HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/11/2011 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Site Plan Review . -. -. . . - . ,-- Com an : Address: Gleriwood 0 , LLC, 777 Hi h Street, Eu ene, OR 974.01 p~one:, 541-686-916.0 I Fax: '541-343-8693 I , A Glenwood op LLC, c/o Frank Gibson w/ Hutchinson, Cox, Coons licant Name:' Du riest & Sherlock p,c. Owner: I Phone: I Robertson/Sherwood/Architects c Fax: 132 East Broadwa ,Suite 54.0, Eu ene, OR 974D~ , I Pl;lone: I Fax: I 541-342-8.077 541-345-43.02 A licant's Re . Com an : Scott Stolarcz k Address: Com an Glenwood 0 , LLC Address: 00 17-03-"'-31 and 17-03- I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 34-34 6b , TAX LOT NO S : Lot 90.0 and Lot 2.01 3500 Block of Franklin Boulevard between Glenwood Blvd and Hbnderson Ave, I 75,666 s uare feet 1.73 acres Acres D S uare Feet D Pro osed Name of Pro"ect: Glenwood 0 Medical Office Buildin I I..' Description of Pro osal: Existin Use: ,Undevelo ed site sf . ,-- A - 0 t:f)O Co -() <:> I ns: I, Date: Reviewed b Date: '7 /1 I( RevIewed b -~ Technical Fee:Qat~o)e~: Posta :~ Fee: $IG.o. PRo.t.lWtt-llJOOil:k: ~J 'O-tiMe?. 1 ~ I I Associated A lications: Pyt 10 - Qe:j) G l q;)( (\A Pre-Sub Case No.: , .,' Case No.: lication Fee: $ 00 .70 TOTAL FEES: $ &, Revised 11/19/09 Ai / I t;"Q ,:rQ':, ~- "'; -Original Submittal " 'cP \.PI r' J rJ~JCl. Cn! J..)(, : ")~" 1 aHO '''. Owner'Signatures . . This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal '. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is' correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Ijwe do hereby'acknowledge that Ijwe are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal' Owner: I represent this,application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will~ not be prov)ded if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuantto the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a comPle~ ./ Date: '3 II I) Signa Print fr",,-< G.~~d>--) -'S,j~j 1,1 , . .... "~I' Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 ,"C.'. c' 'j \ '. \IJ..... 'r... _, . ....J~. Original SUbmitta~ .. , , ... f,,,,}'~ ...... ~~_' 'I. '.~... (~,::J' ,I',,:; I." i.. t--........ ,.._jU ':1" \ \ C:' rl...... t')""\' " \J\ .1 '::'Jt'~'t Revised 11/19/09 . t '_:;;1' 'l' .~. :~ 'q,.q. \ 2 of 10 ICllCll_....I!lMrwoMIA'''''"'t<~ . .1 (f) -l m "'U r )> Z 0 ::I, lC S' ~ (fJ 3: c )> 0- ::0 3 - ;:;: '- - r ...., c::> ~ - - ~ . . "~5 -~ .-. r ....>0 ~, .~~ - ~ ;~ ,~ !1 " " ,. oU , , , , \ " f- c !1;1%'90 ',~ \ , ~ ~ I .;;. __!~L__~_ o. \ . . \ , , ~~ \ ~~ \ ~~~~ \ f,,<' , ~z~~ I -n~\ i, e' z \ ., ~' \ \ \ \ II II ~!~ - . I" ., Ii! ,I I, I I ~ m :h ~t~ o I>> ...... (l) ;:0 CD o CD <' CD a. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z o [ Ii lj jlili ili IItj II;;"!! ffi i ~i Ji 1ii1j tl'! 'jll I~tfo!i' i fll! Ijlll'l' !hi! rii~h! ! i ',"1 !{II,i ,lil till ~ 'I ~ i f i:~K I ~l- ~ 0 ~ 1 ,.! ,'1< i Flf; ~ I 1f tli~ Ii l'lI t I 'Ii I::! ii', III J I . "f Ii f'o m~mu ~ "" ~ 0 10 c I" 1 n~ ~ : ~ I~ ~ ! II ~ ..~~ 1I jl!l j HifH ~;;: .... '::.0:1 -ill ~ .,.." ~ f~o :i'!E 0 Ii ~ ~,~ !2 ~ If 1 HH -. z PQ ! if f f ~ ~ IIDEDI00 I 'i R ! Ii, i ;J ~;' II ! ~ ! ~ ! 'I iil !'~ I I i ~ I ffi " z; ~ ~ II 0 I . m 10 . t "\ <I I ~.. { ;1 1 .~Ci " j 1 ? . I i i ! , ! Ii ! ~ ~ ! ~ a to ~ ~ . ~ ~. ~ ':'i:l i~ f6 ~lll ! dm!" ipn; i I i ~ ~ ~ ! . Slh Review Submlssloh: Not for Constructkm RobertsonlSherwoodlArchitecls" Q SITE PlAN =~:.""" r'-----' GlenwGOd Op Medical Office BulldlnQ I I --- __Of... CAMERON McCARTHY '~I .e II Site Plan Approval Narrative.! Glenwood Op Medical Office Building. 3500 block of Franklin Boulevard Eugene (Glenwood), Oregon 10 March 2011 " , Applicant/Property Owner Glenwood Op LLC c/o Frank Gibson Hutchinson, Cox, Coons, Dupriest & Sherlock P.C. 777 High Street, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-686-9160 Fax: 541-343-8693 Architect/Applicant's Representative RobertsonlSherwoodlArchitects pc 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, OR 97401 I Phone: 541-342-80TZ1 Fax: 541-345-4302 Alln: Scoll Stolarczyk, AlA, LEED AP I Landscape Architect Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architects 150 East Broadway I Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-485-7385 Fax: 541-746-0389 Alln: Justin Lanphear! ASLA Civil EnQineer KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-684-4902 Fax: 541-684-4909 Alln: Anna Backus Project Description: This application Is for site plan approval of a new 2-story medical clinic and office building of approximately 19,900 square feet, to be located in on a vacant lot on the south 'side of Franklin Boulevard, between Glenwood Boulevard and Henderson Avenue. View at Buildin!:! from the North (Franklin Boulevard) Glenwood Op Medical Office Building Site Plan Review Narrative Date Received: I MAR 1 j 2011 I I Original Submittal i " Page 1 March 2011 Project Location: . .. The project site is located on t outh side of the 3500 block of Franklin BoArd in the Glenwood area. The site is currently vacant and undeveloped. ';J \ . Approvals Requested: Type II, Site Plan Approval Attached.lnformation (included in this package): Type II Site Review Application (1 copy) Check for Site Plan Review Application Fee Fire Department Vehicle Circulation Diagram Revised Stormwater Scoping Sheet and Report (3 copies) Geotechnical Report Exterior Light Fixture Cut Sheets (1 copy each) Preliminary Title Report and Deed Letter from Hutchinson, Cox, Coons, Dupriest, Orr & Sherlock P.C. regarding JUAA's. 8-1/2x11 version of revised Site Plan (Sheet L 1) Revised Drawings (18 copies) GO Project Information Topographic Survey LO Site Assessment of Existing Conditions L 1 Site Plan L2 Vertical Control Plan L3 Landscape Plan C 1 Civil notes, Legend and Abbreviations C2 Storm Drainage and Utility Plan E1 Site Plan- Electrical A 1 Building Plans/Exterior Elevations Site Ownership: Glenwood Op, LLC is the owner of the two lots, totaling 1.73 acres, shown for development in this site plan review application. Project Use: Combined medical clinic and offices. Employment projections are approximately 60 at the time the building will be occupied. The clinic and offices are part of one business. Hours of Operation: Normal operating hours will range from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays. Saturday operation may occur as the client base grows. Phasing: The project will be constructed in one phase. Zoning: The site is within the City of Springfield's Urban Growth boundary and within City limits and is zoned CC, Community Commercial. A medical office building use is a permitted primary use in this zone. The Eugene/Springfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram (perthe 2004 Metro Plan with December 2009 updates) indicates the site is designated as "Rural Commercial". However, the Metro Plan states that this rural designation applies to land outside of the current Urban Growth Boundary. Adjacent Uses: The property to the west is an automotive repair/car sales business. The properties to the east are a photocopy supply business and radiator repair business. The property to the south is L TD's fleet maintenance facility. Date Received: ',' . MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal Page 2 March 2011 Glenwood Op Medical Office Building Site Plan Review Narrative " ~ . . " Refinement Plan: The applicable refinement plan for the subject site is the Glenwood Refinement Plan. The site is part of Subarea 7 and is designated as a CommerciallndustriallMixed Use zone. For :development fronting Franklin Boulevard, the Refinement Plan specifically addresses the following criteria (as noted in Section EA. b): I (1) Landscaping, including street trees, shall be provided where possible along Franklin Boulevard. The project proposes adding trees along the Franklin Boulevard frontage, Jer current City standards. (2) Placement of parking areas in side yards and rear yards shall be encoJaged. All vehicle parking is located in the side and rear yards. There is no parkin~ between the proposed building and Franklin Boulevard. . I (3) Placement of chain-link fencing within 20 feet of the right-of-way shall be discouraged. If fencing is needed within this 20-foot setback area, ornamental iron fencing or it's equivalent shall be provided. Ornamental fencing is proposed adjacent to Franklin Boulevard. The ornalental fencing will return back along the west and east property lines for a minimum of 20' from the riorth property line. (4) Signs shall be set back ten feet from the right-of-way. Signage is proposed to be mounted on the building and thus is setback from the right-of-way as ~~ I (5) Where development abuts a public street that intersects with Franklin Boulevard, the site design Shall reinforce recognition of the street (as opposed to just another drivewaYJ. This criteria is not applicable. (6) Where commercial or industrial development is adjacent to residential development, illumination shall be oriented away fr:om the residential development This criteria is not applicable. (7) Safe and efficient ingress and egress Ingress and egress from Franklin Boulevard is designed in accordance with Oregon Department of Transportation guidelines. The proposed driveway is spaced away from existing adjacent driveways to the fullest extent possible. Ingress and egress from East 14th Street will be designed in accordance with City of Springfield Standards. Glenwood Op Medical Office Building' Site Plan Review Narrative Site Access I Transportation: Primary site access will be provided via a driveway off Franklin Boulevard at the north side of the site. Secondary vehicle access is provided via a driveway off East 14th Street at the south side of the side. Primary pedestrian access will be provided via a sidewalk off of Franklin Boulevard. Based upon the square footage and use of the building, and using Institute of Trknsportation Engineers standards, the development would generate over 500 daily trips, the threshold fbr requiring a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) per City of Springfield requirements: However, conversations with City of Springfield staff and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) representatives have indicated that a TIS will not be required for this development, given the current capacity of Frariklin Boulevard and that there are proposed changes in use, density, and infrastructure for the GlenWOOdlarea. ODOT representatives had initially iridicated they' did not have record of any approved approach permit for the site from Franklin Boulevard. The survey and title report for the property doe~ indicate a shared . Date Receiv~d: I MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal I I ':.'f Page 3 March 2011 access easement with the Pro. to the west. across the property at the no~st corner. The easement makes reference to pproved ODOT approach permit, howevelWes not reference a file number for this permit. There is an existing driveway at this location that is used by the adjacent property. The driveway encroaches into the project property but is not configured to provide proper access to the project site at this point. Due to security and functional reasons, Glenwood Op cannot share access points with adjacent properties. Also, there are concerns of impacting the adjacent site or doing improvements on property out of Glenwood Op's control in order to create a driveway configuration usable to the project. There have also been disagreements between the previous property owner (prior to Glenwood Op purchasing the property) and the neighbor to the west, making any reasonable negotiations for shared access and improvements difficult. While ODOT has indicated their preference would be for this property to create a shared driveway with an adjacent property they have said they will approve a new driveway approach for the development as long as it is located as far away from existing driveways as possible." " .' Lane Transit District (L TD) currently owns a 10' wide piece of property that sits between the project site and Franklin Boulevard for most of the project frontage length. This property was purchased by L TD during development of their EmX bus line several years ago. L TD's intention was to transfer ownership of this property to ODOT so it would become part of the public right-of-way. During our research of the property it was discovered that L TD had not yet started this transfer process. L TD has submitted paperwork to ODOT to complete this transfer. Per conversations with City of Springfield staff and ODOT representatives, it was agreed that since L TD is still in the process of transferring the property, we may submit this application for Site Plan Review even though we have not yet submitted an application for an ODOT approach permit. It is understood that the ODOT approach permit will need to be approved prior to final construction inspections and issuance of a certificate of occupancy. View at Buildin!:l from the Northeast During the Pre-Submittal completeness review, it was noted in staff comments that a Joint Use Access Agreement (JUM) would be required, that would allow access across the project site from the neighboring parcel to the southwest. Please refer to the letter from Hutchinson, Cox, Coons, Dupriest, Orr & Sherlock P.C. laying out reasons why this JUM is impermissible as a matter of constitutional and state law. Date Received: MAR 1 t 2011 Glenwood Op Medical Office Building Site Plan Review Narrative Original Submittal Page 4 March 2011 .-. Off-Street Parking FacilitiA . . All off-street vehicle parking'" conform to the standards listed in SDC Se ns 4.6-110 through 4.6-120. The minimum number of parking spaces is calculated as follows: ., , . Vehicle Parking: Code Required: 19,900 SF /300 SF per parking space = 67 parking spaces Total vehicle parking spaces provided: 85 spaces Compact Parking: Maximum 30% of spaces 85 x 0.30= 25 compact spaces allowed 25 compact spaces provided Bicycle Parking: Covered long term bicycle parking will be provided at the southwest corner of the building. Short term parking will be provided adjacent to the primary building entrance at the southeast corner. All bicycle parking spaces will conform to the standards listed in SDC Sections 4.6-140 th!ough 4.6-150. Bicycle Parking Code Required: 19,900 SF /3,000 SF per space = 7 spaces 25% long term: 2 spaces 75% short term: 5 spaces Total bicycle parking spaces provided: 7 spaces 2 long term 5 short term Loading Areas: Loading requirements are minimal and primarily for office/building supply deliveries. A dedicated loading area is provided at the southwest corner of the building. I SDC Article 3.2-440(C) requires screening for truck parking for vehicles necessary for the operation of the facility. Since there is no manufacturing or sales occurring on site, this screenihg requirement is not applicable. Transit Facilities: There is currently a Lane Transit District (L TD) transit stop for the east bound leg of the EmX line located immediately in front of the site along Franklin Boulevard. The west bound leg of the EmX line is located on the other side of the street and west approximately one block at the Glenwobd Boulevard intersection. Utility Infrastructure: I The project site is served by adequate public utilities for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, and natural gas. The project proposes to extend these utilities onto the project site, to provide adequate fire protection and utility services for the proposed office building development. There is no public stormwater infrastructure and so all on-site runoff will be held on site via a series of rain gardens. All new iutilities will be placed underground. Refer to the drawings included with this application for description and location of the proposed utility extensions, and for stormwater management strategies. Fire Protection: The proposed building will be fully sprinklered. A new fire hydrant and fire department connection will be provided at the southeast corner. Fire department access will be from the driveway along Franklin Boulevard. Gates at this driveway will have a Knox box installed to allow for emergency access. The parking lot is designed with a 26 foot wide drive aisle to allow fire department vehicles to navigate through and exit back onto Franklin Boulevard. Refer to the vehicle turning diagram prepared by Cameron McCarthy included with this narrative. Date Received: Glenwood Op Medical Office Building Site Plan Review Narrative' I [, . MAR 11 2011 Page 5 March 2011 Original Submittal Easements: I ... Refer to the survey included in drawing set for description of easements ~ciated with the project. ... .' ',. . Stormwater Management: The site is not served by any pubiic stormwater infrastructure and so all stormwater runoff will be held and maintained on site. A series of "rain gardens", or swales, are incorporated into the site design to capture and hoid all runoff. Percolation testing has been performed and the data used to properly size the rain gardens. Refer to the Landscape and Civil drawings for detailed information on the design of stormwater facilities. View at Southeast Corner of Buildin!! Floodplain: The property is not located within a flood plain or floodway. Wetlands: The property is not in areas identified in the Springfield Local and National Wetland Inventory Map. Drinking Water Overlay District: The site outside the Zone of Contribution (Time of Travel Zone) as shown on the City of Springfield's Wellhead Protection Area Map. Natural Features: There are no existing trees or other significant natural features on the site. Signs: Per SDC 8.248, at totai of 3 wall signs totaling 350 square feet are allowed, and 1 freestanding sign with 100 per face or 200 square feet total is allowed. The signage currently proposed for the project will consist of two wall mounted signs on the north side of the building, totaling approximately 204 square feet in size, located on the north facade of the building. Other signs on site may include directional signs and are exempt per SDC 8.234. Date Received: ~ . , . MAR 1 1 2011 Glenwood Op Medical Office Building Site Plan Review Narrative Original Submittal Page 6 March 2011 ,-;.:" '. j I Attorneys and Counselors at Law Established 1970 ('ele/,mtiItK 40 yelll-'; of Excel/c""cJ 200 FORUM BUILDING 777 High Street MAIL: PO Box 10886 Eugene, Ore!,:on 97440 PHONE 541686-9160 FAX 541 343-8693 www.eugene~law.com Paul R. Allen James K. Coons FrankC. Gibson Stephen A. Hutchinson E. Bradley Litchfield Janice L. Mackey Zack P. Mittge Thomas M. Orr William H. Sherlock Patrick L. Stevens Of Counsel John G. Cox Retired Douglas M. DuPriest . . March 9, 2011 Mr. Michael Liebler, Transportation Engineer/Planner City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon, 97477 Re: Franklin Site Plan Review for Tax Lot 17-03-34-31-00900 (Case No. PRE 11-00006) Our Client: Glenwood Op, LLC Our File No.: 6651/C745C Dear Mr. Liebler: Our firm represents Glenwood Op, LLC. As you know, our client recently purchased the real property located on Fl'anklin Blvd. in Springfield identified as Tax Lot 17~03-34-31-00900. I undetstand that during the site review meeting with our client's representatives, you indicated that the City of Springfield would not grant site plan approval unless our client entered into a joint use access agreement (JUAA) withl the owner of the parcel adjacent to the southwest portion of our client'sl property (SW Lot). This letter explains why that condition of approval is impermissible as a matter of constitutional and state law. I Nollan v. California Coastal Comm., 483 US 825 (1987). 2 Dolan v. City of Tigard, 512 US 374 (1994). MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittai First, conditioning permit approval on a JUAA constitutes an unconstitutional exaction under the Nollan1 and Dolan' standards. The US Supreme Court holdings in Nollan and Dolan r~quire that to avoid being deemed an Article V taking, a proposed exaction !must contain an "essential nexus" with the harm to be prevented and must be roughly proportional to the impact of the proposed development. As sHown below, the proposed JUAA fails to meet both the Nollan and Dolan I tests. Second, because a mandatory JUAA under these facts constitutes a taking under Nollan/Dolan, the prohibition on taking private property for private use established by Measure 39 applies. Third, in light of the existence of the 14th Street right of way that provides legal access to the adjacent proRerty, the condition violates the requirement under ORS 35.235 that the tondemnation action "be compatible with the greatest public good and the IJast private injury." . Date Received: '; Michael LIler 3/9/11 Page 2 . I. Essential Nexus As established in Nollan, the proposed exaction must contain an essential nexus with the impact of the proposed d~velopment. In Nollan, the proposed exaction was a lateral easement acro~s a proposed beachfront property development. The alleged impact of the development was the obstruction of beach views from the street. The Supreme Court found that the proposed exaction lacked an essential nexus with the alleged harm, as the lateral easement would not ameliorate view obstruttion. I In the present matter, prohibiting or limiting development on our client's property until the adjacent landowner i~ granted access across it would not serve a valid public purpose. Denying our client the ability to develop its property would not solve the access problem for the adjacent lot in the event the City implements its Franklin I Blvd. expansion project. Glenwood Op, LLC's development of its property has no bearing on the adjacent landowner's ability to access his propetty, either now or in the future. Rather, the potential harm to that landowrer results solely from the City's decision to reconfigure Glenwood and franklin Boulevards in a manner that may restrict that property's access. If our client decides not to develop its property, the City cannot demand tHat our client nevertheless allow access across its property to serve the adjaceftt lot if the City blocks that property's access from Glenwood Blvd. in the futute. Consequently, it cannot do so now. II. Rough Proportionality In addition to failing the essential nexus test, the proposed exaction will likely fail the "rough proportionality" analysid under Do/an. In Do/an the Court noted the importance of the right to exchlde others from property, stating: "[a]s we have noted, this right to exclude I others is 'one of the most essential sticks in the bundle of rights that are commonly characterized as property."" The test formulated by the Court place~ the burden upon the City to demonstrate "rough proportionality" between the proposed exaction and the impacts of the proposed development. The Supreme Court in Do/an held that "[n]o precise mathematical calculation is required, but the city must make some sort of individualized determination iliat the required dedication is related both in nature and extent to the !impact of the proposed development."4 Here, the City's attempt to cure the access problem that it will create by requiring our client to grant the adjacent land6wner a private easement, despite the fact that the landowner still retains altetnative legal access via 14th 3 I Date Received: rd. at 393, quoting Kaiser Aetna v. US, 444 US 164, 176 (]979). 4 Dolan, 512 US at 391. MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal Michael Ltller 3/9/11 Page 3 . Street, demonstrates that the proposed exaction fails the Supreme Court's rough proportionality test as well. Glenwood OpJ LLC's development of its property has nothing to do with the adjacent owner's loss of an entry onto Glenwood Blvd. Thus, there is no proportionality and the City cannot force our client to shoulder the burden of fixing that property owner's access issues. III. Measure 39 As explained above, if the City insists that o\lr client execute a JUAA, it will be characterized as an Article V taking under Nollan/Dolan. Consequently, the condition will violate the prohibition on taking private property for private use established by Measur~ 39.5 Specifically, Oregon Ballot Measure 39, enacted in response to the US ~upreme Court decision in Kelo,6 prohibits government condemnation of private property for private use. Codified at ORS 35.015, the prohibitory language rJads: "(1) Except as otherwise provided in this lection, a public body as defined in ORS 174.109 may not dondemn private real property used as a residence, busine~s establishment, farm or forest operation if at the time of tHe condemnation the public body intends to convey fee title t9 all or a portion of the real property, or a lesser interest than fee title, to another private party." The proposed JUAA is a taking of a lesser interest than fee title of our client's private property (an easement) for the bertefit of a private party (the adjacent SW Lot). Therefore, Measure 39 prohiBits the condemnation. A careful analysis reveals that none of the exceptionsl to the statute apply to the facts in this case. The only conceivable statutdry exception under ORS 35.015(2)(c) for condemnation of property for conktruction of transportation facilities does not implicate joint use access agr~ements or easements and presumes that the land sought for the transP9rtation facility has been condemned. Even in the event this exception applied (which it does not), the JUAA and easement would be a taking requiring compensation under the eminent domain procedures. IV. ORS 35.235 In addition to the prohibition under M~asure 39, ORS 35.235(2) requires that the condemnation action be "compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury." The alternative ~ccess route to the adjacent SW lot along E. 14th Street, which is recognized it,. the City's transportation Date Received: 5 Codified at ORS 35.015-018. 6 Kelo v. City of New London, 545 US 469 (2005). MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal -; Michael Lller 3/9/11 Page 4 . plan and provides a legal right of way, would clearly result in less private harm while maintaining the greatest public good. Accordingly, it is the only legally viable option open to the City. V. Reservation of Rights Under ORS 197.796 Finally, if the City fails to withdraw its indefensible condition of approval to require the taking of property for private use in violation of the Fifth Amendment and Measure 39, then Glenwopd Op, LLC agrees to the condition for purposes of obtaining approval of its site review plan but reserves its right to challenge the contested cohdition pursuant to ORS 197.796. Glenwood Op, LLC will seek to ha~e the condition removed through the land use appeal process. Please note that under ORS 197.796(4), "[i]n any challenge to a condition of approval thjt is subject to the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United Stjtes Constitution, the local government shall have the burden of demonstdting compliance with the constitutional requirements for imposing the co~dition." Moreover, our client will look to its remedies in the Lane <County Circuit Court for diminution in property value in the event the cond'emnation is allowed, or, in the alternative, for damages resulting from lengineering and design alterations necessitated by the condition if, as '^Ie anticipate, it is deemed illegal under Measure 39. Glenwood Op, LLC would also seek to recoup its costs and attorney fees incurred in defending its p~operty rights as provided under ORS 197.796(5). . In sum, and for the reasons set forth aoove, Glenwood Op, LLC respectfully asks the City to withdraw the conditibn of approval requiring a JUAA and easement with the adjacent property owher. Sincerely, HUTCHINSON, Cox, COONS, I DUPRIEST, eRR & SHERLOCK, P.c. I I William Hi. Sherlock WHS / erl cc: Client Joe Leahy Carole Knapel Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal__...-. Job: Type: Notes: . . I ~ Gullwing™ \ H H OPTIONS H H I Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note; Gardea reserves the right to refuse 0 'configuration. Not all combinations and configurations ore valid. Refer to notes be/ow (or exclusions and /imitations. For questions or concerns, please consult the faaory. I PREFIX MOUNTING DISTRIBUTION G 18 'B" Gullwing'" Luminaire I 2 2@90 3 3@120o, 4 W WS Single Pole Mount Twin Pole Mount at 1800 Twin Pole Mount at 900 3-way Pole Mount at 900 3-way Pole Mount at 1200 4-way Pole Mount Wall Mount, Recessed J-Box Wall Mount, Surface Conduit I.NotovailoblewithPTFoption. WATTAGE IOOMH' 250PSMH $ J50PSMH' ro 875PSMH' Pulse Start MH 150MH' 2S0PS90.... (E) 400PSHH' CD IOOOPSMH'" Magnetic Ballast 175PSMH '" 320PSMH' <r> 750PSMH' Standard MH 175MH. 250MH' 400MH") IOOOMHU Magnetic Ballast CosmoPolis TM ~ Electronic System .'~ 60CMPE 90CMPE 140CMPE CosmoPolisTlol and -. (See Notes 6,7,9) MasterColol@ MauerColor@ Elite G 210MCE.3K(t) 315MCE-3K([l Nole: 347V and Elite Systems are 480V MCE systems supplied with Electronic System ...:::: include and require an lamp. (See Notes 6,7,9,10) 210MCE-4KCD 315MCE-4K$ auxilliarytransformer. Pulse Start MH Electronic Bal/ast 150PSE' (]) 175PSE II> 250PSE II> 320PSE', <El (See Notes 6,7,9) High Pressure Sodium 70HPS 150HPS 400HPS 750HPS' Magnetic Ballast 100HPS lSOHPS 600HPS Low Pressure Sodium 35LPS Magnetic Bal/ast . I 75MH, 250MH and 400MH not available far sale in the United StOles. ** 250PS90 includes a 90% efficient magnetic PSMH ballast, meeting the requirements of California Title 20, effective /11 f20 I O. ~ Wattages'marked with Circle "E" meet federal energy efficiency standards applicable to 150 watt through 500 watt metal halide luminaires only. I' 2XL 3XL 4XL Blel Q' Type I, Horizontal Lamp Type II, Horizontal Lamp Type III, Horizontal lamp Type IV, Horizontal lamp Backlight Control Type V. Horizontal lamp 2. Not '~;/'r ,00" 400 wom. VOLTAGE 120 I 240 347 208 277 480 200-277 CMPE, MCE and PSE types only. I 3. Requires E281BT28 lamp. 4. Furnished':'-ith sag gloss lens only. 5. Mogul base lamp required. 6. UL Listed en 40"C ambient 7, CMPE type~ available 120V or 200-2 nv only. PSE types ~vailabJe 200 - 277V only. MCE types available 200-2 nv, os well os 347V and 480V. 8. See I 000 ~att lamp tables below. 9. See QS I Q924 Tobie on page 2. /0, "-3K"su('fii specifies 0 3000"K lamp and ".4K" suffik specifies a 4000"K lamp. I Note 9: 11000 Watt lamp tables. For 1000 Watt Metal Halide. use: , Brand Product Code CataloR" Number Venture I 53702 MSI000W/HORlBT37f3K G.E. 18205 MVRlOOOfUfBT37 Venture 15332 MH 1000W/U/BT37 For 1000 Watt Pulse Start Metal Halide. use: , Brand Product Code Catalog Number G.E. I 10389 MVR I OOO/U/BT37/PA Venture 49111 MS I OOOWfHORfT2S/PS , . WARNING: Use of other lamps VOids wal'Tanty. I Date Received: MAR 11 2011 I 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753~78S5 sitelighting,com @2010KoninklijkePhilipsElectronicsN.y'AIIRightsReserved. Phil~ps ~ardco reserves the right t~ chan~e ~aterials or modify the design of its produc~ wi.thout b' t 1--16 notification as part of the company s continUing product improvement program. Orlglnat Su mlt a 7911S-8Sf1210 . PHILIPS GARDea 9. See QS/Q924 Table. II. Not available above 400 watt 12. No! ovai/able in 480V. Provide specific input voltage. J 3.l50W maximum. Poo/carbanate lenses carry a I year wdrranty only. J 4. In lieu off1at glass. Supplied standard and required with 750 watt and higher wattages. J 5. Required for 3" 0.0. round or topered round poles where top 0.0. is less than 4". 16. Required for 4". 5" 0.0. round poles. 17. Mounts to a 2-3IB" 0.0. mast arm. 18. Mounts !o a 2-318"Top Tenon. Specify a pole with a 4.50" 0.0. far a smooth transition. 19. Not available in 1200 mounting configurations. lO.Requires a l-3/8"0.D.x 4" tenon or a 2.4" round pole top 0.0. Specify Drilling (1,2. 2@90, 3 or 4 anly.) 21.Available only with I 75PSMH through 400PSMH and 150HPS through 400HPS wattages. Includes dual-level capacitor and wiring ta connea to Gardco Motion Response System. ll.Avoi/able with CosmoPoJis'" system only. See submittal sheet GE20().()05 {or comPlete information on LumiStep'" ballasts. Page 2 of 3 FINISH BRP BLP WP NP OC Bronze Paint Black Paint White Paint Natural Aluminum Paint Optional Color Paint Specify Optional Color or RAL ex: OC-LGP Of OC-RAL7024. Special Paint Spedfy.Must supply COIOf chip. SC DIMENSIONS AND EPA 31 1/2" 80.01 em ~ . r 61/2" 16.66 em II 1/2" + 29.21 cm ~ . OPTIONS F" Fusing In Head In-Une/ln-Pole Fusing Photocontrol and Receptacle Photocontrol Receptacle only Polycarbonate Sag Lens Sag Glass Lens Internal Houseside Shield Quartz Standby Quartz Standby - Timed Delay Quartz Emergency Quartz Emergency - Timed Delay 3" Round Pole Adapter 4" and 5" Round Pole Adapter Mast Arm Fitter LF PCl2 PCR POLyl3 SGI~ HS QS' QST' Q924' QT924' RPAIIS RPA216 MFl7 ( ,/ j/ / j/ -- ~ j/ '- " .J, 1611 Clovis Barker Road., SanMOln::os,TX 18666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (5 12) 753-7855 sitelighting.com ' @2010KoninklijkePhilips Electronics N.V. All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification a5 part of the company's continuing product improvement program. 7911S-85!l210 MGullwing™ G 18 Area Luminaires , TR liB Single Transition TR21B Twin Transition PTF219 Pole Top Fitter - 2 3/8" - 3" Dia.Tenon PTFll9 Pole Top Fitter - 3" - 31/2" Dia.Tenon PTF419 Pole Top Fitter - 3 1/2" - 4" Dia. Tenon SQPTF20 Square Pole Top Fitter GMR21 Provision for Gardco Motion Response L622 LumiStep'" Ballast 6 hour LOll LumiStep'" Ballast 8 hour L I 021 LumiStep'" Ballast I 0 hour 175 watts or less 100Watts Above 175 watts up to 400 watts I SO Watts QS, QST. Q924, QT924 are not available with CMPE,MCE or PSE wattages or in luminaires above 400 watts HID. 18" 45.72 em =:j With Sa!!" Glass Lens t 8" 20.32 cm t EPA Data 1 1.2 It' .11 m' Z 2.4 It' .22m' 3-4 Date Received: 3.2 It' .30m' MAR 11 2011 PH IlfPISS1 Submittal C39 GARDeO . Page 3 of 3 SPECIFICATIONS . ~GullwingTM G 18 Area Luminaires GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Gardea Gullwing™ is an area luminaire defined by its ~leek profile and rugged construction. The housing is one-piece, diecast aluminum and mounts directly to a pole or wall without the need of a separate support arm. The multifaceted arc-image duplicating optical systems provide JES Types I, II, III, IV and V distributions. The door frame is single-piece diecast aluminum and retains an optically clear tempered flat glass lens. The luminaire is completely sealed and gasketed preventing intrusion from moisture, dust and insects. The Gullwing ™ luminaires are finished with a fade and abrasion resistant TGIC powdercoat. HOUSING: A one-piece die cast aluminum housing mounts directly to a pole or wall without the need for a support arm. The low profile rounded form reduces the effective projected area of the luminaire to only 1.2ft'/.11 m'. LENS ASSEMBLY: A single-piece diecast aluminum lens frame hinges down from the housing and is secured by a stainless steel lanyard and hinge pin. An optically clear, heat and impact resistant tempered flat glass lens is mechanically secured with eight retainers. The electrical and optical ,chambers are thoroughly sealed with a one-piece memory retentive hollow-core EPDM gasket to prevent intrusion by moisture, dust, and insects. OPTICAL SYSTEMS: The segmented optical systems are manufactured from homogenous sheet aluminum which has been electrochemically brightened, anodized and sealed. The multifaceted arc image duplicating systems are designed to produce IESTypes I (I), II (2XL), III (3XL), IV (4XL and BLC). and V (Q). With the 2XL. 3XL and 4XL luminaries, the reflector facets form a conical fan around the arc tube with each facet positioned to be precisely tangent to the top of the arc tube. The lampholder is glazed I porcelain with a nickel plated screw shell. Position-oriented mogul base sockets to accept high output horjzontal metal halide lamps are supplied standard. ELECTRICAL: All elJctrical components are UL recognized and factory tested. E'ect~onic and magnetic HID ballasts are high power factor and mount~d on a unitized tray with quick electrical disconnects. Magnetic HID ballasts are the separate component type. Electronic and magnetic HID ballasts are capable of providing reliable lamp starting down to ~20'oF I _290C. Standard fluorescent ballasts are solid state. Luminaires provided with the CosmoPolis ™ or MasterColor@ Elite high performance ceramic metal halide electronic systems include high power factor electr'onic ballasts, designed specifically for the system selected. I FINISH: Each standard. color luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, electrostatic~lIy applied, thermally cured, triglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) textLred polyester powdercoat finish. Standard colors include bronze (B'RP), black (BLP), white (WP). and natural aluminum (NP). Consult factory for specs on optional or custom colors. .. LABELS: All luminaires bear UL or CUL (where applicable) Wet Location labels. WARRANTY: Gardco luminaires feature a 5 year limited warranty. See Warranty Informati6n on www.sitelighting.com for complete details and exclusions. POlycarbonate lenses carry a I year warranty only. Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal I FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: Full cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where zero candela inten~ity occurs at an angle at or above 90. above nadir. Additionally. the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100 (10 percent) at a vertical angle of 80. above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the lumin~ire.. . I CUTOFF PERFORMANCE: Cutoff performance means a luminaire distribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25 (2.5 percent) at an angle at or above 90. above nadir. and 100 (10 percent) at a vertical angle of 800 above nadir. This applies to aU lateral angles ar;6und the Juminaire. 1611 Clovis Barker Road;.. S~~'\Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000, Fe.x: (512) 75]-7855 sitelighting.com @2010KoninklijkePhilips Electronics.N.V. All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's con~inuing product improvement program. 79115-8511210 PHILIPS G GARDeO . . ! Date Received: . MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal 'P1l00iJcriN"FOilMATiON~"' l:.A . .;,. +"'0"".0'''''''.'''''C.,~,*,~+'''' Intended Use Forwalkways,plaz3sor \ pedestrian areas. Construction Housing: KB_6: Bottom housing is 0.125" exlruded aluminum.Topcoveris O.156"castaluminum.KB_8: Bottom housing is 0.156" extrudedaluminum.42" overaJlheightstandardon KBD and KBA6. 43" overall heightst3lldardonKBA8. Flush-fitting lens is 1/4", c1ear,100%virginacrylk.AIt exposed hardware is tamper- resistant stainless steel. Four 1/2"xll"anchorboJlswith double nuts/washers 3nd4- 1/2"diameterboltcircletem- plate provided for mounting (shipped separately). Finish: Dark bronze (DDB) <orrosion-resistantpolyester powder finish standard. Additional architectural colorsavailable,see www.lithonia.comJarchcolors. Optiu Reflectorsystemincorporates an anodized, spun aluminum, f1aredconeandananodized, hydioformed, fluted upper reflector providing aTypeV (symmetric}cutoffdistribu- tion. Optional cylindrical lowerreflectororcaslalumi. numlouversavailable. Electrical Electricalcomponelltsare unitizedonrernovable power module and accessible throughbottomofbollard. Positive-locKing,quick- disconnect on secondary circuit Ballast All ballasls are100%factorytested.High leactance,l'.ighpoweTfa(10T for 150W and below. Compact fluorescent uses an electronic high-frequency ballast. Socket Mediurn-base porce- lain socket,4KV pulse rated. Compilctfluorescenthas four-pin, white thermoplastic bodywjthquick-corlllect push-inw\ringtermina\s.lP\ is standard 35Kfor CFL listings UL Listed (standilrd). C5A Certified {see Options},UL Listedforwetlocations. KSD . For shortest lead times, confi ure products usin bolded options. KBA6 [ Hich oressure : Metal halidel' IncandescentH,l : Standard flared cone .. 120 : (blank) Magnetic ballilst i 5hios installed KBA8 : sodium 50M J RS Type V distribution : 2W ~ SF Sinlglefuse, 120V, 277V, 347V KB06 I 3551 70M Comoact Ootional cvlindrical reflector i 240J OF Oo~ble fuse,208V, 240V KBD8 ~ 505 100M fluorescenr CYA Specularalzak 277 H24 24'\ overall height 70S 26TRT CYB Blackalzak 347 H30 30'ioverallheight 1005 32TRT CYG Goldalzak TB1 H36 36')overatlheight 1505 Louvers f8" onlvl MVOL'J'i FO Festoon outlet I , LV Louvers FG Festoon outlet with duplex ground fault receptatle' Specification KBA KBD KSA Example: KBAB 10M R5 TB [PI ~."", :~'li:J.;; .----4 (SA Meets Canadian standards Shiosseoaratelv R6S Half-shield (6" round) R8S Half-shield (8" round) KBAB Anchor bolts DTG Tennis green SDNA Natural aluminum stripe IPI Lamp included DBR Bright red SDTG Tennisgreenstripe I/IP Less lamp DSB Steel blue SDBR Bright red stripe Medium bronze CR Enhanced corrosion resistance SDBUA Darkbluestripe Natural aluminum SDDB Dark bronze stripe SDYlB Yellow stripe Sandstone SDWH Whitestripe Charcoal gray SDBl Black stripe StSi'ldard flaredcGne Optioi'lal cylii'ldricalrellecior PSGlO wwwJithoniHom I HOO"279"8041 DrawingsmfordimensionaldetailonlyandmaynolrepresentactuaI mc(hanical wnfiguration. Dimemions are shown in inches (centimeters) unlm otherwise noted. TQ T '" 11D6}1 1 111;211 [ 8 ~ II20JI KBD6 KBDB-lV '" [106}1 111;211 h2~Jli KBA6 KBAHV louver Max.weight: 34.9 Jbs 05,9 kg) * Also available in 24' (H24L 30" {H30} and 36" (H36J. Date , MAR 1 1 2011 Original submittal Notes 1 Spedfy lamp type and dislribution, See Configuratiom table. 2110Vonly. 3. Requires coated lamp. 4 KB-5: 115W/rS, lamp notinduded. 5 KB-8:150Wmax., lamp not lncludel:l. 5 louvermustbeused.Multi-voltelectconicballast(forcompact Ouormem lampsonly}copableofoperating on any line voltage from 120V-277V. 7 (onsultfactoryformelnCanada. p, Op\ion~\mu\\\-\apba\\a~t (1211\1, 208\1, 24OV,277V). InCanada120V,277V,347V;shipsast20V/347V. 9 Coverships5eparately. 10 Choose primary fixlure finish andmipe colorifdesired. ~ L/THDN/A L/OHT/NO. . . Date Received: MAR 1.' 2011 Original submittal Job: Type: Notes: . . \ PREFIX MOUNTING DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE H H H H H FINISH OPTIONS Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note: Gardea reserves the fight to refuse 0 'on~gurotion. Natoli combinations and configurations ore valid. Refer to notes be/ow (or exclusions and limitations. For questions o~ concerns, please consult the faaory. I PREFIX MOUNTING DISTRIBUTION H I G 13 13" Gullwing.... Luminaire G 13EMC' 13" Gullwing'" Luminaire Emergency Cold Temperature 1 2 2@90 3 3@120" 4 W WS Single Pole Mount Twin Pole Mount at IBOo Twin Pole Mount at 900 3~way Pole Mount at 900 3-way Pole Mount at 1200 4-way Pole Mount Wall Mount, Recessed J-Box Wall Mount, Surface Conduit I.Availoble with (2) 32TRF lamps and MTS optics only. (I) 32TRF operates in emergency mode. WATTAGE ANDVOLTAGE LAMP IVOlTAGE CHART - GJ3 HID VoltaQ'e '-/10 208 I 240 I 277 120 347 480 6DCMPE . 200 . 277V !~;", ' ";;S CosmoPolisTM ~ 9DCMPE . 200 - 277V I,,~" ,,;: Eleetlonic System 140CMPE . 200 - 277V lit, --,,'; CosmoPolis~ systems ore supplied with lamp included. 50MH . '" . " Pulse Stort 70MH . . . . . ,:,;-- Metal Halide IOOMH Magnetic &lllast . . . . . . 150MH . . . . . '," Standard 175MH'" . . . . . . Metal Halide* * I 75MH not available (or sale in the United States. Pulse Start 70CMHE' UNIV' ~ Ceramic Metal Halide 10OCMHE' UNIV' EJectronicBallas( 150CMHE' CD UNIV' 50HPS . . ;; High Pressure 70HPS . . . . . . Sodium Magnetic Ballost 100HPS . . . . . . 150HPS . . . . . '~;;;,;-- Low Pressure Sodium lalPS. . . . . "" CD. Wattages marked with Circle "E" meet federol energy efficiency standards applicoble to 150 watt through 500 watt metal halide luminaires only. Combinations marked with a dot, with "UN/V" or with "200-2 77V" are available (or ordering. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227.0758 (5 12) 753-1000 FAX: (5 12) 753-7855 sitelighting.com @ 20 I 0 Koninldijke Philips Electronics N.Y. All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. 79115-130/1210 2XL 3XL 4XL MTSl Type II. Horizontal Lamp Type III. Horizontal Lamp Type IV, Horizontal Lamp Medium Throw with SoUte€! Lens 2.Notavoiloble with PTFoption. 3.Avoilable..Jith nuorescem sources only. LAMP IVOLTAGEICHART - GIJ Fluorescent Fluorescent fMTS Obria: Onlvl ill (3)32TRF.... (3)42TRF.... Fluorescent IMTS Obtics Onll'l 120 (2)32TRFu'J Vo/tape 277 347 480 480 CF Compaa Fluorescent TRF Triple Tube Fluorescent 4. Fluorescent and CMHE bollasts accept 120V through 177V, 50hz to 60hz, input SpecifY "UNIV" for 110V hroJgh 2 nv. 5. Lamp stoning temperature isl O. F 1-18. C. 6. For emergency mode lumen output see submittal data sheet 79115-155 - "Gardco Emergency Light Output Information." 7. (I) lamp apermes in emergency mode. Date Received: , MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal PHIUPS 0, GARDeO Page 2 of 3 FINISH BRP BLP WP NP OC Bronze Paint Black Paint White Paint Natural Aluminum Paint Optional Color Paint Specify Optional CoJor or RAL ex: OC-LGP or OC-RALl024. Special Paint Specify. Must supp/y color chip. OPTIONS F LF PC' PCR POLY' HS QSIO QSTIO Q92410 QT92410 SPA" TRI12 TR211 PTF2 PTF3 PTF4 MF'l L61~ L81~ LrOI~ 22 1/2" 57.25 em ;// ;// . Fusing In Head In-Line/ln-Pole Fusing Photocontrol and Receptacle Photocontrol Receptacle only Polycarbonate Sag Lens Internal Houseside Shield Quartz Standby Quartz Standby - Timed Delay Quartz Emergency Quartz Emergency - Timed Delay Square Pole Adapter Single Transition Twin Transition Pole Top Fitter - 2 3/8" - 3" Dia. Tenon Pole Top Fitter - 3" - 3 1/2" Dia. Tenon Pole Top Fitter. 3112" - 4" Dia.Tenon Mast Arm Fitter Lumi5tep no Ballast 6 hour LumiStep"" Ballast 8 hour LumiStep"" Ballast I 0 hour . I 8 1/2" 21.54cm t ;// 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos, TX 78666 (800) 227-0758 (512) 753-1000 FAX: (512) 753-7855 sitelighting.com @2010KoninklijkePhilipsElectronicsN.Y. AU Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. SC DIMENSIONS AND EPA 79115-13011210 II Gullwing™ G 13 Area Luminaires ! B. Not ovailable in 480V. Provide specific input voltage. 9. 100 Watt HID maximum. Polycarbanate lenses carry I year warranty only. / O. 100w Quartz lamp mOl;, Not ovailable with fluorescent, EMC, CMHE or CMPE types. / J. Required for maunting to strOight square pales. /2. Mounts to a 2.3/8" top tenon. Specify a pole with 3.00" top DD for a smooth transition. 13. Mounts to a 2.3/8" D.D. mast arm. 14.AvailabJe with CasmoPolis'" system only. See submittal sheet GElOO-005 for complete information on LumiStep" ballasts. 4 3/4" 12.14 em . ! .8 ft' .07 m1 . 13 1/2" 34.16 em EPA I 1.6 ft' .15 m1 3-4 2.2 ft' .20 m1 Date Received: MAR 1.1 2011 Original submittal PH I U PS ~ .GARDCO \" ~ft} 1I~'II/III'tll.Wlllllll.llI. Geotechnical & Construdian Setvires . . Glenwood Op, LLC Ms. Carole Knapel 1201 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 January 17, 2011 Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Franklin Boulevard Eugene, Oregon Project #2107170 Dear Ms. Knapel: We are providing geotechnical engineering services for the above referenced site as outlined i~ ou'r proposal. This letter provides a summary of ourlfindings and provides .geotechnlcal recommendations' for design and construction of the proposed foundations aswell as a discussion of seismic considerations. BACKGROUND A new building and associated parking is being designed for a cwrently vacant parcel on Franklin Boulevard in Eugene, Oregon. The site location is shown on the attached Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The proposed improvements at the site ihclude construction of a new two story building and associated concrete slab, parking ahd access pavements . 1 and landscaped areas. The proposed structure has a :!:SO foot by :!:130. foot footprint. The proposed development area is relatively level and currently includes gravel surfacing with some grass and brush over much of the parcel. I Minor site grading is anticipated for the improvements. The building is expected to have a finished floor elevation slightly above existing ground elevations with pavefnent grades Closely matching existing site grades. The conceptual site layout a~d proposed bUilding location is shown on ihe attached site plan (Figure 2). We under~tand that portions of the site will be landscaped and used for stormwater detention and treatment. Date Received: This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the 5pelfJ~Ci process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shaH not be reproduced in part or full and/or any ~R 1. 1 2011 thereof be disclosed without FEr Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. . I ' 750 NW Comell Avenue. Corvallis, Oregon 97330 . phone (541) 757-4698 . fax 1(541) 757_9~ij;linal SUbmittali' 29540 B Airport Road, Eugene, Oregon 97402 . phone (541) 684-3849 . fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place. Suile2' Bend. Oregon 97701. phone (541) 382-4844. fa\, (541) 382-4846 . . . I . . 'f SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions: The proposed development location is a relatively flat, gravel covered parcel. It appears that the site was previously developed with much of the parcel including gravel surfacing. Grass, blackberries and brush are present over much of the parcel. The Willamette River is located a short distance to the east of the site. The site is surrounded by existing development with Franklin Boulevard to the north of the site and an existing bike path located along the south property boundary. Subsurface Conditions: Subsurface conditions were explored at six locations on December 16 using a rubber tired backhoe. The approximate test pit locations are shown on the Site Plan (Figure 2). The test pits were extended to depths of :1:4 to 6 feet below existing site grades. We observed wet soil conditions and ground water seepage in the gravel stratum in some of the test pits at the time of our exploration. Ground water seepage as shallow as 3.8 feet bE;!low grade was observed at. the time of our exploration in December. Therefore, we anticipate that a relatively shallow ground water level is present at the site throughout the year. A narrative summary of soil conditions at individual test pit locations are attached. A brief summary of the various soil strata encountered is provided below. FILL: Fill materials were observed in the upper portion of the soil profile across the site. The upper ",4 to 6 inches of the fill material typically consists of V,-inch minus crushed rock surfacing. The fill thickness varies from ",1 to 3 feet in the area of the proposed building. The fill in this portion of the site includes concrete slabs and foundations associated with a previous structure at the property. The fill also includes concrete, asphalt and metal debris that has been placed on the site. The fill profile encountered in explorations in the proposed pavement areas . typically was less than 1 foot thick. The fill at these locations generally consists of sandy gravel to silty or clayey gravel. Sandy Silt Alluvium: Generally, the' upper fill transitions. to medium stiff sandy' silt to silty sand alluvium. The silt stratum was absent at TP-4. The silt stratum varies in thickness and consistency across the parcel. The silty soils were observed to be ",1 to 3 feet thick, where encountered. The silt generally became sandier with increased depth and was relatively sandy at the transition from the fill at some locations. The silt is brown, moist to very moist, and non-plastic to low plastic. . The sand is generally fine grained, with some coarse sand noted with increased depth. Date Received: MAR 1 I 2011 Geotechnical Investigation GJenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon 2. '. ..... I January 17, 10 --- Project No. 2107170 'i) . . Sandy Gravel Alluvium: The silt and sand alluvium transitions to sandy gravel with depth. The gravel is typically :t3-inch minus, rounded and well-graded. The I sandy gravel contains some to trace silt and is very moist to wet. The sandy gravel extends to the limit of our exploration at the site (:t6 feet). INFILTRATION TESTING Infiltration testing was conducted at two locations (P-1 and P-2). The approximate' test locations are shown on Figure 2. The testing was conducted to assist in estimating the' hydraulic conductivity of the soil beneath the site for use in di~posal of storm water. The falling head infiltration method was used for the testing, iH general conformance with the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual - July 2006. IThe water levels were monitored over a five hour period with variable infiltration rates observed. Based on our observations, it appears that the subgrade soils are expected tol have low to moderate permeability. The infiltration rates are expected to increase with depth in the soil profile. A summary of test depths, subgrade . soils and infiltrati~m measurements are provided in Table 1 for individual test locations. Werecommerd using an infiltration .rate no greater than % inches/hour for. average infiltration rates in the upper :t18 to 24 inches of the soil profile at the site. The design infiltration rate /nay be increased to 4 inches/hour if the infiltration areas are excavated to the sandy soil subgrade and relatively free draining material is used to backfill the excavation tb the design 5ubgrade level. DISCUSSION Table 1. Infiltration Testing Summary Test Test Depth Measured , Subgrade Soil Infiltration Location (in.) , . rate (in/hr.) I P-1 24" Sandy Silt :t12 in.lhr. I P-2 18" Silt :t1.5Iin.lhr. OF GEOTECHNICAL ISSUES Ori ditions: Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Weather Con The site work should be conducted dUring dry weather, to the ext~nt practical. The site grading is expected to. be minimal and will primarily be excavation of the existing fill material for the building pad and footings. The subgrade soils wi!' typically include silt, which is expected to be moisture sensitive. The excavation depth for the footings and pavements will have to be increased and a thickened rock ~ection used for site preparation during wet weather conditions. Therefore, wet w~ather construction is expected to have higher site preparation costs. ginal Submittal BuildinQ Site Preparation: I. We understand that the new structure will include slab on grade construction that will be , elevated above existing site grades. All fill materials and debris will need to be excavated from the building area and hauled from the site ~s the excavation is I Geotechnicallnvestjgation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon 3. January 17, 1011 Project No. 2107170 . . conducted. The building site preparation should include compaction of imported aggregate base over the approved subgrade soil. Due to the variability of the fill across the site, we anticipate that site observation will be required throughout the building excavation to verify suitable subgrade soils. Based on the observed depth of fill, we expect that the building pad will include a minimum of 12 inches of aggregate base with some areas requiring :t3 feet of imported aggregate base. '[ Foundations and Drainaqe: We anticipate that foundation excavations will extend :t2 feet below existing grades at the site to provide adequate footing embedment and bypass existing fill material. The upper silt alluvium is expected to be adequate to support relatively light foundation loads without excessive settlement. We have provided recommendations for constructing the footings over :t12 inches of compacted aggregate base to provide a working surface during construction. If footing excavation work is completed during wet weather, we expect that the required excavation depth and rock thickness will' increase. We have assumed that site grading will be conducted to elevate the slab above existing' grades and provide positive drainage away from the structure. The site includes a seasonally shallow ground water surface. Therefore, we. have assumed saturated conditions in our bearing capacity evaluation and foundation drains should not be required. However, we recommend that the building slab include a vapor barrier due to the anticipated shallow ground water levels. We have assumed that rain drains from the building will be transmitted to the storm system at the site. . SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Our observations of the foundation soils underlying the proposed site and knowledge of the area suggest that the seismic risks at the site are relatively low. A summary of several considerations are outlined below. Fault Rupture: Fault rupture is not believed to be a concern at the site, since there are no known faults in !tie immediate vicinity. Relative Amo'lification Hazard: The deeper soil profile at the site is expected to include dense gravel alluvium overlying weathered rock. The upper soils include a stratum of medium stiff silt and medium dense sand. Based on the limited thickness of the upper medium stiff/dense soil, we believe that there is a low amplification hazard at this site, and that the typical correlations provided by the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OS~teS~ . . ed' classifications are appropriate for design. ecelv , Relative Liquefaction Hazard: . MAR 1 1 2:lJll The foundation soils include medium stiff sandy silt to silty sand in the uPE~r portion of. the soil profile transitioning to dense sandy gravel. Shallow ground watertigti~~l:tQmitlaI I . at the site that may impact the upper sandy soils. The sandy alluvial soils are expected ! to have a moderate risk of liquefaction or strength reduction during a design earthquake. However, due to the limited thickness of the sand stratum and density of the underlying sandy gravel, we anticipate that the hazard would result in only modest settlements to the structure. The liquefaction risk could be mitigated at the site by Geotechnical Investigation January 17, 1011 Glenwood op Project Project No. 2107170 Eugene, Oregon 4. . . ., extending the footing excavations through the upper sandy soils to the sandy gravel and backfilling with compacted aggregate base. SEISMIC DESIGN The average soil conditions in the upper :t100 feet beneath the proposed structure is expected to consist predominately of medium "dense to de~se alluvium overlying bedrock. Therefore, we believe that use of a site class D is appropriate for seismic I design. In our opinion, the spectral accelerations and attenuation relationships provided in the 2007 OSSC are appropriate for seismic desigh of the new structure. We recommend using the General Procedure of OSSC, Settion 1613 to develop parameters for seismic design of the structure. Peak ground accelerations and spectral accelerations (on rock) were determined for . . , design using 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years (i.e., :t2,4T5 year return interval). We have used the 2002 USGS modeling for the site. This modeling considers a variety of seismic sources including crustal and subduction zone earthquakes. However, the principal source of the design ground motion is due to a large ma1gnitude (Mw 8.3 to 9.0) earthquake along the CSZ with a source distance :t35 miles ~rom the site. Crustal earthquakes. were also considered, but do not contribute significantly. to the design ground motion. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) on rock for Ithe site is 0.27g with a . short period acceleration (S$) of 0.66 at 0.2 second period and long period speCtral accelerations (SI) of 0.32 at 1.0 second 'period. The paramet~rs for establishing the . , General Procedure Response Spectrum using OSSC Section 1613 are summarized in . Table. 2. The values for Sos and SOl include a two-thirds red~ction as discussed in Section 1613.5.4. . Site S5 SI Fa Fv Si4s SMl Sos SOl Class D 0.66 0.32 1.28 1.77 0.84 0.56 I 0.56 . 0.37 Table 2. OSSC 2007 Seismic Design Parameters . . I I GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Bearino Capacity: We conducted bearing capacity analysis for modest foundaflon loads which are anticipated for the new structure. Foundation loads are expected to include continuous footings with loads as great as 4 kips/linear foot and spread footings with loads as great as :t50 kips. Moderately loaded footings may be constructed over the upper silt and sand alluvium" . .. ... ..... I using an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. All continuous perimeter footings should have a minimum width of 18 inches. Isolated spread footi~g foundations should have a minimum dimension of 24 inches. Our analysis assunred that the footings would be underlain by a n?minal:t12 inches of compactecl.crushed roc.k that extends a . .' . Date Received' I . UAR l' I 20 January 17, 1011 . . PI . If Project No. 2107170 Original Submittal I ._ Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon 5. . . minimum of 6 inches beyond the limits of the footing. The base of all perimeter footings should be embedded a minimum of 18 inches below finished grades. ,- The footings should be designed using an ultimate subgrade friction coefficient of 0.4 for foundations constructed on compacted crushed rock. A factor of safety of 1.5 is appropriate for this coefficient to minimize relative movements when considering long- term loads. Soil parameters used in the bearing capacity evaluation were also used to estimate the modulus of subgrade reaction beneath the proposed slab. Our calculations suggest that slab design using a ks value of 80 kips/feis appropriate for the site assuming a minimum aggregate base thickness of 12 inches over the silt subgrade. Settlement: Considering the relatively light foundation loads and stiffness of the underlying alluvial soil, we do hot believe that structure loads will result in significant settlement. However, subsurface conditions vary across the site. We recommend that all footing and building slab excavations extend through the upper fill materials and expose medium stiff, native silt and sand alluvium. Proper subgrade preparation and fill placement and compaction will be necessary to adequately support the. structure. Proposed foundations are expected to result in minor long-term consolidation of the alluvial soils. Therefore, we recommend that the structures be designed to accommodate maximum total and differential movements of Y, inch. . Pavements: We have conducted pavement thickness analysis using assumed traffic, based on our' experience with similar facilities. Our assumed traffic includes a daily volume of 200 cars and pickups and 2 light two-axle delivery trucks (28k gross vehicle weight) and one three-axle truck (50k gross vehicle weight). The light traffic applied over a 20 year design life results in an Equivalent Single Axle Loading (ESAL's) of :t30,000. A Mr value of 4,000 psi was selected for our analysis based on available correlations and our experience with similar compacted silt subgrade soils. We assumed a 20 year design life for our analysis, a reliability of 90% and terminal serviceability of 2.0. Our calculations suggest that a pavement section consisting of 3 inches of asphalt over 12 inches of aggregate base should be used for pavements at the site. CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Materials: Unsuitable soils at the site should include fill materials containing debris, organics or plastic clay and any organic soils. Stumps, large roots (over :t1 inch in diameter) or deeper concentrations of soft soil conditions or organic' material should also be considered unsuitable. Unsuitable soils should be hauled from the site. Required excavations are expected to include an existing building slab and associated footings that previously occupied the site. Aggregate base as defined in this report should consist of % to 1-inch minus, well graded crushed rock. The rock should be relativelY6le?n ltllith less tS~ln 5% (by weight) passing the #200 sieve.' . ale Kecelve . Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon MAR 11 2011 January 17, 1011 Project No. 2107170 6. Original Submittal . . 'j' All imported aggregate base should be moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. The maximum dry density of ASTM 0 698 should be used as the standard for evaluation of relative compaction. Site Preparation (Drv Weather): . The existing fill material should be excavated from beneath all proposed slab and foundation areas. We recommend that the underlying subgrad~ surface be evaluated during dry weather by proof rolling the relatively undisturbed ~lIuvium to identify any , areas of soft or yielding subgrade' that may require additional excavation and replacement The engineer should' identify the extent and d~pth of the existing fill . material that needs to be excavated and replaced with imported drushed rock. Footing ~reas should be excavated. as' required to allow Placem~nt and compaction of :t12 inches of aggregate base. All softened or disturbed subgrade materials should be . . , excavated to firm subgrade. The subgrade soils beneath the foundations should be observed and approved by the engineer at the time of exca~ation. The approved foundation soil should be covered with a leveling course of :t12 inches of compacted aggregate ba~e. . .'1 . . . . . All structural fill should be documented to confirm adequate compaction. Field denSity' testing should be conducted where 8 inches or more of compaqted aggregate base is required to attain. either bottom of footing or slab elevations. ~ill material should be placed in loose lifts no greater than 12 inches thick. Final compaction of the building . pad in slab areas should be conducted after all plumbing and e,lectrical trenching has been completed. Field density testing should be conducted on the completed building. pad fill to confirm adequate compaction of the aggregate base. . Site Preparation (Wet Weather): Additional excavation and placement of aggregate base will be required to support construction operations if the site preparation. work is delay~d until wet weather conditions.. Dewatering of required excavations at the site i~ anticipated for work conducted during wet weather months. The aggregate bade thickness beneath foundations and slabs should be increased to at least 18 inthes for wet weather construction. The excavation work should be completed using la smooth bucket and conducted in small sections to allow. fill. placement as the w6rk progresses. The excavation should be inspected throughout the work to deli~eate any. unsuitable subgrade soils exposed in the excavation. Wet weather construction should be conducted to minimize disturbance to the subgrade to the extent 'practical. Placement and compaction of aggregate base will not be practical during periods of extremely heavy rainfall. Therefore, the sitework should be delayed during periods of heavy rain. In addition, use of a higher quality granular fill and placement o~ a thickened initial lift may be required. Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon Foundation Construction: Footing excavations should extend into the relatively undisturbed native alluvium. The base of all perimeter footings should be at least 18 inches below the finished grade or paved surface. Place and compact a minimum of 12 inches of aggregate base beneath all footings. I Date Received: . I . MAR I J 20/1 7. Original Submittal I I January 17,1011 Project No. 2107170 . . Pavements: Pavements should be constructed during dry weather to the extent practical. Construction of the pavement sections will require a thicker aggregate base section during wet weather to support construction operations. In addition, paving may not be practical during wet weather. Excavate as needed in the pavement areas to attain the design subgrade elevation. The subgrade should be evaluated at the time of pavement section construction to identify any areas of soft or unsuitable material. We anticipate that some areas may encounter unsuitable fill material at the design pavement subgrade level. Therefore, the pavement subgrade should be evaluated by the engineer at the time of excavation to determine the limits of additional excavation required. The finished subgrade should be evaluated by proof-rolling the surface using a loaded 12 cubic yard dump truck and ,conducting field density testing at regular intervals. Any areas of excessive deflection, rutting or pumping or failing density test results should be identified and either processed and compacted or excavated and replaced with compacted granular fill. Place and compact the required base section over the approved subgrade assooh as practical. We recommend a minimum base section of :t12 inches .for ,the section constructed over fine-grained soils. We anticipate thalthe base section will support limited construction traffic during dry weather conditions. Field density testing should be completed on the aggregate base prior to paving to confirm adequate compaction.' . ' , Compact the asphalt 'cement pavement to a minimum of 91 % relative compaction . according to the theoretical maximum density calculated from the Rice specific gravity. Conduct field density. testing on the asphalt pavement at the time of compaction to confirm the required density is being achieved. . '" LIMITATIONS AND USE OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Glenwood Op, LLC and their . design consultants for the proposed Glenwood Op project located on Franklin Boulevard in. Eugene, Oregon. Information contained herein should not be construed as a warranty or guaranty of site or subsurface conditions. Our explorations indicate. soil conditions only at specific locations and only to the depths penetrated. They do not. necessarily reflect soil strata or water level variations that exist between or beyond exploration locations or limits. Soil and ground water conditions at other locations or times may differ. Our work should not be assumed to represent any environmental services; we have assumed' that those services are being provided by others. Our work, at the time this letter was prepared, has been conducted in accordance with' generally accepted principals and practices. No warranty or other conditions, expressed or implied is made. Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original SubmiltaL____._ Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon 8. January 17,1011 Project No. 2107170 . . ;, We trust this information meets your current needs. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, FEI Testing and Inspection, Inc. 1l1.';(.~ Michael L. Meyer Vice President. Attachments: VV1f ~L Mel McCracken, P.E. Project Engineer Narrative Test Pit Logs (pages 10 through 12~ Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Plan Date Received: MAR II 2011 O~ginal Submittal I Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon 9. January 17,1011 Project No. 2107170 'TP-1 Depth (ft.) 0-29 2.9 -5.0 5.0 -6.0 TP-2 Depth (ft.) 0-1.9 1.9- 50 5.0 - 5.5 Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon . . NARRATIVE TEST PIT SUMMARIES Glenwood Op Project Franklin Boulevard Eugene, Oregon Project No. 2107170 is s, iit, r, i y, h to i Ived: 011 11 0 \ Excavated on December 16, 2010 Elevation N/A Soil Profile Deseri tion Crushed rock surfacing Medium dense silty GRAVEL with' some debris and clay: brown,' moist, debr includes wood, concrete and asphalt, rounded to subangular gravel to ,"3 inche (FILL). Medium. dense silty SAND; brown, moist, fine sand, rounded non-plastic 's (alluvium). Medium dense gravelly SAND; grey, very moist, rounded gravel to :1:3 inch diamete (alluvium). Minor caving of test pit sidewalls No groundwater infiltration encountered. Elevation N/A Soil Profile Deseri tion Crushed rock surfacing Two concrete slabs below ,"6 inches. Medium dense sandy GRAVEL with some silt to CLAY with some gravel:gre . slightly moist, crushed :l:o/.-inch minus base aggregate and open-graded :1:3 inc gravel, (FILL). Medium dense silty SAND; brown, moist, fine to medium sand, (alluvium). Medium dense to dense sandy GRAVEL; grey and brown, moist, rounded gravel :1:3 inch diameter, (alluvium). No groundwater infiltration encountered. ece MAR 1 1 2 Original Submittal 10. January 17.10 Project No. 210717 'l . . TP-3 Elevation N/A Depth (ft.) Soil Profile Description I 0-1.1 Crushed rock surfacing I Medium dense silty GRAVEL to gravelly CLAY: grey to brown, moist, rounded to angular gravel to ",3 inches, (FI ll). I . 11-2.0 Medium stiff sandy SilT; brown, moist, fine sand, (aIIUVilm). . I I 2.0 - 4.5 Medium dense to dense sandy GRAVEL; grey, very moist to wet, rounded gravel to :t4 inch diameter, (alluvium): '. . I . . No groundwater infiltration encountered. TP-4 Elevation N/A Depth (ft.) Soil Profile Description I 0-2.6 Crushed rock surfacing . I. Medium dense clayey GRAVEL with abundant debris; grey to brown, moist, debris includes several concrete posts and footings; metal fencing, rounded to angular .gravel to ",3 inches, (Fill).' . I . . 2.6- 5.0 Medium dense to dense sandy GRAVEL; grey,. moist td wet, rounded gravel to :t6 inch diameter, fine to coarse sand, (alluvium). I .' . Minor cavina of test pit sidewalls. . . No groundwater infiltration encountered. TP-5. Elevation N/A Depth (ft.) Soil.Profile Description I 0'- 0.5 Crushed rock surfacing .' . I . Medium dense silty GRAVEL to gravelly CLAY: grey to brown, moist, rounded to angular gravel to ",3 inches, (Fill). I 0.5 ~ 3.2 Medium stiff sandy Sll T gra~ing to silty SAND; brown, ~Oist to very moist, fine to coarse sand, (alluvium).' I. . 3.2 - 4.0 Medium dense to dense sandy GRAVEL; grey, very moilt to wet, rounded gravel to :t3 inch diameter, (alluvium). I . Moderate ground water infiltration noted below :t3.8 feet .~ n .. Date Receive d: MAR 1 t 2011 Original Submittal ---.,'--. Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon 11. January 17,1011 Project No. 2107170 . TP-6 . Elevation N/A i Depth (ft.) Soil Profile Description 0-0.9 Crushed rock surfacing Medium dense siity GRAVEL with some sand and clay: grey to brown, moist, rounded to angular gravel to c!c3 inches, (FILL). ( 09 - 4.0 Medium stiff sandy SILT grading to SAND with some silt; brown, moist to very moist, fine sand, some coarse below c!c3 fe'et, (alluvium). .'. 4.0 - 4.2 Medium dense to dense sandy GRAVEL; grey, very moist, rounded gravel to:!:4 inch . diameter, (alluvium). No ground water infiltration noted. Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original SubmittaL Geotechnical Investigation Glenwood Op Project Eugene, Oregon January 17,1011 Project No. 2107170 12. . . . . .- ~ r;.~ '. :'/';'I;'~" .=: 'T:::;6j':'--;-" . ;. B utt~!"~~;T~~":';::: Y. . . I . ~ . . '. 1..1.;li '4 " .... . Z... It . I : f .~.. '... .. ! , . J r ~i' ..1 .;;.,: .... ,.0' ',' ',' . 0 ',' '-'-""~'-ll' . .'/p~' ~I .. ":1'1" '. -,. -:- tla_,-:... Q'O'lil.,. . 1\(1-'-'-. i ,\'l7":~:"~ 1>-<:== ,.' , .' - .. "g.'.-.= I' ., . ". ~.. 'il1"= f$"'W WI .:11...:J :-1:... t .. -;:..9!. -- !. ;'...v.. . :1"( '..-\ 1",:>"1"r ",'.- ""\ ....'. '. .... ,- ...j~ ;:\:. \ " \"~i~,. '" .... --'1 .,....,. \ _......-.._:.s:_~; ... "t'. ',- ~",,,. ..I"~. ~_;;l:'\:' jli, '," -' Sewage,.. . .--. ,. "'.:i .', ",,' ". . -".': "'JL l' , .. . , .. ',. '" .1' , O' . I' - -. I I I- " ...~. - i' '. I . I spa:; " : .' j' '., . . ' .!i,. , _ I. , ; - ;, '. r' .- , . ~.Ci -): ,.l. -;-"":,,,,":::-:~-:;-.!;...--,~. /~. - - . ! (/ f;- ii.. 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EUGENE, OREGO~ate Receiv On9jJ ::::II:ai2011 I --......... FI GURE NO. 1 . . ) \ +-- :~"r:!L '"'l. '. .-'~,_:;'::.' FE! Testing & Inspection, Inc. GeotedJ'llcal &. Construction Services 29540 B Airport Road Eugane, 0,e90n 97402 phone 15411 684-3849 lax IM1I 684-3851 SITE PLAN EXPLORATION LOCATIONS GLEN WOOD OP PROJOaIte Recei EUGENE, OREGON Original Submittal ,E .;:~ . . . . . '. ~ ., FIGURE NO. 2 Vl U..J f- o Z -0 '" ClJ L.. "'-2 '" .D '" - '" '" .- -0 g?-o .- ClJ Oi E ' > ::l-'" ::l '" U ClJ '" ::l C '" ~ '" >- ClJ E = L.. '" .- ClJ .- u... - t _, U '" ~ .- ~ U .c ~ L.. ClJ C .~ > o a... .D L.. ::l U -' ClJO -0"'" .- - '" '" c _ .- ClJ E '" ::l "', E '" .- ::l C .- .- -0 ~ ~ ..... o = .c "'co- O '" -0 L.. 0 '> tl().- ""'->c:: ""0 <1..l_._ <1..l .= aJ U >- L.. ....... .:: ro ""0 ::l ....... ....... L-. 0 ~{j,.:t:15.D CL.l 'C ~ :J = E ....... ....... 'J) rtl ,-cc>-Q] .c 0 O.D > _: ..........t:...t:"'Oo~ -0 U .~ '0 '0 ~ l! :.c L-. L.. _ ....... 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C" I ~ ':l~[J( ~ First American First American Title Insurance Company o( Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (S41)484-2900 Fax - (S41)484-7321 FOR ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT: Ronald Denton. Title Officer I Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321 - Email: radenton@firstam.com . I KPFF Consulting Engineers Order No.: 7199-1692654 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 March 08, 2011 Eugene, OR 97401 Attn: Carole Knapel Phone No.: (541)684-4902 - Fax No.: Email: carole.knapel@kpffcivilpdx.com Re: Preliminary Title Report 2006 AL TA Owners Standard Coverage Uability $ Premium $ 2006 AlTA Owners Extended Coverage liability $ Premium $ 2006 ALTA Lender:s Standard Coverage Uability $ Premium $ 2006 AlTA lenders Extended Coverage Uablllty $ Premium $ Endorsement Premium $ Govt Service Charge Cost $ Other Preliminary Title Report Cost $ 200.00 We are prepared to issue Title Insurance Policy or Policies in the form and amount shown above, insuring title to the foilowing described land: ", I The land referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. and as of March 02, 2011 at 8:00 a.m., title to the fee simple estate is vested t Glenwood OP, LLC 2. Subject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the following: I 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the pUblic records; proceedings by a pubiic agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or hotices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public recLds but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persohs in possession thereof. I Date Received: This report is for the exclusive use of the parties herein shown and Is preliminary to the issuance of a title insurance policy and shall become void unless a policy Is issued, and the fuJl premium paid. , . MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . r Preliminary Report Order No,: 7199-1692654 Page 2 of 5 3.' Easements, or claims or easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the Issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. The exceptions to coverage 1-5 inclusive as set forth above will remain on any subsequently issued Standard Coverage Title Insurance Policy. In order to remove these exceptions to coverage in the issuance of an Extended Coverage Policy the following items are required to be furnished to the Company; additional exceptions to coverage may be added upon review of such information: A. Surveyor alternative acceptable to the company B. Affidavit regarding possession C. Proof that there is no new construction or remodeling of any improvement located on the premises. In the event of.new construction or remodeling the following is required: i. Satisfactory evidence that no construction liens wiil be filed; or ii. Adequate security to protect against actual or potential construction liens; iii. Payment of additional premiums as required by the Industry Rate Filing approved by the Insurance Division of the State of Oregon 6. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. 7. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: August 03, 1944 in Book 272, Page 107 In Favor of: Glenwood Water District For: pipeline 8. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: September 15, 1999 in Reel 2590R, Reception No. 99079428 In Favor of: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County For: public utility 9. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: August 27, 2003, Reception No. 2003-082520 In Favor of: Moe Trust and COS Holdings For: access, ingress and egress, and driveway purposes 10. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan Notice, including terms and provisions thereof. Recorded: December 14, 2004, Reception No. 2004-095229 11. Unrecorded leases or periodic tenancies, if any. First American ntle . . Preliminary Report - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE: We find no judgments or United States Internal Revenue liens against TBD NOTE: Taxes for the year 2010-2011 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $1,205.10 Map No.: 17-03-34-34-00201 Property ID: 0299477 Tax Code No.: 4-80 (Affects parcel I) NOTE: Taxes for the year 2010-2011 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $2,445.90 Map No.: 17-03-34-31-00900 Property ID: 0299279 Tax Code No.: 4-80 (Affects parcel II) NOTE: Taxes for the year 2010-2011 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $244.94 Map No.: 17-03-34-31-00900 Property ID: 1507373 Tax Code No.: 4-80 (Affects parcel II) Order No.: 7199-1692654 Page 3 of 5 NOTE: This Preliminary Report does not include a search for Financing Statements filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, or in a county other than the county wherein the prefnises are situated, and no liability is assumed if a Financing Statement is filed in the Office of the CountY Lane covering Fixtures on the premises wherein the lands are described other than by metes and bounds or under the rectangular survey system or by recorded lot and block. NOTE: According to the public record, the following deed(s) affecting the property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the effective date of this report: Statutory Warranty Deed recorded December 30, 2010, Instrument No. 2010-066149, COS Holdings, LLC, ah Oregon Limited Liability Company conveys to Glenwood OP, LLC. Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll: Vacant Land, Eugene, OR 97403 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc: cc: Glenwood OP LLC First American Title Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . Preliminary Report Order No.: 7199-1692654 Page 4 of 5 ~ " '" 'i!'~ First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (06/17/06) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thIS policy, and the Company wlll not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (Including those relating to building and lonlng) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (Ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmentalprotectfon; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion lea) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion l{b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14); '" (e) resulting tn loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4. Unenforceabllity of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inabillty or failure of an Insured to comply with applicable doing-business laws of the s!:i'lte where the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceabllity In whole or in part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-lending law. 6. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage,ls (a) a fraudulent conveyance oc fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 13(b) of this policy. 7. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage In the Public Records. This Exduslon does not modify or Umlt the coverage provided under Covered Risk l1(b). ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (06/17/06) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attomeys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or govemmental regulation (Including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (II) the character, dlmensl()lS, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (lII) the subdivision of land; or (Iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of Ihese laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion lea} does oot mcxlify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion I(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domaIn. This Exclusion does not mcxllfy or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, Of agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed In writing to tile Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not mcxlify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risks 9 and 10); or (e) resulting In loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Oa!mant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, Is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason nel: stated In Covered Risk 9 of thIS polley. 5. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer In the Public Records that vests Title as shown In SChedule A. SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedIngs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an Inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persoos in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the publiC records; reservatlons or exceptions In patents or In Acts authorizing the Issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing Improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements Io<ated on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien" or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or worlcers compensation heretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. NOTE: A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE POUCY FORM (OR FORMS) WIll BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST TI 149 Rev. ]-22-08 First American Title . . Preliminary Report Order No.: 7199-1692654 Page 5 of 5 Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: PARCEL I: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 10, GLENWOOD PARK, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 'T, PAGE 4B1, LANE COUNTY DEED RECORDS, LANE COUNTY, ORE~ON; THENCE SOUTH 195.30 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 10' THENCE SOUTH BBO 22' EAS;r 224.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 10; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 10 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 08, 2006, AS RECEPTION NO. 2006-039900, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. PARCEL II: I BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 10, GLENWOOD PARK, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 'T', PAGE 480, LANE COUNTY DEED RECORDS, LANE CdUNTY, OREGON, SOUTH 000 25' EAST 195.30 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 10; THENCE SOUTH 000 25' EAST 137.50 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 10 TO THE NORTHERLY LINE 0* 14TH STREET, IF SAME IS EXTENDED WEST; THENCE NORTH 890 35' EAST 224.32 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF 14TH STREET, IF EXTENDED WEST; THENCE NORTH 000 25' WEST 125.65 FEET; THENCE NORTH 880 22' WEST 224.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I TOGETHER WITH A 30 FOOT EASEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY, THE NORTH LINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF 14TH STREET, IF THE SAME IS EXTENDED WEST, SOUTH 000 25' EAST 332.80 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 10, GLENWOOD PARK, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 'T', PAGE 481,iDEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 890 35' EAST 644.40 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF HENDERSON AVENUE. NOTE: This Legal Description was created prior to January 01, 2008. Tax Parcel Number: 0299477 and 0299279 and 1507373 Date Received: First American Title MAR 1 I 20lf Original Submittal . . !) r;- - --o.~ ...) ,0 '0 .N ,~9 I- to - 0 ...I ~ - " '-..1 0 ~::~ = 1 ! :;iLJ__J ,I "- ~ ~ -- (..,;0) '7'".g, " . . ~'Q~ 0,' . I * . ! -~ . I . , .'i. ..t'.f " I I ~ ~ -" ,~. ~ .~ ~~:r $ .~ ~ ~ : :: :i t( ~ . . '/I"~/ .;:.. ::: 10' ':J/..,I . \ L ~~----t \ "9.\r~nJ..e ~, ~~ ~~ O~/1f "~ ~ ~ (; / I, / 1\( ':::r "- ~.~~ /:;:)/.:) p:J'J' a,... ,j\ .If".4r4, '/~ ;;-1?Z--:;-d7 - \i 0$ .,,~ 0 - ,~ 0 . ."',....... . ~ ~ .\Pl:..rl_ ....., :. 'g-;~/.'.J I)Q .7".tZ-"o",> ( 1 J \ ("}-ow c:: ~ . Vl<,;' . O:r; ~~~$~~~ tGt:t:I-1=l-tnUJ ::;l':;lVlo:Hi]> O~<n;z-...'" 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I'J. 10 ~i;: ..,.lO,':iZf~p:2.1,n!3tiK~h~!)c.O;1:C"~h.gl 0,,'0 '. ,.O"~: ;~;;7\t~. feet j~;inore'b~or.:i3:~:~:a J'.: ,l!.l?>h(~ : a li-nl.l' :'l!.~!lll~li'i~~-;"Y.. ;; t(~~~;~,~~ f:f#~~!:~~t~W1fA6~f.~~~~ ;;:sli'~ ;;~;b f2t~f~i;t~(~~';\ ex~ s H..'1{: ;P.'!!'f!:t~1:::"~:'J.\>hlO;'; : ~o t;~~. :!10.t n t;y.ltl'!;-":' < . "Ctlf!1n ;":'JIOr.tH':'B119tlo~;~~'l!Jt-;1J82.'1.f'=!f~tJ ,~mor,9J~~I'I' , ... ,.,~~: ~~~!i\~i~I~ri~~j:.~~, }F;~~.:'/ :!,;:/:' '.; ..:;;rJ:~'~~~~~. . '(';- ,j ;'W~~::I~~lit7~~;i':i'J;ft1:.., -J'::"':.-' , ,~:~. .!,~'.'r,\i:. \>..?i~~..~ '.. 'I' "':;',~;: '~'.;'Jo;, ':"'~ :~It' '".!' _ ~,~ '_ '.,..:~'::,~.~tt..~7."~-;:. . , ,,:'f."":J:11t'_'l,\;I".~t!,11.:,>::m-g<..~ ~~.\,. ,~",' . ~""'. (..' '1'):l",l .j ...~ ~\.:t-''''<:\'~' -.' .",.:t,:. '" .\~.., h, - ;.~ 't _.' _ . - jl '~,'t'-}~;;'1,::.t,,~""~":"': t;!.,-~:~] ,':.,.!.::.. ,I dt~" _ ~ . J , .'-.....:.' I-1An .il. Spicer nnd ~~f~~:':' \:;}~~~~~C~'~.!~;~~,~i;:':i0>' '" ~f~(';::;,"'" ., .. c~~+ ~1 t :t'ag~e:tt.. "n "I~.nl:.,,:le !'\!.In. , . ':"...\; ',,' , .-, ..,-'.-. ,.,'.; U!.:sbel .H :.fcGlnln on'] i,:ul"lon ;..; ,lioGl:!ln, . he!' hU,1J)fdld', .Jii<',:.'jj'1~;..: . - 'l,-' ',.., ,),;;,"'.~." t\~C {:.{.~i.">};'. ....~ ~i~~~~;\:~~~~>.Si~~ .' b;-'Y..,y,~r!.'<" ".~. "~ If,?..:~\'':-~'f ::, .J_.'" " ~..~ , - '. : ..: ;. '7.' .~ ;i"': . , J.:' '... .1::~:. .'~'. " ,'. ", .,.. .<:'SF€- ?: "f:ldnVl~ort ....:n.ttemcnt. .~~ '~~)~~';-~~;-:. ::' .i . , . ". ;!l!~{t!~St~t il~~;i,~t'~i~{f,;;;~ . '" , ji:~~*i1~~~;;,i~~:~ " . .' "'.~ ,'~ . '.,' 2011 -Original Sllbmit[;,;,____ :1l v ~ il!~~ifo~~'l<l~~~~.JJ-;.5; ~:t::if?;'I'o-'(r;~tt'.?A':-.d"'iif;::., ' " ""~' ,,,,,,. ...."""..~ , ' ! " ;l;~"'i~""':,'fT'i."'" . I , , ' , , "","~i\;t~~~!~'.')~l . ' .... "'.'" '''''.~.,~~ I I "..;'r;:",;';~~ /"~j"-~~~:~~' f":: i'.,J;'~'i"A~.~:~. .' '-.4' '. ,..J....,. '.:...:lH :O:'};. .: f _ ~.:.: ....'>;:_." l') ;::~'~;',~~;i;.;:: X'H " r[,leUf:!.~.~ ..,~PO !'I~0S,OU. ' . 7 ..fee~ 0 . ~li~ ',,~r,)~.:,\:. 1~"}:~i'i'I~:\~ '7i~""."~i-;' ::Northea.~rdorn.rl'of~he~7.ara 'Swoe~~j). .C,;i$,d~;'.:,.: ei;~f;i,:~~~,f."\i.2., . r.~f,t~?;!~!}~~1~1l,,'--ii~:rll: slr in' Sec. ~34,,;.r'T ;{17 ~~~s. ~R;(~. 3. VI. ,i\X. '_, M.,'~~J~~'~:';} ''iff;. ~":I., ,.~ -I' -'ii<" " j(. ,,,,, ". '. ".. 7.J , .., I'.. '" '. ". ", ',:,",-'\'1\' -"',t;" '" . ',l';!;:':",; :'X:./:I7:.~>;, . all: lri, Lane, County~ "'Oregon .jte""~~"'""".:-,::.l':':",[~/,~,,,,,, W:d;., ""i;"~\"lj,~,.,~fJ}l',, 1<,~.', ".l ':' ,"if "";~'. .,'..,: 1." ~" ,<C'. <'1,,,,;,,-,-,''il1:'!;!;;;'i'~Q:''/$,':rWliRl-q'1 ,t,')i""~i'~;'i :..,?",~~~;~, '.,:,'i. ."......... -.'i"""',; .e"'.,."...,,,.. "''''1'' . ,., "';.",..:,.;"..,,~",...~:i' "\' _ "i~ 'I" .. ,.,;....',y~;x,,, ";;' .:';:::' John', Madgen'.ancl.., I:,;~,.,:;",;:,;,; BeginnIng at:;'a ;pointij(o!,\: the: V03~':llne' of 'a ',;,.':" ~ "';"''':Ednaa(adgenj~,h.1s:r;;}''''',; ,:.parcH bf-e1ane;in:Sec,"34 'f,17:~.\R 3 VI, VI,"Id, '.' 1..:~f:"'';dre'.: !.',l,r!'i.o,'.J,"~;;""/:':;"';'.:;;i";~J.; as, conveyod to J. 'R.' and'J.!.rlan~e ,Deck in'., "~.I. J . -j'.... . ~';!y !~",,"A'';'''''-fc,:- . . '. '- In . \. G "'" : .::~.>., .,,:,.<, :'~;>:,"i':.F, 'i";<;::: ,..:,' BOok ;<>34, P.ge 442 of .Lane ounty. ..",od ,Records. ':;:"., " ,. :';';1" " ';""'.:.:' .''i,: . '" saId, point bo lng. )/Qfth ,81030 '"East. 892.4 feet ...,/:.,....,' ..' 'ii' .':'mor '01' 10ss,fror.t;a.;point;;I4,7.feet~south0:';":"';:",: ." .::.;. .of, th" .)1ortheast' cornilr.:of.:~the";Zara',orleet"'Jtc:j-~"';' ". :"Xi":>~~~t;' a~~~~6~ ;lr~~~~~Ht:f7~[r~r:~J 8~O;~~~~~;~," ":.:! :.{(when' meaSUl'ed at ;<right'.~rig1e., to t;~heBouth~,~,;;" ' '.' :erly 11ne or. tho ,.,Pac1f16.~llih.1'I0y. 'n 'dls tonco :\.,,', :,',',,',of 60.7.feet, to the:'p01nVof.'entllne: 'on. tho,,:;.;,,:'> .~ -".,'.. 6ast 11n" of it parOOl':Oi':'lfilid,'cohvey'ed to ::':"1'1<:.",. . '.Tohn.l!arlgon and recio,r.<:I~d.:'.inJ:~1~k2341,. !'~ro;;~':j:)'i 479 of the Lano Coun~y :,Dee~'''?;cDrdn'l at ,n :'i~;.:'i:;.';' . dlstanco of 6.2 feetfSouth!:o.r:?ithe::.Ji.ol'theas~i;;i':''j:;; . corner. thereof.. :a~;lt~1).;La.n?.J:O:?un,tri'!;:orer;9n,9';,~t?>:. Beg fnllfng 'a t';'a"::d;l'~r€\~~bW~~~~ilw~'t{;1'fKr~~::Jpg~~:'" " eel oi' land conveyod'to:iJohi1>J.lndgen nnrl;",\,;;;,'.'i"',:, record69 ,In Vol. 231j!j<;':;,~e~X17~i~Of,~t}!e',;Lan~ipqJ#?}~: County,'-ebd Hecords Jif.lt1:i,1.q~:.-Jjgl rt;,;lQi:953 i l",!fu[~&f:\'r.,:' feet north easter1Y;'fi'oiifi:'l15;PolhE"c34, 7Ifoot;;,i;W',~:j"" south r>f the :liortM:e~'Ji1o:~tj'ie~:':or:i:thfl> n;.n!~'i'l\;:;: ' Swoe.t V.L, C. ')!o. 'B9;:in0IlO:e':)'3,4'r'i~'P"'\"1'1I',S. ''':. 'iH,,"... n 3:" '1 I,' .. r J "._"I~''''h'''''''''''~S",tl ".h7;:-S"o 0.2"", " .."...{<t'..... . .f, 1,./:" Uhrt.!.nl";:'L.. ono&:c. or.... .. .....'~....~ ~:..';_...~ ..". Ea.t....ra llol, \H th "liiidf,:'s" f~'';tr''~b;~''hOri:1:''';'c' ;,:!<;,) " ' 'from (when meAnUre.1,iiWrUI~~~iohii'1~~ i.tq}'~{V....}:.,::;r~: . the ooutherl,;' l! M(:,~f1~.th~fi;,!',~t~ie}hii.'~r(.~,Y;L:,,;;;.\?~.; a dl.tanee ot.l~. P"I3':'!fl~,~j.;"l1lq,:-o.~.,~r<!lO.~,s,... ',.~f,~(".;:'>'I:..!"U thence: fOllow1nl'.;ii:'~clJrve ~'~'?2,th~:rrkhh' ~34.l);i'~<ii!i';,.{. feet I hlial10 e GPll.~h:,7,04~~Ol!t~:Qn;~''-,~j:r. .cilt.~. '!'.i.b. re'<;"~~~i!j . ~r los. j-' to the :;'P6inJ;':?,r'!$~i1l.,n,~I<1!,'t1i~tl)e;:;"1c:P.,.h";1::' .. . .... ., '~'" . ',""". ,. " '''at 11ne of, lot' 1(l;"pr;';;G'!M!t,(!!<~M,ea~k'6r4'tl;, .' 'i.',' , fost~.6uth. of the 1'lortne'aS;!; "oo~ner,\~he~ebfJI'!.\,~" a11111' Lane C;ounty i~tfll'jfg6n'f .. ;r~1k'!o/'1';ril:~<";i ,:",,;~; .": >::. c'" ."',:.",;;~-::.,,'.-\ic';'5~1~~8~~ [:~~"-<!:_;,,({.!~;;.. .,:~_,;:"_ Boginll tllg' at h' 'p~.tn t"Ofi1;,tj'6 ,.Ieo t:'1.!'lo ,of,(\'". Lot 1, Block 2, :.I1dt1ay,~~~ar~{1..,jor~%.fect~ BOIlth; of thIJ. Ilo:'Chweoh COrh!ir.:J~i':'crhn1ng.~tnilncd':;;":",i'_ SOuth p.astarly.rtlonEjaE~~B~~~~o~tli~~l~r,t.~i~ . ~aralJ.o 1, with ahd .6.:f06 t~'l':ro"'.'("'-!lien!~"'!ii,'i:' _>.:." me/J .UlIad .ne. l'il1htfe fihli1'i!'iJ,~'t6');,eljoHoiHlierlY'i:;'!- ',;::r Una 'or:. tho ;lne:rlrci~Nj.~!lli!iii';;;.r!.\~rd.ti;;t1C C~I'Of:'" ~f."Y'" '.' 127,fe~ti '.more or'loss)~<Eo"tlie Point. 'or: . . '. endfnr, on the ~nst l1nb';.\p:?i\;lot' ?'1-:-"'1<:>ck 2, " ...... ,'ldvtny ,Pel'k. 6, 4 feet';.~bl!t!l;. dr,,:the '..Nol'th_ .:. ",; >:'1'1; eaat 0 oir!.'?/:c,\g;;;t~t.:,~~i;~lt~~~~,~tlB'j!~, trrel'aeon :'.~'\ ' '. -:"', _.,r....J'='a;~^.~_~".~-Il,~'ii{:c:,1>1',,',.1(..~..; I' . '. : ~."' fi-'/'t ~I-'~.:-::?.,i~;.l{'l.?;:l..- Be,rr1nlii..;(" ''If: r': ......~... ',. .~,.. <.. . .,~ . ~",~ ., ' "/'...-. . l;',.~' ':.,.:,' .... , ,J'i !:I. Beck and '),l!ll'!annil Beck. hIs IVlfe.. '.' , "~: . . \;!~-{'.-' ;"','.".'. "." Sarah l'irIgh.,t./ IJ. .lido", DatE! Receiyed;. MAR.1 1. 2011 Original Submittal ~I ,,6, lit choll i. Veva !l j choll , 'and h1s wJfo . ""-"'. " ::. :,:~::~~..~~t~i~~::l:I:' ....-~ ~,... ,. -'-"', ~'.; t - .~ "~~I'~; ~~?fl~t'~<i:""&.Jb1ii;'f" .:.,,.-~. ~~:;.,' :'.'?"" -',~~":" /,;~{,.~l,.,,>',; :,',~~,~~~.~.:":~."J,',l'..:,,."_:~':"'~~"';:'~:-:,~.. ..:',:.~.,.,/' :~~!,:...': ~" ,.,,',,~:', _~.,,''':, ~:,', .,' ,.1,';: '- . "'.." ",',-'1t. .':,..'N;.'/;, '" ~l' ;,,,. ik~"" "', e~~ ~~. """H',t~"'~ '~, 'i?"~ljr~t:;,~t~::;~j~:;"~~,,,,"!:,.:,.<i',' - , ~}.,~r~, ." ~- . ' ~:.' ri :~.,..~..~._: ::;"~:":,.~~r':;::'~..:~ ~'~';';':'~~"::~ ~;;~~;""1~::-{~.i~':r:t-~ ff; ."'.""," "d.-, ";,.;: ,I",". ,X, . 1, . , ;',''- ".F lMl,Z12111dOO '. .-' .. .>.~ .- ~l. L "il :~:': " < - " . ", - , .' ~:. ....~I;.. , .~q;f~~;.': \ :~:{. ":. ~, ,!.' :...;,~ . }l[S;' ~V.' .1:<,",' . " 1.~ "..: ,J.~:- i':":' ~i~~ : 'I~" !' ,. .f" " !i~' . C';~';: ~. .'l.- '-- ~.~. "'"i:\ '.~ J' . or". ...Moh point 1s 4'7 teet trom (when ~o8surcf~'; at right angles to) the centerline or the relboateg ?aclflo H1r.hwaYI run thence North'~4 Olt~O" lB8t'177.9 toet and parnllel to the oontG~ of tho H1QhWa1 to the East 11ne ot ea1d parQel or land 83.0 reot South ot B po1nt 20.8 teet S. 7~o12' Wel!lt ot the :~OI"thCleBt eorner of u1d P.L.G. # 63. all in Lane County, Orogon. Alag beginning at a point 10.8 teet Go\]th 74 121 Vleat at a point 63.0 teet South of' t.he 'lorthealllt corner ot the Ze.ra F,weet iJ. L. c. if 6B T. 17 S. R. ;3 "''1. ':i. !:~., Lane ~ou~ty. Oregon, running thence South 642 teet more or. loas to. the jJolq.t of end.inF: on the SO'ltb 11no of e. tract. of l.and c'onvey&d to 'r. J. !3rooy,J'l and 1'.V8 :. :1rooka -:'n ~1ol:'l~7 "'nr:e 301 of Lar,o ~')un,;y ::ecord of ::.eedD, 811" ,')lnt be~;:e !:":.it~ '7B~o ~~e8t li).~ feet of a :"I){nt 6~5.2 :':o'l!.h ot'the !:ortbeest cornel" .or ,:. L. C1 Ii G8' \.n 1.!'ln6 County, Orov,on. . ; ''-...:: rvap :'1. SpIcer nod "Florence ;'flcor, Me .lf~. ' I, I ~ocjnn!n~ nt 0 po1nt on the' o8terly line of B tract of 1nn\1 ~n i.,lenl'l'>orl 'f,rl! ~:1 l;ec. 34., 'P\1p. 17 :'. :~, ~, ..~ ,:. ~;I:' Lane Gount;v I 1,jroe/"Jn, ;;. ''i~! ~~ I En~:;' ;".2:),::' fe:' t of a point 34.7 feet >:>u\;h of the ~:. :~. corner of. the :;1'I~'fl ;'7m8ot D.L.';, H,B !~ '.. ~4 r.> 1'" '., ... : , ' r"nn'n[ "'.' , ..'0' ,., '... .. '. .., ,. thenf',e.i'. :3!'. 43' F.. 95.2' nlnn, tI l1ne Vllrll1le'1 \'t1th 110.1 (,6 feet !ll:"tAnl; l'ro:-l (when ';1'1onn,tre1 at r'.l':ll; aT. Ie:; to) t~:e celfio ! h'"n;!, ~o \;~e , oint of ::r.cl'n( 'l)n ",r.o ~:a:st line "f Hdd tT'8ct, ':. '3i~o4:,1 l':":",t ~lfi.4 feet fr:r n ~"~!n:; :'".".7 t,;ct; : :lu-:.l": of t~'e ::. "I C!IJ'nCl' nf !J3t ~ :-Or') :,''':~el;. ~, i.. :;. r i;i$, 011 !:'1 Lor,a ":'lU:".':".. ,.l.e..,....:. CSJ't ~:. "ar.:"ler, R ~ i ~rlr.. l1nn. ~"Ir'1l1:~n; .r.'; n ~1:-1nt .m ::1;"1 .~~~orl" U"le ,{ e :;;,.r,.ct of l;,!'le 1n ':.l,~;:t/)'.}:i 1\'1"/ 1~ -;Ie. ~.1, ','. 1'7 ~'. '~I ~ 'i, "1 ., I.~!ne '::olt:"t.7r. "'r" rr:", "r~,~l B2Q4~ I ~'l!.,,'~ 4.15.4- fe,..t of ,R' ,,1r.t. ;",1.7 J'ce:t : "1"".11 01' ..!:~ '~or';""~r1~..t r.'\T"r.~T" of t':'J'.~ '.'11'~~ ....~!;.; ',I... ;,rjf., r\l:-n'nr- t....t'n"r. ''''If''''.''' q:~').~;~,.:..,~t. ~!\1 l'~f'!"'. to tt:,,' :'010':. of I'll'l.::'''.:' 'm t\..p' n::':, U:-.~ .)f' ~n.l_ ~ t.r"'c~ of 1 'In.) , ""'l':::~ . .~:.~'\,t:"/1 rill'll;. fW~..~t' toot. of a",' .7 "'l.:';:': '''It,' or tb~ .nr';;;f':I:it e.,r':,",r~' ...e ~\13~'~ ,..1./.. ,t'O:';1 ;'~r. 1)1')0"(0 'lr.:-::r;',--.,~ l',:~r:. t~ 'I\r'~.ll":l i;1'J :1:",";-:~ ;"~"t. fr,j' .:~~;:~~~ i,~~ ~:, ~;~/'\;'~~:~ .),. \:.:,,<'~,~~,:" ,~(:t!~, l,l~fi'~~.l ':1 !':ilJ ";""'.I::t'., :r.; o1~'.. '; i.:!Ioel ., ..c';ln1n . nn') ,i,;urlon ;;. ...eel:!,: n, ho!' h~,'hf.nd' :..,,:).nllln u~. a i)~l:1t n'~ 1;"'".. WQ:;t I1nil tlf lot l;} of tt,e "In':. af :1':11\'/00" t'.r~:, M\ :'!Btt-ol' or:d rvcor()c:~ 1.... ",{)}r -:. :o~.,'C .1.:1 r,r l.nnl! l~n'l!1':~1 : ,~c lr.1 ',.,l' e';,'::, t.~""H:lt. ::outh Qr th~ 'nrt~',~I~""~ corner' of !:l: ~.! l,~,t 10, r'ln-:lnr t!'.I:!:.r:C ~'olo~1': l.no;:...l' '. t\:\': :,~'7 foet, 'l\orl'!")T" ll.~.fl, :,l,~n,' II 11:"1'" ,I :''111.:: \lltl', o~.il.6 fp.t:t, ,'("1'1:'1 (wilen ~!t!!S'.11'f:. ~,t 1'1, ht nn,'l~!'! tol tht; ; '''It'':~l'l:' 1jn" :)f t,Le eJ:1p.tinr "nell"" 't..l....m;., t.n t:..p' <;1tnt "r C'n."Ilni'J POr'th ;'11):,,';' 'f1~t '.':.'..1 f~j:t., '~(1re !'art: ~ (:lel"lwoor1 ':nn.emont. > . ..~-" :UC'~ .....,.. {I n , ~i ~ ~I" d\ i; ,0 " if " ~, . " ;'.' ,..j. \. ~ {~ I .:' : , ; r ~ ReceiJed: 20~ ,~~ Ii " ., ~ ~ ~ . \ . ., ~ .~ir/:;~\,,~'lt~:3t:~>: fj,<,~,~;::".,;i~~:0::~,., !,' ,";. ":, .,~.~ .',.' J.:::- ~-: ~ "(.;: 1,- ',. 7:,"';" ~.~. r " , :j 1 ~,. " :":) " ';, .... l' .'~" ,,;1\' :'>',,' "'. _,"i";" .,.'";' ", " ,'.",1\":1 '" ~, , .0:,-. , , . .~ .'~ :;: , , :,., V', " ,~, . . " " <. ".' :'. -:,. .::., ,>, ," ;, ;<.' :::::! .-;:: 5,' '~:'" :{ . ~.~.~ .... ~~: ~(,. .:. ~L":" f " t.: ;r'- 'p ~;.;' ~... . . "~it .-.'t.. ..c.' t......~ :",." : "". ','1;';:'-'" :;',,:. >\ g .:: :1.1#:'/.'" f' L" " L "'~:\ .:;,., ..~~,. ;' .~';~:~~:} ",.~. :~:r~: \f~,,:i ,.. ,.~ 'i'f...!;i~.',,,: ~ .. '.., "\".,:l'" :'" v~." ~ .;.\~~ ";,'. ",", .' ... ~'\...-i!~~.,~:;:.;;.;~:"1~: " . -~\..., .~. ......z ',.,;" ..J, ,,- . .~: ~~'~t~t~,:':. ...."...''\<.; '_.~ .- . ~' "i. , , .rolm Mo<!a.ft' ~11d , EllnI. l{allgeft, 111" .1Ie.' " , ',' ,'f,'; "i:, . .~~e~!"r at " point South &4-.7 ~eet..ot tae' No~tbGsst.jarn<<r ot tbD ~.ra Sweet u.L.C. "ea"tii'Sea. S4, If. l'1. s. R. ~ w~ ". 1:., .1~-lft~L&no county, oreson. I I ' Besinning at a point on ths West ~lne.or a par-eel at lane '1n Sec. :S4 l' 17 ~'IR ~ \'I. \!I. M. aB convoyed to J. R. Clnd !,~llrlQnn" Beek in Book ~~., Page 442 of Lang County teed Beeorde, add, point being Uorth 81 30' Ellllt,892.4 feet, mor or leas, tro~ 8.po1nt 34.7 teet Routh ot the Hortn&aDt oorner ot the 7ara ~neet D.t.C. No. 68; running thenee ~ortb B2~2ot' Kaet, along a 11ne para~lel with sod 6 teet tr~. (when =eBsured at right angles to) the south- erly lIne ot the ?8c~flc HI &hWBYeI 8 dl,tnnee ot 60.7 feet to the point of endlne on tho oast lIne ot a parcel of land con~eyed to John r~arl.gfln and JOc:;lorded in ;:hok p.!M,' i"[lrt!l '7g or the Lane Count1 need 1eeords, at n . dIotanee of 6.2 teet f;outh or thel ":orth~ast corner thereOf J all 1n Lane ';ounty, Or-ep.'n. I Beg1Mlng at a poInt on. the East Un8 of 8 pnr" eel of 1an" eonveyed ~o .Tohn j.!adrren nnd reeord.e~ 10 'To1. 234, ."0:.8 4'79 01'1 the Lane Count1 weed ~eeor-de, unIch poInt 13 ~5~.1 teet north e~ster-ly trom a ~olnt ~4.7 feo~ :outh ~f the ,;orth e,,::!~ (' cr)rner ofl thl'l ;.. Ara , tl'eet IJ..L.C. ~.o. 68 in ,ee. 34, T. 17 .;, . R.' 3 ri, ".~;.; rlmn~n! thAnce 1ior':h 820 20lt Eut, ~arallel wHh end 6 feot sO'l'therb tro'n {when mebAur-e(] at r1,:h': rmc:les to') the southerly'line or the :.Ie1ti~' :':l,:h'l'JB;r 8 d1Btance of 12Z-3 ree~. mora orl 1833, thence tollowlt\[' a em'va to the r1i":ht 2~4 , .reetl thenee :';o'lth '10010' 1i:a~t 15 feet m"lre or 'leU, ~o thl! :'loIn'": of ;:,ndin,~ o'n t.ne !.iut l1ne of lot 111 of !'1erl'lJof)d . 'ark 6.4 teet sputh or the Corthenst. corner thereof, a.ll In Lano "';ounty, "ragon. I BeginnIng at a poInt 1):1 th~. '"est l~~~ ot Lot. 1, Alook 2, .':1d~1Q~ r:>ark, 6..4 'tMt :;ollth of th& l!orl;hwest oorno:,. :r>U:,:nIlle :thenco South ~asterly rilonr. n CU1'"ve ttJ the left, ::arallol with nnd 6 fOf=t. fro.... (wh'en. me,,~urod ot r1rht nn,-lel'l' to) the: 'SOIl therly UnO' or the :'nc.1tlc :':1i {1\'1oy, n ~l:tll,llnCe ot 127 te~~. more or loss, to the oo1nt oC endinG on the :i.ost line oi" lot 2.1 ~ll')ek 2, i.]dw8y,;"'a:rk. 6.4 feet. ! cllth of the ~!orth- ...t cC,rner thereof, all 1n, [,an. ("Untr. Orogon, ',; Beglnn1nr. at a point on thEi ::el'lt '11ne ot Lot 1.1 :llock:5-, iadwny ....ark 6.1 feet f.outh ot' the :lorth",ut ('Ol'norl runn1ne: thenoe :';outh '79o("t Eaet alo-ne a 1'lno 11araUe1 w1th and 6 feet tram .(wnen menured. at r1eht tl.n;~lo:l to. I. tho: . ~outher;l.,. Une of t.he :'B.clflc Hi. hwo.:v, a dUtanoa at 81.0 toot more or'les's. to. the point or end~ng on the raat line bt Lot 2, Blook: 3, Uldrt8Y ?ark, 6.1 feet ,,:o"lth of tho Nor.~h8a8t eorner ther~of, a 111 in Lane Count1. ,Oregon. ' I' Dati Received:' MAR, f f ,20ff , I.- ,Original Submittal ,.,'. J. H. Beak and. . Marianne' Boolt, . hiB w11'e. --I~' " ;'. "'.- . ,. Sarah L1rlght, a wldo. t. C. N\cholJ Veva :U choU , 'and hi s If! te page'. p~~p",o~d ~~8emont.. J- ',' "., .. ~:~:; . , .:.,:. ;~ I c , I J",1 -.!i ". , ," ~ ,< .t, !j, -- "'."r.' ,.'~, .. ~' ~; ~ ~ .~,- ';l: , )-.< . ,~~.. #: :~ .~.;. ,~';" . ,,' : ~; iJ " ",. ..!~,:':f.. , r," :\:..:" " J ." .',' uil" . ~.". .- r I:',~ .~~ ...... .,-': " /; , ~. " ;/ ','i. ~ ~ ~:. o " j' .! t . 9-15-99 25-'0.--- " 99079428 Tl cr..v .. I' ~o PU9L1C UTIliTY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE MADE and enlered inlo Ihis.:k2.., d"!yof ,_itAL Y . ~999. by tl(ld between ~c is /-t::L^"X~'\ ,hereinafter referred \0 as the Grantors, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. a municipal corporation, in lana County, hereInafter referred to as [he Grnnlee. 'I WITNESSETH: In consideration of the a~ceplance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for prese:nt or future public use by Grantee, Grantors hereby gr;}nl. bargain, sell,and convey unto the Grafllee. a perpetual easement ?_sO feel in width. together wiLh the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing. maintaining and using public utilities which may heroafter .be installed on the following described property, to~wit: A ?ARCn or lAND LYING IN SECTION J4. TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RAN~ J WEST or THE \'.1lLAMETTE MERIDIAN, SAlO PARCH BEING "'ORE PARTICULARLY OfSClIlHED AS FOlLOWS: BEC'~NINC AT THE :>JORT:iWCST CORtiER cr LOl 10, CLENWOOO PARK, AS PLATTED AriD RE:CRCO IN BOOK T, PACE <80; lANE COUNTY DEED RECORDS, lANE COUNTY, OREca,; T:kNCE SOUTn li.i4 rEET AlONG THE W~ST L1N( OF SAIlI lOT 10; THENCE NOiHH 82'4.3' ~A5r 7.56 rEET; IHtN(:[ NORTH 17.14 fEn !C THE NORTH liNt or SAID LOT 10' . TrltNC( SOu'TH anJ' II'tST Aj)NC SAID r~ORTHERl y LINE 10 THE POINT Of' ot:G:N:.iIi\G. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe above aasemanllo the said Grantee, Its heirs and assIgns 1oreve~, IN(\'ITNESS WHEREOF, the GrantorS'above named have hereunto set their hands and seats thiS.JQ... day Of~\...J.~ ,1999.,. . 1147'l:EP.15'99ftOlREC 15. . 0 'illlSEP.1S'991101PFOO 10.0 I ;~i"'-7.~ . (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON) SS COUNTY OF LANE) BE IT REMEMpERED, that on this 2&L day 0 ..... Notary Public In and for said County and Slate, pe onall ppeared the within named 0 known to me to be the idenijcallndividual described in and who e eculed the within instwmenl and acknowledged lo'me ~at b..t- executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto se! my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year laslabove written, . . '8 um'"~, I:nRl'tI\llJ).ClRElOf OOYlleaOIIJC.OOtl&4 II'~EIHOf9l\Wlrllll:Ot ~",\~~"Ao",-~y N(;\tary Public for 0 gon U My Commission Expires d - \ D.'-o I RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.. 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 .. ~':.;' r . I .,.; ~ .: r",._ ~; " :L... .:,,'" t\J~ . ,.,f{iYli-.': Date Received: MAR 11 2011 :~;i?; ~ Original Submittal : . -15-99 F:XHltl:rT'i"'B" i i \ \ I I ! I ! j ! i ~ : I i It 1 '1 i I \., \ \: i i . i \ \ ~ j ; \ ~ '. ., , \' . " 'I i "I Ii, . 99079428 ~10;;;~~- SCALE: (= 40' TAX lOT 17-0)-:)<-31-900 .' -:; , \ \ , \ 213 \. 279 \ TAILOT 17-03-3<-32-200 i .' 'J~f~ ~;m .t~~;.~ '-1 '. 25 gO. I . 1 J , ;A'!. l:)~ 17-0J-j ;;; ~, , L~ fAX LOT 17-DJ-J~- ,.,~-! "'.'_"'7.' "I..'.M"f"''' ;):'I~;. Date Received: MAR II 2011 :~ ~ "" ';I'-: Original SubmittaL . .. 9- I 5 - 9 SiXHIBIT "ell . 2590 --LI- ' i' , i ROtlND~lNt Dvt~:fJ ~~~. R: :r 1100 " I 1 ~,., I -'_ '_ I ~ :Tfi .--.-- ", ~., -_-;"'-1...-1--~.. ....~ .. _.;. I' . "-\51-- -,-:- t- -1- :..... . ." -r'--',,-;, 1. ..:.! "_ -r:-..-' .1--.... . . --.-- ._;-...~:::.: .1---. _--J...J L.J I=:> I .' ,- ' ,,< I I' I '-i'-;-- m_ 0'....---,..-' 1 . ~_~.~:: ~;~~ ~ ~; /l:H-t~~~~ti-~i' ,'f I . r I -.....-r-~---. I . . ~-- - I '.' r=:ti# ,,' - .J I' tU-+~ ~-__:_~'!...!' ," '.,----,-:.I I I;' 'l'r '1--'" ",-'- '. --I . ".,_J ----:-:---- I -r ",-- ';t!~-!~~~~21"~;iJ.t~~t;';iiJJ!+"~-"-'-:'" .' ,,___.___.._' ._ :'''_.' ----'-to '.f--- L__. SE1'R fEW",V.!'.'E "\RAlS) ; r ! ,.. 1'--' l 14 . I --1--- .---I'-r- ..__..~ _=-"/4 , ~.- -r' n/9~N~' -:-i2Q~--;N;;~l-JD- ;;'~[;; f 7:6li'--I-II~-,-.L:+ i!'-[ i i i . ,.s. .:. . I ' '1-'1--' - 'I " w.. ~~-:':-~-i:.!.~~.-tR~>~-~~~~~.t-'i~~",.L~.:-i-r"11-.'. 'i--c 'I-If:;-' I. ' ~I-----''''-I' ,-.-.m'....'~f - -lD..f~WRf~f. ,....'... . i. I I' I' 1 [ , _ . :" !.I--- ..:,I~_I_ _' i I: u' "':---'-'-',; . I' ;.".1 I I I . oCt/lReum Do~m , ~ r -,'-- - 'lJATl'1r" 8 CK". . ".1'; - I ,,! I' - ,. --t-+- -_8 f.JlJ. vr. r...L!! ,l ,!, I , , ,I '"""'"1" --I" ---t--+ .,. . , _l--l---L--, J I ' J ., , 1-' ,I I ' . , . t r---'--, I I. I 'I . , !T- r I...n..,---'-' , J ::---!-"-'i~L_I~. ,:-i-T.j-'-i-'!lT~-rnn~Tt-";'~--:~-: ':'-:- ~ ..). !' 'J!' ,---'- .-----I~-!.--- "-,- " 'I ,._I__j I"" - ---.! . .: . ',_. ..----.--r.-'---..Ir-'--''''"' '",1 ,I 'I ',-''-', . , , '! 1 1 iT: ml':Trr-q !"1 i', 1 o 1 l_n.'_ I I 1 I. <to If! ;,.:, ~\' \' \'~\ , ," i: I:' \\ . \\'!\ Ir. i\' .d. ----..~!ow' SCAlf: j" = AG' ".-- , "" ~'i .. -5.,55 ~ .j.! ~ .:.. ",'t> 0 l..I.J '" C "'- U"l I 'j;' ,,", 0; .;1Jo! C".., &~i~~ :.:30'1: . 0- .11 ~ i~; i ". i1 Ji8~v.s - - ~ 1 ~I. a::: ::j.~ o 5 _\ S fR~~~d l-'->{ . C\l ud ~ ~~ ~ IF' 11. ,- ...... . <r~g~r . :r.'.~;:("'/ . '.~~ll;i...: Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 -.;.r..... ~' ''''-' !~ Original Submittal .u--it . DECLARATION OF EASEMENT 7Mf ~AJj ccJS- o/l.t .. .(Please Print). . I 1. The undersigned, hereinafter Grantor(s}, stale that the property more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby declared,' granted, conveyed, and created to be a perpetual and non.exclusive easement for access, ingress and egress,land driveway purposes. 2. Said easement is not personal or in gross, but is appurtenant' to each and every portion of the property more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit 8, attached hereto and incorporated hbrein by reference. 3. Said easement shall run with the properties herein descnbed and shalt be -bindinlg on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns. I' 4. Said easement is made for the pUlJlose of complying with the SpringfIeld Develppment Code regarding the division or partition of land or any other development of land. As such, the City of SpringfIeld shall also have the right and standing to secure judicial recognition and enforcement of the rights granted by' this Declaration, and this easement shall not be affected 9r negated by title or the merger of title of the dominant and servient . prop~rties in a common ~wner. .' .. '" I.. 5. Grantor(s) shall at all tunes, and wIthout restrICtion, have the'nght to use the'leasement for purposes not inconsistent with the easement.. '. 6. The maintenance and repair of said easement shall be in accordance with Exhibit C, attac~ed hereto and incorporated herein by reference... .'. I' . 7. Grantor(s) further hereby declare, grant, conveY, and crea(e the nght to use said easement for a perpetual and non-exclusive easement for access, ingress and egress, and driveway purposes' morb particularly described and set forth in Exhibit B, attached herett? and incorporated herein by reference. I . 8. The !rUe consideration of this Declaration of Easement is (I) S - 0-. or (2) other than monetary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this instrument to he cxecuted this ~ day of ,20M. " STATE OF OREGON) ) ". County of Lane ) ON THIS .& cby of within named ..C I 20..oj... personally appeared before me, a NotaI)' PUblic. the , I <i--' ~ ()U and acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluntary act"and deed. WITNESS my hand and seal this da I) OFRCIALSEAL DONNA CLARK Notary Public for Oregon ! . " NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON . COMMISSION NO, 359246 <I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 4.2006 My Commission Expires: "'1- [-/J r A. copy of this recorded document must be returned to tlte City of Springfield, Devetoplcnt Services Department, 225 Fifth Street;Sprillgfield, OR 97477. I I A%"TER RECORDINGRETURI'HrP\ate. R . dr, Division of Chief DepJty Clerk ~M\.M~~~n ' G . '"B:.I ecelve . Lane Counly Deeds and Records 'VVW VV'J'V .J(i?ue fY/.J. . I f~~l!~~~~ 07~ . MAR 1.1 2011 ~mWJ!Ulll~1~Jlll1~1~1~1Illl!!!I/~!03 01:18$::':~ t ') ciJQlnal Submittal DOD_ESI1T Cnl:1 Sln:15 CRSHIER 02 $2~.00 $10.00 $11.00 ---. . Exhibit A Descrivtion of loint Easement for Moe Trust and CClS Holdings. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the northeast corner of tax lot 17-03-34-32-200, owned by Moe Trust, and the northwest comer of tax lot 17-03-34-31-900, owned by CClS Holdings. Said property intersection is at Franklin Blvd. arid is known by the. Oregon Highway Department as Mile Post .64 on the McKenzie Highway. Then going east 16' along Franklin Blvd. on the CClS tax lot. Then the easement will go southwest to a point, which is 32' south of the point of beginning, which is on the north-south joint property lines. Then the line will continue in a northwest direction on the Moe Trust property to a point, which is 16' west of the point of beginning and is on the Franklin Blvd. frontage. The line will then go east to the point of beginning. Said easement will form a triangle, which is 32' along Franklin Blvd. and 32' deep along the joint property line. Moe Trust and CCIS will be contributing equal portions to the triangle shaped easement. The easement is designed to center on an existing Franklin Blvd. joint curb cut, which has existed since 1947. The Oregon Highway Department issued ajoint permit for use and "construction ofa curb cut" at this location on 12-14-99 and this eaSement is designed to center on that curb cut, which is already in existence. Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal -. . [k/..r,(J~~;J u f 0S9111PAJ c:J,6,) 3(1) , . . , .Plr..11 '9890568 , loU I Wough 14, incluaiva. in BIOC~ B, Am.ndod Plat 01 Fa,lmount, .. pldtlOp ,'0 rlcoraod, In Book 2 'page 12 ~."e County Plat Re01lrds. in the City of Eug.ne, lan. Cocnrv. Oregon. 'TOgothlr 'with that'portlon of the former North-Saulh IlIoy through ,eid Black 6 which lies North of the South Urt., ot ~ota 4 end 11 axtenddd tog.thor. I !:xclpling Thora!rom: lot 14 thlt portion [hor.of describod as: B.ginning at IrO int.r.action at the Southerly IInl 01 the Pecilic Hlghw.y and the Ea" line of Orch.rd StrOlt: mInce South olong thl eut lin. 01 Orchard Str.lt, 20.96 leet: thones NOrth 75' 43' East 40.17 foet to the Southerly right of way line of .cid Pocilie Highway: thonce North 74'6' Wast 40.47Ie,[ olong said rioht of way IIn. to the point of b',9ionlng. Parcolll Th. Wist 110.00 f..t of tha South 60.00 faot of lot 4 and the Westl1 0.00 f.et of ~ots 7. 6. S end 10. Block S, Amondld PI.t of Feirmcunt, u platted end racordld in Book 2. Pagl 12. lana CountY Plat "-,cords. in tho City.of Euu.ane, lone Counw. Orogon, I Exeopling Iram Lots 11 and 10, thll'cartain tract convly.d to Stal. 0' Or.gon,by and through its Stato,Highw.y Commission bY Oood roeorded Auguat 16. 1940. in Book 203. Page 242, Recaption No. 86670.lana County Ore90n Oeod RacordS. ,Parcallll Tha South GO f.et of lo'. 4, and all ollo!s 5 end 6. Block 7, Am.nd.d Plat of Fairmeunt. as planed and reCQrd.d In Book 2. Pag. 12, lana Countf Plat R.cordS. in the City 01 Eugen.. ~ane County. Oregon: ' ' ParcallV ---,--;;;x /..1 "!oo ccJ s' ;/,jd,,lY BagiMing a.t the Northwest cornUI of Lo~ 10. Glenwood Park. 0.5 platted end recorded in"Book "T'. Page 481,lano County Oa.d Records. L.ne CountY. Otogon: thonce South 195.30 fe.t 810ng tho West lina of Lot 10; thonce Scuth 651122' EaSI 224 <0 faetj thence North to the" North Iino 'of lot 10; thenCll Westerly along tho North lin. 01 lot tOto the point of b.giMing. Parcal V --rA>. /0 / ~O I aegiMing at a point on Iha West 1Ir,. 01 Lot 10. Glenwood P.r.. os plattad and recorded in Book "T".,paga 480. ~ano County Oaod Rocord., ~ane County, orogon. South 00'25'Eost 195.30 fen from the Northwast cornor 0' Lot 10: th.ne. South 00"26' En.t 137.60 feet aleng tha Waat IiM of Lot 10 to tha Nonharly lina of 14th Streat,lf samela extended We$!: thence North 89'35' Eaat 2H,32 t..t along tha Nonherly lin. 01 14th 5tree!.l! eXlend.d Wast; th.nel North OO'2S'Waat I 25.6Sfeet: thanca North 88'22' Weel 224.40 feet to thl point of baginning., 'I " Tog.thor Wi!h ~ 30 foot easom.nt fer right of way, thO NOllh lino of which,ls desclib'ed .. follows: eeg'MJOO at . point on tho North"ly lin. 01 14th Stroat if the ..ma is e><tanded Wast. South 00"26' Eo" 332.8~I.et from tho Nerthwe.t corn" of, ~o110, p'anwood Park, as plattad end reccrd.d In Book r. rege 4B " Oeed Racords 01 lene County: rhence North B9"35' east 8<<.40 f.et to the W..tlin. of Hend".on' Avonu;. Date Received: MAR 1 I 2011 EXHIBIT II PG.II I r I .' Original Submittal .1i'if:'i ~;,;::rb, _;:~..".j!/o.;.. '~;~l'\~ :Ig** .i:.!~:.~ :l~}tt -- i:~1r.~ :' ,I',:;&,.~f; . .....r.\~\~ '::'~\?~~ ":1~:1.1; /':::t';:.1~ ",'", "I'~.ri :,_:ii~~:\,. :".1i?~ ;\~~ "j;i1l '.;/~ , ';l,... ".'~ .i.{llf '';'~'~ ." '.' . 'I ':\'-"I .:}},;~.~, '';';'. :.;~ ;~-~ ,::J"I !':~;" "1;;' '~J j~i ~, ,:/; .~': lli' ';~~i' ," .-#~. )Jl I.~'I..~ .~~~ :'1,;; .", ")1 IJ " I :'~'J " 'w.. -,----~; . t ";t.J . ,il '''.J'/t " ':l~ ..t;l' ~:' WI. It " '!)j. .i'~ (' ':1f~ ..... 1:.;ln: ,'.#0,. ':;'- :;ff: ~ ~!.(~ . ..1., .t{..... ~tir ' :':" ;:~?f:' .R.t ".f:; !;:~ . '~'I . ~,~~ , 'j" ",j .' . . [),J,r,.{(>'J J) ~ &rmwt C-rb.b. f fls) ATTACHMENT B TAX LOT 200 ' I . "0 !?::t~ '7.1 ~U123 ~~'.:':"~" .' {i:':~.j: >, IlA1lGAIN AND SAtE. ~EEO ~r~\~:>: '.-: ' .'.' IlIG HOB, Aka SIGVOLO 8. MOE, ab SIGVALO B. MOE~ \~ iKc:.'(;':" . ~. ~ H()E, huaband lind vUe, Gran~~s, convey tO'SIG MOE ..-;: r','iP\::' 'a!\4JlOU' JIClE, Truste~.of !:he Hoe Truzl'l: under Trust Agreel1lent ~,~:"".:--'. . ,'d4~-H~:::l~ '~ ,1974, GrlUltees, the folloving .""..::..':..., MscrUied.r.p ty. ~;?:~~. .':' .fj;'~.:. . . ~~." - ~r~"" ..... ?~. ~~ . . l. .' Beginniilg at II point in the Southerly line' of the PAcific Highway, North 82.'43' East 415.4 feet from a po1.Dt29. 7 feet South of the Northeast corner of the' Eara Sveet Dolllltion Land Claim NO. 68, in 'rownahip 17 South, 'Jtang~ 3 West of .the Willamette Meridian, IUId running thence South 161.6 feet, thence East 248 feet, thence North 193.2 feet to the Southerly line of Baid Highvay, thence South 82. ~3' West along the Southerly line of aaid Highvay 250 feet 'to ,the place of beginning, in, Baid Lane County, State of Oregon. , ,,' The true consideration for this conveyance is $___ ;'.one, l'rans'er to Revocable Trust. DATED this ;..{. day of;:'"~etZ"-4"'1. 1974. ol"L' .~ . _. (/ ':..r,~...., Sig'l-loe '\ --1 , ~-{,. ~_\'.~ Kay Moe ." " ' ~ STATE OF OREGON ) J 88. County of ;Lane ) II . . . .:, ;::-..I5<>.'<A"'71" 1974 " t.~..!'p';' . Personally Appeared' ,the above nllllled 'Sig Hoe and f.I....~..,. Xay,;f.loe and acknowledged the foregoing inatrument to be, ....i~.) j ~"fx"'"V9luntary act ancl deed. 8ef~ IIlel . ,...{ ." .: ; , ~ 0....-, r ';.V U J ~-' u '.-; 'Notary P 1 c of,}.., .. ",,~ . 'MY COllllllisdon " . G ( . .', Until a change is requested, all cax statements shall be sent to the, folloving address. __. ,36'38 Franklin. Blvd'-, Euqene. Oreqon 97403 /{,t'V7i/ , . ~t~; :~, :;'l \" '''\~~;:' ,:i;j .'/J 'R....::.:~ ;....,.. . ~. ., ?';,..\: ',," ..' ." ~:~ ~;.... " ',- ......,1. Date Received: MAR 1 120ft Original Submittal' , ' . ~. Exhibit C Mae Trust and CClS Maintainence and Repair of Easement and Curb Cut described in Exhibit A. . .. . I Mae Trust and CClS Holdings have agreed to share a state permitted driveway that . . . , allows them access to Franklin Blvd.(aJm McKenzie Highway MP .64) and is centered on their joint property line. The Mae Trust will assume all repairs atid maintaine~ce for the entire easement until the following happens. CClS or future owriers will at some time decide to improve and use their property then the costs associated with improving their . half of the driveway to whatever standards are necessary at that timefwill be born by them. The same will be true for the Mae Trust. After that any needed repairs and maintainence to the easement will then be divided equally. Date Received: MAR f I 2011 Origihal Submittal I - , . . '. WPT 7191-484671 1704224205200 1031481 )IJ/ \ \0/ / II After Recording Please Retnrn To: PINNACLE DIRECT FUNDING CORPORATION ~ ~ Division of Chief Depuly Cierk ~~~A.~n~~gn Lane County Deeds and Records 'VV~ V~V, ~ 1111I11I1 "'111 11111 1111I11 11I111I11I11I111111111 $141 ,00 0065200320040095299024024012/14/2004 03:41 :34 PM RPR-DTR Cnl:l Sln:5 CRSHIER 05 $120,00 $10,00 $11.00 1500 LEE ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32810 ATTN: POST CLOSING Until a change is requested, all tax Statements shall he sent to the following address: . PINNACLE DIRECT FUNDING' CORPORATION MAIL STOP 1500 PO BOX 608556 ORLANDO FL 32860 [Space Above.This Line For Recording Data] DEED OF TRUST WALKER LOAN #: 24120040 CASE If: PIN: 05200 MIN: 100197400241200404 "Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, (MERS) is the Grantee cf this Secnrity [nstrument" DEFINITIONS Words used in multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sections 3, 11, 13, 18, 20 and 2 L Certain rules regarding Ule usage of words used in this document arc also provided in Section 16. . (A) "Secnrity Insirument" means this docnmm~ which il dated DECEMBER 13, 2004 tlgether with all Riders to this docummL . (8) "Borrower"is WILLIAM JAMES WALKER, A MARRIED MAN Borrower is U,e trostorunder this Security Instroment (C) "Lender"is PINNACLE DIRECT FUNDING CORPORATION Lender is a CORPORATION UNITED' STATES 608968 ORLANDO, FL 32860 (D) "Trnstee"is WESTERN PIONEER TITLE CO. OF LANE CITY (E) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS is a separate corporation U181 is acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary under (his Secnrity Instrument. MERS is organized and existing under the laws Qf Delaware, and has an address and telephone number of P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501-2026, tcL (888) 679-MERS. (F) "Note" means lhe prcmissory note signed by Borrower and dated DECEMBER 13 I 200-4 '. . organized and existing under "tIle laws of , Lender's address is MAIL STOP 1935 PO BOX OREGON-Single Family-Fannie M'.aeIFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT DOCUKORI (page 1 0[14 pages) DOCUKOR~.VTX 06/09/2004 FonnJ03H 1/01 A (l~r Recordio}! Return To \V':.~lern Pjllflccr Tille Co,' PO B{lx IOJ"-l(i Eugene, OR 97440 Date Received : MAR 11 2011 . Original Submittal . . -; 24120040 The Note states that Borrower owes Lender . I ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND 00/100 Dollars (U.S. $123,300.00 ) plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full rot later tban JANUARY 1, 2035 . I ' (G) "Proper1y'~ means the property that is descnbed below under the heading 'iransfer of Rights in the Property." (H) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note, and all Slims due under this Security Inst.rummt, plus interest. I. (I) "Riders" means a1] Riders to this Security Instromentthat are executed by Borrower. The following Riders are to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable]: , I ~ Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider ' 0 S,cond Home Rider o BaI]oon Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider o 1-4 Family Rider 00 Other(s) [specify] PREPAYMENT . I' ' . RIDER (J) "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances , and administrative rules and orders (lhat have the effect of law) as well as all applic~b]e final, non-appealable judicial opinions. - " i.l. (K) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues) fees; assessments and other charges tlmt are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium associatio~ homeowners association or similar organization. ,_' . I (L) "Electronic Fuods Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic tenninaI, telephonic instromen\ computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct. or authorize a financial institJtion to debit or 'credit an account. Such term includes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated tJUcr machine transactions, ,transfers initiated by telejilone, wire traitsfers, and automated clearinglnnse transfers. I . (M) "Escrow Items" means those items that are described in'Section 3. (N) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any third party (other than insurance proceeds paid under !he coverages described in'Section 5) for: (i) damage to, or 'destruction of, the Property; (il) condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentatims of. or omissions as to, the value andlor condition of the Property. . . . , I (0) nMortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lerider against the nonpa~ent of, or default on, the ,~)a~periOdiC Payment" means tlle regularly scheduled amount due for (i) princiJal and inter~st under the Note, plus (ii) any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument. I ' " (Q) "RESPA" means the Real Estate SettlemeritProcedmes Act (12 U.S.C. ~260] et seq.) and its implementing regulation, Regulation X (24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from time 'to time, or any additional or successor legislation or regulation that governs the same subject mailer. Asnsed iei!his Security Instrument, "RESP A" refers to all requirements and restrictions that are imposed in regard to a "~ederally related mortgage loan" even if the Loan does not qualifY as a "federally related mortgage loan" under RESP A. (R) nSuccessor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to thd Property, whether or not that pnrty has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note andlor!his Security Instbrnent. . TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY' 'I ' The beneficiary of this Security Instrument is JvfERS (solely as nominee for Lender am Lender's successors and assigns) and the successors and assigns of 1v1ERS. T~is Security Instrument s6cures to Lender: (i) tlle repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; mid (ii) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instnunent and the Note. F6r this pu"rpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee: in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the COUNTY of LANE I : (!'ype of Recording Jurisdiction) (Name of Recording Jurisdiction) OREGON-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INl)"'TRUMENT DOCUKOR2 (page2or}4 pag'" DOCUKOR2.~X 06/08/2004 1 I Fonn 30381101 Date Received: . MAR 11 2011 , :' .~ Original submittal . . 2412.0040 which currentIy has the a:ldrcss of 3660 CONCORD ST [Street] EUGENE . , Oregon 97402 ('Property Address"). [City] [Zip Code] TOGETHERWlTII all the improvements now or here3fter erected on tIle property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or here3fter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Secntity Instrwnent All of the foregoing is referred to in this Secntity Instrmnent as the "Property." Borrower understands and agrees tIlat MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in tItis Security Instrwnent, but, if necessary to comply with law or custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's snccessors nnd assigns) has the right: to exercise any or a\lathose interests, including, Int no limited to, tIle right to foreclose and sell the Property; and to take any action rei:jnired of Lender including, bnt not limited to, releasing :ind canceling this Secnrity Instrument. BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is nnencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will. defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. . TIllS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines nniforrn covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifonn security instrument covering real property. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender oovenant and agreens follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Latc Charges. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of, and interest on, Ule debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late eharges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursunnt to Section 3. Payments due imder tIle N:ltc and this Secntity Instrument shall bemade in US. cumncy. However, if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all snbsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instnnnent be made in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an instinrtion whose deposits are insnred by a federal agency, iustnnnentality, or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. . Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at Ule location designated in tile Note or at such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15. Lender may return any payment or partial payment If the payment or partial payments are insufficient to bring tIle Lonn current. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan current. without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejndice to its rights tOTefuse such payment or partial payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated to appiy such payments at the time such payments are accepted If each Periodic Payment is applied as nf its scheduled due date, tIren Lender need not pay interest on nnapplied funds. Lender may hold snch nnapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current. If Borrower docs not do so witIlin a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or retom them to Borrower. If nnt appiied earlier, such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim which Borrower might have now or in the future against Lender shaIl reiieve Borrower from making paymeats due under the Note and tItis Secntity Instrument or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument. OREGON-Single Family-Fllllllit: MlltfFreddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Fonn 30381/01 DOCUKORJ (page) of U pages) DOCUKOR3.VTX 06/08/2004 Date Received: . MAR 11 2011 Original submittal . . . 24120040 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise descnl1ed in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order o~ priority: (a) interest due under the Note; (b) principal dne under the Note; (c) amonnts due under Section 3" Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under this Security Instrnrnent, and then to reduce- the principal balance of the Note. I If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delil1lluent Periodic Payment which includes a sufficient amooot to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delimluent payment and the late charge. If mOre than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from . Borrower to. the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the e,1ent that, each p~yment can be paid in full. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is applied to the full paymenf of one or more Periodic Payments, snch excess may be applied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first to any prepayment ch<nges and then as descnbed in the Note. I' "" Any application of payments, insurance proceeds; or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due ooder the Note shall not extend or postpone the due date, or change 1I1e amount, of the Periodic Iiayments. 3. Funds for EscrolV Items. Borrower shall payio Lender on the day Periodic payments"are due under , the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due for: (a) taxes and assessments and other items which can attain priority lYer this Security Instrumertt as a lien or encumbrmce on the Property; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) premiums for any and all insurnnce required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiUms, if any, or any snms payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance premin!ns in accordance with the provisions of Section 10. These items are called "Escrow Items," At origination or at any time during the term, of the Loan, Lender may require that Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessrrtents, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessmeuts shall be an Escrow Item. BOITOWd shall promptly furnish'to Lender all notices of amonnts to be paid under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Foods for any or all Ekcrow Items, Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at ahy time. Any such waiver may only be in writing. In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall par directly, whdn and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items" for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borrower's obligation to make such payments and to provide receipts shall fdr all purposes be deemed to be a covenant and affeement contained in this Security IlStrument, as the phrase "cbvmant. and ag-eement" is used in Section 9. If Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to 'pay the anlOunt due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its rights ooder Section 9 and pay such . amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender any ~ch amount Lender may . revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any timehy a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender allFoods, and in such amooots, thatare then required urder ~&ctioo1 ' "" I Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount (a) sufficient to penuit Leuder to apply the Funds at the time specified under RESPA, "and (b) not 10 exceed themaximurn arriooot a lender can require under RESP A. Lender shall estimate the amouut of Funds due on the basis of curtent data and reasonable estimates of e:-''Penditures of fulure Escrow Ilems or otherwise in accordance with App~cable La~. The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institution whose depositsiare so insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply tlle Foods to pay the Escrow Items no later thanthe time specified under RES? A. Leuder shall not charge Borrower for holdiug and applying the Fundk, annually analyzing the escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made: in writing or Applicable Law requires iuterest 10 be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Foods. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, however, that intdrest shall be paid on tile Funds, Lender shall give to Borrower, without c1uuge, an annnal accounting of tlle Funds as required by RESP A. I OREGON-Sing], P"",i1y-Pmrnl. M.o/Fr.ddi. Moo UNrFOR11f INSTRUMENT I ,Ilqnna;!e0381J1l'ec" el'ved '. DOCUKOR4 (pag/! 4 o(U page.r) U II t'( DDCUKDR4.VTX 06/oa/200, . I MAR 11 2011 , Original Submittal . . 24120040 If tllere is a surplus uf Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds in accordance with RESP A. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESP A, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESP A, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the shortage in accordance with RESP A, but in no more tl\3ll 12 monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESP A, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA,. and Borrower shall pay to Lender.the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESP A, but in no mace than 12 monthly payments. Upon payment in full of all SWDS secured by this Security Instmment, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. . 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all tJlxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributable. to the Property which. can attain priority over this Security Instmment, leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, and Conununity Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if auy. To the extent that tllese items are Escrow Items, BorrowershaU pay tllem in tllemauuerprovided in Sectiou 3. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstmment unless Borrower: Ca) agrees in writing to the payment of tlle obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faitll by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien while those proceedings arc pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreemcnt satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instmmen!. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which can attain priority over . tltis Security lnstmment, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date on which tlmt notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above in this Section 4. . Lender may require Borrower to pay a one.time cllarge for a real estate tax verification anIIor reporting service used byLender in connection with this Loan . 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the im]l"ovements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazaIds included within the term "e,iended coverage," and any other hazards including, but not limited to, carthqunkes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This insnrance shall be lllaintained ill the amounts (including deducttble levels) and for tlle periods tl13t Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower to pay. in connection Witll this Loan, either: Ca) a one-time charge for f1oodzooe detcrmination, certification and tracking services; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and centification services and subsequent chaJges each time remappings or sintilar changes occur which reasonably right affect such determination or centification. Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone determinatim resulting from an objection by Borrower. . . If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effecl Borrower acknowledges that the cost ' of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower could have obtained. Any amonnts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by tltis Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear. interest at the Note rote from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, witb such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. All insurance policies required by Lender and rencwa!s of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or us an additional!oss payee. Lcnder shall hnve the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to. Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If OREGON-Single Family-Fannie MneIFreddie MDc UNIFORM-INSTRUMENT DOCUKOR5 (page 5 of J <I pages) DOCUKORS.VTX 06/08/2004 Form 3038 1101 Date Received: . MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 Borrower obtains any fonn of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause .fud shall name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an adlitionalloss payee. I, In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender rru;' make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by L~nder, shall be applied to restoration orrepair of the Property, if the, restoration or repairis econontically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. D'uring such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the w<irk haS been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress!payments as tlie work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be reqrnrell to pay Borrower any interest or eahungs on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceells and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restoration or repair is no\ economically. feasible or 'Lender's security would be lessenell; the inSurance proceells shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the exc<<s, if any, paid to Borrower.1 Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in 1he order provided for in Section 2. I, If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and related matters. If Borrower does not respond witlnn 30 days to a notice from !!ender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim! The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property underl Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance proceells in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any otlleTof 'Borrower's rights (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurahce policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lend~r may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under tlle Note or this Security Instrument,.whether or not then due. . . I . 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence witlnn 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall I continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal reSidence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otllerwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld! or unless extenuating circumstances exist which arebeyond Borrower's control. . . I . . 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the PropertYi Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or coinmit waste on the Property. 'Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain tlle Property in order to prevent. the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its conditioll Unless it is determined pursUant to Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower shall promppy repair the Propert)' if damaged to avoid further deterioration or dam'lle. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for ~ring or restoring the Property only if Lender has released proceeds for such pUIJloses. Lender may c!isburselproceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single paynent or in a series of progess payments a,the work is completed. If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrbwer is not relieved of Borrmver's obligation .for the completion of such repair or restoration. I . Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries .upon and inspections ofl the Property. If it has reasonable cause, Lender may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to such an intaior impection specifying such reasonable cause. " 8. Borrower's Loan ApplicatiolL Borrower shall be in default if. during the L1an application process, Borrower or any persons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with B6rrower's knowledge or consent gave materially false, ntisleading, or inacarrate infurmarion or statements to Lettd" (or failed to provide Lender with "material information) in connection with the Loan. Material representatibns include, but are not limited to, representatirns concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrowet's principal residence. OREGON-Single Fa.mily-Fonnfe Mai'Freddie Ahc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT "II Fonn 30381/01 DQCUKOR6 (page 6 of 14 ....."es) DOClJKO,6.V'I'X 06/08/2004 '-0 I Date Received: , I MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Secnrity Instrument. If . (a) Borrower fails to perforrn the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rigus under this SecuritY Instrument (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeimre, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over tlris Security Instrument or to enforce laws or regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under tlris Security Instrument. including protecting and/or assessing the valne of tlle Property, and securing and/or repairing tllC Property. Lender's actions can inclnde, but are not . limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien wlrieh has priority over tlris Security Instrumen~ (b) appearing in cout!; and (c) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other code violations or dangeroas conditions, and have utilities turned on or off. Although Lender may take action under tlri, Section 9, Lender does not have to do so and is not under any duty or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or .all actions authorizednndertlris Section 9. . Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by tlris Security Instmrnent. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Leuder to Borrower requesting payment. . If tlris Security Instrumentis on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. Borrower shall not surrender the leasehold estate and interests herein conveyed or terminate or cancel the ground lease. Borrower shall not, without U,e express written consent of Lender, alter or amend tllC ground lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to tlle Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the prentiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in elTect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be. available from tile mortgage insurer that pm10usly provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the prenrinms for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the prenriums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to tile Mortgage Insurance previously in elTee~ at'a cost' substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in elfect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue to pay to Lender the amonnt of the separately designated payments that were due when the insurance coverage ceased . to be in effect. Lender will accep~ use and retain these payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reseIVe shall be non.refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is . ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not' be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverag~ (in the amount and for the period that Lender reqnires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, aod Lender requires separately designated payments toward the prenriums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments to'\yard the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premium reqnired to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's reqUirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such tennination or until tenninatian is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay interest at tlle rate prMded in the Note. Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur jf Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage insurers evaluate their toU1l risk on all such insmance in force from time to time, and may enter into agre.ements with other parties that share or modify their risk. or reduce losses. These ab'Teements are on terrns und conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other parly (or parties) to these agreements. These agreements may reqoire the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source of funds OREGON-Single Family- Fannie Mae/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT DOCUKOR7 (page 70[14 pages) DOCUKOR7.VTX 06/08/2004 FonnJUJ811U1 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 that the mortgage insurer may have available (which may include funds obtained I from Mortgage Insurarice premiums). . .. As a re:m1t of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another1insurer, any reinsurer, any other entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may receive (directIy or indi\ectly) amountB Illat derive fTom (or might be characteri2lld as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchangefor sharing or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreemettt provides that an affiliate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the prerniuins paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often'tenred "captive reinsurancc''' Further:.. I ' (a) Any such agreements will not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agreements will hot increas~ the amount Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they ,,,ill not entitle Borrower t6any refund. (b) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has - if .fuy - with respect tQ the. Mortgage Im"Urance nnder the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any oth~r law. These rights may include the right to recei\'c certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance tenninated antomatically, and/or tJ receive a refnnd of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were uneamed at the time ofsucb cancellatibn or tennination. .11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellanrious Proceeds are hereby assigned 10 and shall be paid to Lender. If the Property is damaged, snch MiscelIlmeons Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is eccnomiCalIy feaSlble and Lender's security is not lessened. Duriog such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds nntil Lender has had an opportrinity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promplly. Lender . may pay for Ille repairs and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of prog/ess payments as the work is completed.. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires hlterestto be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required.to. pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds. If Ilte restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lbnder's security would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this seCurity Instmment, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proce~s shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. . I . . . In Ilte event of a total taking, destruction; or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not thet. due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. . I In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the arnoulll of the sums secured by \his Security Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or Joss in value, urdess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,ithe sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds miIltiplied by the following fractIon: (a) Ille total amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial takh\g, destruction, or loss in value divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, destrUction, or J~ss in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. I" In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property lin which tile fair market value of the Property immetfuleIy before the partial taking, destruction; or loss in val~e is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherWise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the Sluns secured by .this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. . I If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing party (as defined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to sellle a claim for ruhnages, Borrower fails to respond to Lendenvithin 30 da)'s after the date the notice is given, Leadeds anthorized to collect and apply Ille Miscellaneoos Proceeds either to resloration or repair of Ille Property or to the sums I secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not thea dne. "Opposing Party" means the \hird party that owes Borrower Miscellaneous . Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a ril'itt of action in regard to MisceJIaheous Proceeds. OREGON-Single Family-Fannte MaeIFreddie Mnc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT DOCUKOR8 (page 8 0' U prmesl DO~OR8.VTX 06/08/2004 1 -e 1 Fonn 30381101 Date Received: MAR 1 1 201f Original Submittal -. n'-~ 24120040 Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lender's judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Properly or other material impairment of Lender' s interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can ,cure such a default and, if acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's judgm61t, precludes forfeiture of the Properly or other material impainn6lt of Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in the Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. AIl Misccl1aneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the onler provided for in Section 2, 12. Dorrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release tile liability of Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be - required to commence proceedings against any Successor in Interest of Borrower or to refuse ,to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reaSOn of nny demand made by the original Borrower or auy Successors in Interest of Borrower, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right Or remedy including, without limitation, Lender's accepmnce of payments from third persons; eotihes or Successors in Interest of Borrower or in 3Illounts less than the amount then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right orremedy. ' 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants - and agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be joint and several. However, any Borrower who co- signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the Note (a "co-signer"); (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and- convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to PaY the surns secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender aud any other Borrower can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard IJ the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without the co-signer's consent. Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who nssumes Borrower's obligations under this Security Instrument in writing, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and benefitS under this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligatious'- and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release in writing, The covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided in Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns ofLender. 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in connection with Borrower's default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, includirg, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees, In regard to any other fees, the absence of e"'Press authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific fee to BorrowershaJl not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee, Lender may not charge fees that are expressly prolubited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law, If the Loan is subject to a law which sets ma'Ximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that - the interest or other loan charges collected or _ to be collected in connection with the Loan exceed the permitted limits, tlten: (aJ anysuch loan chmge shail be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (bJ nny sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower, Lender niay choose to make this refund by reducing tile principal owed under the Note or by ma1cing a direct payment to Borrower, If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment witilOut any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptanee of nny such refund made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might ha'O arising out of such overcharge, 15. Notices. AIl notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must be in writing, Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if sent by other means, Notice to anyone Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law OREGON-Singl!': Family-Fnnn1eMDe/Fr~ddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT DOCUKOR9 (page 9 of 1./ page:) OOCUKO~.VTX 06/08/2004 F0Tn130381101 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 . expressly requires omeIWise. The notice address shall be tie Property Address unlesslBorrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notiJY Lender of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address; men Borrower shall only report a change of address through that specified procedure. There may be only one' designated notice address under this Security Instrument at anyone time. Any notice to Lender shnll be gi*en by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in connection with this Secnrity Instrument shall ndlbe deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received hy Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the c!orresponding requirement under this Security Instrument '. I 16, Governing LalY; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security. Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdictiou in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations contained in tItis Secnrity Instrument are subject to any requirements and lindUtions of Applicable Law. Applicable Law ndght explicitIy or implicitly allow the parties to agree by cmltract or ii might be silent, bursuch silence shall not be construed as a proltibition against agreement by contlact. In me event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or tIle Note conflicts With Applicable Thw, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect "'thout the conflicting provision. . . . I As used in this Security Instrument: (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of the fendnine gender; (b) words in the singu\ar shall mean and inclnde tlle plural ard vice versa; and (c) the word "may" gives sole discretion without any.obligation.to take any action. 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Secnrity Instrument 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. AS used in this Section 18, "Interest in the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not lindted to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed,' installrnerit sales contract or escrow agreemcn~ tlleintent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower ata future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or an)' Interest in the PropertY is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not 11 natural person and 3 beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) withbut Lender's prior written consen~ Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by [this Security Instrument However, this option shall notbe exercised by Lender if such exercise is prolubited bylApplicable Law. If Lender exercises this option, Lender shaIl give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in' accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these Sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this S~curity Instrument without furtllernotice or demand on Borrower. '. . I- . 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shaII have the right to have euforcemenl of this Security Instnnnent discontinued at any time prior to the earliest of: (a) five days before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale :contalned in tltis Security Instrument; (b) such other period as Applicable Law ndgbt specify for the termination of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. .Those conditipm are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no accelerntion had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pa~ all expenses incurred in euforcing this Security Instnnnent, including, bUI not limited la, reasonable attorueys'l fees, property inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instnunent; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonllbly require to assure thai Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument. and Borrm~er's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument. shall contime unchange~ Lender may r~e that Borrower pay such reinsUtement sums and e''Penses in one or more of tlle following forms, as selected by Lender: (a)eash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, pfovided any such check is drawn upon an instimtion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instnl~entality or entity; or (d) ::~::~s::~:~::~:.::::~::::~::::~O:::~h~:secm1ty rnstn!mclt and Obl::03::~:red DOCUKOR I 0 (page) 0 of 14 pog~) I' DOCUKORA.VTX 06/08/2004 Date Received: , MAR 11 2011 Original SubmittaL . . 24120040 hereby shall remain fully effective as if no accclerntion had occurred. However, this right to rcinstate shall not apply in the case of accelerntion under Section 18. 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievanee. The Note or a partial interestin the Note (together with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or mare times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale might result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collectS Periodic Payments due under the Note aud this Security Instrumeut and performs atiler mortgage loan servicing obligations under the Note, this Security Instramett, and Applicable Law. There also mighfbe one or more changes of the Loan Servieer unrelated to a sale ofthe Nate. If there is a change afthe Loan Servicer,Borrawer will be given written notice of the change which will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer, the address to ,vhich payments should be made and any other infonnalion RESP A requires in connection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and therelli'ter the Loan is se,,,iced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless othenvise provided by tiu:: Note purchaser. . . Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual litigant or tile member of a class) that arises from the ather party's actions pursuant to this Security lnslrnment or that alleges that the ather party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified tile other party (with such notice given in compliance with the rcquirerrnnts of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded tile otiler party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that lime perind will be deemed to be reasonable for pUIposes of this parngrnph The notice of accelerntion and opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and tile mtice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant 10 Section 18 shallle deemed to satisfY tile notice and opportmuty to take corrective action provisions of this Section 20. . 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are tltose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, otiler flammable or toxic petroleunl products, toxic pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents" materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the juisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or remwdl action, as defIned in Environmental Law; and (d) an "Environmental Condition" means a condition that can cause, amtribute to, or otherwise.trigger an Environmental Cleanup. Borrower shall not cause Of pennit the presence, use, disposal, storage1 or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten to release any HaZardoUs Snbstances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor . allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of any Environmental Law, (b) which creates an Environmertal. Condition, or (e) which. due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Snbstance, creales a condition that adversely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small cjnanlilies of Hazardons Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to narrnal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property (including, but not limited to, hazardws substances in conswner products). . Borrower shall promptiy give Lender written notice of (al any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatol)' agcncy or private party involving th.e Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envirorunenml Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (h) any Envirorunental Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or tllTeat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance. which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, or any private paily,. that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with EnvirOIUnental Law. Nothing herein shall create "If obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanlp. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant ani agree as fallows: 22; AcceJeration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrowe'r prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or' agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to OREGON-Sin gJc Family-FannJt MaeIFreddie Mac UNIFORl\11NbTRUMENT DOCUKORII (Fag/! II of /4 pages) DOCUKoRB.VTX 06{06{2004 Fonn 30381/01 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 acceleration under Section 18 unless Applieable Law provides otberwise). Tbe n~tice sball specify: (a) tbe . default; (b) the actiou required to cure tbe default; (c) a date, oot less tban 30 days from tbe date tbe notice is giveu to Borrower, by wbicb tbedefault must be cured; and (d) that failJret. cure tbe default on or before the date specified io. the notice may result in acceleration of the sums ~ecured by this Security Instrument and sale of tbe Property. Tbe uotice sball furtber inform Borrower, of tbe rigbt to reinstate after acccler:tion and the right to bring a court action to assert the Don-existencc,of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is Dot cured on or before the date specified in tbe notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this Security Instrument witbout further demaud and may invoke tbe power of saleiand any olber remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuiug the remedies provided in tbis Sectioo 22, including, hut not limited 'to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. . ,.. . I If Lender invokes the power DC sale, Lender shall execute or cause Tmstee to execute a written notice of the occurrence of an event of default and of Lender's election to cause' the Property .to be sold and shall cause sucb notice to be recorded in' each county iu wbich any pari oflthe Property is located. Lender or Trustee sball give notice of sale in tbe manner prescribed by Applicable Law to Borrower and to other persons prescribed 'by Applicable Law. After'the time required by Applicable "Law, Trustee, witbout demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to lbe highest bidder at tbe tiine and place and under the terms designated in the nolice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trusiee may postpone sale nf all or any parcel of tbe Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale.. I . . Trustee shall dcliver to the purchaser Trustec's deed conveyiog the Property without any covenant or warranty, 6:pressed or implied. The recitals in the Trustee's debd shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the p,{,ceeds of the salc in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, ineluding, hut noi limitcd to, Jasonable Trustee's and attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Iustrument; oud (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it.. . . [ . 23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of aiI' suri1s secured by tills Security ,Instrument, Leuder shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall surrendcr tillS Security Instnnneut and aU notes evidencing dcbt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty to the person or persons legally entilled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. Lender may charge such persou or persons a fee for recnuveying the Property, but only if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Trustee) for selVices rendered and the chrogingofthe fee is pennitted under Applicable Law. 24. Substitute Trustee. Lender may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to ;lOy Trustee appointed herCl1llder. Withom conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the tille, power ani dnties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicahle Law. I 25. Attorneys' Fees. As used in this Security Instrument and in the Note, attorneys' fces shall include those awarded by an appellate court . I . . 26. Protective Advances. This Security Instrumentsecures any advances Le~der, at its discretion, may make under Section 9 of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's interest in the Property aod rights under this Security Instrumeut. . 27. Required E,idence of Property Insurauee. WARNING Unless you provide us with evidence of the insurance coverage as required by our contract or loan agreement, we may purchase insurance at your expense to protect out interest. This insurance may, but need not, also protect your interest. If the collateral becomes daIDnged, the coverage we purchase may not pay any claim you 'make or any claim made against you. You may later cancel this coverage by providing evidence that you have obtained property coverage elsdwhere. . Yoo arc responsible for the cost of any insurance purchased by os. The cost of this insurance may be added to your contract or loan balance. Ifthe.cost is added to your contract or loan balance. the OREGON-Single Family-FannfeMBelFreddieMac UNIFORM rNSTRUMENT I FormJ0381lO1 DOCUKORI2 (poge J] of J 4 pages) DOCUKORC.V'I'X 0';08;2004 0 t R . d . a e ecelve: MAR 1.1 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 interest rate on the nnderlying contract or loan will apply to this added amount Thc eifective date of coverage may be the date your prior coverage lapsed or the date you failed to provide proof of coverage. The coverage we purchase may be considerably more expensive than insurance yoo can obtain on your own and may not satisfy nny need for property damage coverage or any mandatory liability insurance requirements imp'sed by Applicable Law. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in '"1Y Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it. B~~~1frCCrAM}:~~ ~ 11' 13~cJ1 OREGON-Single Family-Fannlel\IaeJFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Fom130381101 DOCUKOR13 (page J 3 of 14 page3) DOCUKORD.VTX 06/08/2004 . Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 [Space Below This Line For Acknowledgme I STATE OF ~ COr& OF ~ This instrument was aC~le.l~ed before me on . ':\' t. /:{ Jlt'tJc./ by /;() 111,0 rrL ....JO r"r1O (),j) ~ It' . . . iiJI1JAddrTI""(~-) . My commission expires: OFFICIAL SFAL . WANOACARTER _: '" NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON \ / COMMISSION NO. 370206 ....l't% MY CIIMMISSIOII EXPIRES JULY 2, 2001 OREGON-Single Family-Fmmte MneIFrelldJe Mat UNIFORMJNSTRUMENT ~~~~ 06/08/2004 (pag~J.soJUpages) ',., Fonn 3038 1/01 Date Received: i MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER (LIDORSix-Month Index (As Publisbed In Tile Wall Sued JOl/rnal}-Rate Caps) . . WALKER. LOAN i: 24120040 KIN; 100197400241200404 TIllS ADWSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 13~H . day of DECEMBER, 2004 and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mongage, Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the "Security Instrumenf') of the same date ~ven by the undersigned CBorrower") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to PINNACLE DIREC~ FUNDING CORPORA~ION ("Lender") of the same date and covering the property descnbed in the Security Instnnnent and located at: 3660 CONCORD S~ EUGENE, OR 97402 [Property Address] THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUII1 RATE BORROWER MUST PAY. ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, -Borrower and Lender further OJvenant and agree as follows:' A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES The Note provides for an initial interest rate of 6.250 %. The Note provides for changes in the interest rate and themollthly payments, as follows: 4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (A) Change Dates The interest rate I will pay may change 011 the first day of JANUARY, 2010 and on thut day every 6~H montll thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a "Change Date." MULTl6"fATEADJUSTABLE RATE RlDER - UBOR SIX-MONTI! INDEX (1lS published in mE WALL STREEl'JOURNAL 13&SY~.VTX 07/23fZ004 (page] of3) Sing.le Family Fannie Mao Uniform Instrument FOR1>r1 3138 01(01 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . 24120040 (B) . TheIhndheIfi . C . . b b d I I d Th "I d ,,' the Begmrung WIt t erst hange Date, my Interest rate WIll e ase on an, n ex. e n ex IS average of interbank offered rates for six month U.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the London market' , "LlBOR:'), as published in The Wall Street Journal. The most recent Index figure available as of the first business day of the month immediately pre<:eding the month in which the Change'Date occurs is called the "Current Itrlex." If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index that is based upon comparable information. The Note Holder will give me notice of tlris choice. (C) Calculation of Changes Before each Change Datc, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding TWO AND SEVEN-EIGHTHS percentage points ( 2.875 %) to the Currenllndex. The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). Snbject to the Iinrits stated in Section 4 (0) below, this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Chalge Daie.' The Note Holder will then detennine the amount of-the monthly payment that wonId be sufficient to repay the unpaid principal thnt I am expe.cted to owe at the Change Date in full on ale Maturity Date at my new interest rate in substantially equal payments. The result of this c:iJculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. ..' . . I. . (D) .' Limits on Intere.t Rate Change. . The interest rate I amrequircd to pay at the first Chauge Dal: will not be greater than 12.250 % or Jess than 2. 875 %. Thereafter, my interest rate will never be increased o~ decreased on any single Change Date by more than TWO . I. percentage points ( 2.000 %) from a,e rate of interest I have been paying for the preceding 5 months. My interest rate will never be greater1han 12.250 1%' (E) Effeclive Date of Changes My new interest rate will become effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the first monthly payment date after ale Change Dale until the amount of my monthly payment changes again. . I (F) Notice of Changes . . The Note Holder will deliver Of mail to me a notice of any changes in my il1terest rate and the amount of my monthly payment before the effective date of any change. The ootice will include information required by law to be given to me and also the title and teJephone number of a person who will dnswer any question J may have regarding the mtice. I B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY ORABENEFICIAL INTEREST INIBORROWER Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument is amend<tlto read as follows:. . . Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this . Section 18, "Interest in the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreemen~the intent of whie~ is the transfer of titie by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser.. I . . If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not a riatural person and a beneficial interest in Botrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require jmrn~diate payment in fuI[ of all sums secured by this Security Instrwnenl However, this option shall not be . exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. Lender also shall not exercise this option if: (a) Borrower causes to be submitted to Lender inform'ation required by Lender to evaluate the intended trnnsferce as if a new loan were being rnadelto the transferee; and (b) Lender reasonably determines that Lender's security ",11 nol be impaired by the loan assmnplion and that the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument is acceptable to Lender. MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER - UBOR SLX:~MONTH INDEX (u published in THE WAll STREET JOURNAL ~~V"rX 07!Z3/Z004 (pac:c2ofJ) Sin&leFlU11i1YFanniCMacunif~nniment FORMJ13801101 . I Date Received: , MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal I . . 24120040 To the extent pennitted by Applicable Law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee as a . cOndition to Lender's consent to the loan assumption. Lmder also may require lbe transferee to sign an assumption agreement that is acceptable to Lender and that obligates the transferee to keep all the promises and agreements made in the Note and in this Security lnstroment. Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Note and this Security lnstrumOlt unless Lender releases Borrower in writing. If Lender exercises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender sball give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days' from the date the notice is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument withwt further roticc or demand on Borro~er. . BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contaimrl in this Adjustable Rate Rider. . . . . ~ W~ . {i-I:>""" - BORROWER - WIL~ ~1 - TE _ r MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER - UBOR sc{.MONTIi INDEX (as published in THE WAlL STREET JOURNAL OOCUARXl (page 3 of3) Single Family Fannie MteUniform Instrument FORM J138 01/01 Doctl1lRXl.vrx 07/Z3/200~ Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . I .- ADDENDUM TO ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER , LOAN i: 24120040 This addendum is lIl3Jle DECEMBER 13, 2004 and is inCOlJlOrated into and deemed to amend and supplement the Adjustable Rate Rider of the same date. The property covered by this addcndmn is descn'bed in the SeCurity Instrumcnt all! located at 3660 CONCORD ST EUGENE, OR 97402 AMENDED PROVISIONS In addition to the provisions and agreements made in the Secntity Instnlment, IIwe further covenant and . agree as follows: ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTIILYPAYMENT CHANGES Limits on Interest Rate Changes The interest rate I amrequired to pay at the first Change Oat: will not be greater than 12 . 250 %or less than 2.875 %. Thereafter, my adjnstable interest rate will never be ihcreased or decreased on any single Change Date by more than TWO AND 00/100.. I percentage paint(s) ( 2.000 %) from the rate ofinterestl have been paying for the.preceding six (6) months. My interest rate will never be greater than 12.250 %. Myinterestratewillneverbelessthah 2:875 %. .' . I TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER Uniform Covenant 18 of the Secutiiy Instrument is amendo:l to read as fOlloJs: . . I Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in'this Section 18, 1JInterest in the Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but nbt limited to, those beneftcia! iuterests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or eScrow agreemen~ the intent' of which is the trllflSfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. I If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is solet or transferral (or if Borrower is nol a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may require inmlediate payment in full of all sums secured by this SecuritY Instrument. However, this option shall mt be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. 1202 ADDENDUM TO RIDER DOCW7GI D0CUN7G:1.V"I'X 03/31/2003 Page 1 of2 Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . -. 241200~O If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordance with Section 15 wi1lrin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies pennitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in tillS addendum. i A/A..JJA.t\1:/V1 k/l/V'{c, r..v."lk - BORROWER - ILLIAM JAMES WALKER - DATE - 1202 ADDENDUM TO RIDER OOCUN7G2 DOCUN7G2. VTX 04/01/2003 Pagc2of2 I'L -13-01 Date Received: . MAR 11 20\1 Original submittal ----e . . lNTEREST-ONLY ADDENDUM TO ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER WALKER HIN: 100197400241200404 LOAN NUMBER: 24120040 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3660 CONCORD ST EUGENE, OR 97402 THISADDENDUMismadethis 13TH day of OECEMBER,2004 and is incorporated into and intended to form a part of the Adjustable Rate Rider (the "Rider") dated the same date as this Addendwn executed by the uudersigned and payable to PINNACLE DIRECT FUNDING CORPORATION (the Lender). TillS ADDENDUM supersedes Section 4(C) of the Rider. None of the other provisions of the Note are changed by this Addendum. 4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (C) Calculation of Changes . Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding '!'WO AND SEVEN-EIGHTHS . . percentage point(s) (12.875 . %) to the Current Index for such Change Dale. The Note Holder will then round the result of tius addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). Subject to the !intits Stated in Section 4(0), this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. I During the Interest-Only Period, the Note Holder will then determine the amount of the montidy payment that would be sufficient to repay accrued interest. This will be the afuount of my montidy payment until the earlier of the next Change Date or the end of the Interest-Only ~eriod unless [ make a . ~;.:.pr'~:~/~:~t of principal during such pen:~g, t :r: make a voluntary Tayment of prin~::lal Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal e- . 24120040 during the Interest-Only Period, my payment amount for subsequent payments will be reduced to the amount necessary to pay interest at the then current interest rate on the lower principal balance. At the end of the Interest -Only Period and on each Change Date thereafter, the Note Holder will detennine the amount of the monOdy payment that would be sufficient t repay in full the unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at the end of the Inierest-Only Period or Change Date, as applicable, in eqUal montl1ly payments over the remaining term of the Note. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my montl1ly payment After the end of the Interest-Only Period, my payment amount will not be reduced due to voluntary prepayments. . Lv" flJ../bA1.' f'IX/lIV't. S Lu-vA ! 'C--'?-&f - BOlU\OWER - WILLI JAMES. WALKER - DATE - Form 603F OOClJ""" DOCllPgW2, V'TX 02/06/200. 1101' Page 2 of2 Date Received: . MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal ------e- I .-.------------.-- . Date: DECEMBER 13, 2004 Borrower(s): WILLIAM JAMES WALKER Property Address: 3660 CONCORD ST EUGENE, OR 97402 PREPAYMENT PENALTY RIDER WALKER . LOAN #: 24120040 WIN: 100197400241200404 . (Do not sign this rider before you read it. This security instrument rider provides fori the payment of a penalty if you wish to repay the loan prior to the date provided for repayment in the loan agreement.) . '. '. , I THlSPREPAYMENTPENALTYRIDERISMADETHlS 13TH da)'of' DECEMBER, 2004 and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgag~, Deed of Tmst or Security Deed (the "Security Instmm:nt") of tile same date given by Ole undersigned (the "BorTOwer") to secure . I Borrower's Noie (the "Note") to PIm!ACLE DIRECT FUNDING CORPORATION . I I ADDITIONAL COVENANTS: Notwithstanding anytiling to the contral)' set forth in the Note or Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further rovenant and 'l;ree as follows: . I' .' I have the right to make payments of Principal at any time before they are d~e, A payment of Principal .' only is knowu as a "Prepayment", When I make a Prepayment, I will tell the Note Holder in writing that I am d~oo. I Subject to the Prepayment Penalty specified below, I may make a fnn Prepayment or partial Prepayments of my obligation. The Note Holder will use all of my Prepayments to reduce Ole amount of Principal Olat I.owe under this Note, If I make a partial Prepayment, there \\ill he no changes in the due cbte or in the amount of my monthly payment unless the Nlte Holder agrees in writing to those changes. . Picpaymef!! Penalty Rider -Multi.Sta1e DOCUD9Ul . DOCUD~Ul..vn: 06/11/2.0Dt Page 1 of2 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal .--~ ---.-----~-_. 24120040 If, within the 3 ~ear period beginning with the date you execute the Nute (the "Penalty Period"), you make a full prepaymcnt, or partial prepayment in any twclvc (l2)-month pcriod that exceeds twenty percent (20%) of the original principal loan amount, you will pay a prepayment charge as consideration for the Note Holder's acceptance of such prepayment TIle prepayment charge will eqnal the amount of interest that would accrue during a six (G)-moath period on the amount prepaid that exceeds 20% of the original principal balance of the Note, calculated at the rate of interest in effect under the tenns of the Note at the time of prepayment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law or regulation. No pnpayment penalty will be asscssed for any prepayment made afterthe Penalty Period. . . . Notwithstanding the foregoing, in tile event of a full prepayment concurrent with a bona fide sale of the Property to an unrelated thid party after tile first 0 -year(s) of the term of tile Note, no prepayment penalty will be assessed. In the event, you mast provide the Note Holder with eVidence acceptable to the Note Holder of such sale. For pmposes of the exception tile prepayment charge, a sale of the property to a person or entity with whom you have a personal or business relationship (such as a famIly member, builder, developer or employer) will be presumed NOT to be a bona fide sale of the Propcrty to an unrelated third party. All other terms and amditions of the Security Instrum",t rernain-in fulHorce and effect BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts 'and agrees to the terms and provisions contained ili the Prepayment Penalty Rider. h~~~i:f54,;tLk91fiflf\~_~ _ /2 -1)-CJf Prcpaymenl. Penalty Rider - MulU-Stm.e gg~fJfVTX OS/22/2004 Page2of2 Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal ._-~. , EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: . The East 60 feet of the West 125 feet of Lot 51, ALUSON PARK, as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page 29, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 I Original Submittal . FOr"~a91-'fRUSToeEDIA"19''''I...'''FI..'ric'~d) ~~-. '-. -. ..,...""'" GrE\i[NS~ESSU.WPu!lUSHlN<l<:O roA1\.ANll O~ .........""""""""" NO PARTOFANV STEVENS-NESS FOR0.4 "'AY ~E REPRODUCED IN "'NY FORM OR BY /<NY ELECTRONIC Of! MECl-1ANJCAL l,IEANS- .Lfi:h- ~ !\,fH} , Division of Cnlof Deputy Clerk 1M) ~lO'Ol- Lilne Counly Deeds illnd RecCll'"ds VV .V 0 fV TRUST DEED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 00959309200700787820030040 11/26/200703:19:37 PM CASHIER 05 141,00 -~~:!_~--~~-~~~_!._!=~~---------------_._-- 'J ----------------G-;:;;;;o;;;,-Na,;;;..ndMd~-;-.--------~-.- --~<!~_~P.~_X~_~<!~::~_~~:'~:_~~~.e__~..:~~!__.. t>..u..___...__ "" RECOAOEA'SUSE RPR-DTR Cnt,=l St.n=1 $20.00 S10,OO $11.00 .-------.---~fu;;;,~;~-;;-i~;,;;i~-~~:~i An..rKOnl4ng,..lumla(N..........d~...Zip" i I Varner Jay Johns III . , -.c7o.Ifir-as terS'Alde---------------r -rnlHg.hS treet;'"Su:i.te-306-....--'--'-'~--""'''~ ~~!~ii~n~!~~9~f~~Z~l:~==-_-=====--====== anulor ali It:tllllt:lm~.,lJ'''''''''I'''...I''''''''..~,,....,I..'JOn No. _____~___, Records of \his County. Witness my hand and seal ofCounlY affixed. ~-~--t.iAl.ii:~-~--~-~--~--rITiE---.--------- By ___________n_________________, Deputy. TIUS TRUST DEED, made on ___~.~g_J..t~J~QQl._...:__________._n_~_____~__.m__~___~______, be[~een ------________w__._w___w__..._.__G.Q.E..J~p,!.PJB.GLu~J...fL2_!!_g!.~Q.!!._J_..!!D.!E.~~L.!.!..<!t:tgfY.._.s.Q~a..Ey___ ------__________________.w___________~____________..w______._______________, as Granlor, _~-m---_-.--------~-----------.Y~RB~li~;JOHN~!IL---------._______m_.____, 3S Truslee, and ___~'rlm....J.:QS.E:j~ILf.'-_@.llMilA..1i~_Y.9J,;;.MU..._~__':r.B.J!.S.L_________.______~~_____________.___~, as Ben~li(;iary, WITNESSETH, Grantor irrevocably granlS, bargains, sells and conveys 10 lruslee, in trust, wilh power of sale, thc property in w_1&Jl~______u_____ County, Oregon, described as: See the attached Exhibit "A" which by reference is incorporated herein. , together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances tmd alt othcrrighls thereunto belonging or in any way. now or hereafter appertaining. and the rents, issues and pmtils thereof. and all tixtures now or herean~r nlLBched 10 ur used in COII- . ncetion with the property. . FOR THE i'iJRPOSEOF SECU~lNG PERFORMANCE of ~tch agr=n:nl (If "rnnlor ~crcinconlainl'd IInd p~ymcnr.oflllelium of n__________________ __~r:!~_ Hu!!.c!t~_J.ifty ....'!'.hP_'!~P...c!......l!~_t!..}!91!QQ__:.:_Jt!?._ql_~9_q!_qQ)__.____________________________________ Dollars, with illlcl'Clit thcn:OII according- tn the leml$ of I pmll1i~1i01)' OOle or e~en uide herewith, payable [I) bcnefleimy or urder ~d lOolde hy grnnlol. Ihe final payment ufprindp:ll and inleresl.. ifnol:sooner paid, 10 be due a:ul payable on _~J..!!it_L_!.J__~Q1..Q________.________. The dale of malllrily of t~ debl secured by lhi, inllnnncnt is llx: dale. Staled above. lln whicb the flnol inslallmcllI of the nnre ~onl/,:$ due and payable. Should rbe grnnlorellher agn:c 10. atlemJ1f 10, or aclually liell. Cl}n~~.Qrilnign wlfNl1IIY pan) ufllle pmp<:ny. or all (or any parI) of granlor', inll:n:lil in 'I withoul lim obtaining-lhc wrillen eOIlJenl orappr0\'31 of the bc:ndiciary, rhen.lI1lbe beneticiary's option., all oblig;uians secured by lhi~ inShlllTk.'llt. irre~T'c~liye of the matu. rily daleli llX~lied therein, llfhcrcin, ~MII becollle ilOm:dialdy dllC ~nd P<ly;ilile. TIll: execution hy granlor of an earncM money Rgm:mcol'. does nOl conslilule II saJe,eooveYallCt:orassigmlll:lll.. . . TuprolcctllleSl:ClIrit)'nrlhislrul'tdeed.grantor~~: I. To pmll.'Cr, preser.~ and U12inlmn the property 10 good condilion llnd rtpltir; not 10 remove UldernoJilil1 ullY building or improvement lhereon; and not 10 eommil Drpc:rmil3ny WllSle of Ihc pmpeny. . 2. To romplete or reslore promptly nn,t in good and bnbimblc condition any build!nc or improvemwl whicb llIay beeI>Mtfllclcd. damaged or deslroyed lhere_ on,und p:ly when due nll ccstsincurrcd lbc:refor. J. To comply Wilh 1Ill1aW1, IH1iinanteS. rq;ulaLion!. covenanlt, condi~ons and rtmiejions a{focling the pruperly: if Ihc beneficiary w requeslS. 10 Join in eAe- cllling sueh fin~ncing .lTnlemcllts plmnanllD tbe Uniform Commercial Code a. lbe bcnclil.;ary may n:quirc. and III p.y r'lr liIing the same in lbe propCT public ome\.' oroffices,ns_UnttheCOilofalJlieosearehesl1llldebyfilingoffiCl:/Sorsearchingngencicsnlin",ybedeell1edde.~ir.ililebYlhebeneficinrY. 4. To pro~idll nnd cwuinuo~sJy maintain insuntm:e on lhe buildings rlOw or he=f1cr erected on Ibe properly :t!!nlrn;llo.~s or d3.ln:I~C by fire and OIher holz- ards, as lhe be~freiary TJl.1)' from ti'mc 10 rime reqoire, in M omouol nolle~llban S_fy.l.J.._10-1!QK.~p..l~__y.<1ll,;~~___________, wriuen IlJ' one or mol'('. C'OOlpWlic'lleeeptable 10 lhe beneficiary, witl! Jos.~ paynble IOlbe bIter. All polides of jn~urllllee $hall be delivered 10 tOO beneficiary a.~ soon as issued. Iflhe gnullor shall fnil fUlllOyrensonloprocurelllly~uchinsurnneeandlodeJiverlllepnlJdcsllllhebcneflCjllry:rtlcnst fiftecll clays prior 10 l),cC.lpiJ'lllioli OfllllY polkynfinsur- ance now Dr hereafter placed lln tbe building.!, the bl'nclici:uy lIIay procure lhe!:lllllC ~l granln(li c'f'Cn~e. Tbe amounl oollecLed under any Ii,,: Clrolher iIlSUr.lllCl: pl,l- iey mny be applied by beneficiary i1pCn any imlebledn= secured hereby nnd in $udJ urder lIS beneficiary may delmnine. III nr "plion nfbencrociary Ibe cnlire RmOlllll sOCQJlel'led,oranyp.llilhereuf.l1li1ybcrdem:dlogrnntOl'.SuchPjlplic;1tionorrelealielib.aJlnOlcu~or'waivcllllydef'lulLornotieeofdefaullhcr~underor1nYali- dau;"llynctdonepUJ'>;uantloliuchnollCl:. 5. To kct:p rile property fra: from conslruQiollliens and 10 pay nlllnes. 8SSCliSmenl> nnd olber ~hmr:es lhal m"y be le~ied or Ilssessed upon or against lhe propeny before /lny pnn of 6ueh t:ues, .ncssnmnIJ Ilnd OIhl.'r CMfj;CS becomes pasl due Uf delinquenll"" promptly delivcr n;cclpn lherefor 10 bcndicilll'Y. Sho~ld lhegrJnIOrfoitlomakepaYlllClltufanY[Jllces.aSSeismenrs,insurllnccprcmiums.lien$OrOlherch:u[!Csp.1yablcby~TnnlOr,eilherbydircclpayU1entorbyprovidl1lg benefiei/lry wilh funds Wilh wtUcl1LO rooke luch paymenl.. heneficiary may, 1I1 ill option, mal:c paymenllbeo:of, and the ~mounl so p.id, wilb inlCfCSllll UIC rille set forth in the nOle secured bereny, together wilh IlIe obliplions dcseriOOl in par4:rarbli 6 and' ur lhis IIUSl deeU. ~han be added 10 and becume ~ p:1rt nf Ih.t: debl ~curt:u hy this lrust deed, wilboUI wai'lCr orally ri1blS arising (rom brt:ach uf any u lhe eowI10nl$!v;:rcDf. For ~uch p~Yll1enls, wilb inlen:;t a< afmtsaid, the pmper- Iy hereinllcfon: described, Illi well :IS llle gralllor, shnlf be ooulld 10 tbe liaDlC c.lenl lhallhey are hound 1111 lhe paymenr "r the obh!{a1inn herein de~cribed. All ~uch -';":')'1Ilt:'1~ lil;:l.:i I..... rmr.-~"':i.'fdi" ,h..::.~.-",;l1',1y,;I;!~ ."'iti~':\l.il. '''''icr',.J!I)~!t:; ~.\!!!~'!yn~,'.n! Iben:"r.sl~1ll. 01 the optiun of the l:>cneficiul)'. reOller ullsulIlS l'Ceuretl by Ihis lruSI deed irumerJiately due nnd pnyal;lle and libull C<lnl~IIIt'" a b;\:I,,:h,,( I!u~ !:',;~[ ~e-~ci. '.- -. -- . - . - _ _ _. m_ 6. To pay aU CUllJ:. fees and elpenses of Ihistrusl. including lhe eosl ~f Illle Icardl, as well:l..~ Ine <llher COSIS and elpCllSCS uf ~x: (rll.;lc,<: in:urrev iu CUII- nection wilh or in cnforcing Ibis oblig:llion. 3Dd tl1lll~ anll :IIlnme)' fees ~eluaIlJ' iu~urred. . 7. To appear in anu defend any action or proceeding pUrJXIrtillS 10 affecllhe recurily ri~bls Of p<lIYCf!l uf bencflciary ur UUSler::; and in ony suil. aclion or pm- ceetling in Which the beneficiary or U\Jstee mny of'llCllr, including' llOy ~Uil for the fon:d\l$ure flrthis dCl:l! u. 'I1Y SUil or ~clion rdalcd 10 lhis instrumenl. illelndlOg but nOllimiLed to irli \'alidifv lIOdJorenforreabilily. fO pay all eoslli and expenses. ,nduding evi,lenec IIflillcund the beneficiary's nr Inmee'! atlomc)' fe~li. The amount of anomey fe~ mc11liOn~l(in Ihili pamglllph in all Cll.'IC1 sh.:lIl h~ fI~cd by lhe: lri.:dcoon, nnd illln.: cl'l.'nl of ~n ~T'peal frolll ~ny jurlgO\cnl or d~err::e uf lilt: l!i~1 COlll1, grantor funbcr al!lt'Cs tt> pay ~uch ~um as lh~ appcll.:ue cUun .ball adjudge r!:ll!oMble os the bencflculry'l ullrllslee's allorney fees un such nppeo!. II iSlUUlU;,jllyogreed1h:lL: 8. In Ibe e~enllhal uny JlOrtionm all of lbe propeny sh~1l he laken under lhe right nf cminent dUlJlain N condcllmalion. bcndiciary shall have the righl. if il so elects, IU n:quire Ihlll all or any pomnn orth~ mon;es payable Il.~ compcnslllion for luch loking wblchan: in e"ess ofllle ~1II0"11l re911in:d 10 pa}' all n:a~onahle COSlS, expcnscsand olllOmey fCl.'S nr:r:essarilypaiLl or inCl1l'1cd b}' grilnlorlOliuchp roc"'C.Jin~s.5haUhcpatd.obcnefida.ryandapplicdbY!lfi"'luponnnyreo5"nilble cost! and expenses and "uomer ft:l.'~ both in Ihe ui:d und app<:lIalc COI101. nC'CC:,sorily pnid or incurred h)' beneficiary in such proceeding-s, and lhe hal;lOce ~pplte,1 upon lhe indebredness secured hereby_ Gl'lIntor agrc:r:.. UI il.< nwn C!lpeno;e, 10 lake such JCliflRS Ilnd exeCl!tI: such InltrunICnl1 u.~ .h.llllc ncce~lary \11 ob\a\Oin~ ouch cUllIpen.~aLi\l1l promptly uponbeoeflciaI)"S n:qucSI. "fOn, Tho Tru&t ~d Ael proitl<lu !hil' I....''''.... he,i1undat mull bo .11M<11l ono""'y wbo;. In leU.. motnbo, ollh. 0"'11011 $1010 6&,; . Mnk, !lUsl comp..~ Or ..vlng. ~nd loon I ...l;Id"';"n lU,hOfllod I<> do bu.lnt""nd., 111_ "'... '" Or_lIOn.. th. Un,IM Sut..... Uti_ in."......... c",,",snV i1u'h..i..dl<> ;n.".. tilll 10 r." p.rop."~ oIlh.. .'11'. III .utI.,di.';I.. . &1l11ill... &90n.. ", broncn.., "'" Unlltd SI.... or .~y '!IOner Ih.reo!... ".n .ocr.... a!i'Onlll_Hd.unclor OilS 6IL~IIC &is.515. 'WARJ\ilNG., 12 USe 1111'1.3 ~1I"1&lac snd moy praM,;1 ....el.. 01 11l1. ca""": . ..T""pubh.""<""gg.....lhill.ue~a~ogra.....n'a.dd'...'".I..".oIGb11;nongbonorlc;_'Y'...._~incomplo..dotIolI. ate Receivedc .MAR II 2011 Original SubmittaL . . I fJ} 9. At any tim:::, nnd from timc 10 time upon ",lincn reque$l ofbc:neficiary, payment of its fL'CS and JI~$enlalioo IlflhisdcOO IlIId Lhe note for endonc.ment.fin <iUC of full ~convey~m:es. for emIr=I1~lion), without alTecting the liability of any person for [he pDyment Urine intlcbledncu. lrUSrc.c may (~) consenlln the: m:uaog of my mllp or plllt of the propeny; (b)juin in grnotinganyeaso/TICIIlorcreminganyresulc linotller",.1n:ic)joininIlllY~l,loordjrl3l.ionorolheragrcemenlaffcClinglhis deed or the lien or chDl'!:c the-reof: or (d) reconvey, witholll w=y, all Or nny pon of 110: vroreny. The granwe in IlIIY n:con~e)'lInce rnay Iv: described us the upcr_ sun Dr plnOll..lcg1llly entitled lherero.~ Ind the recirak lhen:in of any mailers or raclS sholl be eonc1usi'olC proof uflhe truthfulness lhw:of. Trustee Jees for any cflb.: l'I:rvicesmemioncdiolhisp:lfocnphdmllbcnollt:sslhaH$S. ' I 10. Upon "II)' defnull by gralllor hereunder. beneficiary m~y. ~IIll\Y liuie Willloul nlllio:, eimer in pet'JOD. by Ilg~t\l. or by a receiVl:r 10 be appolnlcd by a court, andwilh<.lUtregardll)lheadcquaC)'of:inysccl.lrilyforlhcind~bledness herehyseclm'd.enlCrUplllllJldlalepossclsillno(lhepropenyoranypan lllerenf.miuown namesueurot.hc:rwisecollcctlhelenls,lssucsalldprofils.indudinKlllosep;LIfdueandUllpaid,andapplylhesarm.Jcs;o;oiuandclfl<'IISC50foperatiWllllldcoUee. lion, including ""3sollable IlIlumey fees., upon nny indehtedness seellred hen:by, amI in such (ll'I,/cr as benel1ciary m:ry delermillC! .. II. Thcellferingup"'~llIldlak.inllposSC.'lsiOllofthepmpelfy, Ihccollr:dionofulCh n::nls, 15Sucsandprofil:i, OItheproc=edsoffin::a.ndothcrltmlran~-.:'polt- cies or ~"CIrIl(lC"ni<Uilm Ofllwuds forany laking or liamnge orthe prol"'ny, and lhe appliCOllion or release lbcreof as afol'C's.:Ud, ,h.:.ll not cure or w!live any dcfuullOf 1I00ieellfdcf:1U11 here...nder, III lIIvalldtllenny act done pUmlarrr wSlI"hlWlio:. I .. I::!.. Upon dcfuuh by ~r.utlorin p:lYlllelll ofuny illllebledncss >Cl:urcd herehy orin granlor's performance atony ~Breement hen:under. tllne belllg ofllle essence Wilh =recllO such paytnem andlor performance, IRe bene~ei~ry m~y dedare all .rums sccn!ed hen:by immediately duc and pII:fabk. In su~h cverlr. lhe bencfici;ll)' may elccllO 1'f(l\:ced 10 (om:losc lhi~ InlSt d~d in equity lIS ~ mongage or din~cllb~ lruslCC 10 fortclose lhis !rUSI deedby lIdven~cmt:n1 ;lnd sak. urJnay.di~l..lIv. -.. INslee In pursue OilY Ulhcr righl or rt:l11edy. eilher.at l;lw.OI" in_eqUIty. w!J:~b ~"::-benefici::ry m~)-tu...,. In U... evc"m -tlie benefiCiary clCCls 10 foreclosc by a.-\ycnise. rn.:nl and sale. Ihc beneficiary or lhe lruSl~ shall exeeUle and cause 10 be re:~orded a wrinen ntltlce of def;lull andclcclion III sclllhc pmpeny 10 snlisfy lhe obliga- lion ",I;lrn.:d hereby wllereupon rhe lru!>lO: sh;lll fix Ih" lime ~Ild place of ~alc, give nOlice lhereof as then requilM by law and proceed 10 foreclose this tillS! deed in UIC U1=rprovided in ORS 86.735 tn 86.795. I 13. Afler the lrustee has commcn=l foreclosure by ndvinisclllclu :lnd sale. and al any time prior 10 5 dayl bcfu.rc lhe d~c lhe tf1l$\CC cOliduClS lhe sale, lhe !r.mlOr or any Olher pcrsoll so privi1e~ by ORS 86.153 IIII1Y cure lhe defaull pr rlcfaubs. If Ihe defeult COnsisls of 8 failure 10 [)SY. whm du<:, s...ms secured by lhe trust d=d, tbe defauh may be cured by poying lhe entire umounl due allhe lime Ofllle CUle OIher lhnn snch ponion as would nOllhen be: due had nu defuuh occum.'li. Any olber defnult IJlat iscapubleofbcingeured lIlayheeurtd by lendering lhcpc rfomJllllce required W1derlheohligalionoru\lS{dc:ctl. In 311YCasC, illoddilinll 10 curing ~ ddauh'or defaultl. the per$oll effecling lhe cure ~h~lI pay 10 the bem:ticiary all COSlS nod expenses aCluully incum:d in 'cnforcing thc obli~ntion of lhc lro..l deed, logelher wilh tnIS1i:C ~lId aNomcy fe.:, nOl e~eeedjng lhe anwunts provi<kd by I:lw. I 14. OLhcrwisc, the salt: shall he held on lhe date nnd III UlCllime and place d""ignatcd in !he nOliee of lale or lhe lime \{I wbicit I~ sale muy be po~poned as pf"O\'ided by law. lllc UU'ICC may sdll~ propeny eilher in one pan:eI or in st..".,.me parcels and shnlll~1 the ~=l or pa=1i :at ~UClionlQ lhc hillheSl bidder for ..wt., payable III Ihcdmcofsnlc. TIUSleeshatldcliverlolhe pUlchag:fiudCold ill fpmlun:quircdby laweOllvc:yiIIg lhe propcnl so iol d.bulwilhnutIIlYl:lI"enllllt or WllmlJlfY, cx.prc$.l or implied. The recitals in the d=! of any mancrs of fact shull be conclusive: pruof of lite lrlJlhfulness lhcn:o .Any person, cxcluding lbe lru~I~, bUlindwJillglhclilr.mlOrandbcm:fieiary,mnypun:hasealtl>esale. I IS. WhClIlmstl9: sells PUrsUllUt10 lhc powen provided herein, ltUStee ~lutIlllpp'y the proo:.ocds of HIe 10 paym::ru of: (I) the Cl:pcnscs of sale. including lbe compcnsatiunuflhelrUSleCllld arcasorrabk:chllrgebytlUSlee'sauomey;(2)lOlheobligalion!iCCuredbythe,lnl$ltleC:d:(3)1O~1I pcrsolllbavingrecor<l<:dlienssub- sequenllothe inlere~toflhelrU51reinlhcll1lS1dct:duslheirilltereSlSl1'layappearintheordcroflhcirpnMly;und (4)lheslUJllu$,iflllly,tolbe~rfllltnr,orlOany successor in inlerc.st entitled 10 such surplus, ' I' . 16. Beneficiary may, frollltimc lUlime. nppoinlll SOCCI:'Sior Of SUCCCS$llrs 10 Bny lrustee named herein or In QOY iUC=of1lnmee IIppoimcd hereunder. Upon sucb ~ppoin!mcnl, and wnhout con~l:yam:c Illl~ sllccessorlrusl~, the lauersJu.ll be veiled w~h alt lirle. POWCl'S and dUlies conferred upon MY lrusree Ilerein n:lmcd ot appomu.:.d hereund~ Each soch appoinlrnenr IInd subslitwlOll dIall he IIlllde by wrillell i~strUlllcnl execuled by beneficWy,whjch, wlleD relXlrded in lhe mOl1ga!;C records of the cnunty or coun,lies in which 1m: property is silualed. shall be conclusive fJroof of proper ~ppoinlmenl of lhe lucc:>sor UUitt(:. . 17. Trustee aC'Cep15 IhlS trusl when this deed, duly eIecu~d and ocknllwledgcll, is tnade. public rewrd as provided by laW, TrUSlee is not oblig:ued 10 notHy IInypanyherelDofpcndjn&snleundcrDnyolherd~'CdoflruslorofanYIICliunorproceulinginwhichgl"'.Ullor,benefici3{yorlrullcC'hallbcnpartyunll;:sssuchflCfion orpr1JCt:Cdingiibroug'lllbytrIlSICC. . I . . The grtlnlllr cllven~nls lO:md ~grees wilh lhe beneficiary and lhe benefici~1)"s SllCcessOrs In intrn:slllut the ~nll)l" i$lawfully sej~ in fee simple oflhe real propeny and has II vll.lid, unencumbered lille therelo, except as 1l1ay be $eI forlh in any nddendum orelhibilll1l8ched herelo, ~nd lliall,,", gmlllor will wamull ana for. everdefendtheillffiCngnillSlallpcrsulISwhomsoever. , I WARNING: Unless grantor provides bendiciary with evidence of insurance coverllSe as required by the contract or loan agree- ment between them, beneficiary may purcha..re insurance lit gromor's explmse 10 protect beneficiary's inlerest. This insurance may, but need not, also protect gruntor's interest. If the collaH:ral becomes damaged, the coverage purchased 'by beneficiary may nOI pay l!!Iy d~im_f!ladc.Jly_oogainsLgrnntor..Grantor may lalcr.c&nceHhe'coverugc hyjprtividing evidence' thai granior hiis-ohtained- p'wp- eny coverage elsewhere. G~antor is responsible for Ihe cost of any insurance coverage purchased by be~eficiary, which cost mny be added to grantor's contract or loan balance. If it is so added, the interest ratt: on the underlying contraCl1or loan will apply tn it. The effectivc date Of coverage may be the datc gramor's prior coverage lapsed or the date,granlor failed lolprovide proof of coverage. The coverulle beneficiary purchases may be considerably more expensive Ihan insurance grantor mightlotherwise obtain alone and may not satisfy nny need for properly damalle covr::roge or any mandatory liability insurancc requirements imposed oy applicable ~.. I The grantor Wlllt:ll\ts lh~tlhe proceeds of the loan reprcsclllcd by lhe abOI'C described nOle nnd this lrust deed an: (choose one):- {ul~~;oDq]eKMIU:~lIlXJlO>lX~~ti:Irlot!H. I (b) for IIll urg~lli2ll\ion, IIr le\ll:1l if granwr i~ a nalur~1 p,:rson} an: fur bu~ine$5 or cumlllercial purposes. This deed IIpplics to, Inures to lhe benefit of, and binds aU pnnies herelo, lheir bl:irs. lell'llec:s, devuees, Ildmiai!>ll1tlors, C=IOIi. personal representalil'es. suca:~"S(lrs !tnd IISsi~ns. The lenn beneficiary shall mean lhe holder aDd owner, including ptedSce. of IIle conlrael secured hereby. whelher or nOl numed as a hcncfi. eraryrerein. ' . . t In CllnSlruin~ this llUSI deed, il is undel$lood that the grantor, truSlce and/or hcndiciary may each be mon: lh.ut one pellon; Ihm if !he conlul sa n:qUllC~. lhe singular shall be l~ken 10 lneBn and illclude me plumJ, IInd thai gCl\eroll)' nil gnllllmaliCllI change~ ilmll be m3de, assumed IIId implied 10 nukc lhe provisions hl:~ ofapp!y equally 10 corponltinns and 10 imjivlduu~s. .' I' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has execuled Ihis instrument the day and year first wrincn above. "IMPORTANT NOTICE: Delete, by lining out, whlcheverW8"lInty (a) or -CCJS2HOLDINGS LLC I (bJ Is lnappllcilble. Ifw8rranly \81 Is appllcable and the benefieillryi 8 ___~______________l~~___,_~~ 8T---- -------;-- 8 creditor aa ouch word it; do ined in the Truth-I~Londlng Act and Bv. - . t Regulation Z, the beneficiary MUST comply with lhe Act and :..l.~ - - - - - -...-:~~-------fr----:i. .. Regulallon by making required dIsclosures. II compliance with the . D n . Act Is not requlrad, dleregard this noliee. R:i:;~- _ _ __ ":"8~_8__ __8U_________:_!:::1'..: STAlE OF OREGON, County of -~--.------~) ss. t. I J This ins~;ent was j1e}mowledge1 befprsll],e ~f7m.L./~JFa.L-L~~f!L, by ____~____A!1--KMlv.l~_L!J._~ JJIJ.U.J_________________. This instrument was acknowledged before me on _-=-____l_____:..___n___, by -:-_~_____________________8_________~_L___~____.:._~__ as _______-=.;___.:..:.._.___________~_8_________________L__________________~ ~. . of :~;,~~;;.;frk,L~-------~;~~-f~?tl#~f~c1I-===~~=~-=~=~~ ;~; NOTARYflU8UC-OREGON ',,' . "L /Zl~y ~~' COMMISSION NO. 376516 My commISSIOn expires _a..JL _It_m___________._______ '1 U'fCOOLllSSlOODPlllESfEB1ItlARYI7,m I AEaUE~T FOR FUL.L. RECONVEYANCE (To be uaed only when obligations. have been p'ald.) . .. TO: ______8_________8___~___. Truslcc ' . I Thcundcrsi&ncdisll>elegDlownerMdhold.:rofallilldebtwllC$lll;CcuredbYlheforegoinglrusrllccd.AlIllIlll$SCC1IrodbYlhclruSfdeedhavebce.nfulJypaid 1ID4 smisJje~t You herehy aredl!"CCled. 011 p"ymenllll )'011 IOfany sums llWing W YOIl underllle lerll\i ofille lrutl deed or l'ur.\uanllO SI.atUle. 10 cfuu:cl ~1I evidences of IIIdebtcdne:is liCCUrcJ by rile 1111>1 deed ("'hich IIrc ddiverer! lO you herewIth togelher wim the lrusr deed) IIId to reconvcy. witlllJUI w~mlllly, 10 lhe panie:s d<:sig- IIR1ed by lhelernll ofrhelrusldecd.lhccsl~lenowhcld]1y you undertl>esamc. Maillbe R:Conve)"'JlICllllllddocumentslo 8_____.2..-_________ .---------------------------------------------------------------------------1------1)----- DATED --____________________ -------------------i---------------ate Fo ec ~:~~~:8~os" or ~esl!Z~ this in."t Deed OR mE NOTE which It I Bo~ sllould .... .loliverecl to the trustee for cancellation before --8----8---------B;;efici;;;-I---------n--~, A ~ . l1:.~r~:'~~:.~e Is made. ~ 1 eived: I o' - - 1-- oglnal SubmittaL_;_____ 2011 ",,' i -;-;- , . ".- - - -- - .- State of Oregon ) ) ss. County of Lane ) . This instrument was acknowledged before me by Sheila Moore on this 21" day of May, 2007. . .O~y4~) Notary Public for Oregon Commission Expires:. April 23, 2011 (I OFFICIAL SEAL J~;.F ELDER NOTARY PUBUC.QREGON . COMMISSION NO. A416159 MY COMMISSION tx:oIA"~ APRIL 23, 2011 Date Received: . MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . (' .~ .~, . . i -' ~ EXHIBIT A . PARCEL I' ..., ,., '. " ..', ,c' '., ,"', .', "." . . . ,.: d':,:' ,." '. ;'>"', :'::':" . .::':~"":"~'. :::::u"'~:"_".. :.: ",'.:.";',.:.".:."':' ,"::',:".; ,:....... ,'" ....... ;"':""~"I.."...'.:I ,,"'''.rC':':.l BegiIUling at the N9rthwest corner. of Lot 10; .Glenwood Park, as platted .apd recorded in Book "T", Page 481, Lane County Deed Records, Lane CClUntY,'Oiegon;' thence Souih 195.3O'feet along the West line of Lot 10; thence South 88' 22' East 224.40 feet; then6e North to the North line of Lot 10; thence Westerly along the'North line of Lot 10 to the point of beginning, ',.; .". ",."', .Il.... PARCEL II BegiIUling at a point on the West line of Lot 10, Glenwood Park, as platteq and recorded in Book ~'T",Page 480, Lane County Deed Records,l"ane County; Oregon, SQuth,O[)' 25'-East-l95:30 feet' from the Northwest corner of Lot 10; thence South 00"25' East 137.50 feet along the West line of Lot 10 to the Northerly line of 14th Street, ifsame is extended West; th~nce North 89' 35' . I East 224.32 feet along the Northerly line of 14th Street, if extended West; thence North 00' 25' West 125.65 feet; thence North 88' 22' West 224.40 feet to the point of beginning. . . Together with a 30 foot easement for right of way, the North line of which liS described as . follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of 14th Street, jfthe same is extended West, South 00' 25' East 332,80 feetJiom the Northwest comer of Lot 10, GlenWood Park, as platted . . . . 'I and recorded in Book'.'T'';' Page 481, Deed Records ofLane County; thence North 89' 35' East . . . . : ," ',' . , , :1" . " ..' -.' '. .. .".. . :.~!,.. '.' . !:.' ..,'i" . 644.40 feet.to the West line ofHehdersOli Avenue., " , . " ..:,f"'" !.;: . . ".1.-.'--, :,.,"'. :',1:: "", , "":, .,' "," 'I' '.. .... . . '.,. '. ""','" . ':"-.~. ;:.". .. '.;. .>- Exhibit A -i . . ",' Date Received: MAR f f 20ft . 0riginal Submittcii____ .. -... . -::,-::.-'.-.--- . . . . " . . - . . . , , ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engineering Division Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 I STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK . I ----- (Area below tlri..{j line filled out by Applicant) ----- I (Please relu/'n 10 Mutt Stouder@CityofSpringfield Public Works Engineering; Fax # 7,36-1021, Phone # 736-103;.) Project Name: Glenwood Op Applicant: KPFF - (CoAtac!: Anna Backus) Assessors Parcel #: 34 1703 Lot 900 & Lot 201 Date: February 8, 2011 Land Use(s): CorrimunityCommercialPhone #: 541-684-4902 Project Size (Acres): 1.74 acres . Fax #: 541-684-4909 Approx. Impervious Area: 0.90 acres Email: anna.backus(a)kpffcivilpdx.com w; '.;:i~>':i-;T~;;;m~Wtf{~,j,'ni'lrl:3.U"i";.;t:tl}1't''i.~~ii-l:7''4',-:',li~;: i,'~,':';i:~,~;'V;:;"i:::lf>.~-; f,~~;"Si'0.~,;_"-"..,,Ct-'i1i.)iii.,~7_Hp.-!~~;H;:\:;';iA'?;;:~:2,'.,:;~<;:'!';i.~ri t;',-";M~,t"o,:'~',"".,,;,~, ~'/~H;,"'" ,-;"<l'.lr.\:;''-':7J ;"JPi.~I~~" C..,j'. -, h Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): The project includes a medical office building, the associated parking lots and sidewalks, and stonnwater treatment areas. Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additionAl sheet(s) if necessary: The storm runbffwill be disposed of completely through infiltration. The infiltration bd.sins will be sized to infiltrate up to the 25-year storm. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: The infiltration basins will be sized and designed based on Portland's BES Stonnwater Management Manual. h -..... , "',' " -,'_ , '; ; ,-- , - ,:' "'::' ~ I _ - " " _~ (Area below' this linefzlled outbv' the Cih' alld Rettirfled'io-fhe"Avolicant) J .---' ", ,t" ,(At a minimum, all boxes checked by the Clty on thefront and back of this sheet shall be submitted' .' .. for an applzcation to be completefor submittal, although' other requirements ,hay be necessary ) I Draina2:e Studv Tvpe (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UR may be substituted for Rational Method) o Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (u;e Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) E . Ie . od . I fi\'lrOnmenta onSI erations: . I o Wellhead Zone: 0 Hillside Development: I o Wetland/Riparian: 0 FloodwaylFloodplain: o Soil Type: 0 Other Jurisdictions: Downstream Analvsis: o N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: I I I Return to Matt.Stouder Iii) City of Snrinafield, email: mstouderwcLsDrinafie"i.or.us, FAX: (54}) 736-1021 Revised 11/19/09 I Date Received: , II MAR 11 2011 . 9 of 10 Original Submittal . I ...",.. . . . Stormwater Drainage Report for Glenwood Op Springfield, Oregon Prepared For: Robertson Sherwood Architects 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, OR 97401 Prepared By: KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, Oregon 97401 KPFF Project No. 310814 February 2011 Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal~__~.~___ . . Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................1 I 2. EXISTING CON DITIONS ...........................................................................................................1 2.1 Description of Pre-Development Site .....................................l.....................................1 2.2 Pre-Development Drainage ....................................................1......................................1 I 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .....................................................................................................1 3.1 Description of Proposed Development...................................I......................................1 I 4. HYDROLOGIC ANALySiS.......... ................................................................................................ 2 ::~ ~~~~~:~~I~po~:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ I S. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS.....................................................................2 1.1 Water Quality & Disposal........................................................!................................:....3 I 6. PROJECT OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................3 Appendices APPENDIX A: DRAWINGS Existing Conditions Proposed Basin Map . . GLENWOOD OP SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Storm Drainage Report has been prepared for the proposed Glenwood Op Project located on Franklin Blvd. approximately 400' east of Glenwood Blvd. in Springfield, Oregon. This report presents the results of the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for the new development and describes proposed storm drainage improvements that will meet or exceed City of Springfield storm drainage criteria and standards. 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1. Description of Pre-Development Site The Glenwood Op property is approximately 1.73 acres total in size and located on Franklin Blvd. The site is bounded by Franklin Blvd. to the north, 14th St. to the south, and commercial properties on the east and west. The lane County Soil Survey indicates the following soil types are present on the site: Newberg-Urban land Complex Camas-Urban land Complex Fine sandy loam 97 Gravelly Sandy Loam 23 Most of the site is comprised of Newberg-Urban land Complex, and only a very small area in the southeast corner is Camas-Urban land Complex. Infiltration tests show that the soils on site have good infiltration rates once the silty top layer is cleared. 2.2. Pre-Development Drainage The existing site conditions rely on the water infiltrating into the ground. Site runoff currently drains to the low area just south of the middle of the site as well as to the far south end, where it fully infiltrates. There are no existing storm drains on site. Additionally, some runoff from the properties to the east, west, and south infiltrates on the Glenwood Op site. An existing ditch that runs from Glenwood Blvd. east to the proposed Glenwood Op site conveys and infiltrates runoff from the bike path and 14th Ave, which are south of the proposed site. 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 3.1. Description of Proposed Development The proposed Glenwood Op development area is approximately 1.73 acres and consists of the Glenwood Op building and the associated parking lot areas and sidewalks. All 1.73 acres will be disturbed, although the impervious surface will be minimized. Date Received: KPFF Project No. 310815 Springfield, Oregon 1 MAR Won Storm Drainage Report Originaf~,,&'f..,"Ii"\~P~f . I'. . . GLENWOOD OP SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 4. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 4.1. Computer Modeling Several spreadsheets based on the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method are used in the calculations of this report. These spreadsheets were used fdr the conveyance, water quality, and peak runoff calculations. The spreadsheets used for the water quality calculations meet the criteria outlined in the I City of Portland's SWMM (Storm Water Management Manual) and have been approved by the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) on Jimilar projects KPFF has completed in the past. I Precipitation data for the respective storms are City of Springfield design storms. I TABLE 4.1- 24-HR PRECIPITATION FOR SPRINGFIELD, OR (NOAA Atlas 2, Volume X) " -4gHRj~ric:_ipit~-tiqhlr4:h~;ill~00~~ 25 4.8 4.2. Post-Development Curve numbers for impervious and pervious areas used in the computations were 98 and I 80, respectively based on a Type 1-A rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. The drainage basins are identified in the Basin Map drawinJ found in Appendix A. Impervious and pervious areas were calculated using the proposed ~ite plan drawings. S. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The proposed Glenwood Op will meet or exceed all requirements of the Springfield Development Code and the City of Springfield Public Works Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSP). I. The proposed storm drainage system consists of a piped roof drain system, conveyance and overflow ditches, and infiltration basins that provide disposal and treatmeht of 100% of the run-off from the site's impervious surfaces. These infiltration basins will also tr~at and dispose of some runoff from the neighboring sites. . 1 The existing ditch at the south of the site will be preserved and, in some places, improved. It will convey runoff to an infiltration basin in the southwest corner of the site. [ThiS basin will also treat runoff from the property to the west. On the east side of the Glenwood 0p site, a ditch will catch runoff from the property to the east and convey that runoff to the basin i~ the northeast corner of the site. [ Date Received: MAR 111 2011 I Storm Drainage Report Original Submittal Febr"ary 2011 KPFF Project No. 310815 Springfield, Oregon 2 . . GlENWOOD OP SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 5.1. Water Quality & Disposal Infiltration Basins All runoff will be collected, treated, and infiltrated by vegetated infiltration basins. Vegetated infiltration basins are flat-bottomed, shaliow landscaped depressions used to collect and hold stormwater runoff, allowing pollutants to settle and filter out as the water infiltrates in to the ground. The native soils have a relatively high infiltration rate of 12 in/hr, so the infiltration basins will be able to infiltrate up to a 25-year storm event. See Appendix D for the infiitration tests. The basin map is included in Appendix A. The complete water quality and quantity calculations and worksheets for the basins are in Appendix B of this report. 6. PROJECT OVERVIEW This Storm Drainage Report as prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) describes the concepts and design intent for stormwater management at the Glenwood OP project in Springfield, OR. Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal KPFF Project No. 310815 Springfield, Oregon 3 Storm Drainage Report February 2011 . . . Appendix A: Drawings Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal '. ~ ;1 , ~I ~\ I, I: , , , _ i 'i~ ~1I~~! ~~ e, l~~~~~~~ ~.. ~"~ ~t~;~~r" .' ~-~~g~~r:~ ~~:: ~~ ~~~g!~it~~~s ~i ~ll~;~~ t~ ,':1-;: ~;~F~ . !!~ ~;~~! ~i'i I hi' ., ~ Y:E ~Gf - ~.~~ I" i ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ i 'I' Ii; '" H~ ~~8 ~~~ ~:ti f5~ ~~; i~! ~~~ ',- M ~;~ ~~,; i~; '" ;~:- !~~ .. \; '\\ \~ \ , ~ - \ fi~~- \m~ '0 ~z :::;;;:.. ~~; - ~ ~ ~ 0" ~ . -. .. -, \ ", .- " ,-\- ...... 3 ii\ , , \ \ '\... ........ \ , \ \ "''''. ..... \ , I , , .~. i ..~.. , I , ....\ '>"'" , I , , , . , , , , , , , , \ , \ i i~~ i.~lI~ \~fn~ I~d~a ti~i l",~ ~r.~i. '-'"I ~"~ . , ; ~ , 3 ~g ,0 """ i 0 I"!. 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I' /1 1.' \ l ~ ]\ \ \ Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal b ~ ~c.. 900 U- 00 zO <cO ...I~O ClI:z':7 LU ~ > LU w 0...1;;;' ()&l , rn MOl.;i:S\;Il 6N.p'''dDDS:;; PUOP"^O\pod<l1:J WJOlS - 6\IOIL\S3IonlS-SHlOd3<J\do poO"'!)"I;) - tIBOlr\OI02:\dV)\:O :"I',:! ,....,.."'" ! , , i i 'I " ,. " !! > 'l ,. ~~ i !l , , i____ , ___J M",.,"',.vl.......~SI "",,,"'M J "",""_0_.. I '~-"""'''''''''' I~ blllPlI"S 1:lIYO';~-~~~-;;O-;OOMUII~ T --- '- -.;.,-;-- -;;;.::::]~' --.------.- =-:~=_c::.~-..:,_. ---....-.. ...."'-.....-..,- . "'99IJ,6u3!5UlJir>$UO:;J I uOfPll4suoJJOj~oN NVld ' :uOIsSJwqns MiI,^l~ .5 Al;Illln ~ 3~VNIVl:la Wl:IO.LS &<6""'''0',,.'>0] OI';"'s"",,,"'e,"nn ~ Spal!~JJ\f1 pOOMJa4~ U05lJaq01:f "'~~"J,~"'''''-:''~'''''~''~_s:'; ,Ii,' ni n i;,,'; ,'i H 'l! .. II .. il .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.. ~ ...... ~~~ ....dj~i!li!!~:E:~ ;;:;,:'! g~Si",i~~ ~~..~~i~~~~~ ." Ii " " ~~~~~ l7. B a ~ !il " ~ ~ J ~ >. j . o 88;. " I I , , . No<rUOO''',,"1.1T Iii I , .- ---~-- /' ~-~-=..:_+- _ --.....>6'-- ----<;- cc- - ~ --< , ~., . [.;::-~ r \~, \, \ , \\ " " ,0 ! ~ ! ! ; , , '1\\ I'. \\ , , ! ~ ., " ~~ , , I 0 ! z 5 0 ~o :;0 ! 00 0:;' , ; w" 2tJ: I 2 . , .---$ 0 , ! ; ~~ ., ,~ oS " ~ z ;l ~ I'; \\ ~,\\ ;.'1 ; \\ 1\\ l,o \\f,;:I'.:m;:h i! ~:iili,!j~t!: , , , , , \ Ii, 1 , \\ Ii, \t " " I: 7.2.lj. _ -lo \~~ 8,;, l.!l,\. III i , t l'lo ,. .' , ! l~lJl ,,,,''. l'OZ9Hl/I.." ~ _au.",o ~ ~ I :i Ii i w ~ ~ ~ ,- iI- -10 1\, I_I ' Ii . I I! ! ~ ol-'j"'i! !' i: i' I I , , ,j '! ~I , I ! :1 " I' I ,C) fl ~' "I q J . ,., bU!PllnEln!Uo 11!)lpa.-.dO pOOMUer!) ""1.6""0'"'0''''''' Q,,"""'"'''''''''' """", A.H.LtJV:>:lv.l NO~3"V::> Nlfld lOOUNO::> lV::>ll~3^ uozal,SI )0 Spal!4JJvIPOOMJ94Sluos:paqoH UOlpnJlsuo:;lJOI ~oN :UOlsslwqnS Miill^iltl allS i I ! ,I ~~ ~~ .0 ".~ ~~~ ~~~ , Ii '" 0' l5~ ~ !" ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ " e' I' :1 ~ ~h u ~ ~~~ ~~ e ~<.!>w ~_ ( " Sl>:l ,::'il! u'u 1-(. " ~ ;; ....~ ~: ~i 1 '.~". l: , o , ~, . il ''-. ,I~ ~ l H gS ~~ l , 8 ! 8 l i o I 1 i ~ I I !o E ~ ~'.< ~ ~~! ~ :> ~a .. Ii! ~l5 I ~~ ~l II i: i I tl ~ '- \ ~I \1 ~ i' ii' I*g iQ'" ~~;:: .. \\"n\ ._,=.::::.:~. . \. ~ I l I: o_ j r > ~ ~ '\ \ ~ O' , , 'r'\-' I ~ ~ . ;; ~ . ""0~ __' <1.\ ,'. ,..;,;J ui~ >'-. o o a; M W ~ , ~ ~ '.:\ ~~\ I ~ ~ o. z, ~L ~ ~t ~~ " j f ~~ ~ it ,i~ ~:/.. -~ o 11 .11 11 ! i I! tii it t J i1 fi, i! {,I :j '.t !i "I . "& ir~ : . ~ Ii rei I, l I H !81 H : r I! ,II :. I.! ~] <Ii 1: l~ II !!' III d ! iJ 'Ii " IJ' I .~ iE! jlll! II Hl ;11 .' Ij j! "r" ~ i ~JlI .to li" ill U" H! :i Ii !',! lill I'll II '1 '.1 lit- 'j' !l !! liE iill i,l iJ 11 I . r , , j ! I t [ I J j .i I; r ' , ~ j I ! ~ ! 11 1 , . ~ 5 i ~ Ii ; . i j I lif i 1111 ! 1J ! t II ! ~ !( ..; .. .tl ~ "..:" 'I r;'..o,::r., ~~v'{; ~ ,<1"1 -It;' " ili I"~ ~' ! .~.- _.~ HI - ", ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ I !i! ~ ~ i Original SubmittaL__ '"~''' N ....J ,~r" l ~ l.... :.~ i~ " ,- . ~ I 'I I, " z <( .....J a.. .....J o 0::: I- Z o () .....J <( !; I , ;/ /1 ;r., -~ i T[~! ' Iii,' '" -"''''"''.I_.IUO.......Hn~HI> l . . Appendix B: Hydrology / Wa~er Quality Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal Designer: Company: . . Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Catchment Data Catchment ID:I Basin 1 Date: 02/15/11 Permit Number: NA Glenwood Op Franklin Blvd Springfield, OR Anna Backus KPFF Run Time 2/1612011 11 :32:57 AM -" . . Drainage Catchment Information Catchment I D Site. Soils & Infiltration Testing Data Infiltrat!~I],Te.~ti~gBroc.edure: 0 en Pit Fallin NativeSoil\F'i;;i;i;f&sted Infiltration Rate (I",,): ('; i _,'1':, 4" ::;",\.,~.'tj' - ;"' ElottclrTi.?tf.~cilitYMeets Required Separation Fr6rj)., High"Grotindwaled'er BES SWMM Section 1.4: 'i ; Correction Factor Component iC~,!~drqflg~~/r9m 1 to 3),.,,.-,,"-.' Design'lnfiltratiorf Rates Idiin';f~:~~,~:*~tt7 (~I~~~{f;~~j~~~;<-.,):~A;:~ ~"jt~'~.:~ Id~g'~-it,9!dm.RBrtei1:~:ow'~~\~~,d~u,r1):' r \.\,\ Impervious Impervious Time 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 ~ 0.2000 ~ ;: 0 0.1000 u: 0.0000 -0.1000 Printed: 2/16/201111:33AM , 1- ,1 i .-<r} :'":'\1 Ii I: ___________..,! l ,;:/ ------..'--1.: t' i.' !! Basin 1 19,661 0.45 ac 98 5 min. Head 7 in/hr ;:>,1 C ~di-H~ Yes' " (. \ } \ ';;,1] l" X:..,;\ Execute SBUH Calculations Peak Rate (cfs) -PR 0.081 1027 -2-yr 0.278 3558 -5-yr 0.339 4372 -10-yr 0.4 5189 -25-yr 0.461 6005 SBUH Results -. ,.,--, 11m " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N .,. <D co 0 N .,. <D co 0 N .,. ~ N '" .,. <D I"- 0:> '" 0 N '" .,. ~ ~ ~ Time (min.) Date Heceive MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . Facility Design Data Catchment ID: I Basin 1 I I RunTime 2/16/201111:32:57 AM Catchment 10: Basin 1 Date: I 2115/2011 import~d fife Infiltration Basin 1.xls. 2/16/201111:32:58 AM ~n~::n~~;:~:~Ch Stocmwatec HlecaCCh..:.:?I~. gO?,,_t~.~.fac. ;::t~',~,.~, ;,.~i. ,;,":,: :.::~:::,.~:.;:.>(,: .'.... ".,1, 2. Select FacIlity Type. ,__' <:',-' _,..;i.;."j;:~, .~';" '.'~;,i.;;:;';" ,-, ,;,<,:,~:;" ~~:"~F"\';:"" . ,~. ""!'" 3. Identify facility shap_e of sU,rfa_c;~:facmty to-more accurately_e~ti,r:n~te.su1Gl(;€: .~:~)~me;':~xcept for Swa}es" and sloped Plantec.' th~,.! us.e....th. e~,?..A.....:...,C..S..I~p....e..d.t~:Ci!iti(,W9rksheel't0 enter d~:!~::'hi;:i(~j?;,;r ,t,:;';: '," . ~~ 'f 'j"', 4. Select type of facHitycclnfiguralion.'i,.':t;.',c .,;'.:.:;,':.;" . , , . ',:;. ~ ,'. ::::::::.~~~~tffi,;;:1'''''"'; '~" ;~~\~,:t~~, :\{.: " ':r:~f~, "r ".':,,, ~'''' ;- " ~:,.,l:~~ .J:;.-;iJ!J .~ Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Project Name: Glenwood,Op - Hierarchy RESULTS box below needs to display... Category SWJ\l.'\1..Reqllirement P"U\\hl>D 10-rr{aka disposal) as a Rcductionasa I On-sileinfiltrationwirhasurfnceinfillrlllionfacilily. PASS PASS . I' ~;',~,ji'!!c,;j\!;jm"ili'Etfii~/I" 'I " Fadlity COnfiglfr,~tio~_: I " '~~ "'.. ',_' ::h. ...,,1,_' ~1i~~\~- ) '.'\ ~~,,~;<+ Facility Bottom Areo .. ' ~+;\' 1W ^'}J.ti A",. j'" ~\-'" ~~",;~.t,h,',~.:;-; .1"..,... (:ji::S Roc' ~t~~~~B~!~t:;~R~~2i;)~;~i;' "'-t':"~RockStoragli-Depth,::: 0 In-:'- \. ,~~~:~;': .. , ./ }-;~?'~~:i,i::*~;lnl~i:i-1 fac[!~tY'~rj:)_e::::;; Basin J ;:\if C~{:~:.~t. i:~~i-' f Fa~iJi,~. Sna'pft:l[Amoeba ! .,:,.,<:~,,',_ ._,"".c, """,'- ,,'.~ "<"--- ;~~;f":;:~~;: """, + Depth 1 i: ..1,' '( (. ~, , ,~- SideSlope~;< Bottom ...~"-"-' '" Perimet"'r~'-__ Length (p...) DATA FOR ABOVE GRXOE STORAGE COMPONENT \Faci,t~~,,~~~~p',?:~~~,= 2,333 sf BottO!1'P~~-'!'flet~!~engt~.,::;" 18B.Oft,: Facility Side Slope = 3 to 1 Storage Depth' 1 = 12.":' in Growing Medium Depth = 18. in F..eeboarcs Depth = N/A in Surface Capacit~'at p:g;~~1;7T~~;~;~~~~}~~~ht Infiltration Area at 75% Depth1'~'i;f;U;756:-!;-I-:S GM Design Infiltration Rate - ~~~~2;00i~;;r Infiltration CapacitY = 0;128:ii;~~' .'. .- ,i' " , ...~-</ ,- , , U :..._~_ -",_l--"C:~':;;:---- '-':,--~'--,! RESULTS Pollution Reduction Overfl~w Volume' 10-yr ~ ~ o CF 0%" o CF 18% Surf. Cap. Used~ ." Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = Sizing Ratio (Total Facility Area 1 Catchment Area) = #VALUEI #VALUEI Current data has been imported: . I Infiltrat;on Basin 1.'1' 2/16f20111U2058 AM ACILlTY FACTS Date Rec~ived: Printed: 2/16/201111:33 AM "MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . . Facility Design Data Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 CalchmenllD:laaSin 1 I RunTime 3j10/2011 3:36:53 PM CotchmentlD: Basin 1 Date: 2115/2011 .... '~-:::r~~jmporterj file Infiltration Basin 1 - 25 year.xls- 3110/20113:36:55 PM ~~~~~~:~Ch Stormi~;;,Hr~~~~?4~~~~]~lf:\~E~:~.: . 2,SelectFacilityTypett,,"k 0 (".'0 !-~":.~~,),\.(IA If I.;'., '. 3. Identify facil~W.s~~~ofSlJ~2.Ce!~i1ity 1?.'rDo1e$-a0Uralely' esti_iate,~Y'1ac~-vo!~~~ ex"ept for Swales and s1opedplantersthat.~se the PAC Sloped FacIlity Worksheet to enterdBta; 1 ':'J', 4. Select~pe?f\fa,cUrry:sonfiguration. ~'~~:;:~,.;_F-,\~,^",~ 5. CompJ~~ed~~!1ify~?," all highlighted cells. _~ '":> ""<l;:C:;;~:- Catchment fa~~;(;;~~~t~;fr.rchY Category. \...,~, '. ~,.;. . ' .', Goal sum!TIarY;;:tJKg;C<~Y- I '7 '-, ) "\;i>;i~,\ ' \ "',t''> :\. '. RI:"<';liLTS\>"xbd(>"nec"~u>t1ispllly... \\~_' P..lluliun 10.yr(aJ.a<!i'I'(J.<,;,1,I:\SlI "'~'>,...,/'-';~^"'" R,.t1urlllln:l';' ' ,',~"';"';l~ \ : \ ':~'-'>1Q\'1 . I'ASS NIA :;: ; ,~(;,........J.\ \ .",*,' ':'1 i '1'1 J 'M 1 J , 0 i Project Name: Glenwood Op , Ilil'rlln'h~ (;IIH~fI'1' SWM'\-lJ.lfiluin'ml'nl 3 OtT.sile now to Jrojnll!l~~Y' rjv.:r. ",. ~lOIm.ol1ly pipe ~y"l,'m. Amoeba /i"\ Side Slop<9 -~, Bottom'....."-- P!rime\er"'><::~:'- Length (P~) PlANTER_l_aAsIN/ I SWA,U: facility",,' 'I r'StoroQe Depth 1 Sollom Area \ rGM Depth jt,:----...I-I.'-.'. -rr[f' '.. " ~- tJ.^ r '::I~.:~"~~_~~U_~L"..._~!,) 0=0," .....'.; ,.c---' , .,-v:(. DATA FOR ABOVE GRAD~~RAGEC8!-1~',~~r:::;~E~?w'6~AD~ STORAGE Facility Bottom Area ~", 2.333, ,~t_, ~l,", ,:~f',jtlW'>>t', } '\_3'$:J3~C~Storag~ Bottom Area = 2.756 Bottom Perimeter Length = 188.0 'ft::"~''';ff1C-i;;)-:'",(,~,~~:_,'7"J }tock'Storage Depth = 0 Facility Sid!! Slope = 3- to 1 ~ ~ Stornge Depth 1 = 12 in Growing Medium Depth = 18 in Freeboard Oepth = N/A in sf In Calculation Guide Max. RockStor. Bottom Area 2,897 SF Surface Capacity at Depth 1 = 2,615 cf Infiltration Area at 75% Depth1 = 2.756 5F GM Design Infiltration Rate = 2.00 infhr Infiltration Capacity = 0.128 cfs Overflow Volume Pollution Reduttlon PASS OCF ~ Surt. Cap. Used OUtput File I 2"u ~\'[ ~I 25_vr Peak cfs 0.000 0.000 0.000 Rock Storage Capacity = o cf Native Design Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = 3.50 0.223 inlhr cfs GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC FA I I c Cu....ent data h.... been hnported: Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = Sizin Ratio ota/ Facilit Areal Catchment Area = #VALUEl #VALUE! lntlltr...tion Ballin 1 _ 26 y.ar,xls 3110'2011 3:36:66 PM Date Received: Printed: 3f10/2011 3:37 PM MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 PR Con-A&B Pollution Reduction Event Surface Facility Modeling 0.1500 0.1000 0.0500 :e ~ ~ 0.0000 . Ii: -0.0500 -0.1000 -0.1500 -Inflow from Rain Event -Infiltration :capacity -Inflow-Infiltration -Ovenftow ti, Approved Discharge ---- Percolatioh to Below Grade Storage - % SurfacJ Capacity i 0% --~~~~~~-----------~~~~~~~~~~~-----l--------- uuuuuuuluuuuuuuuu I I aauammmumuuf aumum u",uuuuuu aumuumumuuT uuuuuuuuumu.u I I Glenwood Op 2/16/201111:32:57 AM Basin 1 1 Basin A ~ ji umA ~ oJ \_, .::----- " 100% ~ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 "" 200% Time (min) Pollution"Reduction Event Below Grade Modeling , -Inflow to Rock Storage ....:... -Ihfiltration Capacity -Ihflow-Infiltration . I - ".:'0 Rock Capacity I I u-......-...-------:-:::-......:-------------......-::-::-::j---:-:::-...::--- 0% 0.2500 0.2000 0.1500 u 0.1000 .i!! 0.0500 ~ 0.0000 ~ 0 Ii: -0.0500 -0.1.000 -0.1500 -0.2000 , ,'uuuu,'u uuu'uuuuf'::"u:::,:::::::':' I uuuuuu I a, uuuum uuaau, m a,u......::muuau ua, 'Im..u ,a,uurm.,.umuuuumuu -- ._...nun nr I I , 100%~ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 .. -0.2500 I 200% Time (min) Date Received: Printed: 2/16/201111 :33 AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 1O-yr Con-A&B - 0.0500 "I...... .l!! -!!. ~ 0.0000 I ~ 0 -0.0500 .. ............... 0.5000 1 0.4000 _.. 0.3000 'F 0.2000 -!!. ~ ~ 0.1000 0.0000 I o I -0.1000 - -0.2000 0.2500 -0.1000 -0.1500 -0.2000 -0.2500 10-yr Event Surface Facility Modeling Gienwood Op 2116/20'11 11:3257 AM Sasin 1 1 Basin A -Inflow from Rain Event - -Infiltration Capacity -Infiow-Infiltratlon - Overflow to Approved Discharge --- Total Flow to Below Grade Storage - % Surface Capacity ~ 0% 100% 200% 300% "5 u. ... 1000 1500 2000 2500 400% 500% Time (min) 10-yr Event Below Grade Modeling -Inflow to Rock Storage - -Infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Infiltration - % Rock Capacity DOlo --------------------------------------------" 0.2000 ........m..........m.... .m..........................m..... ...................m..... .m.............m.....m..m.... 0.1500 100% 0.1000 7mt _ __ _u___n. _ 200% "5 u. ... 300% 500 1500 2000 2500 1000 400% 500% Time (min) Printed: 2116/201111:33AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal (~~ .~/ Project Name: Project Address: Designer: Company: . . Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Catchment Data . . Catdhment 10:1 Basin 2 Glenwood Op I Date: 02/15/11 Franklin Blvd Permit Number: NA Springfield, OR RuntimE 2116/201'111:37:30AM Anna Backus KPFF I Drainage Catchment Information Catchment 10 Time Site So.ils & Infiltration Testing Data Infiltrati6nilestiri9iPf6cedure: 0 en Pit Fallin Naiiveis;;il!Fj~idd€sted Infiltration Rate (It,,t): (', o' ,': ~-' ..;~. l'''''T'''?~r"'' .< : BottciN:,()fFaciiiiyM~ets Required Separation Fro,f,. Hi91i\GrciLna~~ier'i:>er BES SWMM Section 1.4: ! 1 Correction Factor Component ,iC~t';',drqn92~'fr()m 1 to 3t...-:.:r. Design Infiltration Rates " ::!{~ii~jW[@b~~~;~~~~~~~it~7'-!;":.::::-n/-/,i; \ 0.3500 0.3000 0.2500 0.2000 ~ 0.1500 !:!. " 0.1000 0 u: 0.0500 0.0000 " ; ", 0 0 .0.0500 N v ~ N " Impervious Ar~a" Impervious ' Printed: 2/16/2011.11:37 AM Basin 2 13,756 0.32 ac 98 5 min. " \, Head 7 in/hr \ I I .1 , (n .~-'~~--~ ( j if \. _.._.___..,' " H --.....,.......'.-..-.....1 j - . Ii . Ii II p' H " 'I ~_ !1, tt. ,n;, }'ji ".J) Execute SBUH Calculations ;' !(j'jr2fH:t~:t.:g:s*\ .i SBUH Results Peak Rate (efs) -PR 0.057 719 I -2.yr 0.194 2489 I is.yr 0.237 3059 0.28 3630 i10.yr 0.323 4202 -2S.yr \ ~ .. --,' '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD '" 0 N V CD '" 0 N v co v CD r-- '" OJ 0 N co v ~ ~ ~ ~ Time (min,) MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . . Facility Design Data ~---,,-~ ~,~~'~ Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Catchment 10:1 Basin 21 Run Time: 2!16/2011 11:37;30 AM .. Catchment IQ: Basin 2 Date: 2/15/2011 ;mp~r;.~~,~/e Infiltration Basin 2.xls- 2/16/201111:37:32 AM Instructions: . "~<,__!'" ~,.,;._:):, r'<:\~,,: ,.'!:'~).';: 1. Identify which Stomiwater H.ierarchy ~~~eg'ci,ry'~e.,f~'ci(it~,';;~~:\i,' .'~..;':.-: ;.~.: 2. Select Facility Type. 0,>. .["C'; ',:'.-' ';~\;:~~i/h~;., '::L ;t(;r~,.;~, ;:~:',<;"<,it:__:,:' ,8 ,+;,:::,.,.,,~-:, ?;."'_~" 3. Identify facility shape of su~ace fa"Cilify to'-more'a~curately e'sWnat~ surfa_ce voJume):~)(cepl for s~res . and sloped planters Ihat.u's"e' tlle':PAC Slope"c(Fa"ciliiY W6rkst"ee(to;~nter'dala<:':~,:;, '.:,' . ,.'_1" .,.' 4. Select type of.facili.ty, ~nfigyratio'~:::"mh,:o:;'at":Y~.F' .'J" ,.' .". _._." .--.. .. _ -', - ,-- '-- " \ ' " ,,:} 5. Complete data e,ntry,fi;r;ali"nighfighted'ee/ls". .'_ "'.,..",-" ,,;;~,::..,,',~,.. , ,,' ' .;:~';.';i;;;'d\,n::':::~;'i >,' >~\'1':' .-, ,/ .. Catchment facIlity WIll meet Hierarch'y Categofy' 1 i~:;':~,. Goal Summary: >~:'-~;:~_ :' . /.;;,~~:ii;~";9::\" / Project Name: Glenwood Op ,'""" 1)/-," ,:~.;;,~' ." ':i.~!" ,~ '. - .- - Hie.-arch~' RESULTS bOJl below needs (0 display.. 5\\'1\1M Rcqui..ement Clllegory Pollution 10-~r (a~a djspo~al) as a R..dllctionf1Sa 1 On-site infiltration with a. surface infillTIl1ion facility. PASS PASS - ;/{:~i."-' 'I"..' Basin I' ' t- ~i'.j;;;.c.-f;J.''i-J.t..';j.-;.,~,.,.",.;,;.,...;,-lj,;,;''~r ~i;iEk:;-"+;;':;;'~'~;''';;~;+'.Jl' .- I ,_,_,r, Facility pon\fifur~ti~~:. .1 , ,_ .. ' ~" ~;;;~::}:~. ,',., ';,,:t.',' -' ,-',;,>:_;;:?,;';7r: fac1my'TYFle =: L(i ,~~' - ,," j~ .<;.. , ",.'..._.~::o.:;;r.';:;;;;~, JH::', ~__;::':i .'" u, ..,.r.fJi~<,:,~ :,'~rt ;4:~;>~;)t~:~~;;i ~~J ,,'- '5id:;[;'~'i;i;. :ii'.. \If. ,,,,,,'- .;~!~.. ~~:)i~l~~~t~~~~ . ft:~t"';~:'I\J':~'~ '~.;' i(~tNm\ii~~~tf~;,;t~f::;i , ".-", ',:.."",' ,Fa~H~,~~a~'~~;, Amoeba __.-J. " I .t A ~"=:-:;;:tr-.' PLANTER_I_BASIN/ , SWALE Focllity I~SlorClgeDePth Bottom Areo ~ I ,GM Depth --"i--1 -i- X Depth 1 Side GROWING MEDIUM J.....-:,,~~::......- r~v=, DATA FOR ABOV_Ec:;~bE STORAGE COMPON'ENT~"--'- _, i,' "<, FaCil:ity,:~~t!Orn_'Area = 942 sf r ""\-..' !. Bott~ pe'rlm~t~r.~~ngt~~~, 130.0 'fL~ c.j-,~_i Facility Side Sloj)e = 3 to 1 Storage Depth 1 = 12 In )2L Growing Medium Oepth = 18 In /._ ,/ Fre'eboard Depth = N/A in .U..~~--. ~'-=o:o.-' "':,::._,_. II' Inf~:~i;~~~ff.~;~~~~f,t~;~~~~~;f~1tf~~II!f~;~';ij~11~1;i;:";~:~;;~:;;;;~~;;~~~~'~"\:;:':OOi" as ,,",. .' ':'i~j~ .~~;\~~0;jb>J\i'" ':'1""'''''''' ". \1 ~ill-I :;r>" BELOW GRADE STORAGE Rock Storag"Et}3ottom,Area -= 1,234 .~-'~:-:"""'Rock-Storag~Depth."". 0 ;n~~. SY. ,~ 'r,:?,'+~ J~~;i. ~>~:J :.:: t::1;~tb1-f~;) Calculation Guide , i,~Y"'~,;", d" ilMax. Rock Stor. ;'i~':,i, 19F5ottOm Area L2&i~tf_... ,';~,,:( 1',332 SF ~~' Y~f~~W' in-- "',<",. ~.. (iJ,%~~:, ",r" -- ,',:.. F.icei:"" ''}'){r::~':; ~~~~#' " GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC Overflow RESULTS Volume Pollution Reduction ~ o CF 10.yr PASS o CF 48% Surf. Cap. Used'. Current data has been imported: FACILITY FACTS Total FacilJty Area Including Freeboard = Sizing Ratio (Total Facility Area 1 Catchment Area) = #VALUEI #V ALUE! Infiltration Basin 2.xls 2/161201111:37:32 AM Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Printed: 2116/2011 11 :37 AM 0,,"1'" S'bm'ba'-r . . Facility Design Data ~ Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 calchmenllo:1 Basin 21 ~ RunTime 3!1br20113:33:40PM Catctvnent 10: Basin 2 Date: I 2115/2011 . . imported file Infiltration Basin 2 - 25 ye~r.xls. 3/10/2011 3:33:42 PM Instructions: - .' ~- -"" ~ n GJ '" 1 Identify which Storm~ater.H!erarchyCategorytQ.efacl!lty1 f~,......., L Select Facility TYP":" \ ~J., \J _~" !.r", / ~ ,,'7 "'-.. 3 Identify facility shape of surface faCIlity to more accurately estimate surface volume, except for Swales and slo~d plani~rsih~t u~eth(pAC Sloped Facility Workshe~ to 'enterld~ ")1 "'" " 4. Select type of facUity configuration. . ~ '\.. .. 5.canpleteij~entJ'yfOrallhighlighledcells. , '. . . .."\. "- Catchment fa~ilitf will ~;-;;i(aic~y Category: , .~., \~\, Goal Summ'ar/ ,"/ ' \,t..' ~ ':, "'1 \ \ ; i....... - R~:-<.;ta.T~h.."lld(>"nc.:d.,lllui~pI3)'... 0 \\'. lIirrDrdl~ S\\'~\I:\1 Rfiluln'm('nl ~ ~ . l'ullulilln HJ.yr lab di~I'(),,",n ~s a \ c" .n' ",'d.";,,.,," t;Q\\ ) OlT'SiIC n"w 10 dmin/lgewoy, ril'cT. or ;,1t'If1ll"olll}' pipt I'ASS Nrl' (,..0, \ ~~'sum. \ I _, " n , ":"~IZ~[~~ Ifrlil)] \ Y :>:-]('t; i .J "!U i "' ....{~J~~....J 1 .. Facility Configuration: A ~ I i : ~/I'l -:~:;:I~:A;~;- " ' , '~ I ,I " , SWA.U:: rQC~I~Y"'" I r StOl'0ge Depth 1 ,- ,- 12".\;,ri( \,~ I_^ ~~-:-J-:_ , .{ . GROWltJG I,lEOIUI,I I I ~ow . , !-,-,-~~~~ ."f'~'::::-::- 'V_ "-.- Project Name: Glenwood Op I '-II:or;. "'~..I ",." ' i.. _;~",(i..:l-'--'.;;'::"'-"I" . Facility'Type ~ Basin .' .2__, '" , \"f'~ '\ ,"'" '-~~J \ . ..,,~ -:-J,' ., ' i I, . ~a~ity.Sha,p~:.Amoeba .)1 ,. Calculation Guide Max. Rock Stor. Bottom Area 1.332 SF DATA FOR ABOVE GRAD~RAG-E COMP~~T" r~ c(\' ,~~~OW ~A6e STORAGE Facility Bottom Area;:: 942 '~..;. (; .~) ~OckStorige Bottom Area = 1.234 Bottom Perimeter Length = 130.0ft~~OCk Storage Depth = 0 Facility Side Slope = 3 to 1 ._.._.... Storage Depth 1 = 12 in -.-." ~ Growing Medium Depth = 18 in Freeboard Depth =- N/A in sf in Surface Capacity at Depth 1 = 1.137 cI Infiltr~tlon Area at 75% Depth1 = 1.234 SF GM Design Infiltration Rate = 2.00 inlhr Infiltration Capacity = 0.057 cis Overflow RESULTS Volume P-. I Reduction PASS OCF ~ Surt, Cap, Used OUtput File Peak c15 I 2"u: ihJ: ~I 25-vr 0.000 0,000 0,000 Rock Stora;e Capacity = o cI i~hr cis GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC Native Design Infiltration Rate:: Infiltration Capacity = 3.50 0.100 ~. R....~~,~.~,,~_.: Curr.....t d.t.oo h.. b....... imported: I ....rUtr...tlo... a....... 2 _ 26 ye..r.><I. 3'10120'1 3:33;42 PM I Sizln #VALUEI #VALUE! Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Printed: 3/10/20113:34 PM Original Submittal___..__ . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 PR Con-A&B Pollution Reduction Event Surface Facility Modeling Glenwood Op 2/16/201111:37:30 AM Basin 2 1 Basin A --- inflow from Rain Event - -infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Infiltration -Overflow to Approved Discharge --Percolation to Below Grade Storage - % Surface Capacity 0.0800 0.0600 0.0400 0.0200 " ~ ,!!. 0.0000 ~ 0 Ii: ."-""""rT""""-""""---"""---"""""""""""-""""I~ u ~~1\\~~. m mum u.__:u~ . u :m: m um':::.:::'.:u:::_::.:::.:'.u, 100% ~ o 1000 1500 2000 2500 .... .0.0200 -0.0400 ruu uuum..u u uuuummuu.uuummuu.. -0.0600 r" .______.uuuuu.. -- . m__..uuuuuummuu -0.0800 200% Time (min) Pollution Reduction Event Below Grade Modeling -Inflow to Rock Storage - -Infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Infiltration -% Rock Capacity 0.1500 0% 0.1000 .-------------------------------------------- 0.0500 u. .... u u.. m u.. umu.~..... \ ~ ,!!. 0.0000 ~ o Ii: 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 100%~ .... -0.0500 u. _________..u.u.. -0.1000 -0,1500 200% Time (min) Printed: 2/16/2011 11 :37 AM MAR I I 2011 Original Submittai_ . . BES . Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 10-yr Con-A&B 0.3000 I 0.2500 0.1500 -0.1000 0.1500 0.1000 0.0500 ~ ~ 0.0000 ~ o u: -0.0500 -0.1000 -0.1500 10-yr Event Surface Facility Modeling Glenwood Op 21161201', 11 :37:30 AM Basin 2 1 Basin A -Inflow from Rain Event - -Infillratiori Capacity I -Infiow-Infiitration . , -Overfiowto Approved Discharge -'--- Total FIO~ to Below Grade Storage - % SuJiack Capacity -Ihflow to Rock Storage - -Ihfiltration Capacity - ihflow-infiltration I - '(0 Rock Capacity I I ----------------- - --- -------- -.-- --- -_._-------- - --j . ' f 100% ..m....................... ...m.mmm.... ....mm ...n......... mmm.... nm..J 0.1000 Time (min) 10-yr Event Below Grade Modeling 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (min) Printed: 2/16/2011 11:"37 AM 500% 0% 200% ;; I "- .m.t 300% '" ~ 400% 500% ved: MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal Project Name: Project Address: Designer: Company: . . Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 . Catchment Data Catchment ID:I Basin 3 Date: 02/15/11 Permit Number: NA Glenwood Op Franklin Blvd Springfield, OR Anna Backus KPFF Run Time 2/16/20111"1:37:51 AM ..- '-" Drainage Catchment Information Catchment I D Site Soils & Infiltration Testing Data Infiltratlon;Jestlri[fRtlicedure: 0 en Pit Fallin N~iiV7"S~I)F~~i~:[&sted Infiltration Rate (I",,): .' El6tt?i!f,8ffacijlty ~;;ets Required Separation Fro"",,~ High:'<;roi;'ndwater:Per BES SWMM Section 1.4: ) ! Correction Factor Component' ~ !'C7ti,',;!(r'1rg~~Jr<im 1 t03).//"I"". Design Infiltration Rates .' 1,"i.foriNalive (I:' LCF"'),,...,f' ')ii. i, ii' Ii ,J~'::f~~Jm8~be~~~-?~~l~b\M~'d!~~;..:~-i~~~::~~.:-~i'~/ -' i ' Time Ul - .!!. ~ o u: 0.5000 I 0.4500 1 004000 0.3500 0.3000 0.2500 0.2000 0.1500 0.1000 T 0.0500 0.0000 : -0.0500 ~ Printed: 2/16/201111:37 AM Basin 3 Head 71n/hr Yes -, .'/->. .n'--'.l {(t\, " . _.".-- j' ; ii. :": _c. ._=::..~-:t i :~. I " ~---~---' ---.- I ,/ I .. \\ Execute SBUH Calculations 3;~}sai!g~;;i!Jl~%\ ' SBUH Results Peak Rate (cfs) -PR 0.078 983 ---2-yr 0.266 -5-y. 0.325 -10-yr 0.383 -25-yr 00441 3405 4185 4967 5748 .,..,.--;" . . " ----- o 0 N ... ~ N o <0 '" o <0 ... o N " o <0 Ol o <0 o ~ o o N ~ o 0 N ... '" ... ~ ~ o ... <0 o o <0 Jime (min.) MAR 1 1 2011 Original supmittaL ~ . . Facility Design Data ,"-";" ~~4:rj Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Run Time ID:I Basin 31 11:37:51 AM Project Name: Glenwood Op On-site iafjltrnlioll witb a stlrface infillration facility. Catchment ID.: Basin 3 file Infiltration Basin 3.xls- 11:37:52 AM Instructions: 1. Idenlifywhich Stormwater Hierarchy 2. Select Facility Type. . 3. Identify facility shape of and sloped planters 4. Select type 5. '.....- Catchment facility will . Goal Summary: Hierarch}' <:lIlcgory RESULTS box below needs 10 displny.. SWl\lMRcquiremcnl Pllllution IO.}T(akadisposal)asa Reolllc\illnilsll PASS PASS \ -- .-;~. , I'" l . "'-"""~"""'''''''''''4'''V . ':'''i,~:~81f:;~~;"Ji~{,,~~!gf!t,",'1' ; " Fac!lity poiifigur~tio,:!: . . \., " ",', ~...., . '~j'.-- ''-.'.-\ " ", PLANTER_I_~~;~( Fodllty ltSlorO<;leDepthl 8ot~~m Area ~! JGM Depth ~--v. 1. I X ~/ ~...,,):~l:'" ~""''''Ir;~''' -""'.1.::' '~.~- t('-'1;:;.; ,~ ~.... , "":';'.., -",' "', " J 'f'~" ~""i' ''''~ ',< A I~A"'~~-:_~~j;; .::,~(, .( . ! ," \ 't.'~~"~ /~~ - ~;:..f"" '~:' r::'~~~;,J~~' 1 r~r~1~;';"~' I~:,", ~~~,jG~ l' BE~O~ 6~~b~~~roRAGE "'""']S':f.~~_:":':;= -, : Rock Storag~:,Bottom Are'a~' 1,316 . -S::"Rock'Storage Oepth~,., 0 ih'..,1 / , .~I:\f~,\-.}:~t-;~XJ1~:;~{... f acj!~~y' T Yp'e' '=~:: Basin i il;~::; {;:::"~~,;~~ lt~~, , ,Fac.l!ih-. ShapeJ;: Amoeba , __or.._"...~ ;.d.i::.._ , .~'-.1 ..J...:-~:,--- I \\: iI."'~::-'-" Side 1.1[':, - . ,,'.:i,;:',~:,. .. _ ".... " DATA FOR ABOVEGRADE STORAGE COMPONENT ._"j,' ..tac~1.~~~::~,~,~\e~~N~_~,= 806 !L-._ {'~"'r Botto~ Pef!met!n..:engttl:::. 227.0 _f1;-, ,---- Facility Side Slope = 3 to 1 Storage Depth 1 = 12 - in C' Growing Medium Depth e 18 in . -?'. J Free~oard D~pt~,,:N/A _ .!~ ". . ..-?".:::--.-.-...-' _ '\ \ ~\. ~,~l.". -.~_.~--__~ ".!'-:;:.:__::',~~~ " .,ct' 'nfi~;.~;~~ggf~~f~';t1~~~:~.;r"1,~,F..~~~.~""~~t.~\;,~~~:i:Jik,g~;\;- ~~i~:~i;;~;;~,:t~:;:;;;~~i;'ig:r Overtlow \;'nrfr~ng(linfi'\1.iii1';,C~j,~\'~~i~i~i~J~;;;" Volu~e' i" :'.jtl/ GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC RESULTS polluUon Reduction 10-yr ~ ~ o CF o CF ...--- 95% Surf. Cap. Used- ~'''i,\ Current data has bee'n imported: I tnfiltration Bas;n 3'X'i 2/16/201111,37:52 AM IFACllITY FACTS Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = Sizing Ratio (Total Facility Area I Catchment Area) = #VALUEI #VALUE! Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Printed: 2/16/2011 11 :38 AM - , "1._' Original submittal . . Facility Design Data Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1,2 Catchment 10:1 Basin 31 RunTime 3/10/20113:30:25 PM Project Name: Glenwood Op Catchment 10: Basin 3 Date: - . . __T ",.,." -' _---~~;;c~~<~fmportec!fiIe Infiltration Basin 3.25 year.xls. 3/10/2011 3:30:27 PM Instructions: , . " ;,~cr=(;W0~;:,,_j F7\i00~/- ~~_':'>-,~>> ....., 1, Identify which Storm;;,ate~j~~rap::h{~tegory th~ac~llty,>i '\,:::-" r.'tw;\, . 2 Select Facinty Typ,,:.:~ . ','~. <:.;. '\.J.'.. '....;.."(.,..' J Ii V' .(\~ '. 3. Identify faCility ~hape of surface facility to'more aCcufat~Y estimate;surfac/:1:Nolume, except for Swales and s10p~d iil~n~~rs~tha.,t,u_~e'thrPAC Slop~ Facility WOrKsheefto enjer,dat~ "}'-.",. " 4. SelectJYpe,of,\fasility,sonfiguration. '<,,~~~~ ",_~' " 5'.~Pl~!edataen~~oralJhighlightedCelIS...~~,. ~'<::~ '\", Catchmentfac arct1y Category. ; 3 'f J ~ Goal Summa", "f" C~ '\ \::<',~,<;'; _: \ ) , l\<<f "'0 \), RL.~IlLrS b\,,, bd(>" ne,;lh. In (lIspl,.y . ...~~:~.~. .,.......).;.:J~. 1'...lIut;"" lU-yriakad;\il,,,',ah,,,a \ c' ....... R~duniu" 1I~ a \ F'~"""-t" .:. ~ \;,!~ Vf'\ J \ l;f AJ;~ ~j , j'\.4'","~J I'....... ,., '",ff ",',"'_'-,-0,"'-- "~$;""l~;?r~}~ \ ....... ." '<':;"~"-'1~'t;-?t',#=p'r;-N"~N'<V ... ..;,,,<t.,V" '<i~; "'-"':4',,;;L""''''i^,'ij?4f, /'-';7 ' ''''-'f.t .i,~ .; _' __u,,,,__,,, --~ . ::?"i't$o~l- ,:), '. j! "',' I, " .-0..,~,,"J" ';' '?'"~"> _..,,".i i" f ~~' .f~~i)i~, S_~~,~!;J~~9,~ri,:_ A , // ,; - ,',;"L"",.,,,.'., ~'.,_ "'-', PlANTER_J_SASlN/ ~, , SWAlE ;..;>--,-':. I Jf"\ ! n~~ ) .' s:.O:N~~~U" [", O::~ 2/15/2011 Bitrllrth~- C..It~ll~ S"'!\1\1 Rt'qllin,m~nl PASS VA IA S;d~ 5.lcp..-:, BoUom' Perimeter Length (P...) Calculation Goide Max. Rock $lor. BotlomArea 1,487 SF DATA FOR ABOVE GFiADE\!;tC;R)(;;E'C6Miib~~rd~~~.,;;"~F~":;~I6~l~AD~ STORAGE FacilityBottomArea~ 806 '~!<;;;..}€;S'" ~," 'C..!t~~.~Storil~"~BottomArea= 1,316 Bottom Perimeter Length =: 227 ~O .ftt:;,:~ ~I\ ':t;;:,r:~~"J-,,;i'...,,~OCk Storage Depth = 0 F<!cility Side Slope = 3 ~ to 1 ~.~. ,~~.- Storage Depth 1 = 12 in Growing Medium Depth = 18 in Freeboard Depth = NIA in sf In Surface Capacity at Depth 1 = Infiltrilltion Area at 75% Depth1 = GM Design Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = 1,147 1,316 2.00 0.061 cf SF inlhr cfs Rock Storage Capacity = o cf Nati....e Design Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = 3.50 0.107 inlhr cfs GM Infiltration Rate Used in l=IAC Overflow Volume Pollutlcn Roduetlon PASS o CF ~ Surt. Cap. Used Output File 2-vr Peak cfs I 0.000 5-vr 0.000 ~ 25-vr 0.074 'ACIU Curr....t data has b..... ;",portad: Total FacnJty Area Including Freeboard = Sizino Ratio /Total Facility Area I Catchment Area'''' #VAlUEl #VAlUE! IntiUr.atJon B:;ostn 3 _ 25 y.ar.xls 3/10/2011 3:30:27 PM Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Printed: 3/1 Of2011 3:30 PM Original Submittal . . BES . Presumptive Approach Calculator. Ver 1.2 PR Con-A&B Pollution Reduction Event Surface Facility Modeling G!enwood Op 2I1>3/201111:37:~1 AM Basin 3 1 Basin A -Inflow from Rain Event - -Infiltratiori Capacity . I -Inflow-Infiltration I - Overflow to Approved Discharge -- Percolatidn to Selow Grade Storage - % Surfack Capacity 0% 0.1000 I 0.0800 .uumumm'r.umumumumuumuum.mmuumuuumuummmluuuummmm.uu f ~~ ~~-;t]E--~---:~~~~---~~;:-~=~=- u:: I 'umuumuu 0 1000 1500 2000 .m.uu.u mm__ umuu'. uuu. mum.m. umumm...m..u u_'1 umm.muu. -0.0400 m.uu .......m m\um.u mu..mmuumu. I I I 100% ~ '" . 2500 -0.0200 -0.0600 _ -0.0800 200% Time (min) Pollution Reduction Event Below Grade Modeling 0.1500 0.1000 0.0500 ~ ~ 0.0000 ~ 0 u: -0.0500 -0.1000 -0.1500 -I'nflow to Rock Storage - -llnfiltration Capacity I -Inflow-Infiltration I - 'l'o Rock Capacity I I . "'."'."''''...'''-.-."".'''."".""."".- -."''''-''''''.''''-- - -""."".""."'."'"."''''.'''."".-T"".""."""".-''''''....... mm~mu. ummmmuum uum.m.mmumum.ml ummu muummU mu. umuum.SOO 1000 1500 2000 I u u... uu. ..uu u. u.. u... m m u..m. m..'u u. m.... .... u. U .... ....u.... J ........ u m .... uuu,u I 0% 2500 100%~ '" . Time (min) 200% Date Received: Printed: 211612011 11:38 AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 10-yr Con-A&B 10-yr Event Surface Facility Modeling Glenwood Op 2/16!2011 11:37:51 AM Basin 3 1 Basin A -Inflow from Rain Event - -Infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Infiltration -Overflow to Approved Discharge ...-.-.-. Total Flow to Below Grade Storage - % Surface Capacity 0.4500 0.4000 0.3500 . 0.3000 0.2500 0% 100% :e 2. 0.2000 200% "5 u. '" 300% 400% 500% ~ ~ 0.1500 I~___~cuu____n. ___u.__nnn ____________n__n.__ ___unn__nn ______uun___ 0.1000 r--m-- L-.c---------m __________m_m_ ________mo. _______m_ _O____o__m__ _________mm___ 0.0500 -.,,"'--- ;;5=- __7"=------_ ----~=--~-r".-".-"'--"''''.,.--...,-.,,-.,,----,...-'''- 0.0000 I -- \ ' -00500 t__mm__ 5.o9__m_ ______m_ 10 5Wm__m_ ____2000_______m_ _ _ 2599_m_ -0.1000 Time (min) 10-yr Event Below Grade Modeling -Inflow to Rock Storage - -Infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Infiltration - % Rock Capacity 0.1500 0% 0.1000 -------------------------------------------- 100% 0.0500 -- ---/-- " ---------rm---- 200% -;;- ~ 0.0000 ~ u: 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 "5 u. .. 300% -0.0500 _m___ 400% -0.1000 m_ -0.1500 Time (min) 500% Date Received: Printed: 2/16/2011 11:38 AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal '" '" '" t) :; .s. " o l: 0 :;::: III ... :: ;;::: l: iii t: III c.. ... 0 l: 0 N :;::: III ... ..... :: ... u:: Ql > ... Q) I .;:: ... <l: 0 ~ - III 0 z;::: :J - (J ~ iTj 0 0 :t: 0 .s:::: l: (J ~ III 0:: 0 ... c.. c.. <( Ql > .. c.. E :J 1Il Ql ... 0- l/J W a:t ::; a.. '" N o ",<'l 0(,) v~ O~ DC j:N Co Q)~ an . . 088<: " " " " 0 0 0 0 <>= <>= 09Ll 'EO <>= '5 '5 ::> '5 0 0 0 0 !>. !>. OV91: :r !>. 0 , , "' . N "' N I I I I 01:51: OOV1: 081:1: 09~1: , Ov01: " 01:6~ 008~ 089~ 095~ E E E E (; (; (; 0 U5 U5 U5 ii5 ~ ~ !>. !>. ?' >. 0 , , "' N "' N : , i , u: <il '" '" aJ<'lCO<:: Q) Q) 0 >. Q) C E E-..c 0.0 ctl .- - e >.:.0:; zf-~rot-~ U 5 E.~~~ wo::..eITIll= .~ u co c e Cii 1.1.. 0 a. 0 0 ~ '0 '" L1. "t, Ill. III, "I, III, "I, Ill, "'. 1/'. 'II, '''' '''I '''I '''' "'I Ill, ,". HI. Ill, "" ,"i~N' II,. :::: ,~~/,' I", ',,' 't,1 '.,' r-;!.'::~" ,'" ,'I' ,',I ,'" I~~~~'" I' " ::: : I_I) : ........___..__...._______:'I~..~I~~~~~::~~~::~~:\::, "" '.. ~ ~ '.. ~I~' " 'i ,~~~:" '" ~ ,~ OPZ "\' '<~~,:\ I'.' '....~~!~. '. 0, 0, 0, "' o a a on .... o a a a .... o a a "' <'l o a a a <") o a a on ~ a a a a a a "' ~ a 0 a a a o (sp) MOI:l OVV~ 01:8~ 001:~ 080~ - .5 096 .5- lI> E Ov8 i= OU . '009 08v ,098 I 'IOU ! a a on a o 0,1 0, a a' 01 I Date Re 0, 0, on C! 0, , MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal I ived: . . Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Catchment Data Catchment 10:1 Basin 4 Date: 02/15/11 Permit Number: NA Project Name: Project Address: Glenwood Op Franklin Blvd Springfield, OR Anna Backus KPFF RunTime 2/16/201111:38:11 AM Designer: Company: Drainage Catchment Information Catchment ID .' Time of Site Soils & Infiltration Testing Data Infiltrati9nI,,~ti~g:iirocedure: 0 en Pit Falling Head . .'~"~-' '."''''.''''',.,.,-,,>,.,.- N~tiv~.?~i!Fi~I<:l..Iested Infiltration Rate (1,,,,): ..', .. 7 in/hr > :.:",_.,:' 'n r'o"--:__',':.:"-'- " ',' ~bttwi\:2t:f,ac.WIYMeets Required Separation Fro\h,. Hig!1:Ground;vateriPer BES SWMM Section 1.4: ! ' Correction_Factor Comp:onent i C~I;;,t(r~-"g~~:frqm1 to 3) ,,'::'j'-, Design Infiltration Rates il Id~W~fQ.rtN_ati~.e (It~thGft;;I):t:-I.:l" '<1.-,\\ i, Id~g:~m~}~.I.)ih,.~~..'h,'j~e~fG't~WihglliM~,'(H.~,~: '"",::"..,., I ..,;,.C";';"',"'._",',"'- 1._. .,: . ',",> Yes .... .'~> ~:-j ~!:\\:;. i I I 't-/ , , , ' u ,,:11 T} n\. 11 i i ;'( :r .___-=.:.::=::.-~r ,I i \1, ....-::-.._ l/ 0.1800 0.1600 0.1400 0.1200 0.1000 $" 0.0800 .!:. ~ 0.0600 0 u:: 0.0400 0,0200 0.0000 .c---.~. 0 0 -0.0200 .L N ..,. ~ N SBUH Results Peak Rate (cfs) -PR 0.027 342 -2-yr 0.092 1183 -S-yr 0.113 1454 -10-yr 0.133 1725 -25.yr 0.153 1997 o <0 '" o co ..,. o o <0 o N r-- o ..,. co o <0 Cl) o co o ~ o o N ~ o N '" ~ o ..,. ..,. ~ Time (min.) Printed:2/16/201111:38AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . Facility Design Data Catchment ID: I Basin 41 I RunTime 2'16/201111:38;11 AM I Catchment ID: Basin 4 Date: 2/15'2011 -.. _~ I Imported file Infiltration Basin 4.x/s- 2/16/201111.38:12 AM Instructions: " ,~ -:!. \' I "~I 1. IdentifYwh~~h Stormwater ~ierarc-hy.:Sa!~?ff.r.~h~';WCil~!r.~-::1 ~ I L," "~.l;: .' ':- ' . 2. Select FacIlity Type. ,,' ," _:.::~',,;";"*'_ '\,~:;~;::~:,,;;,-;, >~: _ ~. '. " -E," ;'. <' 3. Identify facility shape'of sU~Clce.fa_cmty'tci\mo~e'acCufateIY~$tim~te_7,u~~ce,,,DI,~m~/.~~cept fqr S'/;'ale,s .:,: . 4. ~~1e~~OI~~~ ~~af~~.. ~.!./..i~:~W~~~;~~f~~..~~,~:;:~:)~~b!l;iYYY,orliSh;r.i~~'ehiei d~t!i'''<'1j;':,r';;.,. .'.:,~.;::;..~'.f.~(.!W'."',.;..',:.'.'. 5. Complete data e~try.tQf:.?H'~lghhght~q.cells. .--' !;;:?~;;~:,,;;::"1 i):';:~ ;;:.'i~'Hh ,... _.."iQig1f,;A'_"J;;;;",__'- ,.,'~i.'~~,'-' -'iV;::~ I'~',',:i' Catchment facility Will me~J,tlie,rarc,h.y~gi3,~~g~ry; '~fj Goal Summary: ,- .(,,;~\~:, (j~;: .t~I,;:;,~~1IF'~-'" ~!~) Presumptive Approach Calculator ver, 1,2 -~-~-=-- Project Name: Glenwood Op ~~:'=--- " x ~,-.' ':'~~ ':,j:;:, '<,-, :iN~~ \ ,,'.." " .- Hie,-arcb} RESULTS box below needs to display." SWMM Requirement Cntll'gol1' Pollution JO-)'r (aka di.sposaI) as a R~<Iu('lion IlSH I On-slteillfiltratinn with a surface illfiltratioll facility, PASS PASS "",- ..>--'-'- ~ ,I ,H~i:~;tS~~1:~ni}tii' . Facil~:'T~'~~~;tB~Si~ i #i~ ~~:;G~;:; ";~l~~ Fadlity__Sha~:jRectangle/Squarei . .:.~!O,""- ~G\"_'.. . ' . '. ~::;f-'- , ~< :~" ,A Facility Bottom Areo oi.':., ~.F'\~~'\--~ -.b., J i ./ ,n;" - ~,'+;S'~ _ _ DATA FOR .e;.sOVE:GRADE STORAGE COMPONENT" \Faci-lItY;Bott~:ii:rA'f~~" 316 sf :"-.-~. \, "~2,Bci~~mWhji~'~~__ 18.0 ft7"""- I---!,__ Facility Side Slope" 3 to 1 Storage Depth 1 c 12" in ~~;;~<-~-, '-//1/ ~_ Growing Medium Depth.. 18 in -~-.". /' ) 1 Free~o~rd D:pt~.: N/A!n .~'iJ-:~::. '. '_'.~-~~=~~~"- - _:.~,~~ -1,'"-;, ,_/ .~7~~~"~~i~~et~:"",""---",.'"'" -','.;t};; 'i " -.., (i I' -.J 10-yr G.;J ~ o CF OCF 1%-' 77% Sun. Cap. Used- Pallutiar! Reduction FACILITY FACTS Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = Sizing Ratio (Total Facility Area I Catchment Area) = #VALUEI #VAlUEI Current data has been imported: I Infiluation Basin 4."1 2/16/2011 11<38.,2 AM Date Received: MAR 11 2011 Printed: 2/16/2011 11 :38 AM I 10.' I ngma Submittai . . Facility Design Data Presumptive Approach Calculator ver. 1.2 Catchment 10:1 Basin 41 RunTime 3110/20113:46:15 PM Project Name: Glenwood Op _~_ Catchment 10: Basin 4 Date: 211512011 "".. ~""'__"'~^:';~-~f'""_!'t,,-.Jmported file Infiltration Basin 4 ~ 25 year. xIs . 3/10/2011 3:46:18 PM Instru~ions: . "-'-'1'~~'E:_:>"'_:,.rr ,<'" ~,:~_rM":~:~' -, - 1. Identify which Storm~~er;H.l~ral'ChyCat~o~ th~}acll}ty'n \:c.. "i"'\~"'>", . 2. Select Facility Type>" '\1. \.),~~ "U _ '''1-9 '~-w- ~.~ A /j,""~'"~" . 3. Identify facnitY_ShapeOfs~"rt~e-facility to m&fitifccurat~_yestlmate',surfa~e:voluflle, except for Swales and slo~9j)lani:rsjh~t,'u~e'ih~""PACSloped Facility- WorksheS! toerte-r,d~3r J,j~:, "', 4. S~ect JYpe~~~fi!~~onfigu!Bti?". ~._~~.~,i,_ j,~ ' 5".9/ef~~a1tJ~~.!r~.!or aU tugnflgh1ed cells. .. -" "- '~~"'T~::;>"'.. ~:h::~:~~~/~j1I:~vHjerarchY Category. \;j ~"~. '! "\-.._:,(, ~'i8~~\'" Ui~r"rdn ,-, ",,",;-,' -' Rr.SliLT:-;\>(l"~l"wr\<:,,.hllHjispl~y.. \,;r(~J J\ Cnu...on,: S"'!\1\1 RC'luln'nwnl \ \\.',~" :/" <,.."'.' \- .. l'lI11uli"n lU-yr(a\;;a d"I'(!,~,r[,! a~ a " "'" 1. lh~utlion a~ " : " t\'r;: 0 ~\ , i \ lo"'-..4l '- t'K,t'2 I ",,,.~, I i Off-sile flow to drnillagtWay, river. 'x ~1(>rm-01l1) pipe ~ySlem. PASS N'A Side ~",. PlANTER_!_~~~~1 , - fc(;ility..., I rStcrcg, Depth ~ Boltom Ar"'D \ I. r GM Oepth Ilt, .I" ~" .:: - -.- -. :y. (1=~~-,t=::.. '7 X ;': GAQ~NG ~EOIUU I, ~=ow -. ::"': Z'-:-:".r-........_.".-t..._.."'---f"'~/ DATA FOR A~'-~}vE GRAD~ST()RAGE72~ONE~~~~: ;- _ i)~g~e6W~~Ab~ STORAGE FacIlity Bottom Area:e: 316~f~~ "-~y Ilt> i1'?C~~~,~rStora~~ Bottom Area = 494- BottomWidth=: 18,0 ftoO"";., \.. ~;,.... ,_RockStorageDepth= 0 Facility Sicte Slope = 3 , to 1 Storage Depth 1 = 12 in Growing Medium Depth =18 in Freeboard Depth ='- N/A in sf ;n Calculation Guide Max. Rock Sklr. Bottom Area 553 SF Surface Capacity at Depth 1 = 435 cf Infiltration Area at 75% Depth1 = 494 SF GM Design Infiltration Rate = 2,00 inlhr Infiltration Capacity = 0.023 cfs Overflow Volume Ptilutbn RedutlJon PASS OCF ---1L Surf. Cap. Used Output File Peak cfs I 2.:vr 5-vr ~ 25_vr 0,000 0,000 0,008 Rock Storage Capacity = o cf Native Design Infiltration Rate = Infiltration Capacity = 3.50 0.040 in/hr cfs GM Infiltration Rate Used in PAC C Current data has b....n imported: Total Facility Area Including Freeboard = Sizjn Ratio ota! FacHi Area / Catchment Area = #VALUEI #VALUE! Infiltration B.aain 4.2& year.xls 3/1012011 3:46;18 PM Date Received: Printed: 3/10/20113:46 PM , MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 PR Con-A&B Pollution Reduction Event Surface Facility Modeling -0.0100 Glenwood Op Inflow from Rain Event 21161201111:38:11 AM -Infiltrationlcapacity Basin 4 -Inflow-Infiltration I 1 -Ovenflow to Approved Discharge Basin --- Percolatidn to Below Grade Storage A ~ % SurfacJ Capacity 00000 I D ~-----_!_-~---------------------------------- 00200 l' .. .. I'... ri........... ...... - - . .. ........ .. ... - - -1 ... - - - - 0.0100 - - - J -. ............. ................. ............. ................................. )L I I m..ml..m..m..m....m..... _ -------------n----I----------------------------- I I 100% ~ ~ -; 0.0000 o u: o. 1000 1500 2000 2500 '" -0.0200 -0.0300 200% Time (min) Pollution Reduction Event Below Grade Modeling -inflow to Rock Storage . I - -Infiltration Capacity I -Inflow-Infiltration I -% Rock Capacity I 0.0500 1 00400 ---------------- ------------- ------- -------- :: lm.m... . m.........mmm.. mtm.......m ~ 1 I ~ 0 0000 ~ . I u: -0.0100 t 0% 100%~ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 .. -0.0200 Time (min) 1 .....................1 I I 200% -0.0300 -0.0400 -0.0500 frinted: 2/16/2011 11 :38 AM . MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 10-yr Con-A&B 10-yr Event Surface Facility Modeling Glenwood Op 2/16/201111:38:11 AM Basin 4 1 Basin A -Inflow from Rain Event - -Inflltratlon Capacit'j -Inflow-Infiltration - Overtlow to Approved Discharge ---- Total Flow to Below Grade Storage - % Surface Capacity 0.16001 01400 I .. 0.1200 -' 0.1000 ...........*.........~.... ...m.................... ..............[0% . .. ..... ...1...........................................::........ .......m ....... .. ...-r 100% ..._u_n__n_. _______________uunn_____.._n__ _____u_______ __ _n ______n_nn__ _ _ __ _~ 2000/0 o ~ 0.0800 0.0600 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 .0.0200 -0.0400 "5 "- 3 o ii: '" 300% - -~ --.-----:':"'-~5!~~~-=:':v-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~-....-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-'!"!-~-~- \ '-\ 400% 500 10 500 2000 2500 500% Time (min) 10-yr Event Below Grade Modeling -Inflow to Rock Storage - -Infiltration Capacit'j -Inflow-Infiltration - % Rock CapacitY 0.0500 I . 0% 0.0400 ______________ ___________._____ ______________1 0.0300 i . . . f 100% 0.0200 i" .................. .................... ....................... .............................. 0.01001-- .__unnn_ - __n____"___________. ___________n ____unn____ 200% ........t ______nn..._\" .l!! ~ 0.0000 ~ ii: .0.0100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 "5 "- i ?f- ._nm_ 300% .......f .{).0400 -0.0500 _____________n uu_ 400% -0.0200 -0.0300 500% Time (min) Date Received: Printed: 2/16/2011 11 :38 AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal_ . . r<,."~~~:,,;, ;.{~!~t ~"""'.""..'...'.'.'. . ..__.._J~_..~". , .' "~ . , .' .~~., ,-': t: ,:. -,' ~, , . .... " ! '. . ~':- , .. . '.....j..... . .:-.'-'5."1::, .. ",c .,," L ~......". W t.. , " '.. , .< ," -;, c, J,' \ '," ....;..... -,,-'._'~ '- ~'---'.~':'-: '.;';,' f'~1 TesJing ,~ IrisJ)e'C~idn, Inc,' ~tedYl.ilXd &,COnstrOcliCt'l:Services-' .' . 291;40.'8' 'AirportliOali Eu~Or_ .\17402 PJ!one 111411 &8+384\1 lax' 15411. 1184-8851' 'SITEPLAN' I ' . _," I EXPLQRATION LOCATlqNS , GLEtlWOOD OP PROJECT EUGE"E.OR~GO~ I' 'I . < rIGUlENO;' 2 MAR 1 1 2011 r\..:~in'!2l ~llhmittal . . ~. " ),~I[:~' ~~:!.*~; t"J{ r~,~\ l.'%.::.:~l",. .....:s.. _.. 1'.lJ"',. . j,1~~ .,~:. 5'.:-" ~'~~~~ ......,,: ;;:Jj> . !if $ ::-1 . :> -. ,: ''!~~i'.'j;,Ji~f~J" "., '."" .~;;- ~,- ',' )\_'" f\.\ '"" ".'. J:-" -:, .~- ii-::;.~>-',,"'~, ....~/"- j,- t' :' < n.....:<..... .-~ -~'~ (" .;i-", ~: ir' ",.;t ~i~"~,!i3'3,F. ~ \'~~""'",",,~ I 'f' 't~tj:\K~" , "i: ",-",' ~ .: r:".~.. ,Ot, "~~,,~~J~'.~ ',' :' : "/,' p"." ',~~..' "~.6MJ~7;.~.~, , l' .'.:.};',~.::. "r' . I~ , FEl'Testii)g, & Inspet:tlc)n,lll(:~ ~ . GOotett<oicol &' c<:retructtc(i .Serifl"" 29540: B A/rjJort Road ' . Eu&ene. oregOn 87.t02. '. . "-'15411' 6ll~, 384!': .';"" 15411 68+3851' ~IC'Nl'rYMAP ',' ", ',' , . FIGrnE No. , . OLENWOoo OP PROJECT : EUOENE; OREGClN Original Submittal . . Sand v Gravel Alluvium: The silt and sand alluvium transitions to sandy 9ravel with depth. The gravel is typically ;t3-inch minus, rounded and well-'graded. The sapdy gravei c6ntai!1s st)me to trace silt and is very moist to wet The sandy gravel extends to. the limit of our expiorationat the site (:!:6.fee9. !. . . INFILTRATION TESTING . . . .Infiltr~tion te~tin~ Was CO~ducted at M'oIO~t10ns: (P-1@.rjd P72). '~~e ~ppro~imate: test locationS' are shown on .Flgure 2. The testing was conducted ,to assist In estimating the' hydraulic, CondUctivity oHhe soil beneath 'the site for use in disp6salofstorri1yiater. The:talling head infiltration met\1od w~s used for the testing, ii;1 general:Confo&nance , . .. - ",' . . - ,_ '. ..' . . ,.' '_ . . _' , - . '_. .,0.1, . , -' ~ wit~theEugene, ~tormwClter:Mariageh1en;t ly1a~LJ~1 ~ July :2006. ,T?e w~t19rl19Vels were' monitored over a five hour penod with vanablelnfJltratlon:rCltes. observed, Sasedon our ., _ .' '_. .' . ' '. ..__._...... " _". _ . . . ,", I..... ,-". "-, . ',," . observationS, it appears th.at the subgrade'soils are expepted'to hav.e ,low tomdd19rate peirrie.ability'. . The infiltration. rates are, exp~cte~ tp i!1c~eg$e ,wi.~qepth in t~f soil. profile, A. summary of test depths".subgrade. 50115 and infiltration measurements are :. " - ':" '.....__. ",_" ,', - ,,' :,' 1_,,,' , , pr6Vidi:ldin Table .1 for individual tMt 10cptio(1s,. vVe recommend w,ing an infi.\trCltion' , ,rate no' greater than %. inches/how fOCllV19rilge infiltration., rates in !thEiupper:t1.Sjo24' . ihche$ofthii soil profile afthe, site. The design ihnltrati9ntqt~ may He increased to 4 ' inCheslh~ur iftt)e infjltr~tion Clreas ,are e~caV5'teci'tot~esahdY S6il,~ubgr,adEland . r!llatively free drainingm~terial is !.Ise? to . bac~fill the .excavation to [the d~sighsllbgrade' . .1e"~1. ." .... . " i " .' , fabl~ 1. :lnfiltrationT~s'ting:SLimn'larY . ,] ,', . .'." ". , Measured Test. .... T 19st Deptl1 , Subgrade " Infifti~t;on, Soil Loca.tion ' (in) iate'Un/l1(.) , . . 24" Sa.i:ldY . I P,1 Silt :i:12jnJ/lr. .. . I . P-2 18~ Silt :!:1.SlnJhr. '. !, .. '../ . QISCUSSION QF GEOTECHNICAL ISSUES Weat~er Conditions: .' . . .' '. .' ..1. '.. , . The site work should be Conducted dUring dry weather, to the extent practical. The site grading is ~xpected to. beminih1ClI and' will primarily be excavatipn' of the existing fill materiai for the building'pad and footings. Tt)e subgrade soils will ,typically il'lC;lyde silt, . Which is expected t9 be moisture sensitive. The excavation depth for the footings and pavements will n3ve'i6'be.increaSedqrl(ja,th'ickened rock ~ectiOrl used .for site prepilr~tion during w,et-weather conditions. Therefore,' wet wdllther construction is el'pected to have higher site preparation cOsts. . Buildina Site Preparation: ' '.. .. , . .", ' - I We understand tflat th,enew structure will include slab on grade construction that will 'be , elevated' ilpOve existing. site-grades, All fill. materials and.. debris Will nee(j' to, be eXGCl\l.ated .f~?~ the buildingareCl and hauled frorn the site fS thf)at~trei'ec(' Geotech~lca!' I.nvestigatton Glenwo6d Op Proje~ Eugene, Oregon a. January~17i 1011 . "'Aft tt \ lP2UfI . Original Submittal . . Appendix D: Infiltration Test Date Received: MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . Glenw Spring! Project . . ood OP Storm Drainage KPFF Consulting En ield, OR Conveyance Calculations : 310814 DESIGN SECTION DESIGN CALCULATIONS DESIGN I SUB-BASIN RUNOFF TOTAL SLOPE DIA CAPACITY VEl. RUNOFF VEL. LENGTH OR TIME Q a Of Vf !RATIO AT STRUCTURE MIN. eFS eFS % IN, eFS FT/S O/Qf OlaF FEET Roof I 5.00 I 0.40 I 0.40 1.00 8 1 1.21 I 3.45 I I 0.33 I 3.09 200 Date Receiv MAR 1 ! 70'1 gineers By:ALB ed: Original Sl1klrnitt:A I '''''---'''--' .---. -. , 11021,8-CALC-conveyance-calcs-25-yr.xls 2/18/2011 . . , Appendix C: Conveyance Calculations Date Received: . MAR r 1 2011 Original Submittal . . , BES . Presumptive Approach Calculator. Ver 1.2 10-yr Con-A&B 10-yr Event Surface Facility Modeling Swaie A -lnfiow froml Rain Event I - -Infiltration Capacity -Inftow-Infilt~ation - Overflow t6 Approved Discharge I ---. Total Flow to Below Grade Slorage - % Surface ~Capacity Glenwood Op Center 2/16/2011 11:38:24 AM West Bikepath i 0.0400 I I uunnm . unl.nn I __"_n_____nn.u ------or --------. --;--, --- --- - -- -1--- --- --- 1 I I 500 2000 2500 0% 100% 200% "3 u. .. 300% 400% 500% 0,0500 . 0.0300 $' .!:!. 0.0200 ~ o .. --,=o==<=.~ . 1000 -0.0100 . Time (min) 10-yr Event Below Grade Modeling 0.0080 0.0060 0.0040 1- 0.0020 . --- ---- J!!. .!:!. 0.0000 I ~ 0 .. .0.0020 -0.0040 -0.0060 -0.0080 500 1000 1500 , -Inftow to Rock Storage I . - -Infiltration Capacity '. I -Inftow-Inftltration I -'{, Rock Capacity I I --------~l~-------- , , UT"U 1 I 2000 I 2500 0% 100% 200% "3 u. .. 300% 400% 500% Time (min) Date Receiv~d: Printed: 2/16/2011 11 :38 AM MAR 11 2011 Original Submittal . . BES - Presumptive Approach Calculator - Ver 1.2 ~ ~. -:.:::: Ltu mmOm -0.0040 1 m. mu -0.0060 _ u ..m mu 0.0100 0.0080 0.0060 0.0040 ~ .!; 0.0020 -0.0080 0.0080 0.0060 0.0040 0.0020 ~ .!; 0.0000 ~ 0 ~ u: -0.0020 -0.0040 -0.0060 -0.0080 PR Con-A&B Pollution Reduction Event Surface Facility Modeling Gienwood Op Center 2/1612011 1138:24 AM i/\! est 3ik'~path 1 -Inflow from Rain Event - -Infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Infiltration -'-Overflow \0 Approved Discharge ----- Percolation to "Below Grade Storage - % Surface Capacity SI,'v'aie A 0% ~~~~==~I~=:~"""~~~~"~~~-:::==~:~:~""""===:_~" .. m.. "lL...: :::..:. u_.::.:u.. u m Un ...-.. n_.... .u...m.... n n. n n._... nmu. nmu =; .."-__nnn____ 100% ~ \ '" .1000 1500 2000 2500 -r Time (min) 200% Pollution Reduction Event Below Grade Modeling ~ Inflow to Rock Storage - -Infiltration Capacity -Inflow-Inflltration - % Rock Capacity 0% -~~--~~J--l-~~~---~~~-~-~~--.~~~--~~--~~--~---~~ nn__ __n_n _un__ n___ /L~ \ 100%;E ,. o 1000 1500 2000 2500 uJ Time (min) 200% Date Rece ved: Printed: 2/16/2011 11:38 AM MAR 1 1 2011 Original Submittal . . . ~ ~ , ~ g ~ ~ ~ o ~ "! ~ " ~ > 5 .. "5 u .. <.> " u ~ o 5- C- o< ~ .~ C. ,E ~ . ~ 0: i .. . 0" ~~ -. :~li w. !!!g' .0 00 B ~" ~;;; .' "~ Qi";;' ~~ .2 ~.~ ~ .~ . . > " .!!!-5 ~~ .~ 0" ;;;;2i 00 0" " 0 .; :g 00 . " ~~ ~~ .. ,. ~- ~,E ~~ . . :[~ ~il .~ u;~ij g~~ :::; 0 '" 0-. E~~ ."0 .E--'r-i ~'," ~~:Z'f;J '. 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Identify facility shape of surfac:_e"fa~i1ity to':mo_reaCc~[at~ly~sHfnate,_~urf~ce ,~o~me,i"~~cePt and sloped planters that, us~'the,pAC Slope'd F',a'c\iit'y:WorksheeIIO en-te'r'data;:',..:, ,::;E:}',: ' 4. Select type of facilitY,ci?~nfiguratjorL::::;~,,":>",\,?',:\,:;;~.'.r" " . e, . <,>:. 5. Complete data ~,ntryj~r..alJ:~ig~li9hf~,q;ceris. - .,' ,}~!r~~,,"(':',;:<,:;''':, :,e~~,~"-'"-' Catchmen~ facility w!!\ me:~~'~~,i:arc~Yi~_a'~7g?ry'~' J"" 1 GIS ":r'i~' ,~i!, .",~.,,, ~ Gro~ing Medium Depth = 18 In Fre&~oard.p,~pth = N/A ,I~ '. Infi~2i:~;,:~~~~1~~~~~~~t,~~:;~~~;\~':~..:;;. Overfl~w Volume' -------: -- __.r_'_ - ~~: ',''', ' ..' '.;;:.1./ '\/ ~:T oa ~mmary: .. " .... ,,~!,'.~','::~"'- ,!J ~'::rt',-.^,;:" Hierarch)' RESULTS box belowllceds to displny.,. SWMM Requirement Cllte-gory Pollution 1O.~'l" (lIka disposal) liS a R~tlllclion a~ a I On-siteillflltratiol'lWllhusuri'aceiniiltrariouf3eility. PASS PASS .. " i ~tl~;mt~A~.lH1t'i1~;, :' FacilitY TY~'~:Y'Swale i:~~ t,t;:;j'\ '\",' j;~i~~\....'. _.is":: . . .. - I' ' . . ". " . ~.\ .-"" ...~\ Facility ,~o~figui~tio~~: \ ,- ~ ,; '-'- ,".--- eLANT>R_I_BASIN! '''" : SWALE Focility [ StorogeDepthl "ottorn Areo I GM Depth l:: --'i- ~ . i:' ORD"'NG "ED'"" ".;:.~ -: ;. ..... i f '-.', '{::::7J.~ A r"~ ..,e;;b.:,: ..~, .r}',1;:;<' "'";;;,, ~ ., "~~':'";''--''' ,'.-..--, ;1i#~ " \ '. '~ Refer to Sloped Facility Worksheet and enter Variable Parameters ',\ ,__'-:"'-'''1, '__ DATA'FOR ABOVE GRADE STORAGE COMPONENT _~.f.J '.. 'jI.I~!!l~~~:i,~!f~a,;= 278 _~L"_ - 1"";'" r Surfa~e Capa.cj~-Yolume,,:::=. 165.2 cf ;'--'''''__ i ..u.___.." ,. ";~{X[j"'._, ;~" '~r i,' . .....-..)' ;",i' '.;. ',' ,,:....~;.; ,;;::;;" BELOW GRADE STORAGE. Rock Storag'e' Bottom Are'a-=' 278 . ".Rock storage De.ptn.:=_ 0 ..::Ji: ~"r:~ ~. :!~,(;'-,:,:, ."~:::;' 10.yr ~ G;;J -.~ - '. 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Catchment ID:~est Bikepat~ Date: 02/01/10 Permit Number: 0 Time Site Soils & Infiltration Testing Data InfiltratiQri~Te~tir19:Procedure: Open Pit Fallin , . .-..""'......:h".,:,,......,..,:~t.. , N~tive,:3oJt'Fi~l(l;jreis!eid Infiltration Rate (I",,): () I '.,~.j-.- ..,. j<;~"";'-~'-" .' .' " Bottompt~aCility Meets Required Separation Frorj1..' Higr(GVb'iiridwater;Per BES SWMM Section 1.4: 1 1 Correction Factor Component iC~t;,.t (r'!ng'i'l'Jr9m 1 to 3\. ..-:::.T<... Design Infiltration Rates . Id~~ri[f9t~J~~tiYe (!t~sth2E;:s'I):i.:.'-L-,r-' "'"';;>'_''''' i :' [d$~~~~'~:[mR:?:&e~~~~gwrh-~\,M~d!J,~':~':"~i~"~'~<:~-~-,_..t--/ . i i , ---- --,--- ! ' ..--===4/ . ,,__.._"~;-----"- -__~ Ii . . Project Name: Project Address: Glenwood Op Center Franklin Blvd Springfield, OR Anna Backus KPFF Designer: Company: Drainage Catchment Information Catchment ID 0.0600 0.0500 0.0400 0.0300 $' !:. 0.0200 ~ 0 u: 0.0100 0.0000 .", CD -0.0100 1 .-_::::.--'- CD ... N CD <0 '" CD N ~ Printed: 2/16/2011 11 :38 AM . Run TimE 2/16/2011 11:38:24 AM 5 min. I " Head "2 in/hr yes....,: /,.:.~.,. Execute SBU H Calculations SBUH Results Peak Rate (efs) -PR 0.009 115 I -2-yr 0.031 398 I -5-yr 0.Q38 489 I 0.045 581 i10-yr 0.052 672 -25-yr " ---.... I.'~~.-- - CD co '" CD CD <0 T ~ g r' g co m CD ~ CD CD N ~ CD N '" ~ o ... ... ~ CD N '- Time (min.) MAR II 2011 Original Submittal_____. t: '" .l:: II - '" .s. '" o ~ ..... L- ell > I L- o - .!!! ::J U iii (.) .c: u nl o L- a. a. <( (I) > :::l a. E ::I rJl (I) L- a. tJ) UJ aJ III t III ll. ... o c o :.;:; III ... .:: u. ... Ql ;:: < 3: o ;: - ::l o :t: o C ::l a:: :::; a. ~ '" ~ "'~ ON "O~ o~ 00 3c> Co tn ';:;) ..@r-Clj ro t?~CO(1)Q)< c o :.;:; III ... .:: l;:: c Q) Q) 0 >ow c EE-..ca.o m.-...... e >':0= zl-~rol-~ U 3 E.~~& wo::.!::r=-.:: "Q .B ~5 a: J u.u ~ .0 '" u.. --~::==--~~~ . E 15 U5 ~ , N , , , , , : E 15 U5 ~ J, , , , ! , ,.;r ovv~ r::: :. 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