HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/11/2011 .,____ !'.~~_~~~~~_ EST?~~~_El DEED _ MO~!_~~~_.~ST OEED (In lieu olloreclosure) (Ind. or Gorp.). 'V 1988',2008 S.a~NESS LAW PUBU$HINGCO.. PORTLAND, OR www,slevensnessCQm ! r'" "";;;-~~ ~",-- --~~----~-;:, ;0' AN~';TEVEN~~ESS~~~M M~A~~~;;;~~~~;;~~~~_~-;' 8~ AN".;'ELE:rRON'C OR M;;;~~N'CAL MEANS' lrll, 1 i -r. I!'- '/(~(!( \1 il !i " CUKES" CUKES CONSTRUCTION I' ii up--o-Bo:n0195,--,---mm---m------m, ~~~~sb::n~~ ~:~~~ ~~~u~~c~~~:k ,~I~.~oo~~~ II 11~i?r~k!2~~~_'; 1111I1111111111111111111I1111111111I111I111111111 $52 0011 i' ,J;>_Q,J?Ql~,216..,__mu______'mm____mum'u 01196467201000660440020039 11 II _JUSEBURGA_QRW::>N_9.7_47il____m___m-.m__ 12/29/2010 02: 52: 52 PM I' ." 50""' P"!y" N,me '"' Add",,, RPR-DEED Cnt=l Sln=15 CASHIER 05 I i!.'11 ~~:~~~~~_(~f~~f_e::~~i~~:__nn_ __un $15.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 ill, P 0 BC'X 276 - ------- Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. I, ::::@;:~l@~::Q~~t(9:~~:70:::::::::::~:::::::: ! I ~ untlAirMa;uiREt TmSTJ( sletements 10 (Name, Address, Zip): -~~-----NAME-~~----_u_---~-----~TiTlE--~----------- ~ i :i :::~~~~!:~~~~B::~;~:~Q:::::::::::::::::::: By m____m_m___m_mm_m__mm' Deputy. I Ii _____n____ nn_____n_nn___nn ____n__n____n___ ESTOPPEL DEED II Ii MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED II Ii THIS INDENTURE between ____QQ!<E'f:>nL[)lJI5!'.S__WI:,JS'r'EIJQ'I'I,Ql:L-m__m____m_nm_m___nm__m__m__n' il I hereinaherealled the first party, and __n!<l'l'!,R~f:>SJ::B_lI1:JR_MAEQ'TJ"~JjNJ,,'--TBlJ9.~9.-Qf-'TI1"'--hJL!1<::Q)1.~-1F,US'J1 'Ii hereinaflerealled the second party: WITNESSETH:. . Ii Whereas, the title to the real property hereinafter described is vested in fee simple in the first party, subiect to the lien or a II I mortgage oc truSI deed recorded in the Records of the county hereinafter named. in 0 book 0 reel 0 volume No. n__'n___n__ i! I on page __m__m_m' andlor as 0 fee 0 file 0 instrument 0 microfilm ~ reception No. 2D_Q9::179,7,3(indicate which). ref- II I erence to those Records hereby being made. and the notes and indebtedness secured by the mortgage or trust deed arc now owned ii' i hy the secOJd pany, on which notes and indehledness there is now owing and unpaid the sum of $_1l.45_AD_QD_,D_Q__. the same being ! now in defLull and the mortgage or trust deed being now subject to immediate foreclosure; and whereas the first party, being unable I, (0 pay the S:l.Jne, has requested the second party lO accept an absolute dced of conveyance ofrhe property in satisfaction of the indebt- II. edncss sect red by the mortgage or trust deed, and the second party does now accede to thaL request: Ii NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration hereinafter stated (which includes the cancellation of the notes and the indebted- ! ness securoo by the mortgage or trust deed and the surrender thereof marked "Paid in Full" to the first party). the first party does i hereby grar,t. bargain, sell.and convey unto the second party and to second pany's heirs. succcssors and assigns. all of the following I! descnbcd r~al property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any way appertainIng, sHu~ Ii ated in n__Jl<!'lEn_n"'n___nn___n_ County, State of,uQEEmN-nu----n----u--u, to-wit: ii ii II :1 " Ii i: il I, il il ii i! Ii " Ii II II ! I Ii 'I II Ii ,I Ii -----0===,=] I ,I II I: II II I. ii !i ! II ,I Ii I' ,I Ii ,I 'I [, ,I II 'I I. I' Ii SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT. CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE) Th( true and actual consideration for this convevance is $un_~~______n___. (Here comply with ORS 93.030.) n___nU___ ___*_~__~?~?_,9_Q9,:9_Q_J21_Lt~,_t_rtt_~_~S_~__aJ1~_~~S____,-,-,----------,-----,-,-----------'---'---------------------,---,---- (OVER) " :! .1 lb==----.,---..'C--c==OC==-=,.-------'-- - ~/ S & DUKES OJNST~ION /' // /... /' - /"'/ ,'/. _~::q~:_~3:~~__C~~~~~---------------- DAVID E. DUKES, PRESIDENI' BEfORE SIGNI~ OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON TRANSfERRING FEE TITLE SHOJLO INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 19S.300. 195.3t 1 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11. CHAPTER 424. OREGON LAWS:2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND ,i REGULATIONS. <BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON '! ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNl'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN DRS 92.010 OR 215010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT DR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANv LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING DR FOREST PRACTICES. AS DEFINED IN OFcS 30.930. AND TO INOUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWUERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300. 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONSS TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. ----------~---------------------------------------------------- STATE OF OREGON., County of ___.IbNE.____________________u___) SS. This instrument was acknowledged before me on _______n_n_____________nn__nn___________, by _______ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Th;;instrument was acknowledged before me on uRJ;:~f:.R29_Lu~9)JL__u__u__u__u.. hy ___~~R_f:.,__~~_________________________________________------------------------------------- as ____r~_I!J~____________________________________________----------------------------------------- o f __u~__2<__~$_ _ m!;:J~'J'BlJQI'lqL7-u _u________ - _____ --------:.~7u- _________u_________ . \1 Ii il II !j I' ,I II I, I' il II " i \1 q II I' ., I :i !I Ii II :1 ii " I i PUBLISHER'S N::lTE: II using Ihls tarm to convoy real property subjocllo ORS 92.027, include the required reference. I' il~.-_-=-'--c..-====__==-------------==---==-===== =-=- ',_ _ _ _ /~;~.:;L-~~~~_.:!.__ ___(___~.____~__:___ ~ _n__<-"_ _~~__-_'n__n-_ ~--- ~otary Public for Oregon .". .., _ .,' My commission expires ____n_:~~_~~'~_~,~~_~~__?___nnn_______ i I II :[ I' I Ii I' " il 1i. II II ii " II , " ii I. ===~-=~=,,=-==='---".=jl Date Received: I) OFFICIAL SEAL ,~. '~'" JOSEPH M SILENCE ':~i NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON '. ..' COMMISSION NO. 435798 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 19, 2013 MAR 1 1 2011 Original SubmittaL-__ .0- . . . Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHIBIT A Beginning at a point in the center ofCOllllty Road No. 221, said point being 330 feet North O. 06' East of the Northeast comer of the James Ebbert Donation Land Claim No. 74, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willarnette Meridian; thence North 89.56' West 300 feet; thence North O. 06' East 5 feet; thence North-89O 56' West 140 feet; thence North O. 06' East 65 feet; thence South 890 56' East 440 feet to a point in the centerline of said County Road; thence South O. 06' West 70 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the West 70 feet. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying within the right of way of County Road No. 221 now known as North 28'h Street. Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittat_