HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1993-8-23 i' '\ ~J FENCE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 North Fifth Street Springf~eld, Oregon 97477 Office: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 Job Location: rQ(J4{ ,0 \ Assessors Map #:- 'I '7D33L.O-t - Owner: ~~nl ~ ,-~'r\g)"\(\f\ QrK-.> Address:_~~ Q , IJl\f~sLL . Phone #:~ -46QPJ City: \"S~_n . State: t}JH ~ ~f)411 Value of Fence: 4rn.cx.:J Fence Permi t is $5.00 ' Contractor/Installer: Q _~'Jf\Q V " f;'llJlQb Tax Lot #: ()!)ncD Address: Phone #: City: State: Zip: Construction Contractors Registration #: Expires: By signing this permit/application, I agree to call for an inspection once my fence has been constructed (726-3769). I also stated that all information on this application/permit is correct and that I was provided with the Springfield Development code requirements for fence standards. 4: /"! ..1-., A1..ttl1../ s,gnature ~/cfl--' , 8";)6~C13 Date FOR OFFICE USE Date of Application: R .~lo'qs \ r::fJoq \ Total Amount Collected: Receipt # , if) ~. Checked for Delinquencies: - 0 ( Issued JOB t: q(2-, I R Q3 BY:CI)~1 Checked for Historical Status: P I , . Permit No: q3\~f}3 Address: ~~lo -r. QtQo t Issued bY:CJ) \ffi ') Date: B {lfoCf.3 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS701.055(4), requires residential construction permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to signthe following statement before the building permit can be issued. This state- ment is required for residential building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be fi led with the permit. Fill in ,the applicable blanks, and initial boxes 1 and 2, and either box 3A or 3B: c/! - 1. I ~ I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed, structure. ' 2. I I understand that I must register as a construction contractor if the structure is sold or offered for sale before or upon completion. 3. A.I ,I'My general contractor is , ,Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the struc- ture must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR 3. B. M I will be my own general contractor. ( If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construc- tion Contractors Board. If I change my mind and do hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor'who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. . ~ ~'~M~ STgnature of Permit Applicant '8 -:)(0 ~q_l Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 8/91 WHITE COpy TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE PINK COPY TO APPLICANT :0"';'- , --.INFORMATION 'NOTICE' TO PROPERTY, OWNERS ABOUT' CONSt~~~TION 'RESPqNSIBIUTIES }J'a ~~~ (. " ", '\ :': .: ' --NOT!;:.' J."]hi~il~iq~r.!liC!i~n':N<?~iCe.)<?lerop6riy b~hers.About construction 'R~sponsibiliti~S." " '. ",'. ", was~'deve.loped bY,t~~ Constr~ctior:1 Cdntractc;>rs Board in ac~ordance with O,RS !OtQ~5.(?5;: ", , . ,~;, '. .::,.'pass.ed..;,by. theJ9.8~VOJegor;l Legislature: ' J' ",".', ':.:-:,':.. J.,,:. ", I, " " '. .' ,,' ,,", ".' '.;'., '" " ," \:. "'.': :.,..{?" ,,' '/:~', .,..;,s,,>.., """', ,'. " .(~~~,":~;:;//:~,.: ",.' , If you:'ars: acting' a~you'r-d~n: c&ntracto'r' tb d)n~truct~.n.ew hOl1Je,'or'make a substa!1ti:alin1pro~erTf~.nt to an , I 'existing structl!~e, you can 'prevent .l11any prpblems by,!qeing.aware of the fOl,lowing responsibiHJiss" and ,areas . '~of"concern~ '.: h, " i","-."" '.' ',,, ,l. ~,;..~. -,.. .. ,,' ' '\~<'\" ...... . '."i ' ....'~~1:- ' ,'::.t<-; .. .' ',' ,:<-:-:';"Ul"/,,' .; ,..'EMPLOyER RESPONSIBILITIES: . .'. r. - " ~ r~. ."~'~_.;:):=:;~::. . . ?-'" _J, ~ f"'.. - . ,; " If you hire persons 'not registered wit~ theCon$tru,cti6hC9ntr~Ctors Board to do labor in constructing or assisting irl"the constru9iibh' o(:imp,joyet6'emt 'o(~, te5ttfehtiar-:$Jfu~tlif~,~y'()ll ~il!: :In ,rri()$t~,in5tahces" :b;e.i"lIled to be an . .. .~/., -, ',' ..' .,'. .. ... . .,', ."', ".. ..,._ ~ j ,., "._. _',~ .....-I:._..~..'- .. . '"'.' .~.,' t. '~'. ., .'<,.f, ,'.. .- "er'T1plby.~t"an9 tl:le R~opl~-VQu,hire Will'9r~.'~eril'p'lby.~es'J';' /~s,th:eE#Jlp,19y~r;,yoJrn)ustcQQ1plyvvitt't.the following: ' ...._.....' . .><~:.:...::~ ..;,~.~~~:~-~':-.~'t.''''_,..,~~i>~ .!...~:__i.~. ',:., :-I.~.:.,:~.~;....~_..~-. ...~...l<-...~ ,._.:..~~~~~~.f~~,.~~../'_~.:~..__~~~:~.'......:~. ~<:~'" .,' " " Oregon's, Withboiding,T~x. LaW:'~~$:,a~~e.th'p.loye,~, 'Ybb':rnyst' withhJI~l'i~--CQme fax~~,'ir9m 'eo1ptQyee wages at ., ,_ .;,. "Co.. ..,. ". 't \ ." _ -J:'." : .' ',l .". 0'.. - .' ~. _.t. ,.' - . . . . the time emplp~~e~';'~repajd. . you wi'l:b~,liaIDleforthe. r~xpay'ments,ever,df.youdon'tactually withhold the . tax' fro~ 'your employe,as', ~.:,For more, i nfo'r'ma\iorlr; 'call" the Qreg'on " Depal1rne.r.lt' 9f ,Reven u~, ~1 378-3390, .' . ~,~. <4. ;".'~. ~~..:;. -:..!-2'" ;{;;~~ . '.::'" . a..... ~. ~ ':.~'" .' -"'. ''''~!It ,"'.' '\~:>.::.c.~-, :-~t:" . . U hemployment Insur9-nce Tax: As. an e~ployer, Y<?u are required to .pay a tax for unemploymen.t insurance purposes 'on the wCiges of all employees. ,Fqr.mor~ i'nformatiqn,.caltthe o.~~gqrl qrT!ployrrrsill Division DHR , at 378-3224:' ',' . . , , ,. ", ' '" ". --. . "_.<,"" .~.' .~. 'J" ""~~h:":; ,.r.!::.'" >: ":"i':;!:\:',' ,:;:u,:' :.:'. .-' ;~. , .:;r.. ,f';, "".,_,,' . , , 'Workers' -ComRensatiqn Insurance:' As a:ner:pployerryot!l!are~sufujecHOJhe"OregoqWorkersJ Compensa,tion I,.,aw,-'aridmust ot;>tajnworkers' compensation insu'r~riceforyol.ir employees. If you 'fajl)oobtain workers' compens~ti.on,.in'~uranGe;.;:You may be~subj.~Ct-'to,p~n'alties.~nd\\~;j1l b"s"liable';f6r-all c.li:lim Gosts if,orie of your', ' employees isihju.redorrt.ti~10b. F9r,more:information, call)he Workers' C6mpensationQivision OiFat 373-7434. " ~ -...". .._...~"'" ~_ .;>1.9':f':~~~~"'t / . :~;:.":~~.:~~.,:-.. ..~::.~. ' - ,,-' ,; . U.S. .1 n}~r~a\ ~~'l~n~~$~rvi~e:. A$ ~n,~mRI8~~~,r. :Y9~. ml~~tvyi~h:tiR..'?,J~ger~l.i~g?)~,~ .t~x.Jrome~pl~yees'. wages. " ' . ',Yoll will b'e liable "for~l:l:e t~x p~Yr:Den.t.~ven)t, ~ou ,9!? n~t ~ClYI~' IY'yyI,'r.J:H?!~ trye ;tax .', F9t: lJlor~ Inform~tlon, call thelnternaIRevenue~Se';-viceJat;221'::3'96b.>;':''::~''-'': ' "'~." " "., ". " " " '.- . OTHER RES'P'ONSII3'iUTIES .AN'O AREAS'OF CONCERN:' "'.. ;4;', .;" ,,""~ -~ ? . :":', ,: ,:'.: ',- ':~-' .'~". .' '.. .,,' ,':'Y::':'~' ',., , .;: \," . Code Q.9mplicince: 'AstheperQJ:il hold~r. for this project, ,YoU',are respo.nsipleAor Tes.dhi,!n'g any,!ailureto meet cod.~ ,requirements; that may 6~ibro,ught;.t9, your.,a~tentiori-,through, inspeCtions. <,,'-'[ : " ,.~ . ~.\ ; ',:.';t;o.. .~'~....~ " '~.\ :'\~:~'l~."."". ~"", _:.....: .:;.~..~>,-: '.;'!; ,~~,. :=:~ .t"/.' '~~T~;'-'~'V. .~~_li.<-'~"~...,t: .:~:""" ' ,,' Uabilffy and 'Pr6perty Damag'e:i~si:JF~mce:"~c6nta6t, your:iriSlJr~nee'.a@eMttosee~.Wyoi.rha:ve adeq~ate ir.lsurance ' ~cbverageforaccidents and om~ssions suc/1'as falling;tools', paint OV~r$pray;'water damage'from pipe punc- ' tures,.Jire,:o.r work that must. be i'e-done., ,',' ' , .; , ~>~f~-..f' ....: , ~ ~'~~'}'. \ i: ~.c, >, ,t: ~ ' . ~ :',t .?.<:;..~~_.;,.,:-:.,~.'j,:~;,/~;' ~t:.~;: ~__" ;:~.~.:i.~:..i..: 7 Time 'to: Supervise 'Employees:",Makel'su're ~you have, 'suffiGien.t.;tiIl,lE{to super;vi~e your: employees, . ~ .. . .~.~... . ..)-~ ,'of' ','- ....,'. ." . ~.- ,...~ .:-\-: .. .-' ;' .'::,;" , ., '. _ ,.,........ . ,,' Expertise:" Mak~. s4re YOll.ha,.ve, t~.~;. eXP13rt!se .to act as ;your: ownge~enil cont~~ctot, t~) c09~dinate th~work;: , of rough-in and finish' trades;;$'nd t6'notify' buildihg'officials.atJheappfopniat~ times 'so they' can perform." . \..,: '.... ',_.' - . ,'_ . .0' -: 0 _' _ ;\. .." _,.' t'" ''< - . ,the required7inspections.' -"'"":,:,, ".." , . ,';. , ,.;..'. ~".J' ,..," ::.',', ,:,"; -,...;-.: ,;- . . " '. ,. . r 4~.q~.l>-~ . . ,. ' ,.~l:':",,,.. ~ . :.- 'j .:: ~.,~ ':~:}.~~-B."~~;,f~.-.'~",~, . ~.;" . ,.., 'Construction Contractors Board 700Sumnwr St.. NE, Suite '300 Sa.leiTI;.jQ,~~~1310-0f5{'::;;i;,~.. '.' : . , 'Phone',503-318-4621 . :::i'~" ',J ;~.;~~. ;::. :.) , , ,If, you 'h~~~ addit~onal'questiCj'n~, write t<;>: r: .~.~:~ :.~.:.J~{J : :L l02'~4~'!1b/2,4/89~:":n~:;;~~;j~~~1'T ' ",~K;[~:~~t~;~ " ' .':-", .~;.,.. , : .~ 1 t: