HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-1-2 'E 1922 . I . , . , 1837 835590 . NAIIF c...,~, u..1-, D 0, I, ADORE$!! \" lr,.- - ,,-,,} ~ CITY U P H o = Sr\A D~lidol~-1- DATE,'j - 1 ~lJ7 u.i~ , ~. , ,~'" _"...\lIlt )..~ U TYPE FILM ~KODACOLOR . D' BLACK a WHITE D EK:tACHROME D KODACHROME DOther SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS .8ft8 here DEVELOP & PRINT COLOR PRINT ROLLS ONLY i:..C-41, 110, 126,~13~ \ t- v-- SIZE' FILM 11l}-1'/_ DROLL 1 ROLL PER " ENVELOPE NUMBER OF NEGATIVES TRANSPARENCIES PRINT OF EACH 3X <;X QX ux SPRINGFiElD PHARMACY 602 Main Street Springfield,OR 97477 (503) 746.6578' '... Plant Use Only...... Uo Not Gover or Write...... 001922 ...... Below He,e ..................' .- "I" 1111 "''1''"111 I I III , II 11411 10 RNA "1/" "(1.'- ~ C 3.53 . . .~~ ai~, .' '.' . . '4" '.'." " ,,J' 'j -oJ' " ~. '0 II \; 'l> "'." O. . . We promlise to give yOu lhe finest Color P.'u......, Ing available. '. We print color pictureS from 'ALL negatives that show a recognizable 11nagO. . U. lOr any relison. you are ROt satisfied with any 01 your color prints. simply relurn those prints that YOU'consIder unusable In the cirlglnal order envelope. ' , .. Your money wtll be chellrlully refuncl8cllor the lull price of each'color print , Guarantee Terms: 'lburOr<fer must be relumedWlthln 30cmyS of the date stamlMld on lIl8' order . The refund amOunt shall not exceed the price of the col6rprln~ returned. ..",." , / .;. 88/88/87 19144 . ~ ..0..: - ~. ~~~...~ .;:;." ~:~\ ," ~~~~ ~ ,'~, ..... ;~"'- " . ~'...: -~.. r - , .'1. . - , ~.."- C'..- . J " T ~- , '~"';;'_J_ . w, ~- p . . .. '( . .' ~" , . w . .' ;'" .... ~'>-'f1" .- . . ~ " 1t, ~. r. ~..;,..# . ii.,.. ~ . , ~_... ,., (,: ...~ . I . . .J -.. . \ .. . .,:.- .~ ~ , ,l 5J.U f Rv~ t -t:t orc:DO I LS '5nV LS 'emf I I 11. .. RESIDEIIAL" APPLICATIO 'ERlfIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 " SPRINGFIELD ., Job Locotion: :';dl.,~ ~ ,o.f'l'>:Lo../ ~~ ~ :- is ths responDibiUty of the permit: holde'!' to see that; at! in:;pec:tions are made at the proper tim:;~ tr.at ~h .:ddress is !"Om the Btreet, and that the permit card is Lxated at the f1"011.t of the property. ::ui!di:--.{J lr;trLdor: c:pproved pZcn sr.:::.zt. remain on tnz Bu~Z.di:n(.l Sits at aU 'times. ]9=SDV.~E For~ 1l.'$PECTIOfl P.E'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yoUP City design:J.ted job n:.o;;oer, job adiIocss, type of ir:::pec-:icn 2~uest;cd a:,,~ when you ~iZ.Z oe ready for ir.spcction, Contractors or Owne~s r~~e end pr~r.e nu~cr. Reques~s received cefera ?:o~ ~ eZZ be "..ade the 8ame dey, ,.equests meae "fta 7: 00 am <>iU DC made the n=t :.lO,.ki", acy. ,~',' 5..1'f.0 00/ 'cI Cc. YOta> City" Desif!T'.a.tcd Job Numba' I3: .~ - --- -.- '80eSCO,., Mop R \"1-,b~b'-l';:l. \ Subdivision: ;""'e,.: s::,.,;... ....:.,.,,, \-\ c..L -I-SlJ:l. J . ~ :ddress: "~I~<{_ 'S;"~'5:l.'t~~~ ;ity: <::." ~.i".!:J :I :I )(l :I 1lr>"_' Addi ticn Remo.::e! .'!ob-:.!e .::0::7<1 Date of AppUcaticn I "':L - q, " '. .0r,:1'':::::0:'5 c:;,\,t',..-t!.,too~ r ..-*,^ t:....t ;enCl'al. JL~.bir.g ~z.ectF'~~a! ~e::;..ar.ic::7. ::or..s:r.J.cti071 Lendera ?Z.'~:....,,:.-: T-:."::,,,~:.~r."'.~ ] EI'!'~ n,'B?2::::,rO:.': To De made e=cQuat;iol'l" but prior to Bet forms. ] UlIDE:RSLA!J PU~~SI.'lG. EL:::7'.~IC,1L & . XECh'-.1.::.iC:"l.: To DC made before any work. is .:;ovcred. '). ? ;A FCOrniC ~ FOWlD,1TION: To be m:uie ~ af:er r;rer.cnes are excavated and forms are erected" but prior 1;0 pourir~ ccncret~. after up of ] U:.'D!RG.~OU:.'D P[,u/.!EIlIG. D.9./"IIl;..C2: To be made ,hr.g rrencnes. ] U!lDE.f:?.t'LOO.~ PLW~I.'IG t: MECHANICAL: To De ~~e prior to in5:'a~Z.ation of 11001' insuZation or decking. SE:r{E.~. Il.1 TE.9. prior ro fil- ] POST' A,';!) EF:A,'.!: To be rr:adc prior to ir.staZia;icn of floor ins~iation or deckir..; . ] ROUGH P!:'U~~EI.'.IC. r:-.~EC'!'.r!!Ckr. t. NECH- Al;;CAL: 1io :.Jark is to OC cOf..'ercd UY.&il &hcse insoectior.s ~ve beer. "..ade ar.d approve::'.' , ] FI.'r?EPLl.CE: Prior to placir.g facing mcteriaZs ar.d before framing t.nspec- tior:. y ') FR/!..'~J,'lC: f.:u:;t be reque;;tcd after ~ app1'ov~l of rough pl~bing. ~Lectri- c.:1l .& mecr.ani::aZ. Al! roofi;-.g bracir~ ~ chimn~ys~ ct~. ~~$t be . cOrrrDlctcd. !lo lJ:1rk is to be con- .,; cea'Zed until thia inspection has . b€~n mad;: and approved. T= Lot R ~~(~nC:") Phone:, '-{(,.,- ,..,ctCf Zip: Describe fl'ork: ~~ (,~~ VaZue c:(h~ ~ 0 I,cce;", '. '" .~ /'~ ( /-;, 0 < ACci."es.3q,..,Q tJ........1t..1 '. "~...("J ~. o n:SULA':'ION/VAPO.r? BARRIER I.'.IS?ECTIO!J: To be made after aU insuZ.:;;ti:1n ar.d raquired vapor carriers are in place l::u.t cefore any Zath~ ffYpswn beard or wU covering is applied, and before . any inauZation 1.0 conceaZed. \ \ \ \ qt) \, ,...- V~~ . ,",. .J ~.- ,_1-i/ /IMY ,/2/9yr L-:'3C. ,:; \l"'\".l..\I ~ ::.=::-i:!'cs Siar.cd: Date: rr.o'!':c"v't_1\'\4~ ! ! i [ I , o DRYWALL INSP::CTTON: Tc be made aILeI' aU dryr.;aU is in pl.a.ce, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Stee l location, bomt beao..3~ grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. rc.....:...~.c I . I I I DE,~:~LITIO!i OR .~:Ov::; E'../ILDI::CS ~ Sanitary se".Jer ::apped :::t rn:.op~r~ lir.e ~ Septi:: tank p;..:-;:;u;d and fiZZe~ LJith ;r':l-.Jsr --, FinaL - rlthen c:bcve ite::rs are cc.-:r"letc:: ~ a~d when d~o~ition is c~Ze~e or st~~~- ture moved and pr~ses aZ~aned up. , Mobi Le Hemes =:J Blocking and Sat-up =:J PLumbing connections scwer ar~ uc:er ---, Elcctric=l Connection - Blockir~. 6et-u~ --.J and pLumbing car.r:c~tions 1Tj~st be appr:;::c.3. before reques~~ng electri::al ir.spectio~ ~ Aa::es:;o~' Builc~ng --, Final - I.ft;;r ~p:ra1:es, 8k~rting~ decks~ ~ eta. are c~pLe~cd. o All project conditions~ 3UC~ as the installation of street trees. c~~Zc:ion of the required l.andsccpir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDI/,'G FI.'!AL can :,e r::!quest::!d. ] FIliAL PLWfSI.':C ] FIN"L J.:2:HI.:,'IC,1L ] FI!:~L E~E~~,':IC~L ] \"" ~ FI....AL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requa3~ed r:.f:cr the Pirt.7.l Plumbina Electri::al~ tz1'1d Mechar.ical InspcctiotUJ haua been made ar.:i approved. o o WOODSTO'lF.: After instaZ7.ation is ccmpZeti:d. .lI';~r. NA.'.'R:LES AN;) Cl.EANOUTS lft.!:T BE ACCES~IB!.!:. ADJL'S':'.':Z:."!' TO EE 1.~1[;'E I.':' 1,'0 C~s: TO Cr:Y I D......e :! of 2 o CURB & APPRCACH APRON: Afte:- forms are cre::~cd but prior to pouring CO~l'ete. [] SIDEf-lALK !: DRn'E!-IAY: For aLL con- crete paving within street right- of-lJCy, to be made after all exca- vating compLete & fo~ work & zuO. base material in p1.a::e. o !'EllCE: &i?ter. compl.zte -- Provide. gates or movable se~ticns through P,U,E, o JOB NO, ?; 1 000 / SOLAR ACCESS 7"lc:' O~C'Ur:;anc:J cr'C".Lt at Sq. Ft.;. LeT TYPE ~f t~t Cavcrc;~ Interior of Stories COrner 'otal Heigh: Panhandle 'opogr.z;hy CUI-dc-sac '7'E.'.f I SQ,P7G IA''''~J I I I I '::in :_::rc=,~ .~c:': CCCSSOr':J TOTAr.. VALU!' :.D,C. IlX;:'t.Ut,;} 1,5 = Eui.Z.:i:..r.g Permit St..:;to: SU!"cn.:rrre To:.::.Z Cr.:J.:'ges -':-'.' I.,', ..~. I' , I I I I " '. ~:--..:res ~sider:tic 1 U ba.;hJ :=r.it::.r,J Set..'c':" '::e!'" Plu.~=-:.r:? Pe~t Stc;e S:a'cr..:uo~e Tat::'!. cr..::.roes . ~" 1......:._1 ~S. So. ft::. I :w/E:ter.::: ~:':'::-..J.i ts ~crary S~!"~icc Ele~t~ical Pe~it St=te Su:rcr.a:'oe Total Cr.a:!'ces -~.'.~ I ::D, , I I Tr..:lCP- ETU'S :r.au.st Hoo.: "nt Fan 'odsto:;e PeI"1r."~t 13suaJ1.C!2 I Mec;..:::.r:::c::l Permit State Su:rchc.,.oc TG~":! C"r.!:!'!'(]r:: E;.'Cr::;J..i.CH1..'E,".''i' -- ':.I.!"itu D~:>o::;it :Jrc:.oc :nrar.cr..=r .~t Tctc~ Cr.t:T'."c.~ .":'C"J.: iC..J.2Zk ':cr. :ctric::! Lc:"~" ~::Ze H:Jme :-.::. A.N~L'.':: x I I I 9t1D ~ I 1- I I I 19/7l?-1 I ,. I 1(, h> r-)..' . ,~-II I /~,,=-,,,, ,. Value j'~~ Cr:JJ.F.::~ I I I " F~~ C::..:.iiC~ REQ,- l-COC';:' -w I I J I I , T;,'peICor_'l t.. . "', Ee:iroo,",": ~ ~"l~r.":J SO:lr--:f':; I I :iea: I I I I I II 7:J~c \ I Lot Faces - Setna,";:" I P.L. I h'o/J.[1p. /North I lEast': IS"",;, i IWest I I Caraal.' II::::cc:;:;. I I I I I.Ir.r:.~!" H~':t.,..,!, Har.p.-: Pircoiacf" Wco'::;':;:;Ol:C Facs Building Value & Permit This pernr;t is granted on the express condition that the s~id.co"Gtructio" shaH, in all respect:;;, conform to the Ordinance :;dopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstr".lceicn and use of buildings, .and m::.:y be su::;pendcd 01" revoked at cr:y time upon vie. 'latior: of any provisions of said Ordir.ancas. . (- ,I Plan Cheek ICace Pa-:.d: I R~c:;ipt fI: S'l-g"!':.ed: Feo: ;1r a...;.fJO J~7 I I I I I I I I , . Plumbing Permit No perean shall construct, ins;aZZ, aZ~er or cnar4e any neu C~ e=ictir.~ plumDir~ or drainage syst~ in ~r~le or in part, unless sucn Fersor. i~- the Zegal possessor of a valid pl~~Der's license, exceF~ tr~t a person ~a~ do pl~bing ~ork to property ~hich is owned, leased or operated by the c~~~i- cant. Electrical Perm it I I I I ,. I I I I I I I I I. I. I I I I I. ~rhere State l...aLJ reauires tr.:::.t tne electPiccl tJork be done by an Elcc:ric:;Z Contractor, the elec:riccl portion of tni~ permit shell not be vaZid ur.:il the Label has been signed by tne Elec~ical ~ontr=ator. " Mechanical Permit -,,: ~4f ~ ~d\A- Pum i:.XCJf1-nCl' . #7 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t.lw completed application for permit, end de hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true a~-d correct, cr~ I f~rthcr certify that any ar~ all work per!ormed s;~ll be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the LI;:..:s of the State of Oreg~n part~inino to the tJOrk cescribed herein, end tr~t NO OCC~- P/'./lCY will be TTO.:l.e of any'structure without p~rmis3io~ of the 3uiZdir.g Di- vision. I further ccrti!:; that only contractors ar.d ~pl~yecs ~r.o are in c~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project '~?L- j/Z/P7 Sign:zd /);],te