HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2011-2-16 () OCCUPANCY MOUNTAIN VALLEY PIZZA INSPECTION ... \ \f ADDRESS 3161 GATEWAY STREET Person Contacted (Print) o R 1" ~ Received By (Sign) o Business Phone 1/: (541) 736-1200 (,.,) () () ~ I' U R ') \..... 1"..... !u ! i....... .v L , I :I':(H II i. lU ! u " 'I ........F lli ~ Iii (J \..) () \.,.) "1,d,1 .1.11" i ) ,....... .: j "-~ i.,..! Page 1 of 1 PRKH Owner: ~ Manager: 0 SONAATHWAL & JOSH SVANNA, CO-OWNERS 3161 GATEWAY STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 A: 02116/2011 REGULAR INSPECTION 1st Reins ectlon c:.V\\\HGFIElO 'f~/~( ~,:~O.. ~~~~~.: J .0- (/t:ESAt't.'\'\ Service Date Service Contractor 25.00 REFERRED TO FIRE MARSHAL $60/hr. Outside Visual Inspection REINSPECTION TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE/CORRECTION WILL BE DONE ON OR ABOUT For complete tm of fire code IBC violations. consutt City of Springfield B Pre- '03 OSSC 2010 Fire Codes. a copy of which can be viewed at the Springfield Pub"c Library. System Alarm Sprinkler Knox Box 0 Verify Key Works 0 Exllngulsher Inside Resldenllal Unit 0 . Inspactors: Gordon VIOLATION CODE Shill / Stall on LOCATION / COMMENTS (Sea back tor explanation) Date: Vlolallon Abated (Corrected) Job #SPR2011-00221..Desi ner. James Braham. Contractor: Sanderson Safe . Plans reviewed under the 2010 Springfield Fire Code, 2002 edition of NFPA 17A, Date Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire P Operations. This is a new installation of an Ansul R-102 system meeting UL300 standards. "021161201 2) # 3) # of a maximum of 11. Plans appear to meet code requirements. 021161201 The item(s) noted are in violation of the Springfield Fire Code. This is an official notice of violations requiring correction. Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to legal action. The inspection is intended for your safely and the safely of the citizens of Springfield. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. For more information concerning this inspection call 726-2296. . FD.4e Rev 6107 Jan. 26. 2011 4:45PM AN L Install Date: undefined :1. SU. Burrito Bandito, I No. 8855 P. 1/5: Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 1101 SE 3rd Ave Portland, OR 97214 'Geoff Spahr 503-889-3110 gspahr@sansafe.com , 64969 ' I " I I 3 Gallon System I - - '" .., ... ... ......... . ',".'~ @}:'::~~' . -=: =.: . .':~~:~;,:~' .' ".':: ~G;;~~'jaJ":,'~\h i"':":--; I :1 I :1 'I I " " ! I . , .- c. ,.._~~:O:}~r1k &j~ig~~~!ea~e-}yt>. .' .. . . - ..' . . - . . . .. . .. .. .. .... . .... ... . .....---.. -. , .. .. .- . .... -.,. I I .1 I I , " . --- - .- ",_., .. ,'. Springfield Fire Marshal's Otfice BOlsed on the submitted information, these plans appear consistent with the minimum requirements' for. Fire and' Life Safety of the OSSC and/or UFC as adopted by ordinance by the City of Springfield Review comments and noted exceptions are attached and on fHe at the City of Springfield Fire Marshah offi~e. Approval of submitto plans 15 not an .approval of omissions or v rsi of the 0 e ~ '~VleWer . 0a....21"'/1 Rev,.w.d by. ~. " ...~.o_.~.,~~....~~~~~~. :1 'I I I I"\~"O 1 "f r:: 3 Gallon System . ~ No. 8855 P. 1/5; Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 1101 SE 3rd Ave Portland,OR97214 Geoff Spahr 503-889-3110 gspahr@sansafe.com 64969' ! '! . I I Jan. 26. 2011 4:45PM Install Date: undefined Burrito Bandito .. ". . ..,.. - i I .1 'ON' .... ........ I I .1 , ., .. ._"... .M....._....H... _ . .. ...... o _... ON _ . _ . .1 .1 '1 :1 .I i I I I I ;1 r I ....N. 0."" .... .N_ .. . ___'H NOH 'n_ ';::;">:':':@ ." . ~"'j,,_~I~!I~'"~r'J;,.Xl,..'.--.F:,' . " Ga~ v~J.vE;l xl :." , ': :C:.:." ,...., .;. , . ....... _N.. ..... 'HM H'H' '. fO:T~nk. &.i~~::~~)ea~e'~t:}: .....H_.H_ .. ...._ H " _ . H. ". ........ ...- .. "" -- .. . 'H'__"_ .... -.... . ... .... . ....... . H' _ N" . .1 '. H --' :1 I I II I I I ., ~ -..--..-.... j --'r- 'I 1 i n~tiA 1 "f r:::: ~ ,/ Sllllckr ::.\)ri'Safety Supply Co ?S"o. r;..;,-~ .Sf- El.\~~IOR.. c: 1l{CS" ,Attn. .~.fl"..,;th~ , Ph: &<t( 2.;).1 (;'+"4 J~.~ (A. l"/llC<ilsansafe.com CCB#: 064969-0R / SYSTEM INFORMATION CONTINUED Date: F~knu},ry q ,lOfl :ib Nanie:, 8w-rif,} IiCl.Ji-6 Design Manual: Ansul R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression System Manual , (Standard UL 300 Listed) March 1, 2004 Ansul Part# 418087-09 ' 1 Total maximum flow for 3 Gallon System: 2 Total# of nozzles used: rAppliance' . 3 Totalll of detectors: ~ ' 4 Total# of fusibl,e links & temperature rating J.tG2 J(i;()O & 162 'Tt:;t:/ ONote; Detectors placed above each appliance. Appliances underneat duct share same detector. 5 Supply pipe size: 3/8 Black Sa - Maximum supply line:, 40' Sb - Maximum duct branch line: 8' , Sc - MaxImum' plenum branch line; 4' sd -Maximum appliance branch line 12' 'Note; Pipe length does not exceed maxim'um allowed per Ansul manual. 6 Power Shutdown: l'ilitro-switches (manual reset) 7 Fuel Shutdowii:Me,chanical Gas Valve (manual reset) 8 System tled,to building ~Iarms y Ifj) 'Note: All equlpmentunder hood shall shutdown upon system 'activation. ,,9 Remote pu)llocation; 10:-20 ft from hood (on egress) 10 1.6 gal.Class "K" extinguisher (within 30 ft from hood) 11 Flow Used; 1 PI,enum :1 duct 1 . " :' " 'f. " il " ! . l' ! 'I I " I .~-' DESIGN INSTALLATION RECHARGE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ,. ANSU~ II - ;. e. . ... - - - - - - -' - .. _. - - - _. - R-102 RESTAURANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM (Standard UL 300 Listed) ",,-.,' ... ,~ . . .,' . """:,-::"'':''' " ",.:~ ,,,,:i', .- ~ . ~ '.-' . -', ::;-:,..., '. :" ,..," , , II ~ .n Ii' FEB 1 1 2011 /'11 'I ~ lJL.:l~L.:lU U l...:it ------------------------ . ,~. . . . . , , . '.. . , ' , , . ". . . '. This manual is Intended for'use 'witn 'ANSULe R'-'102™ Restaurant-Fire Suppression ~gerris. .~_ __:...:. ~ .__,. Those who Install, operate, recharge, or maintain these fire sup- pression systems shouid read this entire manual. Specific sec- tions will be ot particular Interest depending upon one's responsibiiities.. . ' ' Design, Installation, recharge, and maliitenance of the system musi conform to the limitations detaHed In this manual and per-, formed by an individual who attendee an -ANSUL training pro- gram and became trained to instaH, recharge, design, and main-' taln theANSUl system. Fire suppression systems are mechanical devfces. They need periodic care. Maintenance is a vital step In the performance of your fire suppression system. As such It must be performed In accordanCe with NFPA 96 (Standard for the Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and GreasecLaden Vapors from Commerciai' Cooking Equlpmant) and NFPA 17 A (Standard on Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems) by an authorized ANSUL distributor. To provide maximum assurance that the fire suppression system wlH operate affectivaly and safely, mainte- nance must be conducted at stx-month intervals, or earlier if the situation dictates. Twelve-year maintenance must include agent tank hydrostatic testing. . ANSUL PART NO. 418087-11 '. ", ' . :.', ..... . - ' , , . AtIISUL, ANSUL. AIJTOMAi..I and ANSULEXare ~ ~T~-~Dnai i.lI:L orbalDllotG. , . .~-.,_.._- -"...,~ ....,. _ .---,- ". DESIGN AND APPLICATION The ANSUL R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression System is designed to provide fire protection lor restauraol cooking apple aneas, hoods, and ducts. tt is a pre-engineered group of mechan. ical and electrical componenlS tor instaJiation by an authorized ANSUL distributor. The basic system consists of an ANSUL AUTOMAN regulated release assembly which includes a regulat. ed release mechanism and a liquid agent storage tank housed within ,a single endosure. Nozzles, detectors, cartridges, liquid agen~ fusible links, pulley tees, and puliey elbows are supplied in separate packages in the quantities needed for each fire suppres. sion system arrangement. The system provides automatic actuation; or tt can be actuated manually through a remote manual pull s'.allon. The system is also capable of shutting down appliances at system actuation. For appliance shutdown requirements, refer to the current version of NFPA 17 A, "Standard For Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems: and NFPA 96, "Standard For Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations.D Additional equipment includes: remote manual pull station, . > mechanical' and electrical gas valves, and electrical switches tor automatic equipment and gas line shut-off. Accessories can be added, such as alarms, wenning lights, etc., to installations where required. . . The R-102 system suppresses fire by spraying the plenum area, the fitters, oooldng surfaces, and the exhaust due! system with a predetermined flow rate of ANSULEX Low pH Uquid Fire Suppressant. When the liquid ageol is discharged onto a cooking appliance fire, tt cools the grease surface, and reacts with the hot grease (saponification) Ionming a layer of soap-like foam on the surface of the fat. This layer acts as Insulation . between the hot grease and the atmosphere, thus helping to prevent the escape of combustible vapors. Exhaust fans In the ventilating system should be left on. The forced draft of these fans assists the mCMlment of the liquid agent through the ventilating system, thus aiding In the fire suppression process. These fans aiso provide a cooling effect in the plenum and duct after the fire suppression system has been discharged. The system is UL listed with or without fan operalion. Make up or supply alr fans, integral to the exhaust hood(s) being protected, shall be shut down upon system actuation. Along with the fire suppression system, the t.ot~ sy~tem design must include hand portabie fire extinguisher(s) located within the cookinglrestaurant area that can be used to manually suppress a fire that may be. burning in an unprotected area GJass K extin- guisher(s) must be provided for hazards where there Is a potential for fires involving combustible cooking media {vegetable or animal oils and fats). Refer'to NFPA 10. 'Standard For POr".able Fire Extinguisher," for additional information. UL LISTING Tne R-102 Restauraol Fire Suppression System has been' tested and is listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as a pre-engi- neered system. The' system is in compliance with - UL Test Standard 300, These tests require extinguishment of frres which are initiated In deep fat fryers, ranges, griddles, char-broilers, woks, upright broilers, chain-broilers, fliters, plenum chambers, hoods, and ducts ailer pre-loading each appliance with a pre- scribed amount. of cooking grease. Each fire 15 allowed to progress to maximum Intensity before the fire suppression system is actuated. SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Paoe 1-1 7-1-09 REV. 6 > SYSTEM APPROVALS UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 >. MEA S9-9SE DEFlNmON OF TERMS >1 Actuation Gas Line: Piping andJor s".ainless stae. I braided hose assemblies from the ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release > Assembly which supplies high pressure nitrogen or carbon dioxide to the Regulated Actuator Assembly tor multiple-tank system actu- anon. Agent Tank: A pressure vessel containing the liquid agent ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release Assembly (Electrical): An assembly which contains the regulated release mechanism, . agent tank (ordered separately), expellant gas hose, solenoid, and electric S\Yitch within a metal enclosure:-The-endosure. contaInS ~ . knockouts to facilitate component hookups. . ANSUL AUTOMAN RegulBled Release Assembly' (Mechane car): An assembly which contains the regulated release mecha-- nism, agent tank (ordered separately), and expellent gas hose wtthin a metal enciosure. The enclosure contains knockouts to facilitate component hookupe. Authority Having Jurisdlcllon: The "authortty having jurisdiction" is the organization, office, or individual responsible for "approving- equipment, an Installation, or a procedure. The phrase" Authority Having Jurisdiction' is used in a broad manner. since jUrisdictions and "approval' agencies vary as do their responslbllttles. Where public safety Is primary, the "authority having jurisdiction" may be a federal, state, iocal, or other regional departmeol or individual such as a fire chief, fire marshal, chief of a fire prevention bureauj labor department, heatth department, building official, electrical inspector, or others having statutory authority. For insurance pur- poses, an insurance company representative may be the .author~ tty having jurisdiction.' In many circumstances the property owner or his designated agent assumes the role. _QfJt!e .:authortty having._ __..., jurisdiction;- at government instaIlatlons,..the commanding officer or departmental official may be the "authority having jurisdiction." I'" Blow-Off Cap: A siliconized rubber or metal cap which covers the. end of the nozzle to protect the nozzle tip and minimize cooking ... grease migration into the nozzle orlfics. . Branch Wne: The agent distribution piping which extends from the supply line to the nozzle(S),--:-':~~'-~. -..---... .,,'~.==-'"'' >1 Bursting Disc: A disc ins~led in the tank adaptor which mint- mizes the remote chance of siphoning of the agent Into the dis- charge piping during extreme temperature variations. .. Cartridge: A hermeticaJly sealed, steel pressure vessel containing nitrogen or ~arbon dioxide gas u:?Sd to pressurize the agent tan~ Cooking Appliance.: includes fryers, griddles, ranges, upright . broilers, chain broilers, natural charcoal broilers, or char~broilers (electric, lava rock, gas-radian~ or mesqutte). Cooking Area:. Cooking area is defined as the maximum surface that requires protection. Each type of appliance has a defined > cooking area with par"",eters that vary for each appliance. For I example, the cooking area for a griddle is the entire tlat cooking surface, while a fryer may have two areas that need consideration, > depending on whether the fryer has a dripboard or not ' Conduit Offset Assembly: A pre-Ionmed piece of condutt which can be iostalled between the ANSUL regulated release and the conduit to allow the wire rope for the detection, gas valve and remote manual pull station to be installed in a more convenient manner. SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 1-2 AEV.6 7-1-09 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Continued)... - .. Depth: When referring to depth as a linear dimensiont it is "the horizontal dimension measured from front to back of the appliance or plenum. Detector: A device which includes the detector brackeL detector linkage, and fusible link used for automaflc operation of the fire suppression system. Detector Unkage: A device used to support the fusible link. "Discharge Hose Assembly: An agent distribution hose to be I used with castered cooking appliances with castered supports to allow the movement of the appliance for service or cleaning pur- ... poses.. Distribution Piping: Piping which delivers the extinguishing agent from the tank to each disclnarge nonie. See also Supply or Branch lines. :... :-.:.=:..~ 0"":':''': __.~, Ducts (or Duct System): A continuous passageway lor the trans- mission of air and vapors which, in addition to the containment " components themseives, msy include duct fittings, dampers, duct I fitters, duct transitions, in-line 'or enckluct pollution. oontrol units " (PCUs), andIor other items or air handling equipment. Electrostatic Precipitator. A device used to aid in the c1eanlng.of the exhaust air. This device is normally installed at of near the . " base of the ventiiation duct or may be included as an integral part " of a pollution oontrol unit (PCU). Expellant Gas Une: Piping andlor hose whlcln supplies the nitro- gen Dr carnon dioxide gas from the regulated release assemblyl regulated actuator assembly to each agent tank. " Rexible Conduit: A fiexfble means to route stainless steel'cable I from the ANSUL AUTOMAN Aegulated Aelease to a manual pull "station or mechanical gas vaive. Row Number;, Tenn used In system design to descrfbe the fiow capacity of each nozzle used to determine the quantity of tanks needed to cover a certain group of hazards. . "Fuslbie Unks:"X fixed temperature heat detecting"device employed to restrain the operation of a mechanical control until Its ... designed temperature is reached, allowing separation ot the link ... and system operation. " Gas Valve: An eiectricaliy or mechanically operated device used to shut oft the gas supply to the oooking' equipment when the sys- tem is actuated. Gas Valve Air Cylinder: An air cylinder, located In the release mechanism, which operates pneumatically to mechanically uniatch a mechanical gas valve actuator, causing the gas vatve to c1ase upon system actuation. High Proximity: Indicates a distance (verticaliy) between the noz- zle tip and the surface of the appliance being protected. - Hood: A device provided for cooking appliances to direct and ceo- ). ture grease.laden vapors and exhaust gases from.Cooking appU.. ... ances. it shall be constructed In a manner which meets the requirements of NFPA 96. . Liquid Agent: A potassium-based solution used for the knock- down and suppr~sion of fire. Low Pnoximlty: Indicates a distance (vertically) between the noz- zle tip and the surface of the appliance being protected. Maximum Length.of Cooking Appliance: The maximum dimen- sion, on any side, whicln msy be protected by one nozzie. Maximum Piping: Specilied. iength of piping and number of fit- tings which must not be exceeded for each system. " .: Medium Proximity: Indicates a distance (vertically) between the nozzie tip and the surface of the appliance being protected. Minimum Piping: Minimum length of distribution piping required between the agent tank outlet and any nozzie protecting a griddie, range, or fryer. Nozzie: A device designed to deliver the liquid agent with a spe- cific fiow rate and stream pattern. Overlapping Protection: When disclnarge nozzles are spaced equaily apart aver one or more appliances requiring protection. .Nozzles used in this manner. provide area protection of efigible appliances within the protected area Two types of overlapping pro- tection is availabla: full hood continuaus protection and group pro- tection. Overiapping protection is in addition to appliance specific coverages. _!'len.~I!1.:.lt>!,_s~..e~c1osed by tl}e filters ;ond.the portion.oUhe =. ___ hood above the filters. --- --- .- --" - ~....- - Pre-engineered System: NFPA 17 A defines a pre-engineered system as one which has ... .predetermined flow rates, rKlZZle pressures, and quantities of liquid agent." The A-102 system, as prescrfbed by UL (Underwrlters.Laboratorles), has spacific pipe sizes, maximum and minimum pipe lengths and numbers of fit- . tings, and nur,nber and types of nozzles..Thehazards protected by this system are also specifically ijmlted as to type and size by UL based upon actual fire tests. All limitations on hazards that can be protected and piping and nozzle configurations are oontained In the A- 1 02 Installation and maintenance manual whicln Is part of the UL listing. Pulley Elbow: A <ievice used to c1nange the direction of the wire rope which runs between: the regulated release mechanism and the detectors, the reguiated release meclnanism and the mechan- ical gas vaive, andlor the regulated release mechanism and the remote manual pull station. Pulley Tee: A device used to change the direction of two wire ropes which run from a regulated rei ease or a regulated actuator 10 two remote manual pull stations, or from two regulated releases or regulated actuators to a single mechanicai gas valve or "tram one regulated release or regulated actuator to two gas valvee.. Regulated Actuetor Assembly: An assembly whicln oontains the regulator, pneumatic actuator, agent tank, and expellant gas hose within a metal enclosure. This assembly is used to pressurize addl- tio~ agent..\anks _I~~..n~uttipi~ tan~system. Regulated Retease Mechanism: Arr enclosed device within the ANSUL AUTOMAN reguiated rei ease assembly which reieases the expellan! gas, activates aiarms, andIor shuts off other devices . when signaled automatically by a detector or manually with a remote pull station. Regulator: A device used to reguiate the pressure from the nitro- gen cartridge into the agent tank(s) when the system Is actuated. Remote Manuai Pull Station: A device which provides manuel actuation of the system from a remote location. Salamander Broiler. A broiler very similar In design to the upright broiler. A salamander broiler is used for general broiling of meats and fish, toasting, and holding/warming foods. Most contain a removable grease drip tray. ' . Series Detector: Any detector iocated in-line between the regu- " lated release assembly and the tenninal detector. Silicone Lubricant: A heat-resistant organic compound used to lubricate'O~rings, rubber and mechanical components. Supply Line: The agent distribution piping which extends from the agent tank outlet and serves as a man~old for the branch lines. " DEANmON OF TERMS (Continued), Tenninal Detector: The last in a series of detectors or the, only detector used in a single-detector system. This detector is thus named because tt is at the point at which the wire rope ends, or "terminates.u There is only one terminal detector per detection system, Transition: An extension of the hood or canopy which allows for the smooth transmission 01 gases, air, and vapors between the hood opening and the base of the ventilation dud. Vent Piug: A device used to prevent pressure buiid-up within the agent tank or agent distribution lines due to temperature fluctuations. ' SECTION J - GENERAL INFORMATION UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 1-3 7-1-09 REV, 0 "...~"'~~.-' . -.. -.--. - .'~- - --. ." ~ _ ____u....:_,.~. " \~ TOTAL SYSTEM . There are four types of R-1 02 Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems: 1. Single-tank System 2. Double-tank System . 3, Three-tank System (1 Cartridge) \ 4. Multiple Tank System [Three Tanks or More - Muttiple . Cartridges) The type of system required for the partloular installation wfll be detenmlned through the guidelines covered in 'System Design.' Addttional equipment which may be required to complete the sys-' tem design Is explained In the 'System Components' section. Additional devices covered are: remote manual pull stations, mechanlea and electrical gas shut-off valves, electriea switches, and pressure swftches. Single-Tank System The R.1 02 single-tank system Is avaflabie wtth a stainless steel enclosure and consists ot: 1. ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release Assembly (Electrical or MechanicaQ 2. Nttrogen Cartridge and/or Carbon Dioxide Cartridge 3. ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant ' ' 4. Dlschange Nozzles 5. Detection Components , 6. Additional Devices (As Required) The regulated release assembly contalns the regulated release mechanism, agent tank, expallant gas hose for agent tank hookup, and enclosure knockouts to lacllttate Installing detection system and eddttional equipment Refer to 'System Components' section for individual component descriptions. 0" Cl FIGURE 1 .. SECTION II - SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .. UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 2.' 7-1.09 REV. 4 Doubie- Tank System . The R.102 doubie-tank system is availal:>e wfth stainless steel ~ enclosures and consists of: 1. ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release Assembly (Electriea or Mechanical) 2. Nttrogan Cartridge and/or Carbon Dioxide Cartridge 3, ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant 4. Enclosure or Brackst Assembly S. Discharge Nozzles 6. Detection Components 7. Additional Devices (As Required) The regulated release assembly contains the regulated reiease mechanism, agent tank, expallant gas hose for agent tank hookup, and enclosure knockouts to facilttate Installing expallant piping, detection system, and additional equipment The enclosure or bracket assembly is mounted separately but within the guidelines of the regulated reiease assembly expellant gas piping requirements to ensure simuiianeous actuation of the system. Refer to'Systam Components' section 'for individuai com- ponent descriptions. . '" Cl" t:l o . FIGURE 2 .... -~ " SEC1l0N II - SYSTEM DESCfllP1l0N UL EX3470. ULC EX3470 Page 2-2 REV. 5 7-1-09 TOTAL SYSTEM (Continued) " Three-Tank System (1 Cartridge with Three (3) 3.0 Gal Tanks ONLY) The R-102 three-tank system is available with slainless steel endosures and consists of: 1. ANSUL AUTO MAN Regulated Release Assembly (Electrical or Mechanica~ . 2. Double Tank Enclosure Assembly 3. Nitrogen Ca1ridge 4. ANSULEX Low pH liquid Fire Suppressant 5. Discharge Nozzles 6. Detection Components 7. Additional Devices (As Required) .. The regulated release assembly contains the"-regulated release mechanism, agent tank, expellant gas hose tor agent tank hookup, and endosure knockouts to facilitate installing expeliant piping, detection system, and addnional equipment The double tank enclosure assembly Is mounted separateiy but within the guidelines of the reguiated release assembly expellant gas piping requirements to ensure simuitaneous actuetion of the system. Refer to "System Components" section for individual com- ponent descriptions. o o ;::Sl " " AGURE 3 " Multiple Tank System (Three (3) Tanks or More - Multiple I Cartridges) The R-102 multiple-tank system is available with sialnless steel ,. enclosures and consists of: . 1 . ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release Assembly (Electrical or Mechanical) Dr ANSUL AlIToMAN Remote Release Assembly(ies) 2. Nttrogen Cartridge(s} andlor Carbon Dioxide Cartridge(s) 3. Reguiated Actuator Assemblypes) 4. ANSULEX LoW pH Liqiiid Fire Suppressant 5. Endosure or BracI<el Assemblypes) 6. Discharge Nozzles 1, Detection Components B. Addnional Devices (As Required) --.--.' ...------ -. ------ The regulated release assembly contains the regulated release mechanism, agent tank, expellant gas hose tor agent tank hookup, and enclosure knockouts to lacllttate installing actuation piping, expellant piping, detection system, and additional equipment "The remote release assemblypes) is used in large systems or multi-hood systems to actuate regulated actuator assemblypesj- -. -- ONLY. The remote release assembly contains a release mecha- nism (unregulated), wnh enclosure knockouts to lacilltate Installing the actuation piping, expellant piping, detection system, and eddi- "tional equipment . Each regulated actuator assembly is mounted separately but with- in the guidelines of the regulated release assembly actuation! expefiarrt gas piping requirements to ensure simuttaneous actua- tion of the system. The assembly contains the pneumatic actuator, . regulator, agent tank,' expellant gas hose for agent tank hookup, and endosure plugs to facilitate installing expellant piping. Eech enclosure Dr bracl<et assembly is mounted separately but within the guidelines of. the reguleted release ?Ssembly or reguiat- . ed actuator assembly expallant ges piping requirements to ensure simultaneous actuatton of the system. Refer to "System Componentsll section for inqrvidual cDmponent descriptions. " " ~ " FIGURE 4 -- SYSTEM DESIGN " The ANSUL R-102 Restauran! Fire Suppression System may be used on a number of different types of restaurant cooking appl~ ances and hood and duct configurations. The design information listed in this section deals with the limitations and parameters of this pre--engineered system. Those individuals responsibie for the design of the R-1 02 system must be lrajned and hold a current ANSUL certificate in an R-102 training program, The R-102 and the PIRANHA systems use compatible agents and components, therefore, they may be used together for cooking appliance, hood, and duct protection, The primary ANSUL, AUTOMAN Release can be either an R-102 or a PIRANHA ANSUL AUTOMAN Release and can actuate up 'to two additional R-102 or PIRANHA Regulated Actuators, In systems utilizing a 101 remote releasel any combination of the maximum number of regulated actuators can be used, . Both systems must actUate simultaneousiY:-" . Each system must be designed and installed per Its appropri- ate manual. . Adjacent' appliances requiring protection must be protected with the same type of syslam, either R-102 or PIRANHA, unless the center-to-oenter spacing between the edjacent R-102 and PIRANHA nozzles Is no less than 36 In. (91.4 cm).- . When appliances are protected with R-102 nozzles, the hood- and connecting duct above those appliances cannot be pro- tected with PIRANHA nozzles. . Mixing systems In a common plenum Is not allowed. One of the key elements for restaurant fire protecllon is a correel system design. This section Is dMded into ten sub-sections: Noz- zle Placement Requirements. Tank Quantity Requirements, Actu- ation and ExpeIlarrt Gas Une Requirements, Distribution Piping Requirements, Detection System Requirements, Manual Pull Sta- tion Requirements, Mechanical Gas Valve Requirements, Ele~ ow Gas Valve Requirements, Electrical sWitch Requirements, and Pressure Switch Requirements. Eech of these sections must be completed before attempting any Ins'.allation.' System design sketches should be made of ali aspeels of design for reference during instwlation. . NOZZLE PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTI; This section gives guidelines tor nozzle 'type,. positioning, and quantity for duel, plenum, and indMdual appliance proteelion. this 'section must be completed before determining tank quantity and piping requirements. . Duct Protection - Single Nozzle All duct proteciion is UL listed wilhoutliinitation of maximum due! length (unlimited length). This includes all varleties.of ductworks both horizontal and vertical including duels that run at angies to the horizontal arid duels with directional bends. The A-102 system uses different duct nozzles depending on the size of duct being protected: . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN ' UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-1 7-1-09 REV. 8 GENERAL INFORMATION' 1. Nozzies must be located 2-8 in: (5-20 em) into the center of the ' duel opening, discharging up. See Figure 1 . /- 2-alN. (5-20 em) t AGURE 1 ""'" 2. In Installa~ons w1here a' UL listed damper assembly Is employed, the duel nozzle can be installed beyond the 8 in. (20 em) maximum, to a point just beyond the damper assem- , biy that will no! intertere with the damper. Exceeding the maxl- mum of 8 in. (20 cm) in this way will not void the UL listing of the system. 3. Previously listed 3 flow number and 5 flow number duct pro- tection detalled in earlier published manual, Part No. 418087- 06, can also still by utilized. DUCT SIZES UP TO 50 IN. (1 Z1 cm) PERlMETERl16 IN. (41 em) DIAMETER . One 1W nozzle (part No. 419336) = one fiow number . 50 in. (127 cm) perimeter maximum . 16 In. (41 em) diameter maximum DUCT SIZES UP TO 100 IN. (254 em)' PERIMETERl32 IN. (81.3 cm) DIAMETER . One 'N'I Nozzle (Pert No. 419337) = twc lIow numbers . 100 in. (254 em) perimeter maximum . 32 in. (81.3 cm) diameter maximum The chart below shows the maximum protection available from each duct nozzie. Pert 3.0 Gallon 1.5 Gallon Description No. System System _ 2W Nozzie 419337 MaXimum Maximum 100 in. (254 cm) 1 00 in. (254 cm) Perimeter Perimeter 1W Nozzle 419336 Maximum Maximum 50 In. (127 em) 50 in. (127 em) Perimeter Perimeter SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-2 REV. 4 4-1-05 Duct Protection - Multiple Nozzle DUCT SIZES UP TO 135 IN. (343 em) PERIMETER - 3 FLOW OPTION .. One 1W Nozzle (Part No. 419336) and one 2W Nozzle (Part No. 419337) = three flow numbers . 135 in. (343 em) perimeter maximum . No round duet option available ; Follow design tabie in F;gure 2 to detenm;ne maximum module size for each nozzle . 1 W Module 2W Module Side A Side B Side B Side B Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum in. (em) in. (em) . In._ (em).._~'i",. ,=icm)c~ 4 (10) 60.0 (152) 23:0 (58) 37.0 (94) -. . 5 (13) 60.0 (152) 23.0 (58) 37.0 (94) 6 (15) 59.5 (151) 22.5 (57) 37.0 (94) 7 (18) 59.0 (150) 22.0 (56) 37.0 (94) 8 (20) 58.5 (149) 22.0 (56) 36.5 (93) 9 . (23) 58.0 (147) 21.5 (55) 36.5 (93) 10 (25) 57.0 (145) 21..0 (53)~_._36_0_ .(91) ------- 11 (28) 56.0 (142) 20.5 (52) 35.5 (90) 12 (31) 55.5 (141) 20.0 (51) 35.5 (90'-'-~- 13 (33) 54.5 (138) 19.5 (60) 35.0 (89) 14 (36) 53.5 (136) 18.5 (47) 36.0 (89) 15 (38) 52.0 (132) 18.0 (46) 34.0 (86) 16 (41) 51.0 (130) 17.0 (43) 34.0 (86) 17 (43) 49.5 (126) 16.0 (41) 33.5 (85) 18 (46) 47.5 (121) 14.5 (37) 33.0 (84) 19 (48) 46.0 (117) 13.5 (34) 32.5 (83) 20 (51) 43.5 (111) 12.0 (31) 31.7 (81) . 21 (53) 41.0 (104) 10.0 (25) 31.0 (79) 22 (56) 38.0 (97) 7.5 (19) 30.5 (78) 23 (58) 33.5 (85) 4.0 (10) 29.5 (75) of I Side B .. ,I-H 00 I . ~ I AGURE 2 ~ Example: Protection is required for a duct that has an -u-N dime"=-- - ----- . sian of 8.0 in. (20 em) wide and a "8'f dimension of 55 in. (140 em) long. Referring to the table in Figure 2, if the "Ao dimension is 8.0 in. (20 em), the "S" dimension must not exceed 58.5 in. (149 em). In this examp~e, the "Bn dimension is 55 in. (140 em), therefore, this duct ean be protected with a three flow application. . Read over from the 8.0 in. (20 em) line on the table to the 1 W Module column. At that poinL the chart shows that the "S" module . length tor the 1W nozzle can be 22.0 In. (56 em). Center the 1W . nozzle in that moduie. The 2W moduie can now be centered with. in the remaining module. , SECnON N - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 f'age 4-3 7-1-09 REV,S Duct Protection - Multiple ,Nozzle (Continued) -I DUCT SIZES GREATER THAN 100 IN. (254 em) PERIMETER I' - . Ducts over 100 In. (254 ern) perimeter may be modulari2ed using 2W nozzles (Part No. 419337) . No round dud option available . Follow the design chart to determine maximum module size for each 2W nozzle . When determining number 01 nozz\es requiredl it is sometimes an advantage to check the chart using the shortest side as Side RAil and then .recheck It using the longest side as Side IlAn, This comparison may reveal a need for a lesser quantity of. nozzles one way versus the other way, When working with Chart t, the quantity of nozzles determined must be equaily dIVided within tlie duct area. ' When working wtth Chart 2, one haH of the quantity of nozzles determined must be equaily positioned in the top half of the area of tlie dud and the remaining half of the nozzles must be posi- tioned in the botiom half of the duct area. Example: The duct to be protected has a Side .'A" of 40 in. . (101.6 em) and a Side "8" of 60 in. (152.4 em). Referring to the design chart, this dud requires 4 nozzles. One haH of 4 = 2. Therefore, 2 nozzles must be equally positioned in each of the two 'duct areas. See Figure 3. SlOE"'B~ 30 IN. (76 em) 30 iN, (76 an) . SlCE ",. 20 IN. j (51 em) · I'. 4ll1N.' ~- - - - - - - - - - (102 an) i · J ,I 20 IN. (51 em) . I, lllllN. (152 em) CHART NO. 1 8 AI- · . - -I FIGURE 3 ~ SIDE "," In. "" ,,,. 293113132. JJJ4 J53' ,,,. ~'" "" ".. 4546C-4B "SO 51" .35. "" ''"' 596061626364 "" "" .", N 12 n .." "" 747617981 ",. .", '497 89' ~ 'oo u 1'14H7119m t2+ ,.,,,,,,, "' "' ,."" '" '" 17D11375 ..'" ~. I-'- r ~. . " i-!- r ~ , ~ r ~ " ~ 1 r r ~ " " IE. r ~ ~ " " ~ r W ~ " " ~ r 2 r ~ n .., ~ ir , ..s ~ ~ ~ -rl ..J ~ ~ " \.B. r I 1 r ~ ZI " ~ r ~ f!! " " ~ I I- 3 ~ T7 - " ~ r - r ~ " " ~ r-- .J ~ " " ~ 4 r ~ D ~ 5 " " , . " " 5' . J , , , " In. SIDE -a" c:m SIDE MA" =,' CHART NO.2 . '~;--:--H NC1TE: NOZZLE aUANTmES USTED IN a-tART 2 MUST BE EQUAlLY OrVIDEtlINlo EACH OFTHE'TWO DUCT MODULES. . i.J!. , f.J " " " ~ r " " .. ~ 2 4 i-J .Jg' " 1," E. 1 f- 6 ", " TO' " " r r, ~ ~ 111~ .!'- p- I I 'I r .i-J I ~ " 119 ~ I I '22 - =- SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-4 REV. 7 7-1-09 Transition Protection Transhions are prolected at a point in the transition where the perimeter or the diameter is equal to or less than the maximum . size duct that can be protected. The nozz1e(s) must be located in the center of the area at that point, or center of the module pro- tected when more than one duct nozzie is required. Nole: Nozzles 10 protect ducts with a transition that Is more than 4 It (1.2 m) in height, will be required to be positioned in the opening of the transition from the hood 2 to e in. (5.1 to 20.3 em) into the opening using standard duct nozzle design parameters. See . Figure 4. The 112N nozzle (Part No. 419334) must be centered 1 0 to 25 in. . (25 to 65 em) below the preeiprtator and aimed to discharge at the center of each preciphalor cell. However, ij rt is physicaily imposs~ bie to mount the nozzle at 10 to 26 in. (25 to 66 em) due to pre- eiprtator placement, the nozzle may be mounted closer than 10 In. (25 em). See Figure S. OUCT NOZZLE r I DUCT . . FIGURE 4 ~ Electrostatic Precipitator Protection Some restaurant ventilating ducts have an electrostatic preciprta- . tor installed at or near the base. These precipitators are generally . small and are used to aid in the cieaning of exhaust air. . Ducts with precipitators iocated at or near the base can be pro- . \ected using duct nozzle(s) above the precipltaior and 112N noz- Zle(s} (Part No. 419334) tor the preciprtator. One 112N nozzle must be used tor each cell being protected. This nozzle tip is stamped with 1/2N, indicating that rt is a 1/2-flow nozzle and must be count- ed as 1/2 flow number. When protecting ducts equipped with precipltaiors, the duct noz- zle(s) must be..1nstalled above the precipitator and aimed to die-. charge downstream. If the area above the preclpitator is a duct., the nazzle(s) must be positioned according to duct protection guide- lines. If the area above the precipItator is a transition, the transttion. guidelines must b~ followed. PRECIPITATOR NOZZLE FOR PRECIPITATOR PFlOTECT1ON . IF PHYSlCAI..l..Y IMPOSSIBLE..u,O 10 26 IN. (2S TO 6E em), NomE MAY BE.' t.AOlJNTED CLOSER THAN 10 IN. (25 em}. FIGURE 5 -- . Note: For protection of Pollution Control Units (PCUs) or air scrub- . . bers wrth or without ESPs, contact Ansul Technical Services tor . non-UL listad recommended application. " Plenum Protection The R-1 02 system uses the 1 W Nozzle (Part No. 41 9336)'nr the . 1 N Nozzle (Part No. 419335) for plenum protecllon. The 1 W noz. z1e tip is stamped with 1 W and . the 1 N nozzie tip is stampad with 1 N, indicating they are one.f1ow nozzles and must be counted as one flow number each. When protecting a plenum ch€unber, the entire chamber must be protected regardless of filter length. VERTICAL PROTECnON - GENERAL .1W NOZZLE - PART NO. 419336.- SINGLE AND "V" BANK . PROTECTION One 1 W nozzle will protect 4 linear teet (1.2 m) of plenum. The maximum distance tram the end of the hood to the flrst and last nozzle must be no more than 2 ft (0.6 m). After the first nozzle, any additional nozzles must be positioned at a maximum of 4 it (1.2 m) apart down the entire length of the plenum. The plenum width must '- , not exceed 4 It (1.2 mI. (The 1 W nozzle can be used on-single iir . V.bank fifter arrangements.) See Figure 6. '-- <F'i 1'.2 mi MAXIMUM .> AGURE 6 ....., When protecting plenums wfth the 1 W nozzle, two options of coy. erage are available: ,- .. ", - . O!'lion 1: The 1 W nozzle must be on the center line of the single or "V" bank filter and positioned within 1-20 In. (2.5-51 cm) above the top edge of the filter. See Figure 7. , SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-5 7-1-(19 REV. 5 20 IN. (51 em) MAXIMUM 2QlN.(51 em) ......)([MU.. t 1 IN. (2..Scm) MINIMUM -' AGURE 7 ~a Option 2: The 1W nozzle must be placed.perpendicular, Il-12 in. (2D-30 em) from the face of the fliter and angled to the , center of the fiiler. The nozzle tip must be within 2 in. (5 em) tram the perpendicular,-eenter line "of the flftec..... See Figure 8. . FIGURE B ...... HORIZONTAL PROTECnON - OPTION 1 . 1 N NOZZLE - PART NO. 419335 - SINGLE BANK PROTECTION . One 1N nozzle will protect 10 linear feel (3.1 m) of single. filter bank plenum. The nozzIe(s) must be mounted in the plenum, 2 to 4 In.'' (5 to 10 em) trom the tace of the Mer, centered 'between the filter height dimension, and aimed down the length. The nozzle must be positioned D-6 in. (0-15 em) trom the end of the hood to the tip of the nozzle. See Figure 9. ' . .. / 10FT.{3.1 m) MAXIMUM ,. . ....... FIGURE 9 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page +6 REV. 7 7-1-09 Plenum Protection (Continue.d) HORIZONTAL PROTECTION - OPTION 2 1W NOZZLE - PART NO. 419336 -"V" BANK PROTECTION One 1 W nozzle will protect 6 linear feet (1.~ m) ot."V" bank plerlufll. . The nozzle must be mounted horizontally, posITioned 1/3 the filter height dawn from the tap of the fitter. Noizles can be located at 6 It (1.6 m) spacings on longer plenums. The nozzle must be positioned 0-6 in. (0-15 em) from the end of the hood to the tip 01 the nozzle. See Figure 10. 1W NOZZLE '~IHl t HEIGHT Of' FILlER (H) f-- ~'2':) i M.4.X1MUM ~ FIGURE 10 . """ . TWO (2) 1 N NOZZLES - PART NO. 419335 - "V" BANK PRO- TECTION Two 1 N nozzles Will protect 10 linear feet (3.1 m) by 4 It (1.2 m) wide of "V" bank -plenum, The nozzles must be mounted in the plenum, 2 to 4 in. (5 to 10 em) from the face 01 the fitter, centened between the fitter height dimension, and aimed down the length. The nozzle must be positioned D-6 in. (0-15 em) from the end aI the hood to the tip 01 the nozzle. See Figure 11 . JC " 2-4"IN. (5-10r:m) ~ FIGURE 11 For a plenum, either single or "V" bank, with a linear extension longer than 10ft (3.1 m), each bank may be protected using one 1 N nozzle ...ery 10ft (3.1 m) or less depending an the overall .. . length. at the plenum. See Figure 12. The nozzles may point in the opposite directions as long as the entire plenum area is protectedl and' the 10ft (3.1 m) limttation is nat exceeded. See Figure 13. The nozzie positioning shown in Figure 14 is not an acceptable method of protection because the plenum area directly under the tee is not within the discharge pattern of either nozz)e. FIGURE 12 ""'" 10FT(3.1m)/ MAXlN\JM FIGURE 13 ~ FIGURE 14 ""'" SECTION IV '- SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULe EX3470 Page 4-7 10+02 REV. 3 APpliance Protection ~. ----'--. -.-':'--'---'---'.-' The following pages detail types of appliance protection. Each design requires several factors: correct: nozzle choice, correct noz- zle height above hazard, correct nozzle location and correct aim" ing point. Fryer - Single Nezzle Protection 1. Design requirements for fryers are broken down into two types. A FRYERS WITHOUT DRIPBOARDS If the fryer does not include a dripboard, 'measure the internai depth (horizontal dimensien lrom front to back) and length of the frype\. B. FRYERS WITH DRJPBOARDS If the fryer includes any dripboard .areas, measure both, the internal depth (herizo.ntal dimension lrom front to back) and length of the frypot portion, and then' meesure the internal depth and length of the overall hazard area including any dripboard areas, 2. Using Table, "Maximum Cooking Area Dimension - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection; determine wihich nozzle is needed to protect the fryer based on the maximum dimensions listed, A. ff the fryer does not include a dripboard, use the maxi- mum dimensions listed in the first column of the table to select the correct nozzle. B. If the fryer includes any dripboard areas, use both the ' maximum frypot dimensions in the first "column of lhe table, and the maximum overall dimensions in the second column of the table to. select the correct nozzle. None of the maximum dimensions in eTther colurrln may be' exceeded. 3. ff either the maximum trypot or the overall sizes are exceed- ed, an additional nozzle(s) will be required. Refer to. the mul- tiple nozzle requirements. Example: A fryer with a dripboard. The Inside of the trypot 'Withotit " ' the dripboard measures 18 in. in depth x 18 in. in length (46 em x 46 em) and the inside of the overall area including the dripboard measures 18 in. in depth x 24.in. in length (46 em x 61 em). From the TabJe .Maximum Cooking Area Dimension - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection.~either the.3N or the 29D nozzle should be select- -- ad ID protect the fryer,-depending on the maximum nezzle height above the fryr;1r and the positioning requirements allowed. Refer to appropriate F'tgUI'e$, . Full or Split Vat 14 in. x 21 in. (36 em x 53 em) Full or Split Vat 290 13 In. to 16 in. 14 In. X 21 In. . ' (33 em to 41 em) (36 em X 53 em)~'=-- -~,~:-'--~--- SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470' Page +8 REV. 6 4.1-06 FrYer - Singie N=ie Protection (Continued) Maximum Area Dimensions.- Single NozZle Fryer Protection' Max. Size Overall With Dripboard Full or SplIT Vat 14 in. X 21 in. (36 em X 53 em) Max. Size Frypot Only Full or Sollt Vat 141n. X is In. (36 em X 38 em) Type of Nozzle '230 Full or Spin Vat 14 in. X 15 in. >(36 em x38 em) Full or SplIT Vat 14 in. X 16 In. (36 em X 38 em) Full or Spltt Vat 141/2 in. X 14 in. > (37 em X 38 em) 245 Full or Split Vat 14 1/2 In. X 261/2 in. (37 em X 67 em) 290 _1' , F:: I _'- f -r I I' I ,I I I I I I I FRYER wm;OUT DRIPBOARD FRYER WITH DRfPBOARD NOZZLE TIP POsmoNEO ANYWHERE ALONG OR WiTHIN PE!:lIMc.lER OF COOKING SlJRFACE AND AIMED TO THE CENTER OF THE COOKING AREA. AGURE 1S """" Nozzle Height Above Top of Fryer 27 in. to 47 In. (69 em to 119, em) 20 In. to 27 In. (51 em to 69 em) 16 in. to 27 in. (41 em to 69 em) Nozzle LOGation See Figure 1Sand16 See Rgure 15and16 See Rgure 17 See Rgure 17 ......."1'"-- ~...- I.... I~..... y'- I ...... ....1 , I, ': : I I I I 1 I I , I I 1 I I I 'I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I FRYE... WITHOUT DRlPElOARD FRVER WITH OFlJPBOAAO SPl.ITVI4I N~ TIP POSITIONED ANYwHERE ALONG OR WITHIN PERIMETER OF COOKING SURFACE AND AIMED TO THE CENTER OFTrlE COOKING AREA. " AGURE 16 """ Fryer - Single Nozzle Protection (Cont;nued) ._. ...... Maximum Area Dimensions - Single Nozzle Fryer Protection' Max. Size Overall' WIlh Drlpboard . Max. Size Frypot Only Type of Nozzle 19.5 in. x 19 in. 19.5 in. x 25 318 in. 290 (SO em x 48 em) (SO em x 65 em) 19.5 in. x 19 In. 19.5 in. x 2S 3/8 in. ..3N (50 em x 48 em) (50 em x 65 em) ~ 18 in", x 18 in. 18 in. x 27 3/4 in. 3N . (46 em x 46 em) (46 em x 70.5 em) ...-.......-.._-- ,_. -...... _........~ r:_... _...-- I I ...")'. i I I , I ' I I FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBOARD FRYER WrTH DAIPBOARO 200 N02ZLE TIP PQSmONED OVER THE MIDPOINT OFTHE HAZARD AREA :l: 3 IN.. (7.6 em) FROM THE MIDPOINT ALONG THE lONGEST SlOE OFTHE HAZARD AND :t 1 IN. (2.5 em) FROM THE MIDPOINT ALONG THE ,sHORTEST SIDE OF THE HAZARD AND ArMSJ.JliT"lHE MIDPOINT OF THE COOKING AREA. FIGURE 17 ""'" ~ IN. (B6 om) MAXIMUM DIAGONAL DISTANCE BETWEEN NOZZlE AND". CENTER OF HAZMD AF\EIo. . . ~:::.~-":::~ ~ ~ r......-...... ...;...7-.><:.... I ,"'~/ , "'::: T ...>1 I ...._~....l......-- j I I I . FRYER WfTHOUT DRrP8QAAO FRYER WITH DRI?eOARD 3N NOZZLE TIp POSITIONeD ANYWHERE ALONG OR Wn1-IlN PER1METER OF COOKING SURFACE AND AIMED TO THE CENTER QF THE COOKING AREA. FIGURE 18 .... IContinued) Nozzle Height Above Top 01 Fryer 13 in. to 16 in. 133 to 41 em) See Figure 18 26 in. to 35 in. (64 em \0 89 em) SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL 8<3470 ULG 8<3470 . Paoe 4-9 4-1-06 REV. 8 Nozzie Location See Figure 17 See Figure 18 See Figure 19 R1GKT.TD-l.EFT CENrERLlNE FRVER WITHoUT DRlPf3O!.RD FRYER WITH DRlPBOARD NOTE.: 3N NOZZLE TIP MUST BE LOc.A:rED WlTHINTHE PERIMETER OFlHE SURFACE A.REA WITHIN THE FRONT HALF OFTHE FRY pOT AND AlMEO ATTHE C9ITER. FIGURE 19 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-10 REV. 7 7-1-09 Fryer'- Multiple Nozzle Protection Design Requirements: Fryers exceeding the coverage of a single nozzle can be dMded into modules. Each module must not exceed the maximum area alh;med lor a single nozzle. However, when-utilizing multiple nozzle protection. the longest side allowed for a fryer with dripboard can be used, regardless of whether the fryer has a dripboard or not ,.. The ..maximum size fryer that can be modularized is 864 in,2 . (5574 cm2) or in terms of ft, 6 fi2 (0.6 m2). 1. Design requirements tor multiple nozzle fryers are broken down into two types: A FRYERS WITHOUT DRIPBOARD(S) If the fryer does not include a dripboard, measure the inter- nal depth (horizontal dimension from front to back) and length of fhe frypot Then, multiply the depth and length to obtain the area of the frypot in square in~es. B. FRYERS WITH DRIPBOARD(S) It the fryer Includes any dripboard areas, measure both the internal depth and length of the frypot portion, and then . measure the internal depth and length of the overall hazard area including any dripboard areas. Detennlne the area of both the frypot and the area of the overall vat by mu~lpiying corresponding depth and length dimensions. 2. Divide the frypot or overall vat into modules, each of which can be protected by a - single nozzler based on the maximum dimension and area coverage of the nozzle as specified In Table, "Maximum Cooking Area Dimension - Muttipie Nozzie Protection.R A If the module considered does not include any portion of the dripboard, use only the maximum trypot area and max- imum dimension listed in the first column of the table to s~lec::t the correct nozzle. . B. If the module considered includes any dripboard areas, use both the' maximum frypot area and dimension listed in the first column of the table', and the maximum overall area and dimensions listed in the second column of the table to select the correct nozzle. 3. None of the maximum dimensions in either column may be exceeded. If either the maximum frypot or the overall sizes are , exceeded, the area divided Into modules will need to be rede- fined with the posslbiiity of an additional nozzle. "='" ' Options For Modularizing Fryers The following Figure 20 shows approved methods of dMding (mod- ularizing) fryers so that each section can be properly protected. EACH MODULAR Ml€A, INCLUDING DAIPBOAFlC, MUST NOT EXCEED J,97 1N.2 {32D7 cm~ ; MIDPOINT I MIDPOINT + I + I I DRIP BOARO i DRIP BOARD ; + Example: A fryer with a drfpbaard. The inside ""t without the drf,r board measures 18 in. in depth x 30 in. in length (48 em. x 76 em) and the inside of the overall vat including the dripboard measures 24 in. in depth x 30 in. in length (61 em x 76 em). Because the fryer is 30 in. (76 em) in length, ft exceeds the coverage of a singie noiz:le. Dividing the length in half,. each module now has an overall vat dimension of 24 in. in depth x 15 in in length (61 x 38 em). From the Table, -Maximum Cooking AfBa Dimension - Multiple Nozzle Fryer Protection, D either the 3N or the 290 nozzle should be seled- ed to protect each fryer module, depending on the maximum noz- zle height above the fryer and the, posffioning requirements allowed. Refer to appropriate Figures, 15 through 19. See additional examples in Appendix Section. AREA OF EAa-! FRY POT MODULE CANNOT EXCEED 32-4 IN," (2090 cm2) AREA OF EACH FRY POT MODUlE CANNOT EXCEED 324 IN,~ (2090 c:nr) ~ DRIP BOARD '""" EXAMPLE ONLY FRYER W1rrl ClRIPBDARO EXAMPLE ONLY FRYER WITH ORfPBOARD " AREA OFTHIS MODUlE (FRY POT PUlS DRIP BOARD)CANNCT EXCEED 497IN,z (3206cm3) EXAMPLE ONLY FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBOARD -. FIGURE 20 Fryer- Multiple Nozzle Protection (Continued) .--. ... Maximum Area Olmension - MUltiple Nozzle Fryer Protection Max. Size Module Max. Size Module. Overall Type of Nozzle Height Frypo! Only With Dripbosrd Nozzle Abave Top 01 Fryer . Full or SplIT Val Full or spm Vat 21 in. x 210 In.2 21 in. x 294 in2 230 27 in. to 47 in. (53 em x 0.14 m') (53 ern x 0.19 m") (69 em to 119 em) . Full.or Split Vat Full or Split Vat 21 in. x 2101n.2 21 in. x 294 in.2 245 20 in. to 27 in. (53 em x 0.14 m") (53 em x 0.19 m2) (51 to 69 em) i Full or Split Vat Full or Split Vat 21 in. x 210 in.2 21 in. x 294 in.2. - 290 ----13 in. to .16 in.-. . (53 em xO.14 rn2) (53 emX 0.19 m") -. 133.to 41 emf 2S 318 x 370.5 in2 25318 x 495 In2 290 13 in. to 16 in. (65 em x 0.24 m") (65 em x 0.32 m") (33 to 41 em) . Full or SplIT Val Full or spm Val I 261/2 in. x 203 in.2 261/2 in. x 3841/4 in.2 290 16 in. to 27 in. . (67 em x 0.13 rn2) (67 em x 0.25 m2) (41 to 69 em). 2S 318 x 370.5 in-' 25 318 x 495 in-' 3N See Rgure 23 (65 ern x 0.24 m") (65 em x 0.32 m") . 27 3/4 x 324 in2 27 3/4 x 497 in2 3N 25 In. to 35 in. . (70.5 em x 0.21 m2) (i0.5 em x 0.32 m") (64 em to B9 em) ~~, _....~... ............. fC I ....-.... ( ""-1 .... I ,-Y- I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I :-- I. j I I I FflVEFl WITHOUT DFlIPBOARD FRYER WlTrI DRIPBOARD POSlT1ON NOZZLE i1P ANYWHERE ALONG OR WITHIN THE PERIMETER OF THE MODULE IT IS ~CTING AND AIM AT THE l.lIDPOINT OF THAT uaCULAR AREA. FIGURE 21 . /'!!" /'~/'~-"" f-........... -- I I 1'--" I I I I I I I 1 I 1 , ' ..-"'.... f: . , " I I I I I FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBQAAD FRYEA WITH DRI!,BOARD aoo NOZZlE iW poslTlQNED OVER THE MIDPOINT OF "THE AE5~cnvt: MODUlAA, AREA :!; 3 IN. (7.6 em) FROM THE MIOPOIJIIT ALONG THE LONGEST SIDE OF THE MODULE AND = 1 IN. (.2.5 em) FROM THE MID.=CllNT ALONG THE SHORTEST SIDE OF THE MOOULE AND AIMED ATTHE MIDPOINT OFTHE MODULE. FIGURE 22 SECTION IV - SYSTEM D:ESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Pa~le 4-11 4-1-06 REV. 8 Nozzle Location . See Figure 21 _.See Figure 21 . See FIgure 22 . See Rgure 22 See Figure 22 See Figure 23 See Rgure 24 FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBOAAD FFlVEfI wrrn OAIPBDARI) aN NOZZ1...E TIP MUST. BE POSmDNED A.NYWHERE ALONG OR WfTHtN THE -PEFlIMETEA-OFTRe-MODUlAR IT IS F'RarECTlNG AND ArMED ....TTHE MIDPOINT OF THAT RESPECTIVE MODULE AREA. . fiGURE 23 . AIM POINT (DIAGONAL CENTER OF MODULE COOKING AREA.) AiM POINT (C1o/l.GONAL CENTER DF MOlJULE CO(JK!NG AR~OA) """" FRYER WITHOI.!T DRI~D FHYER WITH QRIPBOARD THE 3N NOZZI..E TIP MUST BE POsmONED ANYWHERE AlONG OA wrTHIN THE PERIMETER AND FORWARD OF THE R1GHT-1D-LEFT CENTERLINE OF THE CODKING ARE/\. THE AIMING ?OINT OF THE NOZZLE MUST BE Kr THE QlAGONAL CENTS:; OF iHE MODUl..AfI COOKING AREA. AGURE 24 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4--12 REV. 6 7-1-09 Multiple Nozzle Fryer Protection - Tilt Skillet / Braising Pan-. Protection for tilt skillets or braising pans is to be based upon the coverage limitations provided tor deep fa! tryer protection. Refer to Section IV, DESIGN, starting on Page 4-10, lor maximum fryer nozzle coverages and maximum tryer nozzle height limitations. . Although the maximum 6 ft2 (0.6 m2) total surface cooking area requirement applies to fryer protection, it does not apply to lih skii- lets or braising pans. Each tilt skilletlbraising pan protecied module must not exceed the fryer Iim~ations for "MAXIMUM SIZE MODULE OVE~ WITH DRIPSOAIRD" coverage per nozzle as described in Table on Page 4-11, Tih skillets and braising pans generally utilize a hinged cover, Fryer protection nozzles are to be placed toward the front of the appli- ance to minimize the potential lor the tilt skillet or braising 'parr - -'-'-'-'; ~ cover to interfere with the nozzle discharge. See Figures 25 and- ._-~- . -, - "'25. COVER MUST NOT INTERFERE WITH NOZZL.E DISCHARGE {} / / / ; ..,,, THE NOZZLE 15 TO BE PLACED TOWARD THE FRONT QFTHE APPUANCElt) MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL FOR THE SKlU.ET OR BRAISING PAN COVER TO INTERFERE WITH THE NOZZLE QISCHAFiGE. AGURE 25 . / / / / / / / / / / / fl /1! 1 /j' : / , /" , I /./'/ / I FOR MINIMUM /' ' 1 AND MAXIMUM / j I NDZZl1E / , HEIGHTs, REFER . 1 TO FRYEFl / I NQZZI.J.:: ,j' i AAAAM~S V '--1 """". " ~YEfl NOZZLE USED FOR TILT SKlLl..ET OR BRAISING PAN PROTECTION MUST BE POsmDNED NEAR THE FRONT EDGE. DFTHE PAN AND AIMED ArTHE FAONTTO BACK CENTERUNE OFlHE PAN. THE QISCHARGE FROM lHE NOZZLE(S) MUST COMPL~Y C~AF! THE PAN COVER Wl11i AN UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWTQ THE 8AGK OFTHE PAN. . FIGURE 26 I' SECTION IV'- SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-13 7-1-09 REV. 6 . > Range Protection The R-102 system uses five different nozzles lor the prOtection of ranges. Two of the design qptions require a one-flow nozzle and three of the design options require two-flow nozzles. . I. I NOTICE A 13 in. (33 ern) diameter wok pan Is the largest wok size that can be protected on ranges. When protecting hot top ranges, the entire cooking surlace must be protected. . Range Protection 1 N (1:-F10W) Nozzle - High Proximity I Application I . ~ No Obstructions : Single and multiple burner ,bnges can be protected using a 1 N > nozzle, Part No. 419335. The nozzle tip is stamped with, 1 N, ind;- eating that this is a one-flo'N nozzle .and must-be counted-as....o~e..- flow number. II , When using this nozzle lor range protection, the maximum length . of the burner grates being protected with a single nozzle must not . exceed 32 in. (61 em) and !tia maximum araa of the burner grates > must not exceed 384 In.' (2477 em2) per nozzle. I When protecting a range, the 1 N nozzle musi be .located a maxJf- mum of 10 in. (25.4 em) trom each burner grate centerline and must be aimed at the center of the cooking surlace. See Figures >27 and 2B. . ' ---~~ 40 ... (102 em) J l__~ 'i ~ / ~ I I -~~. 4-r-/-' 1 : \ I ! ' ~~) ;\, ' II I \ I """'. > FIGURE 27 . ~ 10 IN, I (25cm) MAXIMUM 32 IN. (81 em) 1 N --'<<:: MAXIMUM NO=< AIMING , POINT 10 IN. (2:5am) MAXlMUM -, > FIGURE 2B SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-14 REV. 6 7-1-09 . Range Protection 246 (2-Flow) Nozzle - High Proximity Application . No Obstructions .40 in. to 50 in. (102 em to 127 cm) above the cooking surface. This highproximily application uses the 245 nozzle, Part No. 419340. . The nozzle tip is stamped with 245 indicating this is a two-flow nozz.le and must be counted as two flow numbers. ~ One 245_ nozzle wilt protect a maximum cooking area of 672 in..2 . (4336 em") wflh a maximum longest dimension of 2B in. (71 em). When using this nozzle for range protection, the nozzle must be pointed vertically down and positioned as shown in Figunes 29 and 30. 2.015 NOZZLE TIP ~nON ~.- -:" -:-:-- CENTERLINE OF COOKING-SURFACE I MAXIMUM . I HBGHr I I II ~~ I ~p I I I I""" ('02 om) I I MINIMUM I I I HBGHr I I l~~ I~p I I ~. ooW t ~ AGURE 29 NOTICE Four burner grates shown In Rgure 30. For sin- gle or double burner grates, locate nozzle at center of cooking suriace or 11 3/8 in. (29 cm) maximum fram nozzle centerline to center of any burner grate. 245 - NOZZLE TIP LDCATtON CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE OP 11 3J8lN. (2S em) MAXlMUIIl'. FROM CENTERUNE OF NOZZlE 10 CENTER OF ANY BURNER GFVU'E . ~ .. - -'-._..... __ _0' - .._---- -.--- COOKING AREA m~ *' m~ COOKING AREA . 2015 NOZZLE TIP . LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE OR '.' 318 IN.. (29 em) MAXIMUM FROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZLE TO ceNTER OF ANY BURNER GAME " 1 COOKING AREA 1 COOKING AREA ""'" AGURE 30 SECTION N - SYSTEM C'ESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Pa'de 4-15 7-1-09 REV. 5 . Range Protection 260 (2-Aow) Nozzle - Medium Proximity.-- ___, _,' Application No Obstructions . 30 in. to 40 in. (76 em to 102 em) above the cooking surface. [ The medium proximity application uses the 260 nozzle, Part No. 419341.' ! The nozzle tip is stamped kith 260 indicating this is a two-flow nozzle and must be counted as two flow numbers. .. One 260 nozzle will protect a cooking area' of 768 in.2. . (4965 em>] with a maximum' dimension of 32 in. (81 em). When using this nozzie fO~ range protectionr the"' nozzle must be pointed vertically down and positioned as shown in Figures 31 and 32. i' I 260 NOZZLE l1P LOCATION 1fIT~ I ----:I :t' I .DJN : I I ~~J... I . HEIGHT II e"oz':. l1P 130 IN. . 1~6=1 I MINIMUM I' I HEIGHT II i~~E I I 09W IclE ~ FIGURE 31 I I I I I I I I 1 I 260 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE 0_ 10 IN. (25..4 an) . MAXIMUM FROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZl.ETO CENTER OF ANY BURNER GRATE 260NOZZLETlF' LDCATlON celTER OF COOKING SURFACE 00 10 IN. (2S..4an) MAXIMUM FROM CENTERLINE OF N=.E 10 CENTER OF AMY BURNER GRATE COOKING AREA I m~ ~~ o + EJO COCIIQNG ARE.... i COOtClNG <\REA FIGURE 32 """" NOTICE Four burner grates shown in Figure 32. For sin- gle or double burner grates, locate nozzle .; center of cooking surface. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-16 REV. 7 7-1-09 . Range Protection 1 N (1-Flow) Nozzle - Low Proximity Application 15 in. to 20 in. (38. ~. em to 50.8 em) above the cooking surface. The lowproximtty 1-ftow nozzle application lor the protection of ranges requires the..1N nozzle, Part No. 419335. The nozzle tip is stamped with 1 N indicating that ~ is a one-flow nozzle and mUst be counted as one (1) flow number, When using the 1 N nozzle lor low proximity range protection with or without obstruction, the maximum length of the burner grates Two (2) 290 nozzles will protect a' cooking area of 1008 in.2 being protected must no! be exceed 24 in. (61.0 em) length, aimed . (6503 cm2) mh a maximum dimension of 36 in. (91 em). along a centerline to a poil;t 20 in, (50.8 em) trom the end of the When using two of these nozzles lor low proximity range protec- length, protecting a maximum width of 18 in. (45:7 em). tion, the nozzles must be postlioned along the cooking surface When protecting a range, the 1 N nozzle must be located a maxi- perimeter to 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) inside the perimeter, end aimed at a mum of 9 in. (22.9 em) from each burner grate centerline and must 450 angle along the longltudinai centerli')!', of the range. See be positioned above the edge of the hazand area to be prot",,!~d_.j.F.igures 35 and 36. . . _ _. The 1 N nozzle tip must be positioned at or below the obstruction, ~Dc~~~f.5lN. __ " present. The pnotected area begins at the point straight down (0 _ as om) from the nozzle tip. The nozzle can -be placed at the side of the IN FROM EDGE OF h pi d COOKING SURFACE range aimed either left or rig ~ or can be ace in the front or back of the range. See Figures 33 and 34 lor nozzle location details. .--..Range.Protection Two (2) 290 (2-Flow) Nozzles - Low I Proximity Application . . 15 in. to 20 in. (38 em to 51 em) above the cooking surface. The low proximity 2-f1ow application requires the use of two (2) 290 nozzles, Part No. 419342. ,. Both nozzle tips are stamped with 290 indicating they are two flow nozzles and must be counted together for a tolai of four (4) flow numbers. .'" II II ff,~ AIM 15-20 IN. I "-. (38-51 em): '" POINT I I ",OL~ . '--(S1an).. 000 0 - -:Jf t d 15IN.ID20 IN. II. 138~51 om) II MAXIMUM 1 I III ~II i~ "'II II II II I, 15 IN.. TO 20 IN. ('3atD51arn) ~T 000000 . AGURE 35 """ COOKING AAEA - LONGITUDINAl.. CENTERUNE FIGURE 33 PFlarECTBJ AREA , I gIN. _. - -om" .......-.,- ,'-'> - n_. 18l1li. '''om! ~ 290 NOZZLE TIP LDCAJlON 0_ 1.5 IN.. (3.8 em) IN FRDM EDGE OF COOKING. SURFACE - . FIGURE 34 ~. 2O'N. ~ (Slem) 2< IN. (61 un) . ~- 290 NOZZLE TIP LOC.(!10N . 0-1.5 IN. [3.li em) IN FROM EDGE OF COOKING SURFACE 290 NOZZLETlP l.DCAl1ON CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE :::2 IN. (5 cm) . FIGURE 36 . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Pa"e 4-17 ' 7.1-09 REV,6 I , . Range Protection (WIth orWrthout Back SheIflObstruction}-." Range Protection 260 (2-Aow) Nozzle (With or Wlthout'Back . When this type of hazard is :eqUiPped with a back sheff or other Shelf/Obstruction) . similarly sized obstruction located above the range top, two pro- Single and multiple burner ranges can be protected usin, a 260 teclion options are avaliable:;One requires a 1 F nozzle, part No, nozzie, Part No, 419341. The nozzle lip is stamped with 21,0 ind~ 419333, and the other opti?n requires a 260 nozzle, Pari No. eatin9 that It is a two-fiow nozzle and mustbe counted as two flow 419341. ,i.' numbers. . Range Protection 1 F (1-Fioi.v) Nozzle (With or WIthout Back When using the 260 nozzle for range protection with or without Shelf/Obstruction) I . back she~ or other similarly sized obstruction, the maximum length of burner grates being protected must not exceed 32 in. (81 em) Single and multiple burner ranges can t,l6 protected using a 1 F and the maximum area 01 the burner grates must not exceed" nozzle, Pert No. 419333. The nozzle tip is s'.amped with 1 F indi- .384 in.2 (2477 em"). Nozzle must be located on the from ",;ge of eating that it is a one-flow noZzle and must be counted as one flow the burner grates and aimed al a point 10 in. (25 em) from the back number. I' edge of the burner grates. Nozzle must be mounted 30 to 40 In. When using the 1 F nozzle.for, range protection with or without back . (76 to 102 em) above the ,hazard surface. See Figur. 38. .. shelf or other Similarly sizedi obstruction, the maximum length of : ."_,_ .,. the burner grates being protected muslnolevCf"lDn ?8jn....(7l...crn} ._=~~_NOZZLE -." . -''''''---sFI~~ER""S1MILARLY SIZED and the maximum area of 'the burner grates must not exceed' . ~ OBSTRUCTION CAN OVERHANG BURNEI,(S) ~336 In.2 (2168 cm2). See Figure 37 for nozZle location details. ~ BY AMAXlMUN OF 11IN,(28crn) ~ I SHB.F OR OTHER Slh.4IlJ1.RLY SIZED r I ' F NOZ2l.E : OBSTRUCTION CAN OVERHANG BU"NERIS) . : ( I BY A MAXIMUM QF 11 IN. (2B GITI) I 30-"'0 IN. i I ~.102om) i ","IN. I (102 -122 em) I I I . FIGURE 38 - 12 IN_ (3lI.Scm) MAXIMUM . FRONT TO REAR CENTERL.INE , 1 F NOZZLE LOCATED OVER FRONT EDGE OF BURNER GRATE"AND ORJENrEO SO NOZZLE TIP FlATS ARE PARALLB.. WITH BURNEFl GRATE FRONTlO REAR CliNTERLINE AND SHALl:. BE AIMED ATTHE CENTER OFTHE COOKING SURFACE. I I I I. I I I j I ! I , I I FIGURE 37 .""", ., , SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4.16 REV. 7 7.1-09 . Griddle Protection 1 N (1-Fiow) Nozzle - High.Proximity. - Application . The R.1 02 system uses four different nozzles for the protection of griddles. One of the applicafions requires a 1-fiow nozzle and three at the applications require a 2-flow nozzle. High Proximity Application: 35 in. to 40 in. (89 to 102 ern) above the cook'lng surface. This high prOximity applicafion uses the 1 N nozzle, Part No.. 419335. The nozzle fip is stamped with 1 N indicating this is a one-flow noz- zle and must be counted as one flow number. One 1 N nozzle will protect a maximum cooking area 01 1080 In.2 (6968 ern") with the maximum longest side of 36 in. (91 ern). . When using this nozzle for griddle protection, the nozzle must be positioned along the cooking surface perimeter"to' a""maximl:Jm-uf 2 in. (5 em) Inside the perimeter, and aimed to the midpoint of the cooking surface. See Figure 39 and 40. NOTICE When using this type of griddle protection, only 5 fiow numbers are allowed on a 1.5 gal (5.7 L) system and only 1" fioW numbers are allowed on a 3 gal (11.4 L) system. I . jl--Mlo;;;,;;;;--i COOKING SURFACE I -- : 4 I I I I I ~ C________1J I I 1 N N02ZlE LOCJJ'EO ALONG COOKING SURFACE EDGE' ANY SIDE OF GRIOD'...E SURFACE WITHIN 0- 2 IN. (o-5 em) OF COOKING SURFACE EDGE. NOZZLE MUST 8E AIMED AT MIDPOINT OF COOKING SURFACE. FIGURE 39 -, !! NOZZLE LOCATlON I I 0-21N.(O-5cm) I I INSIDE PERIMETER ~ L.- OF.COOKlNG SURFACE II I' II II II II II I' EDGE l I OF---l ! . CODlONG 1 r SURFACE I I il \ 1 .4,0 IN. I J (102 Cl'Il) I J I MAXIMUM Ilnl I ~~~ NOZZlE TIP II / II 35IN.(89~) . I / I I MINIMUM / I I HEIGHT I I oF1N " I! NOZZLETlP II I . FIGURE 40 ""'" . Griddle Protection 290 (2-Fiow) NozzIe.- High Proximity..--.-. . Application Option 1 - Nozzle Center Located . 30 in. to 50 in. (76 cm to 127 em) above the cooking surtace. This high proximity application uses the 290 nozzle, Pari No. 41 9342. The nozzle tip is stamped with 290 indicating this is a 2-fiow noz- . . zle and must be counted as two flow numbers. . One 290 nozzle will protect a maximum.cooklng area of 720 in? . (4645 cm") with a maximum dimension of 30 In. (76 em). When using this nozzle lor high proximity appiications, the -nozzie . must be positioned within 1 In. (2.5 em) of the center 01 the cook- . ing suriace and pointed vertically down. See Figure 41 and 42. CENTER UNE OF GRIDDLE t SURFACE :l: 1 IN. (2 om) IN M'Y DIREC11QN : I t ! f~:' I 30 IN. I I (7iicm) I MINIMUM HEI"'" I OF 290 i NOZZLE i TIP j I I . . - . FIGURE 41 .... COOKlNG AREA No=E LDCATlON 1 IN. (2 cm) MAXIMUM COOKING AREA GS'ITER OF GRIDDLE. SURFACE OR A MAXIMUM DIMENSION'OF 20.6 IN. (52 mi) FROM NOZZLE CENTERLINE 10 FURTHEST CORNEA OF GRIDDLE FIGURE 42 ""'" . I I I . Griddle Protection 260 (2-F)ow) Nozzle - High Proximity ~._ . Application ! Option 2 - Nozzle Perimet~r Located I .30 in. to 50 in. (76 em.to 127, cm) above the cooking surface. I This high proximity application uses the 260 nozzle, Pal' No. 419341. I . The nozzle tip is stamped With 260 indicating this is a twc>-lIow nozzle and must be counted: as two flow numbers. . One '260 nozzle will protect ~ maximum cooking area 011440 in.2 . (9290 cm") with a maximum: dimension 0148 in. (122 cm),' When using this nozzie for griddle protection, the nozzle must be positioned along the cooking surface perimeter .to 2 in. (5.1 em) Inside perimeter, and aimed at the center of the cooking . surface. See Figure 43 and 44__ . ~..),_.. ..... I I I NOZZLE LotmoN J! 0-2 IN. (O-:Scm) I I INSIDE PERIMETeR ~ l.- OF COOKING SURFACE II ' II II II Ii II II II ED13E I r. OF_II COQKlNG I I SURFACE I 1 il t I 50 IN. 1'1 ('27 em) f I I MAXIMUM '/!h~~np ,I I: 30 IN. (76 t:m) I . I r I MINIMUM / I I HSGHT J J OF260 I' I I NOZZLETlP 'I ...., . FIGURE 43 ""'" I' ~OOKlNG AREA , I 1 , ~i '-ri-;;-IO;;;;;;;OF --'I I . COOKING SUR"""" I - I ' / I -tc t COOlO I I AREA ~ I AJM POINT : 1 1- I I L___,______-.J I t '1 I NG . 25D NOZZLE LOCATED ALONG ANY SIDE OF GRIDDLE SURFACE WITHIN 0- 2 1N.ID-5 em) OF cooKING SURFACE EDGE. NOZZLE MUST BE AIMED AT MIDPOINT OF CDOKlNIS SURFACE, I COOKING SURFACE EDGE AQURE 44 I I I I I I I I I I SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Palle 4-19 7-1-09 REV. 4 . .__. Griddle.Protection 290 (2-F1ow) Nozzle - Medium Proximity-. --.. Application Option 2a - NOzzle Perimeter Located (Continued) 20 in. \0 30 in. (51 em to 76 em) above the cooking surface. The medium proximity application uses the 290 nozzle, F'aIi No. 419342. The nozzle tip is stamped wi1h 290 indicating this is a vNc>-lIow nozzle and must be counted as two flow numbers. One 290 nozzle will protect a maximum cooking area 01.1440 In.2 (9290 cm2) WITh a maximum. dimension of 48 in. (122 cin). When using this nozzie for griddle proteCtion, the nozzle must be posilioned aiong the perimeter to 2 in. (5.1 em) Inside perimeter, and aimed at the center of the cooking surfal:;e, See Figure 45 and 46~ COOKING AREA I i '-r- c..;;:..w,--'I I COOKlNG SURFAC' I I~ - I / I - CO( I ,;" I ARE' ~ J 1 1 1_ AlM POINT I I L_________ -.J t I lXlNG '" 290 NOZZ1...E LOCATED ALONe COOKING SURFACE EDGE ANY SIDE OF GRIDDLE SUAFACE WITHIN 0-21N. (0-5 em) OF COOKING. SURFACE EDGE. NOZZl...E MUST BE AIMED AT CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE. FIGURE 45 ..,,, I' NOZZL.E LOOOlON t II 0-2lN.(O-5cm} I I INSIDE PERIMETER 30 IN. _I ~ OF COOKING SURFACE I I ' (76 em) I I I t I MAXIMUM I I I' I HEIGHT II UOF2S0 I ! . . t NOZZLE TIP II . II II " II '20 IN.{Sl an) II 1/ IJ MINIMUM II / II HEIGI-IT II / . II ~~T1; II i II II EDGE OF COOKING: SURFACE -, FIG URE 45 ...., . SECTION IV - SYSTEM -DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-20 REV. 5 7-Hl9 > Griddle Protection 2120 (2-Row) Nozzle - Low Proximity I Application . Option 2b - Nozzle Perimeter Located (Continued) >10 in. to 20h (25 em to 51.om) above the ooolOng surface. The low proximity appllcafion uses the 2120 nozzle, Pari No. 41934a. The nozzle tip is stamped WITh 2120 indioating this is a two-flow nozzie and must be counted as two flow numbers. ~ One 2120 nozzle will protect a maximum cooking area of 1440 in.2 > (9290 om") with a maximum dimension of 48 in. (122 om). When using this nozzle for griddle protection, the nozzle must be positioned along the peMmeter to 2 in. (5.1 em) inside perime- ter, and aimed at the center of the cooking surface. See Figure > 47 and 48. _ d l! NOZZLE LOCATION t II 0-2IN.(O-5cm) I I INSlOE PERIMETER 20 IN.. __I L.- OF COOKING SURFACE I I (51 em) I I J I I MAXIMUM II In HBGHT II / I I OF2120 I [ NOZZLE TIP II II II " I I 10 IN. (25 cm) II 1/ II ~rNlMUN II / [IHElGHT [ ! J I OF2120 II I' J I NOZZLETlP II 'I I II I """ EDGE OF COOKING SURFACE > AGURE 47 """ . COOKING AREA I . '-r- eE.:;;;;;-07--, I COOKING SURFACE I !~ - I / I AREA i / I 1 I . I - J- AIM F'CKNT t" I L_________...J t I ._" - COOKING 2'20 NOZZLE-LOCATED AlONG Am SIDE OF GRIDDLE SURFACE WITHIN 0 -:? IN. (0 - 5 em) OF COOKING SURFACE EDGE. NOZZLE MUST BE AIMED AT CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE. COOKING SUR~ACE EDGE > AGURE 48 ~ > Griddle Protection 2W (2-Row) Nozzie':" Low Proximity Application Option 2e - Nozzle Pertmeter Located (Continued) lOin. to 20 in. (25 em to 51 em) above the cooking surface. The low proximity application Uses the 2W nozzle, Part No. 419337. The nozzle tip is stamped with 2W in~icating this is a two-flow noz- zle and must be counted as two flow numbers. One 2W nozzle will protect a maximum cooking area of 1080 in.2 (6967.7 em") with a maximum dimension of 36 in. (91.4 em). When using this nozzle'for griddle protection. the nozile must be" positioned along .the perimeter to 9 in. (22.9 em) inside perimeter, . and aimed at the center of the cooking ~urface. See Figure 49 and 50. OVERHEAD VIEW. 36 IN.. (91.-t- em) MAX. I O.101N. (D~ MAl<. fNoI NOZZI...E AIM POfNT o-a IN.. {O-7.6 em] TO REAR OF' COOKING SURFACE CENTER f'CNE \';froiSij ZW NDzaE IS I~ ED AT ORT01HE REAR OF CENTER UNE "'... (~an) . O.101N.' ~~ MAl<. , 2W NOZZLE AIM POM 3 IN. (0.7.6 em) FORWARD COOKING SURFAa: CEN-. TEA LNEWH8'4 ZW NDZZl..E IS POSIT1ONED I{f OR FOR-- WARD OF COOKING SURFACE CENTER UNE ,.". AIM POINT 9 IN. (22-9 em) FROM. EJTHEA SlOE OF COOKING SURFACE FIGURE 49 FRONT VIEW 1 20"- (5Cl.8cm) """ , r 0.3h.(76.2cm) ,J 'I' NarE: A 2W NOZZ!.E CAN PROTECT A GRIDDlE 1\ ' wm-; A MAXIMUM COOKING SURFACE I ] OF 3D INX3E 1N.(76.2c:mXS'\.4cm},.AirA : : HEIGHTOFto'20N.(25A.so.acm). 'I THE2WNOZZLE~BEf":lSmONEDA " MAXIMUM OF:I: 10 IN. (25.4 an} FOR-- L WARD OR BEHIND COOI<JNG SURFACE CENTER LINE AND A MAXIMUM CF 3 IN. (7.6 em) AWAY FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE a:xJI(jI\IG SURFACE. AIMED IN e N. (22.9 a'n)lD APOlNT O. 3m.to. 22.CI an). FOA'NAROORlDTHEREAAOF TriE rooKING SURFACE CENTER UNE. I 10 IN. ~'om) "N. , AIM POlI\fr,g IN. <22.9"",,,,,,,,, EITHER SlOE OF aJOKING SURfACE ..", > RGURE 50 I I I I I I I . Griddle Protection 1 W (1-Aow) Nozzle - Low Proximity - Application I . 15 in. to 20 in. (38.1 em to 59.8 em) above the cooking S\lrtace. The low proximity 1-flow noZzle appllcallon for the protection of griddles requires the 1 W noZzle, Pari No, 419336, , The nozzle tip is stamped with 1 W indicating thal this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted'fas one flow number. When using the 1 W nozzle f~r low proximity griddle protection with our without obstruction, the ,maximum length of the cooking sur- face to be protected must not exceed 26 In. (66.0 em). The nozzle must be centered at one e~d af the maximum 26 in. (66.0 em)' length, aimed aiong a centerline to a point 20 in, (SO.8 em) from. the end of the length, protecting a maximum width of 20.5 in. (52.1 ern). . I _ The 1 W nozzle tip must be positioned at or below the obstruction, if present. The protected area begins at the point straight down from the nozzle ~p. The no41e can be positioned above the edge of the hazard area to be protected. See Figures 51 and 52. . , Note: If the hazard area exceeds the single nozzle ooverage list- ed above, addltionai nozzleS will be required. The addnional noz- zle can be positioned in front at high proximity or at the side at iaw proximity. ' .- I . I ! SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN Ul EX3470 UlC EX3470 Paqe 4-21 7'1-09 'REV.4 .",.1 I ~ Ii", ! 15-201111.\ . ~. (311-51 em) , I '. , "'t<.~ r-~51aT1) '.-1 II AIM POINT 01000 - FIGURE 51 PROTEGrEO AREA , i 2Ot<. T I (51an)~ , 26 IN. 'i (B6cm) i AGURE 52 . SECTION IV " SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-22 REV. 5 7.1.09 Chain' Broi~er Protecfion ,. ".- .~-- .-' - '- . The following listed proteclion guidelines can be applied to any manufacturer's chain broilers, if the chain broiler meets the S!pecl- tied parameters. Chain broilers utilizing cataiytic converters can be protecteq tram overhead using model specific protection iden- tified in the "Specific Application by Model" section in System Design. Or, they can be protected with standard 1 N nozzle hori- zontal chain broiler protection with the nozz}es positioned at either end of the chain broiler openings. Refer to the Horizontal Chain BroHer Protection section for specific design information. Horizontal Chain Broiler Protection The R.1 02 system can use twc 1 N Nozzles (Pari No. 419335) for . horizontal chain broiler protection. The nozzle tip is stamped 1 N, indicating that this Is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number (tota of two flow numbers for each chain broiler being protected). ------. Two 1 N nozzles are aiways needed for chain broiler protection when the hazard area to be protected does not meet the "Overhead Broiler PratectionD requirements. The maximum interw nal size of the broiler is 43 x 31 in. (109 em x 79 em). The nozzles must be posfiioned at each end of the enclosed cooking chamber 1 to 3 in. (2.5 to 7.5 em) above thesurlace of the chain and a max- imum distance of 4 in. (10 cm) away from the broiler opening. The nozzles may be "mounted at either comer as long as they are at opposite ends of the chain broiier and positioned to discharge . diagonally across the top of the chain. See Figures 53 and 54. ...., . ~ t , -3IN. (2..5-7.5t:mJ ..,.. FIGURE 53 MAXIMUM II\lTERNAL BROILE'R SIZE 043 X 31 IN. (109 X7l.lcm) . FIGURE 54 ~ OVerhead Chain Broiler Protection . The R.102 system can use two 1W Nozzles (Part No. 419336) for overhead chain broiler protection. The nozzl~ tip is stamped with 1 W, indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. OVerhead protection is only available for chain broilers with exhaust opening dimensions that are not less than 60% of the internai broiler length and not less than 60% of the internal broiler width, to a minimum size of 12 in. x 12 in. (30.5 x 30.5 'em). Internal broiler size can not be larger than 32 in. x 34 in. (81 X 66 em). When overhead protection is used, the nozzles must be centered above the exhaust opening w~hin 4 to 8 in. (10 to 20 em) of each other and they must be located 10 to 26 in. (25 to 88 em) above : the top of the broiler ~rIace. See Figure 55.. . 12 IN. (30.5 cm) MINIMUM MAXIMUM INTERNAL BROJu:R SIZE. 32X341N. {8i x86cml FIGURE 55 ..... The nozzles may vary in position as iong. as they are evenly spaced from the exhaust center arid are always 180" opposfle of each other. If the opening is not square, the nozzles must be posi~ tioned along the centerline, parallel to the longest side of the ope'" '" ing. See Rgure 56. v -v 00 W Gi] ---...... TOP VIEW TOP VIEW . FIGURE 56 ..,.. Note: The CB Metal Blow-9ff Cap -must be used when using chain broiier protection. I , i i I I I , Overhead Chain Broiler plclion (Continued) . Example No.1 - Internal b.bUer size is 24' In. long x 20 in. wide (101 x 51 em), with an opening of 110 in. x 110 in. (40.6 x40.6 em). . To determine ritinimum opening s~e, rnultipty the 'Internallength and the internal width by 0.10: Length of openl~g - 24 in. x 0.10 = 14.4 in. . (101 em x 0.6 = 310.6 em) ! . Width of opening - 20 In. x 0.6 = 12.0 in. (51 em x 0.10 = ~0.5 em) The minimum allowable opening for overhead protec- _ tion would be 14.4 in. x 12.0 in. (36.6 x 30.5 em). This exampie wbuld be acceptable for overhead pro- tection. ,- _ ..... : Example No.2 - Internal broiler 'SiZe-is30 In. long x 24 in. wide (76 x 101 em) With an opening of 22 in. x 12 In. (56 x30 em). I . To determine minimum opening size, multiply internal length and internal width by 0.6: Length of openl'hg - 30 in. x 0.6 = 18.0 in. (76 em x 0.6 = 45.7 em) . -,- Width of openl~g - 24 in. x 0.6 = 14.4 In. (61 em x 0.6 = 36.6 em) . Minimum allow!mle opening for overhead protection would be 18 in.:x 14.4 in. (45.7 x 36.6 em). &eause lhis brbiler has an opening of 22 in. x 12 in., the 12 in. width is below the minimum allowable cal- culated dimension of 14.4 in. (36.6 em) and therefore would not be acceptable for overhead protection. I I ,Salamander Broiler Proteqtion The R-102 system uses three different nozzle locations tor sala- mander broiler protection. Ati of the design options require a one- ftow nozzle. I . I Salamander Broiler Protecllon -1 N (1-F1ow) Nozzle Oveihead A salamander broi\er with a'imaximum hazard area (internal broil- er chamber) of 16 in. (41 Clj1) deep x 29 in. (74 em) wide can be protected using a 1 N nozzle, Part No. 419335. The nozzie tip is ~ stamped with 1 N, indicatingjthat this Is a one-flow nozzle. The singie 1 N nozzle must! be located directly in line with eilh~r vertical edge of the broiler opening, 6 in, (15 em) to 12 in. (30 em) in front of the broiler, and 0: In. to 12 in. (30 em) above the top of the broiler, The nozzle must be aimed at the center of the broiler .. opening. See Figure.57a. i VERTICAl.. EDGE OF BROILER OPENING Li , ~ -.-.- 1N NOZZLE ilf; j (PARTNO 41= I I 121N : (30cm'l , , I 0' -j ........... , 6IN. (15cm) NOZZLE LQC.(I"IQN ZONE AIM ~ CENTER OF BRor...eR oPENlNe , AIM Ar CENTER ~ , OF BROILER I OPENING i , AGURE 57, ..... , SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULG EX3470 P,,,e 4-23 7-1-09 REV. 6 , Salamander Broiler Protection - 1 F (i-Row) Nozzle Qv,,,head A salamander broiler with, maximum hazard area (internal broi~ er chamber) of 15 In. (38 em) deep x 31 in. (79 em) wide can be. protected using a IF nozzle, Part No. .419333. The nozzle tip is- stamped with 1 F, indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle. The single 1 F nozzle must be located directly in line with ~1e cen- ter of the brolier opening, 6 in. (20 em) to 12 in. (30 em) in front of the broiler and 12 in. (30 em) to 18 in. (46 em) above the to? of the broiler. The nozzle must be aimed at the center of the top broiler openin"g when the grate is located in the middle position, The noz. z1e must be orientated so the nozzle tip ftats are paraliel. \Iiith the grate left to right centerline. See Figure 5Th ] AIM IJ CENTER OFTHE TOP BROILER OPENING WHEN THE GRJJE IS " LOCATED IN THE MIOD,LE POSmoN AIM AT CENTER OFTHETDP BROILEFl OPENING WHEN THE GRIJE IS LOCATED IN THE MIDDLE POSmONAIM /(f CENTER OF BROILER OPENING AGURE 57b .... Salamander Broiler Protection - 1 N (1-F1ow) Nozzle Local A salamander broiler with a maximum hezard area 0ntemal broi~ er chamber) of 15 in. (36 em) deep x 31 in. (79 em) wide can be protected using a 1 N nozzle, Pert No. 419335. The n=.Ie tip is stamped with 1 N, indicating that this is a one-ftow nozzle. The single 1 N nozzle must be located above the grate on either vertical edge of the broiler opening. The nozzle must be aimed at the center of the grates. See Rgure 01 c. 1N NOZZLE AIMED AT CENTER OF sA><rS " AGURE 57e -- , " SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-24 REV. 7 7-1-09 . Upright Broiler Protection The R-102 system uses two 1/2N Nozzles (Part No. 419334) for ail . upright broiler protection. The nozzle tip Is stamped 112N, indit:a1- ing that this is a haif-flow nozzle. A pair of these nozzles will equai one flow number. Two 1/2N nozzles will protect a maximum hazard area (internal broiler chamber) of 30 in. x 32.5 in. (76 om x 82.5 em). These noz- ~ zles must always be used in pairs on an upright broiler. One noz- zle must be positioned above the grate and pointed at the back opposite corner of the broiler chamber. ~e second nozzle m~st be pointed down into the center of the dnp pan through the open ... slot. See Figure 58. . UPRlGKT BAOIl..ER BROILER CHAMSEFl I L ..J FRONT VIEW .... . FIGURE 58 Gas~RadianVElectric Char--Broiier Protection The R-1 02 system uses the 1 N nozzle; (Part No. 419335) for gas- radiant/electric char~broller protection. The nozzle tip on the 1 N nozzie is stamped with a 1 N, indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. One IN nozzle will protect a hazard with a maximum length of 36 in. (91 em) and a total cooking area whioh does not exceed . 864 in.2 (5574 em2). The nozzle tip must be iocated 15 to 40 in. (38 to 102 em) above the hazard surtace, When using this nozzle tor gas-radiant/electric char-broiler protection, the nozzle must be positioned anywhere along"or. within the perimeter of the maximum cooking area and shall be aimed at the center of the' . .....cooking surface. See Figure 59. . -' ~~., COOKING ....... AAEA \ .g. I I I I I, I ,i .1 \~/ k ~ '! ,/\ 15 IN \..""1 I " I I MINIMUM I . I . t 40 IN. ('Il2c:m) MAXIMUM ""'" . FIGURE 59 " Lava Rock (Ceramic) ChariBroiler Protection The R-102 system uses lhli 1 N Nozzle (Part No. 419335) far all lava rock char.broiler prot~an. The nozzle tip is stamped wlth 1 N, indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. I One 1 N nozzie will protect a, hazard whioh has a maximum length of 24 in. (61 =) and a total !oooking area whioh does not exceed . 312 In.> (2013cm2). The nozzle tip must be located 18 to 35 in. (46 to 89 em) above the hazard surface. When using this nozzle for lava rook (ceramic) char-brOiler protection, the nozzle must be positioned anyv.rhere along q, within the perimeter of the maximum . cooking area and angled to the center. See FIgure 6(1 I COOKING r;--I . AREA1..-- /i ~NG , ! '---... ;,;1"" . I' i< I........ 1.............11 .......... -;.:.;. ,'1 I I ;"'j'; I I I, . I I ' . I ]1 " I I I' I I II , 1 ] I' , I I II , I ] " I I I I I , I I \,f,11 : \ 1'1 Ii i;,~) I .. I . I MAXIMUM I / I I \ ~ },\i!, ,~ I I :! I I . .... AGURE 60 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-25 7-1-09 REV. 7 Natural Charcoal Broiler Protection .. The R-1 02 system uses the 1 N Nozzle (part No. 419335) for all natural charcoal broiler protection. The nozzle tip is stamped with 1 N indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be 'Xlunted as one fiow number. One 1 N nozzle will protect a hazard aiea which has a maximum length of 24 in. (61 em) and a total coakln9 area which does not . exceed 288 in.' (1858 =2). The nozzle tip must be located 18 to 4D in. {46 to 102 eml.above the hazard surface. When using this. nozzle for natural charcoal broiler protection, the nozzie must be positioned anywhere along or within th~ perimeter of the maximum cooking area and aimed at the oenter of the cooking sun2lce. See . FIgure 61. The coverage of such applianoes only applies when the depth of the charcoal does not exceed 4 in. (10 em). COOKING ~COOKJNG rAREA /+ :::j , _. f- I - I -............L _/ >i I II~: I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ \ r ,11 1'\ ' I' ""IN I I '(102;"') I I MAXlMLIM I ,. I "NI1O=)~ '\ i lib I ",J MAXIMUM I \ I I !46 em] DEPl'H [\ J MINIMUM I i ]. I .""" . AG;URE 61 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-26 REV. 6 7-1-09 Alternate CeramicINaturaf Charcoal Char-broiler Protection The R-102 system may also use the 3N nozzle (Part No. 419338) for all ceramic 0ava rock) and natural charcoal char-broiler protec- tion. The nozzle tip is stamped with 3N, indicating that this is a three-flow nozzle and must be counted as three flow numbers. One'3N nozzle will protect a hazard which has a maximum iength of 30 in. (76 em) and a total cooking area which does not exceed . 720 in.2 (4645 em"). The nozzle tip must be located 14 to . 40 in. (36 to 102 em) above the hazard surtace. The nozzle must be positioned anywhere along- or within the perim~ter of the maxa ... imum cooking area and angled to the center. See Figure 62. For natural charcoal char-boiler protection,'. this coverage only applies when the depth of the charcoal does not' exceed 4 in. (10 em). ~KING ~ COOKING t: . I -AR.... _ /r--- ~ :j - I - ~ I .............. 1........-.......1 _->1 I 11'/ : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ~ ~ r. hj' j\\ .'. 'j'! "IN i . I I (1"";"') I / I MAXlMUM I \ <i? . ~~I~~~)'\ \ I '. /;]:~~ DEPl'H J \ I I J MINIMUM I ( I I ""'" . FIGURE 62 Wood Fueled Char-BroUer Protection The B-1 02 system uses the 3N No.zzIe (Part No. 419338) for mesquite charwbroi!er protection. Tne nozzle tip is stamped with 3N indicating that this is a three-fiow nozzle and must be counted as three flow numbers. One 3N nozzle wiil protect a hazard which has a maximum length of 30 in. (76 cm) and a total cooking area which does nat exceed . 720 In.2 (4645 em"). The nozzle tip must be iocated 14 to 40 in. (36 to 102 em) albove the hazard surtace. The no.zzle must be positioned anywhere along or within the perimeter of the max- imum cDoking area and aimed at the center of the cooking surface. ~ See FIgure 63. Mesquite logs and pieces, no ~rger than 4 in, (10 ern) in diameterl . may be protected with a maximum allowable wood depth of 6 in. (15em).__.__. COOKlNG ~ . . AREA .r'" CCXlI(ING V _/r---~EA=:J 1_............ I ....... f- I -...... I --_I ...../>j I 11/ : i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I .... \ r tl 1\ ' ,/1 "IN I I I (1112;"') I I MAXIMUM ."""t:\ i In I; HN1 MAXIMUM I I (36 em) OE.PTI-l I \ I J MINIMUM I I I I .... ~ . AGURE 63 Wok F'rolection . -_...-- The R-1 02 system uses two different nozzles for the prolection of woks. 1. A 260 nozzle, Part No, 419341, will protect a wok 14 in. (36 em) minimum diameter up to 30 in. (76 em) maximum diameter. The wok depth must be no less than 3.75 in. (9.5 em) and no greater,than 8 in. (20 em). The nozzle tip is stampe;d with 260 indicating that this is a two- ~ flow noz.z.\e and must be counted as two flow numbers. When using this nozzl!" the nozzle must be positioned as shown in Figure 64. . NQ221..E MUST BE POSTTIONED WITHIN 1 IN. (2 em) RADIUS OF THE CENTER OF THE WOK, POII'fT'ED VERTlCAll.Y DOWN 26D NOZZLE. i , I I 35-45 IN. (B9-114cm) MlNIMU~ DEPTH 3.75'IN. (9.6 em) MAXIMUM DEPTH 8 IN. (20 em) I ~ 14 IN. (35.6 em) MINIMUM DIAMETER 30 IN. (76.2 em) MAXIMUM DiAMETER . FIGURE &4 ""'" SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Pa,ge 4-27 7-1-09 REV. 5 ..2. A iN Nozzle, Part No. 419335, will protect a wok 11 in. (28 em) minimum diameter up to 24 in. (61 em) maximum diameter. The wok depth must be no less than 3 in. (8 em) and no greater than 6 in. (15 em). The nozzle tip Is stamped with 1 N indicating that this a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number, When using this nozzle, the nozzle must be posnioned anywhere along or within the perimeter of the wok, aimed at the center, 30 in. to 40 in. (76 to 102 em) above the hazard surface, as shown in Figure 65. NOTICE When using this type of wok protection, only 5 flow numbers are allowed on a 1 1!2 g'" (5.7 L) system, and only 11 flow numbers are allowed on a 3 gal (11.4 L) system. . . \ r ,{j I \ I / I <ow t\ i /h'~ \ \ I I (76cm) MINIMUM DEPTH L I a.Q IN. (7.6cm) . MAXIMUM DEPTH 6.D IN. (15 cml t 11 IN. (28 em) MINIMUM DIAMETER 24 IN. 161 om) MAXIMUM DIAMETER . FIGURE 65 - \ SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 UlC EX3470 Page 4-28 REV. 6 7-1-09 Nozzle Application Chart -.--. .--- -".'-.-..-. The following chart has been developed to assist in calculating the quantity and type at nozzle required to protect each duct, plenum, or appliance, NOnCE This chart is for general reference only. See complete details for each type ot hazard. Minimum . Nozzle Tip , Maximum Hazard Nozzle Nozzle ' Nozzle Stamping - Hazard Dimensions ~ Heiohts , Part No. Flow No. Duct or Transition length - Unlimited 1 430912 ' lW (Single Nozzle) Perimeter - 50 in. (127 em) Diameter -16 In. (40:6'em) Duct or Transition length - Unlimited 419337 2W (Single Nozzle) Perimeter - 100 In. 1254 em) Diameter - 31 7/8 In. (81 em) Duct or Transition length - Unlimited 2 -419337 2W (DuaJ Nozzle) Perimeter - 150 in. (381 em) Diameter - 48 in, (122 em) Eleetrostalie Precipitator Individual Cell 419334 112N (At Base of Duct) Plenum ,length -10ft (3.1 m), 419335 IN (Horizontal Proteclion)' Plenum Length - 6,ft (1.8 m) 1 430192 1W (HorizorrtaJ proteclion) Width - 4 ft (1.2 m) 1 419336 1W Plenum length - 4 ft (1.2 m) 419336 1W (Vertical Proteclion) Width - 4 ft (1.2 m) Fryer (Split or Maximum Size Non-Split Vat) (without drip board) 14 in. (38 em) x 15 in. (38 'em) " 1 13 -16In. 419342 290 Low Proximity (33 - 41 em) Fryer (Split or Maximum Size Non-Split Vat) (without drip board) 141/2 in. (37 em) x 14 In, (36 em) 16-2710. 419342 290 Medium Proximity (41 .:. 69 em) : Fryer (Split or Maximum Size Non-Split Vat)' (without drip board) 15 in. (38 cm) x 14 in. (36 em) High Proximity 27-47 in. 419339 230 Medium Proximity 20 - 27 "n. 419340 245 Fryer (Non-Split Vat Only) Maximum Size (without drip board) 19 1/2 In. (49.5 em) x . 19 in. (48.2 em) High Proximity 21 - 34 in. 419338 3N Low Proximity 13 -16 in. 419342 290 Maximum Size (without drip board) 18 in. (45.7 em) x 18 in. (45.7 em) High Proximity 25 - 35 in_ 419338 3N (64-89 em) , ~. rormutlip~nonle pro\e::!1ono! sl"9letryers, see detafied intormatiOflon f>896 4-10 and +-", ..' For mu\Up'te J"inZZbl promction 0\ s\ng\~ tryIm., see dma\1erl \n\a:rmabon en ?>ages L-iO ancl4.H. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-30 REV. 4 7.1-09 Nozzle Application Chart (Co'ntlnued) Hazard Range (Continued) Griddle . . . . Chain Broiler- (Overhead Protection) ... Chain Broiler (Horizontal Protection) . Gas-Radiant Char-Broiler ... Electric Char-Broiler ... Lava~Rock Broiler . Natural Charcoal Broiler Maximum Hazard Dimensions Longest Side (Low Proximity) 36 in. (91 em) Area - 1 008 sq In. (6503 sq em) Longest Side (High Proximity) 48 in. (122 em) Area - 1440 sq in. (9290 sq em) . Longest Side (High Proximity) 30 In. (78 em) Area - 720 sq In. (4645 sq em) Longest Side (High Proximity) 36 in. (91 em) Area - 1 080 sq in. (6968 sq em) Longest Side (Medium Proximity) 48 In. (122 em) Area - 1440 sq in, (9290 sq em) Longest Side (Low Proximity) 26 In. (66 em) Area - 533 in,2 (3439 cm2) Longest Side (Low Proximity) 36 in. (91 em) . Area .., 1 080 in.2 (6968 cm2) Longest Side (Low Proximity) 48 in. (122 em) Area - 1440 sq in. (9290 sq em) Longest Side - 34 in. (86 em) Area - 1 068 sq in. (7019 sq em) Length - 43 in. (109 em) Width - 31 in. (79 em) Longest Side - 36 in. (91 em) Area - 864 sq in. (5574 sq em) Longest Side - 34 in. (85 em) Area - 680 sq in. (4388 sq em) Longest Side - 24 in. (61 em) Area - 312 sq In. (2013 sq em) Longest Side - 24 In. (61 em) Area - 288 sq in. (1858 sq em) Minimum Nozzle ~ '2 Nozzle Heiohts 15-20in. (38 - 51 em) 30 - 50 in. . .n (76 _ 127 em) (perimeter located) 30 - 50 in. (76 - 127 em) . n__.' .:.. (center located) 35 - 40 in. (89 -102 em) (perimeter located) L__. ~20 - 30 In. (51 - 76 em) (perimeter located) 15-2Oin. (3S - 51 em) . (center located) 10-2OIn. (25 - 51 em) (perimeter located) 10-20in. (25 - 51 em) (perimeter located) 2 10-26in. (25 - 66 em) 2 1 - 3 In. (3 - 8 em) 15 - 40 In. (38.- 102 em) 1 20 - 50 in. (51 -127 em) 18-35in. (46 - 89 em) 18-4Oin. (46 - 102 em) NOzzle Part No. 419342 418341 419342 419335/435672 419342 4193336 419337 419343 419336/432527 419335/435672 419335/435672 419335/435672 419335/435672 419335/435672 Nozzle Tip Stamping - Flow No 290 260 290 1N/1NSS 290 1W 2W 2120 1W/1WSS 1 N/1NSS 1Nt1NSS 1N/1NSS 1 Nfl NSS 1Nt1NSS Nozzle Application Chart (Continued) Hazard Lava-Rock or Natural Charcoal Char-Broiler Wood Fueled Char-Broiler Upright Broiler ~ Salamander Broiler . Wok . Maximum Hazard Dimensions Longest Side - 30 in. (76 em) Area - 720 sq in. (4645 sq em) Longest Side - 30 in. (76 em) Area - 720 sq In. (4645 sq em) Length - 32.5 in. (82.5 em) WIdth - 30 in. (76 em) Length - 29 In. (74 em) WIdth -16 in..(41 em) Length - 31 In. (79 em) Width -15 In. (38 em) Length - 31 in. (79 em) Width - 15 in. (38 em) 14 in. - 30 in. (36 - 76 em) Diameter 3.75 - 8.0 in. (9.5 - 20 em) Deep 11 in. - 24 In. (28 - 61 em) Diameter 3.0 - 6.0 in. (8 - 15.2 em) Deep Minimum Nozzle Quantity 2 Nozzle Heiohts 14-4OIn. (36 -102 em) 14-40In. (36 -102 em) 35 - 45 in. (89 -114 em) 30-40 in. (76 -102 em) . Minimum chain broiler exhaust opllllllng - 12 In. x 12 In. (31 em x 31 cm), and nalleSl> than 60'% cllnt8mal braJler slZa. T SECTION IV ~ SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-31 7-1-{J9 REV. 7 Nozzle Tip Nozzle Stamping - Part No. E\Q!!U~ 419338 3N 419338 3N 419334 112N 419335 1N --.--- 419333 1F 419335 1N 419341 260 419335/435672 1N/1NSS 290 21 IN. {53..3 em} or . ~ 24 IN. (50' ani J, . 1W 29D /' 21141N. I .AI" 21 IN. (53..3 em) 01 (S,? em) ~ i. "",.(60'''''1 , . 2114 IN. (S.7em) SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULe EX3470 Page 4-32 . REV. 7 7.1.09 SPECIFIC APPliCATION BY MODEL-..~. .. - .-.'.'.. . Due to the configuration, application, andlor additional 1eatures tha1 pose protection problems usIng conventional protection, noted In the guidelines previously addressed, the following appliances/applications are considered hazard specific. The following hazard specific applications have been individually tested and listed by make and model number of the equipment ~ designated. Dean Industries Gas Fryer, Model 2424 GTl, 120,000 BTUJhr. Rating This specialized gas fryer can be protected with a combination of a 290 nozzle, Part No. 41 9342, and a 1 W nozzle, Part No. 419336, for low proximity r 3/4 - B in. nozzle height only) and two (2) 230 nozzles, Part No. 419339, for high proximity (45 in. nozzle height only). The maximum dimension of the fry pot is 24 in. x 24 in. (61 x 61 em). ~ Nozzles must be positioned and aimed as shown in Figure 66. Note: For low proximity protection, see Special Piping Layout in .. Figure 67. Dean Indusbies Model GTl Gas Fryer Special Piping Layout Section A (Tank to Hood Penetration) Piping limitations Maximum Length: 3D It (9.1 m) Maximum Rise: 6 ft (1.8 m) Maximum Number of 90. Elbows: 7 Maximum Number at Tees: 0 .. TO 3 GAl (11.4 L) TANK.. SECTION A 29 fJB IN. (75.2 em) . siN. (2Dc:") FRY POT CENT'EFlLINE ~ 1/8 IN. (2.9..) 1118 tN. (Ulan) Z90 NOZZLE_ ~ 1W NOZZLE ~ 73f4-alN.ONlY (19.7.- 20.3 em) , i A1MPOIr-rT I L_______ _I l./', L :?~.9~~~J ""'" L.OW PRaxndlTY f7 314 - 8 IN. NOZZl..E HEIGHT) FRONT EDGE OF FRY P01' 21.14 IN. "/41N.----'~.7"") (5.7cm)~ , , 230 NOZZLE / . 23DN027LEi,I' I' t "",.ONLY I ('14cm) ~OF~~R J : AIM POINT i L_______..J t I I t L_ _____ J HIGH PRCXIMJT\.' (45 IN.. NOZZl.E HEIGHT ONL.Y) tIJOa . AGURE 6S Section. B (Hood Penetration to Nozzles) Piping Limitations . 1. Piping configuration shall be as shown wIIh or 1/4 in. tolerance on dimensions. - 2. All nozzles shall be attne same elevalion.. 3. Each pair of appliance nozzles shall be equaliy spaced from lefHo-right centerline of fryer. lW 290 . /r' J, . /1 21J4IN. I ~ 21 IN. (S3.3 em) 0( (5.7 em) ~.,i 241N(6"..) 211411'11. (5.7 em) '- SPECIFIC DISCHARGE PI!"ING FOR LOW PROXIMITY PROTECTlON OF (4) FOUR DEAN INDUSTRIES MODEL GTI GAS FRYERS FIGURE 67 ~ SPECIAC APPLICATION BY MODEL.(Continuecl)-..___ Far West Hospitality Products Gas Fryer, Model PAR-1-20, 63000 BTUlhr Rating This specialized gas fryer Can be protected with a single, 290 nozzie, Part No. 419342- The maximum dimension of the fry pot is 21 in. x 21 in. (53 x 63 em). . The 290 nozzle must be located on the front-ta-rear centerline and ,. aimed at the center of the cooking-surface. See Figure 68. 4V2:IN. (11.5cm) ,.... t HIN. (36cm) j \~-,-~ .'.\ I" -t laIN. (33""') I BACK OF FRYeR SIDE VIEW OF FRYER ..... 290 NOZZlE LQC..6J'"ED ON FRONT-TO-REAFI CENTERUNE:t 4.5 IN, <, 1.4 em) FROM SIDE TO SIDE CENTERLINE AND AIMED AT CENTER OF COOKJNG AREA. . AGURE 68 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-33 7-1-09 REV. 6 Frymaster 14 KW - 208V Electric Fryer, Model MACH 14 Series This specialized single vat electric Iryer can be protected either with a single 230 nozzle, Part No. 419339, located 27 in. to 47 in. (69 em to 120 em) above the top surtaes of the fryer or with a sin- gle 245 nozzle, Part No. 419340, located 20 in. to 27 in. (S 1 em to 69 em) above the top surtace 01 the fryer. Erther nozzle must be located anywhere along or wtthin . the perimeter of the cooking surface and aimed at the midpoint See . Figure 69. The maximum size of the fry pot (without drip board) is 13 3/4 in. x 16 314 in. (35 em x 42.6 cm) and the maximum size of the cooking surtace (with drip board) is 13 314 in. x 20 718 In. (35 em. x 53 em). The vat may be divided' in ha~ to make two split vats. 230 NOZZLETlP OR 245 NOZZLE TIP ANYWHERE ALONG OR WITHIN THE PERIMETER OF'THE ClX)I<JNG SURFACE AND AIMED ATTHE MIDPOINT. 207" IN. ~ (53""') ~............... MAXIMUM -<-- < r:::: ==l~ ~ZZlE :;.':r~1 I [ 1/ MAXIMUM I I I I I I I I I[ I i I I I Z:lO NOZZLE I 2JO NOZZI..E 'ZlIN.-'~ IN. {69cm-120ciiii~ ABOvel'OP SURFACE OF FRYEiR 1 I 2<45 NOZZLE 120 IN.- 2J IN (51 em-59 am) I ABOVtlOP SURFACE OF I FRYER . --- 163!41N. (4Z.6cml MAXIMUM . A(;;URE 69,. - SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-34 REV. 8 7-1-09 SPECtRC APPUCATlON BY MODEL (Contlnued)-. -. ---- -- -.. . McDonald Fryer (NozZle Heights of Less Than 20 In.) When the 245 nozzle is used to protect McDonald's fryers at heights less than 20 in. (51 cm) above the top of the fryer, the fo~ lowing appliance and distribution piping ruies shall apply: 1. Each McDonald's gas or electric fryer shall be protected by one 245 nozzle, Part No. 419340. The fryer val dimensions for one full vat or two split vats shall not exceed 14 in. x 15 in. (36 em x 38 cm) without the dripboard and 14 In_ x 21 in. (36 cm x 53 cm) with the dripboard. The heat input rating of the fryer shall not exceed 122,000 BTUIHR. The 245 nozzle shall be located 18 in. to 20 in. (46 cm to 51 em) above the top'of the fryer vat, 2 in. to 2 1/4 in. (5 cm to 5.7 em) to the right or 1e1l of the front-ta-rear vat centerline, and 0 to 31/4 in. (0 cm to 8 cm) forward of the right-to-le1l val ...- ... centerline, and aimed at the vat center point See Rgure .70. REAR FRONHD~EAR VAT CENTERLINE NOZZLE LOCI<IlON ZONES fllGIir-TD- LEFT VI([ CENTERLINE .2 IN. 2N. 2H41N. 2114 IN. FROt-rT . FIGURE 70 ""'" 2. The distance between the start of the first branch line and the start of the last branch line shall not exceed 79 in. (201 em). 3. The total length of all brandl lines sheill not exceed 162' in. (412 em). 4. The 3 gallon agent tank shall be elevated above the connec. tions between the supply and branch lines 5. The requirements of the following table shall not be exceeded: Duct Plenum Appliance Supply Branch Branch 'Branch Requirement Uno Une Une Une Pipe Size 3/8 In. 318 in. 3/8 in. 3/8 in. Maximum Length 140 in. 67 in. 6 in. 42 in. (356 em) (170 em) (15 em) (107 em) Minimum Length 81 in. 4 in. 4 in. 17 in. (206 em) (10 cm) (10 em) (43 em) Maximum 5 3 1 6 900 Elbows Maximum Tees 0 1 Maximum Flow 11 2 2 Numbers Minimum Row 5 0 0 1/2 Numbers I . SPECIFIC APPUCATION ~Y MODEL-{Conlinuecl)- . - -. Henny Penny Mono Rall center Uft System - Models 690, 691, 6921 . Nozzle Type: (1) One 1N nozzle,-Part No. 419335 (Upper posi- tion) I (1) One 1 F nbzzle, Part No. 419333 (Lower posi- tion) i Norne Location: 1 N N=le (Upper position): From the Tee Block, part No. 434424, position nozzle tip ~ 6 in. (40.6 am) up tram base of tryer surtace and 5 in. (12.7 em); in tram right side at appliance back shroud I . 1 F Nozzle (Lower Position): Running down tram the Tee Biock, Part No. 434424, to the base of the tryer, position the nozzle tip 2 in. (5.1 em) tram back side of fry vat, and 6 in. (20.3 em) in. tram the right side of appliance back shroud - .. --- N=le Aiming Point: I 1 N Nozzle: M center point of try vat I . 1 F Nozzle: The 1 F nozzle is a flat spray nozzle and the spray must be horizontal to that of the edge of the back lip of the try vat System Coverage: Each Ifryer requires a minimum of 3 gal, (11.4 L) of ANSULEXe LowipH agent discharging through the twCl one-flow noZzles (1 Nand 1 F) , I NOTE t: rrl5 RECOMMENDEDTIWTHEAGENT DISTRlBUTlON HOSE KIT, PART NO. 435962, BE lJTIl.JZED DURING SYSm.I NSTAWmON. NOTE 2:: VATOlMENSONS'- . 16 IN. ~4OJl mIl} WIDE 20 1.4 IN. (51.4 em) LENGTl-l 28 112 IN.. (7U tin) DEPTH , MAXlMUM l.D H8GHT M!J:NEVJ(f 15/N.(38.1 em) , i TEE! BLOCK , I "7MEN. (19.2cm) 16 1afUi IN. (42..7cm) o G '" . FRONT VIEW {TEE Bl..CCK LOCATION} SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Pag" 4-34.1 7-1-09 REV. 1 . Note: in this application, R-l 02 agent storage tanks must be pres- surized tram a dedicated R-102 double-tank nitrogen cartridge. The cartridge utiiized for this hazard-specifia Henny Penny fryer protection cannot be shared with tanks intended tor standard R-1 02 protection. Standard protection will require an expellanl gas cartridge installed in another ectuation device such as an ANSUL . AUTOMAN regulated rei ease or regulated actuator assembly. AIMING POINT BIN. (i:!Il.3cm) "TOP VIEW SIN. {12.7cm) o . _L~ .;.-- -- -'V- .:' 2 IN, (5-1 am) ~" SIDE VIEW FIGURE 71 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-34.2 REV. 1 7-1-09 . SPECIFlC APPUCATION BY MODEL (Contlnued)- -- --- --c--- - -+Note: In this application, R-' 02 agent storage tanks must be pres- ---- - Hen Pen Dual Ult System - Models 580 581 582, 590, lsurized from a dedicated R-102 double-tank norogen cartridge. - 591 792 sari 682 ' , The cartridge utilized for this hazard-specific Henny Penny tryer - , 1 , . ' protection cannot be shared with tanks intended far standard Nozzle Type: . R-102 protection. Standard protection will require an expsllant gas 1 N Nozzle (Upper position): From the Tee Block part - No. cartridge installed in another actuation device such as an ANSUL - 434424, pesolon nozzle tip 16 in_ (40;6 em) up from base of fryer AUTO MAN regulated release or regulated actuator assembly. surface and 5 in_ (12.7 em) in from left side of appliance beck - shroud 1 F Nozzle (Lower position): Running down from the Tee Block Part No. 434424, to the base of the fryer, position the nozzle tip 2 in. (5.1 cm) from back side of try vat, and 8 in. (20.3 em) in from the left side of appliance back shroud Nozzle Aiming Point: 1N Nozzle: At center point of try vat _ _______ ____-'-___ _.__,___ ____~__ 1 F Nozzle: The 1 F nozzie is a flat spray nozzle and the spray must be horizontal to that of the edge of the back lip of the try vat System Coverage: Each fryer requires a minimum of 3 gal (11.4 L) of ANSUlEX Low pH agent discharging through the"two one-flow nozzles (1 Nand 1 F) . AIMING POINT SIN. (12.7cml NorE 1: IT IS RECOMMENDED THATTHEAGENTDlSTRIBl.1T1ON HOSE KIT, PART NO. 435982. BE UT1UZED DURING SYSTEM INSl>U.AllON. NOTE 2: V.A:r DIMENSlONS- 16 tN. (40.6 em) WIDE 2D 11'1 IN. (51.4 em) LENGTH 2B la~. (72.4 crn) DEPTH MAXIMUM LID HEiGHT ABOVE V/fJ 15 IN. (38.' em) SIN. (20.3cm) o TOE BLOCK lOP VIEW o 1613/16 IN. (42.7 em) " ~r ~ ~ ,IN. (5.1 em) ="'tI . FRONT VIEW rre Bl..CCK l..OCAllON} SIDE VIEW FlGURE 72 . Dunkin Denuts Fryer Model DD400CGF -. N=le Type: 3N Nozzle (Part No. 419338) Nozzle Spacing: 11.5 in. (292 mm) maximum from end of fryer and 25.~ In. (647 mm) maximum on centers . N=le Height: 35 in. (88~ mm) above top of appliance N=le Positien: 2 in. (51:mm) in from inside edge ef fry vat Nezzle Aim Point: Along iIle centerline of fry vat I I 10 IN. (251imm) \ 2S.SIN. (~mm) 25..5 IN. I (647mm) 25.5". {647 mm} , , , 0... (25<imm) 2S.5IN. (M7 mm) Fryer Speclficatiens: . Vat Size: Length: 122 In. (310 em) ~ Width: 31.3 in. (79.5 em) Depth: 11 in. (28 em) BTU Rating: 360k . Vat Oil Capacity: 1250 Ib (567 kg) 11. (889mm) \1 l. \ \ \ 1 I 21N. 1. (50,Bmm) . AGURE 73 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-34.3 7-1-09 REV. 0 Krispy Kreme Fryers - Medels 150 OIH, 270 DIH, 600 DIH; and. . 1000DIH Nozzle Type: Nozzle Spacing: 3N Nozzle (Part No. 419336) . 11.5 in. 129.2 em) maximum from end of fryer and on maximum 25.5 in. (64.13 em) centers N=le Height: 35 in. (88.9 em) above top of appliance Nozzle Position: 2 in. (5.1 em) from inside edge 01 fry vat Nozzle Aiming Point: Along' centeriine of fry vat Nete: Figure 89 shows maximum size fryer (Model 1000' DIH). Smaller size fryers (Models 150 DiH, 270 DIH, and 600 Drrl) can be protected wtth less nozzles but nozzle spadngs, height "equlre- mants, and positions, must be mai1!tained as shown in Figure 89. 25.5... (647mm) 25.51N'rf (647mm 2S..S IN. "r" ~51N, 164f7 mm) I ~ (6<7mm) 25.5 IN. .--I" 25...5 IN. (647 mm} I ~ 1647 m) f . 11.5 IN. (292mm1 \ '1.s1N. (292 mrn) ~ ,- , n\., , ' \ I' :!SIN. \' iB8"lmm, ,~ I Z'IN. I : -l' r--l5C1I mm}l I L-----t-----.J . It. ~ II '1'- . RGURE 74 . . SPECIFIC APPUCATIDN BY MqDEL (Continued) DUKE Chain Broiler - Model FBB-High Proximity DUKE Chain Broiler With or Wllhout Catalyst View: . NO>%Ie Quanlltyrrype: (1) One 2W nozzle, Part No. 419337 Nonie Height: 20 in. (50B mm) above top 6t appliance IMPEtlANCE PCArE ".. Side View DUKE Chain Broiler - Model FBB - Low Proximity DUKE Chain Broiler Wllh or Wlthoul Catalyst View Exhaust Defiector Size - 6.25 In. (15.9 em) x 26.75 in. (67.9 cm): Nonie Quantity/Type: (2) Two 245 nozzles, Part No. 419340. NO>%Ie Height: 8 In. 10 15 in. (20.3 em to 38.1 cm) above top of appliance. PRODUCT OlJT1'UT CENTER ouer 61nl. 065 mml L FRoM 8lGE OF APPUANCE . Tl-\PJ OERECTOR?l.(rE IS ANGlED Tl7NARO (SEE S1DEVlEW) T PER"""""'" GRIu... PAOOUCT . INPUT -,~ TOP VIEW . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-35 7-1-09 REV. 6 . Nozzle Location: Centered 6 112 in. (165 mm) back from front leed edge of appliance. Nozzle must be oriented to spray onto impedance plate. . Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at center of impedance piate r~~~ I r I . 20 i~ ISOB mm) -~ Front View (Feed Side) FIGURE 75 Nozzle Location: 6.5 In. (16.5 em) from lront or back edge 01 hazard First nozzle positioned 17.25 in.. (43.8 em) tram right side 01 broiler (facing broiler) Seccnd nozzle positioned 15 in. (38.1 em) tram first nozzle . Nozzle must be oriented to spray onto impedance plate. Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at at center of impedance plate Note: ~ the deftector.or Ilue gas diverter is rotated 180 degrees, the nozzles must also rotate to discharge into th.e opening. 245"0ZZl.E~ . '~J,~~ J ~ APF>UANCEll'W 1 I DEFLECTOR F".JJE IS ANGLED I 10WAAD FLUE GAS . . /DIVERTEFi \ 'IN]:""')" \ ~~~~ --- ",,"ouer INl'\IT PRODUCT OUT~UT BACK FRO"- - SIDE VIEW FIGURE 76 I SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 i Page 4-36 REV. 5 7-1-09 . SPECIFiC APPLICATION BY MODEL (Continued) . DUKE Electric Broiler - Model FBB - High Proximity. DUKE Electric Broiler with or without Catalyst View I Nozzle QuanlityfType: (2) Two tIN nozzles _ _ _. _.. _ _ _ Nozzie Height: 18 in. (45.7 cm) . Nozzle Location: 6.5 in. (16.5 em) from edge of appliance that deflector p1ate;;s angled toward Firs1 nozzle pcis~ioned 5 in. (12.7 cm) to left of opening centerline Second nozzle positioned 5 in. (12.7 em) to right of openi~g centerline See Figure n, Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at genter of opening I I I (2}-1NNOZZI...E~ ~ , '. T 18 IN. {"'57 mm) NOZZLE HEIGHT t 61f2JN.('e5mm~ FROM EDGE OF APPUN-lCETHAT DER.ECTQR PLATE IS ANGLED TOWARD ..- PRODUCT INPUT PROOUCT OUTPUT BACK FRONT SlDEVIEW i /lllI3G 61/2 IN. (165 mm) FROM EDGE OF APPUANCE THAT DEFLECTOR PLA1"e IS ANG1.ED TOWARD [sa:. SIDE VIEW} 10 IN. (2&4 mm) CENTERED ON OPENING o 0 ~ blo 0 gdJlct]g I 000 000 000 000 I , i PERFORATED GRILL PRODUCT OUTPUT CENml DUCT PRODUCT INPUT . - . TOP VIEw ! FiGURE n . DUKE Electric Broiler - Model FeB - High Proximity - DUKE Electric Broiler without Catalyst View NCJ.zzle QuantllyfType: (1) One 2W nozzle Nozzle Height: 20 in. (50.8 em) Nozzle Location:' 6.5 In. (16.5 em) from edge of appliance that deflector plate is angied toward See Figure 78 Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at center of opening {1l-2WNOZZL..E~ ~ 6"'21N.(1fi5!flll1~ FROM"EDGE APPUANCEnlAT OEF<ECTOR PLATE IS ANGLED TOWARD PRODUCT """lIT BACK SIDE VIEW < S1rzIJll,(165mm)FROt.l t EDGE OF APFUANCE TH.<r DEFLECTOR PlATE IS ANGLED TOINARD (SEE SIDE VIEW) PRODUCT _ OUI'?UT 0001000 0006000 I Or-T"plo o L.L..:.J-.J 0 0000000 0000000 ~ TOP VIEW . T 20 IN. (SOl! mm) NOZZLE HaGHT t .-- PRODUCT INPUT FRONT - PERFOMrED GRILl. CENTER DUCT PRODuCT "PUT FiGURE 78 . . > SPECIFIC APPLICATION BY MODEL (Continued) DUKE. Electric Broiler - Model FBB - Low Proximity DUKE Electric Broiler with or without Catalyst View 'NozzIe QuantityfType: (2) Two 245 nozzles Nozzle Height: 8 in. (20.3 em) to 15 ',n. (38.1 em) Nozzle Location: 6.5 in. (16.5 em) from edge of appliance that deflector plate is angled toward First nozzle positioned 17.5 in. (44.5 em) from right side at broiler (facing broiler) Second nozzle pos~ioned 15 in. (38.1 em) from first nozzle See Figure 79 Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at oeme, at opening_. (2l-2<lSN~ ~ 61f2 IN. (Hi5 mm2-.J FRO~ EDaE OF; -I APPUANCETH.'J" OEFlECTOR PLATE IS ANGLED TOWARC T 8 IN. (2.03 mm) 10 15 IN, (381 mm) NOZZlE HEIGHT PRODUCT OUTl'UT BACK FIIONT SIDE. VIEW llGll3GIi 61fZ.IN.{165mm}FAOM _j EDGE OF APPLIANCE THAT DEFLECTOR PLATE IS AN51ED TOWARD (SEE SIDE VIEW) 15 IN. 17112 IN. (381 mm (444.5 mm) . I odoo1oo Oo'OO~Oo g [[jJ o. 0000000 0000000 CENTER DUCT PERFOfVrrED GRILL ",,"DUCT OlITPUT PRODUCT INPUT - TOP VIEW > AGURE 79 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-37 7'1-09 REV. 5 SPECIFIC APPLICATION BY MODEL (Continued) Nieco Broiler Model 940,962 or 960 With Catalytic Converter Protection . Note: Nieco broUers w~hout catalytic converters use stardard chain broiler protection options. Certain models of the Nieco broiler (Modeis 940, 962. and 960) are equipped with a Catalytic converter to comply with new clean air laws. Because of the converter, it is necessary to protect these broilers in a special way. The guidelines for protecting these broil- ers are ,as follows: - The maximum internal brofiing area is 29 in. x 23.5 in. (74 em x 60 em). - An R--102 3-gailon system wiIl1 e maximum of 6 fiow numbers, '. _...:'~ must be used for protec:tian of..eacl:t broiler, including -plenum,. and duct - Each Individual broiler must be protected w~ a minimum of (2) . two, 1 N nozzles, Part No. 419335. The nozzies must be iocat~ ~ ed as shown in Figure 80. . - The brolier must be fitted with two 1 in. (2.5 em) high .gent bar- riers on the angled suriace of the brol~er. If these have not been completed by the equipment supplier, they must be .added in the field. 1\1 (2)1NNOZZCES '" I PART NO. 5693D ----.J\ t 14.25:1: 1 IN. (36=1 I a 0 12 1N.l'tl 13 IN. (31 em TO 33 em) q---- -'-I"~ I cf:' <I I "'------'--,-, --1::-------'-" _____..J ~ LOCATE NOZZLES 213/'r6IN.{7.1 em) ON EACH SIDE OF BROILER CENTER LINE 'It t 14.25:1: 1 IN. {3eem) n I > FIGURE 80 SECTlON IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-38 REV. 8 7-1-09 , SPECIFIC APPUCATlON BY M9DEL (COntinued)-.---- _ -- .. . Nieco Broiler - Model 950, 960,'9S0,1424 . I . . Nozzle QuantityfType: (1) On~ 2W nozzle, Part No. 419337, . Nozzle Height: 20 in. (508 mm) above top Df appliance. See .. Figure 81a i . Nozzle Location: 6 1/2 in. (H:;5 mm) back frDm frDnt edge of ... appliance. See Figure 81. a . Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at center of Dpening. See Figure .. 81a. . Nieco Broiler - Model 950, 960,,980, 1424 (with Catalytic Converter) I I. . Nozzle QuantityfType: (2) Two 2W nozzles, Part No. 419337, . Nozzle Height: 20 in. (508 mm) above..top of appliance..see. . Figure 81 b. < . Nozzle LocatIon: 6 1/2 in. (165 mm) back' frDm front edge of .. appliance. See Agure 81 b. I . Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at center of opening, See Figune "" B1b - Side View. ~ Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed,n pDint 3 in. (76mm) each side of "" center. See Figure 81 b - Front;View. f~// , / , , , , I CATALYTlC 9t CONVEFITER I , f ,/ / 1-'"'''''' I (165mm) r--61121N. L (165 mm) stOEVlEW SlOE VIEW 2W NOZZLE t I 2)NNDZZLE t t 3IN. ~31N. t. (76 mm) (76 mrn). . 20 IN. I (5OS~ mm) t 20 IN. (S08 1I'I"l'I) .i . CENTERUNE OF LARSE OPENING FRONT View AGURE 81 a ...... AGURE 81b ~ CENTERUNE OF LARGE OPENING FRONT VIEW. . Niece Broiler - Model 9015 (With or Without Catalylic Converter) . Nozzle QuanlityfType: (2) Two 2W nozzles, Part ND, 419337. . Nozzle Height: 20 in. (508 mm) above top Df appliance. See . Figure 82- . Nozzle location for Large Chamber: 6 1/2 in. (165 mm) back . frDm front edge of appliance, See Figure 82, . Nozzle Location for Small Chamber: NDzzle tD be localed 6 1/2 in, (165 mm) back from frDnt edge 01 appliance and 12 in. (305 mm) Dver frDm large channbernozzle. . Nozzle Aiming Point for Large Chamber: Aimed at center Df ~ opening. See Figure 82. . ..- Nozzle AIming Point for Small Chanlber: NDzzle tD be ailTled 12 in, (305 mm) Dver from large chamber nozzle aiming pDint. Ii! , I , L61~"'. I (1.65 mm) . SIDE VIEW "(2)ZWNOZZLES t . . I-- 121N,.-, I (305mm) I I - t 201N. (508 mm) I I . ca:TEAUNE 01= . . ---LARGE OPENING FRONTVIE'N . RGURE 82 '0"" , . SPECIFIC APPUCATION BY MODEL (Continued) Nieca Broiler - Madel 9025 (With or WithoUt Catalytic Converter) . Nozzle Quanlity/Type: (2) Two 2W nozzles, Part No. 419337. . Nozzle Height: 20 1/2 in. (521 mm) above top of appliance. See ~ Figure 83. . Nozzle Location: 6 1/2 In. (165 mm) back from Iran! edge of ... appliance. See Figure 83. . Nozzle Aiming Paint: Aimed at center of each opening, See ... Figure 83. S10EVlEW I I I I I I ---..-~~ Ii: '" CENTERLINE OF OPENING t I 1_6112IN. (165mm) , (2J 2W NOZ21.ES I I I I ,- - - - i- ---, , \. 1&-20 112 IN. (457-521 mmj 1 - CENTERLINE OF OPENING . FRONT VIEW FIGURE B3 . ~ SECTION IV. - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-39 7.1-09 REV. 7 Nieco Broiler - Madel MPB94 and MPBB4 - High Proximity . (WilhlWithout Catalytic Converters) Nozzle Quantity/Type: (1) One 2W nozzie, Part No. 419337, Nozzle Height: 20 in, (508 mm) above tap of converter. See . Figure 84, . Nozzle Location: Centered 6 1/2 in. (165 mm) back fram any ~ edge of the appliance. See Rgure 84. . Nozzle Aimin9 Paint: Aimed at center .of opening. See Figure ... 84. . TOP VlEW SIDE VIEWS W NOZZLE 1'~;::';)1\ TYP,N-/Y SIDE \ . 6112 IN. (155 nun) TYP. ANY SIDE I Tl-L ""'" // \\' ~ml I J - l' \ II J (5~r ""'" FIGURE B4 ...., I SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL 8<3470 ULC 8<3470 i Page 4-40 REV. 6 7-1-09 I SPECtAC APPUCATlON BY MODEL (Continued}--.-- . I . Nieco Sroiler - Model MPS94 - Low Proximity (WIth or WIthout Catalytic Converter) I Nozzle QuantilyIType: (2) Two 245 nozzles, Part No. 419340. Nozzle Height: 8 in. to 15 In. (20.3 to 36.1 em) measured from top of converter ' . Nozzle location: 6.5 In. (16.5 em) from front or back edge of hazard. FIrst nozzle Jositioned 7.5 in. (19.1 em) to the right from center of hazard. Second nozzie positioned 7.5 In. (19.1 em) to the lelt from center of hazard. , See Figure 85. Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at opening on respective center lines. I I BACK FRom 245 NOZZLE I /"'" AIM POI... 7112~. (191nm) T 711211II. ('l91rm'1 245NOZZL...E 1 ct 6112ltl ~65 I-- ............... AIM POINT , - 't TOP '(IEW I ,. 245 NOZZLE ~ ; 'i'1 61~IN.~65~I~1 I-- '\, PRODUCT ". OUTPUT --. PRODUCT INPUT ...-- FRONT BACK . Niece Broiler - Model MPB84 - Low Proximity (With Catalylic Converter) . Nozzle QuantilyIType: (2) Two 245 nozzles, Part No. 419340. Nozzle Height: B in. to 15 In. (20.3 to 38.1 em) measured from top of converter' . Nozzle Location: 6.5 in. (16.5 em) from front or back edge of hazard. First nozzle positioned 7.5 In. (19.1 em) to Ihe right from center of hazard. Second nozzle positioned 7.5 in. (19.1 em) to the lelt from center of hazard." See Figure 86. Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at opening on respective center lines BACK 245 p.fQZZLE ~ AIM POINT ~N. ~ F~ 2ENOZZlE , I- / .............. AIM POINT ~ . -., ct. FRONT 71 ~'" 71 ~'" 6112lN ~ 65 omj ct. TOP VIEW 245 NOZZLE ~ 61~ "'1165omj ~I ~ '\, PRODUCT OIJTPUT --. PROOUCT "PUT ~ FAOi'IT ..c;!(. IlD9l!lD SIDE VIEW ..... SIDE VIEW i I . AGUAE 85 . AGUAE 86 SPE.ClAC APPUCATlON BY MODEL (Continued). . Nieco Broiler - Model MP684 and MPB94 - High Proximity (With Perforated Cap OR with Catalytic Converter and Chimney) Nozzle QuantltyiType: (2) Two 1 N nozzies Nozzle Height: 18 in. (45.7 em) to 20 in. (50.8 em) Nozzle Location: 6.5 in. (16.5 em) from Iront or back edge of haz- . ard First nozzle positioned 5 in. (12.7 em) to left of opening centerline Second nozzle positioned 5 in. (12.7 em) to right of opening centertine See Figure 87 Nozzie Aiming Point: Aimed at center of opening (2}-lNNOZZl.E.~ WITH OR WITHOUT CHIMNEY "" ! 1SIN, (457 mm) TO 20 IN, {S08 rrvn) NOZZLE H8GKT 61/Z IN. (165 mm) FROM FRONT OR BACK EDGE PROOUCT OUTPUT -.... PROOUCT INPlli -- BACK FllONT SIDE VIEW 0Da&I (2) - 1N NOZZLE <t. 61tZ IN. (l65rml) F'ROM FRONT OR --- BACK 8JGE BACK FRONT ""'" <t. TOP VIEW . FIGURE 87 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-41 7-1-09 RE\I. 6 . Nieco Broiler - Model MPB84 and MPB94 - Low Proximity (Wrth Pertorated Cap OR with Catalytic Converter and Chimney) Nozzie QuantityiType: (2) Two 245 nozzles Nozzle Height: 8 In. (20.3 em) to 15 In:(3B. 1 em) Nozzle Location: 6.5 (16.5 em) from front or back edge 01 hazard First nozzle positioned 7.5 in. (19,1' em) to the right or hazard centertlne Second noZzle positioned 7.5 in.' (19.1 em) to the left of hazard centerline See Figure 88 Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed ~ center of opening (2}-~5NO'Z2LE~ WITH OA WfTHOlIT CHIMNEY '" ! 6/N. (200 mm)TO 151t-t(3Bl mm) NozaE HEIGHT 61f2.IN.(1B5mm) FROM PAOI\'T . OR BACK EDGE PRODUCT OUTP\IT -... PROOUCT INPUT -- BACK FRONT SIDE VIEW ~ (2)- 245 NOZZLE 7 t12IN. (19' mm) <t. 61fllN.t165rnml FflOM FROm OR---+ BACK EDBE BACK <t. TOP VIEW . AGURE 88 SECTION N - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-42 REV. 7 7-1.-09 SPECIFIC APPUCATlON BY MODEL (Continued) Marshall Air - Model 2001 BK Multi-Chamber Broiler Marshall Air Electric Broiler _ Maciel FR14B AutoBroil Nozzle QuanlityfType: (2) Two 1W nozzles, Part No. 419347. Nozzle QuanlltyfType: One 260 Nozzle (Part No. 419341) Nozzle Location: Front nozzle tip must ~~ocated ~~in.. direct: __--Nozzle Height: 15 - 20 in..(38,.1 ~SQ,8_cm)_abolia1he,_. Iv above the appliance, aligned with the lront face and centerline top of the broiler ~f the catalytic converter. The aim point is 4 in. forward of the Nozzle Location: The nozzle must be centered above the front edge of the converter on the centerline. front edge of the broiler The rear nozzle tip is a mirror image of the front. The rear noz- Nozzle Aiming Point: Aimed at the center of the exhaust zle ;s located 14 in. vertically above the appliance, aligned with )0 opening of the braUer. See Figure 90. the "rear' face and centerline of the catalytic converter. The aim point 15 4 in. behind the "rear" edge of the converter o~!~e cen- terline. See Figure 89. System Umilatlon: Maximum of 5 fiows for a 3.0 gallon sys- tem: Remaining flow points available may be used to protect other hazards. . CENTERED ON CONVERTER TWQ1WNQ ~ It- ;;;;;; 0 i= D , CONVERTEl ZZLES _'k FRONT VIEW NOZZl.E ~IGNEO WITH FRONT or CONVERTER NOZZLE AUGNED WIlli NOZZLE ALIGNED WITH BACK FRONT OF CONVERTER, OF CONVERTER, AIMED AIMED 4 IN. (102 mlTl) B~ 41N. (102 mm) FORWARD I,W . IW r '---h-NOZZLE NOZZLE1-----' ,41N '4 IN. (356 ~) 4 IN. 1 (356 mm) .. . (102 mm) ----!. = = -", SlOE VIEW . FIGURE 89 4811'1. (121.9cm) J . FIGURE 90 "'''' Grease Grabber..aO~ Two S1age FIltration. 'System The Grease Grabber-80 Two Stage Rltratian'-System consists of two components:The primary filter (The Grease-X Tractor) and the secondary filter (The Grease Grabber-80), The protection required for this application is the same as the starr- dard plenumlfllter protection: One (1) 1 N Nozzle, Part No. 419335, protecting 10 (3.1 m) linear feet of plenum length by 4 It (1.2 m) 01 plenum chamber depth (width), positioned 2-4 In. (~1 0 em) from . peak of secondary filter. See Figure 91. IN NOZZLE HarE: TWO NOZZLES" MUST BE lmLlZED FOR v-aANK FIi.TER ARRANGEMe.'i. . AGURE, 91 ,..". . OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE . Overlapping Coverage - Option 1 For each group 01 protected appliances under a common hood(s), the overiapping nozzles must be located from right to left so that each end nozzle is located a maximum of 6 In, (15,2 em) inside the outside edge of the cooking hazard of each end appliance", and the inside overlapping nozzies must be located between the two end nozzles at a maximum spacing of 12 in, (30.5 em). Hazard Zone The hazard zone is defined as a theoretical, flat and level, rectan- gular surtace, that includes all of the cooking hazards of the prer tected appliances under a cammon hood(s),The purpose of the hazard zone is to provide a means of locating the appliances and the overlapping nozzles, as well as air:ning the overlapping noz- zles. The hazard zone measures 2B in. (71,1 em) deep by the length of the cooking hazan:J{s). The centerline of the hazard zone must bisect the 2B In. (71,1 em) depth (from front to back) and run from right-to-Ieft for the full width at the hazard zone. Overlapping Nozzle Appliance Protection Overlapping Nozzle Appliance Proteoffon is defined as protection of cooking appliances by nozzles spaced uniformly at uniform ele- vations under a common hOod(s), Overiapping proteoffon of appli- anoes is continuous for the full length of the hood or divided when group(s) of protected applianoes are separated by oounters or appliances not requiring proteoffon, Full hood continuous protection is defined as overlapping noz- zie appliance protection' that .covers the appliance line-up located under the tata hood length. All appliances requiring protection are the appliances under the hood that can be an ignition source of grease in the hood, grease removal device or the duct.. Group proteotion is defined as overlapping nozzle applianCe prer tection that protects individual hazard zones located under a com- mon hood. These "groups" of appliances may be separated by appliances not requiring pratectlon1 such as steam equipment or work tablesl or by dedicated appliance protection, such as saJa. mander broilers. See Figure 91 d (full hood continuous proteoffon) and Figure 91 e (mu~iple group protection). . Dedicated Nozzle Appliance Prolect;on Appliance protection using dedicated nozzle coverage is -defined as protection of cooking appliances with enclosed cooking haz~ ards, such as upright broilers, which cannot be protected with overlapping nozzles 'and therelore must be protected with nozzles dedicated to the appliance, General Design Limitations , Maximum depth of zone is 2B in, (71,1 om).. . . The 245 nozzie, Part No, 419340, is the on~ approved nozzle for overlapping (zone) pnotection. . Nozzle must be loceted 0 in, to 6 in, (0 em to 15.2 em) lorward of zone centerline, aim-ed back at the zone centerline. . Nozzles must be spaced a maximum of 6 in, (15.2 em) from each end of haiard and then a maximum of 12 in. (30.5 em) on center for the remaining overlapping nozzles until the complete .. hazard is covered. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-43 7-1-09 REV,6 . ,... For appliance hazard surfaces with listed protection exCeed- ing the standard hazard zone of 28 in, [71,1 om) in depth, the hazard surtace(s) must be aligned with the back edge of the hazard zone, with the front edge overhanging the front edge of the zone. See Appliance Chart, Tabie 1. - ___. .__n_ o For appliance hazard suMaces that exceed the listed protec- tion sizes" multiple zones must be utilized. Align entire hazard surtace area within the multiple zones. . All hood, duct, Individual appliance, and piping Iimliations are as specified in the R--102 Design, installation, Reoharge- and Malntenanoe Manual. Part No. 418087, . All appliance proteoffon currentiy listed in the R--l02 Design Manual, Parl No, 418087, is also approved protecffon, Zone pra> tection can be considered optional protection. TABLE 1 Overlapping Nozzle Coverage (Zone PrOtection) Appliance Type Maximum Cooking Hazard Fryer 34 in. (86.4 om) Deep x 5.8 ff2 (0.5m2) 30 in, (76.2 om) Deep.x Unlimited Length 28 in, (71,1 om) Deep x i,lnlim~ed Length 30 in. (76.2 om) Diameter x 8 In, (20.3 em) Deep 1.1 In, (27.9 om) Diameter x 3 in, (7,6 em) Deep 34 In, (86.4 om) Deep X Unlimited .Length . 32 in, (81.3 em) Deep X Unlim~ed Length 32 in, (61,3 em) Deep X Unlim~ed Length (4 in, (10.2 em). Maximum Fuel Depth) Mesqu~e Wood 32 in, (81.3 em) beep x Unlim~ed Length Broiler (12 in, (30.5 em) Maximum Fuel Depth) --- Gas Radiant 36 in. (91.4 em) Deep X Unlim~ed Char-Broiler Length Electrio Char-Broiier 34 in. [86.4 em) Deep X 20 in. (sa.8 em) . See Figure 91 a for nozzle Ioca1lon Griddle Range Wok, Maximum Wok, Minimum Bralsing Panm~ Skillet' Lava Rock Char-Broiler Charcoal Broilsr ,f 1 t-+o (Hi IN. (0-15 em) COVER MUSTNCJT' I 'I rf\ITERFERE WITH ! I EDGE OF DISCHARGE I / PATTERN 40-45 IN. (H.1m) , I J J; ,I ~ ZONE / ZONE CENTER UNE . . FIGURE 91 a ...., SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 443.1 REV. 0 7-1-09 OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE (Continued). ,.._ 4. Overlapping Appliance Nazzle and Hlizard Zone Locations 1. All overlapping appliance nozzles must be the "245" nozzle, Pal1 No. 419340, and must be located under a cammon hood at 1he same height above the hazard zone, in, a straight line-. tram right to left and aimed at the centerline of the hazard zone. The overlapping nozzle is used for both continuous over~ iapping and multiple group overlapping protection. 2. The haiard zone must be positioned (located) so that all appl~ ance hazard surfaces are within the zone. For appliance haz- ard sunaces with listed protection exceeding the standard hazard zone size of 28 in. (71 em) in depth (see Table 1), the hazard sunace(s) must be aligned with the bad< edge oj the hazard zone, with the !rant edge .overhanging the !rant of the zone. 3. The overlapping appliance nozzles must be located 40 In. to 45 in. (1 m to 1.1 m) above the top sunace of the protected appliances. See Figure 91 c. Exception No.1: Nozzle dime~ons for wok protection are measured to . bottom of wok. Exception No. 2: When using overlapping appliance nozzles in areas where there is a back shelf, the nozzle cannot be positioned in the shaded area as shown in Figure 91 b. Also, beck shelf must not extend more than 11 in. (27.9 em) over the hazard zone and cannot be less than 20 in. (50.8 em) above the hazard zone. See Figure 91 b. ~ OVERLAPPING NOZZLE(S) , CANNOT BE POsmONED ~. IN THIS SH.-.DED AAEA 42 41 40 6 5 432: 1 I _ -CENTER UNE OF HAZARD ZONE BACK . / SHELF , 11 IN. (Z7.9 an) MAXIMUM t 20 IN. (SOJlcm) MINIMUM I , V// /// ////t/////// / /J ~28~C11om) I AGURE 91 b ~. The overtapping appliance nozzles must be located 0 in. to 6 in. (0 em to 15.2 em) forward of the centerline or aimline of . the selected hazard zone. See Figure 91 c. I 245 NOZZLE - NOZZLE MUST BE AIMED STRAIGHT t-{- OOWN OR BACK AT CENTERL~E OF it -- j ~ 'SIN I _ ~,~ om) I (1.1 m) 11 ./ V/////+/////1::=" ~E L 28.~~:~; l7Ucm} ZONE FIGURE 8'1 c .-. OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE (Continued) Overlapping Appliance Nozzle and 'Hazard Zone Locations - . Group Protection ,. For each group of protected appliances under a common hood(s), the overlapping nozzies must be located from right to left so that each end nozzle is located a maximum of 6 in. (15.2 em) inside the outside edge of the cooking hazard of each end appliar:ce, and the inside overlapping nozzles must be located between the two end nozzles at a maximum spac- ing of 12 in. (30.5 em). See Figures 91 d and 91 e. (1s..26~il/\ MAXIMUM FROM EDGEOF I C(X)KING I HAZARD I , ~,k"2om)~ I MAXIMUM FROM =1 M 12 IN. (30..5 om) MAXIMUM . SPAClNG(S} BETWEEN OVERLAPPING. NOZZLES t 1 r '\ 1\ 1\ 1\ I \ I \ I \ \ / \ , \ I , I \ \ I 'I 'I \ I V " \ ,< to f, l 1\ I \ I \ 1\ .., ,,/ " \ RJu. HOOD cqNT1NUOUS APPLIANCE ?ROTECT1ON 12 IN. (30..5 c:m) MAXIMUM 6 IN. (15.2 cm) MAXIMUM l ju , 12 IN. (3G.5cm) . ~~ WOOMUM u=u GROUP APPtlANCE PFlOTECT\DN 'i : , \t'~:.:~ WOOMUM FROM \ EDGE OF \ COOKING , HAZARD FIGURE Bid .1Jll'I71C ~ 6 IN. (1S.2cm) MAXIMUM ""OM l~'~ HAZARD AGURE 91e ~~ ./ j SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-43.2 7-1-09 REV. 0 2. When obstructions are located adjacent to appliance(s) pre>- tected by overlapping nozzles, the overlapping appliance noz. zle spacing must start with th~ appliance(s) adjacent to the obstruction. See Figure 91 f. ~ GIN. (3!I.5 em) (30.S em) (30.S em) (30.5 em) (152 em) __ ,MAX. ,MA~ ,"""',""'" , -: MAX D -' t oosrnuCTlON HAZARD AREA 6 IN. 15.2 em) MAX. OUTSIDE fieE OF COOKING HAZARD .1 RGURE 911 """ 3. When an appliance requires dedicated protection with a pro- tected area intended for overlapping appliance nozzle protec- tion, the group protection option will be required for appliances on either side of the appliances using dedicated protection. Group protecliqn using overlapping. appliance nozzles must begin with the protected appliance(s) adjacent to the dedicat- ed appliance protected. An overlapping appliance nozzle(s) must be positioned w~hin 6 in. (15.2 em) 01 the edge(s) of the appliance hazard suriaea area(s) adjacent tc the dedicated nozzle protection. See Figure 91g. EDSE OF COOIONG' . HAZARO " 61N. (15.2cm ""'" t "'N. t Ir;o~llt 5 IN. (15.2 cm) MAXIMUM EDGe OF COOKING HAZAAO Il..::::;" c:::::.J t 6 IN. (15.2cm) MAXfMUM OEDI~ NOZZLE APPUANCE " 61N. (15.2 c:m) ""'" EOGE OF COOKING HAZARD AGURE 91g 001756" SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL 8<3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-43.3 REV. 0 7-1-09 OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE (Continued) OVerlapping Appliance Nozzle and Hazard Zone Locations - Group ProtectIon (Continued) 4. On protected appliances, all hazard surtaces located in a group must be within 40-45 In. (1 02" 114' 'CTTlj'irorrrttllnlOc zle(s), Once that dimension is exceeded, a new group must be started. See Figure 91 h. Note: The supply pipe teeding nozzle groups is to be at the same elevation. Adjust height for each group only by varying lengths of nozzle drops. I .1 : 40~. '''TIITon) SIN. (1S.2 an) ~ 6 iN., {1S.2 em) MAXIMUM I i I MAXIMUM I I I I I I I I 40 IN. {102 cm1 t I I 45 IN. I (114cm) 11 I GROUP "A" f.--"""uP 'S.--! AGURE 91 h ...., Detection Requirements For OVerlapping Appliance Protection When utilizing overlapping appliance protection, fusible link detec- tors must be installed on a maximum of 2 It (0.61 m) centers, starting with detectors located in '(under) the duct opening(s}. Starting from the detector under the duct opsning, add detectors . on 2 ft (0.61 m) maximum spacing umil the complete length of the plenum area is covered, from one end to the other. The location of th~ last detector on each end of the plenum must not exceed 2 ft (0.61 m) from end of plenum. Note: Standard detector coverage, as specified in IlDesign Section,U Is acceptable when utlllzing dedIcated nozzle cov~ erages. . OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE (Continued) . ---.-- . Overlapping Coverage - Option 2 For each group of protacted appliances under a common hood(s), the overlapping nozzles must be located from right to left so that each end nozzle is located a maximum of 11.5 in. (29.2 em) inside the outside edge of the cooking hazard of each end. appliance, and the inside overlapping nozzles must be iocated betWeen the two . end nozzles at a maximum spacing of 25.5 in. (64.6 em). Hazard Zone The hazard lone is defined as a theoretical, fiat and level, rectan- gular surface, thai includes all of the cooking hazards of the pro- tected appliances under a common hood(s). The purpose of the hazard zone is to provide a means of locating the appliances and the overlapping nozzles, as well as aiming the overlapping noz- zles. The hazard zone measures 28 In. (711 mm) deep by the length of the cooking hazard(s). The centerline of the hazard zone must bisect the 26 in. (711 mm) depth (from front to back) and run from rlght-to-Ieft for the fuil width of the hazard zone.. . Overlapping Nozzle Appliance Proteellon Overiapping Nozzle Appliance Protection is defmed as protection of cooking appliances by nozzles spaced un~ormly at uniform ele- vations under a common hood(s). Overlapping protection of appli- ances is continuous for the fuil iength of the hood or divided when group(s) of pnoIected appliances are separated by counters or appliances not requiring protection. . Full hood continuous proteellon Is detined as overlapping noz- zle appliance protection that covers the appliance line-up located under the total hood length. All appliances reqUiring protection are the appliances under the hood that can be an ignition source of grease in the hood, grease removal device or the duct, Group protection is defined as overlapping nozzle appliance pro- tection that protects individual hazard zones located under a com- . man hood. These "groups' of appliances may be separated by appliances not requiring protection, such as steam equipment or work tables, or by dedicated appliance proteclion, such as sala- mander broilers. . See Figure 95 (full hood continuous protection) and Figure 96 (muttiple group protection). Dedrcated Nozzj~ Appliance Protection Appliance protection using dedicated nozzle coverage is defined as protection of cooking appliances with enclosed cooking haz. ards, such as upright broilers. which cannot be protected with overlapping nozzles and therefore must be protected with nozzles dedicated to the appliance. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-43.4 7-1-09 REV: 0 General Design Limitations . If overiapping appliance protection is mixed with dedicated appl~ ance protection on the same pipe system, THE OVERLAPPING APPliANCE PROTECTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED. .. Overlapping protection requires the use of 3.0 gal (11.4 L) tank(s) and a maximum of six (6) flows per tank In installalions using tanks only intended tor overlapping protec- lion, a single Double Tank nitrogen expellant gas carlridge can be ulillzed with up to three (3) 3.0 gal (11.4 L) tanks. In installations using both overlapping protection and conver). tionai non-overlapping protection (ex. hood/duct or dedicated appliance protection), a single Double Tank nitrogen expellant gas cartridge can be utilized wfth up to three (3) 3.0 gal (11.4 L) tanks, as long as none of the 3_0 gal (11.4 L) tanks exceed a total fiow output of more than six (6) flows. . If more than six (6) flows will be used in a conventional non- overtapping tank, tt cannot share the same cartridge as tanks intended for overlapping protection. In this case, an additional Regulirted Actuator Assembly with another expellant gas car- . tridge will be required. . The 245 nozzie, Part No. 419340, must be used for "end of zone" protection. . The 260 nozzle, Part No. 419341, must be used for zone pro- tection. . . Maximum depth of zone is 26 In. (71.1 'cm). . Refer to overlapping system piping requirements listed in Table 2. . . Nozzle must be iocated 0 in. to 12 in. (0 cm to 30.5 em) forward of zone centerline, aimed back at the zone centerline. . . Nozzles must be speced e maximum of 11.5 in. (29.2 cm) from . each end of hazard and then a maxjmum of 25.5 in. (64.8 em) on center for the remaining' overtapping nozzles until the com- plete hazard is covered. . For appliance hazard surtaces with listed protection exceed- ing the standard hazard zone of 26 in. (71 cm) in depth, the haz- ard surface(s) must be aligned wfth the back edge of the hazard zone, with the Iront edge overhanging the front edge of the zone. See Appliance Chart, Table 1. . . For appliance hazard surfaces that exceed the listed protec- tion sizes, multiple zones must be. utiHzed. Align entire hazard surface area within the multiple zones. . AI! hood, duct, and individual appliance protection are as speci- fied in the' R-1 02 Design, Installation, Recharge and Malnterr- ance Manual, Part No. 418087. . . All appliance protection currently listed in the R-1 02 Design Manual, Part No. 416067, is also approved protection. Zone pro- tection can be considered optional protection. " SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN' . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-44 REV. 6 7-1-09 OVERLAPPING' NOZZLE COVERAGE (Continued) TABLE 1 Overlapping Nozzle Coverage (Zone Protection) Appliance Type Maximum Cooking Hazard . Fryer 34 in, (86.4 em) Deep x 5,8' ft2 (D,S m") Griddle 30 in, (76,2 em) Deep x Unlimited Length Range 30 in, (76.2 em) Deep x UnlimITed Length Wok, t0aximum 30 in. (76.2 em) Diameter x 8 in. (20.3 em) Deep 11 in, (27.9 em) Diameter x 3 In, (7,6 em) Deep . Braising PanfTllt 34 in, (86.4 em) Deep'x UnlimITed Skillet' Length , Leva Rack 26 In, (66,0 em) Deep x Unllmited.- Ghar-Broiler (see Nate 1) Length , Charcoal Broiler 30 In, (76,2 em) Deep x Unlimited Length (4 in, (10,2 em) Maximum Fuel Depth) MesqUITe Woad 30 in, (76,.2 em) Deep x UnlimITed Length' Broiler (6 In, (1 S,2 em) Maximum Fuel Depth) Gas Radiant 36 in, (91,4 em) Deep x UnlimITed Char-Broiler Length . Eiectric Char-Broiler 34 in, (86.4 em) Deep x Unllrilfted Length ... . See Agure 92 for nozzle location Note 1: Always try to place Lava Rock Char~nBr(s) near the center of the zOne. When the Lava Rock. Char-Bro1Ier is the first or last appliance In the zone, the outside edge at the-broller must not be more than 6 in. (15 em) outside the end nozzle. . ---Overlapping Appliance Nozzle and HBzard Zone LoCations' . 1, All overiapplng appliance nozzies must be the 245. nozzie, Part No, 419340, for "end of zone' protection and the 260 nOI2- !Ie, Part No, 419341, tor zone protection, and must be located under a common hood at the same height above the hazard zone, In a straight line from rigbt to left and aimed at Ihe cen, terline o(the hazard Zone. The overlapping nozzle is used for both .,continuous overlapping and muftlple group overlapping protection. 2. The hazard zone must be positioned noeated) so that all apple ance hazard surfaces are within the zone: For appliance haz. ard surfaces smaller than the standard hazard zone size, the . hazard surface can be located anywhere within the standElf'd ha2ard zone, For appliance hazard surfaces' with listed pl"O-- taction exceeding the standard hazard zone size of 28 in. (71 em) in depth (see Table 1), the hazarnsUrtac,;'(s)'musfbe- aligned with the back edge of the hazard zone, with the imnt . edge overhanging the front of the zone. 3, The overlapping appliance nozzles must be located 40 In, to 45 In, (1 m to 1.1 m) above the top suriace at the protected appliances, See Figure 94. . Exception No.1: Nozzle dimensions for wok protection are measuned to bottom of wok. Exception No. 2: When using overlapping appliance nozzles in areas where there is a ba.ck shelf, the nozzle cannot be positioned In the shaded area as shown in Figure 93. Also, back shelf must not extend more than 11 in, (27,9 em) over the ha2ard zone and cannot be less than 18 in. (45,7 em) above the hazard zone. See Figure 93. Wok., Minimum . Sl U~~'IN' ! : I (G-30-Scm) , I I' 4O-45[N. if JIHlml " r' ;NE covER MUST NOT INTERFERE WITH EDGE OF DISCHARGE PATTERN , I . ZONE CENTER l.lNE FlG URE 92 ""'" . I , . . I . ~ OVERlAPPING NOZZl..E(51 ;r CAr\BIIOT BE POSrTIClNEO ~. INTIilS SHADED AREA ., 41 .0 , 121086" 2 r \- CENTER UNE OF I HAZARD ZONE J ' . BACK / SHELF . . . 1tIN,(2.7.9cmj MA.XlMUM :t 1BIN. f045.7 an) MINIMUM ! . , V// //// ///t// / / // / / /J L28IN.cn.lcml I . FlGURE 93 ' .-. . . OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE-(Continued) - 4. The overtapplng appliance nozzles must be located 0 In. to 12 In. (0 em to 30.5 em) forward of the centerline or aimline of the selected hazard zone. See Figure 94. . I 2~5 OR 260 NOZZLE MUST BE AIMED STRAIGHi H~OOWN OR SAGl< AI e6'ITERUNE OF HAZARD ZONE -jl 12 IN. (3D5mm) . 45 IN (11m) 111N. , I'm) , I FR<:JNi-~ V///// /g BACK OF ZONE OF ZONE L ' CENTERLINE OF 28 IN.- HAZARa ZONE (1"1.1 em) ZONE . AGURE 94 """" Table 2 Overlapping System Piping Umitatlons Total Max. 3/8 in. Max. Flow Pipe No- of Numbers Length ElboWs 6 75 ft 25 (22.9 m) 75 ft (22.9 m) Maximum Elevation Rise System Size 3 Gallon (11.4 L) 6 Gallon (22.7 L)' Manifolded Cartridge Size 10ft LT-30-R (3,1 m) 10 ft Double (3.1 m) Tank! LT-A-101- 30' 10 ft Double (3.1 m) Tank! LT-A-101- 30" 12 25 9 Gallon (34.1 L) 18 75ft 25 (22.9 m) . 50 ft (15,2 m) maximum pipe from first to last nozzie. 50 ft (",5.2 m) maximum pipe after the spltt on a spltt system. .Use with regurai~ actUator only. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-45' 7-1-09 ,REV. 4 Over.lapping Appliance NozzIe.and-Hazard Zone Locations---,.-.,...- _.._ Group Protection 1. For each group of protected appliances under a common hood(s), the overlapping nozzles must be located tram right to . left so that each end nozzle is located a maximum of 'i 1.5 in. (29.2 em) inside the outside edge of the cooking hazard of each end appliance, and the inside overlapping nozzles must be locaied between the two end nozzles at a maximum spac- ing of 25.5 in. (64,8 em), See Figures 95 and 96. . . . M. . 25.5 IN. (64.8 em) MAXIMUM SPAClNG(S) BETWEEN OVERlJ>.PPING NOZZLES . ".5IN'1/\ . (29..2cm) I MAXlMUM FROM EDGE OF I COOKING ( HAZARD L\ I \ \ "/ \ I '( 1\ I 1\ 1\ I \ 1'\ / \'/ \./ ,/ \ 1 'I :/ X ~ I \ I \ 1\ I ,- \ I \ I ! \ \ \ PJLL HOOD COI\'TINUOUS APPUANCE PROTECTION . . 25.5 IN. (64.B em) MAXIMUM 11.5 IN.. (29.2cm} ~MUM "'51N'l ~ (29.2~) 245 '" MAXIMUM FROM =1 '. GROUP APPUANCE PROTEcnoN NaTE.: On group appl\aflCll prntectlon, start and end 01 EACH zone g~ mum be pralac:led wllh a 2"'5 nozzie. " t I\~ \ 11.5lN;' , --(2ll.2cm) MAXIMUM FROM \ EDGE OF COOKING HAZARD AGURE 95. ~ ~ ".5IN. (29.2cm) MAXlhIUM FROM EDGE OF l~ AGURE 96 .,,,,, SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470' Page 4-46 REV, 6 7-1-09 OVERLAPPING NOZZLE COVERAGE {Continued), ' _c~ 4,- Gn-protected appliances, all hazard surfaces loceted in_a ~,~~,'~'. Overlapping Appliance Nozzle and Hazard Zone Locations _ group must be within 40-45 in. (1-1.1 m) trom the nozzle(s), Group Protection (Continued) Once that dimension is exceeded, a new group must be start- . ed, See Figure 99, , 2. When obstructions are iocated adjacent to appliance(s) pro- tected by overlapping nozzies, the overlapping appnance noz- Note: The supply pipe leeding nozzie groups is to be at the zle spacing must start w~h the appliance(s) adjacent to the same elevation, Adjust height for each group only by varying . obstruction, See Figure 97. lengths of nozzle drops, . . I ~'N'I~51N'I~IN: 12S.5IN'1 11.s1N. (64.8 em) (64.S em) (64.8 em) (&U ern) (29.2cml_ t WJ( t MAX. t MAX. t MAX. t - MAX. D 24S 260 260 250 245 '- 1"\.5 IN. (29.2cm) MAX. OUTSIDE EDGE OF COOKlNG HAZAAO t I. OB5TRUCTlON NOTE: 011 CtIl1tInLlOUs app/1lInc:e prcl"ctIon, stMt and end with 245 nozzles and 25D nazzIe(s) In thI'I middle. . HAZARD AREA . fiGURE 97 . 3. When an appliance requires dedicated protection with a pro-- tected area intended for overlapping appliance nozzle protec- tion, the group protection option will be required for appliances , on either side of the appliances using dedicated protection. Group protection using overlapping appliance nozzles must begin with the protected appllance(s) adjacent to'the dedicat- ed appliance protected. An overlapping appliance nozzle(s) . must be positioned within 11.5 In. (29.2 cm) of the edge(s) of the .ppliance hazard surface area(s) adjacent to the dedical- l- ed nozzle protection. See Rgure 98. EDGE OF COOKING HAZAAO / 1UIN. l- (29.2cm) MAX. . 25.S IN" 1(6411~)1 MAX.j 11.5 tN. (29.2 em) MAx.. c:;,:, c:=::..J t 11.5rN.(2B.2cm) MAXIMUM l- EDGE . OF COOKlNG HAZARD DEDICATED NOZZl...E APPLIANCE NOTE.; On group iQJPUartC8 prolecllan, &tart and 6Ild 01 EACH .zone ~ ll'ft\Up must be protoct&d with Ii 24S n~e, fiGURE 98 """" . 11.SLN. i29.2cm) MAXIMUM ~ I +, ! I ~ENDOF ,'. ,/ZONE : NOZZLES t I : .., .DlN: (1.om) "SIN. I ~ ]ml n+ .cSIN. f "0 IN. (1.1 ) I (1.om) i H-~~ t + NOZZLES aal71~ ~ J GROUP "p," GROUP "B"----I NOTE: On group ~l1uflCll protedIon, start and end 01 EP.O-I zonB gttIllp must be proIi:Ict8d wfth a 245 nozzle. . FIGURE 99 . .- Detection Requirements For Overlapping Appliance Protection When utllizin9 overlapping appliance piotection, fusible link detec- tors must be instalied on a maximum of 2 ft (0.61 m) cenillrs, starting with detectors located in (under) the, duct opening(s). Starting from the det.ctor under the duct opening, add detectors on 2 ft (0,01 m) maximum spacing until the complete length of the plenum area is covered, from one end to the other. The location ot the last detector on each end of the plenum must not exceed 2 ft (0.01 m) from end of pienum. Note: Standard defector piacement can also be utilized wilen using overlapping protection. However, the overlapping detector option cannot be used when utilizing standard R-102 protection, . Refer to Pages 4-57 and 4-58 for detector placement. TANK AND CARTRIDGE REQUIREMENTS---- Once the hazard analysis is compieted and the total nozzle flow numbers are established, the quantity and size of agent tanks and. cartridges needed to supply the nozzles with the proper volumes of agent at the proper flaw rates can be determined. For cartridges used "in the regulated release mechanism, flow capaclties, tank quantities and stzes, and regulated release cartridge options are given In the tabie below. Total Quantity and Flow Size of Numbers' ~ 1 - 5 (1) 1.5 Gallon 6 -11 (1) 3.0 Gallon 11-16 (1) 1.5 Gallon (1) 3.0 Gallon 16 - 22 (2) 3.0 Gallon . 16 - 22 (2) 3.0 Gallon I - (Manifold) . 22 - 33 (3) 3.0 Gallon Double When one or more regulated. actuators are used, the following tank and cartridge combinations apply for each reguiated actuator: Reguiated Actuator Regulated Actuator Tank(s) Cartridge (1) 1.5 Gallon LT-2o-R-or 101-10 (1) 3.0 Gallon LT-3O-R or 101-20 (1) 1.5 Galloil and LT,A-101-30 or 101-30- or (1) 3.0 Gallon double tank (2) 3.0 Gallon LT-A-101-30 or 101-30- or double tank LT-A-101-30 or Double LT-A-101'30 or Double . . (2) 3.0 Gallon (Manifold) . (3) 3.0 Gallon Regutated Release Cartridge Options Nltroaen Carbon Dioxide LT-2Q-R L T-3o-R Double 101-10 101-20 101-30 Double Double 101-30- . FortIXCeptlonsto maxlrtAunfloytnumbers, /lee DiElrihullon Piping RequlmmBnts 1ar1.5gal'tai and SoD gallan systems In this SecUon. -"The 101.3'0 cartriQg8can not he used when (2) two 3.0 gallon IanksBre mal'libldad \op8the:'. SECTION IV, - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-47 7-1-09 REV. 5 for-higher total flow numbers (23to-110), multiple ca'trldgesand regulated actuators are required as shown in the System Selection Guide in Section IX - Appendix. ACTUATION AND EXPELLA.NT GAS LINE REQUIREMENTS This section contains the guidelines for installing the actuation and expellant gas lines between the regulated release mechanism reg- ulator, each reguiated actuator regulator, and each agent tank. These limitations should be considered when selecting the com- ponent mounting locations. The actuation gas line is the length of pipe and/or hose that is run from e~her the AUTDMAN Regulated Reiease Assembly or the . Remote Release Assembly that directs high pressure from the cartridge in the release to actuate one or more additional Regulated Actuator Assemblies. The actuation gas line can consist 01114 In. Schedule 40 black iron, chrome-plated, stainless steel, or gaJivanized steel pipe and fittings, andlor factory supplied stainless steel braided actuation hose. The expellant gas tine is the length of pipe that is run from the regulator in e~her the AUTDMAN Regulated Release Assembly or a Regulated Actuator Assembly that directs reguiated pressure to the agent storage tanks to pressurize the tank and discharge the agent The e><pellant gas line shall consist of 1/4 In. Schedule 40 black Iran, chrome-plated, stainless steel, or gaivanlzed steel pipe and fittings. - )0 Actuation Gas Une - 6 to 8* Tanks Maximum . B Tank rl'!aximum reflects the utilization of 3 tank regulated actuators. 1. Use only 114 In. Schedule 40 biack iran, hot-<:lipped galva- nized, chrome-plated, or stainless steel pipe and fittings. 2, The actuation gas line piping is installed from the regulaied release. mechanism to each regulated actuator connected wflhln the system. The total length of the actuation gas line trom the regulated release assembly to the regulated actuator assembly(les) must not exceed 20 ft (6 m) when using an LT-2Q-R, an LT-3o-R nitrogen cartridge, or a 101-10 or a . 101-20 carbon dioxide cartridge. See Figure 100. REGUU\fED ACTl!,AJOR ASSEMBLY EXPE1.LANT GAS LINES Nor INClUOED IN ACTUATION GAS LINE. LENGTH lOTAl..S ACTUATION GAS UNE WITH AN LT.20-R. LT..ao-R, 10HO OR 101-20 CARTRIDGE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 20 FT. 16 m), MAXIMUM NO. OF FTTTlNGS B . wANSULAl..ITOMA"'. REGULATED RaEASE. ASSEMeLY . " FIGURE 100 """" SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC'EX3470 Page 4-48 REV,6 7-1-09 ACTUATION AND EXPELLENT GAS-LlNE REQUIREMENTS ,_ (Continued) Actuation Gas Line - 6 to 8' Tanks Maximum (Continued) 3, n an expellant gas line is connected to the regulated release' assembly along wtth an actuation gas line, the total combined length of the actuation and expellant gas line must not exceed 30 It (9 m) when using a "double-tank" nitrogen car- tridge or a LT-A-101-30 nitrogen cartridge or a 101-30 carbon > dioxide cartridge, See Figure 1 01. ..4. A combIned total of nine fittings may be used in these lines, eight 90" eibows and one tee. Two 45. elbows equal one 90. elbow: Actuation Gas'Une -10 to 15*Tanks Maximum .. 15 lank maximum reflects the'utlltzal:ion of 3 tank regulated adUatcrs. 1. Use only 1/4 In. Schedule 40 blacl< Iron, hot-dipped galva- nized, chrome-plated, or stainless steel pipe and fittings. Note: Stainless steel hose and fittings can also be used. See Component Section tor detailed informaflon. ACruAlDR AND EXPB.l.ANT &AS UNES WITH A "DOUBLE TANK" CARTRIDGE OR A 101.30 CARTFllDI3E OR A LT-A-l 01.30 CARTRIDG.E MAXIMUM COMBINED LENGTH - 30 FT (9 m) MAXIMUM COMBINED FITTINGS - 9 REGULATED AGTlJ.<TOR ASSEMBLY REGULATED ACT1JATOA ASSEMSLY REGULATED ~R ASSEMBLY EXPEI..1.ANT GAS LINES NOT INCLUDED IN COMBINED lOTAl...S AGURE 101 - -ANSUL ALlTOMAN" REGULA:rED RELEASE ASSEMBlY . SAFETY RS.JEFVAlVE \ EXPELlANT GAS liNE 114 IN. ACTUATION LlNE- 100 FT (3Cl.s m) MAXIMUM o 'IT] , , ,dJ " , , , , , , I I , , I I OJ t REGULATED ACTUATOR WITH TANK 1/4 IN. STAINLESS STEEL HOSE OPTTONS > SAFETY flEUEF V~VE i42IN'f107=} I MAX. HOSE ~GTH (TYP.) f;' , 1 f'i ,- , /\ , , , , , , , , , \-" , , H I , \-" , I I , , , , I , , ,. , , , " " I , U , , U , , u , I , , , , I , i REGULATEO ACTUATOR W1THTANK . ... NOTE: WHEN MUlTIPLE RE:..EASE ASSEMBLIES ARE UTILIZED, A 114 IN. CHECK VALVE.. PART NO. 25627, WILL BE REQUIRED AFTER EACH REGULPJ'ED RB..EASE. > 2. The actuation gas line piping is installed from the 101 remote mechanical release to each R-1 02 regulated actuator assem- bly. The total length of the actuation gas line from the remote mechanical reiease to the regulated actuator assemblies must not excesd 100 ff (30.5 m). , 3. A combined total of 20 elbows and 9 tses may be used in these lines. Two 45' elbows equal one 90. elbow. See Figure 1 02. 4, Use only a 101-10 carbon dioxide cartridge in the 101 remote mechanical release. 5. A saiety vent relief valve (Part No. 15677) Is required in the actuation gas line to relieve residual pressure after actuation. > Actuation Gas Une - Using 114 in. Stainless steel Hose .. 15 Tank maximum reflect& the utlliza1ion at 3 tank regulated E~p.tom. _ > 1. Maximum total iength of hose cannot'exceed17.5 ft-(5,~ln)C'--~c'... . Note: A combination of 1/4 in. stainiess steel braided hose and 114 in. NPT pipe can be used as long as the total com- bined actuation gas line length does not exceed 17.5 ff (5.3 m). Stainless steel braided hose cannot be used for . expellant gas lines. See Figure 102 for add1tional details. 2. Maximum of 5 reguiated ectuators allowed 3. Actuated wtth remote release (Part No. 433485) or Regulated Relsase Assembly (Part No. 429853) 9TEESM.A.XlMUM j 20 ELBOWS MAX1MU" " :OJ , , I I I , 1m "r-' ~ r. ~~ , , " " '-' o t AGENTTANK t MAXIMUM OF 5 REGUl..MED ACTUA'TORS t REMOTE RELEASE MECHANISMS .(PART NO. 433485) 5 MAXIMUM 1/4 IN. STAINLESS / STEEl HOSE r-1, '111 : ~-1 , " I " ," , .... MAXIMUM OF r. -- 5 REMOTE I I RElEI\SE ~ MECHANISMS I I fAt\RTNC. I I 4334B5) OR U ONE(1) REGULATED RELEASE I"ART NO. 42FJB53) ,..;, , , H I, " U \ MAXIMUM OF 5 REGULATED ACTUATORS FIGURE 102 ..... . ACTIJATION AND'EXPELLENT GAS UNE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Expellant Gas Une . 1. The expellant gas line Is installed from the regulated release I mechanism in doublel three,..and multiple-tank systems, and--- from the regulated actuator assembly In multiple-tank sys- . ~ terns. The expellant gas Ilns is the piping and/or hose between the regulator and the tank-enclosureltank-bracket assembly. The total length at the expellant gas line trom the nagulated release mechanism Dr each regulated actuator assembly must not exceed 30 II (9 m) when using a "double-tank" car- . tridge, an LT-A-l 01 -30 Cartridge, or a 101-30 Cartridge. See Figures 103 and 104. . EXPB...1.ANT GAS UNE MAXIMUM LENGTH - 3{J FT (9 m), MAXIMUM NO, OF FITTINGS - 9 '" "A.NSUL AUTOMAN" REGULATED RElEASe ASSEMBLY . AGURE 103 ""'" EXF'B.LANT (3AB UNE MAXIMUM LENGTH - 30 FT {9 m}. MAXIMUM NO. oF FI1T1NGS - 9 '" . RGURE 104 """" 2. A combined total of nine fittings may be used in these lines, eight 90' elbows and one tee. Two 45' elbows equal one 90' elbow. 3. ~ two tanks are connected to the regulated release assembly In a mulfiple-tank system arrangement, the total combined lenath oj the actuation and exoellant cas lines must not exceed 30 ft (9 m) when using.. "doublE.-tank" nitrogen car- tridge, an LT-A-l01-3o nitrogen cartridge, or a 101-30 carbon dioxide cartridge. See Figure 101. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-49 7-1-09 REV. 5 If three 3.0 gallon tanks are Connected to the -regulator in either a regulated release or regulated actuator assembly, only factory supplied expellant gas hose assemblies will be .unlized, Reter to Distribution Piping Requirements - 9.0 Gailon System, page 4-55 tor additional design requirements. DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS Once the nozzle placement and quantity of tanks has been deter- mined, it is then necessary to determine the piping configurations between the tank adaptor and each discharge nozzle. This section contains the guidelines and limitations for designing the distribu- tion piping so that the liquid agent witl discharge from the nozzles at a proper flow rate. These limitations should also be reterred to when selecting the mounting location tor the regulated release mechanism and agent tank. . 4. . General Piping Requirements j. All R-l 02 system piping is straight line. Thenalore, the need for . critical lengths and balancing is minimized. 2. Two 4S11 elbows count as one 90~ elbow. 3. Each branch line includes the tee or elbow leading to it, and all fittings within the branch line itselC' .... .. . 4. The minimum piping length of Schedule 40, 3/8 in. pipe from the tank ounet to any nozZie protecting a range, fryer, or wok must be 6 ft (1.8 m). 5. Pipe lengths are measured from center of fitting to center of fitting. See Figure 105. . I CENTERm ~---=1 o/---*----~ . AGURE 105 """" 6. All distribunon p',ping must be 3/8 In. Schedule 40 black iron, chrome-plated, or stalniess steel. Do not use hot dipped ga~ vanl%ed pipe on the distribution piping. 7. All threaded connections located in and abOve the protected area must be seaied with pipe tape. Tape shouid be appiled to male threads only. Make certain tape does not extend over the end of the thread, as this could cause possible blockage of the agent dlStribufion. 8. Belona installing blow-off caps on nozzles, apply a smail amount of Dow Coming No. 111 silicone grease across the opening in the nozzle tip and also B small amount coating the exterior of the blow-oft cap. This will help keep cooking grease from buildIng up on the cap. 9. Tees used in the distribution piping can be used as thnu tees, side outlet tees, or bull tees. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-50 REV. 5 7-'-09 DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTs (Continued)_ _ Supply and Branch Line Identification The R-1 02 dislrtbution piping network is broken down into four specific pipe runs: the Supply Une, the Duct Branch Line, the Plenum Branch line, and the Appliance Branch- Une, See . 1'lgure 106, SUPPLY liNE The Supply line is defined as the length of pipe which nuns from the agent tank outiet to the last branch line (whether a duct, appli- ance,' or plenum branch-line). This includes all supply line fittings except for the tees or elbows leading, to the branch lines. See . Agures 106 and 107. DU'" BRANCH UNE ~ SUPPLY UNE t ~ -...... ":'::-:1 ~.~.~ u FM,.ENUM BRANCH UNE APPUANCE BRANCH UNE . NOTE: THIS IS A CONCEFTUAl DRAWING ONLY. THIS IS Nor AN ACTUAlINSTAl..LATION. . FIGURE t06 ""'" NarE.: THESE ARE EXAMPLES ONLY. OTHEfI CONAGURArlONS CAN BE DESIGNEe. END OF - SUPPLY UNE ; i END OF SUPPLY UNE \ .., ~.' j l"'.~1 i 'j END OF SUPPlY UNE SUPPLy L..INETEE BRANCH UNE CANNOT" START AHEAD OF A . SUPPLY UNE TEE . ..--r-~' ....,.-..0..... ',.. , l... .. + ,. , 1 __ENDOF , SUPPLY UNE ! \'") ." ..,. , 1 END OF SUPPLY UNE sup"" UNE TEE ~ (NOZZLES FOR PlENUM PROTECTION) BRANCH UNE CANNOT START AHEAD OF A SUPPLY UIIIE TEE FIGURE 107 """'" . DISTRIBUTlON PiPiNG REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Supply and Branch Une Identification (Continued) NOTICE Branch lines cannot start ahead of a supply line tee. .. . DUCT BRANCH LINE The Duct Branch Une is defined as the length at pipe which runs from the supply iine to the duct nazzJe(s). This includes all branch line fittings as well as the tee or elbow used to start the branch line, , ,: See Figures 107 and 108. DUCT BRANCH LINE ----4 (a..BOW INQ...UOED) l....... .> .--.-" -<,.., t .' i ................... , , : , , o . DUCT BRANO-IllNE (TEE INCLUDED) t( ...... y.,., t .,.' t ...... t .' ......... : , , , , o DUCT BRANCH LINE \ \TEES INa..UDED) , \ 0> ,(} ..J-..-i .'" .' t ;,...... .' . t .....t ... ......... : , . 6 FIGURE 108 ""'" SECTION IV '" SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-51 7.1.OS REV,5 PLENUM BRANCH LINE The Pienum Branch Line is defined as the length of pipe which runs from the supply line to the plenum nozzle{s). This includes all ,branch line fittings as well as the tee or efbow used to start the . branch line. See ,Figures 106 anc 1 OS. .... ...-r: .- ./~ (' P\.ENUM BRANcH UNE I (TEE INCLUDED) I I o ......'i/.... . .' .............. .' .' ..... , , , , : 6 PLENUJJ BRANCH LINE (Ice NCLUDEDI . FIGURE 109 """ APPLIANCE BRANCH LINE The Appliance Branch Une Is defined as the length at pipe which runs from the supply line to the appliance nozzle(s). This Includes all branch line fittings as well as the tee or elbow used to start the branch line, See Figures 107 anc 110, /<j_//~~~ APpI-1ANCE BRANCH UNES [TEES INa..UDED) . FIGURE 110 """ .' SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page +52 REV. 4 7-1-09 DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Distribution Piping Requirements - 1.5 Gallon System DUCT, PLENUM, AND APPLIANCE PROTECTION i. This option allows for duct protection, plenum protection, . appliance protection, or any combination. 'However, only one . (1) duct nozzle may be 'used, etther a 1 W or a 2W, nozzle. . 2. All distribution piping, supply and branch, must be 3/8 in. Schooule 40 black iron, chrome-plated, or stainless steel. . 3. Each 1.5 gallon tank allows a maximum of five flow numbers.. . 4. The pipe length between the siart of the first branch line and the start of the iast branch line must not exceoo 8 ft (2.4 m). When the supply line Is spltt, the combined .length of both legs of the supply line (start of first branch line to start of last . branch line) must not exceoo 8 n (2.4 m). See FIgure 111. I 5. The combinoo length of all branch lines must not exceoo 22 ft . (6.7 m). See Figure 112. . 6. The requirements of the following table must not be exceeded: Reauirements Pipe Size Maximum Length . Duct ~ Branch Una 3/8 in. 3/8 in. 40ft 6ft (12.2 m) (1.8 m) 6n 4ft (1.8m) (1.2 m) 9 4 Maximum Rise Maximum 90. Elbow Maximum Tees Maximum Flow Numbers so 2 START OF LAST BRANCH UNE \ SUPP~Y LJNE TEE ""( START OF RRST BRANCH UNE I T START OF LAST. BRANCH LINE START OF FIRST BRANCH UNE . FIGURE 111 ""'" 1W NOZZLE ~ (BRANCH UNES IN ElOlD) 1NNQZZLE COMBINED LENGTH MUST NOT EXCEED 22 FT. (6.7 m) FIGURE 112 ..... Plenum Branch line 318 in. 4ft (1.2m) 2ft (0.6 m) Appliance Branch Une 3/8 in. 10 ft (3m) 2ft (0.6 m) 4 6 2 3 2 3 . b:=pthms: 1, SIx f6l1low rwmbenare allowed whan a duct brnnch line bi tillllcut. bnmctllne an !he piping not'M:Il't.and no 1N nazzIBs8nl used to p~wola;<< ~ 2.. SIx IS} flcrw numbel'o are a!Iowad Mum sb: (6) 1N nozzles are I.Ged and none 0/ the nozzlos are used 10 protDC: woks, griddlei. tang8&. and sa1amanden;. NOTE: Only five (5) new numboro are allawed ft a 1N nauI!Ils US'IId lor t'JOl(, grid~ RUlQe, or sall!lT1af1der protedlOll. 3. SIx (6) flow numbers afV aIIOWl1d when only two (2) 3N noz:zl8& are uaod. . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-53 . 7-1-09 REV. 4 . DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Distribution Piping Requirements - 3_0 Gallon System 1. The maximum length between the start of the first branch line and the start of the last branch line must not exceed 24 ft (7.3 m). When the supply line is splli, the combined total of both legs of the supply line (from the start of the first branch line to the start of the last bran"," line) must not exceed 24 ft (7.3 m). See Figure 113. 2. The total length of ell branch lines must not exceed 36 ft (10.9 m). See Figure 113. 3. Usa a 3/8 in. union to connect the tank adaptor to the 318 in. supply line. 4. A maximum of two nozzias are allowed per duct branch line. 5. The requirements 01 the following table must not be exceeded: . i::" 3 BRANCH LINES . . o COMBINED LENGTH OF BOTH LEGS OF SUPPlY LINE MUST NOT EXr;EED 24 FT (7.3 m) 1 N NOZZLE (::::.' Q , I2N NOZZlE . (BRANCH UNE IN BOLD) CO~BINED LENGTH MUST NOT EXCE8) 36 FT ('O'~ m) """"" AGURE 113 Duct Plenum Appliance Reauirements SUDDlv Line Branch Une Branch Line Branch tine Pipe Size 318 in. 3/8 in. 318 in. 3/8 in. Maximum Length 40ft 8ft 4ft 12 ft (12.2 m) (204m) (1.2m) (3.7 m) Maximum Rise 6ft 4ft 2ft 2ft (1.8 m) (1.2 m) .JQ:6 m) (0.6 m) Maximum 90~ 9 4 4 6 Elbows Maximum Tees 1 2 2 4 Maximum Flow 11' 4. 2 4 Numbers . "Excepllons: 1, Twelve (t2) now numbers are allowed in any ON! tank lor duel. and plenum protection ~. 2. T_1w (12) flow numbtm> arll e.Ilowed wllh any one lank usIl1\l only twcHlow Bppllanctl nozzIBs. a. Twellll! (12) flow numbers are 1I11owad wllh any one tank uslns only line-flow appIlarv:z nozzles. 9peclaftnstnJetlons: 1. lwe!Vfl' ('2) flow numbers art! a~owod when tour (4) Dean Industries GTl Gas FryefE; are pro\8ded at low proximity as shown in Figure 6S an Page 4-32. The discharl!e ~ must be as &hown in Figure Dr tin Page 4-32. , Z. For certain McDonald'll ~pticalion&, 11.5 flow TIlJI'TIbers are aDowed wherI using a cornhinatlon af one (1) ZW dud naz&. 00ll (1}112N el6ctrostalic precipltalor nozzle, one (1) iN plenum nozzle, and 'lour (4) lWo-lIow appIlanl::e noz:zlos. ContaclANSUlAppticallons Engineering ~n!1of additional Inlorma11c:n. . . Duct Plenum Appliance Branch Line Branch Une Branch Line 3/8 In, 3/8 in. 318 In, 8ft 4ft 12 ft (2.4 m) (1.2 m) (3,7m) 4ft 2ft 2ft (1.2 m) (0.6 m) --'(0.6 m) 4 4 6 2 2 4 4 2 ,4 SECTION N - SYSTEM DESIGN, . UL EX3470 ,ULC EX3470 Page 4-54 REV. 5 7-1-09 DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Distribution Piping Requirements - 6.0 Galion Manifolded System As an option to piping two (2) 3.0 gallon tanks separately, two (2) 3,0 gallon tanks can be manifolded together to share a common agent distribution line, Only (2) 3.0 gallOn tanks connected to the ' same regulator can be manifolded. The following requirements must be met when manifolding: 1. All piping must be 3/8 in, Schedule 40. ~ 2. See Figure 115 for tank connections, 3, The length of supply line piping between the start of the first branch line and the start of the last branch line must not axceed 24 ft (7,3 m), See FIgure 94,When the supply line Is split, the combined total of both legs of the supply line (from the start of the first branch line to the'siaifoJ"the'II,St l:iianch~ line) must not exceed 24 ft (7,3 m), 4, The combined length of all branch lines must not exceed 36 ft (10.9 m). See Figure 114, 5, A maximum of 22 flow numbers are allowed, 6, The requirements of the following tabie must not be exceeded. . . Re(juirAment~ Pipe Size Maximum Length SUDolv Une 318 in. 32 ft (9,7 m) 6ft (1.8m) B Maximum Rise Maximum 900 Elbows Maximum Tees Maximum Flow Numbers 2 22 LENGTH OF PIPING MUST NOT EXCEaJ 24 FT. IT.3 m) FROM START OF FIRST BRANDi UNE TO START OF LAST BRANCH LINE --. u_... . ._ ___ ~ Cl 0. 2 FLOW AF'PUANCE NOZZlE . (BRANCH LINES IN "BOLD) COMBINED LENGTH MUST NOT EXCEED 36 FT (1(l.9 m) FlGURE'114 ..."" . DISTRIBUTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Distribution Piping Requirements - 0.0 Gallon Mani10lded System (Continued) This configuration consists of two 3 gallon tanks. Both tanks are connected to a common manifold tee and are pressurized from a . singie double tank (Part No. 73022) nitrogen cartridge in the negu. . .Iated release assembly. See Figure 115. Note: A tank mounting bracket can be utilized instead of the tank/enclosure assembty. ~ See Figure 117. USE HOSE! 6ROMMET PACKAGE (PARTNQ. 418511) . SIB IN. SUPPLY SEE I j.+- NOTE -1 . I NO.1 .Ll 1- .31BIN. BRANCH 3181". I SUPPlY U j & TT_318INBRANCH, ~ IN-LtNE BURST DISC ASSEMBLY - SEE NOTE NO. 4- '1 ~ I :1 REMOVE BURST DISC- SEE NOTE NO. 3 3.0 GALLON TANK ~o GALLON TANK DOUBl..ETANK NITFIOG,811 .CARTRIDGE DR (LT-A.-101-Sll CARTRIDGE - REGULATED ACTUATOR ONLY) , ..;;i ~~ 3.0 GAJ.J..ON REGULATED R8..EASE ASSEMBlY OR 3.D GAlLON REGULATED ACT1J..I\l'OA ASSEMBLY TANKlENClOSURE ASSEMBLY NOTE 1: THE PIPE CONNECTION FROM TANK CEN'reR TO TANK CENTER CANNOT EXCEED S-1flIN. (21..5 cm).AlSO, OEM RB..EASE18RACKET ASSEMBLY CAN BE UTILIZED WHEN MANIFOLDING 3.0 GAU.ON TANK. NOTE 2:" ONLY 3 GALLON TANKS CAN BE MANIFOLDED. NOTE a: THE BURST else THAT IS PART OFTHE TANK ADAPTDRIBURST DISC ASSEMBlY MUST BE REMOVED AND MODIFIED. SEPARATE THE AWMlNUM DISC M~ERIAL FROM THE PLASTIC GASKET. DISCARD lHE Al..UMINUM msc WJ"EFllAL AND REINSTALL THE PLASTIC GASKET 8ACK INTO THETANK ADAPTORlBURST DISC ASSEMBLY. ~OTE 4; THE IN-UNE BURST DISC ASSEMBLY, PART NO. 41679D, IS TO BE MOUNTED AS CLOSE TO THE TANK OUTLET AS POSSIBLE. AFTER SYSTa.fDlSCHARGE, THE ASSEMBLY MUST BE DISASSEMBLED AND A NEW BURST DISC INSTALLED. FIGURE 115 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN. UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-55 7-1-09 REV. 4 . Distribution Piping Requirements - With Independent Pipe Runs Independent pipe nuns can also be used with the regulated '" release assembly and the tank/enclosure assembly or tank mount- . Ing brackets. See Figure 110. When maniioiding is not used, each of the two (2) 3 gallon tanks utilize the piping limITations of a single tank system. ~ r~ . ~~ ~ 11 . ,.. HOSE! GROMMET _ PACKAGE . -~----'-(?ART NO. 418511) D 0 3.0 GALLON TANK OR ,.5 GALlON TANK 3.0 GALLON TANK OR 1.5 GAU.ON TANK DOUBLE ThNK NITFI013EN CARTRIDGE OR 101-30 CO2 CARTRIDGE (L"T-A-101-30 CARTRIDGE - REGULATED ACTU.4JDR ONLY) REGULATED RElEASE ASSEMBLY OR REGULATED ACTUIUOR ASSEMBlY TANKJENCLOSURE ASSEMBlY . FIGURE 116 """" . Note: If an expellant gas hose is to be used for a second tank in an adjacent tank enclosure or tank bracket assembly, the second tank wiil need to be Instailed on the left side of the ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release, WITh the outlets a maximum of 8 1/2 in. (21.8 cm) from center to center, similar to the manifolded system in Figure 115. Otherwise, the second tank will require 1/4 ,.. in. NPT pipe instead of expellant gas hose. . '- SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-56 REV. 4 7-1-09 DISTRIBLTTION PIPING REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Distribution Piping Requirements - 9.0 Gallon System This optional configuration consists only of three 3-9al1on tanks, all pressurized trom a single double4ank nitrogen cartridge with I>- expellant gas hoses connected as shown in Rgure 117. Tanks No. 1 and No. 2 must be connected directly to the regulator with sepa- rate expellant gas hoses and Tenk No. 3 must be connected to . Tank No.2 with a third e><pellant gas hose as shown in Figure 117. Each tank must be connected to an. independent distribution pip. 10- ing network as shown in Figure 117. Distribution piping require-- ments for each network must be as follows: 1, The maximum length between the start of the first branch line and the start of the last branch line must not exceed 24 ft (7.3 m). When the supply line is spilL the combined total 01 both iegs of the supply line (from the start of t~e first branch line to the start 01 the last branch line) must not exceed 24 ft . (7.3 m). See Figure 113. 2. The total length of all branch lines must not exceed 36 ft . (10.9 m). See Figure 113. 3. Use a 318 in. unioo to. connect the tank adaptor to the 318 in. supply line. 4. A maximum 01 two. nozzies ane allowed per duct branch line. 5. When using this 9.0 gallen system configuration, no. man~ folding of distribution piping is ellowed. 6. When an ANSUL AUTOMAN Regulated Release is utilized In this configuration, additional regulator actuators cannot be used. 7. Only 3 gallon tanks can be utilized In this configuration. 8. The requlnements 01 the following table must not be exceeded for each 3 gallon lank: . ft] u~ D.J II i II I IT I , r p ~. nIJ~~" , " EJ D , 3.0 3.0 3.0 GALLON GALLON GALLON TANK I TANK TANK NO.' I NO.' NO.1 , t . \ I j W I , I \ TWO TANK ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY P.b.m' NO. 430324 ~NCLUDE6 (2) HOSES AND (2) GROMMETS) 3 GALLON REGUlATED R8..EASE ASSEMBLY, OR 3 GALLON REI3Ul...'J'ED ACTUATOR ASSEMBlY DOUBLE "tIINK NTTROGEN CARTRIDGE OR LT.......101-3tl CARTRlDG6. (REGULA.TED AGnJATCIR ONLY) NOTE: WHEN iHREE (3) 3..0 GAlLON TA/IIKS ARE CONNECTED TO ONE (1) AlfTOMAN REGUI..ATEO AaEASE ASSEMBLY, NO ADDITIONAl REGULnED ACTUPJOR(S) ASSEMBUES CAN BE USED. . Duct Plenum Appliance Reauirements Sucol" Une Branch Line Branch Una Branch Una Pipe .Slze 318 in. 318 in. 318 'In. 318. in. Maximum Length 40ft 8ft 4ft 12 ft (12.2 m) (2.4m) (1.2m) (3.7m) . Maximum Rise 6ft 4ft 2ft 2ft (1.8 rn) (1.2 m) (0.6 m) (0.6 m) Maxlmum 90" 9 4 4 6 Elbows Maximum Tees 2 2 4 Maximum Flow 11' 4 2 4 Numbers ul\= FlGURE 117 -- '*Exceptlons;: 1. Twelve (12.) flaw numbers are alloWed In IlIW one tank lot duct and plenum protection ONLY. 2.. iWlllve (12) floW numbsrs are allowed wlth any one lank usIngonlytwo-flow appliance nozzles. a ~ (12) 110'<< num'oelc. are alloWed WIth any one tank ~ng onlythree-How i1pp!W1ca ~ Spec:\8llnsUuctlons: ~ 1. When lour (4) Dean lmlustr\et; GTI Gas Fryers ~ protecl:ecl allow proximtty BS shawn In FIgUT8 86 an PaQe 4-32, the discharge piping must be as shown in Figure fi1 on Pa9&4-32. 2.. For certain ~onald'\; appllcatiQ~ 11.5 flO'l'l numbel!; are IIUOIIIed When using II combination aI one {1) 2W duct nozzle, one (1) 112N ellJclmstall~ preclpltatcr nozzle, one (1)1N pl<<iUm nozzle. and four 14} two-flDw appliance nonler.. Contucl. Arl$U1 Appik::allon5 Enginusrirlld Duparlmunt klf ~lionallnforma!lall. . DETECTION SYSTEM REaUIREMENTS Once the fire suppression system design has been determined, a detection system design must be completed. Thi!3 section contains guidelines and limitations for detection system installation. Detector Identification The two types of detectors are distinguished from each other by their location in the detection system. . i. The Tenminal Detector (Part No. 417368) is the last ina senes of detectorsl or the ant)' detector used in a single-detector sys- tem. This detector is thus named because it is at the point at which the wire rope ends, or "terminates.~ . 2. A Series Detector (Part No.4 i 7369) is any detector iocated in- line between the regulated release mechanism and the termi- nal detector. - -- ... '-. -. " . Detector~ulley ElbowlConduft Off-Set Design Umitations . i. Conduit nuns, pulley elbows, and number of detectOrs per sys- tem must be within the approved system guidelines. The f0l- lowing requirements. must not be exceeded: Maximum Maximum Number of Number of Detectors Elbows rrer SVstem oar Svstem Maximum Leng1h of i 12 in. Conduit Der Svstem . Scissors style 15 20 150 It (45.7 m) Detector (Wrthout Off-Set Conduit Scissors Style i 5 16 150 It (45.7 m) Detector (Wrth Off-Set Conduit 2. n the hazard requires more than 15 detectors, up to frve 101 . Remote Releases (Part No. 433485) can be used lor system actuation. Each "/01 remote release allows the use of a mfOO- mum of 15 'scissor" style detectors (14 series and 1 tenminal) for a total of 75 detectors ~ needed. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4.57 7-1-09 REV. 2 Detector Placement Requirements EXHAUST DUCTS Each exhaust duct must have at least one detector installed in the duct entrance} located in the airstream of the cooking vapors, or at . a maximum of 20 It (6.1 m) into the duct opening. See Figure 118. r-~A"9 ::=.:--=n i..J. ii;=:=: 20FT. (6rn) MAXIMUM . FIGURE 118 """' NOTICE When gas" appliances are used and the flue gases from the burner are exhausted into the due, the detector must be kept out of the air stream of these exhaust gases. These gases can be very hot and could actuate the system unnecessarily. Duct openings that are long and narrow or large enough to require multiple duct nozzles may require additionat detectors. .. ELECTROSTATIC PRECiPITATOR If an electrostatic precipitator "is located ai or near the base of the. exhaust duct, it is necessary to locate a detector beiow the pre- cip~ator, at the bese of the duct, and also locate one In the duct, ... just above the precipitator. See Figure 119. When installing. the detector bracket and system conduit, make certain they do not interiere with the operation 'of the precipltat?!'. Note: On secondary filtration units utmzing multiple filter stageslmedia, contact Ansul Technical Services tor instructions. I . FIGURE 119 """ SECTION N - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-58 REV. 2 7-Hl9 Detector Replacement Requirements (Continued) . COOKING APPUANCES \j the cooI<ing appliance is located under an exhaust duct where a detector has been mounted, it is normally not necessary to utilize another detector tor that cooking appliance, provided the detector . is not more than 12 in. (30 em) Into the'duct and the appliance has no larger cooking surface than 48 in. x 48 in. (121.9 cm x 129.1 . em). See Figure 120. Note:. If two (2) appliances are iocated under a duct opening where a detector has been mounted and both appliances togeth- er do not exceed a cooking surface of 48 in. x 48 in. (121.9 em x 121.9 em) and the detector is iocated above both the protected appliances, It is not necessary to utilize an additional detector pro- vided the duct detector is not more than 12 in. (30.5 em) into the ~ duct ope!1ing. I >n' i \ . I i APPlIANCE APPUANCE ApPllANOE REQUIRES COVERED BY REOUIRES saPAAATE DETECTOR SEPARArE OETECTOR UNDER DUCT OETECTOR . . AGURE 120 .... Each cooking appliance with a continuous cooking surface. not exceeding 48 in, x 48 in. (i22 x 122 em) can be protected by a min- imum of one detector. Cooking appliances with a continuous cook- ing surface exceeding 48 in. x 48 in. must be protected by at least one detector per 48 in. x 48 in. cooking area. Detectors used for cooI<ing appliances must be located above the protected appli- ance toward the exhaust duct side of the appliance. The detector should be located in the air stream of the appliance to enhance system response time. .. Note: For overlapping detector coverage, see Page 445 for design requirements. Detection Line Requirements CONDUIT Rigid conduit ar 1/2 inch EMT thin-wall condult'"may be used. Standard steel conduit fittings (compression type are recommend- ed) 'must be employed to praperly install the detection system. All conduit or pipe must be firmly supported. When using pipe, make certain that all ends are caretully reamed, deburred 'and blown clear of chips and scale before assembly. . NOTICE The conduit offset can be used at the tap or bot- tom of the regulated release to. change direction of the conduit The canduit offset cannot be. used with puliey tees. All other changes in direc. tion must be made by using ANSUL approved pulley elbows, Part No. 423254 or 415670. See Figure 121. lEE' o o o CJ . AGURE '121 ,~ Fusible Link Selection When passlble, temperature readings shauld be.taken at each detector location to determine correct fusible link temperature rat- lng. Temperature can be recorded usfng either a maximum regis. . terlng thermometer, Part No. 15240, temperature tape or any alher accurate thermometer. . g .~ ~. TEMPER.l\rVAE RlUlNG STAMPED ON FUSlBl.E LINK BODY ~ g ~~ =" K STYLE ML STY'...E AGUREl22 Select correct UL liSted lusible IInk(s) for installation in detectar{s) according to the temperature concfmon. Two styles are available. See Figure 122. See Camponent Section tar deteiled temperallJre ratings. . MANUAL PULL STATION REQUIREMENTS A remote manual pull station allows the R-1 02 system to be man- ually operated at some point distant from the regulated release assembly. The pull station should be installed at a height of 42-48 In. (107-122 cm), in accordance wrth the requirements of the American Dlsalbiirties Act (ADA) and the Authority having Jurisdic- tion. and iocated in the path of egress. The pull station is the only source of manllal actuation of the regulated release assembly. The !etallength of the cable used tor each manual pull station wrth- in a system must not exceed 150 it (46 m). The maximum number of pulley elbows that may be used per pull station is 20. . One pulley tee, Part No. 427929, is allowed per oaIble system. The maximum length ot cable from the AUTOMAN to a pull station is 150 ft (45.7 m) with a maximum of 20 pulley elbows used per side of the tee. As the tee is located farther from the AUTOMAN, the 150 ft (45.7 m) maximum must be observed but as pulley elbows are placed between the AUTOMAN and the tee, they must be deducted from the available pulley elbows (20) allowed on each side. Example: If 10 pulley elbows are placed between the AUTOMAN and the pulley tee, the maximum available pulley elbows left for . use on each side 01 the tee is 1 0 per side. See Figure 123 for three different examples. (Nole: Both must be gas valves or both must be pull stations. Mixing Is not allowed.) TEE CL.OSETO AUTOMAN (EXANflL.E) PULl.EYTEE U:1N., f,lUSmm) GAS VIU.VE OR Al.ITOMAN GAS VAlVE OR MANUAl pULL MANUAL. PULL 149 FT (-45.4 m) AND 2(} PULLEY ELBOWS MAXIMUM PER EACH SIDE OF TEE TEf CL.OSETO GAS VAL.VESOR MANUAL PULL (EXAMP~ 12. IN. (305 mmJ AlIToM"" 149 FT (45.4 In) AND 20 PUl..lEY E:I..BOWs BETWEEN AUTOMAN AND TEE TEE HALFWAY BETWEEfol Al1TOMAN AND GAS VALVES OR MANUAl.. PULJ. (EXAMPI.E} 75 FT (22.9'rn) AND 10 PULLEY8.BOWS' 75 FT (22.9 m) AND 75 FT (22.9 m) AND , 0 PUu..EY ELBOWS 10 PUllEY E..BOWS PUlLEY TEE AlnDM"" GAS VALVE OR MANUAL PULL GAS VAlVE OR MANUAL PULL . FIGURE 123 ~ SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-59 7-1-09 REV. 2 Metel Stamped Style - Part No.4B35 or 54011 Parts that may be used tor installation of a metal stamped remote manual pull station are: Descriotion Remote Manual Pull Stalion Assembly' Remote Manual Pull Station Assembly Pulley Elbow Pulley Elbow Pulley Tee 'Aallarnbtyindudesparllilistodbalow: 1116 In. Stainless Steel Cable 50 ft. (15 m) Ova Press-To-Crimp Sleeves Glass Break Rod (1) ~ 54011 4835 423250 415670 427929 15821 4596 4834 MECHANICAL GAS VALVE REQUIREMENTS An ANSUL or ANSUL approved mechanical gas shut:off Valve system. can be attached to the R-102 system. The system works bath mechanically and pneumatically by use of an air cylinder located inside the regulated release assembly. Upon actuation of the fire suppression system, a pneumatically-operated air cylinder assembly will mechanically close the gas shut-off valve. The total length of the oaIble for each mechanical gas valve must not exceed 150 ft (46 m). The maximum number of pulley elbows that may be used is 20 for each valve. . . One pulley tee (Par! No. 427929) is allowed per cable system. The maximum length of cable from .the AUlDMAN to a gas valve is 150 ft (45.7 m) with a maximum of 20 pulley elbows used per side 01 the tee. As the tee is located. farther from the AUTOMAN, the 150 ft (45.7 m) maximum must be observed but as pulley elbows are placed between the AUTOMAN and the tee, they must be deducted . from the available pulley elbows (20) allowed on each side. Example: H 10 pulley elbows are placed between lhe AUlDMAN' . and lhe pulley tee, the maximum available pulley elbows left for ~ Use on each side of the tee is 1 0 per side. See Figure 123 for three different examples. ._'. Parts that may be used tor installation of.i< Mechanical Gas Shut- off Valve are: Description" Gas ValvelActuator 314 in. Assembly (ANSUL)' Gas Valve/Actuator 1 in. Assembly (ANSUL)' Gas Valve/Actualor 1 1/4 In. Assembly (ANSUL)' Gas Vaive/Actuator 1 1/2 in. Assembly (ANSUL)' Gas Valve/Actuator 2 in. Assembly (ANSUL)' Gas Valve/Actuator 2 1/2 in. Assembly (ASCO)' Gas Valve/Actuator 3 In. Assembly (ASCOt Pulley Elbow Pulley Elbow Pulley Tee 1/16 in. Stainless Steel Cable 60 ft (15 m) or 500 ff (152 m) roll ". Oval Press-To-Crimp Sleeve Stop Sleeve (2) -Assembly incIudBS parts listed beloW: N.r Cylinder Assembly Air Cyiinder Tubing Assembly Copper Tubing, 1/8 In. Male Elbow Male Connector Machine Screw (2) Hex Nut (2) Lockwasher (2) Visual Inspection Seal (2) ~ 55598 55601 55604 55607 55610 25937 25938 423250 415670 427929 t 5821 or 79653 4596 26317 15733 15521 15529 15525 15523 15522 15421 15527 4141 197 SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN . UL EX3470 ULC EX3470 Page 4-60 REV. 2 7-1-09 MECHANICAL GAS VALVE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) .. -- . All valves above are UL listed and approved. They may be mount- ed in ary position. Pipe threads are type NPT. Ambient operating temperature range of all valves is 32 OF to 120 OF (0 OC to 49 oc). The valves are not weatherproof and must be located indoors in areas approved by the "authority having jurisdiction." ELECTRICAL GAS VALVE REQUIREMENTS A UL Listed electrically-operated gas shut-off valve can be attached to the R-1 02 system to provide an electrical means of shutting off the gas line at a predelenmined point If an electric gas shut-off valve is used in the system ~ must be attached with both an electric (snap-action) SlNitch and a manual reset relay. For more Infonmatton on the types of electric (snap-action) switches, refer to the Electrical Switch, Field Installatton section. The menuel reset relay is reviewed in this section. All electrical connections should be perfonmed by a QUALIAED ELECTRICIAN ard in accordanoe with authority having jurisdiction. . The following is a brief explaraiion of how the R-1 02 system oper- ates with ar Electrio Gas Shut-off Valve attached: With the regulated release cocked in the ready condition, the nor- mally closed contacts in the snap-action switch allow curr"erit to' flow to the manual reset relay. Wrfh the relay coil energized, nor- mally open contacts in the reset relay close, allowing the solenoid in the gas valve to be energized. . . Once the R-102 system is actllvated, the normallY closed contacts In the snap-action sW~ch will open, de-energizing the reset relay. This will, in turn, Dpen the contacts in the relay which will cause the gas valve to become de-energized and dose. The system must be re-anmed and the 'push to reset' button on the reset relay must be operated to reopen the gas valve. tt is important to note that a power tailure or an electrical power interruption will cause the gas valve to close even though the sys- tem was not fired. . In either case, whether in a fired condition or when a power failure has occurred, the manual reset relay and electric gas shut-off valve must be reset to resume a normal operating condition, For resetting, refer to the "Recharge and Resetting Procedures" section in this manual. Approvals ANSUL gas valves listed in this sectton are UL listed and approved for 110 VAG. If more information is required, refer to the Gas and Oil Equipment List of Underwriters Laboratories, inc. under "Electrically Operated Valves Guide No. 440 AS' or consu~ Ansul Incorporated, Marinette, Wisconsin 54143~2542. If other gas valves are used, thay shall be "UL listed electrically- operated safety vaIIves for natural or LP gas as required, of appro- priate pressure and temperature rating, 110 VAC/SO Hz."The infor- metion on temperature ard type of gas that the valves are suitable for may be found in the Gas and 011 Equipment List of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. under "Electrically Operated Valves Guide No. 440 M." The electricaliy operated gas vaive must be of the type that needs to be energized to remain open. )0- Note:.For electrical wiring diagrams, see Installation Section, . Pages &-19.1 through &-19.3. .parts that may be used for installation.of_a 110 VAC Gas Shill-off Valve are: Descriotion Electric Soienoid Valve, 3/4 in. NPr Electric Soienoid Valve, 1 in. NPr Electric Solenoid Valve, 1 1/2 in. NPr Electric Solenoid Valve, 2 in. NPr Electric Solenoid Valve, 3 in. NPr Marual Reset Relay (110 VAC) .VaNas are normally closed when dfMInBrgized. Part No, 13707 13708 13709 13710 17643 14702 ALARM INmATlNG SWITCH REQUIREMENTS The Alarm Inttiating SWitch can be field mounted within the ANSUL AUTDMAN release. The switch must be used to close a supervised alarm circuit to the building main fire alarm panel when the ANSUL AUTDMAN release actuates. This actlor>wlll sigmilthe ...,.....-. fire alarm panel that there was a system actuation in the kitchen area. The switch kit contains all necessary mourrting components . aiong with a mounting instruction sheet See Page &-19 lor ..ring intonmatlon. The ~ch is rated 50 mA, 2BVDG. ~ . Descriolion 428311 ..- - - --Alarm Inltiattng SWitch Kit ELECTRICAL SWITCH REQUIREMENTS . Note: Electrical connections shall not be made in the AN!lUL . AUTOMAN. . The electric (snap-action) switches for the R-102 system are spe- cially designed to fit the regulated release assembly. The swttches are intended for use with electric gas valves, alarms, contac:tors. lights, contractor supplied electric power shut-off devices, and other electrical devices that are designed 10 shut off or turn on when the fire suppression system is actuated. (See Figures . 110 through 112 in Installation Sectton lor reference). Contractors shall supply "UL listed, encloSed industrial control equipment or magnetic sw~ch having a rating-matching that of the cooking appliarce, 'co1l11 0 VAG/60 Hz or 24 VAC/50 Hz~ All electrical connecttons should be performed by a QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN and in accordance with authority having jurisdiction. Electric (Snap-Action) Switches that maybe field installed ere: ~ Descriotion" 423878 One SWitch Kit 423879 Two Switch Kit 423880 Three SWitch Kit 423881 Four Switch Kit Each switch has a set of single-pole, double throw contacts rated at 21 amp, 1 Hp, 125, 250, 2n VAG or 2 HP, 250, 2n VAG. Note: A relay must be supplied by others IT the equipment load exceeds the rated capacity of the sw~ch. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed in accordance w~h NFPA 70 (Netional Electrical Code) or the requirements of the authority heving jurisdiction;' . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX3470 ULC EX347D Page 4-61 7-1-09 REV. 0 "