HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2001-9-17 (2) 0~/17/Q1 MON 16:06 FAX 541~ 1535 .. . W' --, . J~~S~ :'iRCH1TECTS5t:_01 11 :29; ~003 PAGE 3/6 Jobfl D1.Q0592.Q(l Page 1 of4 INDUSTRIAL PERMIT CIty Of Sprlngfleld Community Services Division Building Safety . Job Number: 01-00592-01 225 Nlll1h Frflh Slreet Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspectlon Line: 726-3769 location Of Proposed Site: 3233 FrankUn Blvd Spr AsseBBO", Map#: 17033433 Lal: BIoc;Il: Addltlon: Tulot #: 00200 SubdiviBlon: Owner: Slale Dept. of Admin. Services Addnuas: 1225 Ferry Slreel SE Scope Of Work: Industrial Contractor Type Atchilecl General Conlr GenBral ConJr Electrical Contr Mechanical Contr Plumbing ConJr QUad Area: . or Units: ConslF. Type: Walltr Heater: Phone Number. 503-378-2885 Clty/SlatelZlp: Salem, OR 97310 New Valua: $1,593,800 Construct Slate Molor Pool facilities RAnfRI'.II~.I1'1h flnn.n114R-01 whir:h r",rTlP. in tnn hil1h "nl1 W"A I'AvisArl. Contractor . Registration t# Expiration Dale WBGS Archileclure 72 West Broadway. EUgene. OR 97401 Wlldlsh Construction Co 695 10/22/03 Po Box 7428. Eugene, OR 97401-0428 Chambers Building Co 1030 8/31/01 2295 COburg Rd SJe 200, Eugene. OR 97401-7482 C & S Eleotrio Ino ' 3849 9/1/02 Po Box 1482, Springfield, OR 97477-0189 FM Shoet Melallnc. 89710 3/15/03 544 Conger Slreet, Eugene, OR 97402 Bohemia Plumbing & Construction Inc . 41468 3/3/03 33854 Row River Rd, Collage Grove. OR 97424-8573 Phone 541-342-7291 541-485-1700 541485-5611 541-741-2236 541-344-8002 541-942-8333 OffIce Un L:lnd UBe: Zoning COde: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildingll: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To ,...que.l an InspecUon call1he 24 hour recording at 726.3769. A.ll inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested ener 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. ' Site Fooling , Required Inspections I:IUlldlnil"J - To be made after excavetion but prior to selling forms. -Alter trenches Bre ex~vated. 0~117/.ll1 MON 16:06 FAX 541" 1535 -. .-l~~g~.~RCHlTECTS:St:.01 11 :30; Foundation Slab Framing CtyWlllI F1I8Wl1I1 Structural Masonry Structural Welds Structural Concrete Boltll installed In concrele Ceiling Grid SUB -lnsulatlonlVapor Bartler SUB. Final Final P're Final Sits Plan Final Building ,Temporary Power Underground Electrical Rough Electrical Electrical Sarvlce SUB. e.terior llghtlng Final Elactrlcal Underground Plumbing Rough Plumbing Water Line Sanitary Sewer Line Sm"" Sewer Une Special Backflow Davice Final Plumbing Unclerfloor Mechanical Rough GIIS Rough Mechanical Ga8 Service SUB. Mechanical Final Go FlnaI Mechanical CC-close & Replace CC.overwldlh Rough Grading Final Paving ~004 PAGE 4/8 I JobN Q100D592-o1.J Page 2 of 4 , Required InsP9,ctions rBUilding' "-J -After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. ..To be made aller all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping, and other equlpmenllter -Prior to cover, . Prior to taping. -Located and constructed according to plans. - To be done during construction by a Slale Certifiad Specla/lnspector. Provide results to City B - To be done during construcUon by State Certllled Special Inspector. Provide Inspection test reI -In excass of 2500 psi. To be done:during construction bye State Certllled Inspector. Provir:le r - To be done by a State Certified Sp,ecial Inspector. Provide Inspection test reports to City Builr:lir - To be called for at the same lime as the SUB framing inspection. -When all Fire Departmenl requirements have been met. -After all requirements have been niet for Minimum Developmenl Slanr:lards or from the Devel~ - When all required inspections have been epproved and Ihe building is complete. IE1ec)rl,Eal ' J -Approval reqUired prior io SUB energizing pole. . Prior to cover, . Prior to cover. -Must be approved to obtain permanent power. -When ell electrical work is complete, ~lumbinA.--.. J -Prior to nlling the trench. -Prior to cover, -Prior 10 filling lrench. - Prior to filling trench, - Prior 10 fining trench, -See Plan Review andlor Inspectors Noles. or prior to cover If epplicable. -Aner device Is installed but before backfilling trench. -When all plumbing worle is complete. j Mochanlcal -Prior to inBulation or decking. . Prior to cover. -After line is Installed and line has been connected 10 a minimum of one appliance. Pressure tel -When all gas work is complele, -When all mechanical work is compiete. Public.~Worka I -After forms are erected but prior 16 placemont of concrete -Aner forms sre erected but prior 10 placement of ooncrele L. Pem,ltS' WiD ~~!1u -After gravel Is In placa but prior 10. placing concete. -After paving is complete, 0~17/~1 MON 16:07 FAX 541 ~ 1535 _ " . ~lV!l.s;.?, :\RCHITECTS"~"'_Ol 11:30; Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: . Of Buildings: , Of Bedrooms: Handicap AGC8l1s? U [Area (Sq. Feel) . Main: Accessory: .' _. '-,- Fee Industrial Plen Raview AdJuBted Induslfial Plan Review Total Plan Check Building Permit State Surc/large For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Tolal Building Permanent: 200 Amps or Leas Permenent: 201 10 400 Ampa Permanent: 40110 600 Amps Temporary: 200 Amps or Less Branch Circuits With Feeder or Service State Surcharge. Electrical Administrative Fee - Eleclrlcal Total EIec:b1cal Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee Number of Fixtures State Surcharge - Plumbing Waler Service Footage Sanitary Sewer Footage Storm Sewer Footage Backflow Prevention Device Miscellaneous Plumbing Admlniatratlve Fee - Plumbing Tolal Plumbing rJob# 01.o0592-01.J 1# Of Stories: Currenl Units: Census Code: Doe" not apply Total: -=J HlIight (fellt): Proposed Units; Page 3 of 4 ~005 PAGE 5/8 Paid On ReGCIlpt# ValulI/Quantlty L' .. PI-;;nCheck =:J 06/11/2001. 0005783 1,700,000 08/21/2001 6490 -103 L Bulldlnq _J 08/21/2001. 6490 08121/2001 . 6490 08/21/2001, 8490 r" Elecirical '.. 'I .. 08121/2001. 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001. 6490 08/21/2001. 6490 08121/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 r--' Plumbinq 'I 08/21/2001. 8490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 09/2112001 6490 08121/2001 6490 06/21/2001 6490 08121/2001 ' 6490 08/21/2001 6490 L. Mechsnical '.'1 08/21/2001 6490 08121/2001 6490 08/2t/2001 6490 08/2112001 6490 08/21/2001 8490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08121/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 08/21/2001 6490 Hood end Exhllust One 10 Four Outlets MInimum Mechanical Permit Administrative Fee - Mec:l1anlcal LSllslnan 100,000 BTU 10,000 Cubic Feel or Less Vent Fan 10 One Duct Elich Additlonal Outlet UnillHealer Evaporative Cooler/Fan Mlscelleneous Mechanical Mechanlcellssuence 901,316 31 308 400 1,889 5 70 4 2 1 1 92 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 1 4 Fee Amount $2,038.45 $-103.35 11,933.10 $1,936,00 $135.52 S58.08 '2,12UO $200,00 5120,00 15100.00 $40.00 5184.00 $45.08 $19.32 S708AO $.00 $310.00 $62.65 570.00 $aS.00 5310.00 $50.00 $70.00 $28.65 $1184.50 $4.50 $2.00 $.00 $1.92 $8.00 $4.00 515.00 $,50 $24.00 $4.50 $3,50 S10.00 09!17/9LJLQJ'Ltl!.:n,FAX 541.1535 ,IIlCS ARCHITECTS &0 ~'" (~O]U"'; SEP. 1 11 :31 i ~006 PAGE S/S F... Slate Surcharge - MlIChanleal Total Mechanical (New Curbeut ') Totsl Public Works Impervious Surface Area - Slorm Sanitary S_er MWMC Admlnistra~ve Fee Sanitary SIlWer SDe Reimbursement General Light Industrial SDC Administrative Fee Manufacturing - Transportation Mlsoellaneous MWMC Single Tenant Office Building. Transp TranDportalion SOC Reimbursement Total System Development Paving Total Permits wlo Srch" Grand Total Plan Check Type Checked By Dale Compleled Comment Enll'neerlng..c/IJP . Plannlng-CnIP Pam Ownby Gary Karp 07/25/2001 08/17/2001 Wailing lor easement and Development Agreement to be returned. ReceIVed signed easement and Dev. Agreement 08117101. G.K. Response 10 plan review comments OK 8-08-01. Slructural.ClI/P Lome Pleger OB108/2001 Fire Marshal..cIIlP AI Gerard 07120/2001 By slgnatura. I statB end agree, thai I have carefully examined the completed applieatlon and do hareby certify that all infonnaUon hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and ell work performed shall be done In accordance with the Ordinances of the Cily of Springfield and the laws of the Stsle 01 Oregon pertaining to lhe wort< dascribed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be msde 01 any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employeB8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on lhls project I further agree to ensure that all required Inspections are requested etlhe proper time, that each address Is readable from the street. thaI the permit card Is localed at the front of the properly. and the apj'fved set of plans will remain on Ihe slle at all times during construction. f~ 6.,.:..,..Ml:U... 17. Ut>) Signature ' Date ~~j ~~~ ',~ ~~S -i........~ g .'-'l .. g;"" ~..8~~