HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2011-3-14 .~. M~ r. 15. 2011 10: 07 AM Carlson Testing No.0767 p, 1 CARLSON TESTING, INC. 4060 HUDSON AVENUE NE SALEM, OREGON 97301 PHONE (503) 589-1252 FAX (503) 589-1309 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: Building Dept COMPANY: Clty.of Springfield FAX NUMBER: 541-726-3676 FROM: Leslie DATE: 3/14/11 NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 3 PHONE NUMBER: 541-726-3759 RE: FINAL SUMMARY LETTER o URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Attached is the Final Summary Letter for: McDonalds Springfield - Remodel. Building Permit # SPR2010-00269 ' Thanks; Leslie' CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTI7Y TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLlCABI.E 1.Aw. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. 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',; ;..l,El~~~)~ndards. as ~II.~ !h!l" strtJctural enginee~s design changes, approvals and verbal instructions. ::: .~,~~t~t~:';~:~.~'-1',,,,. d~;f' l,' :10<:,;; ; . :'. ,~Our.rep.orts'peitlin totheniatelial testedlinspected only., Information contained herein Is not to be .', ,.~~~~:'tlt):, .#'.... ....,,:' " ,,'., . , ! ! r\,~pipOl!~d.;excepl inJ\"I.~hout prior authorization fr:Om this office. ..., " ',1, ,<!'~p.\Jt,..~lq;'l>~~..I.~ ,.<,~j ~~J'~'n..:' -'I- 'lP~" . . ; \ , .:,'I';.~H:~,.~t.:", ;. :.:I.':JV~"',,,~,: ,_ . '.", . :.', .Ifthereare any.further.<juestions regarding this matter,.please do not hesitate to contact this office. . :~,:,:' , ',;,' ~~J~ ';';" )~,~ ~ir~~~\.:Lit:~::~,~f.~t;:S:;::; ,.~:,~:~~ .. . . 'iRes '''dfi.ill sUtiinllted:<:t!~!.'-::':":,:;:'" ,.: ~ .' ['CA:'SON iEst'NG:ri~c,!"r"'':'" ....".. '.,_, ; .;1,.;1 :J..llj~!i{; '._~,;..":2" .' r'.f ;;''\fNJ:'~\.ln't, ,. ,.', ,~. ',,~;:~:r...~.::lJ.,; .1. . . " ". '.'1.- 'i-,..... ;..,'.....,.. 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Project: MCDONALDS SPRINGFIELD - REMODEL Address: 3405 GATEWAY ST - SPRINGFIELD, OR Jurisdictiou: SPRINGFIELD Contractor: RICH DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION INC - SCOTT JACKSON Subcontractor: Concrete Supplier: EUGENE SAND & GRAVEL INC Truck#: 872 Load#: 1 Cast By: S. DAUGHTRY Weather: OVERCAST Test Time: 11:15 AM Ticket#: 2574613 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 57 Cylinders were. cast for the following locations: FREEZER SECTION AUGERED FOOTINGS AND MONOLITHIC Sh'~ ON GRADE Total Concrete Placement Location: FREEZER SECTION AUGERED FOOTINGS AND MONOLITHIC SLAB ON GRP~E Strength Requirement: Mix Number: 313545 Admix/Amt: POZZ 80,MBAE90 3000 psi fc @ 28 Days Slump: Concrete Temp: --..&.L 5. 00" % Air: 4.2% Max Agg: 3/411 Cubic Yards: 6.5 Register Number: 0001217 Lab Location: EUGENE Set Test@ Test Total Avg. - Unit Type Of Cap Tested No. Davs Date Load Diameter Area PSI Fracture Tvne Bv 7 03/08/2011 42030 4.00 12.56 3350 5 PAD 60 SD 28 03/29/2011 28 03/29/2011 28 03/29/2011 Distribute attachments. Average fc @ 28 days o Please see reverse side for additional information. Job Number: E1101131. Register Number: 0001217 Project: MCDONALDS SPRINGFIELD - REMODEL Date Molded: 03/01/2011 < I in. [25 mm] Type I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends. less than 1 in. [25 mOl] of cracking through caps Type :2 Well-Formed cone on one end. vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Type 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones ,.J \ v / Type 4 Diagonal fracture with no cracking through ends: tap with hammer to distinguish from Type 1 TypeS Side fractures at top or bottom (occur commonly v,rith unbonded caps) Type 6 Similar to Type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: MCDONALDS USA LLC - CLINT CAMERON TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DIBBLE ENGINEERING - ROBB DIBBLE RICH DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION INC - SCOTT JACKSON . RICH DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION INC - NATE COOKE Project Manager: B. LEACH Reviewed By: Reviewed On 03/11/2011 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is-not to be reproduced: except in full: without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTl's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom cn has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechnical Office Eugene Office Salem Office Tigard Office (541) 330-9155 (503) 601-8250 (541) 345-0289 (503) 589-1252 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods: ASTM C 39/C 172/C 1064/C 31/C 143/C 231/C 1231 Date Molded: 01/19/2011 Date Received: 01/20/2011 Permit#: SPR2010-00269 Client: MCDONALDS USA LLC - CLINT CAMERON Project: MCDONALDS SPRINGFIELD - REMODEL Address: 3405 GATEWAY ST - SPRINGFIELD, OR Job Nnmber: E1101131. Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Contractor: RICH DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION INC - SCOTT JACKSON Subcontractor: Concrete Supplier: MINI MIX CONCRETE Truck #: 25 Load #: 1 Cast By: S. DAUGHTRY Weather: OVERCAST Test Time: 8:05 AM Ticket#: Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 40 Cylinders were cast for the following locations: DRIVE UP WINDOW CONTINUOUS FOOTING AND SPREAD FOOTING WITH STEM WALLS ~._,,-.._._... Total Concrete Placement Location: DRIVE UP WINDOW CONTINUOUS FOOTING WITH STEM WALLS AND SPREAD FOOTING Strength Requirement: Mix Number: 3500 3/4" Admix/Amt: NONE Register Nnmber: 0001170 3000 psi fc @ 28 Days Concrete Temp: Slump: -2.L 6.0an % Air: 1.8% Max Agg: 3 /4 " Cubic Yards: 1.5 Lab Location: EUGENE Set Test @ Test Total Avg. Area Unit Type Of Cap Tested No. Davs Date Load Diameter PSI Fracture Tvne Bv 7 01/26/2011 56255 4.00 12.56 4480 2 PAD 60 SD 28 02/16/2011 28 02/16/2011 28 02/16/2011 Distribute attachments. Average fc @ 28 days o Please see reverse side for additional information. Job Number: E1101131. Register Number: 0001170 Date Molded: 01/19/2011 Project: MCDONALDS SPRINGFIELD - REMODEL < ] in. [25 nun] Type 1 Reasonable well-fonned cones on both ends, less than 1 in. [25 mm) of cracking through caps Type 2 Well-Fonned cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Type 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-fonned cones r / Type 4 Diagonal fracture with no cracking through ends: tap with hammer to distinguish from Type] Type 5 Side fractures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbanded caps) Type 6 Similar to Type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. .Remarks: MCDONALDS USA LLC - CLINT CAMERON TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DIBBLE ENGINEERING - ROBE DIBBLE RICH DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION INC - SCOTT JACKSON RICH DUNCAN CONSTRUCTION INC - NATE COOKE Project Manager: B. LEACH Reviewed By: Reviewed On 01/28/2011 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced. except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the infonnation contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTl's Genera! Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than. those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document