HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6266 03/21/2011ORDINANCE 6266 GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.452-2.474 OF THE SPRINGFIEL® MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY LIBRARY BOARD WHEREAS, the current number of five board members has made it increasingly difficult to achieve a quorum at its monthly meetings and expanding the Library Board to 7 members would help to alleviate this problem and that the board members will be referred to as "board" members, not "trustees." lIVHEREAS, a 7 member Library Board would better reflect both the size and demographic profile of-the community and help expand community participation. WHEREAS, antiquated and inaccurate wording would be removed from the City Code to reflect the actual operation of the library with regard to collecting fines, promulgating rules, preparing the budget, donations and biennial reports to the Council, . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Sections 2.452- 2.474 are hereby amended to read as f®Ilows: CITY LIBRARY BOARD 2.450 Board - C®ntinuation. The Springfield Library board shall be appointed and governed and act under the terms of this code. '` 2.452 Board -Membership. There shall be seven members on the library board, who shall be appointed by the mayor. Each such appointment shall be confirmed by the council. Aboard member so appointed and confirmed shall hold office for a period of four years. It is, however, provided that all, appointments to the library board may be terminated at the pleasure of the mayor and the council. The board members shall be known officially as the "library board" and individually the board .members shall be known as "library board members." 2.454 Board -Qualifications. Members appointed under the provisions of this code shall be residents or electors of the city at the time of their appointment. One member of the board may be a non- resident of the city if an owner of real property or tangible personal property subject to assessment and taxation situated within the city. . d~ 2.456 Board -Vacancies. Any vacancy on the board shall be immediately reported to the council and shall be filled by appointment by the mayor with the approval of the council. The appointment shall be for the unexpired term of the position being filled. 2.458 Board -Compensation. No compensation shall be paid or allowed any. member of the library board. 2.460 Budget. The library director and the city manager shall prepare an annual budget for the operation of the Library, for. submission to the budget committee of the city. Budget issues may be taken to the board for review and recommendations prior to submission to the City Manager and-the Budget Committee.. 2.462 .Fines. Any and all fines and penalties received by the library in pursuance of the rules and regulations to be reviewed and recommended by the library board shall be collected by the library director and delivered to the city finance director at reasonable intervals.. 2.464 Rules. The library and its operation shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as adopted and published by the- library and reviewed by the library board in order to retain the use of said library for the greatest benefit to the greatest number. All the rules and regulations for the use and operation of the library shall be subject to review and revision by the council. The library director, by the rules and regulations, may exclude from the use of the library any and all persons who willfully violate such rules and regulations. The rules and regulations shall be in .conformity with Springfield Municipal Code Section 5-.062. The library director may extend. privileges and use of the Library to nonresidents upon such terms and conditions as the board advises. 2.466 Reports. Every two years the library board shall make a report to the. council stating the condition of their trust and generally reporting on the operation of the library and its use by the ..public. . ORDINANCE N0. 6266 2.468- Donations. Allpersons desirous of making donations of money, personal property, or real estate for the benefit of the library shall have the right to vest the .title of the property or money in the city under sections 2.450 to 2.474, the title to be held and controlled by library when accepted., according to the terms of the deed of the gift, devise or bequest. The city may create special accounts for the gifts. 2.470 Staff. The city manager shall appoint the .library director. He may seek input from the library .board prior to making the appointment. The library director shall appoint library supervisory personnel. 2.472 Advice. The library board shall act in an advisory capacity for the council; city manager, and library director, and the board's opinions and recommendations with respect to future development, expansion of library service, library policy, etc., shall be given careful consideration.. . . 2.474 Damage, Unlawful Retention, of Property. Whoever wi(Ifully or maliciously. writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any material belonging to the library, or whoever fails or neglects to return materials belonging to the library after receiving 30 days'.notice and request for its return.shall be levied a fine of not less than $25. Section 2. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of the Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct; and independent provision and such .holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof. Section 3. Notwithstanding the effective date of the Ordinances as provided in Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal Code, this Ordinance shall become effective upon the date that all of the following have occurred: (a) the Ordinance. has been acknowledged, and/or at least 30 days ,have passed since the date. of the Ordinance was approved. .ADOPTED by the. Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of s for and ~ against, this 21 date of March ~ , 2011. APPROVED by the Mayor of the' City of Springfield, this 21St day of .- March , 2011_ . ORDINANCE N0. 6266 , ~~~~ s~~ iVlayor City Rec der .~~ ~ . ~~ ~,~~~~ O~FI~,~_ o~ ~~ Y ~ i-o~NFY ORDINANCE N0. 6266