HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-10-18 f,~,~ fv-- b 4.,~.".,,-r L.J"',-aI' ~~~ . ,. _ Iro . ..:....1"._.. . . ,/n; ,'4 I"C...... " ~f\v=~~ ~,- Lf't./I . , .. RESIDENTIAL.' AF?LI~A'J:ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sprir~field, Ore2on 97477 Building Division 726-375J Job !:.oc::.:i:m: a s l/J~ 'I' ~1 MJJ \1 ()~~lo (\ l)ri OOG AS:JesDOrJ X:rp /I SldJdi:r..sicn: <;" C:.:l'l2r: ~,~'l).JLd ~0 ~ At1d:-~S3: 626'1 (p "' .1- J A~" C~t-~: A'f ~~ I A"t>"J I I Acc-:': :icn I I R=O'::lll .J I .'!ob-:': le .'!0f'!3 T= :-Ot /I Pr.or:e: 7f./7- 6 ~ ~ L Zit': Q'1 \..( 77 Desc'/"'":be (.'ork: , , """,.' .P~ 0.rv--p...JJ ,;4, ~ . :'. ~.-~v Ceneral Plumbing i Electr-::cd I ,'.{echar.ic.:l <:::::L.~ L- \. ~ , I .COl'l8tl"'.lc:i::m l.c:>uip.r !~ is :he res;;onaibili:y of' the penm:~ holder to see :ha: al!. inapectiol'l8 are made at :hll propu tim.. that =h=dd:res8 is re~":"':': ;i'onr ths street. end thGt the permi~ card iB,l.:x:~ted .:.t the f1'071t of the property. .;ui!di!'".g .:r~vi=io~ C?::rot:edplan sr..::Z.Z.renain on thE au-!:Zding Sit<: at aZZ times. P."QC::'U?:: ,OR n:S?::(;'!'IQ!! R::~U!'S7':CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City :iesirpo.ated job =ber. job ~E:ss. type of inapec:icn rsquesr;cd Cl7".a :.I.':en ~ou :.Jill be ready for ,ir.spcct-::on. Con1:ractcrs or Ol.:ne:-s. =e end phor:e.' nuWCl'~ Requesr;s receit:ed bej"cr~ 7: 00 <= :.'iZ-Z be rrcae t~ same deb requests :nede cfta' 7:00 = wiZl. be mcuie--the n=t wrkin; da-:i. Ilata of Appli.caticl'l J () -10:'" ~ l{ :"'07t=r~c:ors Va!ue 11(0 7~. o-{) Add.-ess lTi\-lW ~ -~Lc.kJ> CLlAW , '. .~eC?..Ji..."t1 r,!,,~~"f!t~cn3 SI'i':: I:"l3?::C: I:J:!: To be rrcde e:~av.::e~.:m. :,ue pl""~Czo tc set J"':J-rms. a.fter' , up of Your City. Desirpo.ated Job Numba' Ia: D o lr.lD::::?S[,A3 ?::.e...f3I:/c. 2L2C':'.oIC,lL :~C,:':'.J:J;.;A[': 'i'o oe ma.cie bejore =y wric is =ovc:!"ed. o F'(X)'!'r,'/c ~ FOU:!D,1TIC"/: To be rrcde af:.?r ::!"encn2s a.re e=cC;1Jat,zd ar.d fcr:ns, a.re erecr;2a. but prwr :a pourir.g ccncret.>. o !r.!D-:::?iC?O'F.!D ?::'~7C ;::0, Su"E.'R. :r.l ?'::P, D.".A:.'J':',,~: Io be ~e p:-:.or :0 ;'ii.- lir.g :rer:c;..2s. o UlICE:.~:::'CC,'? !'!.U.~~r.:C ~ XEc:?A.'IIr::.::.: '1'0 ;,e l1:C.Iie prUr ~ insr;::.i.Z-ation of f"laor ir.suk:tion or cUckir.g. ?'JS7' ,~,'lf) 3:::....f: To be r.-.aCe p'/"'"~l' to ins:al""=r;u:n oj f!ool' insda:io,; or cUckinq. D' o ~:r.t)~,t;r.. ?:~7'f3r:.'c. ::.2~.~!C"~~ 1 :.r2C.'1- \ ANI':),::': :10 'JO:!"i: ia :0 be COL'e:!"ec. . tu::-::z. :i:cs.:J -:r..s=,ec:iC7':s ;.-=tJ~ ~ee7: mcce ;rd ~~r?~~d. FI,=::?!.'!"C::: ~or:a plc.::-::,...g !c.:--::,..g mc.eer-Wio ar.d before frcr.ri,..g inspec- t i01':. o [] F!'..J....~I,.!r;: NU3: be reC".lJ3t2d a;:03r C?prclJ'::!. of r:Juqh pll.r.-.iJir..g. zLectr-::~ ca.l & r.;ecr.ani.::JL. Al!. roofinq , bzoac-:':r.g & chimncya. et:. r.r~se ~Q CCI1TD Z2:cd. ;':0 -.;.:11'< -:.s to be ccn- . cea"!2d WlC-:: l :1:is insr:ec:-:':cn ;...as .b€~ mad~ and approt:ed. .,. D INSUr,'!"TIO,V/VAPO!? BA.'IRER D!S?::C'J'ION: To be r.-.ade after aU ir.sul.::t~n Cl7".a , rcqu-::red vapor barriers are in' p laae but cefore any lath, gypsum beard or LXlZZ aovel"ing is appZi.edi and. before any i,...rr.tlaticn ~s concealed. D DRY'..IAU INSP::CTrO.'l: To be made ajter all c.r-j'..JaZZ is in place. but prior to =y tapi,..g. , o MASON?Y: St2el Zocation~ bond beama. grouting ozo verticaLs in accordance with a.B.C. Section 2415. M ''..IOODSTO'/?: Aftel' installation is ~ ccmp1-2tc:d.... D CURE & Al'F'RCACP. ,4P.".CN: Aft2:" forms are are:ned but prior to p:;uring, con..."l"ete. . ,'Ieee::,: ~ E (p .5 (p 8 & -0 ~~ Sigr.2d: Date: 10/ - /()-/O-~ '( o SIDE'.-IALK & 'RnnIAY: For all con- crete paving !.Iithin street right- of-wc.y. to be made aj"tzr al? e:::ca... vatir.g ~crrrplete 3 to= work & .suO- base /T'c;tel"ial in pla:e. Lisc.if E~ircs Phon<: o ::"/Vc.;:.: When complc:te Provide gates or :novable sections through p.a.E. .j 137(PtJtJO J/ I Y 1f5<./ o '?Lfo 7;2(; / DE!:OLITIO.A! OR .~~.aV!; 3UILDI!7CS =:J Sani taro" Sll"..Jer cC?ped. =t ~op<:rt;-:i 'li"!'le ' =:J Septi:" t=1< p"..il?d cr.'.d fi Z. Zzd ui th ~.;z, ~ Pinal - rfhen ~-ve ite::/s are c':''m:Jlet<:a ~, ..1 .~.. .. ~ ' =a :.men ~er.lCl-:.~'l.Or. t.s complete or Svo ...c- ture r.;ovea c:r.c pro::m.Jes ::leaned up. Nobi Le Hc~es ~ Blocking and Szt-up ~ Plumbinq connecti~ S;::')er' and /Jatzr ~ EZectric=! Ccnr.eation - Blocki,..g, set-U? ---1 and pZumiJing acnr.ectiol'l8 lrT"..:.st !:e G;'pr~t.',zc beforc requestir.g e!ec:l"i.cal ir.s?ectio~ =:J Accessol"'.i Bui!.::.ing ---, Fir.aL - ,1ft::r :;::r<::.;.,e8. sTdrt-::,...g, de::.v..s. ~etc. are ~~~e~~a. D All project ~or.di=i~ns, auc~ as "he {ns~aL!c.~ion of s:reee :rees, ~.:.~!a:~~n ot :~ required Zanc:"cC?ir.q, ,:;tc., must be satis:"icd ?Jafore "r.2 3Ulr::r::c ?I."!AL ::an !;e rZCjUest<:d. :=J FI":A::' PLU:..'SI::G ~.:'I:I':'l. :!F.::,'-!A"/!CAl. '~ .". !.','" .--1 Itu ;:Z::.~I::"~ .'=:1 o ?r:IAL 3UI[,JI::G: The FinaL !!ui'tdi,..q rr.s"eat-::on ,':':USt be reque3eCld -;/'::2r t1o.2 ,='-:.na.l ?!ur.:bin; ~L2ceri~aL. and Necha~icaZ Ir.s?ec~i~na ;uwa been made a,..a approved. 'A::'':: ",!':':IP.C:'I~ ANOCr::,l,NCUTS ,'!us'!' 38 .~CC::SS:;r.::. .J,DJ~'S,:~:r: :0 3:: :.~1C:: :!:' .':0 ::S!' 'l"'J CT:Y I ?=-;z ! of 2 Job Number: b L(07~fo Zon.e: r;o't Sq. Ftg. % af lot Caverage !i of Stories Total Height TOpOgl'C1phy lITEM I iNain SQ.FTG , I CaYaae ! Ca:rpor t I Aeeessorlf I I TOTAL VALUE I is.D.C. (value) 1.5 x, Buildir.g Permi t State Su:rehxl'ge Total Charges lITEM NO. FEE 1 Fi.xtu:res Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer Water Plumbing Perrr.it State Su:rer.arge Total Charoes i ITEM NO. FEE I Res. So. fto. I NaJ/Extend Cireui ts ! T errrpora:ry Serviee ! i Electrieal Permit I State Su:rcharqe I Total Charqes 12:::14 ' " NO.' FEE I I F'urruzee ETU' S I E:::haLlst Hood I I Vent Fan I I ~/oodsto;)e ' I I I Permit Issuanea Mechanieal Permit State Su:reharae Total Charoes I ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~ritlf Deposit Storage Maintenan:::e Permit Total Charaes eu:rbeut Sidewalk I Fence I Eleetrieal I Mobi le Hame I I Label TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * Occupancy Gr. LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value * I I I * CHARGE I I I I I I I I I * CHARGE CHARCE I if-" rrV I I I f' ~ '--0 .~_ 0 .&;0 1:5-{o0 I I /sf'6. 00 Reference aumcers: L-COC i!: Type/Canst: Bed:rooms: Enarau Sources Heat ~/ater !!~(1.ter Range ' I Fireplace ~/oodstove i I I I , I ...,-:- -'-"1 I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. House Ca:rage North East South ,west Fees I I : I I I I I I ! , T'Ipe Access. Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express eondition that the said construetion' shan, in an respeets, conform to the Ordinanee adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinanee, regulating the construction and use of'buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nees. Plan Cheek Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, alter or ehangeany new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in pa:rt, unless sueh person is tr~, legal possessor of a valid plumber's lieense, exeept that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- "eant. ' , Elec trica I Permi t Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrieal Contractor, the electrieal portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrieal Contraetor. * Mecha nical Permit l * I I' I f * I I I I r I I Plan Examiner uat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the eorrrpleted application for permit, and do' hereby certify that all information hereon is true and eorrect, and I further eertify that any ar.d an work, performed shan be done in aecor- danee with tha Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Ur~s of the State of Oregan pertaining to the work deseribed herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rmde of any strueture without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar~ enplayees who a:re in eomplianee with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projeet ~~~,~ -11) jl/) /YI/ Date I Signed