HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-9-25 (2) "'. I e' I , submitted has the following 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRlNCFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . ~~,~~~cg9 ~equ" s~eclflc 'and use' ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPliCATION City Job Number (OlMLOO;S - 00 ? &"1 1. 1F:LocrrTIONCEL&sn;rT'!~0M1i~l<<c%1i ~~...t;""",;l:~:,,'::...'J..;""":'.;:'~"'-~Ol'.~.J.."W.~.::4~;oio6:71""i' -"'~~:::oii~i1;3 ( '-:1'0; i'- ,,^_:_;;";~~;;:;' '&/i..~~'-: -j' " -, - '-'r8!W-, ,- , LEG~p ~~O,N.,,,--_._~,L ,__. , '70333~'t .0'2.'=00 I -...'..... "'_.".'. _.' .."'.' -" -"'1'" . OJ" .y- ..-----, JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq. ft. or less ~ 0{XVirt tD UMS1Y\AcJiU\(l ;:':o~::~~~500sq.ft.or fermitS are non-transferable and expire if work is IT AI ~~ch Manufact'd Home or not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Modular Dwelling Service or Suspended for 180 days. -'., Feeder 2. 'Il~~~~~~~m~.h~ B. t~~~~~~El~f~I~~~m~ll~~~~i~i~zr~~ Ele~tr.!.~o~~~to~tl:3CrVV) CAtv) 8\BLiI r '0 200 Amps or less I $63.00 Jt'3- I '51l11lY,Y7,IIlr--lfIL2-, ,20lAmpst0400Amps I $75.00 "1J:j- Address I ~\V~k!?:2Y.:.\I_L.::?l ov. 401 Amp. to 600 Amps I.l.n SI25,OO 'I' , I r;:J'\ /.I ,I: '"-' 601 Amps toJ~~lle~~~\\li\'l $163,00 City 5,. t ~,.v l! ~ tll&'POl1e !Jug 9J'V S~ 00 Nl~u.o~~l~y..olQle9 e se\toft $375.00 " I' ~\TE \i~~"Wuse {\.lIeS ~ 9S?.oo' S 50,00 , 1((j:HJ/ ~ \o\lOVJ~~~Gf.f\\!l~_ll mi~\:I:P~u~~.L~"~...=",~,.,.,,,.'f'l!TO""'_" S -....-U"".- 0- N''':'''''~ :.,...,. "L J""\ 1-' '\\ce.~-;'~if~~":1 .,s.. .. . .,' "-~"-'''''?""'''~6RF:e'€(l~eJ' ."....~-, .~~~1:~~~-.5l;1~~~~~.:., ""<<~~~..1-'''I~iJ;~~i!'t'::~:'':'':L~ upervlsor eense mue ,(\' r 'oJ '-/ '10\1 S' "" ",I1",!.. ..:k="'t'I"":"'c.'.'..~. ,'''''~.,.'''''''''j,,,. -.1..~'...'''I'' ' " , . . ' , f\ 9 " _....,...,~..". V'."'....."~'~:IT.."" ", -"~''''"''''''''-'-'''''''''''''''..' , I 0 0 I OJ I \ O/'. ,{(\a'j 0'0 ,INO\e., \\,\e , i\iCa\IOl\ Expiration Date '-t' nl"l90, '(OilJll1lla.!i<MIAlter~lb'.~\ltf 'ii~~catiol1 .. .' ,. /1 ca\l\l\~%.~ Q{~~I .33'2..'2.344). $ 50,00 Constr, Contr. Number b\ Itpl#'t> 1I\.lll\'O'2~~p!i'lO lId3\JZ"ps S 69.00 . ' 11.-"J0 1M::, 40 l' Amps to 600 Amps'S 1 00,00 Expll'3tlon Date '- 1i'.J Over 600 Amps or 1000 VOIlS see "Boo above, , I D r;;'"B~;:~~:~~lli~~';:'::'./;i~~l:.~4i;f"Ii:tl:~?'~':;"'~~:'1j("'~"if:lilMf~~~~f.t;';I;r1~~r.l!II~~~,~"l:!':-m;~b;i;~~'lj' ' :'9~ SI"""= of SlI"ervlSlDg EleetnC1~" . r..aDC ...~C:;\UUf.1iII~,"',,;!:.:~ 4:"" ' ~.:""-""~.;.j~.~1ili'~'i!!I4,\:&'",'~N""ll:;.l>:.'il.t i{lj'~ \~-\.. '0-- -t'" , ' ....... . ~"i;,;."ol~~::.'.-::.c.;r:N.~,~"';:~.Ji~~,,':!)t;..: _'ii.}~~""~.~",_':"'~..:J'""",~",,,'..I~~~;..,:_, iit~ 09/25/03 THU 12:57 FAX ~ " C7.. Q '^' 4 ~ /' o C\OT 55'(" C,;l-f'ITO'- -=:;.L,-:-'._ ___1""(...C""VVI Phone /, Owners Name Address ~.,.. City OWNER INSTALLATION " . -~ .,' The installation is being made on. ,......l""'..)' I own which is not inrenc:led for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: - Inspeetion Req uest: 726-3769 CITY OF ~002 Date .?\ 1.5 (J3 n",~ 5'1~ - D -oct -0 ~ . 3. ~Eg!E~~i~~!;g:?~i!flk~~~~~ '.:;:::':,~.r.'~""~':'I,:;_-~.,~_;::-,..~I\,:o-c-""(,,,.......llC_.~'.~' --..::""'..~.:~":-=-~'~~,:~_~::'-':''''.::.,-:=.=::--::,...-~:::?"..:;tj: A.. . ~1::NewLResidentfa('Jf;Sm<.'!;' 'c;!Ol[.MU1~~ffiV" ;~}a:,~t~fi~l1Jiit~~.r;~ ;{;~.:..~ .,~~~;:'..,::~::,j;i;;'..",:>':."":,~..,,-:.':~/. -," ..~-..\.'-:..~.~-;:~,;;::.-:.; ::~~.J.::~,P.w..~J"L-i::;':~l::":'::~';';~'.:._"";;:'!~-::: Service Included S I 06.00 $19,00 $50.00 New Alteration or Extension Per Panel , One Circuit ,,. \~I(\?\<.S 43,00 , E~~,1-dditiol1al Circei~l9\"twtlf: II " IS ~ClI 3'-' ~\J~er:viCe or Fes#'Pet'triit\S ?'C.?t-JI\ $ 3.00 , H\\',':"". ~f..I;)\~~.]i~n'.' .~.,: ..ii1....<.'~' Q,.i~",,,,,,,,,",.,,,,,,.,.,,~,,",,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.- E. i'\1fic'dta'rle6W.-E!:i,,;'," , . ~~iit.'iRd\i'did~:aar'l'ii~r;tillii$ ~~~\e1rJ\Qo~'""""'''-':"'.<'~;~~~:.'''~'''"-'~''.''< isil!hiQ'?;tline Lighting $ 50.00 Limited EnergylResidentia\ $ 25,00, Limited Energy/Commercial S 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45,00 + Surchar_g~ "1~~"'-('"i1~:;;~2i!.:Iu:~~t~I~~~''''::'1.''~::-l'm':cli'::'!lU'C'.li.!r.~...'!'.w\r-;'~~\1I.'!o'll;;''' 4.'~';D;';~M;{OFi.Ifir(jl'd:1':"~'~/o;t:.T~~;.1~.1'fi: " I \" ;.;: ti.:;~i-f1t~;;~~;'~~~~~SB:~g41fJ.~~\~~~~~~-~ ""1' t'.9D _I.. ,IQ lt7lf.~ 7% State Sun:harge 10% Administrative Fee TOTAL Slu:1rai Drive(T:)l8uilding FonnslElectrie:a1 Penrut .A.pplic::lrlon ~ ..Q,3.d.oe '. " ,I, IL. ;''''1..., . , v' J ......;.,1'1. , /lU(J 'lr . f.: .. ":)1~.~..J }{J6;O(irf' f'J{,.\.. I "bCt'ia J~''ft ~..' ")1"\ f~ d'n, '.. j"Jf~. . oJ I. \ v., .:J.,. .J,L~ ( -l,t. ... . --.I("."\, FI'iQ I Ui'Or'-," _,J ''';';) .$'....1, -', . ;.. I /> rt' I" I .J ..1t . . ~)'!I~ "tp J - PIJC',-4'{I .'...Jfrr..... "";,. 1 ,..4 -". ) .....~lJ.. "" ; nr'~ ~.' ~,\( I. ~~.. .' (.0'/4'" .~,j'10"" " ) tvr ,'... ..Jlf ,4 '"It._",...:;/3J~l!l~ ,~~ ... f"S/.;}. '-!":'Cf!;q.l,.,~ \ .10t I 't .,:j.II'/f\ v ""~""'1 ",) , ""/ I..,.j' "/ 'I.l~' 'h ",lln\' () /t. not .J, '110' -"I'~.'j qr~1 . RI . (? \,..." .,.!Aln.... /, . i)nt"lt. , /11"\ ., ~ . , . . "rt! " 7\1.' 'I I. tVJ,1't '"\ ~'.,"' -', II " " - - . PAID IN FULL . Ie diS " ,/ 'i'~' -,"- '. CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC \ . . . \...11 f OF ~rt<Jl'oi\..o1<lJi.LU Status Issued Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00984 ISSUED: 10/0312003 APPLIED: 09/30/2003 EXPIRES: 04/03/2004 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 54t-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769Inspeetion Line SITE ADDRESS: 3001 Franklin Blvd ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1703334402600 Eugene TYPE OF WORK: Eleetrical Work Only TYPE OF USE: New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Service to construetion trailer Owner: OREGON DEPT OF TRANS HWY COMMISSION Address: 355 CAPITOL ST RM 119 SALEM OR 97310 Owner: STATE LAND BOARD Address: 355 CAPITOL ST RM 119 SALEM OR 97310 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Electrieal SETBACKS Contractor License E.\wration Date MORROW MEADOWS CORP 91668 _."S 'lO~.\~\{lf/2012005 BUILDING INFORMAp~lb~aC60~ ;e\\~' aQ,u" \'(\'" s e\a 1O'l.N" # of St fi!'$iP\ ~aO 'O'l sa \\)\0 O~ g \-,9t18Iz\: ~~tit\1~trt~re-<;'(\0 ~o\)~'(\ 0' \'(\0~'f\~~t Floor: 1'-':r:h!f'Or'Hett;.~~O'\ 0 \~ 0~\0'" 0 \e\'S:l!l~\l Floor: ,tWf1tCJ.\~';bO'\' 'X)\1,).fI C O\a', \~ ~cSli'Ft Basement: NcJ\i>>l~ 'l)yPe~e'l 0 ~0\' ~ ~ u\\\\1~'Ft Garage/Carport \~~Y-!biih: 0 C0f1 O\0~0 :?,':Jrz.- Sq Ft Other: 009 .~\~~ \~ ~ \'(\0 ,\,'000 Impervious Surfaee Area: ..a: ..\0 .~\'" -)'- -,\~'" I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUI~D PARKING , '~\IJ?\ Overlay Dist: \'i- ,\1'Ot8 :N.IJ' # Street Trees Rqd: 'i:.'/..?\~'i:. ~~tf\lI.'iIicaPPed: Paved Drive Rq<<!:.~., <;\\~\.\. ,,<\\\S?t: 'c~ij1p'il'tt: !lo.\('i\ \v" ~\'" f:J'i:.~ \ ""f:JIJ~'c ' % of Lot Coverl!g~:I:.\\ "I;) \J~ S ~'O~\~ ,\\'''' , (;)\\\1':t. IJ~ ~ .'I\~ ,..,r,<e.\l jOI('l'i) , I PUBLIC IMPROVEMEN;;&.~ ~\>.~ \ .: ""~ ' ... Sidewalk Type: Phone 503-399-7609 # of Buildings: Primary Oeeupaney Group: Seeondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Seeondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: Front yard Sethack: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setbaek: Rearyard Setbaek: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: DownspoutslDrains: Notes: Pa2e I of2 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description Type of Construction Fee Deseription + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Sureharge Add, Alter, Extend Cire Ea Add Perm ServlFdr 200 amps or less Perm Serv/Fdr 201 to 400 amps Total Amount Paid . I Valuation Descriotion I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount . CITY OF ~rK11~GFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00984 ISSUED: 10/03/2003 APPLIED: 09/30/2003 EXPIRES: 04/03/2004 VALUE: Value Date Caleulated Total Value of Projeet l.Fee~ Pfclid . Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $14.10 10/3/03 1200200000000002267 $9,87 10/3/03 1200200000000002267 $3.00 10/3/03 1200200000000002267 $63.00 10/3/03 1200200000000002267 $75.00 10/3/03 1200200000000002267 $164,97 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. l.Renuired In~nection~ I 1 Rough Electrie: Prior to Cover '2 Final Eleetrie: When all eleetrieal work Is complete. 3 Electrle Servlee: Approval required prior to utility eompany energizing serviee, By signature, I state and agree, that I have earefully examined the eompleted applieation and do hereby eertify that all information bereon is true and eorreet, and I further eertify that any and all work performed shall be done in aeeordanee with the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work deseribed herein, and tbat NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Serviees Division, Building Safety. ,I further eertify that only eontraetors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit eard is loeated at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remaIn on the site at all times during construetion. Owner or Contractors Signature Paee 2 of2 Date 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone . Job/Journal Number COM2003.00984 COM2003.00984 COM2003-00984 COM2003-00984 COM2003.00984 Payments: Type of Payment Cheek -~. CI!""'" " Wir'" """-."""'= .._,..'..,.1 ,- . ..... " '>.," 'r :1 '- 1_1 ".;.~=""".,"",........_' "'""-.- Receipt #: 1200200000000002267 Description Perm ServlFdr 200 amps or less Perm ServlFdr 201 to 400 amps Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By MORROW MEADOWS Received By djb Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department-' Public Works Department. Date: 10/03/2003 11:21:12AM Amount Paid Item Total: 63.00 75,00 3,00 9.87 14.10 $164,97 How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $164.97 $164,97 . .