HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/8/2011 . . :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision q Com an : Address: HLM, Inc. I Phone: I Fax: I 541-480-7773 A licant Name: Craiu Horrell 2464 SW Glacier PI, Ste 110, Redmond OR 97756 A licant's Re .. Renee C]ouuh, PE, PLS, AICP , I Phone: I Fax: I 541-746-0637 Com an : Branch Enoineerino. Inc. 541-746-0389 Address: 310 5th St, S rin field OR 97477 die- , I Phone: 541-480-7773 FJx: I Owner: Com an HLM, Inc. Address: 2464 SW Glacier PI, Ste 110, Redmond OR 97756 . ~ . -... TAX LOT NO S ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: ]8-02-03-33 none 11.63 Acres S uare Feet 0 Pro osed Name of Subdivision: Jas er Meadows Phase 10 Description of Pro osal: Existin Use: vacant # of Lots/Parcels: 21 Si natures: Please si nand Associated A Iications: ~ Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: Case No.:T: A lication Fee: $ 2 ~ ,~O TOTAL FEES: $ Z <) Revised 11.19.09 or\~ R\/" 1 of 10 . . Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. I An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. I Pre-Submittal I The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If th~ applicant is not the , owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applican~ to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsib,le for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: "'17 Signature Date: '"2-<;\.,\ ~'-- L.\..L___ Print CCO r Date Received: . MAR - 8 2011 Original submittal Revised 11.19.09 2 of 10 Land Division Tentati! Submittal Requirements Ch!klist NOTE: . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your spJcific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. I ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at Ithe Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. Land Division Tentative Application Form ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a beating in determining the action to be taken. o Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. I Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 81h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. I Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. I Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supportin1g calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Desigh Standards and Procedures Manual. I Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by, a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a developm~nt on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how th:e traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systJms. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and tr6nsportation policies and objectives. I Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal .~ All of the following plans must include the scale approP~iate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. I ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8'/," by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Date Received: ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ~ Vicinity Map MAR - 8 2011 Revised 11.19.09 Original Submittal 'f or lU . . lZJ The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, . curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indic!ating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, ~Iso indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines. I lZJ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses I and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department I lZJ The 100-year floodplain andfloodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approve1d Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision" I lZJ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services D1epartment lZJ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in dia1meter or greater when , measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcrop pings I lZJ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engin~er must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed dev~lopment area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan lZJ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor lZJ City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district . boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the Iproposed land division lZJ Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed ,land division I lZJ Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of Iwhich the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe elf cut and fill slopes to scale lZJ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, ihcluding type, height, and area of illumination I lZJ Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to thelproposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metrd Plan, TransPlan, , Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. lZJ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, firel hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public:: facilities lZJ Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driVeWay~ o Location of existing and proposed transit facilities I . lZJ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails . I lZJ Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required[j)~ERe~~ved: , MAR - 8 2011 Revised 11.19.09 OrigiaallSubmitlal . . ~ Location 'and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site incl~ding sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, w:ater mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection pOints I ~ The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated I o Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. c. Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer o Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations . ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but , not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained I ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for . land with a slope over 10 percent, the contOl:Jr lines may b~ at 5 foot intervals) ~ Amount of proposed cut and fill o Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL , STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE , APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: . I o Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement o Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a duster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 I o Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of , bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW I . o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table preseht . I o Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district I o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 . I o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the Iproperty o Any required federal or state permit must be submitted Iconcurre1)l2i~~.'~~ed' the permit application has been submitted for review I . o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the develoM~Rt8 <29ft11d and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Original Submittal Revised 11.19.09 6 of 10 o o o Revised 11.19.09 . . Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 '. I An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, Iwhere a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer I All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal 7 of 10 ;: x E . . 2 e " . ~ ~ ;: x c ~ 8 0 ::l. ee 5' 0 !!!. en 3:: III <: )> CD 0' ::0 3 I ;U ;::;: CD r co S 'N <=I ;;t - - CD C- ,l ,1 -i- $ - - --.-a s, 57fH ST,i! -.. cmLlll3'....' I' I I I I Iii i.1 illl Ill; ',I ~f' i~~ "1 .T', -'fri.' .. .! . :- . ..r. . ; 10:-' ~: ~. 1_______1 I: - ~t::\ ' I' ;\V-" I '1\ _ '" . . . . . -,. . . . I' . . . . . . ,iii, . . -: :!II< ," II. 1,11' . .~;;l~.;:~ < . "i!' ,ii. . . ,hli"" It.'l -',1- . '\:' . . i;I/I' ,;...,.,. Mj"" . '!", . . s"". . . I'l~i!l. . . . 'all.. . . .. '--" L'~":--- -'-- , .- - - ,. ..." (Jlla ,OOZ) . 1I!lV>lJ.S go ;.JlJId !lll !II~ 11111 S1 ; III " 11111111,1111111111 Iii! 1.i:!I!~!n: \! dil/l.. , I III · i i I " ! i i il ' . , to. : ..' =: SAS. z-- _ _ _ -----li.L _ _ I -. s. 57TH ST.~i .e:..--o. F= -. I l'- ~~ ~ .-=::!~ , l . . . , ( . ~ ~ ., ~i " II " ., I;,! -, 1, in; I' i l " ~I "'i;1 " I i! " " I' ~ -'- Ill! !mi Ill'; Iii I!II I~ Iii i!!l!lil! I! !l!i "'1'" Ii,' !, I! II! ill ;lgl I! i! · I!, !l! i. !. I I PROJfCTTITt.E: JASPER MEtDDWS 1 PHASE 10 8fh Addlt/on) SPRINGFIEL . OREGON ~ .~r 0 ~ @Branch Engineering, Inc. . ~l~~i!tl~ - ",'" o!;l too~!=l - ...- . "'-- "*,~_II 'i . --~ --- . 11 11 i g. .. ..,- ...- . i ~ ~ ........---- ~ a.a._.~._'"""" RrvlSIONS DOlt< """l>aU!I'r_ r ==- [ ] oesCRIPOO", ...... ~ TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN .........._~...., I I ,~-w.u I . . WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE JASPER MEADOWS PHASE 10 TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION ApPLICATION This application is a proposal to subdivide the property identified as Phase lOin the Jasper Meadows Master Plan (Tax Map 18-02-03-33, portion of Tax Lot 100) into 21 lots. Currently, the site is vacant with wetlands consuming much of the north'ern portion. Two public street rights-of-way are proposed for dedication to the city. In addition, Ian emergency vehicle access road is proposed to extend from the cul-de-sac to Bob Straub Parkway with a locked gate , at both ends. This access road will be paved from the cul-de-sac to the driveway for Lot 10; the surfacing type from the driveway to Bob Straub Parkway has not been determined yet, but will meet or exceed the Fire Department requirement for 80,000-pound load! The tract containing the wetlands is to be dedicated to Willamalke concurrent with the plat. At the time of platting, we will coordinate with Willamalane regaiding the dedication method (on the face ofthe plat or by separate document). The boundari1es ofthe residential development are laid out to not encroach on the delineated wetlands. I Construction of the streets and utilities will require some earthwork and tree removal. , The full extent ofthese tasks will be determined with the construction plans. With the exception of utility extensions along the east side of the street, no earthwork will dccur and no trees will be removed within the wetlands. Connections to facilities in the prior phaJe that were not extended to the phase boundary are the only off-site improvements. The streets, btilities and lots are laid out to match the site contours as well as possible to minimize the earthJ,ork. It is acknowledged that tall retaining walls along the south and north boundaries ofthe residential lots will be required. Based on the developer's experience and an approximate cost-benefit analysis, it was determined that this layout created lots that are more saleable and cost ~fficient than alternative designs (such as terracing). Please note that the locations and dimensiohs of the public improvements, especially utilities, are intended to be approximate. A dbtailed design will be performed prior to submittal of the Public Improvement Plans. In addition, the street trees shown are solely for the purpose of acknowledging that they will need to be planted. Their actual location will be determined at the time they are installed. The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site as having Hazelair silty clay loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes (528) across the wetland portion of the site and Salkum silt loam, 2 to 6 percent , slopes (1208) across the portion of the site to be developed. The Soil Survey indicates that the seasonal high water table for the Salkum soil is more than 6 feet belowl'the ground surface. The Survey also indicates there may be problems with low soil strength and slow drainage in the Salkum soil. However since it provides solutions that are in-line with dtandard construction practices, no Geotechnical Report was obtained. . I A review of the Conditions of Approval for the Master Plan (Case Number LRP2004- 00014) did not reveal any conditions that need to be specifically addres'sed by this application. We have not yet been provided with information on the Master Plan Arhendment Conditions of Approval so cannot address compliance with that planning action. I This subdivision qualifies as a cluster subdivision to accommodate the large wetland tract. Adjustment to specific dimensional standards is not requested, bbt the lot layout in the area of the cul-de-sac is somewhat unique. Specific house plans have not y6t been selected for the Date Received: . MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . lots; at the time of home construction, the developer will ensure that they meet the Neighborhood Compatibility and Specific Development Standards in SDC 3.2-230F&G. This phase will have a Homeowner's Association structured likelthe prior phases. The Homeowner's Association will be responsible for maintenance of the shared, non-public storm water facilities. A draft ofthe agreement will be prepared for city Ireview at the time of plattingT. h' . d . dd" I I' I" I h" I' IS project oes not reqUIre any a Ihona p anmng app IcatlOns at t IS time. t IS acknowledged that a Tree Felling Permit and a Land and Drainage Altefation Permit will be required prior to the removal of trees or grading; however, these applications are being deferred to submittal at the time the permits are needed. Date Received: . MAR - 8' 2011 Original Submittal . . RESTRICTION STATEMENT FOR THE TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION ApPLICATION I The title report issued by Cascade Title Company on December 8, 20 I 0 lists eight restrictions as applicable to the lands in this subdivision. The following! is a discussion of each ofthese restrictions: 2. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted MouI)tain State Power Company, by instrument recorded September 19, 1945, in Book 2971, Page 285, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. This document is like the vast majority of other local Mountain State Power easements; it does not disclose a location. In conformance with standard local p1actice, this easement will be noted on the subdivision plat, but not viewed as restricting constrction on the lots. 3. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Moul).tain States Power Company, by instrument recorded September ]8, 1947, in Book 343, Page 615, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. I This document is like the vast majority of other local Mountain State Power easements; it does not disclose a location. In conformance with standard local piactice, this easement will be noted on the subdivision plat, but not viewed as restricting construction on the lots. 4. Easement agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, b~tween Joseph D. Bando and J.D. Bando Corporation, and Gordon W. Tripp, recorded Septebber 4, ] 98], Reel No. 1155, Reception No. 8138188, Lane County Official Records. I This document creates a drainage ditch easement across the northern portion of the west line of the parent parcel to this subdivision. The easement does not exte1nd south to this subdivision. 5. Easements, notes and restrictions shown, set forth or delineated on the recorded partition plat. A review of the partition plat shows that no easements or restrictio~s beyond those listed above existed at the time of partitioning. It was noted that the first kasement listed in the partition notes (upper left corner of the plat) gives an odd merging bfthe date and recording information from Exceptions #2 and 3 discussed above. This was rhiewed with the title company and determined to be an error on the plat. 6. Resolution Initiating Annexation, including the terms and provisions thereof, by the City of Springfield and recorded September 23, 2003, Reception No. 20031093155, Lane County Deeds & Records and Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded October 06,2003, Reception No. 2003-097367, Lane Couhty Deeds and Records. It is our understanding that the Approved Master Plan was prepar~d to conform to the requirements of these documents. Because this subdivision applicdtion conforms to the Approved Master Plan as amended by the City of Springfield, a dethiled analysis of compliance with these documents is not seen as necessary and was Inot prepared. Date Received: MAR' - 8. 2011 Original Submittal . . 7. Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements (Jasper Road Extension) and for Dedication of Right of Way to Lane County, including the terms and provisions thereof, , recorded June 25, 2004, Reception No. 2004-048548, Lane County <Dregon Deeds and Records. . I The Bob Straub Parkway (aka Jasper Road Extension) has been constructed and the right-of- way dedicated; therefore a detailed analysis of compliance with this document is not seen as necessary and was not prepared. 8. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield and the Crossroads Development, LLC, recorded March 02, 2005, Document No. 2005-014545, Lane County Deeds and Records. It is our understanding that the land could not be annexed without conforming to the requirements of this document. Because the lands are annexed, a dJtailed analysis of I compliance with this document is not seen as necessary and was not prepared. 9. Access Restrictions and relinquishment of all existing, future or poJntial common law or statutory abutter's easements of access, including the terms and pro~isions thereof, as set I forth in instrument recorded July 18, 2007, Reception No. 2007-048812, Lane County Deeds and Records. I RLID did not make afull copy of this document available; however based on general knowledge of the property and information available from other soJrces, it is known that the document places limitations on access from the property directly to IBob Straub Parkway. At the time this document was prepared it was expected that Quartz AJenue would be dedicated along the south property line providing a centralized access point fJr traffic from this subdivision and surroundinff properties. Quartz Avenue was also t6 provide a utility corridor between South 571 Street and Bob Straub Parkway. Sincelthis document was recorded, the city has decided to move the intended intersection apwoximately 600 feet south. This had the spin-off effect of making it difficult for this subdivision to accomplish street connectivity, emergency vehicle turnaround and utility connebon design criteria. The solution selected was to use a cul-de-sac street with a limited use c6nnection through to Bob Straub. This limited use connection will provide the utility corrido~ and meet emergency vehicle needs. The connection will be gated at both ends to preventl use by anyone except utility maintenance personnel (including the city and public utility stafJ) and emergency , vehicles. Use of this connection will be rare and not by the generaljPublic so is seen as in compliance with the intent of the recorded document. To meet the city's length requirements I for dead-end streets andfire code requirements for turnarounds without this connection would severely reduce the subdivision's density. Date Received: . MAR -3 2011 Original Submittal . . @ Branch Engineering, ...... '" .. . ,[''' Inc. Corporate HeadquaiterS (541)746-0637 . 310'5~Slreet Springfield:OR 97477 Salem Engineering OffIce. (503i 779-257.7 4310 ClierrYAvenue NE Keizer. OR 97303 . Principals M. Lane Branch. PE Darnien Gilbert. PE Renee ciougl1. PE. PLS. AICP Rene' Fabricant. PE. SE . Ronilld Joerrick. PE www.BranchEnglneering.com February 24, 2011 Andy Limbird City of Springfield 225 Fifth St Springfield OR 97477 Dear Andy, This is a complete submittal for the Jasper Meadows Phase 10 tentative subdivision application. A pre-submittal meeting was held at 11 :00 on Tuesday, December 21, 2010. The items deemed incomplete at the meeting have been addressed as follows: FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY (Gilbert Gordon via Al Gerard) Provide "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs or curb markings (red striping with white letters or yellow , striping with black letters) on one side of Quartz Avenue and both sides of the fire apparatus , access road from the cul-de-sac bulb to Bob Straub Parkway per 2010 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.1,503.3 and SFC Appendix D 103.6. I The developer prefers to install signs instead of curb markings. A note has been added to the , plans acknowledging that the signs will need to be included in the PIP. In addition to the written comment about the locks, it is acknowledged that there was dlso a verbal discussion that the gates need to be designed with an effort at discouraging ped~strian use. Provide Public Works locks on the proposed manual gates on the fire aJparatus access road. PW locks can be obtained from Heyman's Lock, Safe and Security at 13i 14th Street in Springfield (Phone: 541-747-6713). I Thankyoufor providing information on how to obtain the locks. Installation of the locks will be included in the PIP. TRANSPORTATION (Michael Liebler) Existing drawings are in compliance with minimum street depth to the cul-de-sac, Given that secondary emergency access will be provided to the cul-de-sac, the rilaximum street length of 400 feet may be extended to more efficiently utilize the developable larea. We appreciate the city's willingness to propose flexibility to make a property more developable. Several other street and lot layout options were reviewed and determined to not be enough improvement in salability to justifY a change in design at this stage. Date Received: . MAR' -8 2011 CIVIL STRUqT!JRES TRANSPORTATION Oriainal Submittal GEOTECHNIC~SURVEYI NG . . Various street trees located on the plans are too close to the street lighting according to Springfield Engineering Design Standard 6.02.4. Street tree clearancbs will need to comply with this code.. I The street trees shown on the plan are a conceptualization to acknowledge that they will need to be installed in the future. At the time they are installed, a finallochtion will be selected that meets the applicable design criteria. The Written Statement has 'been revised to more clearly reflect this. A traffic impact study will not be required for this development. Thankyoufor the confirmation. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING (Clayton McEachern) I. Transformers and mailboxes not shown. If neighborhood mailboxes are not required for this development please note. I The transformer design (sizing and placement) will be performed by 'fPUD, the electric provider, at the time of P IP preparation. A note has been added to the plans to note that selection of a neighborhood mailbox location(s) will be coordinated 'with USPS at the time of PIP preparation. 2. No planting plan included for detention ponds. A note has been added to the plans stating that the planting plan will be designed as part of the PIP and will conform with City o(Springfield design criteria. Paving along the frontage for Lot 10 will need to be extended past that lot's driveway. The developer agrees that the shared access should be paved to at le~st the driveway for Lot 10. It is understood that this driveway will need to be constructed (ihcludingpavingJ prior to completion of the subdivision. A PIP will be required for constructed S S7'h St, Quartz and all associated utilities. This will include the emergency access road to Bob Straub. I Thank you for ensuring the design team is aware of this requirement, An LDAP will be required before any grading is started for Phase 10. Thank you for ensuring the design team is aware of this requirement. As mentioned in the pre-submittal meeting, the developer is considering utilizing a mass Wading process similar to that used at Westwind Estates. It is acknowledged that in additioil to the written comments, Kip Kaufmanfrom the Building Department made a verbal statemerit expressing his need to be involved with the grading and special inspection process. I A detailed maintenance agreement for the detention ponds will be required. A detailed maintenance plan will be prepared and submitted with thk design information produced during the PIP process. At the time of platting a Home o\vner 's Association will be created and tasked with ensuring maintenance of the detention ponds. The Written Statement has been expanded to discuss the Home Owner's Association. Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . As part of the planting plan provide a note stating that all detention basins must be protected from compaction during construction and/or have all compaction duel to construction activities removed. The construction plans will reflect this construction requirement. Quartz Avenue will probably need to be changed to Quartz (...) to reflect that it is a cul-de-sac and not a through street. The plans reflect the street name change. PLANNING (Andy Limbird) 1. Name of the east-west public street serving Phase 10 cannot be "Quartz Avenue" in accordance with adopted Lane County road naming guidelines. An dltemative name must be selected that meets the naming guidelines. The developer has revised the street name to Basalt Court. 2. Show the location of required traffic control signage including stop or yield-controlled intersections and vehicle barricades/warnings. I The plans show a stop sign/street name sign combination at the northeast corner of Basalt Court and South 5th St. A barricade has been added to the south en1d of South 57th St. 3. Please show the size and location of proposed water mains, includinJ the connection with the proposed fire hydrant. I To avoid cluttering the drawing, one line was shown for the joint utility trench with a call-out in the legend regarding which utilities will be in the trench - this includes the water main. SUB is responsible for sizing the new line at the time of PIP preparation; therefore no size is included on our plans at this time. The new line is proving a looped!connection between an existing 12" line and an existing 16" line so it is assumed that the new line will be between these two diameters. The city is undertaking a concurrent Jasper Meadows Master Plan amendment for relocating the "Quartz A venue" intersection, which is a necessary prerequisite bef6re the proposed Phase 10 subdivision can be platted. I It is understood that this subdivision cannot be completed prior to completion of the Master Plan Amendment. Provide Knox boxes and/or Public Works locks on the gated emergency access road. At the time of public improvement design selection of the lock will bk coordinated with Clayton McEachern and Gilbert Gordon. I Staff does not support installation of an 8 to 10-foot high retaining wall along the rear of Lots 10- 21. Slope-adaptive housing is recommended for these lots. I The developer appreciates the city's suggestions and has taken them into consideration. A discussion of this topic has been added to the Written Statement. The proposed 4-foot high retaining wall on Lots 1-9 will likely require 'an engineered design. Date Received: MAR - 8' 2011 Original Submittal . . The design of the retaining walls will be addressed prior to submittallfor an LDAP or mass grading permit. The face of the proposed 4-foot retaining wall on Lots 1-9 must be located at least two-feet , inside the property lines and not require maintenance access onto or through Tracts A, B or C. , Additionally, disturbance caused by construction and installation of the retaining wall shall not encroach within the adjacent regulated wetlands unless proper mitigation measures are implemented. These requirements will be addressed at the time of wall design. The applicant shall verify the status of wetland mitigation measures for the Jasper Meadows neighborhood. If completed, Tract A shall be partitioned from the ddvelopable remainder on the east side of Bob Straub Parkway (Phase 9) and dedicated to Willkalane prior to or concurrent with the Phase 10 subdivision (ref. Jasper Meadows Mastbr Plan approval condition #20). I The Written Statement now includes a discussion regarding the dedication of the wetland tract to Willamalane. Emergency access driveway connection to Bob Straub Parkway will require a Lane County Facility Permit or an acceptable written authorization. I The city has previously indicated that they accept responsibility for obtaining Lane County's approval of the change. It is our understanding that Ken Vogeney ahd Joe Leahy have made progress on this since the Pre-Submittal Meeting. All utilities installed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. This is reflected on the plans and the PIP will conform. A Tree Felling Permit will be required for the proposed removal oftrees within the project area. This will be appliedfor prior to tree removal. The subdivision proposal shall meet the cluster development standards of SDC 3.2-230. A discussion of the cluster development standards has been added td the Written Statement. Please feel free to contact me at 746-0637 if you or anyone else has any questions. Sincerel enee Clough, PE, PLS, AICP Principal Surveyor Branch Engineering Date Received: MAR _8' 2011 Original Submittal BARGAIN AND SALE DEED I , D!y!.!....f Cht Iloput Clerk ...... County _ and Rocordo "11I1I~m"'I"IIIII""~ 1II111l1lmll" I m 0ll878&lB21l1l '""",,7Il20IlUl012 RPR-DfED Cnt=l Stn=ll cJl{!I17 12:52:47 Pn ".00 Sl1.DO SID.DO . al o'clOCk _ M, ana rccunn::u III booklreellvolume No.l_ on page _ S1'ACiI.E$D.VID and/or as feelfilelinsuUmentlmiaofitmlreception No. I . Records of said County I Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. I NAME I By I I ~7.0057~ ' $26 .00 ~~~~l~cn Crossroads.. LtC 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite I JO Redmond OR Q77~6 Grantor's Name and Address HLM Inc.. 24M ~W(thtt:ierP1P1N'!-"llitf! 11n Redmond. OR 97756 Grantee's Nmne and Address Afta~Nanlte(~Ad4nss.ZIp):: IILM. Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite 110 Redmond. OR mS6 "" ."..",,, "" UzdiI~.............__..~AIllIn:ss.Zlp~ HLM.Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place Suite 110 Redmond, OR 97756 . Deputy. KNOWN ALL BY lHESE PRESENTS thal Crossroads. LLC I ~inaftcr called grantor, for the consideration, hereinafter stated, docs hereby grant. bargain. sell and convey unto HLM, loc. I hereinafter called grantee, and unto grantee's heirs. successors and assigns. all of that certain real propCrty, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurt:enBnccs thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, situated in I Lane County, StBte of Oregon, described as follows. to-wit JASPER MEADOWS - LEGAL DESCRIP110N OF UNPLA rrED REMAINDER (To. Map 18-01.03 Tn Lot 507) smJATED in Lane County, StltttofOregon in the SouthWCSIl/4 of Section 31lD.d the Southeast 114 of Section 4, Township 18 South. Rmge 2 West ofthc Wil1arnettc Meridian and Described as Follows: I BEING all ofPmtelI orLand Partition Pial No. 99-P1279 as Platted and Filed August 17, 1999 io Line: County Oregon Land Partitiotl Plat Records and filed as County SUl'Ve)' File No. 36134 in the Office ofthc Lane County SUl'\.hor; I EXCEPTING THEREFROM alllhe lands cantained within the plat boundary of "JASPER MEADOWS" as platted and recorded February IS, 2002 in the Plat Records ofl.aneCounty, Stm of Oregon; J EXCEPTING THEREFROM all the lands contained within the plat boundary of "JASPER MEAOOWS FIRST ADDITION ~ platted and recorded November 22, 2002 in the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; I EXCEPTING THEREFROM all the lands contained within the pili boundaJy of "JASPER MEADOWS SECOND ADOmON" as plztted and recorded December 13, 2004 the Pial Records of Lane County, SlIIlC of Oregon; I EXCEmNG THEREFROM all the lands contained within theplal boundary oFJASPER MEADOWS llURD ADDITION M'D . ::,: MEADOWS FOURTIl ADDmON" IS planod ODd rocooIcd May 22, 2006 in the PIalRecon1sl' "fl.ooe Co""ty. State "r To Have and to Hold the same unto gnmtee and grantee's heirs, successor and assigns forever. The true and ac:tua1 consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms ofdolbn, is $ n . -However,the. actual consider8tioo consists of or includes other property or value given or promised which is 0 part of the 0 the whole (indicate which)consideration.- (Thc~betwcentl=symbob -,irnor..applic:Bble.5boo1dbcddeted. Sc:cORS93.Q30.) I In construing this deed, where the context $0 requires, the singular includes the plural, and all grammatical changes shall be made $0 that ths deed shall apply equally to corponWons and to individuals. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor bas executed this instnunent on JanUlU'Y 25th. 2007 ; if _.._~.~_._..~_.."_....._.,_. do so by order of its board of directot>. I THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN nus INSTRUMENT IN V1Ol.A.TION OF APl'UCABlE LAND USE LAWS AND HB\'dcrl I REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPt1NO lHIS . INSTRUMENT, mE PERSON ACQUIJUNO FEE 1TTl..E TO 1liE PROPERTY SHOULD am:::K WIlli THE APPROPRIATE CTY OR COUNTY Pt.ANNNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES AS DEFINED IN OKS 3O.93P. Date Received: as Mltnlto.-r- fi. :hP.?'mltrt~ (1 r OFAClALSEAt. , KIMBERLY GUTHRIE f'" NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON' COMMISSION NO. 370022 aJ mt!DISSI!II roms JlJ 11m :;;1.....:;~._. I STATE OF OREGON,County of n-r-hn'-, This instrument was acknowledged before me on I I This instrument was acknowledge before me on Januarv 25th. 2007 by f.bvMn Wltknf'l I I I . I \r~ ~V'v'k~ (""\)~ 'e Notmy Public for OI-e~n I My commission expires '1. \ B,. a.oo' I I }ss. ,MAR ~82011 by ..~ '.J ,. . . -. =-= CASCADE TITLE CD. IE CASCADE EXCHANGE SERVICES. INC. CASCADE ESCROW , WATSON DEVELOPMENT LTD. AnN: SHAWN HOLM EMAIL: SHOLM@WATSONDEVELOPMENTLTD.COM DECEMBER 8, 2010 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR PREUMINARYTIr-E REPORT THE ATfACHED PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT ("REPORT") WAS PREPARED BY , CASCADE TITLE COMPANY AFTER RESEARCHING THE LANE COUNTY OREGON , REAL PROPERTY DEED RECORDS. THE REPORT PROVIDES INFORMATION ABOUT , TITLE TO THE REAL PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THE PENDING TRANSACTION. PLEASE REVIEW THE REPORT CAREFULLY. I . THE REPORT SHOULD DESCRIBE ALL OF THE REAL PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THE TRANSACTION. I . THE REPORT SHOULD CORRECTLY IDENTIFY THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT , REAL PROPERTY AND IDENTIFY THE PURCHASERS IF THE RI EAL PROPERTY I~ BEING SOLD. . . . THE REPORT SHOULD SET FORTH ALL 'SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS' TO TITLE TO , THE REAL PROPERTY INCLUDING MONETARY LIEN ITEMS A,ND EASEMENTS: If YOU KNOW OF ANY SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS NOT LISTED IN THE REPORT PLEASE CONTACT US. I . SOME SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS WILL REMAIN AFTER CLOSE OF ESCROW AND OTHERS WILL BE REMOVED AT CLOSE OF ESCROW. SOME SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, SUCH AS TAXES OR MONETARY LIEN ITEMS, IARE TYPICALLY , ELIMINATED AT CLOSE OF ESCROW. OTHER SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. SUCH 1'6 COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, TYPICALlL Y REMAIN AS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS IN THE TITLE INSURANCE POLICY. PLEASE REVIEW TI-E , SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AND ADVISE US WHICH ARE TO BE REMOVED - THIS WILL ASSIST IN CLOSING YOUR TRANSACTION IN A TIMELl MANNER. AFTER YOUR REVIEW OF THE PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT PLEASE CONTACT US , SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR IF WE CAN BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE. , THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASSIST YOU IN THIS TRANSACTION. CASCADE TITLE CO. Date Received: . MAR -~. 2011 I vrlglm1l3ubl(littal , 811 Willamette Street. Eugene, Oregon 97401 I phone: (541) 687-2233 . fax: (541) 485-0307. email: info@cascadetitle.com 1901 Hwy 101 - Suite 2 . Florence, Oregon 974391 phone: (541) 997-8417 . fax: (541) 997-8246 . email: florence@cascadetitle.com t- ,\ . . . - M CASCADE TITLE CO. 1111I111I111~1111111111111~lIlll1llllllm, STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: DENA MULLIKIN 811 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE, OR 9740'1 Our No: CT-02696~5 Date: DECEMBER 8, 20~0 Charge: $300.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the f~llowing described real property: ( A T T A C H E D Vestee: and as of: DECEMBER 01, 2010 AT 8:00 A.M., we find the fol"owing: HLM, INC. said property is subject to the following on record matters: I Taxes, Account No. 1671104, Assessor's Map No. 18 02 03 3 3, #100, Code 19-36, 2008-2009, a balance due of $1,241.49, (Tax was $3,724.461; 2009-2010, in the amount of $12,628.54; I 2010-2011, in the amount of $11,989.95, ALL DUE PLUS INTEREST. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, Jranted MountaiL States Power Company, by instrument recorded September 19, 1945, in Book 297, Page 285, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 1. 2. 3. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountair States Power Company, by instrument recorded September 18, 1947, in \BOOk 343, Page 615, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County Official Records. Easement agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, betweEn Joseph D_ Bando and J. D. Bando Corporation, and Gordon W. Tripp, recorded September 4, 1981, Reel No. 1155, Reception No. 8138188, Lane County Official Records: I Easements, notes and restrictions shown, set forth or delineated on tLe recorded partition Plat. . I Resolution Initiating Annexation, including the terms and provisions thereof, by the City of Springfield and recorded September 23, 20031, Reception No. 2003-093155, Lane County Deeds & Records and Annexation Agreement, including the tErms and provisions thereof, recorded October 06, 2003, Receptio~ No. 2003-097~67f Lane County Deeds and Records. 4. 5. \ 6. continued- MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH: (541) 587-!233 FLORENCE' 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (541) 99IDate7Received: EUGENE FAX: 485-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle.com . FLORENCE FAX: 997-1246 MAR' - 8 2011 Original Submittl:ll .'~_.H__.'_~ .~ .' ',~ . . Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements (Jasper Road Extens:on) and for Dedication of Right of Way to Lane County, including the terms and provisions , thereof, recorded June 25, 2004, Reception No. 2004-048548, Lane County Oregon Deeds and Records. I Fnnexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, betveen the City of Springfield and the Crossroads Development, LLC, re~orded March 02, 2005, I Document No. 2005-014545, Lane County Deeds and Records. Access Restrictions and relinquishment of all eXisting! future or potential common law or statutory abutter's easements of access, including the terms and provisions , thereof, as set forth in instrument recorded July 18, 2007, Reception No. 2007~ 0488l2, Lane County Deeds and Records. I 10. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions ther~of, executed b} HLM, Inc., a Washington Corporation, Grantor, to Brad L. Williams, Attorney of Law, Trustee, for the benefit of Washington Trust Bank, Beneficiary, dat~d January 4, 2010, recorded February 19, 2010, Reception No. 2010-008483, Lane couhty Deeds and Records, to . , secure payment of a note in the amount of $13,842,528.94. I 11. Deed of Trust (Line of Credit), including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by HLM, Inc., a Washington Corporation, Grant6r, to Brad L. villiams, Attorney of Law, Trustee, for the benefit of Washingtoh Trust Bank, Beneficiary, dated January 4, 2010, recorded February 19, 2010, Rec~Ption No_ 2010-008484, Lane County Deeds and Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount oj . $2,025,000.00. I This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the reall property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee ~nd shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. 7. 8. 9. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: Cc: WATSON ATTN: EMAIL: DEVELOPMENT LTD. SHAWN HOLM SHOLM@WATSONDEVELOPMENTLTD.COM Date Received: MAR' - 8 2011 Original Submittal ~-..' . . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Parcel I, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 99-PI279, as platted and recorded August 17, 1999, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THEREFROM: All the lands contained within the boundary of JA3PER MEADOWS, as platted and recorded February 15, 2002, Reception No. 2002-012568, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon. I ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: All the lands contained within the boundary Jf JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded November 22, 2002, R2ception No. 2002-091218, Lane County Deed~ and Records, in Lane cbunty, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: All the lands contained withil the boundary Jf JASPER -. - I MEADOWS SECOND ADDITION, as platted and recorded December 13, 2004, <eception No. 2004-094865, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane cbunty, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: All the lands contained Withil the boundary Jf JASPER , MEADOWS THIRD ADDITION AND JASPER MEADOWS FOURTH ADDIFION, as platte] and recorded May 22, 2006, Reception No. 2006-035144, Lane County Deeds ~nd Records, in Lane County, Oregon. I. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: All the lands contained withip the boundary Jf JASPER MEADOWS FIFTH ADDITION AND JASPER MEADOWS SIXTH ADDIT~ON, as platted and recorded October 4, 2007, Reception No. 2007-068791, Lane County Deeds and Re:ords, in Lane County, Oregon. I ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: All the lands.contained within the boundary Jf JASPER MEADOWS SEVENTH ADDITION, as platted and recorded April 1, 2009, Recoption No. , 2009-016601, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon. I ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: that portion described in Dedication to Lane County recorded July 18, 2007, Reception No. 2007-048812, L~ne County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: . MAR - 82011 Original Submittal / ..- . . THIS MAP IS TO AS,SIST LOCATING PROPERTY. THE GO"'!PANY ASSUMES NO UABILlTY FOR INACCURACIES. SW1/4 SW1I4 SEC.3 T,18S. R.2WWM, Lane County '""100' ,i':.'i'< )T';(0::},,:,:":';"':.(:r:,~,;,I":'; ,;,:;:,.:,J\ \, (\;;;;;!:"'. :'. b<r,:,;c, ," ':'()i'.":.:.i:' .' \. """, .. ,.,;:.!~ i;,?j:i'L' <:T,: ..2l'.:...'.:....'.f.:I.,>k;." """: ,.:,_,Ir::\~)K I"" :.:,..li,~:..;::-::;.: :,;: ... 1...;:';'..[/-:: :; ,'<i/,',":. ~''''" 'i.;''''' i' i:<.J<"".. ::- .:,.... , _1':.;,:,:,: ::.<,:".)j.,'roo ll1lJ:l looo;!XX) 2100 Z!Xl' . ""-' _ ,'<'-'-.,':' '!:".-::'S:::: ,. ;>:" ;':1) . ~"'~ f'^- "'~. "~'f'!iO"",^' .': ,w, ,~ ~' S2J" 1:,">""- : i., ). , ~;l... ,.. ,,,F __1". '""',,, ',.....- I ..... ..... ""'''_ _fP",. _.-, SJoo ',:.:- ----~~.IL-{___-b_~_-_.,.i':::~__~Cft~ <Jj::':~~\, ~ L~"':'~ ~ \: .._....w"" &' ......It.--:. ._........,. ,.r.'<.1'..- . \' ~ /200 ~;'::+ I ~roo ~ 2~ :aJO 2600 27oo;2!lOO ~~'~ r..'fc ~ . : '! 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"".: '_ _ ',' ~J "<.:i.:;~.f' . ; :',:,;'," l~~AC ;>,< ::--> 18020333 SPRINGFIELD .....co,. ............~....;- ""'~ '" = / __O'<O........R..........""'..._ =:ttr::::::::.~::.::.=..=:.~i =:~::::.:..o:::.:::..-~..:.~ SPRINGFIELD 18020333 Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . .----"> ,l-'-'! .0', STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE 'STUDY , ! FOR Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Springfield, OR November 29, 2010 . Prepared For: HLM Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Place, # 110 Redmond, OR 97756 Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746"0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 ',,-, ~""'~"-."'",,,,,,.,"~ -- ._~"':~"="",":-". ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. Branch PrOject # 10-198 Date Received: . MAR - 8.2011 Original Submittal . . ~." PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engineeling Division Phone: (541) 126-3753 Fax: (54]) 736-]021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SIC OPE OF WORK .. .. ...... ..~ .We~be/ow ;hisli~ejilt~il o~tbYA;}ii~~~I)+~);.: .... _.>.... pl~ose return to Maft Stolider@CitJ1ofSprinlifleldPublic Works Enginfering; F,ax. #j36-1021,Pbone# 736-1035.) Project Name: Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Applicant: Greg Mbwer Assessors Parcel #: 18-02-03-33 TL 100 Date: 11/17/2010 Land Users): Single Family Residential and wetland Phone #: 541-746-0637 Projec1Size (Acres): 3.79 Fax#: 541-746-0389 Appro:x. Impervious Area: 2.46 Email: gregm(Q)branchengineering.com I Project Description ([nclude a copy of Assessor's map): 21-lot subdivision Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge Joeatioo(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Retrofit an existing detention pond from Addition 6 & 7 to over detain storm runoff and allolv the proposed Phase 10 to be released undetained. Discharge wouJd be to existing wetlands north of site. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Grassy swale .... ... . . ............. . , . .....1 ......... . ... .'. : .'.~ '. _ (Area below this [me filled out bv the Citv and Returned to theArJ"v!icallt) _ . ........ ". . _' ! (At a minimum.alfboxes ci)e~~ed bj"h~ City, on thefioW qncf!Jackoj}I,,4Isheet)~qlr befllb.n;itted ..... .. '. fqr an application /o.be comp!e.tf! for silbmjl~~,7, alihougJ? other, reqUlreln.rnts maybeJrecE;s.{(lry.) :: 1 Drainage Study TYDc (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, VB may be substituted for Rational Method) I1kJ Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for caJculetions) I ~ ;;; ~ Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) D Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculalions) Environmental Cousiderations: ~ Wellhead Zone: NIl\. rn Hillside ~/.,., ~ WellandJRjparian: 7""", lot.. ." $. W ~r {)j FloodwaylFl.009plain: . ~7A GJ SOl] Type: 4~ L ~ D i "--"-'".1\" - P4;L..J./. - @ OtherJunsdlctlons: Luv__ Go. Downstream Analysis: 4... ...J.e.-A~" Date Received: ~ D D D N/A Flow line for starting water surface elevation: Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: Manhole/Junction to talee analysis to: . MAR - a 2011 i Return to lVlatt StOUder @ City of Sprin~field, email: mstouder@)cLs rin field.or.us, FAX: 541 .ttal O'IQlnal S"bml 736-1021 . . COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I FO'9ffiC;~llJSeOOIYf'J\'\S>' * Based upon the informalion provided on theft-onI of this sheer, {he following represents a rhinimum of what is neededfor an opplication (0 be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, [his Ust should n6! be used in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design Iv/anuol. Compliance with these ~equirements. does not constitute site approval; AddItional site specific il!formation may be required Note: Upon scoping sheet submilta!, ensure completed/arm has been signed in the space provided below: Interim Design StandardsfWater Quality (EDSPM Cbapter 3) ~q'd N/A Ipi 0 AU non-building rooftop (NBR) lTTlpervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e g multi-chambered catch basin wloil filtratwn medJa) for stormwater quality. Addlt1onally, a minimum of50% oftbe NBR Impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods I ~ 0 Where required, vegetative stormwater deSIgn shall be consistent WIth Intenm deSIgn standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). El1iI 0 For new NBR impervious area less than ]5,000 square feet, a simplified design apl!roach may be follDwed as specified by the BES for vegetative treatment. .... I. . . . . r?>>-- D ]fa storrnwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculatlOTIs/speclficatlOns for SIZlI1g, veloclty, flow, SIde slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with eIther BES or CWS reqUIrements. I ~ 0 Water Quality calculations as required in SectIOn 303.1 of the EDSPM IT ~ All building rooftop mounted equipment, 0] other tlUld containing eqUipment located outSide of the building, shaH be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. General Study Reqnirements (EDSPM SectiDn 4.03) IfliI 0 Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state DfOregon. ell 0 A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03. I, including a hydiological study map. ~ 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effectJ of a 25-year stann event m, D The time ofconcentTation (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03A-C) . D ~ A downstream drainage analysis as descnDed in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by tile OregDn Plwnbing Specialty Code (OPSe). 1 D W Elevations of the HGL and flow lines fDr both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) ,. fJi 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated On the plan set. 8 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches fOT plain honcrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be bfficiem to support an 80,000 lb load without failure of the pipe shucture. I ~ 0 Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 oflhe EDSP. All storm pipes sball be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Tible 4-1 as well. . Other/Misc I ~ 0 Existing and proposed con lOUTS, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains I IiJ 0 Private stonnwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stOlmwater flows from one property to another . I. o ~Dl)'WeIls shall not receive runoff from any surface wlo being treated by one or more BMPs, wltn the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03A.A). Additional provisions apply tol this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: www.deq.state.or.us/wq/e:roundwaJuichome.hcnl for mare information. fliJ 0 Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the -2 through 25-year stann events I . *This form shall be included as an attaC!hnzent, inside the [rollt cover, 01 the storm water study , * IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! . , - ~ A1\al l::> lLll "'.wv! As the engineer of record, I hereby certify- the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stonnwater study and plan set. '1 Date Received: . Signature: Date: . t& - 820ft Original Submittal . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Introduction I 1bis evaluation was prepared to summarize the drainage system proposed for the Jasper Meadows Phase 10 development. This storm drainage evaluation includes stormwatef quality, stormwater quantity and detention calculations. Culvert sizing calculations are also included. Existing Conditions The development site is located south of Jasper Meadows Phase 6 &7 on the east side of the extension of S. 57'h Street in Springfield, Oregon. The proposed site has an area of 3.'80 acres. The site is currently undeveloped with vegetative cover consisting of trees, grass and blackberry patches. The site generally drains from south to the north with slopes ranging from 3-10 perJent. The site drains toward the existing wetlands to the north. According to the Soils Survey of Lane County. Oregon. by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the soil at the site is Dixonville-Philomath-Hazeleair Complex (Soil NumbJr: 43C, Hydrologic Group: C). Proposed Site Conditions The proposed site will have a public road with a cul-de-sac at the end with a gravel emergency vehicle route. 21 lots are proposed for this development. South 57th Street will be bxtended to the south boundary of the proposed development. Culverts will be placed under the Jxtension of South 57th Street to provide an outlet for a large drainage basin consisting ofwetlandsJ Two detention ponds are proposed for the site to match the pre-developed runoff rates. Stonnwater Quality and Quantity Existing Conditions Storm water detention is proposed for the Jasper Meadows Phase 10 development to reduce peak discharge rates to pre-development levels. Existing conditions peak runoffirates for the 2-year through the 25-year storm events were generated for Jasper Meadows Phase 10. Peak discharge rates for the pre-development conditions were generated using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph method. The King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Di~sion, Hydrographs , Programs, Version 4.21B computer program was used to assist in the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations. The peak discharge rates from the existing site are summarized below. Complete calculations are included in Appendix A. Existing Conditions Peak Discharge Rates (cfs) 2 Year (3.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.74 5 Year (3.8 inchesl24 hours) 1.07 10 Year (4.3 inchesl24 hours) 1.42 25 Year (4.8 inchesl24 hours) 1.79 The listed existing conditions peak discharge rates were used as the maximum allowable peak discharge rates for the post development conditions. Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 {:1 0,.) Original Submittal . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 I The proposed site is broken up into three basins. Basin A includes lots 9-13 and the gravel emergency vehicle roadway. Basin A has a detention pond located near lot 9. Basin B' includes the proposed public road, a portion of the South 57th Street extension and lots 1-8 and 14t21. Basin A has a detention pond located north oflots 1-3. Basin C is the remainder ofSouili 57th Street that can not drain to the proposed detention pond north of lots 1-3. Basin C will be relebed undetained. Peak discharge rates for the post development conditions were generated Jing the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph methoel The King County Department of Public Works, SurfJce Water Management Division, Hydrographs Programs, Version 4.21B computer program was u~ed to assist in the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations. Proposed Conditions The water quality rates and the peak discharge rates from the proposed site are summarized below. Complete calculations are included in Appendix B. I PropOsed Conditions Peak Discharge Rates (efs) I Storm Basin A Basin B Basin C WQ (0.83 inchesl24 hours) 0.10 0.28 10.03 2 Year (3.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.54 1.53 10.13 5 Year (3.8 inchesl24 hours) 0.64 1.82 10.15 10 Year (4.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.75 2.12 10.17 25 Year (4.8 inchesl24 hours) 0.85 2.43 10.20 Proposed Detention System I i Basin A Detention Pond ! The detentiOn pond for Basm A has 3: I SIde slope on the Side near the gravel emergency vehicle roadway for ease of maintenance. The other three sides will have retaining walls. The pond is planned to have two feet of storage and I foot offreeboarel The pond bottom is at 532.00. The top of the pond is at 534.00. The outlet will have a 2 y," diameter orifice at elevation 532.00 and an overflow set at 534.00. Basin A detention pond is approximately 3,200 cubic feet of storaie. A small berm in the bottom of the pond creates a channel for the water quality storm. The channel is graded toward the outlet at 0.5% and is long enough to provide for a nine minute time of residency which is the minimum for water quality. The pond will be landscaped in accordance with the CitY of Springfield requirements. See Appendix C for Basin A water quality calculations. The Basin A detention pond is characterized in a spreadsheet to be used with the King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, Hydro~phs Programs, Version 4.21 B computer program for routing the developed storm through the detention ponel The routing data can be found in Appendix D as well as the detained flow rates from Bkin A. . . .. . Date Received: . MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Below is a summary of the detained flow rates from the Basin A detention pond. I ProDosed Basin A Detained Discharge Rates (cfs) I Storm Discharge (cfs) Water Elevation (feet)- 2 Year 0.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.14 533.11 I 5 Year (3.8 inchesl24 hours) 0.16 533.38 I 10 Year (4.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.18 533.66 I 25 Year (4.8 inchesl24 hours) 0.19 533.99 I Basin B Detention Pond I The detention pond for Basin B has 3: I side slopes on the west and north sides. The other side will I have a retaining wall. The pond is planned to have two feet of storage and II foot of freeboard. The , pond bottom is at 523.00. The top of the pond is at 525.00. The outlet will have a 4 114" diameter orifice at elevation 523.00 and an overflow set at 525.00. Basin B detentioh pond is approximately 6,400 cubic feet of storage. A small berm in the bottom of the pond createJ a channel for the water quality storm. The channel is graded toward the outlet at 0.5% and is long bnough to provide for a nine minute time of residency which is the minimum for water quality. Thb pond will be landscaped in accordance with the City of Springfield requirements. See Appendix C for Basin B water quality calculations. The Basin B detention pond is characterized in a spreadsheet to be used with the King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, Hydrokraphs Programs, Version 4.21B computer program for routing the developed storm through the detention pond. The routing data can be found in Appendix D as well as the detained flow rates from Bhin B. Below is a summary of the detained flow rates from the Basin B detention lond. I Prooosed Basin B Detained Discharge Rates (cfs) I Storm Discharge (cfs) Water Elevation (feet) 2 Year (3.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.54 524.19 I 5 Year (3.8 inchesl24 hourS) 0.59 524.47 I 10 Year (4.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.65 524.76 I 25 Year (4.8 inchesl24 hours) 0.82 525.03 I Basin C will be released undetained. Origi Date Received: . MAR. - 8 2011 nal submittal . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 The hydrographs from all three basins will be added to determine the total release rate for the developed site. The detained release rates from Basin A and Basin B plus the undetained release rates from Basin C shall not exceed the predeveloped release rates. See Appendix D for calculations for adding the hydro graphs. Below is a summary of the developed release rate~ and the pre-developed release rates. I Pre-cleveloped and Developed Discharge Rates (cfs) I Storm Pre-developed Developed Diff~rence 2 Year (3.3 inchesl24 hours) 0.74 0.73 0.!)1 5 Year (3.8 inchesl24 hours) 1.07 0.80 Op 10 Year (4.3 inches/24 hours) 1.42 0.88 0.p4 25 Year (4.8 inches/24 hours) 1.79 1.05 0.~4 As shown in the table above, the developed runoff rates are equal or less thb the predeveloped runoff rates. Date Received: . MAR - 8. 2011 Original Submittal . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Off-Site Stonn Water and Culvert Sizinl!: I South 57th Street will need to be extended to provide access to the proposed Jasper Meadows Phase 10. As shown on the off-site drainage basin figure, runoff from off site areas dnhn toward the South 57lh Street extension. Culverts are proposed at this location. Culvert sizing calculations were performed to determine the size and quantity of the proposed culvert under South 57th Street. This culvert pipe will convey runoff from approxirhately 53 acres of undeveloped land east ofWeyerhaeuser Haul Road, 45.5 acres between thelWeyerhauser haul road and Bob Straub Parkway and 45.7 acres between Bob Straub Parkway and South 57th Street. The total acreage of property draining to this pipe is 144 acres. It has been a consistbnt requirement in this area for each new development to provide stormwater detention. As a conserva~ve estimate, the culvert sizing calculations are based on the entire upstream tributary area being fully developed with no detention, a travel time of zero will be assumed when adding hydrographs and based on the following hydrologic assumptions: ,I Basin A Basin B Basin C Basin D I BasinE Basin F Future Use Residential Residential Residential Residential I Residential Residential Total Area (ae) 22.3 152 21.8 30.6 I 30.3 23.9 % lmoelVious 40 60 70 40 I 60 70 Impervious Area (ae) 8.9 9,] ]S.3 122 I 18.2 16.7 PelVious Area (ae) 13.4 6-1 6.5 18.4 I 12.1 7.2 CN Impervious 98 98 98 98 I 98 98 CN Pervious 80 80 80 80 I 80 80 Teoneentration (min) 20 10 10 20 I 10 10 The King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water ManagemeJt Division, Hydrographs Programs, Version 4.21 B computer program was used to assist in the hydrdlogic and hydraulic calculations. Basin Runoff Basin A 17.00 Basin B 15.08 Basin C 22.67 Basin D 23.32 Basin E 30.09 Basin F 24.82 Total Runoff 132.98 The total runoff expected at the proposed South 57th Street culvert crossing is 133 cubic feet per second. I Culvert sizing was performed using the Culvert Design Sheet from the Oregon Department of Transportation Highway Division Hydraulics Manual published by ODOTJ 2005 (see Appendix F for Culvert Design Sheet and other information used for sizing). The results indicate two 4 'x6' box culverts laid side by side with the bottom two feet buried can convey the design flow with minimal surcharging at the entrance. Date Received: , MAR'- 8 2011 Original Submittal . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Appendix A Existing Conditions Map and Peak Runoff Calculations Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal Iil'I I'.iI 0 ~~ Z N '"' ~~ '" <1 i ~ ~ - oU j , (:) 00 "" ~ ~ i~ ~ (f.) ~... ~ ~ <1 ~ '" ~~O~~. 5 g 0 ";::: ~g,,~ ~I ..: '-> ~J ... ......t!..... i E ~ 0 .:: ~ Q ... ~ II ~ g <1 ~ij:i~ 1. ~ ~~~.... u 0 "Q, 8~ Ii' ~ "'....... - '" <1 . r ~~ ~ "" ~ i2 . f! Co) ~~!Il~ <> .<: ~ ~~ ~~u i:S <> e <1 .- ~i ~ '" i zs~ ~~~~Mf1J ... '" . ",l, E,i a fIi !l. @) !~!:. :'II: f1J Jl ~ ~ jj ..,. I . .1_.-1, '":. __ ~, .I. I ~.. ....---..- , ~~.:' 7i,,~ " . . .~ J" .. t!I '" ~f"'''-'''''''''''~'' '1'1 ;} ....-:c-~-.. .. .. . .. .. t . . .. .. 'l ...r_+.-...... I 111 .. t .. . . .-:-~..,,____.r-----l--mt_~.~ .. . .. 1'\ II !f .. .. .. t :t>,-~ .. ... t . . .. .. " . .~. t .~ I y ~ . ;:?'.. .. .. . . . . . . . . . t .~-~. J'.' ""1 ,/~ 1 . t .. .. .,. 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"1-"<'\ \\\" 'II II ,," , t> /' Jt> I' . ,.,.. ~ '.' i I i -, I ~ -~=.. 8._/0 , ~'/ .( ""-"'..-----' :~, \ l,j I iN iJ"' 'J.S _0 'S/," l___.!--::z:---'-- I 1 / '=--- I Date Ree ved: SfBJ.l1BpXlI1' JlOIl(ZIlO'RI') Iil'I . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Pre-develoned 2 Year Storm ******************** s.c.s. TYPE-IA ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOOR STORM DISTRIBUTION .***...*.********** **** 3.30. TOTAL PRECIP. ******* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A{IHPERVl, CN{IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 3.8.74,0,98,13 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS A CN 3.B 74.0 3.6 PEAK-\lICFSl .74 T-PEA!((HRS) 1.63 IMPERVIOOS A CN .0 96.0 TC(MINUTES} 13.0 VOL ICU-IT) 15196 ENTER (d:] [path]filename[.ext) FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 10196-2.PRE Pre-develoned 5 Year Storm ******************** s.c.s. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************* ***.*._** 5-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.80. TOTAL PREeIP. ******* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV). A(IMPERV). CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 3.8,74,0,98.13 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS A CN 3.8 14.0 3.6 PEAK-\l (CE'S) 1.07 T-PEAK(HRS) 7.63 IMPERVIOUS A CN .0 98.0 TC (MINUTES) 13.0 VOL (CU-FT) 19918 ENTER [d:] [path]filename[.extl FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: lQ198-5.DEV Pre-develoned 10 Year Storm ******************** s.c.s. TYPE-1A ********* lO-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM DISTRIBUTION ******************* **** 4.30" TOTAL PRECIP. ******* ENTER: A(PERVI, CN(PERVl, A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERVl, TC FOR BASIN NO. I 3.8,74.0.98,13 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS A CN 3.8 14.0 3.6 .PEAK-\lICFSl 1.42 T- PEAK (HRS) 7.83 IMPERVIOUS A CN .0 96.0 TC (MINUTES) 13.0 VOL (CU-IT) 25056 ENTER [d:] [path]fi1ename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 1019B-IO.PRE Pre-develoned 25 Year Storm .******************* s.c.s. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 25-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 4.80" TOTAL PRECIP. ******** ENTER: A(PERVj, CN{PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERVl, TC FOR BASIN NO. 3.8,14,0,98,13 1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACMS) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) A CN A CN 3.6 3.6 14.0 .0 98.0 13.0 PEAK-\l (CFSI T-PEAK(HRSI VDL(CO-F'r) 1.7. 7.83 30313 Date Received: ENTER {d:] (path]filename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 10196-2S.PRE MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Appendix B Proposed Drainage Basin Map and Peak Runoff Calculations Date Received: . MAR' - 8 2011 Original Submittal Iil'l ~ ~ ~~o 0 ~~. ~ ..... g;'" g '" r_~ c-; ii ~ ~ ~ .~~ '"l tJ:j~f;"l ~l:l:::"l: ~:l;j~ ~~l:tl~t3u ~1l..Q.,~~'" AtJ:j ~ ~ Iil'l o o N u ..s .. <=l ';:: '" '" = ',., = '" ..c: " <=l '" .. '" " ;; , filII<; " a.., ~:9:il ~ ~=i. ~ ~ - J!;;",~ ~ . ~~ ~:o !.~ ~ X$~ ~ca~ ~ a~~ L ~ ~ tii ~ g r1i I- ~ ~ ~ ::s ~ ~ ~ ~ o w 0 ~ < <.> ~ ~ ~ ~ < ~ " 0 * ...."" (@) fi] tE ~ I I I I I I o ~ ",... I -i--1;- ,.__1---:1i '~ I ~ ,~ ~ /A Ii f, j ~- fl/j' / ~';'i; Ilr /~ -- VJ .0 .,~. / / ; J ," A/A ~ ;~~~'i!-l-!:".~ /. " . . ."~-t. . ,; . ;-. ".....!..--"'.. . , ~. . ~?--"'--......!"'7--:.., . . . ~"" -. . . . .. ."''''''". . . . .1. . J' . . _>_--7-U. . ,/'--; . . '~.---,. . ~........ . ~; . ~, " /. ~' /"'. Or" ....,,~-1' 0,'- . ,/ , ,;/ . /. ., ;~ ; { , I 1 ~ i / :J'I. "II.: " I ~: / l~ i J.,:} ,( j. . ,0- .~ ~. :: j 'l,S lUt9 '5/"' .-_L--~-~=---~ .h-~ ..:-~-- Date Rae ved: / I"iiI I si ~J ~. it l~ ~j E~ ~ " '" I o ;;;, ~ i;l <3 if MAR - 8 11 . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Basin A - Water Quality Storm ..*.........***..... S.C.S. TYPE lA *..***... I-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM DISTRIBUTION ..........**..***** .83" TOTAL PRECIP. .****** ENTER: A{PERV), CN(PERV}, A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 0.33,74,0.61,98,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) .9 PERVIOUS A CN .3 14.0 IMPERVIOUS A eN .6 98.0 TC{HINUTESI 10.0 PIW<-QlCE'S1 .10 T-PEAK{HRS) 7.83 VOL (CU-FT) 1392 ENTER Cd:] (path]filename[.extl FOR STORAGE OF C~mUTED HYDROGRAPH: 19S-WQA. DEV Basin A - 2 Year Storm ******************** 5.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************* ****.*.*. 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.30. TOTAL PRECIP. ******* ENTER: A{PERV), CN(PERV). A (IMPERV) , CN{IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 0.33,74,0.61,98,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES I A CN A eN .9 .3 '74.0 .6 98.0 10.0 PEAK-QlCE'SJ T-PEAK{HRS) VOL{CU-FTI .54 "J.83 8109 ENTER [d:] [pathlfilenameI.ex~] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: '19B-2A. DEV Basin A - 5 Year Storm *.**~*.****.****...* S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION ******************* ********* 5-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.80R TOTAL PRECIP. ******* ENTER: A(PERV). CN(PERVJ, A(IHPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 0.33,74,0.61,98,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) .9 PERVIOUS A CN .3 74.0 IMPERVIOUS A CN _ 6 98.0 TC(MlNUTES) 10.0 PBAK-Q (CFS) .64 T-PEAK (HRS) 7.83 VOL (CU-FT) 9628 ENTER [d;] Ipath]filename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDRQGRAPH: 198-5A.DEV Date Received: MAR. - 8 2011 Original SUbmitt~1 . . Basin A Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 ~,~~fi~l\~'i'i[iiil[t%,~';{;fr;{it;,.... I , 1"'11' . f .11..:,.. ; . i 11, 1,'11 I \ I . fils. 1__.11 I '11 I ~,~.-INOt1l\oIDept/l ~ Z. R~~~ffi:lert:' ~.240 .~~~':r':;io:~ Left ~~,~~ ~ ~:oo Rlghl SkIll .SIope: . . ."12.00 BaltanWdIh:. "'0m ~,:;\:J.10 .::J 1tIIl 11 1tIIl(H:V) flIfl(H:V) .11 1I'1s . .:".... >,.-.- .; I (fl c.lcti~hsu~~ Fridion Method: IManning f<lrmulo .:j. 11 flIfl "," ". ;', ".: ,- .1,.'" . SOlvin:' for the length of :e~ent Jale: The velocity is 0.09 feet per second. Row~ ~05 ~o.411 ~.10 \10.41 10m p.43023 ~D9 10m 10.10 Ions ~ Wetted Perimeter. Hy<reulK: RadIus: Top Wldlh: Crtic:ol Oeplh: Oilic.. Slope: VeIociy. VeIocIy _ Specific Energy. Froude_ Row Type: L=VxT = 0.09ft1sec x 9 minutes x 60 secondsll minute L= 48.6 feet Therefore, the treatment swale in Detention Pond A must be longer than 48.6 feet Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 Griainal submittal I .. . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Appendix D Routing Data and Detention Calculations Date Received: . MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 1 D Basin A - Detained Runoff Rates RESERVOIR ROUTING INFLOW/OUTFLOW ROUTINE SPECIFY [d:lfpathlfilename[.extj OF ROUTING DATA l0198a.rd DISPLAY ROUTING DATA (Y or N)? y ROOTING DATA: STAGE(Fr) 532.00 532.25 532.50 532.75 533.00 533.25 533.50 533.75 534.00 534.25 534.50 534.75 535.00 535.25 OISCHARGE {erS) .00 .07 .10 .12 .14 .15 .17 .18 .19 1.26 3.19 5.70 B.b6 12.01 STORAGE {CU-FT} .0 347.0 709.0 10B5.0 1477.0 1884.0 2306.0 2743.0 3196.0 3664.0 4147.0 4646.0 5161.0 5693.0 AVERAGE PERM-RATE: .0 MINUTES!INCH 2 YEAR S'rORK li:VBN"l' PERM-AREA (SQ-FT) .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ENTER [d:} (path] filename { . ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-2a.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PEAK-DIFLOW (CFSI PEAK-otrrFLOW (CFSI .54 .14 INITIAL-STAGE(FT) TIHE-OF-PEAK(HRS) .00 8.83 PEAK STORAGE: 1650 CO-IT OUTFLOW-VOL (CU-FTI 8100 PEAK-s=-ELl!V(....1 533.11 ENTER [d:][path]filename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-2a.sto 5 YEAR S'l'ORH EYElft ENTER [d:][path]filename{.ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-Sa.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PEAK-LNFLQW (CFS) P&AK-ou'fi'LOW (CFS) .64 .16 INITI~-STAGE(FT) TIHE-OF-PEAK(HRS) .00 9.00 PEAK STORAGE: 2100 eUeFT OUTFLOW-VOL (ClJ-FT) 9104 PEAK -S'fAGEl-BLEV (E"T) 533.38 ENTER Cd:] {path]filename{.extJ FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-5a~sto Date Received: MAR - 8, 2011 Original submittal . . 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 ENTER Id:] [path]filename[.ext] OF COMPUTED HYDRQGRAPH: 19S-10a.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PKAlt-I:NFLOW (CPS) PBAR-oui'B'LOW (CFS) .75 .1.8 INITIAL-STAGE(FT) TlME-QF-PEAK(HRS) .00 10.S0 PEAK STORAGE: 2580 CU-FT OUTFLOW-VOL ICU-IT) 11114 PBAX-S'rAGE-ELRV (FT) 533. 66 ENTER (d:] [path) filename [.ext) FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-1Qa.sto 25 YEAR STORK EVENT ENTER [d:] [path]filename[.ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 19B-25a.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PEAK-INFLOW (CFS) PEAK-<lU'l7LOW (CFSI .85 .19 INITIAL-STAGE(FT) TlME-OF-PEAK(HRS) .00 10.83 PEAK STORAGE: 3170 CU-FT aUTFLOW-VOL(CU-FT) 12704 PEAK-STAGE-ELEV(B"'l') 533.99 ENTER Cd:] (pathlfilename[.extl FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-25a. sto Date Received: MAR - 8. 2011 Original Submittal . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Basin B - Detained Runoff Rates RESERVOIR ROUTING INFLOW/OUTFLOW ROUTINE SPECIFY [d:] {path]filenarne{.extl OF ROUTING DATA l0198b.rd DISPLAY ROUTING DATA (1 or N)? y ROUTING DATA: STAGE(F'I') 523.00 523.25 523.50 523.75 524.00 524.25 524.50 524.75 525.00 525.25 525.50 525.75 526.00 526.25 DISCHARGE (CFS) .00 .25 .35 .42 .49 .55 .60 .65 .69 1. 79 3.75 6.28 9.21 12.65 STORAGE (CU-F'T) .0 589.0 1241.0 1960.0 274.6.0 3589.0 4476.0 5408.0 6386.0 7409.0 8480.0 959B.O 10764.0 11978.0 2 YEAR STORM EVEN'l .0 MINUTES/INCH AVERAGE PERM-RATE: PERH-AREA(SQ-FT) .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ENTER [d:] (path]filename[.ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-2b.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PEAK-INl!'LOW (CFS) PRAK-otJ'l'FLOW (CFS) 1.53 .54 INITIAL-STAGE{FT) TIME-OF-PEAK(HRSl .00 8.67 PEAK STORAGE: 3390 CU-IT OUTFLOW-VOL (eO-FT) 23036 P&AK-SmGE-ELEV(n) 524.19 ENTER [d:J [path] filename [.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HY'DROGRAPH: 198-2b. sto 5 YEAR STORM" 1NXN'I' ENTER {d:] [?athlfilen~e[.ext} OF COMPUTED HYDRQGRAPH: 198-Sb.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PRAlt-INF'LOW(CFS) PEAK-otJ'l'FLOIil(CFS) 1.82 .59 INITIAL-STAGE(FT) TIME-OF-PEAK(HRSI .00 8.67 PEAK STORAGE: 4310 CU-FT OUTFLOW-VOL (CU-FT) 21381 PEAK-SDGK-BLEV (FT) 524.47 ENTER {d:J [path]filenarne(.~tJ FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-Sb.sto 'I Date Received: I . MAR. -. 8 2011 (])riginal Submittal . 10 YDR STORM JiVBNT ENTER [d:}[pathlfilename{.ext} OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-10b.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: PEAK.-Ilm'LOil (CFS) PEAK-ouTFLOW (CFS) OUTFLOW-VOL {CD-IT} 2.12 .65 31687 INITIAL-STAGE (PT) TIHE-OF-PEAR{HRS) PEAK-SDGB-ELBY'(P"r) .00 8.67 524.76 PEAK STORAGE: 5440 CU-FT ENTER Id:] Ipathl filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED BYOROGRAPH: 198-10b.sto 25 YEAR Sl'ORM BVEN'l' ENTER [d:] [path] filename (. extl OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 199-25b.dev INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: P1lAK-LNFLClW (CE'S) PElUt-<xn'FLllW(CE'S) OUTFLOW-VOL (CO- FT) 2.43 .82 36123 INITIAL-STAGE{FT} TlME-OF-PEAK(HRS) PEAK-STAGE-ELEV(FT) .00 8.67 525.03 PEAK STORll.GE: 6500 ell-IT ENTER (d:) [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORA-GE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 198-25b.sto . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Date Received: MAR - 8; 2011 Original Submittal I . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Addine: Hvdroe:l'llPhS I The hydrographs from Detention Pond A, Detention Pond B and the undetained Basin C must now be added together to determine the total runoff which can not exceed the pre-developed rates. 2 Year Developed Runoff Rate ENTER: Cd:] {path]filename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 1: 198-2a.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPR 1: 10 ENTER: (d:) (path]filename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 2: 198-2b.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 2: 5 DATA PRINT-OUT: HYDl{OGRAPH 1: PEAK-Q:: HYDROGRAPH 2: PRAK-Q= .14 eFS T-PEAK= 8.17 HRS TT= 10 MINUTES .54 eFS T-PEAK= 8.67 HRS TT= 5 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH SUM: PEAK-Qa .68 eFS T-PEAK= 8.61 HRS TOTAL VOLUME: 31110CU-FT SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWJOB. F - FILE, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ENTER: Cd:] [path]filename[.ext] OF RYDROGRAPH 3: 198-2c.dev ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 3: 0 DATA PRINT-OOT: HYOROGRAPH 5: PEAK-O= HYDROGRAPH 3: PEAK-Q= .68 eFS T-PEAK= 8.67 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES .13 ers T-PEAK~ 7.83 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES BYDROGBAPB SUM: PEAK-Q= .73 CFS T-PEAKg 8.17 BRS TOTAL VOLUME: 32910eU-F'!' 5 Year Developed Runoff Rate ENTER: [d:] [path]filename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 1: 198-5a.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) or HYDROGRAPH 1: 10 ENTER: [d:l [path]filename[.ext] OF HYDRQGRAPR 2: 198-5b.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 2: 5 DATA PRINT-OOT: HYDROGRAPH 1: PEAK-Q= HYDROGRAPH 2: PEAK-Q= .16 eFS T-PEAK= 8.67 HRS TT= 10 MINUTES .59 ers T-PEAK= 8.50 HRS TT= 5 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH SUM: PEAK-Q= .75 eFS T-PEAK= 8.67 HRS TOTAL VOLUME: 37074eO-FT SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWJOB, F - FILE, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ENTER: [d:] [path}filename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 3: 198-Sc.dev ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH J: 0 DATA PRINT-QUT: liYDROGPAPH S; PEAK-Q=- HYDROGRAPH 3: PEAK-~ .75 crs T-PEAK- 8.67 HRS TT- 0 MINUTES .15 crs T-PEAK- 7.83 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES HmBOGRAPR SUM, l1EAK-<;l= .80 CPS T-PEAK= 8.17 HRS Date Received: TOTAL VOLUME: 39384CU-FT . MAR' -8 2011 Original submittal . . 10 Year Developed Runoff Rate ENTER: {d:]epath]filename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 1: 198-10a.sto Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 ENTER: TRAVELTIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 1: 10 ENTER: {d:]{path}filename{.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 2: 198-10b.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME {MINUTES} OF RYOROGRAPH 2: 5 DATA PRINT-QUT; RYDROGRAPH 1: PEAK-Q= HYDROGRAPH 2: PEAK-o- .18 CFS T-PEAK= 9.00 HRS TT= 10 MINUTES .65 eFS T-PEAK~ 8.67 HRS TT= 5 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH SUM: PEAK-o- .83 CFS T-PEAK= 9.00 HRS '{'OTAL VOLUME: 4287QCU-FT SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWJOB, F - FILE, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ENTER: [d:] (path)filename(.extJ OF HYDROGR.~PH 3: 198-10c.dev ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 3: 0 DATA PRINT-OUT: HYDRQGRAPH s: PEAK-Q= .83 CFS T-PEAK= 9.00 HRS TT: 0 MINUTES HYDRQGRAPH J: PEAK-Q: .17 CFS T-PEAK= 1.83 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES Hl'DROGBAPB SUM: P&AK-Q= .B8 CFS cr-PEAK- B.50 HRS TOTAL VOLUME: 454HCU-FT 25 Year Developed Runoff Rate ENTER: 1d: J Ipath) filename [.ext] OF lfYDROGRAPH 1: 198-25a.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDRQGRAPH 1: 10 ENTER: ld:) {pathlfilename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 2: 198-2Sb.sto ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDRQGRAPH 2: S DATA PRINT-OUT: HYDROGRAPH 1: PEAK-Q= .19 CFS T-PEAK- 9.00 HRS TT- 10 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH 2: PEAK-Q= .Bl CFS T-PEAK- 8.67 HRS TT- S MINUTES liYDRQGRAPH SUM: PEAK-Q- .99 CFS T-PEAK- 8.67 HRS TOTAL VOLUME: 4BB28CU-FT SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWJOB. F - FILE, P - PRINT, S - STOP C RNTER: {d:][path)filename[.ext] OF HYDROGRAPH 3: 198-2Sc.dev ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 3: 0 DATA PRINT-OUT: HYDROGRAPH S: PEAK-Q- HYDROGRAPH 3: PEAK-Q= .99 ers T-PEAK- 8.67 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES .20 ers T~PEAK- 7.83 HRS TT- 0 MINUTES BYDROCl:RAPB SCM: PRAK-2=" 1.05 CFS T-PEAK- 8.67 HRS TOTAL VOLUME: SI726eO-IT Date Received: MAR - 8 2011 Original Submittal . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Appendix F Off-site Runoff Calculations and Culvert Sizing , i Date Received: i MAR -.8 2011 priginal SubmIttal o o ~ o o ~ w 0 " g u '" ~ 51 '" - ~ << '" u 0 . . Stonn Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Basin A Runoff - 50 Year Storm I Using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, the runoff is determined below: +**~*.*+++**.***+.** S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTR1BUTION ...*..***.......*... ......... 50-YEAR 24-HQOR STORM .*.. 5.00" TOTAL PRECIP. .*..**... ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV}, CN/IMPERV}, TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 13.4,8Q,8.9,98,20 DATA PRINT-QUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTESl A CN A eN 22.3 13.. 80.0 8.9 98.0 20.0 PBAK-Q(CFSI T-PEAR(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) 17.00 7.B3 293523 Basin B Runoff - 50 Year Storm Using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, the runoff is determined below: .****.*.*****...*... S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION -**...*-_.*..._***** "'******** SO-YEAR 24-HOUR STORN **--* 5.00" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV). CN(PERV). A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 3 6.1,80.9_1,98,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) A eN A CN 15.2 6.1 80.0 9.1 98.0 10.0 PEAK-Q(CFSI T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CU-FTl 15.08 7.B3 221282 Basin C Runoff - 50 Year Storm Using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, the runoff is determined below: ~~~*~**~*~********** 8.C.5. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************** **~****** 50-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 5.00" TOTAL PRECIP. ..****~*~ ENTER: A(PERV). CN(PERVI. A(IMPERV). CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 4 6.5.80,15.3.98,10 DATA pRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MlNUTES} A eN A CN 21.8 6.5 80.0 15.3 98.0 10.0 PEAK-Q(CFSI T-PEAK(HRS) VOL/CU-FT) 22.67 7.B3 332629 Date Received: MAR - 8. 2011 Original Submittal . . Storm Drainage Evaluation Jasper Meadows Phase 10 Basin D Runoff - 50 Year Storm I Using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, the runoff is detennined below: *******.******.*.*.* S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ......*******.****** ....'It"",*. 50-YEAR 24-HOUR STORN .."'* 5.00" TOTAL PRECIP. ******"'.. ENTER: A{PERV}. CN(PERV). A (lMPERV) , CN(IMPERV). TC FOR BASIN NO. 2 18.4.80,12.2.98,20 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREi\ (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC {MINUTES I A CN A CN 30.6 18.4 80.0 12.2 9B.0 20.0 PEAl<-Q (CFSI T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CO-FT) 23.32 7.83 '026B6 Basin E Runoff - 50 Year Storm Using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, the runoff is determined below: ********+*********** S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 50-YEAR 24-HOITR STORM **** 5.00. TOTAL PREelP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV). CN1PERV}. A(IMPERV), CN{IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 5 12.1.80,18.2,98,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRESl PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTESI A CN A CN 30.3 12.1 BO.O 18.2 9B.0 10.0 PRAI!:-Q (CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) 30.09 7.B3 441515 Basin F Rnnoff - 50 Year Storm Using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, the runoff is determined below: ******************** s~c.s. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************** *****.... SO-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 5.00. TOTAL PRECIP. .******** ENTER: A(PERV). CN(PERV), A(IMPERV). CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 6 7.2,,10 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA (ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOOS TC (MINOTES I A CN A CN 23.9 7.2 BO.O 16.7 9B.0 10.0 PElU<-Q (CFS) T-PEAK (HRS) VOL (CO-FT) 24.82 7.B3 364170 C ~ltB Heceived: ~'M~ - 8.2011 '1111;)1 ':luDmittal t- W W :r:'" w!J! z~ ~i'5 w w c ~ w > ..J ::) (,) -'" s- a 0 Iii ,~ W I '" I'" - .. w .... ~ 22 oQ i=~ 0:> ~~ WW ",'" wW ....~ ~>: 00 llj;li II ~~ alal ~~ 00 ...o.... <i~ ::;;::0 =>=> ::;;;;1; -~ h 00 00 00 ...o.... aLL ",2 r---. OCl . -. wCij-- O"i 0 .J:: <l " ~ ~ N V) c .3 1f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I ~ I g D 11 N N ~ ~ J W o g .0 ...s :z: ~ C) Z W ...J ...J W 0:: 0:: <( In .... W 2 2I <(0. I<( 0", ;;Cl IO .... ::;; 0.0 W 2 0 Q.....I 8 >: 0 .... ~~g '" 0 I.L o 0 ~ ........ - O~w "'.... ~ .... => 0 2 0 ~ Oww O"'a ::o=>o <("'''' ~ow ...._I Cl)i?i~ ZN- I >: > w 0;::::;00 0<:"1- =' z~ t: 00:: C O~ W...J D Cl)N .c 4:~+ al N:l: ~ +' + 5 _.:2 ~ e: C"')+W z :2 -........ II (/)0 ~...... oZ U W II ..EO t- ~ I W i= ~ ~ l)~ :> _ == ::s t- _,c_ :l:!!!. CD=> => II -00 LITffi ~ ';~N2~ _I- 0:: - -.... C"\I<( W "C -W .... :z:ffi ~ ~~ C '" '" <( ClUJ W 0> I ::OW .. 0 J: ~Z Q t- ...o I Oii! ~ Z.... t- 2 01' 00 +ul ('I; 00"" IL.... ~ ...J W 0 <(...o$: Q~l- ZWII I'" 0 U=>'<:: ~;:-;;- ~-- 0::; 'to ...9 ~ ~ Q " '" - '" 0:: Q) ~ -~ t3 w ~ !;;: ;0. ~ -..,j $: ~ - .. ~ ~ ...J .. ~ , ~ 0 0 ~ - 0 Ul {J l<) ~ ...J . <( ~ -~ 9- $: " "" 2- u ~ ~ 0 . 8:J:: ...J 0 "- 0 I.L e "- '" l- t-: ~ u 0 <5 .:5 1" w .. " a::~ ~ ill ill I ~ E ~ Wi a. u t: 0:: a. <( 0 Q) l!. <( 0 I b P " :z: ...J Ul Z 0 W Ul <( n: VI c .... 0 Cl ...J Z 0 :;; W a 0 0 <( Cl e W I Z <( Z ..., W Z (j) ~ 0 Ili ;;: 0:: <( W Ul '" '" 0:: t- :l: 0 W I 0. :;; 0 Ul U 0 U 2 O. ;::: <( I- '" fi ! ........ Ww "'''' Iw 00 I UJ I- 2 w ::0 ::0 o o >m ~ g ~ EJg ~ \r.) ~ ~ N \i). Qi;:l:g ~ " role -w- -;;: - :)- ei=-~ ~ ~ -J- ~ <5 ~w s. N '" '" .... z o o I- W g s~1 0 ~ ill IJ> ~o:~Em -..! it..~~O~ ....S) z o ;::: 0. ii" o '" w o .... '" W > .... => o W Q- 0-::"'-: 2 ." <(:;: ~ '" I- E x ill ~ rJ I W " ~ 'OJ UJ I W 0. <( . I I'l ~~ ~ ~ ;; ~ ",~'Q ~N....3 ~ ~ ":1- cf lX> ---.. .- "0;0. ~ ...; $:= ~ I- N <;; ~ <xl z o i= u W t- o 0:: a. z Q Ul <( 0:: m <( t- o:: ~ ~ ;:; ~ Date RecE ived: 130 MAR - 8 : 011 00 c " u ='" ~~ c CiU CD m0 '0 e ~ 'Vo ~ ~ tV tt1Q)...J 0 (l) ~ 'OGi8 u C. ~ .5 ~ c: = (ij_CD g-g~Cl'J~ g~S.E u.<<Dc::-~ InlD..c:~ _IwgC)-~'E1i~ 5 'Oat'll s....e:s -; ~ g 'EEE~a::s~g....m '5000G)4)u(l)lll> C/) CJ 0 0 .... CD e'= t: 1; III zt-__mct'll~:I~t>> Q g~~E~ti e g~ ~ t-"'-o:l ~ t'll.~~oct- > _0 Z~CJ:Ull< '~5s: U II n 11 n ~ ~ II tt.cI~ZC:::Ocr:a::f=> '0 t- a. ,0:: ,U : Ul !m '::> Ul '- IW 5;"s I~ +. ~~ I c:( E E".g 1; - loc :::c::~~ ii ~5. ><(=~g.2~jjj ~ ~ _~g!mUJ"" NO mO.!2iilD!_g~~ ~iiWjjjm~4::c::-ca ~3.!ilD~-g~g~~ oom-cam.2!:;a- ~caWIi.ilD""O lD1;"C~I->-c)'::: ~ m"'C_Eepw_c:: c:::..c: lD m O-iii~ 0 o. .... 1iJ: lD .::. e lD 0 om _.J: C 0 ~ > 5:- ....oec::80~.E;:~ g-'E.QJ_iiic-~~ CPBOG)lD=-J!!mO E-o lD- ;:1--- m1: OEo~:3Bm oon It 0 11_000 n Ii... J! .. n II <: t- Ou ..Jj-J.JJJll II QwwwwwweJJ: I"" ~ ) " z ~ ~ ~ Ul '" ::> v U Ul li: Ci ~ ,- .. I ~z " t; ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ .~ Iii 0 z <( '" .... Z W ~ ~ Iii 0. <( I rn ~ <;) ~ o W t- U W ...J W Ul ...J W 0:: 0:: <( m t- er W ~ ~ a ~ -l C ~ , .... ~ I N " c l t ~ "" ;ii ii" w .... <( ::0 w N a; . ungmar::>uomittal -----_.~ Culverts . CHART 10 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR BOX CULVERTS WITH INLET CONTROL Tousescala(2)(3)projed: _to (1) ""'" use straight indlned line through o and Qsc:ale:s,Ofreversaas mu_ . 9-A-13 ,~iM~: M~R"" ~ !l2lz01l ~~ I Culverts . . 9-A-/5 CHART 12 HEAD FOR CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS D FLOWING FULL IN OUTLET CONTROL n = 0.012 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 BOO 12X12 10X1D 100li! w sou. W 0: so<( :::> 500 rn 40;;; >< 30g 2O~ '" z 600 IIXIl soolii ua w 400 u.. 7X7 ;;; ~ 300 g au ;;; W 200 ~ us a :) w g ~ u. ..x.. ~ 0 o 100 ~ uxu ~ ~ t -;xs 0 60 ~ 8 ;Ii 50 un.5 6 a: ~~---s~ 2X2 4 30 3/---~~ ~ Slope s. SUBMERGED Ol.ffi.ETwmt CULVERT R.OWlNG RJlL ForoullEda'OWll nOlSUbrnEltled,lXlmput8 HW by methods deU:ribed In th9 dasign prooeduru ....,- ~ ~;' I 1.0 <:Q<,~ <I'~. ~ '" 00$ "v V4 Ll.. 'Q <It ~'" ;;; '," :!; 2 ",<5> #' ~ 3 #' 4 <j><5> ~ ",<5> //~ ....~;' #' x.." ... /" '+-. 'J'" ,/ '. J1;23_ _/ E)CAt.IELE _----- .... ----- .4 .5 .6 If= aB .8- 5 6 6 10 20 20 '" z w Z Z 0: ::J ~ 10 8 6 5 orxu~~: MAR - 8' 2011 Original Submittal . . Project Description Friction Method Solve For Input Data Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Left Side Slope Right Side Slope eottom Width Discharge Results ~ormal Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Clilicat Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope 11/30120108:49:36 AM I Bentley Systems. me. Haestad Methods SoIuUon Center \ Bentiey AowMaster [08.1 '.00.03) , 27 Siemons Company Drlve Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1$66 I I I I I Original submittal Worksheet for Tailwater Manning Formula Normal Depth 0.040 0.00660 ttIft 50.00 ttIft(H:V) 50.00 ttIft (H:V) 10.00 ft 133.00 ft'ls ..,;. 1.04 ft4E-- 64.45 ft, 114.00 ft 0.57 ft 113.98 ft 0.76 II 0.03109 ttIft 2.06 llIs 0.07 II 1.11 II 0.48 Subcritical 0.00 II 0.00 II o 0.00 ft 0.00 II Intinily llIS lnfmily llIs 1.04 II 0.76 ft 0.00660 llIft Page 1 of 2 Date Received: . MAR - 82011 . . Channels 8-B-23 gT CHART 16 _ 0 CRITICAL DEPTH IN BOXES lie - 1. 1" f-a---i 5 I I --- d CANNOTEXCEEOO ---: -. . V I .--- I 3 -. I t: ./ CRITICAL DEPTH - '" ./" I "U2 ./ RECTANGUlAR ~CTlON 4,;-1.t? -40 ./ I 1 /' I I 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 01 - ~- 11.08 a - - (, '6 /' 15 / /' ,. /' 13 dcCANNOT EXCEED 0 /' 12 /' " Ii: /' CRITICAL DEPTH _ '" 10 u / I " RECTANGUlAR SECTION - ~ I 9 b - I / /' Ii I 9 -6 I' B INRI: 7 a lNC.ES '"", de =..315 (QIS) 6 5 . SO 100 'SO 200 250 300 350 OIa ODOTH~~~ MAR - 82 Original Submittal ived: 011