HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/31/2011 20d;:-Ul- BARGAIN AND SAlE DEED (~ividual or Carpora!el - \ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That JACK DUGGER, hereinafter called grantor, for the consideration hereinafter slated. does hereby gram, bargain, sell and comey unto WAYNE M. V AJGERT and SANDRA L. ROSSI, husband lJnd wife. hereinafter called grantee, and un/a grantee's heirs, SlIcces.WJrs and assigns all of thai certain real properry with the lenement~., hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the COl/nty afLane, Stafe a/Oregon. de.fcribed as/allows, lo-wit: Beginning at a point 184.0 feet South 00 23' West ofa point on the North line of the Isaac Briggs Donation Lllnd Claim No. 83, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willametle Meridian, 3668,57 feet North 89a 57' East from the Northwest corner of said claim; thence North 89a 57' Enst 255.41 fect; thence South oa 23' Wcst to the Northerly right of way line of relocated South "A" Street; thencc Southwesterly along said right of way line to II point which bears South 0023' West from the point of beginning; thence North 0<> 23' East to the point of beginning, in L.ane County, Oregon o u ~ F= c::J ~ z w w ex: '" ffi i:i'; f'? z ex: ~ ex: To Have and (0 Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, succcsmrs and assignsJorever. The true and aClual consideration paidJor this transJer, stated in terms oj dolleJf.f, is $REL.EASE OF INTEREST. "However, the actual consideration consists oj or include:.' other property or value given or promised which is the whole consideration. " In con"ruing Ihis deed and whm Ihe conlexl so requires. Ihe singular include:;~.al and all grammatical changes shaff be implied to make the provisions hereoJ apply equally to corporations and to indi In Witness Whereof, the grantor has executed this instrument this /;. Lft day , 2005; if a corporate grantor, it has caused its name to be signed and sea! affIXed by its officers, duly auth e thereto by order oj its board of direclors. TillS INSTRUMENT WII.L NOT ALLOW USE OF TilE PROPERT\' OIo.:SCRlUW IN TillS INSTRUMF.NT IN VIOI,ATION Of APPLlCADLE I.AND USE,: lAWS AND REGULATIONS. DEFORE,: SIGNING OR ACCf:PTING THlS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING fEE TITLE TO TilE "lWI'ElfrY SHOULD CIIl:CK \\IITII TilE APPIIOPRIATF. CITY OR COlINn' PI.ANNING m:PARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES ANI) TO OrTER/ltIN.: AN\' 1.IMlTS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FORE,:Sf PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. STATE OF OREGON, OFFICIAL SEAL (t) ANNA MAE MIClLIORETlO NOT"I\'" PUBLIC. OREGON , OOMMI881~!J~,tt~i M~5r:o. tltQalrAYl"'"",~ . Division of Chief Deputy Clerk LanB County Deeds and R8cords ~ COlin/yo! L.ane T1.'SJQ[.cgoing in. day or~ 2005, b (SEAL) My commi.uion expires,' {j-{=-<J8 200~.O~OJ21 1111111111111111111111111 "' 11/111111111""11111 $26.00 00711541200500503210010012 07/07/2005 02:46:22 PM RPR-OEEO Cnl=1 Sln=5 CASHIER 04 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 Date Received: . MAR 3 1 2011 Original Submittal JACK DUGGER GRANTOR'S NAME AND A.DDRESS WAYNE M, VAJGERTand SANDRA L.. ROSSI, GRANTEE'S NAME ANDAODRESS After,ec<>rdlnll..luml<>: Valley Wut Escrow 210B Main Street,Springlield,OR 97477 NAME,ADDRESS.ZIP 11"llle<h"E.h..qu..'Nlelll..".....<nIl.~.'lk..allO'b.r.lle..i"tadd....~ Vajgert & Rossi 4335 Spring Blvd Eugene. OR NAME. ADDRESS, ZlP 97405-5811 IiWG VioianF"""SDOO50R Re_.011'24197