HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2011-2-8 KACHINA PROPERTIES INC Fax;541-B95-5326 Feb B 2011 09;30a. P001/005 KACHINA PROPERTIES, INC. 82719 S. Bradford Road. Creswell, OR 97426 (541) 895.4502. FAX 895.5326 CONTRACTOR'S Lie #1014711 Fax Transmittal Form To:i(c>~t cP.s ~Lc.. From:L:':l"l~V~~e,5 Date: C;Z -8..~,prJ Fax: SifT -7Jj;.:"',J6J/b Pages: (iucluaes cover):::;- Phone:.9J{ -~-q..erJ Message: . RE: jr-~l 17l1!6t~-f; l1er.~ f(--P.... .s~~'1.cns'~ Pr-~ f..a.s ,bee", "-'~fMPo-e.R ~'it( p~ r':""" '1~ ~ Notice of Confidentiality: The infonnation included and lor attached in this electronic mail b:ansmission may contain confidential or privileged information and is inte1ufed for the addressee only. Any lUlauthorUed disclosure, reproduction, distribution or the taking of action in reliance on the contents of the information is prohibited. If you believe that you have l'eceived the message in error, please notify the sender by reply traruomission and delete Or properly dispose of the message with out copying or disclosing it - J1V_.... ''I'u.. 11-IU....,c,\fU'"' .. L.VIV~-VI"\~ ',"...--. -...--........ -'J ..vov . - Federal Emergency ManagementAgency r :<: UJ ~I ~1t.J Washington, D.C 20472 LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (OUT AS SHOWN) , COMMUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION . LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LANE COUNTY, OREGON Lots 18 and 19, Legacy Estates, as described in the-Statutory (Uni1u;orpOlllkld Areas) Warranty Deed, recorded as Document No. 2010-002532, in the- CO"'MUNITY Office. of the County Clerk, Lane County, Oregon COMMUNITY NO., 415591 -- _n" ... AFFECTED NUMBER; 41039C1153F MAP PANEL DATE; 8/2/1999 FLOODING SOURCE; MCKENZIE RIVER APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY; 44.075, .122.999 SOURCE OF LAT & LONG; STREETS & TRIPS 2009 OATUM, WGS 84 DETERMINATION OUTCOME 1% ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACENT lOT LOr BbOGKI. . SU8DIVISION. - STREET . OtITSlDE OF FLOOD FlOOD GRADE ELEVATION SECTION THe SFI-IA ZONE ELEVATION ELEVATION (NGVD 29) . INGVD 29) (NGVO 29) 18-19 - Legacy Estates 2601 17th Street PropertY . X - - - .. (shaded) Sp.cia. Flood Hazarll Are. (SFHA) .. The SFHA is an area that would b. inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being eoualed or axoeeded in anv oiven vear lbase floodl. ADDITIONAL CONSIOERA TIONS (Pl.... ",!\or 10 tho .""",p".te seclIon on Attadlment 1 for the additional co""idera"ons listed below.) STUDY UNDeRWAY This doeument ptovlctes the Federal Emergency Management Agency's determination ragarding a request for IiiI Letter of: Map AmendlTl9t;t for the propEltty' described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined that the pfOperty{iGS) is/are not located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being $qualed or exceed.d in any given year (base flOod). Th. subject property is correctly shown outside the SFHA iocaled on the .ffectiv. NI"II' map; the..for., the Fedel"B1 mandatory flood insurance requirement does" not' apply. If t~e policy has been written using en iTicorrect zone, it 080 be endorsed to correct the ,one for the current polltoy year and one priQr policy tenn. Please contact the insurance agent Qf coOlDany involved to requHt endorsement of the polley. However. the lender has the option to contlhue the flood insurance requirement to protect Its financiiill risk on the lean. A. Preferrad Risk Policy (PRP) is available for buildings located outside the S~HA. Infonnation about the PRP and how on9 can apply Is EiI1Closed. This determination ia b8~ed on the flood data presently available. Th~ enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document. please contact the FEMA Map Assistance. Center toll free at (877) 336M2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by 1.ller addressed to the Federal. Emergency Managem.nt Agency, LOMe CI.aringhou.., 6730 Sanle Bart>ara Court, EllQidge, MD 21075. ......t: .~.,:,,:;.:;'''''".,;:: - ~ .... Luia Rodriguez, P.E:., Chitrl' Engineering M~n.agQment .Brtmef'1 Federal in8\Jrance and Mitigation Admihislration KACHINA PROPERTIES INC Fax'S41 89S-S326 Feb 8 2011 09.30am P002/00S fBgez OfZ KACHINA PROPERTIES INC'Fax:541-895-5326 Feb 8 2011 09:30am P003/005 uam: uecemoer .n, ",V1V ~ase NO.: ,,-w-v~A ~UIV"'-U""" '."" ~ ~ ~<i'''''' (!J~ Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C, 20472 -., LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT DElJ:.~M.INATION DOCUMENT (OUT AS.SHQWN) ,',.- ", . ., I. , :,;:i"ATTACHMENT 1 ADomONAL CONSIDERATIONS" .:: i' '.~ ,,' . " ,t STUDY UNDERWAY (This Additional Consideration applies to all properties in the LOMAoOAS -' ',' , .,.,.'''1..(1'.....'., .. DETER!\Ilt<lATlON DOCUMI:tq(;(~:)l,mAsSHOWN)) , , , . , '.! "f.,._~.,.-nr '.. . Tnis determlnafion is based on'th8f1ood data presently available. However, t/le Federal Emergency Man~gElm~ritAgency is cUrTe~tiyrevising l!1e Natiol1al Flood Insu./'lln.CfJ fl'OfLrw.t1.t!'lFIP) rn~p W~ "'_e<;ommu.s:'Iity. New flood,data could be generated that may affect this property, When the new NFIP map is issued it wlll , l~' . I.. . supersedethis.determinatlon. The Federal requirement for the purchase of flood Insurance wtll then be based on . the riewly:revtSed NFIP map." " ',' ':i"~l;t' , ..: '.~ '..; -.' . , . : ':" .~:. ~: , . . t.. " ... . " "'.' i"JI;'>,",.. ~':, .' ".... A--1 LiF': :?/f-= ..:~. ~ ..(t;.;'~r:;nt..,\"" . 'OK;:'.) .....'t:!',y"',., ",. 0'..>-.......0.,.....'"" ."..,',.,...,"" "..;>",.~ .....,.....' , .'.'.- j',' 'j q,E,:fl~ l.~ ::; .\,;:; ~.~~. . < ; )t',._ 'l',?3, ir'~.: ~ .\,'"!'., <:;.:: [.1, .i :i:(:~ ,"','." . .. ,","" ':;.'i;.;t'!fi:}\'~'~':..:!',;(rq ~!"i, l,kd;")r;;'~l; r::.:.,,;'1r,\ H.;...:,;....:'i " ~'1'.,:' , . d', . '. t.. '...' . ...:f;.~~;.,~~:'~ :;. "'~ .,: :.:t:!C~ fi~;' ::' c';;';E, t. .... " '."', , ~- ..- ~.. " .~'.1 ~ .~., -, " ' 1,:-, ThiS 8ttechment provides addltion_" inrom,ation regarding this request. If you have any questioN; abol.lt thi& att:u:hment, pleses contllQt the PEMA Map Assistance Cantar tall tree ot (877) 338-2827 (877-FEMA MAP) ar I>y latter address'" to the Federa' Emergency Management Agenoy, LOMe Clearinghouse, 6730 Sante _.... Court. Elkridge. MD 21075. 1- ,. -,.{. :.i'I:"~;$;'~~i7::';"'::':';'(~':~..'" . ','). Lui. Rodriguez. P.E.. Chief Engineering M~nl;lgerJMilnt a~ndJ Federel losurem;e and Mitigation Administration I'. , ,'I: ':.! " KACHINA PROPERTIES INC Fax; 541-895-5326 ' . Feb 8 2011 09;31am P004/005 .. ' I)S"@~' .J ;'i~:,':1,:,j.~~~,:~::~;,.,:;J,,,.,.s . ; _ ' :, :~-'-:;>,~, "; ," ,:\~j11~~~15D17ilONAL lNFeRM:ATIONREG~fNGlln.;: ,;:!j~~~'1.-:"-':I~ :' , . ." ND~~~:r~1_;-'~;;~"'r ""l!-<>,~."" . 'ii' . LETTERS OF MAP AME .l......".l~:'::,,:d,,; .~/;,Ji":!llli~~~.' t~tiL ,; .' :~Lh~1~~;~~!~~~!';J',~ for Lett"'~' f M Am___.d.f'it~~;1J'~~i\::~Jl?' --Lt ( l '--1' v~~QtJ~n~~ t. :.; . \.1; ~"'f~~.Lty~~~,,~~~~~~~,Hi"{1<~i~t, ~. er",~i<~ ap, 'J ,~.u~t;D\tl~'~';1:~;.vi"~'l',~)~f~'f~:~~I'" ;J!\!'.", ,!s:' ;:;~!~; omeliiri<l~S-"-'."" "'h"J2D"" ".1\'A'_"~ent'Agen (FE",uq'8Sjl\iHt;"d~.ninatiOD"'" '.. ',"':'i"L ""'.l:n;,1".~:;ttV,l{";~~I"M"~" . f""P~,?:r;:!I.~~.If.;~~'~'~~~'~~. JY.!, ..tJ'W:~'~~~llJ1i~r\m.lJ-llltl1'~la;qs !'~i~."~': 1\ QOCi',Iiiiiiiro~iiffi) , lei at~tlie]t:iIiIe'ofi.1lii/~0li,!J:l .' "'''SIiOiild'l1leJ; ",i.,;.,!< r ,".,f1,'p", ,'" ..-.r..'''!r;i~'jL.,j..1i1 . ..>.~t:!j"l:mf~liE'''1t';';';-'-~}:'':i -l ;!".~~H1;'--' . ".:'~,:"... .1I"I}!~il~"'''''1'''.,:S"~;,,.~,.'''..'~I~t~'1I~1.!~'''~Vlf,......:I :t"'~""1:..,.: . " "',~"" 00d ~on~tions.t~ ,~,." ~,or'.new infOxmaliOlh~y, be genera1e4:'~~~"'super.led.er ",';" """" ".,,::.,.- , : ,1it.ideterll:lnlatton.' ul'suth, . . ',theco'flimul\ity vJill be infottn.ed.t;y1em:i'::;:.-' -',,'::;;-, ",:,; ... ~ "j"":~:f " ,...,.,.j:"l "~." "....'Jff,'llft'"~t~-'iY"'~'f ,/',,;1;<.,: .,' . - 'I.' .....;,:.1.1:t.. -.;;. ", ".,.11'-' ',' r \' , I' - I -'-Hh"ik-.lf.o 't!i1~,j'~ If "1 . " ", ", '.!~ ..~ -'r~" ," .. ..' ,.....- "~ . 'r:::l'-:)~i:~";..'i' '.. ,,.:'::It\:j~:~~I.:~';i-~l~JH;~~jL.~.':. - ,.' ,:.,'l' ,""}l:':rt:~,'1'~' 'I... "",.!,,;,::'e:'~~i' ,,';;,~il'll~?o~ ,~~~~~il!!!~~~,~t rcoll).oval of a, l1f..<1Perty (p~el of ~d;~:~), from ~e S~~!.\ . :;\C~!ffm.~:Hazliti:!.!.@~;~~~~):P,i\ean,s:FEMkbas cM..u\""ed the property IS ~~ s)/obJect to mundBlioll ,lrythe: . "!\"'flOOd ha'\>ing a 1~~tCh'1m.ce' of being 'equaled Or eXceeded hi any giVen y~ (base flood), This lioes not mean 1he property is not subject.to 01h,~ fJoodhazards. The property could be inundated by a flood with a magnitude greater than the base flood 'or bY localized flooding not shown oil the effective NationiLI .F1ood'Ilisurance Program (NFIP) map. !' i :~~'dera1 Emergency Management Agency Waahington. D_C. 20472 .(J,,1, .l;, --:,;, ;~, " ' The effect ofaLO~!sit rem?ves the Federal.requirement for,the.lender to requite flood insurance , " . - ; .,,- .., ",.- .. coverage for the property described. The LOMA is not a waiver of theeondition 1hat the property owner main1ain flood' insurance co..-erage for:the' pr6'pi!rty; 'o,;Zy the' lender Call waive the flood insurance purchase reqllirement because 1he lender iinposed the requirement, The property oW?Ulr must request arui . receive a written waiver from the Zender before canceling the policy. The lender may determine, on its own ,;,;;asa business decision::~it,~shes to continue lhe.flood insurl)llce;!1lllu.~~~t;to protect its financial .' risk on the loan, ~.> I ~ .~ '..:~ /: :,~.. ">L .4'\'l-.~ .1;. ", ij~> "', -, '::- ,'_} ~':. :1; " . The LOMA provides FEMA's comment on the mandatory flood insurance requir~ellts of the NFIP as" .~""they apply to apartictiIarproperty> A LOMA IS not'abuildil1g pemut,n6r shoulditbeeonSlrlied'as'sili:h:. . ',.' :!iAiiy developm~t;:~;~~ction;'or,subsiantiahUnprovement of aprope'rt}';~Pa~,byaL0MA'wii:s,t."" t.:! '1,;4;!'C'Oinplv.wj1h all'applicable;stite'and loCi.!!criteria8nd:otlier Federal;criteiiii;\iii>~~~1'lj,i'~' \ ,i, '"")i,;...i!l~.iIi~iiri;': , ' - -,-':; .:";~:. .. "', 'T..}::7'!ftr'mh~~ -::;1' : ;,~',,\~' 'fj'.~ftlr;:~:Z:r.!.(~1'~ ;:;:(;1:"; '''j; ;.!-~,' ;"-:'::l'<~';:' ;i:'i~J~~~l~:,:"t,,:. ,f:.. " ,..', ,:.:" .i)'r~~rf:j>::!- . i " If a lender releases,a Pro~ o;wner.;fr9m the flood, insurance requirement, and the property owner d~cides . ,,' to cancel the policy and seek a -refund, the'NFIP will refund the premium paid for the current poijcy year, ',' provided 1:hat Ilo~claililfi~ipendiriirorhas been paid on the policy during the current policy year. The ~'~~ i'~ owner nfusf.p;:;;~d~ii.writtenwai__ of the insurance requirement from: the lender to 1:he property . ' insurance agent or 'cOm'pany"servicing, his or her 'policy: The agent or company will then process 1he refund request. 0"; c, i, ;,' '\ !.~ ;" ',~ . , w. .. ' i',~", " Even 1hough structures. are,not.located' in,an SFHA;, as mentioned aoove,1hey could be flooded by a flooding event. with a. greater magnitude than the base flood. In fact, more 1han 2S percent of all claims paid by the NFIP are for policies for s1ructures located outside the SFHA in Zones B, C, X (shaded), or X (unshaded). More than one-fourth of all policies purchased under the NFIP. pro1ect structures located in these zones, The risk to structures located outside SFHAs is' just not as great as 1he risk 10 structures located' in SFHAs..Finally, approximately 90 percent of all federally declared disasters are caused by flooding, and homeowners insurance does not provide financial pro1ection from this .flooding. Therefore, FEMA encourages the ~idest possible coverage under the NFIP. :I.~, ;'- " .,' ,.' ; '1, ;,,, -,,- , . , ~. .....t," ,H' ;'" '14't-:U::H~~: ff';,ir-, ~ ,~. '" . , ,'. .' 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