HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 7/22/2010 === - iii . I I ....... - II II - I - - !!i IiiIil - - - - ....... - ;;;;; ~. iii - == !!!!! ....... !i!!!! II _. - ~ E == = iiiiiiii - - i1iiii!i II ~ III ~L !ij ..:'".~..=:.:.:.==---;-:=--., C;T-!70995 8736547 ,/ -;J7 Prepared By and After Recording, Return To: Gerald Pinzino - R/EI.-Legal McDONALD'S CORPORATION One McDonald's plaza Oak Brook, Illinoi~ 60521 6D78AGa! OB/19/87C.~SC UO~~3~lf r RESTRICTIVE COVENANT (Corporation or partnership) Under a contract dated the 23rd day of JUne, 19&6, Sycan B. corporation ("Grantor") agreed to convey to McDONALD'S CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("Grantee"l a parcel of real estate described on Exhibit A attached. One of the terms of that contract required the Grantor to record a Restrictive Covenant affecting the use of Grantot" s other property. THEREfORE,- in consideration. of the terms and conditions contained in that contract, Grantor promises and delcares tha~ the property described on Exhibit B, attached, will not be used - for Restaurant purposes lor a period of 20 years from thE- date of' the recording of this document. The terms "restaurant" AS used in the Contract shall mean a food service establishreent of any type deriving 25% or more of its gross annual sales from the sale of hAmburgers, ground beef products: roast be9:f productS and french fries, i,~cluding but not. li.itPd to Burger King, wendy's. 3ack-in-the-Box (Monterey jack's), Dairy Queen, Rax Roast Beef, Arby's, Bob's Hamburgers, aurgerville O.S.A. and Arctic Circle. Mexican food restauraqts such as TACO Bell, yaco John's and T~co Time are not included within the term "re's.taurants" as used herein And shall be a permitted use with the boundaLies .of the property set forth on Exhibi t B. The right to enforce the benefits of this restrictive Cc~'::,::=~t ::l:~!:!!1. 1:'=:>1.: \oil::;' ..h.. U'-'II",;:.i,-b..-2 ;;''::ui?=~t"t" .:;;;;;'".:, .i..::., ncDonald's Corporation, or its successor in interest, and shall be against the owner or user of any parcel, tbe subject of the restrictive covenant, which use is deemed to be, by the benefitted property owner, in v~uldLion of the restricti7::' covenant, but no cause of action shall lie against Durward L. Boyles, or Sycan B Corp., for any alleged violation of tbe r~ol~l~~ivc cv~~;;~..~ =0 1::,::; ~e ~~~~=r1 ~, ~OY'R~: or Sycan B corporation is not then in title, or using the restrictive ~rcell provided. further there shall be no liability against Durw~rd T.. Boyles or Sycan a Corp. if either of them hole title pursuant to a contract"for the sale of the restricted parcel, a Page 1 - RESTRICTIVE COVENANT i Date Received::'-. 7/U/U,IO. Planner: AL ....~:J7~ E'::',. "i:--. ..~...; L.t~; , .t~~~]~~ t ..-;:-.- ., '~.~.'. . I I ~. 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Attest: Secretary j; .r" ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CERTIFICATE j" OREGON' i..: ~~. i::. .t:".,:: 'V: ~" g,.,.... ,~~. .lii.~.- Lane instrument was acknOWledged before me on , 1937 , by OURWY)D L. BQ'!LES , ~ and --- Secretary on behlllf of the 1l-S-88 My Commission Expires: I.':'. :~f:" :5;""' !:.>:.," r:::' :~ t:: .,:.;" ~ . ~ ~~ Page 2 - RESTRICTIVE COVENANT F. j:" ~:,: '~-(':;.-: ~,' .,. 'iV: ':j{" , DatE! fi.eceive~::::d~/~ib .~...... 'y'elann~r: AL I OJ I I j ');~: r /.' 1 ,~,.., .. e ':::"';,:"".l;;i" ~ 1. .'.#'~.: '!~~~~~ii#~~~~~~~~~J~~f~~~!. I I I , ......_i._., : ,-~:;:.i'~'::' :';';~:J;;;:;l ._:D::'~ .._--.,~- ;:~0~}~f~ - ....~:..:.._,..."""'~ Lt,.' o;.i:" J!'" .0' -:;~~., _~ : -I ...:.t::"'?"~iiI!I!llI }:~':>\~:~'(:{~$- ~ I "-'"".--"-"'= -~. .'...- 8736547 r EXHIBIT "A" TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANT SYCAN B CORPORATION, GRANTOR MCDONALD'S CORPORATION, GRANTEE .'. Lot 3, Sycan Commercial Park, es platted and recorded in File 73, slide 61~, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. II !!!!!!!!!!!!!I - Ii I !!!!I!!!!!I - - ~. IiI!iIliilI . -. - - .. - !!!!!!!!!!!l" !!!!!!!!!!!!' - ~.. ~.' iii C'. ......,,\..... ...., ~:.. -.:.' R =. . elF' ;;;;;;;;;; ~'.. !!;;!!!!!!!!L....: ==;:::-- iiiiiiii":.. ~it '. ii ..,.... ==. III ~ ." " ;,i .,. ; .~. ;:~ ii"~ .,"', :7.1 .;::, ~-j . ;:j " , ..",! :-d =:=;; ] j ~ ~ ~ :~ " :-E; .-~~ ~ .;~i ,," '. "f.) " .,oi:.... '::;[:: !It. ._<~~~;:. .. .."-".-- . L',::jf,~,".. ;:,e;......... "';~:lf , ,,' :"-"-. ,.9.-::--' ~ate R~cejy~q~,:z/!J-~/~/fJ .~ Janner. At." '" '. ... !.~ --. -, .. -:I ;; / ':" .-,," .j'" I" . .. ." .' .:;~~~~~~t:~~~i~:r~W~~tf~iit~@~~~4~~ I i-," I , , - i :11 :1 ! .....:.,~ :..iii .. "I .~'-O;J:.. >';~ ::.......:.:'2]~!iil . ':,'-:-,:;;-i.i c:'?lli!IIlilll ......!}i. . "s.:" ... ,,::~~;~ .:.~'::/~:;~:;.- "... _.:", '~'" ~~i~~7,fu1ilillii ;. ! !. .i.;. E L.. P ~\ &.~.-: ...~. .". 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Range 3 West, of the WilIamette Meridian; Thence North 00'04'07" West 279.76 (eel 10 Q point on the south mMgin of BeJ!linc Road, said Wiut being 60 feet (rom, when measured 31 right angles to, the ce/}{erlfne of said rO<ld; Thence along said margin North 89.55'53" East 326.00 feet; Thence South 00.04'07" East 459.76 feet; Thence North 89.55'5J" East 2BI.'13 feet to D. poim on the westerly right of way line of a vacated railroad; Thence along said right of way line South 42"07'<15" East 562.86 feet; Thence , leavIng said right of way line SoUth 89"45'28" West 1199.50 feet 10 a point on the Cast margin or Gateway Street, said point being -40 feet from, when measured ill right angles to {he centerline o( said street; Thence a/urlg said margin North 00.04'07" \Yesl 601.52 feet; Thence leaving said margin North B9.5S'5J" East 215.00 feet to the IniUal point, all in Lone County, Oregon. ;.~ .~ ~~ ':;.1 c. .:;; '. o .' , . :~ PlIgc "I - Exhihi' "('1" !revi~t:d} ,~~. .1 ...' .: ~:;~. ~ .. . ~i:~.' . C~7- Si~'r-. ' ~~"'. .:-.;.- Date Received: "I !-J.:J)'J.-DfO la ': AL fl... 8 Mer.-.. ". '.... d.... ..' . . - . ...... .. . . .' . .. '-...' "'~tt ;, ;'~'~,. .~'~7-: '." !E. ____ ~~:B~~~i~?t~{~~t,i.t~~~~~~1;~t~~!*~~~~~, .-..' -- ,,,,;'. "I :1 :1 "Ii :,JI i;)iI!iI .:.. ".'1 ;;~;; .'.';':~"",~ .",~~:; ..j~i~ I ,. ,. ,. i"~ I~ .h~~: ~'- . f.?,' '1:-:":::' ""'--'" .Eli";'. .t~:: .' ". _....!:,~: :v:.:. .,.,:.: .:~'~i:::J~~;Zi= l '){(,;J)~ c "'(7%~ii '~.'. . . :::~::':J~Jif~Jl~-- _......._....;-".-,~,'-"'-= .. . . :':;;',. ~::::::::;....,-....,..."'-- . rL.' '. "~,..i.b~;_ ~.. . ,.\It?;~~iI .~: .. ...-:-<~~:_:~::~~~~;:;~~ '11.,-. . ....~:'="___.,.-..,>".=-__ .b. E "". ~.'" .' j'., 'r:' i;~, '. to. ,. I...,. f...... .. I. ir ~J~""..I,S'/'Y.~..i::;U1N' ~ \ "\ . ~.U'" ., TJIN I ,;-- ~r a I ; .. ' ,1. --J " i! ,l i a ;~ " h':~ '\J :t~~g. 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