HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/24/2011
City of Springfield
[Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Final Master Plan Modification
Application Type (Applicant: check'one)
Pre-Submittal Final Master Plan Modification: [g]
Final Master Plan Modification Type I: D
FOinal Master Plan Modification Type II: D
Final Master Plan Modification Type III: D
Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section)
A licant Name:
Phone: 541-736-1026
Public Works
225 Fifth Street S rin field OR 97477
A licant's Re ..
Phone: 541-736-1026
Fax: 541-736-1021
225 Fifth Street S rin field OR 97477
Phone: 541 777-0494
HLM Inc.
963 SW Sim son Ave Ste 110 Bend OR 97702
TAX LOT NO S: 00100
Address: Jas er Meadows Master Plan Phases 9 and 10
Size of Pro e
Acres [g] S uare Feet D
Master Plan for Low Density Residential (LDR) development
A roved Use of Pro e
Description of Remove extension of Quartz Avenue across Bob Straub Parkway and
Modification: provide temporary emergency access instead - See attached.
Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a riate box on the next
. -.
Associated A lications:
Si ns:
Pre-Sub Case No.:
Date: 3. z. L{ - II
Reviewed b
Case No.:
Date: Reviewed b :
:nJ TUIJ(l- P l.,U)1.)J A.)~
Technical f e: (:r;;t ~
A lication Fee:
TOTAL FEES: $ T n-leina) Out
Final Master Plan Modification 709.09
1 of 8
Owner Signatures
This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent
complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application
process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted.
The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the
Pre- Submittal Meeting.
sig~f~r~ )/1 t ~
Print (
12/15 I/o
I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check
performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as
necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise
contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted.
This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete
application. .
Final Master Plan Modification 7.9.09
2 of 8
Current Jasper Meadows Master Plan Diagram
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This diagram shows the originally planned Quartz Avenue connection with the Bob Straub
Parkway. The planned intersection has been moved about .600 feet to the south, by an
agreement signed by Lane County, the City of Springfield and the affected property owner,
Gordon Webb on whose property the future intersection will now be located.
Proposed Jasper Meadows Master Plan Diagram as Amended
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This diagram shows the elimination ofthe Quartz Avenue connection and the installation of
gated emergency and utility access that would be closed to general public access.
Jasper Meadows Master Plan Amendment
Description of Proposal
I. Summary
When the Jasper Meadows Master Plan (Journal LRP2004-00014) was approved by the City of
Springfield, the proposal included future construction of a collector street (Quartz Avenue) running east-
west along the southerly boundary of the development and intersecting with the Bob Straub Parkway.
Subsequently, the City, Lane County, and Gordon Webb, the abutting property owner to the south,
entered into an agreement in 1997 to locate this street intersection approximately 600 feet south of the
Master Plan boundary. The proposed Master Plan Amendment is intended to modify the Master Plan to
conform to the 1997 agreement.
II. Proposal
The City of Springfield is initiating the proposed master plan amendment (Amendment) on behalf of,
and with the concurrence of, the owner of Phases 9 and 10 of the Jasper Meadow Master Plan, HLM,
Inc. The Amendment will accomplish the following objectives:
. Remove the intersection of Quartz Avenue with Bob Straub Parkway;
. Provide secondary emergency access roads to the land within the Jasper Meadows Master Plan
(Master Plan) boundary at the time of development of Phases 9 and 10 of the Master Plan,
respectively. The secondary access roads will:
o Be constructed by HLM, Inc., under the City's Public Improvement Permit (PIP) process;
o Be capable of supporting the imposed load of an 80,000 pound vehicle; and
o Be available for use by the City and other utility providers as access to existing or future
underground utility infrastructure.
. The City of Springfield will apply for and obtain a Facility Permit from Lane County prior to
authorizing HLM, Inc. to construct the secondary access roads.
III. Background
The Jasper Meadows Master Plan (File # LRP2004-00014) was approved in 2004 and revised in 2005.
The approved Jasper Meadows Master Plan (Plan) has gUided the development of the Jasper Meadows
subdivision since 2005. The development is nearing buildout. Modification of the Plan is being
processed solely by the City of Springfield since the Plan boundary and affected properties are within
the city limits. The proposed change in the Plan is limited to the relocation of the intersection that will
connect Jasper Meadows to the Bob Straub Parkway from the south. nie"intersection is now planned
for a point about 630 feet from Jasper Meadows near where an existing old farm road crosses the
Parkway. The planned new location of the int~rsection and connecting street is outside ofthe Plan
boundary and will be the subject of additional land use review and approvals by the City and/or Lane
Figure 1. Aerial photo showing adjacent lots and Bob Straub Parkway (under construction in 2008)
The Plan, as originally approved in August 2004 and revised in February 200S, shows the intersection of
Quartz Avenue with the planned Bob Straub Parkway on the southern boundary of the Jasper Meadows
development. Quartz was to be the connector to the Bob Straub Parkway and to S. 60th Street,
providing access to Jasper Meadows from the south.
The approved Plan shows Quartz Avenue running along the property line between Jasper Meadows and
properties to the south owned by Gordon Webb and Arlie & Company (See Figures 2). It was realized
after approval of the Plan that locating Quartz Avenue and the intersection with the Bob Straub Parkway
on the Jasper Meadows/Arlie/Webb property line would require the relocation of a major electrical
transmission line, precipitating the need to move the intersection (See Figure 3).
There were additional design factors considered as well, preferring to site the intersection at a location
that would not bring traffic directly off ofthe Parkway and into a single family residential neighborhood,
preferring to locate the intersection where it would serve the commercial node that is called for in
TransPlan and in the Draft Jasper Natron Plan.
On June 30, 2003, the City Council voted to authorize the City Manager to complete a right-of-way
dedication agreement with the property owners contributing land for the Bob Straub that included a
general provision giving assurances that the owners would have access to the Parkway when it was
completed. The agreement was signed on July 3, 2003.
Jasper Meadows Master Plan Diagram
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Figure 2. Excerpt showing the planned Quartz Avenue connection with the Bob Straub Parkway
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The July 3, 2003 right-of-way dedication agreement committed the City to coordinate-"a vehicle
access plan for a future local and street collector layout which will provide access to the Jasper
Road Extension [Bob Straub Parkway] via an intersection to be constructed as part ofthe
project." A follow-up agreement with Gordon Webb who owns property south of Jasper
Meadows was negotiated to spell out access issues related to the Parkway from Webb's
property. In the follow-up agreement with Webb that was signed on July 12, 2007, the City and
the County agreed that Webb would be allowed to construct a full intersection at a location in
the vicinity of the existing farm road on Webb's property that crosses the Parkway, south of the
planned Quartz Avenue connection shown on the Plan (See Figure 1).
Figure 3. Transmission lines on the south boundary ofthe Jasper Meadows Master Plan
This proposed amendment removes the proposed Quartz Avenue intersection to the Bob
Straub Parkway and replaces the intersection with a gated utility/fire access that is not open to
public use. The amendment does not specify the location of the new intersection discussed in
the Webb agreement with the City and Lane County. This Master Plan amendment affects
Jasper Meadows Master Plan Diagram and only modifies elements of the Master Plan that are
within the Springfield city limits. Street connection to the Jasper Meadows development from
the south will be accomplished via the new intersection mentioned in the Webb agreement.
Construction of the intersection is not yet scheduled, but it is anticipated that the intersection
will be built as as development occurs on Webb's (or future owner) property. As mentioned
above, Webb subsequently sold the land that he owned on the east side of the Parkway along
the southern Plan boundary to Arlie & Company.
After conferringwith city and county staff and with the property owners, the.primary issue
raised by the proposed modification of the Master Plan is a fire access issue. Jasper Meadows
is currently limited to two, no-outlet streets, sih Street on the west side of the Parkway at Mt.
Vernon Road and S9th Street at Mt. Vernon on the east. The no-outlet situation was intended
to be corrected by the intersection at Quartz Avenue. A temporary access is proposed by this
amendment that would allow emergency to the Jasper Meadows neighborhoods if either S7th
Street or 59th Street were blocked. No other infrastructure or service issues are raised by this
modification that will affect the remaining elements of the Plan.
IV. Conformance with Approval Criteria
SDC Section 5.13-135 Final Master Plan-Modifications describes the approval criteria that are to be
applied to a Final Master Plan Modification. The approval criteria found in Section 5.3-135 references
the approval criteria for the Preliminary Master Plan. As such, the Preliminary Master Plan criteria have
been included in this narrative. This section includes excerpts from the applicable criteria found in
various subsections of 5.13-135. Suggested findings are offered as a response to the applicable review
SOC Section 5.13-125
"A. Plan/Zone Consistency. The existing or proposed zoning shall be consistent with the
Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable text. In addition, the Preliminary Master Plan shall be
in compliance with applicable City Refinement Plan, Conceptual Development Plan or Plan
District standards, policies and/or diagram and maps.
Finding # 1. TransPlan (July 2002) is the regional transportation system plan which guides
transportation facility development in Springfield. TransPlan includes a map showing proposed nodal
development areas in Eugene and Springfield. The TransPlan Nodal Development Area map shows two
nodal development areas in the vicinity of the Jasper Meadows Master Plan.
Nodal area 9H will serve the Jasper Meadows area. Moving the intersection south will best allow
transportation connections to be made with the Jasper Meadows subdivision to the intended nodal area
which will have a small commercial core area with higher density residential development surrounding
it. The Draft Jasper Natron Specific Development Plan was prepared for the purpose of implementing
the conceptual nodal development pattern shown on the TransPlan map. The Jasper Nation Plan map
includes a conceptual road system that already locates the intersection with the Bob Straub Parkway
south of Quartz Ave. The proposed modification to show a relocation of the intersection with Bob
Straub is consistent with TransPlan and the Draft Jasper Natron Plan which implements TransPlan.
Figure 4. Excerpt from TransPlan and from Draft Jasper Natron Specific Development Plan
B. Zoning District Standards. The Preliminary Master Plan shall be in compliance with
applicable standards of the specific zoning district and/or overlay district. [No chonge in zoning
is proposed. This criterion is not applicable to this master plan modificotion praposal]
C. Transportation System Capacity. With the addition of traffic from the proposed
development, there is either sufficient capacity in the City's existing transpartation system to
accommodate the development proposed in all future phases or there will be adequate
capacity by the time each phase of develapment is completed. Adopted State and/or local
mobility standards, as applicable, shall be used to determine transportation system capacity.
The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with any conditions of approval from a Metro
Plan diagram.and/or text amendment regarding transportation. and all applicable
transportation standards specified in SDC Chapter 4.
Finding # 2. The approved Plan shows that a total of 312 single family and 270 cluster dwelling units
will be constructed at buildout. Needed transportation system capacity is calculated using the expected
number of trips generated by planned development within the boundaries of the planning area. In this
case the applicants submitted a Transportation Impact Analysis (Appendix 0 of the Plan) that estimated
needed. capacity and showed how the system of streets connections would meet the projected need.
Finding # 3. In approving the Jasper Meadows Preliminary and Final Master Plans in 2005, it was
concluded that the proposed transportation system shown in the Plan was adequate to meet the
projected need generated by the Jasper Meadows development at buildout.
Finding # 4. The proposed modification does not affect the capacity of the street connection or the
design configuration of Bob Straub Parkway intersection. No new dwelling units are proposed and no
new trip generation is created by this modification, thus no increase in needed capacity is created. The
modification simply acknowledges the relocation ofthe intersection to a point about 630 feet south of.
the Plan boundary. The final location and intersection design will be reviewed and approved by the City
and or County. With no increase in trip generation, no increase in capacity is required.
D. Parking. Parking areas have been designed ta: facilitate traffic safety and avoid
congestion; pravide bicycle ond pedestrian connectivity within the property and to nearby transit
stops and public areas. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with all applicable
vehicular and bicycle parking standards specified in SDC Chapter 4. [No change is proposed that
affects parking. This criterion is not opplicable to this master plan modification proposal]
E. Ingress-egress. Ingress-egress points hove been designed to: facilitate traffic safety
ond alloid congestion; prollide bicycle and pedestrion connectillity within the property and to
adjacent residential areos, transit stops, neighborhood actillity centers, and commerciol,
industrial and public areas; and minimize drilleways on arterial and collector streets as
specified in this Code or other applicable City and State regulations. The preliminary Moster
Plan shall also comply with all applicable ingress/egress standards specified in SDC Chopter 4.
Finding # 5. Ingress and egress generally refer to accessing a development such as a shopping
center. In this case, ingress-egress shall refer to the access to and from the Jasper Meadows Subdivision
from Bob Straub Parkway. As mentioned previously, the proposed modification relocates the proposed
street connection and intersection with the Bob Straub Parkway farther south.
Finding # 6. The July 2003 right-of-way dedication agreement commits the City to coordinate access
for property owners contributing land for the Parkway: The follow-up agreement with Gordon Webb
signed in July 2007, locates the access point to the Parkway for the Jasper Meadows development about
600 feet south of the original Quartz Avenue connection with the Parkway shown on the Plan. The new
intersection, as per the agreement, will be in the vicinity of the farm.road that currently intersects the
Parkway south of Quartz Ave. Access shall be provided to Jasper Meadows, but the connection to the
Parkway will be across Webb/ Arlie & Company property, south ofthe Plan boundary.
Finding # 7. The Jasper Meadows Master Plan was approved under the old 1997 Springfield Uniform
Fire Code (SUFC) adopted by Springfield City Council on December 7th, 1998. The SUFC did not have
requirements for a secondary access at the time when the Jasper .Meadows Master Plan was developed
and proposed in the 2003 to 2004 time period. The master plan was reviewed and approved under the
1997 code. The final master plan was adopted in 2005.
Finding # 8. Requirements for secondary access were first required in the 2003 International Fire
Code. The IFC was adopted with State of Oregon amendments by the Oregon Office of State Fire
Marshal (OSFM), under authority of ORS 476.030, as the 2004 Oregon Fire Code (OFC) on October 1,
2004. The City of Springfield, as an exempt jurisdiction, followed suite and adopted the OFC with local
amendments as the Springfield Fire Code (SFC) by ordinance on October 18, 2004. Secondary access
requirements have been maintained in each of the successive code adoptions in the 2007 and 2010
editions ofthe SFC.
Finding # 9. Phase 10 of the Master Plan on the west side of Bob Straub Parkway, included a
connection to the south side of this development which would provide secon.dary access to the west
side of the development (Phases 4,6,7,8 and 10. All except Phase 10.are complete). This is the
proposed Quartz Avenue and South 57'h Street extension.
Finding # 10. 2010 Springfield Fire Code D107.1, One- or two-family dwelling residential
developments, states, "Developments of one- or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling
units exceeds 30 shall be provided with separate and approved fire apparatus access roads and shall
meet the requirements of Section DI04.3." There are two exceptions. The first exception, dealing with
automatic sprinklers in all of the dwelling units, does not apply. The second exception may apply: "2.
The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall not be increased unless fire
apparatus access roads will connect with future development, as determined by the fire code official."
Finding # 11. 2010 Springfield Fire Code D104.3, Remoteness, states, "Where two access roads are
required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the.
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line
between accesses." Both the original and agreement-modified proposed intersections would meet this
Finding # 12. There are approximately 150 dwelling units on the west side of Bob Straub Parkway as a
result of this development under the Jasper Meadows Master Plan that can only be accessed from a
single intersection on Mount Ve'rnon Road and South 57'h Place at tnis time, Two possible choke points
include South 57'h Place just south of the intersection and South 58'h Street between Obsidian Avenue
and Pumice Place,
Finding # 13. The updated SUFC now limits the length of no-outlet streets serving neighborhoods.
This policy seeks to avoid a situation where a blocked street prevents emergency vehicles from
responding to a call for assistance. This new state fire policy was not in force at the time of the original
master plan approval in 2004/2005.
Finding # 14. Modification of the original Master Plan triggers application of the new fire policy.
Approval of the original master plan assumed that the Quartz/ Bob Straub Parkway intersection would
be constructed as the subdivision began to build out. Removal of the Quartz intersection from the
Master Plan, as proposed in this amendment, limits access to homes in Jasper Meadows to a no-outlet
street east of the Parkway (59'h Street at Mt Vernon) and another no-outlet street west of the Parkway
(57'h Street at Mt. Vernon). If either of these streets were blocked near Mt. Vernon, the subdivision
would be cut off from access by emergency vehicles.
Finding # 15. Continuation of the no-outlet street access situation risks delays in fire response, The
proposed Master Plan amendment includes a temporary access to the Parkway using the original Quartz
Ave. right-of-way. This temporary acces~ is shown on the Master Plan Amendment as a gravel road with
a gate that will provide the'needed emergency access but would be locked to prevent use by the public.
Fin'ding # 16. The proposed temporary gated access complies with the updated state fire standard
and is an acceptable interim measure to Springfield Fire and life Safety staff. The temporary access
would be removed when secondary access is achieved by the construction of the new intersection with
the Parkway to the south and the gated access is no longer needed.
F. Availability of Public Utilities. Existing public utilities, including, but not limited to,
water, electricity, wastewater facilities, and starmwater management facilities either have
sufficient capacity to support the proposed development in all future phases adequately, or
there will be adequate capacity available by the time each phase of development is
completed. The Public Works Director or appropriate utility provider shall determine capacity
issues. The Preliminary Master Plan shall also comply with applicable utility standards
specified in SDC Chapters 4 and 5.
Finding # 17. As previously mentioned, no additional development or expansion of the number of
residential units to be built are proposed by this modification to the Jasper Meadows Master Plan. No
increased demand on existing public utilities, including, but not limited to, water, electricity, wastewater
facilities, and storm water management facilities will result-from the modification. No additional
capacity shall be required to support the approved Jasper Meadows Master Plan or any of its future
phases because ofthis modification.
G. Protection of Physical Features. Physical features, including, but not limited to slopes
15 percent or greater with unstable soil or geologic conditions, areas with susceptibility to
flooding, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality
Limited Watercourses (WQLW) Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock
outcroppings and open spaces and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance as may
be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 3S8.905-955 and 390.23S-240 shall be
protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The Preliminary Master Plan
shall also comply with applicable physical feature protection standards specified in SOC
Chapter 4.
Finding # 18. A wetland identified on the Springfield Local Wetland Inventory as "W18d" traverses the
Jasper Meadows development. The Plan called for the fill and mitigation of about 5.3 acres of 12.2
wetland acres on site. That mitigation included the creation of 5 acres of new wetlands and the
enhancement of .3 acres of existing wetlands to replace the 5.3 acres that were filled. The approved
Plan included a wetland fill and mitigation plan that was approved by the Oregon Department of State
Lands. No change in the design of the Plan is proposed by this modification that will affect any sensitive
or protected features under the provisions of this criterion. The design protections afforded the
wetlands found within the Plan boundary shall continue and are not affected by this modification.
H. Phasing Plan. The Phasing Plan shall: demanstrate that the constructian' af required
public facilities shall occur in a lagical sequence, either in conjunction with, or prior to each
phase, ar that there are apprapriate financial guarantees as specified in Subsection 5.13-120 M.
ta ensure the phased public facilities construction will occur. [This praposal does nat change the
phasing of the master plan. This criterian does is not applicable ta this master plan
modification praposal]
I. Adjacent Use Pratection. The praposed Preliminary Master Plan contains design,
elements including, but not limited to landscaping/screening, parking/traffic management, and
multi-modal transportation that limit and/or mitigate identified conflicts between the site and
adjacent uses. (6238)." [The prapased change daes not contain or alter any design elements.
This criterion does is not applicable to this master plan modification proposal]
The design and construction of the new intersection on the Bob Straub Parkway shall be triggered by
future development on the properties south of the Jasper Meadows development. The street connector
linking Jasper Meadows to the new intersection with the intersection shall be somewhat lengthened,
but the overall connectivity to the Parkway established by the approved master plan shall remain.
Z. Any other applicable 'standard of this Code that may be required to justify the
proposed modification."
Finding # 27. No other applicable standard shall be required to justify the proposed modification.
IV. Conclusion
SOC Section 5.13-135 Final Master Plan~Modifications describes the approval criteria that are to be
applied to a Final Master Plan Modification. This report narrative suggests findings that respond to the
approval criteria and support a conclusion that the proposed modification to the Jasper Meadows
Master Plan meets the criteria for approving such modifications.