HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 3/10/2011 L1MBIRD Andrew -:5'......8 'Z-oo'l -00001 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, March 10, 201110:06AM 'Jimmy Weese' RE: Type II Tenative Partition Review, Staff report and Decision drywell & soakage trench diagrams.pdf Mr. Weese: Attached are example diagrams of a drywell and a soakage trench from the City of Portland's stormwater Management Manual. Either option should work for the panhandle parcel you are looking to purchase. The Mortier Engineering study can be used to determine the appropriate size of the drywell or trench based on the amount of runoff and impervious surface area. Please contact me if yoy have any questions or require additional information. Thanks / Andy Limbird City of Springfield -----Original Message----- From: Jimmy Weese [mailto:jimmyweese@gmaiLcom] Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2811 9:28 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Type II Tenative Partitio~ Review, Staff report and Decision Dear Andy: I am trying to purchase parcel 2 of this partition and was given a copy of the above subject on my trip to the City of spfld. On page 13, it says that parcel two should have two paved off street parking spaces. Is.this for the panhandle lot? Is number two parcel the panhandle lot? At present there is no paved parking spaces on the property. On another issue, I am trying to find out if I need to install a Soakage Trench. Has there been a study done on one and can I obtain it to find out the directions or specs. On how to construct one? They gave me a Mortier Engineering study dated Aug. 2, 2887 calling it a storm water management system study. Is this the soakage trench study? On the fourth page is that the specs for the trench? Can I get someone to interpret it? Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. Sincerely JIM WEESE. Home phone number 1-541-679-8632 1 Date Received: .3 }JD I V>/ I Planner: AL ( ~D 10' MIN .:S''-I.6 2DD'l- 0000 I s' MIN FROM PROPERTY LINE ,!""f, '2" THICK LAYER OF I" TO 2-1" ROUND ROCK BETWEEN PIT UNING AND EARTH WAll. UP TO lHE UD. 1< ~ @ ~ '11 ~ ~ '11 SEE DR'Y'NEll SIZING CHARTS FOR REOUIRED DEPTH AND DIAl.4EfER. UINIt.4Uf,l HEIGHT = 5FT, f,4INIUUU Dw.lffiR = 28" 1. Provide protection from all vehicle traffic, equipment staging, and foot traffic in proposed infiltration areas prior to, during, and after construction. . 2. Siting criteria: Gravelly sand, gravelly loamy sand, or other equally porous material must occur in a continuous 5' deep, stratum within 12' of the ground surface. 3. Sizing: Exhibit 2-36 is used to appropriately size the drywell(s) based on the amount of impervious area that each drywell is designed to manage. This chart shall be used as guidance, is based on field experience, and should be used as minimums only. 4. Orywell shall not be installed where base of facility has less than 10' of separation to water table. 5. Top of drywell must be below lowest finished floor. 6. Setbacks (from center of facility): a. 10' from foundations b_ 5' from property lines c. 20' from cesspools. 7. Piping shall be ASS SCH40, cast iron, or PVC SCH40. 3" pipe must be used for up to 1500sf of impervious area, otherwise 4" minimum. Piping must have 1 % grade and must follow current Uniform Plumbing Code. - DR/\. \V.lJ\{; NOT TO SCALE- - Exhibit 2-36: Drywell Sizing Table nce approval has been given by 80S for onsite infiltration of stormwater, the following chart sholl be used to select the number and size of drywells. Gray boxes are acceptable. II.lPERvlaus Area ('q-ft) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 28" Diameter Drywell Depth 48" Diameter STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL TYPICAL DETAILS NUMBER - Simplified 1 Presumptive Design Approach - Drywell SW-170 Date Received : Planner: AL 31101..2-011 , I SVl6 2..0<:>, - DoOO I ., CAP END OF PERF PIPE '0' AI", sc0 \'0'0'0 , ~"", ').'0 OPTIONAL: TRAPPED SILT BASIN (SEE DETAIL A) 30" TRENCH TO BE CUT INTO NATIVE SOIL ONLY! DETAIL A: OPTIONAL TRAPPED SILT BASIN DETAIL DETAIL B: SOAKAGE TRENCH CONSTRUCTION 12"MIN. ,I saUD SCREW r----1 . DOWN un --1 r-'" I #T~~~'] . [)~~~-;'PE (UIN) INlET -.!~ 12t Olllill (DOWtffiJRNED PIPE ELBOW OR HOOD) FILTER FABRIC TO BE PlACED ON SIDES AND ENDS. TO FOLD OVER AND COVER PERF. PIPE AND DRAIN ROCK. 12"MIN. ~"-2)f WASHED DRAIN ROCK . THE BOTTOt.4 OF THE INlET PIPE I.lUST ./iQI BE lOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE OUTlET PIPE. UNE TRENCH SIDES WITH FILTER FABRJC AS SHOWN, ADD 1 B" OF DRAIN ROCK. PLACE PERF. PIPE AND CO'v'ER.AlL - DRA W.1NG NOT TO SCALE - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL TYPICAL DETAILS ~ - Simplified / Presumptive Design Approach - Soakage Trench East Side NUMBER Bureau of Environmemal Services SW-180 Date. ~eceived: :.3/ 10.1 ;J<>/I Planner: AL Sl.<.6 ~'1 ~ 00001 ~ CAP END OF PERF PIPE 12"MIN TO TOP OF PIPE 0> SO'" ,,,,,,, , ~S'<- 0" 36" OPTIONAL: TRAPPED SILT BASIN (SEE DETAIL A) TRENCH TO BE CIH INTO NATM SOIL ONLY! DETAIL A: OPTIONAL TRAPPED SILT BASIN DETAIL DETAIL B: SOAKAGE TRENCH CONSTRUCTION tnHN, I saUD SCREW r-------1 ' DOWN un 4~'" . ....._>I<-,.,._,..,.~ _....._....._"'_w_............... II If:-( . ;p;t "~J . Ir~ 3 PIPE (.'N) ~rL~ "".'N. INLET ~~ ounn (DOWNTURNED PIPE ELBOW OR HOOD) . ALTER FABRIC TO BE PLACED ON SIDES AND ENDS. TO fOLD OVER AND COVER PERF. PIPE AND DRAIN ROCK. ,,- JI'., JI" WASHED OIWN~ 36"--J ROCK . 1l-IE 80TTOU OF THE INLET PIPE !.lUST ~BE LOWER TlWl THE TOP OF 1l-IE OUTLET PIPE: UNE TRENCH SIDES WITH FILTER FABRIC }S SHOWN, ADO 18" OF DRAIN ROCK. PtACE PERF. PIPE AND CCM:R ALL , DRA W.lN(; NOT TO SCALE" STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL TYPICAL DETAILS Ii:J " Simplified I Presumptive Design Approach - Soakage Trench West Side NUMBER Bureau of Environmental Services SW-181 Date Received: 3/)0 J;l<>/l .. . Planner: AL