HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2004-12-11 . . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works December 11, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Dean Dixon 1761 East 25th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97403 RE: Courtesy Inspection at 1857 I Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Dixon: At the request of the tenant, Steve Knapp, I conducted a Courtesy Inspection of the wood stove at the above referenced address. The following items do not meet the minimum standards of the Mechanical Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code and are considered potentially hazardous. 1. The hearth must extend 18" in front of the stove to protect the floor covering from sparks. 2. The minimum clearance from the stove to any combustible material is 36". The curtains and wood trim on the window next to the stove do not have these minimum clearances. 3. The joints in the single wall stove pipe must be secured with a mlnlmum of 3 sheet metal screws per joint. This will keep the pipe from pulling apart should a flue fire occur. 4. The tenant reported that the wood stove smoked excessively. This could be caused by a chimney that is either full of soot or of inadequate height to provide a proper draft. 5. I could not gain access to the attic to verify proper clearances of the chimney. Most manufactured chimneys required a 2" clearance from any- thing that is flammable. For safety reasons, the wood stove must be installed safely or removed al- together. As you address these problems keep in mind that a permit is re- quired for the installation of a wood stove and an inspection by the Build- ing Safety Division must be made to verify a safe installation. 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 . . . Mr. Dean Dixon . Courtesy Inspection. 1857 I Street December 11, 1984 Page 2. The Building Safety Division will check on your progress in 30 days from the date of this letter. For further information please contact me at 726-3665. j1erelY:. .. . . De~rd~~ Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector DB/lh -..-- - ," ~.";,,,,~.",""_.", ~ -.........., '","", ,.,..~._..-"-',,......,...... ....'..s...'''',-,.~.. ....."'---'...~.... e SENDER: Complete lIems 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your addiess in the" RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1. TM following service Is requested (check one). x~ Sh~w to whom and date delivered............... o Show to whom, date, and address of delivery .. 2. 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERy........................... (The restr(cled lIellvery tea Is charged In allllillon to the return receipt tee.) 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Dean Dixon 1761 East 25th Avenue 4~yfi,nll~sliRv~f€~gor.. P-74-02 ARTICLE NUMBER O'REGISTERED 0 INSURED XfiCERTlFIED 0 COD o EXPRESS MAil ~ (Always abtaln signature of addresseo or agenl) I have received the article described above. . SIGNATURE o Addressee ~uthorizad agent 'tD~~Jl?~ rEOF DE~ /' 00"' "T1 o 3 (.)" CD -~ c.. <: -< :u !!l c: :u z :u m o m' 'ii- -,-l" nfC ~} ',"," 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADD~j:SS !O~/y II requosted) ';, ;r :': 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: :' TOTAL $ 329964166 POSTMARK (may be on reverse side) ".............,,~"'....11->...,"__.1...........,...,.=.... l\- GPO: 1982.379.593 llNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS " SENDERINSTRucnONS PrInt your name, address, and ZIP Cede In the space balaw. · Complete IIDrna 1, 2, 3; and 4 on Ills revellll. - · Attach to.front of artlcle"n spacll pormlta, Gtharwlle affix 10 back of article. . Endolle article ." RlIlurn Receipt Requested" o adjacent to numbar. l' .-...-- , U.S.MAIL : ll:':,I."Il.lIiHl: _ w.~,J"~ .,' . PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 RETURN TO ~ "- C, TYJ;':Of~d~l~ f~ rs tLC OEPARTMF.'NT OF IDUeLIC WORKS . ji&e~'%~a eo!) .HPtcc: I SPRINGFIElD, OREGON 97477 .: (City, State, !lnd ZIP Code) .~