HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/26/2010 "\_~ ' ,;City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Final Site Plan Review A Iicant Name: John Jackson Phone: 208-888-9508 Jackson's Food L.L.C. Fax: 208-288-4389 Address: 3450 East Commercial Ct. Meridain,!D. 83642 A Iicant's Re .: RonaldE. Thienes Phone: 541-726-8795 Com an : Address: Ronald E. Thienes, Architect P.O. Box 25 WallerviIle, OR 97489 Fax: 541-736-5181 Owner: Jackson's Food L.L.C. Phone: 208-888-9508 Jackson's Food and Oil Fax: 208-288-4389 Address: 3450 East Commercial Ct. Meridian, !D. 83642 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22-20 TAX LOT NO S : 901 Address: 3375 Gatewa eld, OR 97477 Size of Pro e 43,359.75 Acres 0 S uare Feet [gJ Pro osed Name of Pro. ect: A Convenience Store for Jackson Foods Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Pro osal: Construct new 3500 . ft. convenience store. Demo existin Existin Use: 989. ft. Convenience Slore Tentative Case #: DRC20lO-O0023 Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Associated A Iications: Iication Fee: ~WIO-OOOd2, g 0 '7g~, D Date: <b . ,0 Reviewed b Case No.: A Technical Fee: ,13 Posta TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: PRS1-010 - ()(){X)3 Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submilia! -V "1 . '-.. Signature . . I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: J4r K IJ fh/r.s Print . Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date Received: AUG 2 ~ 2010 Finai SIJL:.c:"t..~: ...n~_. ." 2 of 4 ..;a. o RONALD E. THIENES ARCHITECT 8/16/10 Andy Limbird Planner II Development Services Urban Planning Division City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Jackson's Food Store Case Nnmber: DRC2010-00023 Dear Andy, The following is a response to the conditions of approval for tbe above project. Condition #1: Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide An operations and maintenance plan satisfactory to the City to ensure viable long-term maintenance and operation of the vegetative infiltration swale. The operations and maintenance plan shall designate the responsible party for operating and maintaining the system, and shall be distributed to the property owner(s) and tenant(s) of the site. See the attached operations and maintenance plan for the vegetative infdtration swaIe provided hy Branch Engineering. Condition #2: To ensure afully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the vegetative water quality swale shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to issuance of final building occupancy. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion controVwater quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. The interim erosion control meaSures shall be in addition to the required plantings for the site. Condition #2 acknowledged. Condition #3: The vegetative infiltration swale shall contain a constructed growing medium consisting of sand, native soil, loam and compost The fraction of organic carbon for the constructed medium shall be a least 0.20. Alternatively, if this minimum Date Received: po. BOX 25 WALTERVILLE, ORE 97489 Final submittal AUG 2 6 2010 ~41-726-8795 iZ o o 4 o requirement cannot be met, the constructed medium shall be installed in addition to the required plant growing medium. Condition #3 acknowledge. See detaill/Cl Condition #4: No fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used or placed on the site. Condition #4 acknowledged. Condition #5: The D WP permit issued for the site on March 9, 2010 (Case DRC201 0- 00006) remains in effectfor this property. Any modifications to the existingfacility must comply with the existing D WP permit Condition #5 acknowledged. Condition #6: All hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater, including items for retail sale, shall be kept in secondary containment Sealants used in any containment areas shall be resistant to the chemicals stored within them. If the floor will be u.~ed to provide secondary containment, plans shall be submitted for review and approval by SUB Water Quality Protection prior to installation. Secondary confinement will be accomplished with an epoxy coating over the concrete slab floor. See note on floor plan sheet A-3. Exact specification has not been determined at this time but will be reviewed by Amy Chinitz at SUB prior to installation. Condition #7: The existing hazardous materials management plan (HMMP) and hazardous material inventory statement (HMIS) shall be amended to include all chemical products to be included in the expanded inventory. All hazardous material storage areas shall be identified in the facility plan in the HMMP and shall be provided with secondory containment HMMP and HMIS are currently being amended and will be submitted upon completion. Condition #8: The applicant shall provide and maintain vision clearance triangles at the corners of the site driveways in accordance with SDC Figure 4.2-A. Condition #8 acknowledged. All new plant materials proposed in vision triangles are under 18" tall at maturity. Condition #9: The property owner shall be responsible for ongoing and perpetual maintenance of the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure they function as designed and intended, and to ensure protection of groundwater resourcebMe'~~ceived: AUG 2 6 2010 o o o maintenance records shall be kept by the property owner and provided to the City for review upon reasonable request -normally jive business days. o Condition #9 acknowledged. There should be five copies of all requested information in this submittal. If you find less than five copies, or have additional questions please call. Ronald E. Thienes, Architect ~ Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submiltai ~__. o . . . 'e-_..",_ =~OC"'''t....... STORMWATER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR Jackson Foods Convenience Store 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, OR _c-........c;..,,~"'~""__ -~~;-....... . August 17, 2010 Prepared For: Ron Thienes P.o. Box 25 Walterville, Oregon Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 "",-",;.-"" ~ Branch Engineering) Inc. PROJECT # 10-063 Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submittal tJeJ! . . Stormwater Operations & Maintenance Plan Jackson Foods Convenience Store 3375 Gateway Street, Springfield, Oregon August 17,2010 Prepared by: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-746-0637 RESPONSmILITY The facility is to be maintained by Jackson Foods, Inc. Branch Engineering has designed a system that can be easily maintained by maintenance staff. DESCRIPTION The proposed development is to demolish the existing convenience store building and restrooms, and to construct a new Jackson Foods convenience store. The development will also add additional parking on the north side of the property. Proposed water quality treatment and storm water destination for the new impervious area, drainage basin "A", is an infiltration basin. Dimensions for the proposed infiltration basin are approximately 75 feet in length, 16 feet wide, 3:1 side slopes, and 1.75 feet deep. Basin "A" is 12,390 square feet, which consists oflandscaped areas to the east and south of the new building. Overflow will be directed to Kruse Way. See attached site plan in Appendix A. FACILITIES DESCRIPTION TABLE Facility Name Type Size (sf) Area Treated IA Treated Discharge , (st) Point Infiltration Infiltration ],200 Roof 7,981 Infiltration Basin Basin Parking Lot Landscaning Infiltration Basins are vegetation-lined depressions used to detain, filter, and infiltrate stonnwater. The basin is sized to infiltrate all of the water directed to it, but it does allow for overflow to overtop a sidewalk and flow to the street. INSPECTIONIMAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The system shall be inspected and maintained quarterly and within 48 hours after each major storm event. For this O&M Plan, a major storm event is defined as 1.0 inches ofrain in 24 hours or more. All components of the storm system as described above must be inspected and maintained frequently or they will cease to function effectively. The facility owner shall keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. Receipts shall be saved when maintenance is performed and there is record of expense. See Appendix B for sample stormwater facility monitoring log. Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submittal d;;t . . The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: InfIltration basins, and Swales . Vegetation or roots from large shrubs and trees that limit access or interfere with planter operations shall be prevented. . Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed biannually. . Nuisance and prohibited vegetation of all species shall be removed biannually. Invasive vegetation shall be removed and replaced. . Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain Jess than 10% of area coverage or when planter function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within 3 months or immediately if the season is appropriate in order to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. . The infiltration basins shall infiltrate within 48 hours after a storm event. If water continues to pond after that time, sources of possible clogging shall be identified and corrected. If necessary, the top layers shall be tilled and amended with compost; if this is not sufficient, they shall be removed and replaced with new freely draining growing medium. . . Inlets and outlets shall be inspected quarterly and after any large rain even. . Any trash or debris that collects in the planter and may inhibit planter function shall be removed quarterly. Source Control measures prevent pollutants from mixing with stormwater. Typical non-structural control measures include raking and removing leaves, street sweeping, vacuum sweeping, and limited and controlled application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. . Source control measures shall be inspected and maintained quarterly. . Signage shall be maintained. Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that can contaminate stormwater. Virtually all sites, including residential and commercial, present dangers from spills. It is important to exercise caution when handling substances that can contaminate storm water. Activities that pose the chance of hazardous material spills shall not take place near collection facilities. . The proper authority and the property owner shall be contacted immediately if a spill is observed. . A spill kit shall be kept near spill-prone operations and refreshed annually. . Employees shall be trained on spill control measurcs. . Releases of pollutants shall be corrected within 12 hours. Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored in any part of the storm system. . Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present. Standing water and food sources shall be prevented. . If sprays are considered, a mosquito larvicide such as Bacillus thurendensis or Altoside formulations can be applied only if absolutely necessary and shall not be used where it will enter groundwater or come into contact with any standing water. Sprays shall be applied only by licensed individuals or contractors. . Holes in the ground located in and around the storm system shall be filled. . Outfalls draining into vegetated swales shall be inspected and cleaned regularly to ensure no rodent activity, which can clog or decrease the efficiency of the storm system. Access shall be maintained for all facilities so operations and maintenance can be performed as regularly scheduled. Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submillal d . . APPENDIX A PROPOSED DRAINAGE BASIN MAP Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submittal jI/- ~ JO 3~Vd 11IJl.N.ms'~Jllll:~.aGA~'~ll.qS.~ 81V'l a,~HJ M~ NMv~a "C mO:l'~aatIJlU3'q:)tn.ra'JUUII. Q) LL~-6LL(GO'i) 90-0L'ON TO~d Z:L :3lVJS ~ ~ > C; I.m-it.t. 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APPENDIX B SAMPLE STORMWATER FACILITY MONITORING LOG . _" + ~. .1'. ,.,'. - _ '1 .. . ':, . . l' ,,' ~'" . .. ~ . I -","",,,~..=-,,,,-....-~~-,,,,,,~~~~=/. .;,&",,~~~'.~<~=~~~ .=~~ . ....."'_.=7ff~1_.~.. ~~.. .__..~~~,..;._........~..~;;. .-,~~ .":",="',"" ti~ ,_~~,,,_,.~,,,,-,,,-'<.~~~ '..:...~...l..l~ -',.,>1-"........ Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final Submittal rJ /- . . . , . . SAMPLE STORMW ATER FACILITY MONITORING LOG InmtrationIFlow Control - All facilities shall drain within 48 hours. Time/date, weather, and site conditions when ponding occurs shall be recorded. Pollution Prevention - All sites shall implement best management practices to prevent hazardous wastes, litter, or excessive oil and sediment from contaminating storm water. Contact Oregon DEQ for immediate assistance with responding to spills. Record time/date, weather, and site conditions if site activities are found to contaminate storm water. Vectors (mosquitoes and rodents) - Stormwater facilities shall not harbor mosquito larvae or rats that pose a threat to public health or that undermine the facility structure. Monitor standing water for small wiggling sticks perpendicular to the water's surface. Note holes/burrows in and around facilities. Call Lane County Vector Control for immediate assistance with eradicating vectors. Record time/date, weather, and site conditions when vector activity is observed. Maintenance: Record date, description, and contractor (if applicable) for all structural repairs, landscape maintenance, and facility c1eanout activities. SAMPLE Date: ] 0/]/07 In;tiaJ BJK Work performed by: AAA Landscaper under 3yr contract. Work performed: Replanted parking lot swale with sedges & rushes. Details:_ 'Work Order on file and available upon request. Date: Initials: Work performed by: Work perfomled: Details: Date: Initials: Wark perfonncd by: Work performed: Details: Date: Initials: Work performed by: Work performed: Details: Date Received: AUG 2 6 2010 Final.Submittal.Ji/-