HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/31/2011 . . :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street, Sprir;Jgfield, OR 97477 Minimum Development Standards r 4f "'" ,~ . ", ~" ~ . ~. . '., . ~ ;Required Project IOformation '.~:." " . ': '; ': (Applican't: complete this section) . . , , -1! _ ^ _ "'-. . ~ " A licant Name: '1/'/ p<:-/ rJ'E V ~.)bb e.... \' Phone: 5'-\ l [; II '1/Cj1o Com an : Address: S\!J66i T lll>'sIQlUJ i ~3l.,. s, f:\, $'1' Fax: .., v-.....- ,- " .~, >,,", .~;'.-:c, ',c' A licant's Re.. vYIc...~e<\~ t~~ OI....rtO,u JO'-'r0 ~c\I<("'1L Address: 2j55to'O 60LOE:o\J"'><\V"I~"'~ e.,u., C('t'4uL- 54/ Phone: , - 30 fJ- Fax: 5''-1\ 2...$0 'f '?..l.> z..q 0 ,;- ,""C. ,<i C ~< .~ \"t: '<!~~''"r"'>'''' '.~.'- '-;'y',. -"",-.k. 'f''''/ .< Owner: W ~'\ 10 t;; VL\ _trfi.,,,\ Phone: 5'-11- Si'7 I)~ Com an Address: Fax: IJ-^' 43'5'5 S ~ r I ~ G:, PC"17 j) ..: . '-,.,t\.". '_~." -, ,,'" ;;-<\,1" "~"i":'''-" ':> ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: j',. b3 - 3 (,-3 \ TAX LOT NO S '3 -, L, Q... -r IS3(, S, C\ ,S,. '. q 7 0' 4,,,-, A(j:' Il-e. Acres 0 S uare Feet 0 " r ~. -"',,;'... ;~. -'.. ,"'';'\1-. i%;~ ;1 Description of If you are filling in t~is form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Pro osal: I) ~\. 'T PI < '\. ~ t< -e p. I'L Lo-\. Associated Cases: Case No.: PI' 1- 00"00<6 Date: Reviewed b : ~ A lication Fee: $ 7'l1.o,00 Technical Fee: $ 30210 Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ 7&/1... '?rO PROJECT NUMBER: ",:"'+.J..""3%7tl!t"~.:,:!~,'fi}... d?7$}...:*J';:;4iJY-,T,ii,-!,",,-_,,~~::~-:A0t:'c":.?:".Q'~::t"<"'"~~-i~~~~"1M.~;~T4fl,'t\4;t1"if~'""'t~'df~~1"-"_,,-<r~0t:"fi4 :;;'iY?t \*,!; Date Received: "MAR 31 2011 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 . . Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: "- Signature A~' - Date: 3-13-/) \,\) IA. '-I iN'" Print V A-- J 0 'LJtJL If the applicant is not the owner" he owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf, Date: 3-1&-1/ Owner: Signature \}0 f\ '/'~ V 0'\ ~ (0 c: I \.- 't- Print I certify that I prepared the attached plot pian and that it contains the information specified in the submittai requirements checklist. I certify that the plot plan is accurate based upon field locates and the best available information. I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan in making any decisions regarding the Minimum Development Standards application. I accept full responsibility and liability in the event that there are any omissions, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the plot plan. Plot Plan Preparation: Date: Plot Plan Preparer Signature .)0'" -0 Print B,,,,\<,~ r Date Received: MAR 3'1 2:.111 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 , . . 'Minimum Development Standards Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. o PfO .)(0 ;4J ~ ~ , Minimum Development Standards Application Form Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting @ ownership and listing all encumbrances. Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facIlity. Detailed Written Explanation of the Proposal to Include: o Project name o Size and location of property o Zoning and plan designation of the site and adjacent properties o Proposed use of the development area and scope of proposed development o Access o Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) o Current use of the site and any existing improvements o Special site features (i.e. wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, etc.); a general statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions o Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed o Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed o Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City o Proposed modifications being requested o Additional planning applications required for proposed project o Justification for proposed MDS exceptions o Time line extensions being requested Five (5) Copies of a Plot Plan Including the Following Information: o Proposed buildings and/or additions: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height o The scaie appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' o North arrow Date Received: o Date of preparation , MAR 31 '2011 Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markarian 4 of 6 Original Submittal Y1>'I't::ID~ ~;-" q , ~ 'Vv'..JQ y-1 - fL '" ~ ~ ~ '" (.> ~ \.1) (\ S' ~ 1\ f ~ :- ~ ..... r-l' '" , r' "" tv.,. (j v !: r t . (i (\. '<.- 7' ~ r t ~ 'J r-:J (j "'" r \r It ,.,.. ~ - .> Z. 7\ \JJ (J \). -J r ... () " ~ ,., v. I: .n '-- >< " - ~ \11 :; .... r , ~ f C I- t" ~ Z -, ":> n (1\ .t- " "i lj 'fJ i\ !V '" .. " " C .." -<: "" .., 1\ ;< '1:> "'\ .('"t> " l'\ )> ~ t: ... .. " t , ... ~ "- ~. '- <- \1 (t " , \ \ \. , . ~ \ \ ~ .~ ~...... ~~ -::>. .Cx;l ..l: \..v ~~ ),. ~. \..\ <S:::. ~ ~ ~.'y () "'" ~ ~:::~~ '\ii '~C) ~ ~':..... ~ ..:s: 's,l ~ ~ ~ "-t:: ~ "J '1 :::s ""'f )y: ~ 1.~ .v '- ,....:. ~.. ~~ ~, l.....:'~ '~ 1.1 "'......~ t=... /. -.r '\ ~ N I"::..: C" [\1 ~! ~ A,., ~ .... \J1~~' L~~,:;< -to VI \:,)~,,, ... 1,.. tI\ 0 ")'I\V1 - ;.., J2' ~ 10 '/)., c ~ 1) " ~ . " o:?~/ - o ~ . -'(e,€ ... , .:>1' , ,.....f~.... . 71 ~('" 1'1 -to ~. Q: " , j'~' -. ~ \~ T 1,e-t ......~t!,el W /11"'\' e-/r"l/! . .;).> .f' .~ ~ . ... -. -.....:: .... ~l ,,-I ~~ .. I~ f j r , , ~i~i ri\ '/ " ". ~ ". . \~~ "? --.0 ;Y r...:.. o 7-::- ~ ~ :::;> ~ ,~~ ~'Z.. '-'Q~ ~ ""'! 'l\~ .s: ~~ ~ o ~ cO' =i' !!!. (J) c: C' 3 ~ '; 3: >- ::0 W o III - CD ;0 CD fa. < CD C- .. - 'N = - - ~ , Ie I I \~ I j l . . March 31,2011 Project Name: Tavern at 1836 S. A. St. Rear parking lot improvement The project location is commonly called 1836 S. A. St. in Springfield, Oregon and size of lot is @. 97% of an acre. The surrounding properties are all commercial with the exception of 51 17th. Place which is residential. The proposed use of the development area is parking and scope of the proposed development will consist of @ 4,928 AC paving, and erecting a 10x20' enclosed garbage enclosure. The following off-site improvements will be: planting 3 addition trees with 2" calibers, placement of vehicle stops in front of parking stops along existing building, enhancing bio-swale area, provide bike parking and all required conditions of city for intended improvement. Date Received: . MAR 31 2011 Original Submittal . . '. , . PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT April II, 2008 ELT-40146 Valley WesfEscrow 114 49th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Attn: Anna Estimated Premium for: $250,000.00 OWNER'S POLICY Re-Issue Credit Gov't Service Fee $835.00 $0.00 $25.00 TOTAL $860,00 We are prepared to write Title Insurance covering the following described premises to-wit: , e ~.- Beginning at a point 184.0 feet South 00 23' West of a point on the North line of the Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 83, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 3668.57 feet North 890 57' East from the Northwest comer of said claim; thence North 89057' East 255,41 feet; thence South 00 23' West to the Northerly right of way line of relocated South "A" Street; thence Southwesterly along said right of way line to a point which bears South 00 23' West from the point of beginning; thence North 00 23' East to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Showing fee simple title as of December 27, 2002, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: LORIS CURTIS ANJUN, TRUSTEE, OR HIS SUCCESSORS IN TRUST UNDER THE LORIS CURTIS ANJUN LIVING TRUST DATED APRIL 14, 1998 Subject to the usual printed exceptions, and II I. Taxes, Map No. 17-03-36-31-07300, Code 19-00, Account No. 0331528,2002-2003, a lien in the amount of $2,359.97, plus interest is unpaid. Date Received: "MAR 31 2011 CONTINUED Original Submittal \ . . ELT - 40146 Page 2 NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 1836 SOUTH "A" STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN SEARCH was done for the name(s) LORIS CURTIS ANJUN, INDIVlDUALL Y OR AS TRUSTEE, WAYNE M. V AJGERT, SANDRA L. RUSSI . AND JACK DUGGER, and as of December 27,2002, none were found. NOTE: As of December 27,2002, there are no liens for the City of Springfield.. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY By: Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer , NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. c.. Date Received: . MAR 31 2011 Original Submittal ... , "'': 2~-~ BAAGAlNAHD~DCEDR1cIribIIar~}. . i BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ., KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That JACK DUGGER, hueiN!flu CD!/ed grantor, for the considemUon hueinojIe stated, dce3 hereby gnuo. bwgai11. ..u and convey U11JO WAYNE M. V AJGERT _ SANDRA L ROSSI. bnsband BUd wife . hueinojIe cD1/ed granlt!e, tmd JUJlo tpmtes's hein. SllCCBSSDn and auigm all of that certain real property with the. tenements, /rereditonrents and appurtenance:s then:zmto belonging or in ~ appertaining. situated in the . County '!!Lan.. Stole at Oregrm. deserl"'" '" folJow.. tt>-w: ~hn., at a point 184.0 feet SoutfI 0" 23' West ofa poi:at Db the North liDe ofibe Isaac Briggs Donation Laad CIafm No. 83, TOWDSbip 17 Soutb, Raaxo 3 West mlhe wma.._ _.. 366IL57 red North 89" 57' Ilast fro.. lbe No_ corner orsaid claim; thence North ago 51' East 255.41 reet; theuce Sooth ()<' 23' West to the Northerly rigbt of way nile of relocated Sooth "A" Street; thence Sootlnraterly along said right of way IiIIC to a poiDt which hetlrn Sooth 00 23' West from the poiat ofbegiJmiog; thence North 00 131 East to the point of begbmiDg, In LaDe County, Oregon <.> ~ 1= '" ~ z ll:l a: '" a: ~ g Z a:; ffi a:; To HtzVtt: and 10 Hold the sOme U/IJO the saJdgramee andgrantee'8 hein. successors and assigns foTever. 1he true and actual consideration paidfor "this trrmsfer. stated in terms of dollars. is $RELEASE OF INTEREST. "Hov.rever. 1M ac/UDl consideration consists of 0' induda other property or value given or promised which u the whole comideralion. It . In comtruing this died and where the conte;rt so requires. tlre singular inchJdes~lural and all grammatical changes shall be implied to mDke the provisions hereof apply eqUQ/Jy to C01'JX1"Oliom and 10. . In Witn= Whereof, the grantor has eucuted this /mtnmJent this "a; day 2005; if 0 c~ gronJor. it has coused its name to he signed and seQ/ ojJIxed I1y iD oJf1<<n, dtdy thenaol1y """" at its board at direcIDn. 'I1IIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USI OF THE l'llOI'EKI'Y DESaUBED IN T815 lNSTRUMENT IN VIOlAItON OF API"I..ICA.BLE lAND USE LAWS AND IIECU1J\TIONS. BEAJRE SIGNING OR ACiCEI"t1!CC TR1S 1NS1'IWMENt. THE ~ A.CQm1UNC na 'TIJL& TO THE I'ROI'IDlTY SHOULD (]fECI[ WI1B TBE API'ROI'IlIAl" CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPAIlTM!NT TO VERIFY AI'PROVIlD USlIS AJlQ) TO DUBRMINlt AMY UMD'S ON UWSUlI'S ACAINSI' PARMING OR JIORESTPRAC11C1S AS DEfINED IN ORS303JQ. . SfATEOFOREGON. ) )~ C....,...Lao. ~..p.J. '''<f.,tZ. "y~~~;;:7-- !ia/alyl'r1l1&p(hgun (SEAL) jly-- 1I-r<JS JACK DUGGER GRANTOR'SNMEANDADOR:ESS WAYNE M. VAJGERT oad SANDRAL ROSSI, GRMJB;'S NIlIE AND ADDflESS AItIr-.:l!ag__ ValltyWatEluow 2tDBMablStnct.Spria:Odd.OR n477 --.. UIIlll.dlapllnqDBlld.!l___AoG.._.dllr.a.t.,........ Vajgert & Rossi 4335 Spring Blvd Eugene, OR fUrME,AODRES8,ZlP 97405-5811 taG \IIsicln F_ $OOO5DR . """. 0UZ4IW . ~~ &~m::r~c.-=e .1lY~_.D1L&- Dlvlsl... of Chief llaputv CI_ 'lftMUIl:M'Il Lm. CounlV - ..... Recorda ~1hl'1 ~IIII~ 11II~IIIIIIIWm"mllllllm $26.00 0B'71154"', C ll'21011ea12 . 07/07/_ 02:46:22 PI! RPR-DEED Cnl.=1 ,Sln=!l CASllIER 04 $9.00 '11.00 '10.00 Date Received: . MAR 31 2011 Original Submittal 20oS""-O,. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED (IndlvK:l~~1 OrCOl rate) . ~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That JACK DUGGER, hereinafter called grantor, for the consideration hereinajier stated, does hereby gram, bargain, sell and convey unto WAYNE M. V AJGERT ao.d SANDRA L. ROSSI, husband and wife, hereinafter cailed grantee, and un/a grantee's heirs, successors and assigns off of that certain real property with the tenements, herediraments and appurtenances thereunto helonging or in anywise apP(;ftaining. siluared in rhe County afLane, State a/Oregon, described asfallows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 184.0 feet South 00 23' West of a point on the North line of tbe Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim Nu. 83, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 3668.57 feet North 89" 57' East from the Northwest corner of said claim; thence North 89" 57' East 255.41 feet; thence South 0" 23' West to the Northerly right of way line of relocated South "A" Street; thence Southwesterly along said right of way line to a point which bears South 0" 23' West from the point of beginning; thence North 0" 23' East to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon o <.> ~ 1= o :3 15 w c:: '" c:: w if; o >- z: c:: E3 c:: To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, succe~'mrs and assigns forever, The true and actual consideration paidfor this tramJer, stated in terms of dollars, is $RELEASE OF lNTEREST "However, the actual consideration consists of or includes other property or value given or promised which is the whole consideration. /I In con,"uing (hi, deed and whm (he cantext '" '"quire.f. the 'ingul", include:;~al and a. II grammatical changes ~'h{.jll be implied to make the prOVisions hereof apply equally to corporations and to indi c , In Witness Whereof, the grantor has executed this instrument this 6 il2 day , 2005; if a corporate grantor, it has caused its name to be signed and seal affIXed by its oDicers, dulyauth e thereto by order of its board of direcCors. TillS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF '1'111:: PROPERTY Dl::SCRlIIf.D IN THIS INS1UUMF,NT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE tAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING Ol~ ACCf.PflNG TillS INSflWMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROI'ERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPIUATE CITY on COIINTY PLANNING m:PARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES ANI) '1'0 DlCTERMIN.: ANY t.IMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST fARMING OR mREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS JIUJO. STATE OF Onf:GON, OFFICIAL SEAL _ ANNA MAE MIGLlORElTO NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON . OOMMI8SION NO. ...110 MY OOMMIPlON txJllIU:SMO\l.1. toOlI Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records " COlUlIyo/Lllnc TJtl};r.;gOing in dayor~.2005,b (SEAL) My commi.lsion expires' (j--f'-oB lOOo-050Jll ""III" 111I11111111111I11'''''''''111'''''11'11 $26,00 00711541200500503210010012 07/07/2005 02:46:22 P" RPR-OEEO Cnl=1 Sln=5 CRSHIER 04 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 Date Received: MAR 3 1 2011 Original Submittal JACK DUGGER GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS WAYNE M. VAJGERTand SANDRA L. ROSSI, GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS Afte,re"".<:\inll reCum co: Vatlcy WCSI Es\'row 11"l' Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 NAME, ADORESS. ZIP 1111111" <b...~.I. "'1""'1<'1 ~I' '0' OUt,,,,.,,u ,I, nIl ~".1II10 'b'I.llo"i,,~ .d~rt.., Vajgert & Rossi 4335 Spring Blvd Eugene. OR NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP 97405-5811 S'IIlS v..io...rorrn SDDOSOR R"v. 01f.l~f97 03/31/11 THU 09:19 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 141001 ********************* ... TX REPORT ... ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESlILT 2241 95416892304 03/31 09:18 01'05 3 OK SPRINGFIELD . Cit.Y of 5pringtield Development 5ervices Department F acsimileCover f age Fax: (5+1) 726-3689 To: Jum])~ Fax.: 0t1,- 2.~ L{ Compan9' From: Message: ~~~~~~~~~lL ---=\1Lj6urWl ~lA.V ; . . Date Received: MAR 3 1 2011 Oncinal Submittal