HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 3/9/2011
City of Springfield
DATE: March 10,2011
TO: Andy Limbird, Planner 11
FROM: Kyle Greene, Civil E.LT.
Development Issues Meeting Public Works Land Development
The Land Development Division has reviewed the subject application for the proposed
modification to an Annexation Agreement created in 2007 and restated in 2009. The
applicant proposes to modify the annexation agreement to allow the future 9 acre, 31 lot
subdivision to be partitioned into three lots until such time as full subdivision build out
can be accomplished.
1. Annexation Agreement (planning and Public Works)
a. Attached is a copy of the Annexation Agreement. The applicants are
proposing amendments to this Agreement (see attached). Does City
Planning and Public Works agree with proposed language?
. City staff would is open to the idea of amending the restated Annexation .
Agreement to allow for this partition. The City will propose language
changes to the agreement.
2. Proposed parcel configuration (planning and Public Works)
Assuming amendments to this annexation agreement can be approved
by the city, does staff see any problem with the proposed hiyout?
. PW Land Development has no issues with the proposed lot layout for the
3. Vera Street Extension (public Works and Fire) .
The proposal includes a 90' -100' extension of Vera Street. The
applicant is intending to place a sign at the intersection of Vera and
Grand Vista identifying Vera Street as a dead end street with no
outlet and placing a barricade at the end ofthe paving. No turn
around at the end of Vera is proposed. Does the city staff agree with
this proposal?
. PW Transportation
4. Street light (Transportation)
Will a street light be required?
. . PW Transportation
Note; As is stated in your Development Issues Application: The Development Issues Meeting is not a land use
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any
course of action. The meeting conveys the s~tus of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may
change over time as development conditions or standards ch~ge.
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Date neceived:-4frp.."
Planner: AL
5. Project Schedule/Financing (planning Public Works, and Building)
a. The applicants/owners would like to initiate construction of this new
home as soon as possible (Spring 2011), move his existing home onto
Parcell in 2012, record the final plat in 2012 and construct the Vera
Street extension in 2012.
Prior to proceeding with house plan review and construction oftheir
new home, they would need to have the council approval of the
amendments to the annexation agreement. Upon council approval,
they'would complete and submit the tentative partition application
process. Can the city issue a building permit for the new home with
the understanding or deed restriction that only one home is to be
occupied until: the existing home is moved to Parcell, the plat is
recorded and public improvements are complete or are in progress?
· As far as scheduling is concerned, there is a process that needs to be
followed to move forward with an Annexation Agreement. First, the City
would propose language to the applicant. Providing the applicant is in
agreement with the language, the Annexation Agreement would have to go
to City Council for approval. It would then get recorded The timeline is
variable depending on if the applicant agrees with the City's language
changes or would like to modify them.
Other Comments:
There appears to be a discrepancy between the proposed Vera Drive alignment and the
existing alignment. The City will require that the alignments are continuous.
lfthe applicant proposes to take the stormwater from the Vera Drive extension to the
west to the existing catch basins near Grand Vista Drive, a stormwater capacity analysis
will be required to determine if there is enough capacity in the existing system (curb
Note: As is stated in your Development Issues Application: The Development Issues Meeting is not a land use
decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any
course afaction. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may
change over time as development conditions or standards change.
Date f~eceived: ~~/,ioll
Planner: AL