HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/24/2011 . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Campus Industrial Zoning District Use Pre-Certification .. . .. Owner: 13tV)' 0. : , 00Y'dC>.Y\ Phone: 5L-J - 005 rooKc:Jo../e Ave.. 5 Fax: OR. q 7'-1'7'7 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Address: /75 ueo..dmol1.cl Gross Floor Area: qL{L.{ s uare feet TAX LOT NO s: 17-03-1'-/-00-0/300 Far 'RJ. r;'eIJ R Q7i.( 7 Acres 18 S uare Feet 0 Date: Zonin Location: Cit Decision: Approved 0 fr.~~ / OCtl40~ ~ ~ Denied gJ Reason for Denial (if applicable): , /S 1(// -M,A! e'll' r Revised 12.1O.08ddk f~TI\ -00002- 2-{l III l>tl ~ 1 of 8 . . The proposed use proposal: Child Evangelism Fellowship inc, Evergreen District Chapter wishes to propose the use of 17S Deadmond Ferry Road, Springfield, OR 97477 found in the urban growth boundary, as a non-profit organization office (as allowed by 3.2-41S Schedule of Campus Industrial Use Categories). We have served Lane County since 1969, with Bible Education Classes for Elementary students, who have their parents' permission, and teacher training classes for adults and teens. We also run a summer Day Camp, S-Day Clubs and other ministries. These ministries are held in local churches, homes, grange halls, etc... and involve over 100 volunteers from all over Lane County. We currently have Bible Education Classes provided for 10 of the 15 Springfield Elementary schools. This proposed office would serve the Child Evangelism Fellowship staff (currently two full time staff) as a place to prepare lessons, order needed materials, put out newsletters, keep the financial books, and store materials used in the ministry out in the community. The reason for the proposal for this particular 2 acre lot (175 Deadmond Ferry Road) is that a very generous donor to our ministry has said that we could use the existing home and garage rent free with the possibility of buying it from them at a reduced price or possibly having it gifted to us. The existing 944 sq ft two bedroom home is a perfect fit and configuration for our small office and would need no adding on or changes. We currently have two full time workers and one part time. The concern for the need of key urban services has been looked into: 1. Rainbow water district services this area for both water and fire and has been approached about what the need would be if such a change would occur with the use of the property. There response was: There is no problem and no need for any changes in the current service. The contact person at Rainbow Water is: Jamie Porter, Superintendent 541746-1676 2. Lane County Land Management division/septic was approached about the viability of staying on septic with such a change of property use and their response was: Should be no problem, if anything the change will result in a decrease in water use. Contact person at Lane County: Environmental Health Specialist, Jay Mathison 541 682-3751. After further investigation it was determined that it would be best to hook up to the city sewer, which runs in front of the house, and annex into the city should this proposal be accepted. 3. Currently the home has Comcast which is what we use for our internet and phone. 4. The current driveway is adequate for the needed four parking spaces. (see attached drawing) The lot in question is not large enough to be a business park, (see 3.2-415 Schedule of Campus Industrial Use Categories (2)). To be able to use this property as a non-profit office, falls under the permitted primary uses. And lastly, our desire to have this non-profit organization office will help with the idea of developing the CI district into non-residential Campus Industrial by transforming this home into a Campus Industrial, property. Respectfully submitted, UVO' ;fA rnd- Doug Morse Director, CEF Evergreen Dist. . . (4)Current Driveway parking layout For: 175 Deadmond Ferry Road, Springfield, OR Four parking spots three on driveway and one in Garage. w+, s *" Nof -/0 sco./e ~" S" ~f1 175 Deadmonds Ferry Road, Springfield, OR -- -.--- I _ internatIOnal 'Wa'l7 ~ a: f- ... i i <l -~ ' ~...~ieViewOr ~'-- - ~ '1 '- ...... \. -,~ >~ [1 ~ [)e.admond Ferry Rd " '\ ... ", '3 " 0. --, '1' \ rJ' ~- .!.... dJ " ~ .. \ Lt; If ","..10< II "..01 II 1I1Wl11 GoogIe ~- . Map,data,Cl2011 Google . . Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Proposed Use / Description of Pro osal: NOTE: If the proposed use or expansion is not on the use lists in SDC 3.2-415 and is not a light industrial manufacturing use, explain how the proposed use is similar to a use on these lists. Also, if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. S e.e JC:l 'No-cited Pro osed number of full-time or full-time e uivalent em 3 Warehousing may only occur as a secondary use. In order to have a secondary use, there must be a primary use. If a warehousing use is proposed, specify the proposed number of full-time equivalent employees for both the primary use and the warehouse use: Prima Use: Warehouse Use: 1. Are all ro osed manufacturin 0 erations entirel enclosed within a buildin ? 5. Does the involve the movement of heav ment on or off the site? D 0 D D D D D D D ~ D ~ 0 1&1 D 21 D D D ~ D 0 D 0 D ~ D t5i1 D [Zl D IZl D D 2. Will the ro osed use meet all a licable on-site desi n standards s ecified in SDC 3.2-445? 3. Is the stora e of raw materials and or finished roducts entirel within enclosed buildin s? a. Is truck i. If no will it be in accordance with SDC 4.6-125 and 3.2-445? 4. Does the 6. Is the ro osed use a rohibited use listed in SDC 3.2-415? 7. Will the a. If es is a Lane Re ional Air Pollution Authorit ermit needed? 8. Will the ro osed use involve fire and or ex losive hazards? a. If es has a roval been ranted from the Fire Marshall? 9. Does the ro osed use address lare external to the buildin ? 10. Will the proposed use utilize hazardous materials that may impact groundwater quality? If yes, the proposed use must comply with SDC 3.3-200, Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District. 11. Will the proposed use produce hazardous waste? If yes, only that waste which is permitted in accordance with OAR 340-102-0010 to 0065 or any applicable Federal regulation will be perm itted. 12. Will the proposed use produce noise generated by any machinery or equipment? If yes, noise levels in decibels external to the buildin must be in accordance with OAR 340-035-0035. 13. Will the proposed use produce radiation? If yes, uses that involve radiation shall comply with the re ulations in OAR 333-100-0001 throu h 0080 and an a licable Federal re ulations. a. If es can it be detected at an line? Revised 12.10.08ddk 2 of 8 . . Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: s~~;;()e 'JJOVld Print J1;1.1fV)L Date: 1/27/11 Morse, If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: ;f~ ~ ~ Signature , Date: :l - ! - / / l~,' s j:. <J61-dQ..-)'\.....- Print Revised 12.10.08.ddk 3 of 8 . . Campus Industrial (CI) Zoning District Use Pre-Certification Process The purpose of the use pre-certification process is so that the Development Services Director can determine that proposed new construction, additions, expansions, or changes of use are permitted uses in the CI zoning district. The pre-certification process presumes that a Site Plan Review or Site Plan Modification application will be required for the proposed development. The pre-certification process must be completed prior to submittal of a Site Plan Review or Site Plan Modification application since in the CI district, no land use application may be submitted until the Development Services Director approves the proposed use. The intent of the use pre-certification process is not to specifically deny a use but rather to ensure compliance with applicable local, state, and Federal regulations. Compliance with the Operational Performance Standards will be a continuing obligation of the approved use. Failure to comply with the Operational Performance Standards will be a violation of the Springfield Development Code and/or Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code. 1. Applicant Submits a CI Use Pre-Certification Application Form to the Development Services Department . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items have been submitted. . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. . Staff considers the permitted uses specified in SDC 3.2-415 and the Operational Performance Standards specified in SDC 3.2-425 in making a decision. The pre- certification form will be kept on file in the Development Services Department to be used for continued compliance with SDC 3.2-415 and 3.2-425. . If the use is not approved, the applicant may submit a written request asking the Director to determine if the proposed use is similar to a permitted use. . If the Director cannot make a determination that the proposed use is similar to a permitted use, the applicant may apply for a Formal Interpretation in conformance with SDC 5.11-100. Revised 12.10.0B.ddk 4 of B . . I 3.2415 Schedule of Campus Industrial Use Categories SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED unless exempted elsewhere in this Code. The following uses are permitted in the districts as indicated, subject to the provisions, additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specifically listed may be approved as specified in Section 5.11- 100. Use Cateaorv/ Uses . CI District Primary Uses {31 '. . . .,- Advertisina, marketina, and public relations P Agricultural cultivation is permitted as an interim use on undeveloped land, provided that spraying, dust, odors, and other side effects of the use do not interfere with the operatian of permitted uses in the CI District 171 P Blueprintin~ and photocopyin~ P Business Parks (2) P Call centers that process oredominantlv inbound teleohone calls P Certain Wireless Telecommunications Svstems Facilities as soecified in Section 4.3-145 P/D Computer facilities mana~ement services P Computer svstems desi~n services P Coroorate headauarters, reaional headauarters, and administrative offices (4) P Data orocessina and related services P E (electronic I-commerce includina mail order houses P Educational facilities in business parks including, but not limited to, professional, vocational and business schools; and iob trainina and vocational rehabilitation services P Graphic art services P Hiah Imoact Public Facilities (10) D Internet and web site and web search portal (includes services and technical support center) P Internet oublishina and broadcastina P Laboratories, includin~ medical, dental and x-rav P Larae- and medium-scale research and develooment complexes (5) P Light industrial manufacturing involving the secondary processing of previously prepared materials into comoonents or the assemblv of comoonents into finished products (1) P Mail distribution facilities (5) P Mana~ement, consultin~, and public relations offices P Media productions, including, but not limited to: TV and radio broadcasting studios as well as cable and other pro~ram distribution and motion oicture oroduction P NoiH',rofit organization office - P Printin~ and publishina P Professional membership and union offices P Satellite telecommunications P Software development (includes services and technical support center) and nublishinn P Wired or wireless telecommunications carrier offices P SecondarVUses{3J{BJ A TM's; banks, savinas and loans, and credit unions P Barber, beautv, nail and tannina shoos P Bike oaths and oedestrian trails P Buildina maintenance services P Dav care facilities that meet Children's Services Division (CSDl reaulations P Eating and drinking establishments including, but not limited to: delicatessens, restaurants, and coffee/esoresso shops P Industrial and professional eauipment and suoolv stores P Low impact public utilitv facilities P Outdoor recreation uses and pedestrian amenities including, but not limited to facilities that are provided in association with a orimarv use within the same develooment area: P Parkina lots and oarkino structures P Pedestrian olazas and similar public spaces P Product showrooms, limited to wholesale sales P Revised 12.10.08.ddk 5 of 8 . . Retail, wholesale and service uses: P Swimming pools, playgrounds, tennis and other sport courts P Transit stations and stops, exciusive of terminals or transit storage areas P Accessorv componentS of a Permitted Primaiv Use (3) Central mail room P Conference rooms for tenant use P Employee lounges and dining rooms P Indoor recreation areas including, but not limited to game and craft rooms and exercise and P dance studios Warehousing (9) P Prohibited Uses Heavy industrial uses that involve the primary manufacturing of large volumes of raw N materials into refined materials including, but not limited to processing from trees to lumber, wood products or paper; from ores to primary metals; and animal or fish processing in packing plants Any use that cannot meet the operational periormance standards specified in Section 3.2-425 N Any retail uses, unless permitted as a secondarv use as specified in Section 3.2-415 N Stand-alone industrial/commercial warehousing, unless permitted as a secondary use as N specified in Section 3.2-410 Mini-warehouse storage facilities N Drive-throuah facilities N Medical and dental oractitioner offices N Motor freight terminals N Moving and storage facilities N Truck and auto repair and painting facilities N Truck and car washes N Gas stations N Motels N (1) There is no use list for this category of uses. Proposed light industrial manufacturing uses shall comply with the operational periormance standards specified in Section 3.2-425 in order for to be considered a permitted use. Large- and medium-scale light industrial manufacturing uses may stand alone. Small-scale light industrial manufacturing uses shall be located within a business park. No more than 40 percent of the gross acres of a CI District shall be developed as business parks. Business parks shall..~e 5,,2,cres or more in size. Unless specified in Section 3.2-435, business parks may contain permitted small- and medium-scale light industrial manufacturing uses as well as any permitted primary or secondary uses. Multiple story buildings are encouraged; office/commercial uses may be located above industrial uses. Development standards for business parks shall be as specified in Sections 3.2-445 and 3.2-450. The following commercial and office uses are"p"ermitted within a business park. Corporate headquarters, regional headquarters, and administrative offices may be permitted as part of a large-scale light-manufacturing use or located within a business park. Corporate and regional headquarters may also stand alone. The acreage comprising stand alone corporate or regional headquarters site shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks specified in Note (2), above. Corporate and regional headquarters shall have at ieast 20 or more employees at the time of occupancy. The acreage comprising a stand alone mail distribution site shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks as specified in Note: (2), above. Large- and medium-scale research and development complexes may stand alone. Stand alone large- and medium- scale research and development complexes are considered an industrial component of the CI District. Small-scale research and development complexes shall be located within a business park. Agricultural cultivation are permitted as an interim use on undeveloped land, provided that spraying, dust, odors, and other side effects of the use do not interiere with the operation of permitted uses in the CI District. Secondary uses. (a) In no case shall a secondary use stand alone or be permitted in the absence of a primary use. (b) Retail, wholesale and service uses, either alone or in combination, shall not exceed 20 percent of the gross floor area of a building. These uses shall exclude any drive-through facility and shall not primarily serve the public. Except for A TMs, each use is limited to 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. (c) Child care facilities may exceed the 2,500 square foot standard in order to comply with size requirements specified in ORS 667 A. Warehousing is permitted only as a secondary use in the following circumstances: (a) For the storage and regional wholesale distribution of products manufactured in the CI District; (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Revised 12.10.08.ddk 6 of 8 . . JONES Terry ~) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: JONES Terry (Tara) Wednesday, February 02, 2011 2:31 PM DONOVAN James TAMULONIS John; JONES Terry (Tara) CASA History Jim, Here is a chronology of applications for the Rice House/CASA property. I never found conclusive evidence that anyone really looked at the use question. There is some language in the various applications that indicates corporate headquarters as an allowable use in CI, but nothing in any of the approvals that addresses this. From the beginning Sony represented the use of the Rice House for Corporate Headquarters for a SOl-3c non-profit organization. However, I think I found a justification for CASA: Section 3.2-435 CI District - Status of Existing Uses, E: Significant GoalS historic resources, including the Brabham farm, the Koppe farm, ond the Rice farm, moy continue os a residential use or as any permitted commercial use. Any external modifications to these structures shall be as specified in Section 3.3.-900 (Historic Overlay). Since non-profit offices are a permitted use in the CC district, the CASA use would be permitted for the Rice House. It appears that Section 3.2-43S was added in 2004 when we did a major revision of the CI district so CASA was actually established before that (2001). Land Use Application Chronology .:. Jo /I 1998-06-0120 - Partition ofthe current CASA property .:. Jo /I 2000-08-0169 - Historic Site Plan Review for repair and modification of the Rice House at its original location at 3635 E Game Farm Road (Sony applicant) .:. Jo /I 2000-0170 - Annexation of the current CASA property .:. Jo /I 2001-02-0027 - Historic Site Plan Review for Rice House relocation to their new (current) location at 174 Deadmond Ferry Road (Sony applicant)(there were no actual findings of approval in the file) .:. Jo /I 2001-03-0049 - Historic Site Plan Review for Rice House relocation and renovation (Sony applicant) (this file included findings of approval) .:. Jo /I 2001-03-0048 - Tree Felling for Walnut orchard removal for CASA site .:. 20N 2005-00004 - DIM to discuss additional parking and use of out bUilding for a training room and storage (CASA applicant)(the application notes that CASA has been at the site since November 2001) .:. ORC 2005-00023 - Minor Site Plan Mod for use described above (CASA applicant) That's about it. I'll drop off copies of my notes to you and a couple of things copied from files. If you want to see any of the files, let me know. r_ ..Please note my new email address: tiones/lilsDrin.meld-or .I1DV XI003 1 . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Site Plan Review ~lication, Type II ApplicantName Sony Disc Manufacturing Ad~s 123 International Way Property Owner Name Sony Music Entertainment Ad~s 123 International Way Phone: 988-8000 Springfield, Oregon Phone: 988-8000 Property Ad~ Deadmond Ferry Rd., Springfield, Oregon Assessor's Map No. 17-03-14-00. Tax Lot No. 1000 (ParceII12) Size of Property % _ 000 Square Feet or 1. 1 Acres Gross Square Footage of All New hnpervious SurfaCes 7,660 Existing Use of Property Orchard Specific Description of Proposal RiHocate existing historic structure (Rice House) at 3635 Game Farm Rd. to new location, provide additional outbuilding for replacement of storage and support b4ilding that will be lost as a result of proposed city road right - of - way. Proposed use is as a corporate headquarters, a use authorized by CI status. Applicant Signature Date 57'S s ? C S /';/..)-1> 3. ccG ,1(/~ ,i I<'~' if:J "3'j.. -=?cl) Y grants permission ror the appliamt to ~ct In bisIher beba1C '--'i:~-1-:./) f i{ ~ /1)/ /:, //// ) L~-I -r......ri"J~ ~~{) ~ Date '3/ZJQI __7.?~ f . tf 1.1')'.-.2<': The uocIersigned acknowledges that the Iorormation 10 this application 10 correct I.Dd accurate. Owner Signature . For Office Use Only: Journal No. 200 1- 0 3 --00 4Cj Received By Assessor's Map No. J7-0 3-/4--00 Tax Lot No. Date Accepted as Complete 1000 -; ~55 ~z Cf) . ** Q c.o D;o~ ::I: 3: I 1-1("')-;00 1'T1:C '..00 ::::0:0:::0 0 "Zmt..J~ OG1noo-. lnrrlOO.+::.... I--J.a.... l....L....... Sony Disc ManufaCiu,'i' Springfield, Oregon Facilities Engineering . February 21, 2001 Site Plan Proposal Rice House Relocation and Repair Deadmond Ferry Road Background: In the swnmer of 1999 after the Rice family moved out of their home at 3635 Game Farm Road, the grandfathered use as a residence expired. As the property was zoned Campus Industrial, it became apparent to Sony Disc Manufacturing that this building would have to be converted to an alternate use for it to be maintained and occupied. Initial site evaluations were conducted and asbestos contaminates were removed. The process was initiated to convert the structure to a corporate headquarters (an allowable use for Campus Industrial) with the intent of occupancy as a headquarters for a not-for-profit organization. This conversion required; review by The Springfield Historical Commission, Annexation into the city limits, Site Plan Review, and Building Permit Application. Sony Disc Manufacturing presented it's proposal to the Historical Commission and gained it's support, went through the Annexation process, (the current site is now in the city limits) and had virtually completed the site plan review process except a final corrected site plan which addressed some minor omissions. The final site plan was not submitted as a result of the sale ofa portion of the Rice Farm to Symantec. The sale of this property included the relocation of the Rice house. Also included, as a result of the development plan, will be a city road through an existing Sony Disc Manufacturing storage facility, east of the Rice House (3633 Game Farm). This relocation and additional activities were supported by the Historical Commission at their meeting on February 5, 2001. Proposal: Sony Disc Manufacturing is proposing to relocate the Rice house per the attached plans. The remainder of the repair and remodel activities, previously approved by the Historic Commission and Site Plan Review would be accomplished on the new site, after the relocation. There are site specific changes in the parking, the addition of a basement (exterior will remain visually unchanged, except an entrance in the rear) and the addition of an outbuilding to the rear of the house. The addition of the outbuilding is necessitated by the planned city demolition of the existing storage facility but is in keeping with the historic setting of the Rice Home. Old photo's and plats indicate that there was an out building behind the home in its current location. It is further proposed that the extensive street side infrastructure requirements normally associated with a CI use be waived or indefinitely suspended to retain the country lane nature of the roadway. The Historic Commission also supported this proposal as a valuable step toward preservation of the context of this historic structure. Additionally, the unclear nature of the development to the north and the residential nature of the road from the intersection of International Way, both support retention of the "lane" nature of the roadway. Appropriate setback and right-of-way allowances have been maintained in the plan should development become necessary at a future date. ~ 1---- .. . . '. . CUSTOMER CONTACT . ~ L.j I 12<.0 .- ~s- - OWiN<< MaplLot No. of -03 - I LJ . O'U (3GD t.e"I<; Case No. Address: If) kc<.cf~ Ua:j M(jy~ Phone No. ='41. :)11 C. - 0(,'07- Contact: e.... c I ---- . (1'\'0 h~~'.Jlc ii-fu r4 12etnl- ~~~ wI c- '(\.0" . ~ ' 1/2-0/". p~ ~ '"0: P~d ~ ~ I,:t~~ ~~ ~ ~..J-i-t:tv.. :>? C-{3s,(-\ ~.)(_e...(' ~cJ.. 'to: V" 0 ~. e A-n n-e.~lY1 --- 9Cb?:L' @ ~J- O1M CJ'Z--f. ~ ~@<Z ~f.:;,6U / Z, rem ~ ~Oc. s ~ ~ -cl- ~ V\ })~ 0..-. I S'"ml ~. Q ~ 1 o~d h /-iN~ - ~ €) A-O,f7 ~ (9 lP~ P>.L. ~ . \ L .D_I ...b-(~b<. o--.s,,"tV Ii) 2> a.t'V"'- ~~'2f I~' ~ ~ h..x;t. ~ ....~' Ci\ t;. e..... <c.f ~" _r.liL . (~:t,f1)/lSlN) r- ~M fi~ ~ U bs. ~ ~~~ Lo(~ ~ ~ ~'^"' h>,j -( 5L{ I 1-3 <;".. 103.<0 \ -l j 4o{ (,43 I , , \jZif>lli .. ~~"\V ~ C~',V' .--n..-e.~ ~ ~ IPVV'--(' ~ u~~ - 0-^s c.evvvJ.. (fVI '* o.-v-. ~~ v..> ).-, I9v d...:t (}\.NY c.f .. ~ , . . n hl Q w n >>r r r C . n n n ;0 ~~ ~ . 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