tl. _O',;'t-;- ~ ..:: , - ~ . .: ~ ~ -:..... COSt SUTT: S 85.00 5 15.00 S 40.00 S SO.OC S .6.o,.0C: " 'S l'00.. 00 'SrJa,.oo :53'00.,00 '5 ~io. 00 .-- . c. "l"" r- - . 7ecpo~ary Se~;'i~es or Feeders ~r.stallatic~~ Alteration or Relocation ~."'ln a;;:~.s' '-- less S kO.OO t......... C', 2~' dlnps \:.0 'nT' ai"ps S :5. O(~ v. ...1.);"" Dve!: 401- to 600 a!!!ps 5 80.00 Over 6DC: 2i!!DS OJ: 1000 ....olts see IIBI! above lj. 5::an~:ii ,~i!.c.l!i t..s 3:" '--l ':::'1'-'.......... ""1> ........ --...,;;", m/TlCO 5. SUBTO'TbL of ABOVE .3:(6-0 ("") .. *" }'f, State.,Surcharge '. _" ~'O.,~.. ~;;g'@":.'=.,> .' '3% Admfnist.rativ.e Fee. I ll;::.n*....:.:6..;:-. '.~ .'TOTA!- -'.. .. , o~f),-:ro!:;iJ:i5 .....:"".g:,.~.~..-'.: - ':- ~_.- ......-.~~.-~~-:~..~-~-:-;:--::..:..- ... -~-~::':~~.~n=~-~~.~~~~~~~,'::~.~;~ . --". . , ....,... .=._.,~ ..>.,;~.~ .. ..=-r~ ~. ...,::"=.0;';;..,......,,. _ ' _-:::.";:; ~_'-:.~- J:::'.~:;:-.~.;....~..:.-~~~"!~~7~j;.~'S.:;r.l;~~;::t~""'!:.:.,n_,_ "-.. 1.':;::".. A":...ti2:.:.:.:.i8:-: 0:- .. . ~:.:t(":rl.s:ion Or-;e"Circuit I Each Addi tion.al C'ircui t c:: vi'tf: SE:~Tice .0: _FeEcc~ r€~mit I E. Miscellaneous (Servi'ce/fee'der _~~~h l'n~t~'i~r~nn .......,.... ','- --................ ~ump--o.r- :i.rriga:tion ._ S.c-_./()i."il'.~ -~~L-..";'h'-t";"n--:-:' _. -- ._gn.r....U..~___n_ 10 .~_.-o ~~.ni~ t.',S .~n.e:rgy<Res" Ll::;llec ,::.r:er-gy I CO:::!:l :c.. r'-o:"'" -, .......';.... S 35.00 .;:\'5 dOl) s 2.00 ~..a no t included) S'40.,00 S: J,O'. 00' S: :2'0.00 -. S; 3_6.00