HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/8/2011 Crossroads. LLC 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite 110 RPAmnnrt O'R Q77~ii Gmntor's Name and Add~ HLM Ioc '4MSWl'ihtdN'Phu:r.Suite 110 Redmond. OR 97756 Grantee's Name and Address I .. I . , Divl.ion 0' Ch~ o.pJly Clerk "^"1-.Mn02' ...... County _ and R_da 'VII "IJWI "1I11111~llml""""~ 1II1111111~II"m . $26.00 00878li182087000S7020011lll12 RPR I 01/2&/2007 12:52:47 P1I -DEED c..t=1 Sln=1 CASHIER OS 1S.00 511.00 510.00 I at o'clOCK _ M, ana f'tCU11.It:\.l m booklreeVvolume No. _ on page _ SP...a:USER.VED and/or as fee/filelinsttumenttmicrofilm/reception No. I , Records of said County Witness m~ hand and seal of County affixed. NAME By "" kECOkDEk'SI)$G ~~6~C(L "fterret:llriiq.RhII"l1"<N-.Addn:u,Zip}:: HLM.lrn:. 2464 SW Glacier Place: Suite t 10 Redmond. OR 97756 tJa:1jI requnsted.u..rwbt.,tead aD tax IUIlCDtlm to (Nun, Addrca., Zip)::: HLM, Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite 110 Redmond, OR 97756 . Deputy. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOWN ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that Crossroads. LLC I bereinafter called JUaIrtOr, for the consideration, hereinafter stated, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto HLM,lnc. I hereinafter called grantee, and unto grantee's heirs,. successors and assigns, all of thai certain real proPerty, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining. situated in I Lane County, State of Oregon, described as follows, t~wit: JASPER MEADOWS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF UNPLA TIED REMAINDER (Tn Map 18-01-03 Tu Lot 507) SITUATED in Lane County. State of Oregon in the Southwest 114 ofScction 3 and the Soutbelm 1/4 ofScction <t, Township 18 Solnh, Range 2 West of the: Willamettc Meridian and Described as Follows: J BEING aU of Parcel I of land Partition Plat No. 99-P1279 as Platted and Filed August 17. 1999 in [;ane County Oregon Land Partition p~ Records and filed as County Survey File No. 36134 in the Office of tile Lane County Suri-e,..or; I EXCEl'TlNG THEREFROM all the lands contained within the plat boundmy or"JASPER MEADOWS" as platted and recorded Febnmry 1~, 2002 in the Plat Records oCLane County, State of Oregon; I EXCEPTING THEREFROM all the IIlIlds contained within the plllt boundary of "JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION ~ planed and ~ November 22, 2002 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; I EXCEPTING THEREFROM all the lands contained within the plat boundary of "JASPER MEADOWS SECOND ADOmON" as plmted and recorded December 13, 2004 the PleI Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; I EXCEnlNG THEREFROM all the lands contained within the plat boundlU}'of"JASPER MEADOWS nnRD ADDITION AND JASPER MEADOWS FOlJRrn ADOmoN" IS platted and recorded May 22. 2006 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of . O..gon; I To Have and to Hold th~ same unto grantee and grantee's heil'1, successor and assigns forever. The tJ'\Ic and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms of dollars, is S' l) . -However. the, actual consideration consists of or includes other property or value given .or promised which is 0 part of the 0 the whole (indicate which) consideration.- (TheKnt:cntebetwemtm:symbols.,ifnotapplicable,5houldbedclmd. SceORS9J.030.) I In construing this deed, where the context so requires. the singular includes the plural, and all grammatical changes shall be made so that ths deed shall apply equally to corporations and to individuals. I IN WIlNESS WHEREOF, the grantor bas executed this instrument on Janu8l}' 25th. 2007 ; if grantor is a corpomtion, it has caused its name to be signed and its seal, if affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by order of its board of directors. I nos INSTRUMENT W1U. NOT AUOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN lWS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF A.PPUCABLE Ul.NO USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING llflS INSTRUMENT. mE PERSOJq ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO 1HE PROPERTY SHOULD CHOCK WIni THE APPROPRJATE aTY OR COUNTY Pl.ANHNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMJTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR F'OREST PRACflCES AS D;rt;R~cetved: I STATE OF OREGON, County of Op<:f'hntf'<l This instrument was acknowledged before me on I I Januarv 25th. 2001 I I I < I \Ca...v."""!;l,Y.J..;,..:l"aolz.. '. Notary Public for Ore~ I Mycommissionexpires '1.\B.aoo' I I }ss. MAR -82011 by by .itai as ::: Original SU.9gJj.~ fc.' "..- OFFICIAL SEAL , KIMBERLY GUTHRIE I... NOTARY puauc . OREGON _'. COMMISSION NO. 310022 flTamwswElfVIIl!$Jll.Y.lllm .-.r-......:;;~~.._ . This instrument was acknowledge before me on J..bvttf'n W~to::nn